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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/01)2012/10/02 
kens Robin_Watts : ping09:14.34 
Robin_Watts pong09:23.11 
kens aha09:23.15 
  robin got s funny message wheil trying to do a cluster run09:23.29 
  In MingW suing 
  $ /usr/bin/gitpush.sh09:23.53 
  warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in clusterdatestamp.09:23.53 
  The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.09:23.53 
  error: git checkout-index: unable to create file gs/Resource/Init/ (P09:23.53 
  ermission denied)09:23.53 
  fatal: Could not reset index file to revision 'HEAD'.09:23.53 
Robin_Watts ok.09:24.25 
  Does that happen every time?09:24.31 
kens It only happened this time, I don't normally alter pdf_maion.ps09:24.47 
Robin_Watts It sounds like something is holding gs/Resource/Init/ open.09:24.50 
kens Hmm, could be Visual Studio I guess09:25.10 
Robin_Watts or AV software.09:25.20 
kens Well I often cluster push with VS holding the modified file open09:25.39 
  I suppose it could be AV software09:25.54 
  SHould I try it again ? Do you know if my changes are being teted ? :-)09:26.10 
Robin_Watts (I've seen cases where if you change a file, AV software then jumps in to scan it. If you then try and change it again, you can't cos it's mid scan)09:26.32 
kens Well, I guess its possible :-)09:26.46 
Robin_Watts Well, it's testing something :)09:26.47 
kens Yes, I just don't know what its testing, exactly09:26.58 
Robin_Watts You can look at: /home/regression/cluster/gitbridge/mupdf09:27.10 
kens mupdf ?09:27.18 
Robin_Watts You can look at: /home/regression/cluster/gitbridge/ghostpdl09:27.28 
  Your changes should be on the 'ken' branch there.09:27.37 
kens Yes, good point, let me go look09:27.47 
Robin_Watts Or log into peeves and check /home/marcos/cluster/users/ken/ghostpdl09:28.08 
  to see what actually made it to the remote end.09:28.20 
kens I'll try peeves for absolute ertainty09:28.40 
  Looks like my changes made it in09:31.01 
  THanks Robin_Watts09:31.09 
Robin_Watts np09:38.35 
  sebras, tor8: New version of those patches up. Only the "Refactor compressed stream loading" has changed since last night, which is to fix the function renaming that sebras spotted.10:00.06 
sebras Robin_Watts: I'll look at it in more detail tonight. if tor8 or you happen to merge it before that is ok with me. :)10:01.58 
Robin_Watts sebras: Thanks.10:02.36 
  chrisl: Your bigtiff commit is tabtastic12:17.23 
chrisl Eh? git didn't give any warnings :-(12:17.48 
Robin_Watts gdevtfax.c at least12:18.14 
  sorry. gdevtifs.c I mean12:18.29 
chrisl I wonder why the pre-commit checks didn't flag it, then.....12:19.02 
Robin_Watts pass.12:19.18 
chrisl Robin_Watts: gdevtifs.c I see one tab, gdevtfax.c has loads, but I didn't add them - is that what you see?12:24.00 
Robin_Watts TAB(void)fd; ?12:25.37 
  TAB(void) pbase;12:25.48 
chrisl Nope, four spaces here.....12:26.16 
Robin_Watts I pulled --rebase and it whinged at me about those lines.12:26.22 
  OK, let me look again.12:26.57 
  ok, so it must have been git having a paddy. No idea why.12:30.41 
chrisl No probs. I've a compiler warning to fix, so I'll remove the tabs while I'm doing that12:31.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: In general, we removed all *leading* tabs, but kept ones in the middle of lines.12:34.33 
  Not entirely sure why.12:34.47 
chrisl So I see. Not sure about the fine line between that and "tab-in-indent", though......12:36.00 
Robin_Watts I'd take a wild guess that the script to replace tabs in indents was easier to make sure nothing went wrong than one that replaced tabs everywhere in case someone had a tab in a string.12:37.31 
chrisl Could be, yes. I don't like tabs, but I *especially* don't like tabs *and* spaces, so I'm happy to have removed a few12:39.13 
Robin_Watts Gah. Horrible bug. Will only reproduce in non debug builds with multithreading.13:00.46 
slestak_work good day guys13:08.35 
  i am using ghostpdl 9.06 on aic that i compiled myself with gcc13:09.07 
kens AIX ?13:09.25 
slestak_work im sry, yes, aix13:09.33 
  no coffee yet13:09.37 
  most of my sDEVICE args work, but I really need txtwrite to extract data from a pcl file13:10.10 
  does not appear to be working. so I need to specify an encoding for latin-1?13:10.32 
  i thought that might be the issue13:10.43 
kens No, almost certainly not13:10.54 
  It works best if the PDF has a ToUnicode CMap13:11.08 
slestak_work the resulting output file has just whitespace, and strings of ^@13:11.13 
kens Its likely that the PDF simply can't have the text extracted, because we don't know how to.13:11.34 
slestak_work this is ghostpDl, so I am going from pcl 13:11.38 
kens I'd have to see the PDF to know htough13:11.41 
  PCL ? Well no Unicode info then.13:11.53 
  We assume its ASCII, if it isn't then we are stuck13:12.02 
slestak_work when I open the pcl in vim (with -b) I can see the text within it13:12.05 
kens Yes, because we assume its ASCII and write it that way13:12.33 
slestak_work I considered using re's to try to get the data. wonder if that will work13:12.44 
kens But again, I would have to see the PDF (or PCL, whatever)13:12.46 
slestak_work mind if I posit it up somewhere? it is small13:12.59 
kens Ofg course, just give me a URL13:13.09 
slestak_work thx, sec13:13.14 
kens Mind you, I don't speak very good PCL, I may have to ask for help from a colleague13:13.28 
slestak_work oh any insight at all is appreciated.13:14.04 
kens txtwrite is very new, so I would not be surprised if there are bugs.13:15.26 
slestak_work here is a link in dropbox. 
