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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/03)2012/10/04 
Robin_Watts So is the wrong memory being put into that ?00:00.06 
  Are you using a proper debug build or a release build with -g ?00:00.21 
rayjj Robin_Watts: a regular debug build00:00.56 
Robin_Watts ok.00:01.11 
rayjj Robin_Watts: it looks like the icc_link_cache is being set up with the wrong memory00:01.22 
Robin_Watts I have to go to bed now. falling asleep. I'll check logs in case you turn up with anything.00:01.32 
  Well, that'd be nice if true, cos it might be a simple fix.00:01.42 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK, or, I'll post it on the bug (like I said I was going to)00:02.22 
  Robin_Watts: g'nite. 00:02.34 
  trying a change to gxclthrd.c:673 to make it: ncdev->icc_cache_cl = gsicc_cache_new(thread->memory);00:04.28 
  (instead of crdev->memory)00:04.42 
  still seeing the 'not idle' message, but time for dinner and have a meeting at the school tonight00:11.19 
Robin_Watts sounds like progress, maybe.00:12.06 
rayjj well, it ran quite a bit longer, (21 pages) but then got a SEGV.00:12.55 
  nope, not enough -- still flaky00:18.34 
  I think I know what's going on, but not why Robin's change should make it any worse.00:56.40 
mvrhel_laptop stupid postscript test file. 12-07D.PS had a very weird color rendering going on for page 3, which only renders when you include the -dJOBSERVER on the command line. turns out that the null device gets introduced briefly with some various commands which result in the links in the link cache getting altered with respect to their formatting due to the null device having 1 component05:52.24 
  then when we return to rendering to the ppmraw device which has three components things are not quite right05:53.03 
  I may have a simple fix for this05:57.37 
  ok that makes a nice progression06:17.25 
  and on that note, I am calling it a night06:26.18 
sebras tor8: just 1.5h earlier and you would have beaten kens today! :)08:16.31 
kens Lol....08:16.51 
tor8 damn! shouldn't have gone back to sleep when I woke up at 8 am :)08:16.57 
sebras tor8: nope. :)08:17.07 
kens Hehe, I was already here at 8am08:17.12 
  Well, 8am my time...08:17.20 
tor8 :D08:17.24 
  sebras: so did you get time to check out the gtk+ viewer yesterday?08:17.42 
kens Only chirsl usually beats me in, or our colonial cousins by dint of not going to bed.08:17.57 
sebras tor8: yep, there's something for you in the logs...08:17.58 
  kens: that's just unfair! on the other hand, you probably work while they eventually _do_ sleep.08:18.28 
tor8 sebras: yes, the flickering is annoying. I have a few ideas that may be worth trying. like resizing the underlying widget and letting gtk+ rescale with blur until the new render is ready08:20.17 
sebras tor8: ah, yes! I forgot what I was complaining about. :)08:20.54 
  sounds like a good approach to me.08:21.02 
tor8 if gtk+ supports it, that is08:21.25 
  but there are more important lower hanging fruit to implement first08:21.37 
sebras sure, this was just my first impression.08:21.54 
  no segfaults and no other odd behavious.08:23.03 
tor8 palatable ui design?08:23.17 
sebras didn't try chinese input though. I guess I should do that tonight. :)08:23.20 
tor8 try chinese search too, not just input!08:23.48 
sebras tor8: it's ok, but I'm pining for .mupdfrc and a right click menu that allows me to run in paged mode instead of continuous. :)08:23.50 
  tor8: of course.08:23.58 
tor8 sebras with pgup and pgdown or b/space it behaves like paged mode08:24.16 
sebras not, when the entire page doesn't fit in the window.08:24.41 
tor8 just need a 'shrinkwrap' button to set the window height to perfect08:24.44 
sebras exactlyl.08:24.51 
sebras inherited kens keyboard.08:25.01 
tor8 sebras: try it again, then. those keys page by an exact page08:25.09 
kens will be getting a new keyboard soon, same old typist though....08:25.26 
tor8 space/b to the beginning of the next page, pgup/down by one page's height08:25.36 
sebras tor8: ah, ok I see what you mean now, I actually never tried space/b because I didn't think that was implemented (didn't look at all the code, sorry)08:26.16 
Chumbawamba I have some pdfs that have alot of unused images and other useless objects. Is there a way to sanitize these pdf's with Ghostscript?08:48.07 
kens If they are truly unused you can try running them to the pdfwrite device08:48.30 
  However, you should note that this *completely* interprets the PDF to graphics primitives, and builds a new PDF which has no relationsjip other than appearance, with teh original. Metadata may well not be preserved.08:49.26 
Chumbawamba Thats fine :)08:56.56 
sebras Chumbawamba: I can't help you with gs, but I'm curious how you ended up with a document that doesn't actually use all images?09:02.19 
  Chumbawamba: that's suggests to me that the generator of the pdf is broken somehow, so if this is a common generator it would be useful to know about it. :)09:03.00 
chrisl sebras: some PDF editing apps don't actually remove objects when you "delete" them from the page - Acrobat does that depending on how you save the edited file.09:04.06 
sebras chrisl: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that even Acrobat has this problem....09:06.51 
chrisl sebras: Usually, with Acrobat, if you edit and "save", it will leave unused objects in the output. If you do "save as" it will remove them09:08.01 
sebras chrisl: ok, then we are _not_ surprised by Chumbwamba's file. :)09:10.53 
kens Very little surprises me with Acrobat these days...09:11.16 
chrisl sebras: certainly not! We've seen *much* worse results from manipulating PDFs09:11.59 
kens Also some Adobe applications (eg Illustrator) preserve the entire original application file in the PDF as comments....09:12.44 
chrisl kens: ahem, remember "Jaws" PDFEditor? Acrobat isn't the worst offender in *this* case!09:12.52 
kens Yes true, though applying the Jaws label was a really *bad* decision IMO09:13.22 
sebras kens: I wonder why they do that. the undo-function would be redundant after saving the file...09:14.27 
kens Quite so....09:14.36 
  But logic is not applied well in the case of Acrobat (or other PDF editors)09:15.22 
chrisl Or even PDF!09:15.34 
Chumbawamba sebras: I had a pdf with alot of images. I removed everything but the text from it. With some pdf's the images are still referenced somehow. I use PdfTron for that btw.09:16.03 
