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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/08)2012/10/09 
chrisl kens: I just thought: that PS file ought to work on 64 bit Ghostscript, shouldn't it?07:48.38 
kens chrisl yes it does07:48.47 
  According to Alex07:48.52 
chrisl Ah, great, can I have it, then, please?07:49.01 
kens Its attached to bug #69229007:49.16 
chrisl thanks07:49.33 
kens I don't know how big a file it produces but you can increase the page count07:49.37 
  Though the comments in the thread suggest that with the supplied command line it should get quite big07:50.22 
kens fetches coffee07:51.45 
chrisl I've got the file running through GS with the command line in the bug. I'm sure I can mess around to get a suitably large output.....07:57.06 
kens OK Distiller is still chewing on the file here with many pages07:57.24 
chrisl Well, Ghostscript ain't very quick either!07:57.57 
kens I suspect Distiller is faster for a small number of pages.07:58.16 
  Its coming up on 400,000 now07:58.31 
chrisl <sigh> "no space left on device" :-(08:19.49 
kens Well you wanted a big file :-)08:20.00 
chrisl I didn't realise how full my disk was....08:20.17 
sebras birthdays.08:47.48 
  so no mupdf-hacking tonight. :)08:47.58 
kens Your birthday today sebras ?08:48.16 
tor8 sebras: happy 34th08:48.57 
kens Lol. My birthday today too, only a slightly bigger number. Happy mutual birthday sebras08:49.34 
chrisl sebras, kens: happy birthday to you both08:50.36 
Robin_Watts happy birthday kens/sebras!09:10.47 
chrisl kens: does pdfwrite check image data for the same image being repeated?09:20.26 
kens chrisl yes it does09:20.36 
chrisl Oh, balls. Can I disable it?09:20.48 
kens You can turn it off with -dDetectDuplicateImages09:20.48 
chrisl Ah, thanks09:20.52 
kens I may have spelled that wrong....09:20.59 
tor8 kens, sebras: if you were here, I'd bake you a cake!09:23.04 
kens No looks like that is the correct spelling09:23.05 
kens would rather have a beer09:23.14 
  Fortunately my parents gave me a case of English Ales :-)09:23.34 
tor8 I don't have a home brewery :(09:23.38 
chrisl kens: bit early in the morning.....09:23.43 
kens Well, I don't have a yard arm to gauge with :-)09:24.08 
chrisl Or the old classic "it's past noon *somewhere*"!09:24.40 
kens Distiller is still creating my PDF file.... Went from 0-100% then ffrom 0-100% 'saveing PDF outptu' and now its gone back and is at 33%, again....09:25.16 
  Oh, I guess its linearising it this time, should have turned that off.09:25.47 
chrisl Well, as I hadn't realised pdfwrite detected image duplicates, I have been trying to fathom how a 8.xGb temp file resulted in a 5.6Mb pdf, with image compression (I think) disabled!09:26.28 
kens Don't forget that pdfwrite may emit the image(s) multiple times in the temp file too, with different filters applied. ONly one ends up in the final file.09:27.24 
chrisl Even if I use "/EncodeColorImages false" and "/ColorImageFilter /None"?09:28.05 
kens That's weird. I though my monitor had a dead pixel, because the progress bar has a white spot int i. But if I move the window, teh white spot moves too :-)09:28.20 
  chrisl I wouldn't like to guess, with pdfwrite....09:28.37 
chrisl Hmm, okay, good point!09:28.57 
kens And after all that, the PDF file is only 483Mb.09:29.39 
chrisl kens: never mind, I can hack things around to get a sutiably large file. Thanks.09:31.30 
kens OK no problem chrisl09:31.48 
chrisl pdfwrite currently has 14Gb of temp files on my current run........09:32.12 
kens And it did previously produce a valid PDF file ?09:32.28 
chrisl Yes09:32.57 
kens Well I guess that lends a lot of weight to the proposition that if I fix the xref emission then it will be OK for very large file creation even on 32-bit systems.09:33.39 
  Which is good news09:33.47 
chrisl Once we sort out the stream code. 09:34.30 
kens Sure, but its good news from my POV as it strongly implies the rest of the pdfwrite code is OK.09:35.02 
chrisl Yes, well, it's certainly getting a hammering this time - 17Gb temp files.....09:35.42 
kens How much free space did you say you have ? :-)09:36.05 
chrisl I pointed the temp and output to a different disk - it has 130Gb free (and dropping!)09:37.11 
  kens: success! A 6.9 Gb pdf file which Acrobat opens (but interestingly, poppler doesn't)09:51.59 
kens chrisl, if Acrobat works, I'm not bothered about Poppler :-)09:53.59 
