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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/09/14)2012/09/15 
miha hello. does mupdf support 3d pdf? 
kens If you mean the 3D annotations defined in the PDF reference, then no.09:33.50 
miha kens: i mean like this adobe url?09:34.08 
kens There's a bunch of files there, I'm not really prepared to downlaod multi-megabyte PDF files and look.09:34.42 
miha it's 3d models inside pdf, that you can rotate?09:35.19 
  well, not even adobe reader supports that on android :)09:35.37 
kens That sounds very much like 3D annotations, so the answer is no09:35.39 
  If there is an alternate representation, then MuPDF will display that.09:36.05 
sebras miha: no, there is no support for this kind of 3D-rendering in MuPDF.09:36.27 
miha sebras: any plans for that? :)09:36.48 
kens That would also be a no09:36.59 
miha ok, thank you for your answers.09:37.07 
sebras miha: however some tools might also render the (often times) rotatable 3D-model into a static 3D-lookalike image (bitmap or vector graphics-based using shadings). if that is the case then MuPDF will show this graphics.09:37.57 
  miha: may I ask why you are interested in 3D-support?09:38.38 
miha company provides 3d printing... so lots of models :)09:41.43 
  thank you again09:43.00 
sebras kens: gs doesn't have U3D support either I imagine..?09:43.17 
kens No, it doesn't, it would be even less useful there, since it isn't interactive :-)09:43.37 
sebras kens: good point.09:43.45 
  kens: I know that we have some mesh support due to supporting shadings.09:44.22 
  but that's about it.09:44.34 
kens sebras mesh shadings, yes, certainly09:44.38 
  But the rest of it, no not at all09:44.46 
sebras kens: says nothing about lighting though. I know. :)09:44.55 
kens It would be a big project to add it, I'm assuming Adobe bought the technology in.09:45.01 
sebras yeah, though it _is_ an accessible ECMA standard should it ever be considered.09:46.13 
kens Its always struck me as Adobe just trying to make life difficutl for the clones.09:46.35 
  THere doesn't seem to be any reasonable use for the ability, otther than 'isn't that cool, look I can rotate it'09:47.03 
sebras yeah, I guess this is one area where Adobe are still unique (though it appears to be a very small market).09:47.23 
kens I'd have thgouht that if you wanted someone to 'print' a 3D obejct, you'd send them the original model....09:47.27 
sebras kens: indeed.09:47.39 
kens Not a PDF from which they would have to extract the model....09:47.43 
sebras I guess this is due to the broad support for this particular format. so anyone<tm> can view the model.09:48.05 
kens Like I said, its very 'ooh, aahh', but actual uses ?09:48.10 
sebras kens: I agree with you, don't get me wrong.09:48.38 
kens I feel sure there are dedicated u3d visualisation tools09:48.41 
sebras there is some sample code from 3dif (who developed u3d) over at sourceforget.09:49.33 
kens Hmm, my code just dimped an undefined error :-(09:49.33 
Robin_Watts is reminded of the policeman from allo allo.09:50.03 
  My cude has just dimped on indefuned arror.09:50.22 
kens My typing is often like that....09:50.27 
  I can at least see why now though.09:50.42 
sebras gets breakfast09:51.12 
kens Robin_Watts : eprintf or empritnf ? which is preferred ?09:53.09 
  Hmm, -dFirstPage and -dLastPage aren't working properly with pdfwrite.09:57.25 
  Oh, but it does if I don't run in the debugger, weird....09:59.39 
  :-) Turns out I had LastPage sepcified twice, ooops10:01.37 
Robin_Watts emprintf10:08.23 
  basically, always try and use the methods that specify a gs_memory_t *10:08.40 
kens :-( I just coded with eprintf, oh well.10:08.41 
chrisl_away kens: It looks like Kyocera's own printer driver produces PS with the same complexity problem for that printer.....10:34.15 
kens well then I think we are safe to close it10:35.31 
chrisl_away I agree, although, it would be nice to try to figure out a way to use fonts and charpaths for this class of file10:36.13 
kens True, but it looks like a lot of work, at first glance10:36.31 
chrisl_away Hmm, shame - if only the output didn't come from an Adobe product......10:37.28 
  kens: do you have any PS printer drivers on your machine, other than the Adobe PDF writer one?10:41.44 
kens Not currently10:42.47 
  But the ps driver is the built in one all that changes is (effectively) the PPD10:43.03 
chrisl_away So no one does their own PS driver, these days?10:43.40 
kens I don't think anyone produces their own any more no10:43.44 
  Not for ages reallly.10:43.59 
chrisl_away There's a "Print as Image" option in the PS driver, which I'm assuming is included for situations like this10:44.23 
kens I woeuld think so, yes10:44.31 
chrisl_away I've suggested it's something the cups developers might consider10:45.13 
kens Its a reasonable idea, certainly10:45.34 
  I guess we could do that too ;-)10:45.57 
chrisl_away I'm assuming cups already has some boiler plate to take a cups raster and wrap it in a PDL10:46.40 
  We could do a psimage device, but it seems rather pointless10:47.34 
kens I'm inclined to agree, yes10:55.09 
  I did clsoe the bug as wonfix this morning based on the ubuntu tracker10:55.29 
chrisl_away Yeh, I regard the matter as "no longer our problem".....11:01.07 
kens OK lunch and swim, bye all11:05.25 
blino hi13:59.06 
ghostbot hello13:59.06 
blino tkamppeter_: long time :)13:59.23 
  I have a small patch to fix a hang in gstoraster, I'll open a bug for that13:59.41 
  tkamppeter_: opened with a patch14:37.59 
marcosw I going to be taking casper offline tonight at 18:00 PDT for an os upgrade. Please save your work and log off.15:12.11 
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