  Thank you kens, my pdf got from 72MB to 2MB :D09:16.42 
kens You are welcome...09:16.52 
sebras Chumbawamba: thanks for the info. :)09:17.55 
chrisl So, have we gained some indeterminisms in psdcmyk, then?09:56.49 
kens I think so, yes, I hasd some yesterday09:57.44 
chrisl That's okay then - a change in pcl shouldn't really cause differences in PDF and PS jobs!09:58.19 
kens My change was in pdfwreite....09:58.44 
chrisl Okay, clearly an indeterminism, then09:59.36 
  begone foul global!10:00.38 
claudiu__ Hello12:14.02 
  is there any way to set the page width for when converting a pdf to image (png) ?12:14.19 
kens -sPAPERSIZE= and -dFIXEDMEDIA12:15.02 
claudiu__ thank you :) kens 12:15.35 
kens also -dPDFFitPage12:17.30 
claudiu__ kens: is there any way to set the width and let ghostscript calculate the height ? 12:27.18 
  this is the current script: Would like for all the png files to be 2000xapropiate_height. 12:27.47 
kens You want the pagesize to be set from the JPEg, or what >?12:28.30 
saper changing resolution?12:28.31 
kens Err, forget I said that...12:29.02 
claudiu__ I want to give a pdf file and generate all the pages as png files with width 2000px 12:29.19 
kens And height ?12:29.28 
claudiu__ the height should be appropriate for the page format.12:29.51 
kens define 'appropriate'12:29.58 
Robin_Watts claudiu__: mudraw -o out%d.png -w2000 in.pdf :)12:30.14 
claudiu__ by appropriate I mean ghostscript to figure it out. so that it does not cut the image. 12:30.44 
saper probably 'proportional' 12:32.01 
claudiu__ yep :)12:32.07 
kens GS won't do that. You can write a PostScript program to do it, but its not trivial12:32.22 
Robin_Watts Or, you could use mupdf.12:32.41 
chrisl claudiu__: there's Postscript "utility" file that ships with Ghostscript called which (amongst other things) dumps the media box(es). You could use that to get the page dimensions, and calculate the page size you want.12:42.08 
claudiu__ thank you :)12:42.34 
chrisl It will means doing the calculations yourself, but it makes it easier to get the information you need to do that12:43.19 
kens Or, as Robin says, just use MuPDF12:44.51 
claudiu__ thank you. Trying now with MuPDF12:49.39 
Robin_Watts Morning ray_laptop 13:54.08 
  I tried the thing I had in mind this morning; for each block, store the gs_memory_t pointer that was used to allocate it.13:54.46 
  Then check on a free/realloc that the same mem * is being used.13:55.21 
  That test ran cleanly.13:55.28 
  I think you're right that it should be gsicc_cache_new(thread->memory);13:57.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think the correct allocators are being used to free (the same as for the alloc), but the thread->memory AND the lack of thread safety in the underlying (PCL only) chunk memory is more serious14:00.04 
Robin_Watts Right. A lack of underlying thread safety would be a major problem.14:00.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: note that with PS we use the GC base memory that is always thread safe.14:00.42 
Robin_Watts What does the main thread do while the rendering threads are running ?14:00.51 
  i.e is the problem that something in the main thread is footling with memory while the rendering threads run?14:01.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: convert the bitmaps to output format. This _usually_ doesn't include allocation actions, but the 'get_bits_rect_mt' _does_ allocate a buf_device for each band14:01.48 
  Robin_Watts: exactly. The line in gxclthrd.c I mention in the bug comment14:02.21 
Robin_Watts or is the problem that when the rendering threads chunk managers end up falling back to the underlying allocator that that isn't thread safe?14:02.27 
  So, can we wrap the main threads allocator to make it threadsafe?14:02.59 
ray_laptop while the threads lock amongst each other, the main thread doesn't use the thread safe allocator14:03.21 
Robin_Watts Right, so the wrapping done for the render threads has some sort of locking in there?14:03.55 
  My reading of the comment in the code suggested to me that the wrapped threads just assumed that the underlying allocator was already thread safe.14:04.28 
  /* Every thread will have a 'chunk allocator' to reduce the interaction14:04.54 
  * with the 'base' allocator which has 'mutex' (locking) protection.14:04.56 
  * This improves performance of the threads.14:04.58 
  That implied to me that the render threads managers had no locking at all - just that when they needed memory for new chunks they'd fall back to the underlying one that DID have such protection.14:05.33 
  And you're now saying that it doesn't.14:05.40 
  Morning mvrhel_laptop14:13.22 
  Did you get your bug sorted?14:13.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry -- I am busy with the kids still.14:14.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: No worries.14:14.47 
ray_laptop The threads are OK. It is the main thread that is the problem. As long as the devices don't do allocations, we can fix the clist stuff to use the mem->thread_safe_memory14:15.30 
  but I don't think we should assume that.14:15.39 
kens pdfwrite does lots of allocation14:16.00 
  and we want it to use clist for transparency flattening14:16.26 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Sorry, humour me here.14:17.47 
  Let's suppose our base level allocator is A. That's not thread safe in PCL.14:18.10 
  Damn. Start again.14:18.19 
  Our base level malloc allocator is A. That's thread safe.14:18.31 
  PCL wraps that with a chunk allocator, call it B.14:18.42 
  This is NOT thread safe.14:18.45 
  For each thread we make a new chunk allocator with B as it's underlying allocator. Call those C1, C2, C3 etc.14:19.23 
  Once C1, C2, C3 have chunks to work in, they are fine, but it's getting those chunks that interests me.14:20.19 
  When C1 first starts up (or when its chunk is full) it has to call down to B to get a new chunk.14:20.56 
  What makes that threadsafe if B is not.14:21.12 
  Is there a wrapper layer that's in use that I've missed somewhere?14:21.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: first, every allocator also has a "thread_safe_memory' allocator member, so the chunk allocator provides this, call is B.ts14:23.23 
Robin_Watts Hmm ok, slightly different terminology here.14:24.08 
ray_laptop The rendering threads us B.ts as their base allocator. This allows most of the Cn allocations to not need to lock.14:24.25 
Robin_Watts OK.14:24.38 
  And B.ts is what? a wrapped version of B ?14:24.48 