chrisl No, me neither. I'm sure poppler is "at fault" as it says "stream not searchable" which is odd.....09:54.43 
kens what does GS make of it ?09:55.52 
chrisl My 64 bit PS integers branch is currently at page 350 / 5000, and running09:57.42 
Robin_Watts sebras: Your sha512 fixes look like they cover most of bug693320. Do you have any comments on alex's last comment?10:00.31 
sebras Robin_Watts: don't know yet, give me an hour or two...10:59.33 
  kens: congrats! :) we all celebrate our 28th birthday, we just increase the base every year... ;)11:00.34 
kens is on quite a big base now...11:03.18 
chrisl kens: with my 64 bit integer changes, the 6.9 Gb, 5000 page PDF runs to completion (albeit not very quickly!). Without my changes, rangecheck error11:07.08 
kens Sounds good to me11:07.19 
chrisl So, I'll press ahead with the stream changes - and I need to make the PS world stuff compile time optional <sigh>11:07.51 
kens OK, thanks chrisl11:07.58 
sebras Robin_Watts: I believe that my patch fixes bug 693320 yes.11:33.34 
  the remaining parts about unaligned intgers I will have too look at (and alex's patch doesn't fix that).11:34.17 
Robin_Watts Whack-a-mole. Fix the clist rendering of this file, and the non-clist version springs a leak :(12:07.08 
woshty i need some examples for editing pdfs with ghostscript. what would be a good place to start?12:18.56 
kens you can't edit a PDF with Ghostscript12:19.08 
Robin_Watts Well, what do you mean by 'editing' ?12:19.56 
woshty what can i do with pdf and ghostscript then? extracting pictures? changing page order?12:20.09 
Robin_Watts You can do page extraction etc.12:20.18 
kens not really12:20.27 
woshty is there something better suited?12:20.48 
Robin_Watts If you want to extract pictures you can use mupdf and it's 'extract' tool.12:21.01 
  You can change page order (kind of) with gs, but it works by completely rewriting the file, so some structural information may be lost.12:21.43 
kens What is it you actually want to do ?12:22.00 
woshty i only what to extract full page pictures from a pdf made by a printer adf .. the printer does not have full duplex .. i want to combine two pdfs, second with order reversed .. and i want a substep: extract all pictures and open viewer app to manually delete empty and other irrelevant pages12:23.29 
  the printer's adf can not scan in duplex mode was what i wanted to say12:24.09 
Robin_Watts woshty: So you want to use a printer to scan the odd pages to a PDF. Then again with the even pages.12:24.47 
kens Gs does not extract images at all12:24.51 
Robin_Watts Then you want to reassemble the two into a single pdf.12:24.57 
kens That's possible with GS, but non-trivial12:25.17 
woshty Robin_Watts: basically, yes .. it is one of those multifunctional hp things with hp-scan shell command12:25.34 
Robin_Watts ok.12:25.40 
  So suppose you've got odds.pdf and evens.pdf12:25.58 
  To reassemble them you need to do something like:12:26.07 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 odds.pdf -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 evens.pdf -dFirstPage=2 -dLastPage=2 odds.pdf -dFirstPage=2 -dLastPage=2 evens.pdf ...12:27.03 
  You may find it easiest to generate the list of: -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 odds.pdf etc to a text file (call it pages.txt say)12:27.45 
  and then do gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf @pages.txt12:28.04 
  kens: Can you see anything silly I've missed there ?12:28.17 
kens No that works OK12:28.28 
  You can elide blank pages then too and reverse order obviously12:28.40 
  Probably you want a viewer to build the list interactively12:28.53 
  You could use the PNG or JPEG devices to create a thumbnail for the viewer12:29.41 
woshty does -$num work as a page identifier?12:30.09 
kens No12:30.23 
  On input you need -dFirstPage and -dLastPage, on output you need %d12:31.03 
woshty how would i go about determining the number of pages a pdf has?12:31.51 
kens will tell you12:32.00 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=png16m -o odds%d.png odds.pdf -o evens%d.png evens.pdf12:32.18 
  That will produce odds1.png, odds2.png. odds3.png etc and evens1.png, evens2.png etc, for your viewer.12:32.49 
  If it was me...12:33.33 
kens Actually, it might be easiest to 'burst' the PDFs into single pahe PDFs for re-assembly12:33.51 
Robin_Watts I'd do the gs -sDEVICE=png16m thing to get the pngs.12:33.56 
  Then I'd view them in a directory viewer.12:34.07 