  it is a 2 page pick ticket.13:15.42 
kens Just saving the file now13:15.48 
slestak_work well if i can help test and maybe patch, all the better13:15.53 
  output to png and tiff work great13:16.02 
kens There is ASCII text there, certainly13:16.13 
  Just give me a minute to rebuild ghostpcl13:16.29 
slestak_work this is the command I used.13:16.38 
  pcl6 -LPCL -sDEVICE=txtwrite -sOutputFile=sbr.txt -dNOPAUSE sbr.pcl13:16.40 
  i think the regexes might work, but I would rather parse it first13:17.14 
kens Thanks, that's helpful, people often don't give the command line13:17.26 
  Binary building now13:17.42 
slestak_work i also considered maybe I need to tweak a dependency when building13:17.54 
kens There shouldn't be any dependencies with that code, its pretty simple13:18.10 
slestak_work i dont recall my version of gcc13:18.11 
  i thikn 4.0613:19.05 
kens Again, sholdn't be a problem, if it gets this far it ought to work13:19.31 
slestak_work here is what my resulting text file looks like in bash 
kens still building....13:20.44 
chrisl Hmm, seems to produce readable text on Linux13:20.45 
kens interesting13:20.53 
  Maybe it is a build problem then13:20.59 
slestak_work i bet it is text encoding13:21.21 
slestak_work seems to always be a problem with six13:21.29 
kens There is no text encoding here really13:21.33 
  Maybe AIX doesn't like our output of course13:21.46 
slestak_work if i strace it or sth, can we tell if I am extracting text properly?13:22.09 
kens Looks like artificail emboldening but otherwise seems correct chrisl13:22.17 
  slestak_work: , hmm its tricky, but I can point you to some places you can put breakpoints if you have a full debugger13:22.41 
chrisl Yes. Could it be an endian issue?13:22.46 
slestak_work i am using gnu screen in bash13:22.47 
kens slestak_work : means very little to me13:22.56 
slestak_work i an not a pro with gdb, quite the noob13:22.58 
kens Me either, but I have to use it soemtiems....13:23.08 
slestak_work i can try13:23.14 
  this is a power5 proc, i think it is littleendian13:23.43 
kens Well, my output (Windows) matches chrisl's13:23.46 
  I believe PowerPC is little-endian13:24.05 
slestak_work does anyone have a mac to try it on? pre intel mac13:24.08 
kens No, only Intel13:24.23 
chrisl slestak_work: powerpc workstations are usually bigendian13:24.24 
kens it shouldn't be an endian-ness problem, since this is all byte oriented.13:24.53 
slestak_work does the fact the tiff and png writer work prove out the endian thought?13:25.23 
chrisl kens: gs_char and gs_glyph are larger than bytes.....13:25.24 
slestak_work would .configure or any build output help?13:25.45 
kens I don't think we use them13:25.45 
  You can put a breakpoint on txtwrite_process_plain_text13:26.15 
  pte-> should contain the text13:26.34 
  looks like it arrives one byte at a time13:26.50 
chrisl kens: does txtwrite accumulate text in "UTF" buffers?13:27.21 
kens First one should be 'R' then 'E' then 'L'13:27.39 
slestak_work in /gs/base/gdevtxtw.c?13:27.41 
kens yes13:27.45 
  chrisl its more complicated than that :-(13:28.11 
  it 'encodes' the character first13:28.20 
  THen it tries to find a Unicode code point for it.13:28.47 
  If that fails it treats hte text as ASCII13:29.05 
chrisl I was just wondering if it stores in buffers of multibyte codes, and then truncates it to ASCII13:29.18 
kens either way it adds teh Unicode to a char * buffer13:29.20 
  Later on it outputs to the designated format13:29.37 
slestak_work can I just put the verb break inside the function?13:29.53 
kens Well, I usually use ddd13:30.16 
chrisl Me, too13:30.25 
kens Which I guess you can't use, so I am in the dark on gdb13:30.29 
slestak_work so you do it at runtime?13:30.31 
kens Yes, in the debugger13:30.38 
slestak_work is ddd an X tool?13:30.40 
kens Yes13:30.45 
slestak_work yeah, that is a no go13:30.50 
kens Its an X front end for gdb13:30.51 
slestak_work i am reviewing 
chrisl slestak_work: you should just be able to do "break txtwrite_process_plain_text" at the gdb prompt13:31.45 
kens I think you should also be able to inspect the contents of pte13:32.16 
chrisl I'm building on a G4 MacMini now - it will take a while......13:32.41 
slestak_work alright, I am in gdb, see if I can stumble through this13:32.53 
kens accidentally built a Memento build13:32.59 
slestak_work complains about lack of symbol table13:33.35 
  i dont think I have instantiated pcl6 yet13:33.46 
kens So you haven't made a debug build13:33.50 
slestak_work i can rebuild13:33.59 
kens try make debug13:34.04 
chrisl "make pcl-debug" will be quicker13:34.21 
kens :-)13:34.34 
chrisl Well, no sense building xps and language_bitch when all we need is pcl!13:35.41 
kens Another thought; try setting -dTextFormat=013:37.48 
slestak_work oh yeah, I didnt mention, i dont have the fastest machine around lol13:37.50 
  i can do that in another terminal13:38.45 
kens OK, the output isn't immediately useful but it might give some insight13:39.09 
  Instead of text being accumulated and a fake layout, it just gives the raw data13:39.36 
chrisl So, on my G4 MacMini I get a file full of garbage13:39.43 
kens OK that's interesting and suggests it *is* an endian-ness problem13:40.01 
slestak_work want me to pastibin a sample, 13:40.16 
kens yes please13:40.22 
slestak_work looks like span and char records13:40.30 
kens first 20 lines or so is enough13:40.31 
chrisl kens: what's the format argument for UTF?13:40.31 
kens cannot remember13:40.38 
  valid values are 0->313:40.51 
kens Probably 2 for UTF-813:41.06 
  Hmm that looks like NULLs13:41.31 
slestak_work is that 0, 1, and 2? 3 is not included right?13:41.34 
kens 3 is valid13:41.48 
chrisl I get the same - loads of NULLs13:41.48 
kens I have to guess its a short being read the wrong way round or something13:42.04 
slestak_work i dont see anythng but x0's13:42.11 
  so the mac mini and aix are similar in this respect?13:42.47 
kens Yes, looks like it is an endian-ness problem13:43.03 
  Trouble is, I haven't looked at this code in months13:43.12 
slestak_work do you have access to a machine to replicate the issue?13:43.55 
kens I don't, no13:44.16 
chrisl So, TextBuffer is an array of shorts13:44.40 
kens OK so that's probably the problem13:44.48 
  Its probably reading them as bytes somewhere13:44.57 
slestak_work my debug build failed13:45.44 
kens chrisl format 3 is UTF-8 2 is UCS2 1 = XML == MuPDF 0 = debugging13:45.51 
slestak_work ld: 0711-593 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol C_BSTAT (entry 1487) in object ./debugobj/plmain.o:13:46.11 
  The symbol refers to a csect with symbol number 0, which was not13:46.11 
  found. The new symbol cannot be associated with a csect and13:46.12 
  is being ignored.13:46.12 
kens TextFormat2 might be more interesting13:46.49 
  As its a 2-byte format13:47.00 
slestak_work i'll rerun with format 213:47.00 
chrisl That gives me even more nulls13:47.27 
slestak_work yeah13:47.32 
kens OK well I'm guessing its the way the data is written (as its single bytes) then13:47.48 