ray_laptop The B.ts has B as its base allocator (it B.ts is B with a locking wrapper)14:24.54 
Robin_Watts Gotcha.14:25.00 
  OK, that makes sense then.14:25.04 
  So the problem is that the main thread is calling B not B.ts14:25.11 
ray_laptop the problem is when a thread needs to get a block from B.ts, that uses B after ensuring exclusive access14:25.48 
Robin_Watts but any calls direct to B don't bother getting exclusive access and hence can collide with those that think they are safe coming from B.ts14:26.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: correct. both a thread (via B.ts) AND the main thread use B14:26.33 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I follow now.14:26.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.14:26.46 
Robin_Watts So... can we persuade the main thread to use B.ts instead of B ?14:26.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we can fix it within the clist logic, but devices ...14:27.59 
Robin_Watts Can we not wrap B as a threadsafe version early enough ?14:28.24 
  i.e. would it hurt us a lot to always make B threadsafe when we create it?14:29.01 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thus my idea of having a 'use_lock' mode on B (and maybe get rid of thread_safe_memory) that the clist controls, invisibly to the device. 14:29.22 
Robin_Watts Ah, I see.14:29.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, it would be painful to always have B use a lock. 14:30.09 
Robin_Watts So on a call to B, B would check B.use_lock and take a lock if required.14:30.23 
ray_laptop Things like paths use LOTS of allocate/free actions and locking on each of these would kill us14:30.47 
  Robin_Watts: that's the proposal.14:31.10 
  unless someone thinks of a safe, clever, and not to kloodgy way around the potential pitfall of a device using alloc/free while rendering14:32.11 
Robin_Watts It seems reasonable. I'd have to see the interface for setting/unsetting the use_lock flag before I had a strong opinion on how clean a solution it is :)14:32.21 
  Maybe rather than a use_lock, we should have a 'thread_use_count'.14:33.02 
  When we wrap the allocator, we increment that. When we destroy an allocator that wraps it, we decrement it.14:33.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we could either use a new method, or just a new element to the gs_memory_t struct14:33.26 
Robin_Watts And so we need to lock if thread_use_count > 1.14:33.43 
  That way it's not something 'secret' that the clist calls.14:34.26 
  It's the act of wrapping an allocator for a thread that triggers it.14:34.45 
ray_laptop so, we'd have to lock around increment/decrement of the thread_use_count in case a child thread spawns another thread ;-)14:35.11 
Robin_Watts Yes.14:35.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was kidding.14:35.33 
Robin_Watts but that's an infrequent occurrence.14:35.37 
ray_laptop right, I don't kid often ;-)14:36.23 
Robin_Watts :)14:36.39 
ray_laptop we could get rid of the locking wrapper and the thread_safe_memory as long as all allocators that are not thread_safe implement the thread_use_count14:38.17 
  which gets rid of one extra layer in the calli stack on most PS chunk actions (gsmalloc).14:39.10 
chrisl Won't that incur a penalty? Avoiding locking for frequent, small malloc/free sequencies in each thread can be quite a big win14:41.20 
ray_laptop chrisl: that's what the chunk allocator in each thread is for14:42.32 
chrisl Ah, then I misunderstood your suggestion - just ignore me.......14:43.04 
ray_laptop the chunk allocator only uses the base allocator with the mutex lock for new chunks14:43.23 
Robin_Watts chrisl: The idea is that we make it so that every allocator keeps track of the number of threads that might be calling it.14:43.25 
chrisl Hmm, sounds like a bit of a minefield, to me14:43.47 
Robin_Watts Every allocator then only takes locks etc, if that number is > 114:43.54 
ray_laptop any thread that wants to (such as the rendering threads) use their own chunk allocator14:44.07 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It's like everything else - a tradeoff. Each allocator gets slightly more complex, to give a simpler interface overall.14:44.46 
ray_laptop so an accessor method that does the 'adjust_thread_use_count' (with a +/- arg) would allow the allocator to use the lock around the increment/decrement14:45.41 
  in this case it isn't simplicity, but rather performance that is the goal.14:46.05 
chrisl What currently sets up the allocator(s) for a given thread? Is it done automatically on thread creation, or is it done explicitly by the creator?14:46.36 
ray_laptop chrisl: gxclthrd.c takes care of it in setup_render_threads14:47.05 
  it spawns the threads, each with their own chunk allocator14:47.34 
Robin_Watts The code that makes a thread, first makes a new chunk allocator based on the underlying thread safe allocator, then that pointer is passed into the new thread creation function.14:47.58 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, except in the proposed approach, there wouldn't be a thread safe allocator, but rather the chunk's base allocator will be made thread safe by bumping the thread_use_count14:49.10 
Robin_Watts right.14:49.22 
chrisl My concern is that future uses of threads might not know to increment the counter in the allocator14:49.23 
ray_laptop chrisl: just one more 'invariant' to keep track of in multi-threading with GS. Probably a comment in gp_sync.h would suffice14:50.39 
chrisl ray_laptop: given that we already have a platform independent API for handling threads, could we not pass the mem pointer in there, and have that increment the counter - maybe make things a little simpler, instead of a little more complex?14:52.17 
Robin_Watts chrisl: The problem, I think is that we pass in the chunk allocator that we've already made to the thread creation function.14:53.18 
  so it's not that the thread count on that that needs updating, but rather the thread count on the underlying allocator.14:54.04 
ray_laptop chrisl: if the thread is spawned with a private chunk allocator (as the clist does) then the allocator that needs the thread_use_count bumped is the base allocator of the chunk allocator, not the one that the thread uses14:54.11 
  Robin_Watts typed a bit faster14:54.33 
  but AFAICT we were both saying the same thing14:54.58 