  and delete any empty ones.12:34.16 
  (cos most directory viewers give thumbnails these days, right?)12:34.35 
woshty what is a directory viewer?12:34.47 
Robin_Watts then I'd have a script that looked at which ones were left, and made the commands from that.12:34.53 
  woshty: What OS are you on?12:34.59 
woshty linux ..12:35.11 
  you mean something like nautilus or gthumb or sth?12:35.30 
Robin_Watts On windows it'd be explorer, on mac os, finder...12:35.32 
  on linux I guess it depends on your distro.12:35.57 
  I just mean open a window that shows you the files in a directory.12:36.09 
woshty yeah, ok .. thought you meant some special tool that could render a pdf structure in folders ..12:36.10 
Robin_Watts no :)12:36.19 
woshty thank you very much .. i will try to use what you just told me ..12:37.37 
Robin_Watts Hi mvrhel_laptop 14:17.30 
  I have a fix for that thing that tests out ok.14:17.40 
  It's slightly more complex than just copying those lines, so I'd like to run it past you before I commit it if you wouldn't mind.14:18.02 
  At a convenient point for you, obviously.14:18.13 
ray_laptop I have a meeting at the school today, so won't be available after about 8:45 (PDT)14:29.39 
  since henrys is at the show, are we having a meeting ?14:30.00 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I don't think we are planning meetings today on account of henrys being at the show.14:30.02 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ta14:30.16 
Robin_Watts If we were having a meeting, is there anything you would have wanted to bring up?14:30.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry -- was getting ready. No, I don't have anything I need to dsicuss.14:46.17 
  Robin_Watts: I saw the reversion commit. Thanks for adding a comment as to WHY we can't have a 'mem' pointer14:50.00 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I have a new version here where I add a 'local_memory' pointer to the structure.14:50.35 
  as we need that for process_interrupts() as well as debugging.14:50.53 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was about to suggest just that -- a 'debug_mem' pointer that is not part of the stream_state_common14:51.43 
Robin_Watts I was tempted by "debug_memory", but it's not just used in debug builds.14:52.16 
  hence local_memory14:52.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, your name is better. I was thinking debug_mem before you mentioned process_interrupts14:52.46 
  the use of the 'mem' pointer to get a lib_ctx pointer was more convenient than changing ALL of the function layers to pass around a context, but there are aspects to that hack that make problems/confusion14:55.56 
kens Hmm, new network setup, that was remarkably easy....15:24.05 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:33.40 
Robin_Watts morning15:33.53 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you wanted to show me something?15:35.11 
Robin_Watts on the phone, sorry.15:35.44 
  ok, back.15:37.25;a=commitdiff;h=6f7a425bbc0b560a776a76293b4a1fdaffc7624815:37.47 
  I tried copying the lines that limited the {max,num}_components, and I found I ended up getting segv's in the non clist case.15:38.33 
  The non clist case was hitting the limiting code where it hadn't before, and was dying while trying to pdf14_preserve_backdrop due to tos->data being larger than buf->data15:39.17 
  and I noticed that we were limiting the colors AFTER having opened the device.15:39.37 
  which seems odd. Surely we'd want to limit the colors before opening the device (and hence allocating all the buffers etc)?15:40.04 
  If I change both occurrences of the limiting code to be like that, everything works.15:40.22 
  Does that seem reasonable, or can you see something I've failed to consider?15:40.38 
  kens: In what way new network?15:43.03 
  Did you get an answer re: the windows repair stuff ?15:43.23 
kens Robin_Watts : they say I need to copy the drivers off teh install DVD to a thumb drive, I'm (slowly) copying that n ow.15:43.53 
  In themeantime I've installed a powerlien etwork15:44.01 
  powerline network15:44.08 
Robin_Watts kens: Ah, yeah. They kinda "just work", don't they?15:45.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes that makes sense to do it before we open the device. 15:45.03 
Robin_Watts I installed one at my parent-in-laws house.15:45.11 