slestak_work is there a make clean target?13:48.14 
kens chrisl if you can set berakpoints you could look in write_simple_text with -dTextFormat=3 and see wht hte buffer looks like13:48.22 
chrisl kens: write_simple_text() isn't being called13:49.38 
kens with -dTextFormat=3 ?13:50.01 
chrisl kens: yes13:50.24 
kens odd13:50.30 
  let me look here13:50.56 
  It gets called for me....13:51.44 
chrisl Huh, the text format setting isn't getting through.....13:52.46 
kens boggles13:52.55 
  How are you getting different output then ?13:53.06 
  The default is 3....13:53.18 
chrisl No, it's working now - I had a second TextFormat parameter in the debugger command line13:53.46 
kens <relief>13:53.53 
chrisl Yep, there is a bunch of bitwise ands and bitshifts which will be endian specific :-(13:55.38 
kens In where ?13:55.53 
chrisl write_simple_text13:55.58 
kens OK but I don't think that is the problem13:56.07 
  because the decorated text is producing NULLs too13:56.19 
chrisl For exmaple: UTF8[0] = *UTF16 & 0xff;13:56.26 
kens Hmm, yes, I must have been in a huirry when I wrote that13:56.53 
slestak_work this is way over my head so I am being productive elsewhere ;)13:58.23 
kens chrisl can you put a breakpoint at get_unicode and see what is getting stored in the buffer of shorts ?13:59.46 
  "*Buffer = unicode"14:00.06 
  at the end of the function14:00.13 
chrisl Ah, lots of zeros - that probably explains the nulls, then14:00.59 
kens Yes, that's what I was wondering14:01.07 
  The unicode values seem incorrect before we even get to emitting the text14:01.19 
  That suggests that font->procs.decode_glyph iis also endian dependent14:01.42 
  And I don't think I wrote that one :-)14:01.59 
chrisl Well, it ends up in pl_decode_glyph() which just returns "last_char"14:02.30 
kens Seems it just returns 'last_char'14:02.33 
  So at base its a PCL interpreter problem, possibly exacerbated by problems in txtwrite.14:02.59 
  last_char is extern of course :-(14:03.12 
  Wheee, does that mean last_char is a global ?14:04.16 
chrisl It seems so :-(14:04.30 
kens Oh dear :-)14:04.37 
chrisl It defaults to "0" and I think it should be GS_NO_CHAR14:04.54 
kens sdeems to be in plchar.c14:04.56 
  It shouldn't remain at 0, it should be set in p_tt_encode_char, it is for me.14:06.17 
  THe code is passing around a uint and treating it as a gs_char14:07.07 
tor8 I fucking hate this apple bullshit crap!14:07.23 
chrisl Ooopsee - that's not a txtwrite issue, then!14:07.29 
tor8 tim cook can go die in a fire!14:07.32 
kens Oooh, tor8 is *really* cross today14:07.46 
slestak_work glad i didnt stow my pitchfork14:07.48 
sebras kens: he was fine at lunch, this must be a sudden case of misspelling by mountain lion.14:08.13 
kens chrisl I think this is a bug for henrys, though its entirely likely that I'll need to modify txtwrite as well.14:08.14 
tor8 yeah. mountain lion just made my old wireless base station i worthless piece of plastic.14:08.29 
chrisl kens: yeh, I agree - one for Henry14:08.43 
sebras tor8: your linksys?14:08.53 
tor8 sebras: my apple airport express14:09.09 
kens chrisl I will write up a bug report, mention that tis txtwrite related and ask henrys to re-assign it to me when his bit is fixed.14:09.19 
tor8 "This version of AirPort Utility doesn't support this base station. Use AirPort Utility 5.6 to configure or manage this base station. Download version 5.6 at"14:09.25 
  mountain lion ships with version 6.114:09.37 
kens You cna't downgrade ?14:09.57 
tor8 "AirPort Utility can't be installed on this disk. The version of Mac OS X on this volume is not supported."14:10.00 
kens Ah...14:10.08 
chrisl kens: okay. If you remind me, I'll test it before you start hacking on it.....14:10.09 
kens chrisl OK thanks14:10.16 
tor8 so, no. I can't downgrade and I want to reformat my mac book pro to install linux. if only I didn't have to maintain that damn iOS app.14:10.42 
chrisl tor8: I wonder if you can run MacOS in a virtual machine on Linux on Apple hardware?14:11.38 
slestak_work kens: want me to submit a bug report, not sure if I could describe it properly14:11.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: 
  It seems you can still use that version.14:11.55 
sebras tor8: they also mention this link in the comments: but maybe you already have that exact version..?14:13.19 
tor8 if anybody says "apple stuff 'just works'™" I'm going to shoot them.14:13.44 
  sebras: trying that one now14:13.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: It does. As long as you're prepared to continually lubricate the process with money.14:14.12 
tor8 sebras: it doesn't. same error. too new osx.14:14.27 
slestak_work is it worth getting a new base station (security, features, etc)14:14.37 
sebras tor8: apparent 5.6.1 is available for win7 too..? maybe that's an option for you?14:14.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it does, but only for 3 months, you mean ;)14:14.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: so does linux, but you need to use another lubricant. :)14:15.23 
Robin_Watts AirPortUtility5.6.1.dmg ? fed into 
sebras tor8: maybe this is an option too..?14:15.54 
kens slestak_work : I've opened a bug for this problem here:14:17.25 
slestak_work tyvm14:17.39 
tor8 the problem with installing any apple software on windows is it drags along a ton of other crap, like apple software update and bonjour14:17.40 
kens If you want you can add yourelf to the cc list.14:17.40 
slestak_work i have been singing your channels praises in my lug channel14:18.05 
kens Thank you :-)14:18.15 
  Now I need some more coffee......14:18.25 
radistao hi, 14:35.18 
  can anybody help me in PostScript14:35.36 
  i convert JPEG->PDF14:35.46 
kens Neither is PostScript :-)14:35.55 
  and I am in the middle of answering your stack overlfow post14:36.17 
radistao you mean this one ?14:36.33 
kens yes14:36.40 
radistao ok. thx. i'll wait14:36.53 
chrisl kens: that won't work as the procedure is bounded by save/restore14:42.51 
kens You can put it inside the proc, or remove save/restore14:43.16 
  Unlike Kurt, I don't usually provide a completely canned solution14:43.43 
  Because, to be frank, I don;t usually have the time14:43.57 
chrisl I was thinking of adding a "viewJPEGgetsize" procedure14:45.59 
kens Yes coudl do.14:46.06 
radistao In which place i have to add your answer? inside ?14:47.44 
kens yes14:48.13 
henrys I must stop beginning my morning with that customer - have to save him for later in the day.14:53.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the commit message for the image params, shouldn't that be fz_compression_params rather than fz_image_params?14:53.55 
kens henrys after first coffee :-)14:54.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: probably. will check in a mo.14:54.21 
chrisl or eighth coffee, maybe.......14:54.21 
slestak_work kens: want to see a second oddity with that pcl file?14:56.15 
  if you dont, that is cool. I cornered a good portion or your and your team members morning already14:56.39 