Robin_Watts What we could do is have a function that: makes a chunk allocator from the underyling one, increment the thread count on the underlying one, then call the platform independent thread creation.14:55.07 
chrisl Okay, more complicated it is, then......14:55.22 
ray_laptop I have to take the kids to school. bbiaw14:55.26 
Robin_Watts So that would be the function that all new threading code would call.14:55.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: since this looks like something in the gxclthrd.c, I assume you don't mind me fixing it.14:56.04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: No, not at all.14:56.13 
ray_laptop I'll send out a patch for review before committing14:56.18 
Robin_Watts I've satisfied myself that it's nothing in the gsicc_lcms2 layer., so I'm quite happy to hand it off :)14:57.23 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:08.41 
  Robin_Watts: I started my computer earlier but then eating breakfast etc....15:09.03 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No worries. It sounds like ray has a handle on the problem and a solution.15:09.27 
mvrhel_laptop great15:09.33 
  so there were not any issues in the color stuff then15:09.55 
Robin_Watts It's nothing specific to lcms2, I think we just tickled it by the fact that we now do allocation/deallocation properly.15:09.57 
  You said yesterday that LCMS wasn't thread safe.15:10.18 
  or at least, that's why you didn't share the link cache between threads.15:10.41 
mvrhel_laptop I meant that you cant share links and profiles amongst threads15:10.45 
Robin_Watts right. I can't think of a reason why not any more - except for the fact that the allocator/deallocators might mismatch.15:11.29 
mvrhel_laptop well because one thread is changing a link or profile while another is using it15:11.57 
  that is what I found when I dug into the issue in lcms 1.815:12.22 
Robin_Watts Oh, do we 'change' them? I thought they were created, used, and then destroyed?15:12.30 
mvrhel_laptop unless Marti fixed this bad things will happen15:12.34 
  not us15:12.36 
  no we cache the links15:12.53 
  and the profiles are around for a long time15:13.02 
  hanging out in color spaces or devices15:13.11 
Robin_Watts sorry, I meant "put into the cache, and then finally destroyed when we destroyed them".15:13.13 
  But I see what you mean.15:13.24 
  And no, I don't believe there have been changes in that regard.15:13.34 
  So let's back quietly away from that one :)15:13.48 
mvrhel_laptop sounds good15:13.53 
  ok. back to more stuff for customer 330. just did one giant commit for them15:14.12 
  I wish they would answer my emails though15:14.20 
  that is how I got Miles involved to begin with15:14.32 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: if they haven't been giving you feedback you need to proceed, you shouldn't be pressured about getting it done urgently......15:16.17 
henrys wow how many android viewers are there based on mupdf? I found quite a few.15:22.04 
Robin_Watts henrys: All of them :)15:23.57 
henrys it's impressive but really not great news. To have such command of a marketplace and to be making little money from it suggests there is not money to be had.15:29.46 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: yes. good point15:31.15 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: it's just not worth getting stressed about15:34.46 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: you there?15:37.55 
henrys yes15:38.04 
mvrhel_laptop Do you know Andy who sent the detailed email from customer 330?15:38.40 
  henrys: I wonder if I should include him in the questions that I had15:39.16 
  It says he is a "solutions manager"15:39.49 
henrys I don't know him but I can't think it would hurt to include him.15:40.42 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:41.43 
kens I see those psdcmyk files are showing diffs again with Michael's change :-(15:50.24 
Robin_Watts I am investigating a segv in psdcmyk at the moment.15:52.27 
kens Could be related I guess15:52.41 
Robin_Watts an image_info block is being used in clist playback after it's freed.15:52.50 
kens I gues if it gets reused that could cause the indeterminism15:53.51 
  happens at 72 dpi though15:54.24 
  as well as 30015:54.28 
chrisl Could be pattern clists, I suppose15:54.54 
  There's certainly no point doing anything more until Robin_Watts has finished with the seg fault15:55.56 
mvrhel_laptop what going on?15:56.44 
kens indeterminisms mvrhel15:57.14 
mvrhel_laptop from one of my commits? never....15:57.37 
  likely an issue with a rendering parameter that is now used and not getting properly set15:58.37 
henrys Robin_Watts,tor8:having trouble with mupdf on nexus? What document do you know opens?15:58.39 
mvrhel_laptop based upon the changes that I just did15:58.48 
Robin_Watts pdf_reference17.pdf15:58.50 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: we're not sure where they started, kens noticed them yesterday, I noticed today, and the same files hve popped up showing differences in your latest commit run.15:58.54 
Robin_Watts My SEGV predates michaels changes.15:59.12 
mvrhel_laptop well one of the files that I fixed had a problem from way back15:59.17 
kens Its not Michale's changes15:59.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so, now that you understand what I think is the problem (it _definitely_ IS a problem), can you think of why your patch would have made it so much worse ? Did it change the allocations used by the cms, for example ?15:59.44 
mvrhel_laptop 12-07D.PS was not rendering correctly and now is15:59.51 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Absolutely.16:00.03 
  Previously all lcms' allocations went to malloc/free.16:00.16 
  Now they go to gs_alloc_bytes etc.16:00.26 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: the list of spurious psdcmyk diffs: 
  All in PDF or PS jobs, when the change I was testing was in PCL/PXL......16:01.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. That makes sense. previously they didn't interact with PCL's base chunk allocator at all (allocator B)16:01.13 
Robin_Watts right.16:01.20 
ray_laptop that is allocator B not B)16:01.36 
mvrhel_laptop ok. chrisl. I am going to keep pushing on this one thing for customer 330 now. Then I will look at these with valgrind to track down the issue16:01.45 
henrys nope nothing seems to be working just grabbed the apk from 
ray_laptop chatzilla changes B followed by ) into a smiley with sunglasses :-(16:02.11 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: Or leave it to marcosw to try to track down where the indeterminisms happened......16:02.45 