kens slestak_work : depends on what it is....14:56.52 
  I am not a PCL expert14:57.15 
slestak_work if you use the pdfwrite device, the glyphs in the detail section are black boxes14:57.17 
  same font as in the header14:57.29 
kens On AIX ?14:57.31 
slestak_work yes14:57.34 
kens Have you tried any other platform ?14:57.44 
slestak_work i can render one and dropbox a sample14:57.46 
kens And what are you using to view the PDF file ?14:57.52 
chrisl They might be truetype notdef glyphs14:57.59 
kens indeed14:58.04 
slestak_work sumatra14:58.09 
  (which uses mupdf)14:58.16 
kens Hmm, well that's MuPDF, so tht should be OK14:58.21 
slestak_work it is a ttf I am using14:58.31 
kens The PCL file contains a tt font, yes14:58.55 
chrisl radistao: here's what I came up with the other evening: 
slestak_work pcl-> pdf was my original target, but settled on pcl -> tiff with the font issue (and it works)14:59.05 
  i'll try it on my ubuntu machine and report back14:59.32 
chrisl I would expect a little endian platform to produce better results14:59.59 
slestak_work its not a testing target. im used to seeing breakage on aix15:00.27 
henrys paulgardiner:ready for the meeting? Sounds like the odds for a working android demo before next week are pretty low but I think we should still keep pushing for a demo and get it out there as soon as possible. Is everyone on board with that or have new priorities arisen?15:00.27 
chrisl AIX is a PITA :-(15:00.53 
slestak_work +115:01.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think that's still our best plan.15:01.01 
  My reading of the situation was that the big work for the demo was in a making a 'fast redrawing' version.15:01.49 
paulgardiner henrys: Yes, that sounds sensible to me.15:01.52 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: How huge are the changes for a slow redrawing one ?15:02.09 
  I'd hope that the pain of doing a full redraw shouldn't be too huge for simple forms. I mean, that's what the iOS one does anyway, right?15:02.53 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: possibly not that huge. I was just going to say that we might have some sort of demo by the end of the week, but really very basic and slow.15:03.00 
Robin_Watts OK.15:03.14 
paulgardiner I have calc.pdf sort of almost working.15:03.45 
Robin_Watts in what way sort of almost?15:04.07 
henrys well I'll take the tablet to chicago anyway to show off mupdf and if something interesting breaks while I'm in Chicago send me email and a pointer to a download. Of course if we have something sooner that's great too.15:05.37 
paulgardiner Working other than clicking the calc buttons also toggles the menu (and sometimes causes a page flick), plus there are some strange bugs in the redraw I'm trying to understand15:06.52 
  I haven't yet looked at input (calc.pdf has no input fields).15:07.18 
Robin_Watts Ah, right.15:07.33 
kens slestak_work : I've just realised that pdfwrite uses the same code to retrieve the glyph that txtwrite does, and will suffer the same problem on a big-endian machine15:07.33 
Robin_Watts Well that sounds like good progress anyway.15:07.41 
slestak_work kens: mean little endian?15:08.00 
kens Ohh, actually I see a problem with it on the PC too15:08.19 
slestak_work kens: err, aix15:08.21 
kens I suspect raster ops15:09.19 
paulgardiner henrys: How long are you in Chicago?15:09.28 
henrys Sat. - Weds.15:09.53 
slestak_work so you dont need my ubuntu build to proceed?15:10.01 
Robin_Watts Show is Monday -> Wednesday? or Sunday -> Wednesday?15:10.11 
henrys paulgardiner:anyway don't sweat it let's just keep moving forward. We certainly don't want V8 static to be a long term solution do we?15:10.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: What other option is there?15:11.02 
paulgardiner henrys: not sure about v8. Judging by the apk it didn't enlarge the app as much as I was expecting.15:11.42 
Robin_Watts If the copy of v8 on the device isn't exported through a standard interface, we have no option but to provide our own copy.15:11.51 
henrys I wonder how chrome is using it?15:12.09 
Robin_Watts If we ever sell mupdf to a phone maker, they can arrange for the system v8 to be exported and we can use that.15:12.29 
henrys is there a way to look at shared library usage on these devices by a program like ldd on linux.15:12.49 
Robin_Watts chrome on the desktop? Includes its own v8.dll, I'd imagine.15:12.58 
  henrys: Well, ldd will probably run. Android is linux, right?15:13.10 
paulgardiner We might need a rooted device to do it on15:14.03 
Robin_Watts As luck would have it, I have an HTC Desire surplus to requirements now.15:14.23 
  So we can root that etc as required.15:14.29 
  (Helen just upgraded her phone)15:14.59 
paulgardiner I saw some forum posts saying things like "Yes I tried SpiderMonkey and never got it working. V8 just worked out of the box"15:15.02 
henrys anyway I guess the static thing isn't an issue if you aren't seeing a noticeable slowdown in startup. To bog doesn the pdf interpreter with functionality used .001 percent of the time is not so great.15:15.35 
Robin_Watts We could probably build our own v8.dll rather than make a static lib.15:17.01 
  But then we'd need some magic to load it on first use.15:17.10 
paulgardiner henrys: Oh yes. I forget that. It seems to slow down the start up of a debug build on windows, but actually it seems to make no difference on android.15:17.25 
henrys well then let's not worry about it for now.15:17.50 
paulgardiner I hadn't even thought about start up speed because it just started pretty much instantaneously as usual15:18.18 
slestak_work kens: so is there anything I can provide or do regarding pdfwrite device?15:19.06 
kens slestak_work : that looks to me like its caused by raster ops in the PCL15:19.26 
slestak_work was your statement saying "its the same problem as the other bug"?15:19.34 
kens No its a different problem15:19.43 
  Since it exhibits on teh PC15:19.53 
slestak_work oh, ok15:19.58 
kens It cannot be 'fixed' as PDF does not support raster ops15:20.14 
  All you cna do is make an image of the file15:20.22 
slestak_work ok. I know the src of the pcl, and it is highly suspect15:20.38 
  very bad aix printing solution15:20.49 
kens I wouldnt' say its 'wrong' just 'silly'15:20.51 
henrys paulgardiner:anything else for this meeting? seems like you are going along great, tripping over this kind of stuff is expected actually I'm surprised there is so little of it considering the maturity of the mobile development environment.15:21.00 
slestak_work kens: tyvm15:21.07 
kens You don't need a raster op to produce this text, but a number of print drivers use them even when not required15:21.16 
paulgardiner henrys: no, nothing else for the meeting. I'll see if I can get you some sort of demo for Chicago.15:22.36 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Would it help for me to dig out Helens HTC Desire for you to root? Probably not for the demo, but for after that...15:23.27 