mvrhel_laptop well there is that option, but it is likely that it came from my change16:03.07 
  since I introduced new parameters that affect the color and may not be getting initialized properly in some odd case16:03.38 
  I thought I found them all but we all know how it goes16:03.52 
chrisl Fair enough.... it just that minor panic of "I didn't change anything around there......" when I saw them earlier16:04.32 
mvrhel_laptop and we have been there before too :)16:04.52 
chrisl Okay, I'm off for a squash match...16:06.49 
henrys Robin_Watts, tor8:the default pdf viewer is fine.16:07.19 
Robin_Watts henrys: How are you running it?16:07.56 
henrys I'm selecting a pdf file then it asks me if I want to use mupdf or the default viewer.16:08.39 
Robin_Watts And when you say mupdf, what happens?16:08.50 
henrys Unable to open document16:09.19 
Robin_Watts OK, so what happens if you run mupdf direct?16:09.30 
  Presumably "Unable to open document" is an android error, rather than one obviously from the mupdf app itself?16:10.02 
henrys that seems to work.16:10.11 
Robin_Watts OK. mupdf should list the documents in /Downloads (or /sdcard/Downloads, I forget)16:10.39 
  So you should see a list of documents there that you can select from?16:10.56 
henrys but that's not okay ... I have no way to make mupdf the default viewer when I select a mupdf file, I hope that's a bug.16:11.05 
  not mupdf file a pdf file.16:11.16 
Robin_Watts Right.16:11.25 
  Android provides an "Intent" system where we state what types we can open.16:11.42 
  as set in android/AndroidManifest.xml16:12.41 
  I have no idea why it wouldn't be working for you.16:12.49 
  Do you have android dev tools set up on your machine?16:13.17 
  What version of Android?16:13.35 
henrys I do not I can set it up later16:13.41 
Robin_Watts Let me just check here. Jelly Bean downloaded to my asus yesterday.16:14.04 
henrys 4.1.116:14.04 
Robin_Watts works fine for me :(16:14.49 
henrys this should be okay demo wise, so it prompts you if you want to make mupdf the default or just once?16:15.12 
Robin_Watts it does.16:15.24 
  and I say "just once" (for now)16:15.29 
henrys for both "just once" and "default" I get unable to open and a dismiss button.16:16.32 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'd like to see what "adb logcat" says when you have the tablet attached.16:17.04 
  We'll hopefully see some messages about why it failed to work.16:17.28 
henrys Okay well I'll have to get that all set up on the mac.16:20.04 
henrys was hoping not to become an android developer today...16:22.46 
  so I need the android sdk for the mac first16:25.08 
Robin_Watts yeah, follow the instructions in mupdf/android/ReadMe.txt16:25.25 
henrys will do. you left coffee out of instructions16:25.53 
Robin_Watts Hmm. That should be in step 15 :)16:26.51 
kens thinks every other step probably16:27.15 
  Time for me to be off, goodnight all16:45.34 
henrys still installing ...16:48.06 
ray_laptop mvrhel: henrys: alexcher: does anyone have any suggestions re: changing all allocators to make them optionally use a mutex when 'thread_use_count' > 1. This gets rid of the locking wrapper and 'thread_safe_memory' pointer and allows clients to switch on and off use of the mutex.16:50.43 
  I assume that chrisl, kens, and Robin_Watts have already weighed in.16:51.10 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: this sounds reasonable to me 16:51.42 
ray_laptop BTW, do we want a function added to 'reset' the thread_use_count, or at least to read it ?16:52.05 
  mvrhel: thanks16:52.43 
henrys I am okay with it. Although I haven't read the bug carefully enough to understand the details of the pcl crashes.16:53.35 
ray_laptop just to bring anyone up to speed, the issue is described in bug 69336116:53.37 
  and in the logs above. Robin_Watts suggested using increment/decrement of a thread_use_count rather than a simple set/reset 'use_lock' which is slightly more complex, but may have advantages16:55.03 
  so one question remaining, other than 'elegance' or planning for something we don't really need (yet), should I do it the more complex way, or the simple way ?16:56.06 
  Robin_Watts: that is something I'd like your input on -- what did you have in mind that might need the thread_use_count vs. the use_lock16:56.52 
henrys what exactly do you mean by "primary chunk allocator" - heap allocator?16:57.42 
ray_laptop henrys: PCL uses a chunk allocator on top of the heap allocator as it's commonly used allocator16:58.23 
henrys okay so you are talking about gsmchunk.c16:58.55 
ray_laptop gs (PS/PDF only) use the GC allocator (ialloc) which does the chunking.16:59.08 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I like hiding complexity under interfaces.17:00.19 
  partly cos I have a crap memory.17:00.26 
ray_laptop neither the GC nor the chunk allocator is inherently thread safe (nor is gsmalloc heap allocator) but we always wrap the gsmalloc in a locking wrapper17:00.29 
  Robin_Watts: well set/reset use_lock is hardly more complex than adjust_thread_use_count( +/- )17:01.20 
  or simply set_lock( true/false)17:01.54 
Robin_Watts No, but I could believe that once you wrap it up nicely, the interface for adjust_thread_use_count is nicer.17:02.06 
  Specifically because callers don't need to get involved in the "Am I the last threaded user of this?" decision.17:02.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: 'nicer' or 'more elegant', true, but can you envision why we would ever need it ?17:02.39 
Robin_Watts nicer and more elegant are both worth striving for.17:03.04 
  if only someone had pointed this out earlier in the development of gs :)17:03.18 
  The only excuse for ignoring "nicer and more elegant" is when they would excessively complex or slow.17:03.49 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, it does expose the potential for killing a thread (or having a thread shut down) without decrementing the use count, thus leaving us using the mutex (and only noticing if teh performance is crap)17:03.58 
Robin_Watts Right, but if that happens, it's probably a sign that we got the interface wrong.17:04.38 
  Honestly, I'd be happy either way - it's you that has to maintain the code.17:04.54 
  My personal preference would be for the counted version (as it hides a decision from the caller), but having made my case, I'll leave it to the poor guy that has to implement it (i.e. you).17:05.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but it's relatively hard to detect (maybe subtle performance that sometimes is serious) vs. a crash if it gets reset when it shouldn't which is actually not that hard to track down17:05.47 
  e.g. the chunk allocator has an 'in_use' flag in debug mode that led me right to the problem17:06.16 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, when we destroy an allocator, we should assert that the count is zero.17:06.28 
  So it should be obvious on shutdown if something is miscounting.17:06.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, I thought of that, so that may suffice.17:06.52 
henrys I'm also good with ray_laptop's decision but uncomfortable something else isn't awry here, why are we just seeing this now?17:07.04 
ray_laptop henrys: we are seeing it now because Robin_Watts changed the cms to use the thread's allocator.17:07.36 
Robin_Watts henrys: My change moved a lot of allocations/deallocations from malloc/free to gs_alloc_bytes.17:07.48 
  hence lots more scope for threaded contention.17:08.02 
ray_laptop henrys: and the cms tends to need new chunks more often than 'normal' rendering, so it is more likely to encounter the race17:08.22 
  the race being where the main thread allocates while the rendering thread needs a new chunk17:09.04 
  and this only happens with PCL when NumRenderingThreads > 0 (which is not tested on every cluster run)17:10.06 
henrys yes but I've run into pcl jobs that really hit the allocator, I would think the number of allocations from cms added would pale in comparison, but maybe I'm wrong.17:10.10 
ray_laptop henrys: this can only occur when rendering the page, so PCL parsing is immune17:10.51 
  henrys: and the allocations from within the threads themselves all use the mutex before accessing the base chunk allocator, so they are 'safe'.17:11.54 
henrys oh okay right than that would make more sense.17:12.26 
ray_laptop it's only when the main thread is doing an allocate/free while a thread gets a new chunk that there is an issue.17:12.54 
  a lot of the 'normal' allocation pattern for rendering a clist just thrashes alloc/free within a chunk the thread already 'owns' so the base allocator isn't used that much (which is why each thread has a chunk alllocator in the first place)17:14.09 
  BTW, I think we should have an image of a burglar along the bottom of the website that goes to a page of known 'parasites' or those that we consider are violating the GPL ;-)17:16.57 
  i.e., a 'cheaters' page17:17.15 
  Robin_Watts: on the new website, can't Miles make the changes (as he will be doing with the new CMS) to 'practice' before going live ?17:19.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes. I just sent him account details for the CMS.17:19.44 
  so he can log in and make the changes.17:19.50 
  I had (wrongly) thought that the site structure would be edited one way, and press releases another, but it's all done the same way, so it makes sense for him to do it.17:20.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK, ignore the email I had sent. Thanks. (you are much more valuable editing code)17:20.52 
  I have to run something over to the school. I'll check back on the logs before diving in to hacking up the allocators (again).17:21.50 
henrys Robin_Watts:I'm watching Helen play at musickecompanye17:26.35 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ah, the shiny new videos. Have we hit triple figured views yet? :)17:27.12 
  not yet :)17:27.40 
  I've been threatened with severe bodily trauma if I give you the link to our unedited galapagos pictures.17:28.27 
  I can try to produce a set with our fatter ex-selves removed :)17:29.31 
henrys love to see them but don't get yourself in trouble.17:32.40 
  Helen takes golden oldies to a new level, the 16th century.17:33.21 
mvrhel_laptop ok. my spot color replacement mixing for DeviceN colors is working pretty well17:40.18 
Robin_Watts Hmm.17:43.01 
  I have a stream *s, where s->memory is nicely defined.17:43.11 
  And s->state->memory = NULL.17:43.18 
  Is that a bug?17:43.25 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw17:45.22 
  ah a response from customer 33017:46.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: gxclread.c line 810: s_init_state((stream_state *)&rs, &s_band_read_template, (gs_memory_t *)0); <- Why the 0 memory pointer?17:51.33 
  So this SEGV is another crap in the clist problem, I think.18:12.50 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: having a look at that...18:17.38 
  Robin_Watts: that line dates back to 2000 from Peter.18:21.17 
Robin_Watts Possibly at that point there wasn't a memory pointer to put into it.18:21.36 
ray_laptop that's a BIG "BUT"18:22.25 
Robin_Watts (it had to hold your attention while I looked up the rest :) )18:22.53 
  in s_band_read_process we call: process_interrupts(st->memory), where we kind of assume that it's not NULL.18:23.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so, why is this a problem ? Related to being able to do debug prints or something ?18:23.20 
Robin_Watts And also my debug printing relies on it being non NULL in the same function.18:23.32 
  It's entirely possible that I added both those requirements in the course of various commits though :)18:23.53 
  So unless you can think of a good reason not to, I'm going to change it to mem rather than 0.18:24.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sure, go ahead. It makes sense (and "NULL" doesn't)18:26.00 
  Robin_Watts: are you also going to clean up the gp_check_interrupts so that 'mem' cannot be NULL (that may help spot things)18:26.37 
Robin_Watts I might later.18:26.55 
ray_laptop there are hacks in there now that violate multi-threaded usage18:27.14 
Robin_Watts At the moment this is just a distraction from the SEGV due to to clist corruption I'm looking at.18:27.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: single threaded rendering, I presume18:27.43 
Robin_Watts yes.18:27.56 
  ray_laptop: Are there?18:27.58 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, look at gp_mspol.c and gp_macpoll.c (they may be moribund)18:28.43 
Robin_Watts if (mem == NULL) right.18:28.57 
  I'll change that to #ifndef GS_THREADSAFE18:29.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ping me (SMS) if you want advice on looking at the clist corruption. I've worked on several of those18:32.02 