paulgardiner Might well be. I've been nervous of rooting mine.15:24.29 
Robin_Watts yeah, I wouldn't want to root any device you expect to get mobile coverage on.15:24.49 
henrys tor8 - anything for the meeting?15:26.17 
tor8 henrys: so we're going with slow redraw everything for the demo?15:28.11 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's the shortest path to a working demo, right?15:28.33 
paulgardiner tor8: for now.15:28.41 
henrys is it really that bad?15:29.15 
tor8 yes. it's probably okay for text-only pages. add images and you'll suffer.15:29.37 
  so probably good enough for a demo15:29.50 
paulgardiner For calc.pdf on my Galaxy S2, I'm seeing maybe a 1/2 second delay for the update.15:29.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: even with images, we should be OK cos of the caching.15:29.59 
  complex line art though...15:30.06 
henrys anyway it should be good enough.15:31.13 
paulgardiner Since working on the app again, I've been thinking doing the fast version might not be so hard, provided we don't mind using twice the bitmap memory per page.15:31.31 
  But there are lots of fiddly changes involved. Not possible for Chicago.15:33.11 
henrys paulgardiner:fair enough, let's call it. We'll all be around for a while anyway we have another meeting in 20 minutes.15:36.34 
paulgardiner Ok. I'll let you know how it's going as the week progresses.15:37.36 
Robin_Watts curses gdb and goes to make tea.15:38.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: you can use curses with gdb for an ASCII based pseudo-gui....... ;-)15:44.31 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It's not the gui. It's what it's showing me.15:45.34 
henrys chrisl, kens:I saw PCL come up in the logs should I read that stuff or is there a quick summary or bug?15:46.10 
Robin_Watts gscms_get_link is called with memory=0x109832015:46.22 
henrys oh I see the bug.15:46.28 
kens henrys new bug assigned to you15:46.32 
chrisl Just an unfortunate use of "curses" opened up the scope for a poor pun!15:46.38 
Robin_Watts cmsCreateTransformTHR is then called with ContextID=0x200e78815:46.46 
  chrisl: Ah!15:47.04 
  but ContextID = (void *)memory so something is going wrong somewhere!15:47.25 
chrisl Robin_Watts: gdb does have watch points.....15:49.31 
Robin_Watts threadtastic code.15:49.46 
  so it doesn't go wrong in the same way every time.15:50.11 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Ah, threads are evil15:50.47 
  Robin_Watts: what about helgrind?15:52.50 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I will try that if I have to.15:53.04 
  I suspect the correct value IS being passed, just gdb is lying to me (possibly because optimisations are not disabled)15:53.35 
chrisl Or there's another valgrind tool called DRD aparently for threading, too15:54.05 
Robin_Watts yeah. From my limited reading DRD is not as advanced as helgrind.15:54.26 
chrisl Yeh, but it's supposed to be considerably quicker - allegedly......15:54.51 
henrys I'm not quite following the endian theory gs_char is just a long I don't see any place where bytes would be getting swapped around is this something chris discovered debugging on his machine? Am I missing something?15:55.05 
kens henrys well why is the value 0 ?15:55.28 
  It isn't on a little-endian platform15:55.38 
chrisl henrys: bigendian, 32 bit system - "long" is 32 bit, gs_char is 64 bit15:56.08 
kens meeting time16:00.19 
  morning mvrhel16:00.50 
henrys so we pass a uint to a procedure with a parameter declared as a long I still don't see why that would create 0 on a big endian system.16:00.51 
mvrhel good morning16:00.54 
henrys howdy.16:00.55 
kens henrys from my POV I see a 0 being passed int, I was assuming that the problem was hte cast, if its not I don't know what it is, but the value should not be 016:01.24 
  And is not 0 on Linux or Windows16:01.39 
chrisl henrys: I'll debug more on the G4 tomorrow if you like16:01.53 
henrys kens:okay well I'll have a look certainly the parameters shojld match anyway.16:02.03 
  mvrhel:do you have anything new and interesting I can talk about at chicago. Typically color stuff is important at this kind of show?16:02.57 
mvrhel henrys: I just sent you an email about things that I am working on for the customer. The big things though are the separation capabilities and also the use of NCLR ICC profiles for these devices16:03.58 
henrys or if anyone else has thoughts about things I should say when someone says "what's new", let me know.16:04.02 
  so no meeting next week or at least I won't be here.16:06.16 
chrisl henrys: since when do we count as "new" for this show?16:07.23 
henrys everyone is quiet today.16:07.26 
kens Nothing to say really.16:07.39 
henrys I didn't really have anything for the meeting.16:08.10 
mvrhel henrys: I dont have much. Just lots to do for 33016:08.16 
henrys well anything else.16:08.17 
chrisl henrys: I have made changes to the PS interpreter so that the CET tests "pass" when we're using 64 bit ints (based on CPSI mode)16:08.44 
henrys I still don't understand what the customer I'm talking to is doing, doesn't make any sense.16:08.55 
kens I don't understand him either16:09.17 
  his emails make no sense to me16:09.29 
henrys I think I'll just work on his other bugs and see if he trips himself up arguing seems futile.16:10.04 
ray_laptop henrys:which customer is that ? 190 ? (that's something I don't follow)16:10.30 
marcosw I had a question about encryption key length. for the export license question: as long as we only support key lengths that are less than 56 symmetric, 512 asymmetric, and112 elliptic curve we can self classify. Do anyone know if this is the case? I emailed this question to tech a while ago but didn't see any replies.16:10.42 
henrys tor8:the viewer ... I forgot to ask at the last meeting?16:10.44 
tor8 henrys: soon usable.16:10.53 
henrys tor8:ah great.16:11.10 
ray_laptop marcosw: does it apply only to encryption or to decrypt as well ?16:11.28 
henrys marcosw:what is the latest aes stuff I thing Robin_Watts addes that had the largest key size I believe.16:11.54 
marcosw encryption16:11.59 
Robin_Watts henrys: Size isn't important.16:12.16 
marcosw ray_laptop: wait, maybe not.16:12.28 
Robin_Watts And I don't remember making any AES changes myself.16:12.42 
  sebras added stuff for V6 in mupdf.16:12.51 
marcosw the document says "Encryption using key length", but now I'm not sure what that means.16:13.16 
henrys mvrhel:okay I should be able to say something at the show about this business.16:15.03 
mvrhel henrys: ok. it basically amounts to a hyper level of color control based upon object type16:15.45 
henrys well that's interesting.16:16.32 
  I don't want to bore our fans.16:17.07 
Robin_Watts I'm out tomorrow at Apps World.16:17.27 
henrys alexcher:how's the memory stuff coming any questions I should send luratech?16:18.16 
ray_laptop mvrhel: 'hyper level' ???16:18.19 
  mvrhel: is there any extension to the object types we classify ? or what ?16:18.57 
alexcher_ henrys: I'm about to commit. There are a few indeterministic problems that keep me from commiting.16:19.33 
henrys alexcher:great16:19.58 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I have had one customer years ago that wanted to be able to tag shadings (because it changed their trapping).16:20.16 
henrys marcosw:did you see the thread about the CCITT g4 data, their customer claims it is good data.16:20.34 
mvrhel hyperlevel meaning an over abundance16:20.56 
marcosw henrys: I saw the bug reports. Their tiff file is certainly good. 16:21.04 
mvrhel control to the extreme16:21.08 
Robin_Watts Ah, while I remember; artifex.com16:21.14 
mvrhel in terms of options to do stuff16:21.14 
henrys kens, chrisl:yes that global is rude, is that something done differently in the new font integration?16:21.36 
mvrhel ray_laptop: no additional object types16:21.43 
Robin_Watts mace was on here last week talking about the new website, and the requirements it had for the hosting.16:21.53 
mvrhel image, graphics and text is still fine with this customer16:21.56 
chrisl henrys: I haven't changed it, no. I can do so, if you like16:21.58 
kens henrys no, there's nothing new there.16:21.58 
Robin_Watts We were discussing it with ray_laptop and then he fell off irc. Did that conversation ever get completed offline?16:22.18 
  mace pointed out that resolved to 4 different servers, 3 of which were dead.16:22.37 
henrys shouldn't mace just report that to miles.16:23.23 
Robin_Watts possibly, but it's all tied up in the same issue.16:23.42 
  Is the hosting that we have for capable of hosting the new site - and it's ray that has the keys to that particular cabinet.16:24.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: XO has multiple servers and play a common DNS trick to internally load balance their networks.16:24.47 
Robin_Watts I got the impression that Miles had pointed mace to ray as it was getting technical, but I could be wrong.16:24.59 
  ray_laptop: Right, but having 3 of the 4 servers broken seems a bit crap.16:25.17 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what are the IP addresses you see (from europe)16:25.34 
  Robin_Watts: how are you checking 'broken' ?16:25.51 
Robin_Watts Well, I've not been able to reach for weeks.16:26.06 
henrys I don't think you need a lot of horsepower to run if that is the concern.16:26.17 
Robin_Watts henrys: It needs MySQL and PHP.16:26.30 
chrisl ray_laptop, Robin_Watts: and was unreachable for me for a few months last year, although it's been fine recently.....16:26.54 
Robin_Watts Mace has asked ray to confirm that our hosting package has MySQL and PHP, and to date, I have not seen a definitive answer from ray.16:26.55 
  chrisl:still down for me.16:27.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we could just create an amazon instance16:27.09 
Robin_Watts mace suggested a simple test for ray to do, but I haven't heard the response.16:27.21 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I thought we determined that we _don't_ have mysql16:27.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: well, you could reach it when it was down for me - it must just be ISP, or which way the wind's blowing....16:27.53 
Robin_Watts (It's possible that all this has been sorted offline, and I haven't seen it, in which case tell me to shut up_16:27.53 
  chrisl: No, I've not been able to reach it at all for ages.16:28.11 
henrys I'm curious what we would need mysql for?16:28.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I did not see that determination.16:28.20 
  henrys: The CMS.16:28.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: mace proposed a the simple test for phpinfo, but I didn't see the test for mysql16:28.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: But you definitely could when it was down for me16:28.43 
Robin_Watts Content Management System; so Miles/Scott can post stuff without hacking html.16:28.49 
  chrisl: not recently then.16:28.57 
henrys Robin_Watts:okay thanks just curious.16:29.07 
ray_laptop can marcos just fire up an amazon instance and we'll dump XO ?16:29.09 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I didn't see the results of the phpinfo16:29.09 
  ray_laptop: An amazon instance would be a bad usage.16:29.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Well, last year was, erm, a year ago or more......16:29.24 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: why so ?16:29.40 
Robin_Watts Cost.16:29.44 
  The instance would need to run 24/7 and we'd need to pay for transfer bandwidth.16:30.02 
ray_laptop I thought the low end instance was about $150 a month or so16:30.06 
henrys it's 10:30 the meeting in formally over, thanks, once again I won't be here next week.16:30.19 
Robin_Watts Right, and we can get a whole years hostage with ix or someone for $150!16:30.26 
  ray_laptop: Did you run the phpinfo test?16:30.50 
  Cos for me, that shows the MySQL details.16:30.57 
marcosw henrys: and I don't think we need a support meeting, only two new bugs.16:31.06 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well Miles pays about $100/mo for XO (and they only allow 300Mb of storage for that cost)16:31.09 
Robin_Watts jeez. Time to get off that horse...16:31.20 
henrys marcosw:agreed.16:31.39 
Robin_Watts I pay something like $7 a month to ix for all my sites with at least 4Gig of storage.16:31.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I would be happy to switch.16:32.43 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Did you run the phpinfo test on (Not that I can see the results, dammit :( )16:32.50 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm searching for the email with that test in it.16:33.22 
chrisl Robin_Watts: do you know what mace used to test the accessibility of the IP addresses?16:33.50 
marcosw You can get an amazon micro instance of $0.005/hr (which works out to $3.60/month). That does require a $100 reservation charge, good for three years. So the actually cost is $6.50/month. OTOH, that doesn't include bandwidth and I don't know if a micro instance has enough power to run 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I don't, sorry16:34.53 
chrisl Oh, never mind, I can ping all four - I really thought they'd disable ping.....16:35.04 
ray_laptop oops. Was just about ti reply to marcosw :-(16:36.32 
Robin_Watts We could just stick onto my ix hosting. It won't cost me anything.16:37.05 
ray_laptop for the logs, I don't think anything we do on requires a lot of bandwidth or compute power. It's not like we have videos or anything16:37.15 
Robin_Watts The 'expert plan' on ix is $4 a month.16:38.13 
  'Infinite' disk space/bandwidth/domains.16:38.32 
  We fell foul of that when we put on there, because they don't really mean 'infinite bandwidth' :)16:38.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the hassle is switchcing the DNS records in a way that doesn't cause a glitch where it can't be found.16:39.00 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: As opposed to the existing situation where it can't be found at all at the moment for me ? :)16:39.33 