  (assuming that I don't respond here)18:32.24 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: If I can't sort it by the time I go tonight, I'll update the bug and mention it here.18:32.53 
radistao ray_laptop: hi. Your advice really helped me to locale text in PDF page at the center18:36.22 
  ray_laptop: i did this: clippath pathbbox 2 index add 2 div /PctrY exch def 2 index add 2 div /PctrX exch def pop pop %page center /Arial-Bold 120 selectfont .5 setgray (Sample) dup stringwidth pop 2 div PctrX exch sub PctrY moveto show18:36.37 
Robin_Watts radistao: Nice one. Now you're a postscript hacker :)18:37.18 
radistao but, only one notice, you you can help: if i rotate Sample text at least on 10 degrees - it moves left and now not in center18:37.34 
  how to processs this?18:37.45 
Robin_Watts radistao: You are positioning the bottom left hand corner of the text.18:38.30 
  If you're rotating it, you therefore need to adjust how much you move from the specified centre point.18:39.02 
  For an angle of 0, you move (-stringwidth/2, 0) right?18:39.54 
radistao on which point PS rotates text? Left bottom? middle?18:40.06 
Robin_Watts For an angle of alpha you move (-stringwidth/2 * sin(alpha), -stringwidth/2 * cos(alpha))18:40.35 
  (make sure alpha is in radians/degrees as appropriate)18:40.56 
ray_laptop radistao: you want to 'moveto' the center of the page, then rotate by the desired angle, THEN moveto backwards in (the transformed) X by 1/2 the stringwidth18:41.05 
radistao Robin_Watts: degrees18:42.40 
ray_laptop radistao: /Arial-Bold 120 selectfont PctxX PctrY moveto __angle___ rotate (Sample) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show18:42.45 
  radistao: by moving to the center of the page, then rotating, it makes the subsequent 'moveto' work in the rotated coordinate system18:43.53 
  radistao: note that the PS 'rotate' operator works in degrees (as you probably knew)18:46.28 
  radistao: oops. that should be PctxX PctrY translate __angle___ rotate (translate sets the center for the rotation, not moveto)18:47.58 
  I'll try it just to make sure :-)18:48.23 
radistao i've tried18:48.53 
  but damn PS - -it makes absolutely unredable error logs18:49.28 
  stdout: Error: /undefined stdout: in --.endpage-- stdout: Operand stack: 0 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %s stdout: topped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push .runexec2 --nostringval-- -- stdout: nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- 1809 0 3 %op18:49.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: OK. This seems to be a fault with fill_trapezoid.18:50.07 
  The first fill_trap that gets written into the file is read back as a fill_trap, but everything afterwards is honked up.18:50.36 
ray_laptop radistao: no, you just have to know how to read (that particular format)18:50.53 
  radistao: BTW, I had a typo. When I tested, this worked:18:52.43 
  clippath pathbbox 2 index add 2 div /PctrY exch def 2 index add 2 div /PctrX exch def pop pop18:52.45 
  /Arial-Bold 120 selectfont PctrX PctrY translate 30 rotate (Sample) dup stringwidth18:52.47 
  pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show18:52.48 
  Robin_Watts: its usually a colorspace issue.18:53.19 
Robin_Watts I'm sure. This is psdcmyk, so it'll be something to do with the planar nature.18:53.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: is it a linear color trapeziod, or (i.e. what "options" bits)18:56.12 
radistao sorry, guys, i switched off my PC accidentally18:57.35 
ray_laptop radistao: check the logs18:58.14 
  radistao: I posted an actually tested, working PS snippet18:58.37 
radistao you mean chat log? how to do this?18:58.47 
  i see 
ray_laptop radistao: duh? it says in the channel topic. (that's always the most recent)18:59.39 
  radistao: but the URL with the date is good enough (for today)19:01.05 
  phone call ...19:02.43 
radistao cool, really works great!19:06.10 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It looks like it's a constant color trap from a mesh decomposition.19:07.58 
  no, scratch that.19:09.00 
  I think my breakpoint didn't catch the first one.19:09.10 
slestak_work hey guys. I am getting warnings from my barracuda from ghostscript.com19:09.41 
  just started in teh past 24-48 hours19:09.50 
  The link you are accessing has been blocked by the Barracuda Web Filter because it contains spyware. The name of the spyware is: 19:10.03 
mvrhel_laptop ok so those indeterminisms are irritating. I will see if I can figure out what is going on19:11.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: They are with psdcmyk, right?19:12.35 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:12.42 
Robin_Watts It may be the issue I'm looking at.19:12.42 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok good19:12.46 
  then I will continue on my next issue for customer 33019:12.55 
Robin_Watts I'm seeing it as a SEGV, but it might manifest differently.19:13.07 
  I wouldn't let it distract you for now.19:13.17 
mvrhel_laptop ok.19:13.24 
slestak_work you can specify more than one -sDEVICE in ghostscript? I cannot access the docs right now.19:22.34 
Robin_Watts slestak_work: One at a time.19:22.44 
slestak_work ok, tyvm. I thought I read somewhere you could do multiple19:23.01 
Robin_Watts If you specify a second, the first is lost.19:23.04 
  So you can change devices between pages/files etc.19:23.16 
henrys with the last commit there should now be 0 gcc warnings in pxl and pcl, let see how long that lasts.19:39.26 
  back to the android business19:39.55 
nonane hi19:49.21 
ghostbot moin moin19:49.21 
nonane are any MuPDF developers hanging around here?19:49.45 
  Wanted to know if MuPDF can convert XPS to PDF19:50.24 
henrys Robin_Watts:logcat sent20:15.23 
Robin_Watts noname: Not currently.20:19.25 
  Though I have some code that is the start of that functionality.20:19.47 
  Ahahaha. I see the problem.20:21.20 
  mvrhel: You here?20:21.27 
  mvrhel_laptop: or you for that matter.20:22.03 
  henrys: ok. is it possible that the directory you have the document you are trying to open in is unreadable?20:24.02 
  Or it is that we are refusing to open it because it doesn't have a .pdf on the end?20:24.45 
  or is there a space in the document name ?20:26.06 
  What's the name of the file you are trying to open?20:26.17 
  The very first entrypoint we get called with is MuPDFActivity.openFile(String path);20:28.43 
  and we do: System.out.println("Trying to open "+path);20:28.59 