  We can set up the new hosting, then when it's ready, swap the IPs.16:39.50 
  In the day or so it takes to propagate, we#ll serve from both places.16:40.09 
  Then we can cancel the XO hosting.16:40.21 
  But we don't need to use ix. Don't we already have a godaddy account?16:40.36 
  (Actually, I'm sure we do, I think it's on my credit card :) )16:40.57 
chrisl Our downloads are hosted on godaddy16:41.24 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:41.29 
chrisl And realistically, the hosting overlap will likely be more like a month than a couple of days16:42.00 
Robin_Watts OK. Let me work with mace to pull the new website onto godaddy.com16:43.49 
  and then when it's up and working, we can flip the switch?16:44.02 
ray_laptop_ Robin_Watts: I think we should set up the *same* (old lame-o) website so people don't get confused if the site flips back and forth depending on the DNS resolution16:44.25 
Robin_Watts I'd rather set the new one up so we can be sure everything works before flipping the switch.16:45.02 
ray_laptop_ Robin_Watts: I have some comments (mistakes) for the new website content16:45.09 
Robin_Watts Have you mailed them to mace?16:45.19 
ray_laptop_ Robin_Watts: no, haven't finished reviewing all of it16:45.41 
  Robin_Watts: 'flipping the switch' takes a couple of days to settle down, right ? (48 or 72 hours)16:46.23 
Robin_Watts Something like that. In practise it's always taken <24 for me.16:46.44 
henrys marcosw or robin_watts:do either of you have the url from which you retrieved the draft pdf spec, I know I told you guys about the line but now I can't find it.16:53.51 
Robin_Watts henrys: I don't have the URL for where we bought it.16:54.20 
henrys s/line/link16:54.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: ?17:03.45 
kens OK I'm off now, goodnight all17:07.40 
henrys ah thanks robin_watts.17:16.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I ran phpinfo and the results are at: (if you can get to it)17:39.50 
Robin_Watts I cannot :(17:40.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't see anything about mysql, but there is a line "DBM: This is GDBM version 1.7.3, as of May 19, 1994."17:41.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm fighting godaddy at the moment.17:41.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: try 
Robin_Watts No luck.17:42.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: or 
Robin_Watts It's virtual hosted, so lots of websites come from the same servers.17:42.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that is _very_ strange17:42.35 
henrys Does anyone understand why gp_open_scratch_file - in particular why doesn't it unlink(filename) after mkstmp. Isn't that the normal usage? So that when the program exits or the file is closed it is deleted?17:42.36 
Robin_Watts hence unless you have the domain name in the title, it won't know what domain to serve you.17:42.54 
ray_laptop henrys: because that is used by the clist code and it needs to close and re-open by name. I tried fdopen(fileno(c_file)) and it fails on Windows17:43.55 
  Robin_Watts: oh, that's right. nm.17:44.21 
henrys ray_laptop:how is the file ever deleted?17:44.39 
  and can't your rewind?17:45.12 
ray_laptop henrys: explicitly with a call to unlink17:45.14 
Robin_Watts I can add into the hosting (so it will also appear as, but I don't suppose that matters).17:45.55 
henrys oh I see open scratch return the filename it generates along with the file pointer.17:46.06 
  okay thanks.17:46.14 
Robin_Watts All users of ever normally see is 
ray_laptop henrys: Windows doesn't allow us to open for w+ and then allow other threads to open (as above) for "r". It has to be closed and re-opened (iirc).17:46.30 
Robin_Watts The only problem is that the new website assumes it's in the root directory :(17:46.40 
mace ok just about caught up with scrollback17:46.52 
Robin_Watts Aha. Hi mace/17:47.00 
ray_laptop Hi, mace. Can you see the phpinfo.htm ?17:47.13 
henrys ray_laptop:okay thanks17:47.19 
mace henrys: i've not reported the IP problem any further than mentioning it here, mostly because it's not something i have any control or input on :)17:47.34 
ray_laptop mace: can you see the phpinfo at: 17:47.51 
mace ray_laptop: yeah; top line says it all for me.. php 3!17:48.24 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what DNS do you get ?17:48.31 
  mace: what do you need ?17:48.37 
mace you really need to find a better hosting provider :/17:48.46 
Robin_Watts mace: How about: 
mace php 5 ideally, thats the current maintained version17:49.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: mace: I agree. Telling XO to take a hike would be fine with me.17:49.31 
mace for what its worth, and i'm sure there are plenty of reasons why this wasn't considered but mentioning it for "the logs" :) i do hosting17:50.42 
  Robin_Watts: your php version is sane, and has mysql support. would need to do further tests to check mysql server is there and sensible version, but that looks positive17:51.16 
ray_laptop I'll tell Miles that we will be switching from XO and see if he has any particular hosting outfit he wants to use (we have godaddy for some of the domain registrations), or if he wants to just leave it up to us (likely)17:51.19 
mace nods.. highly recommend moving from XO from what you've said so far.. had to look this up from wikipedia, apparently php 3 was last released end of 2000!17:52.56 
  i'm all for stability, but that's taking it a bit far :D17:53.14 
Robin_Watts mace: We have a hosting thing on godaddy.17:53.47 
  We can therefore put on there without it costing us anything extra.17:54.05 
mace should work in theory. i've put a cake app on godaddy previously. just make sure that package has mysql support17:54.48 
Robin_Watts I'm sure it does.17:54.57 
mace probably billed as number of databases17:55.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Are you in control of the nameservers ?17:55.18 
  Can you point to please?17:56.03 
ray_laptop sorry, was on the phone with Miles (but he got interrupted with another call)17:56.08 
mace Robin_Watts: i've just checked all of the ip addresses for and, they're working for me atm17:56.45 
  working insomuch as telnet IP 80 results in a connection17:56.59 
  which is better than the other day17:57.06 
  Robin_Watts: assuming its not working for you just now, can you do a dns lookup on your machine?17:57.30 
  see if you're getting the same addresses17:57.42 
Robin_Watts 207.155.248.{31,47} and and 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw17:59.39 
mace Robin_Watts: can telnet to all of those18:00.45 
Robin_Watts mace: MySQL is definitely available.18:01.57 
  Do I need to create a database ?18:02.02 
mace urm, yeah18:02.17 
  you going to set up a test site?18:02.29 
Robin_Watts I've wget'd from 
mace chuckles18:02.54 
  you won't need a database for that18:03.10 
Robin_Watts COnfused then.18:03.40 