  which is coming out as I/System.out( 1655): Trying to open /all_downloads/15020:29.12 
  I'm betting the file you are trying to open is something like: "150 ways to leave your lover.pdf"20:29.39 
nonane Thanks Robin20:30.32 
Robin_Watts nonane: The relevant commits are probably available online if you fancy extending the code.20:32.38 
henrys Robin_Watts:all I did was download adobe pdf documentation from adobe's web site (using chrome). Went to downloads and tried to open the pdf's20:37.05 
Robin_Watts and did the name have a space in it ?20:37.47 
henrys I'll check hang on.20:38.41 
  no spaces I can do a shell ls and see the files from adb20:40.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: For the logs: It seems we are writing a fill_trapezoid in, and as part of that, we write color data. It writes num_components worth of color data (which at writing time is 14).20:40.13 
  At reading time, there is a pdf14 device on the stack, and so we try to read 17 colors.20:40.37 
  henrys: What was the filename ?20:40.49 
henrys` ./adb shell ls storage/sdcard0/Download20:42.18 
Robin_Watts So... why is mupdf being invoked with path = "/all_downloads/150" ?20:43.20 
henrys` I don't know, I don't see any such directory on the file system.20:45.34 
Robin_Watts I wonder if it's a workaround for an old SDK bug, or something stupid.20:46.13 
  Or whether it's a virtual path or something.20:46.25 
  ./adb shell ls /all_downloads/ doesn't give anything then ?20:47.58 
henrys` no such file or directory20:48.16 
Robin_Watts Ah...20:48.47 
henrys` I did a recursive ls and searched everythign no luck20:48.51 
Robin_Watts open the apk and edit the AndroidManifest.xml20:49.20 
  <!-- Allows an app to access all downloads in the system via the /all_downloads/ URIs. The20:49.33 
  protection level could be relaxed in the future to support third-party download20:49.35 
  managers. -->20:49.37 
  <permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS"20:49.39 
  and add that in.20:50.40 
slestak_work Robin_Watts: this example from the ghostpdl docs is what I was thinking of when I was trying to output to txtwrite and tiffg3 in one run20:50.48 
  pcl6 -r72 -sDEVICE=x11mono mypcl.pcl -r100 -sDEVICE=x11 mypcl.pcl20:50.50 
  the docs also say "This demonstrates on-the-fly device switching."20:51.09 
Robin_Watts Right. That displays mypcl.pcl to a 72dpi x11mono device.20:51.23 
  Then it displays mypcl.pcl to a 100dpi x11 device.20:51.36 
  Note that mypcl.pcl is given twice on the command line.20:51.57 
slestak_work it says in that it "Render a pcl file at 72dpi on the monochrome X11 device, then render the same file at 100 dpi on color X1120:52.07 
Robin_Watts Right.20:52.14 
  It's only the same file because the same file is given twice on the command line.20:52.31 
slestak_work oh yeah, mypcl.pcl is there twice20:52.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: If you look here:20:54.20 
  You can see various bits of gubbins to do with path-permission for /all_downloads20:54.42 
  We need to shoehorn the relevant bits into our AndroidManifest.xml I think.20:54.58 
henrys` can I simply unzip this and zip it back up again20:55.47 
Robin_Watts an apk is just a zip file.20:55.56 
henrys` okay20:56.00 
Robin_Watts I believe you can unzip, edit the Manifest and rezip without it getting annoyed.20:56.16 
henrys` that's what I'm trying20:56.33 
Robin_Watts Annoyingly I can't find any docs on this.20:56.34 
  Right, so it looks like it's <uses-permission...> lines you need.20:57.33 
  specifically the one for android.permission.ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS20:57.48 
  But... you might find that you can't do it without using a signed apk.20:58.06 
henrys` something is quite screwy here - 20:58.42 
  file AndroidManifest.xml 20:58.44 
  AndroidManifest.xml: DBase 3 data file (5596 records)20:58.44 
  all binary data.20:58.51 
Robin_Watts oh, maybe they encode it as part of the build process.20:59.14 
  Are you set up to rebuild yet? :)20:59.26 
henrys` Robin_Watts:I just installed platform tools. Actually I didn't even use what I installed I just ran everything out of the download and it seemed to work.21:00.42 
  it seems like one of you A team droid developers should take this one over ;-)21:01.58 
Robin_Watts Right, but how can I test my changes?21:02.44 
henrys` Robin_Watts:why don't you put up a good guess I'll test it, if it fails I'll get give development a go.21:04.17 
Robin_Watts OK. I'll have a go tomorrow.21:05.18 
henrys` okay21:05.49 
Robin_Watts Maybe if I update the tools I can get the same behaviour out of the emulator.21:05.56 
  It's odd that my tablet likes it.21:06.10 
  have you turned on "install unsigned apps" ?21:06.26 
  I fear that in order for us to make this work, we need to get a proper key to sign things, which means being a proper developer.21:07.49 
  And last time I tried that, I ran into problems with google insisting on combining my personal google account with the company one.21:08.12 
henrys` Robin_Watts:well mupdf is installed, where is that?21:08.14 
Robin_Watts One of the settings options.21:08.23 
  Security: Device Administration21:09.06 
  Unknown sources: Allow uinstallation of apps from unknown sources21:09.20 
henrys` yes it is enabled21:09.57 
henrys if I have some extra time today I'll set up a dev env, I need to do it eventually anyway. I just have some other stuff I wanted to get cleared today.21:15.14 
Robin_Watts Sure.21:15.24 
  I don't think this is something we can trivially get fixed before the show, because I'm sure it's going to involve getting a developer key from google, and to do that we need to sort the bloody dev account out.21:15.57 
  ISTR that I tried before I went on holiday, and didn't have time to sort it properly. Very annoying.21:16.19 
henrys` I was hoping google would be a little less intense than apple on this front but it doesn't look much better.21:17.28 
Robin_Watts They insisted on linking the accounts together because I'd used the same card or something.21:18.35 
  and then I could not find any way of unlinking them.21:18.52 
  Anyway, afk for a bit.21:19.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: ASCII octal 0150 == 'h'... what if the remainder of the string is 0164 0164 0160 072 057 057..? it's a long shot idea, but just something I noticed.21:24.57 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not really sure how these things work. :)21:25.19 
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