mace you need the source code :)18:04.00 
Robin_Watts Oh, right, of course.18:04.13 
  Can you make the source available somewhere as a zipfile and then I can upload it?18:04.30 
mace yeah just sorting that now18:04.41 
Robin_Watts Ta.18:04.44 
  ray_laptop: Are you off the phone now?18:05.31 
mace Robin_Watts: zip or tar/gz?18:09.00 
Robin_Watts zip for preference.18:09.07 
  I know the godaddy tools cope with zip.18:09.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: tor/master has mubusy -> mutool rename18:56.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: cool. I've got to fix a commit message referring to fz_image_params, right?18:57.43 
  Other than that were you happy with my changes?18:57.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and sebras function rename (fz_free_compressed_buffer, were there any other?)18:58.20 
Robin_Watts I did that.18:58.31 
tor8 ah, forgot to fetch recently18:59.02 
  Robin_Watts: I haven't looked at the fz_function commit yet19:00.05 
  the rest looked fine19:00.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK. thanks.19:00.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, I need to amend the manpage too in that mubusy commit19:02.09 
Robin_Watts ok. I'm web bashing with mace at the moment, so I won't be looking immediately.19:03.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've amended, so whenever you have time.19:03.58 
  no rush, we've got half a dozen branches sitting on origin/master waiting to be pushed and rebased it looks like :)19:04.19 
Robin_Watts Hi ray.19:31.54 
  We have the website up and running on the godaddy hosting now.19:32.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. What's the URL ?19:36.38 
  Miles interrupted the call, then never called me back. :-(19:37.06 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, it will respond to and, but only if the DNS is changed.19:38.01 
  I've added a line in my hosts file locally to test it.19:38.18 
  I sent you an email with the DNS details in.19:38.47 
  If you update to point to that address, we'll swap over.19:39.05 
henrys hmm shelly applying zeniko patches ugh19:40.26 
  something to deal with after lunch.19:42.32 
sebras tor8: two patches on sebras/master20:18.02 
slestak_work1 henrys: for bug 693362, can I view the repo so I can patch my install to test on aix?20:23.20 
  nm, found the git repo20:24.14 
  would be cool to either replace the sourceforge cvs mirror of gs with a git mirror or just remove the csv one20:25.19 
  henrys: do these casts to uint need to be gs_char also? 
henrys slestak_work1:yes I'll fix that.20:42.10 
  slestak_work1:has the bug changed?20:45.17 
  oh actually those uints should be gs_glyphs.20:47.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: BTW, if I can be of help on the MT SEGV, let me know. It's more interesting than DNS and web hosting stuff20:54.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm still bashing the webhosting.20:55.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. np20:55.29 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Does that mean you've changed the DNS?21:00.57 
slestak_work1 henrys: i wonder if kens has updates to make to reflect these changes21:01.13 
  i'll certainly volunteer my aix box to help test this21:01.32 
henrys I was just told there was a type mismatch and they were seeing a bad parameter (0) on big endian machines. It seems to me unlikely the type mismatch was the problem but we'll see.21:04.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, I am having log-in problems.21:06.15 
slestak_work1 they specifically said the array that should have held the text (one char at a time) was all Nulls21:06.32 
  worked fine on win and lin, failed on POWER5 aix and g4 mac mini21:07.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so do you want to add, or switch the DNS over to godaddy ?21:07.07 
Robin_Watts Add for now.21:07.17 
slestak_work1 i'll be patient and talk to ken tomorrow.21:07.25 
  ty so much for your work. 21:07.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. I'll try and get that done this afternoon21:07.41 
Robin_Watts In order to make secure, I've had to take down, supposedly for just a minute, but... godaddy have screwed the pooch somehow and the change isn't going through,21:08.12 
henrys are we still against // comments can't remember I never use them in the gs code.21:27.05 
mace Robin_Watts: take it you've not bottomed out the godaddy problem yet?21:32.05 
elhoyos time22:25.48 
Robin_Watts mace: I'm doing the 'non-root accessible' thing.22:56.19 
mace Robin_Watts: not going to plan i'm guessing23:30.10 
Robin_Watts mace: Well, is no longer the primary thing.23:30.33 
  It's served from /downloads23:30.39 is working, and I hope should not now be exposing anything.23:30.50 
  but isn't working any more :(23:31.00 
mace want me to take a look?23:32.34 
Robin_Watts I think it's working now.23:36.31 
mace happy days23:40.23 
Robin_Watts mace: hmm. The funky highlighting images aren't working.23:42.00 
mace oh that is odd.. they were ok a moment ago23:44.19 
  might've been cached though23:44.25 
  its looking for an /icons/ folder in root23:44.58 
  although it could be a virtual folder too, depends on how they've configured it23:45.30 
Robin_Watts what is looking for an icons folder?23:45.44 
mace the highlighting images are fetched from /icons/23:47.29 
  but they're not web accessible23:47.40 
  ie. the markup is ok, but the files are misplaced23:47.55 
Robin_Watts really? That's not how I was reading the page code.23:48.05 
  but OK. What do I need to put where?23:48.14 
mace i'll recheck, i was using firebug23:48.19 
  yeah markup is full of img tags23:48.45 
Robin_Watts <a class="fadehover" href="/page/printer-products.html"><div style="background-image: url(/theme/Artifex/img/printer.png)"><img src="/theme/Artifex/img/printer-blue.png" width="111" height="148" alt="Printer / MFPs" /></div><span>Printer / MFPs</span></a>23:49.25 
  I read that as: background = /theme/Artifex/img/printer.png foreground = /theme/Artifex/img/printer-blue.png23:49.52 
  and then the foreground fades out on a hover.23:50.01 
  both those are available.23:50.05 
mace oh are you on about the test site?23:50.18 
  i'm on about downloads :)23:50.28 
Robin_Watts Sorry, I was on about artifex.com23:50.40 
mace downloads is broken too then23:51.15 
Robin_Watts really? downloads looks OK to me.23:51.50 
  gah. now it doesn't.23:52.29 
mace *chuckle*23:52.41 
  rollovers are working for me after a forced reload23:54.18 
  on artifex website, before i confuse things further23:54.50 
Robin_Watts And now they are for me too.23:55.00 
  Something is clearly unhappy with caching.23:55.07 
  Uploading the icons from my copy of apache now.23:55.25 
  ok, that seems to be working now.23:56.10 
mace yeah good here23:56.43 
Robin_Watts OK, I'm going to bed while the going is good :)23:57.14 
mace hehe enjoy23:57.20 
Robin_Watts Thanks!23:57.21 
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