kens Robin_Watts : much to my surprise, yes!15:45.14 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ok. If you're happy, I'll commit.15:45.29 
mvrhel_laptop If it is working, I am happy15:45.41 
Robin_Watts kens: The password protection software for mine was shocking though, and didn't actually seem to do anything.15:45.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: Thanks.15:46.19 
mvrhel_laptop so no meeting today correct?15:46.34 
kens Robin_Watts : I don't see any passwor dprotection on these, but I'm not too bothered15:46.46 
  mvrhel : henrys said no meeting unless we want one15:47.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No meeting, no.15:47.02 
mvrhel_laptop I don't need one15:47.17 
kens Personally I have nothing to bring to the meeting today anyway15:47.27 
mvrhel_laptop off to pick up my father at the airport in about an hour. house guest for the next 10 days....15:47.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: ooh. fish?15:47.57 
mvrhel_laptop my office turns into the guest room15:47.58 
kens Umm, :-(15:48.15 
mvrhel_laptop yes...15:48.23 
chrisl That's better than the living room....15:48.34 
mvrhel_laptop good point15:48.39 
Robin_Watts I love my dad, but that'd drive me bonkers.15:48.41 
mvrhel_laptop hehe yes15:48.47 
  I have several projects for him15:48.52 
kens I don't think I could stand my parents staying for 10 days15:48.58 
mvrhel_laptop 3 trees to cut down15:48.58 
kens THough my brother is having his parents-in-law for a month15:49.18 
Robin_Watts envisages mvrhel running round the house with a hammer frantically 'finding projects' for his dad.15:49.23 
mvrhel_laptop a drain pipe that needs to be fixed, a generator connection install15:49.27 
chrisl I believe "driving you bonkers" is explicit in the job description for "Parent".....15:49.49 
Robin_Watts When you have kids, they embarrass you for the first 15 years of their life. Then you spend the rest of the time getting your own back.15:50.30 
chrisl :-)15:50.41 
kens It doesn't take that long :-)15:50.47 
  We've been embarassing Melanie for several years now, me especially15:51.05 
mvrhel_laptop I still think you need to get that lap top leash thing kens15:51.29 
  that Henry showed us the other day15:51.49 
kens Lol15:52.01 
  I'd be disowned15:52.06 
Robin_Watts "Of course I will come shopping with you, just let me get my laptop... oh, you've gone without me..."15:52.32 
chrisl I'd walk into things - end up with a broken laptop and/or broken body parts......15:52.44 
mvrhel_laptop ha15:52.44 
marcosw are we meeting today? And if so did I miss it?16:05.11 
kens No meeting16:06.16 
  Unless you want one16:06.23 
  Aha, finally I can see the drives on this system...16:12.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: Do we have an iOS version of MuPDF 1.1 working it's way through apples approval process?16:19.32 
  Morning henrys`16:21.51 
henrys` howdy16:21.56 
ghostbot que tal16:21.56 
henrys` the forms are working fine16:22.01 
  I think I got a crash entering data quickly into the calculator but it seems to work okay if I go slowly.16:22.43 
  kens:you might get some questions from Larry Spevack (sp?) soon.16:24.10 
kens Oh God :-(16:25.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we do, it's been live since aug 27th16:25.47 
Robin_Watts Ah.16:26.17 
  So can we close bug 693371 ?16:26.41 
  That claims the current iOS version is still susceptible to it.16:28.01 
henrys` interesting to see a gs bug from a router.16:28.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Loading CRASH.pdf into the ios app does indeed seem to cause it to exit.16:41.04 
  tor8, sebras: New patch to fix the android build on my repo.16:43.21 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw16:43.28 
Robin_Watts sebras: What was the problem with the function commit ?16:43.37 
  I had pdf_debug_function as static, but I've fixed that now.16:43.51 
kens OK off for now, bye all.16:52.11 
Robin_Watts In gs there is a system that allows for periodically checking whether a job has been interrupted.19:30.23 
  The code calls gp_check_interrupts(mem) every now and then to see if it should stop.19:30.59 
  But by default that code does nothing.19:31.14 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I don't follow the question "system that allows for periodically checking whether a job has been interrupted"19:31.46 
Robin_Watts mem is used to get to the libcontext and hence our globals.19:31.58 
  ray_work: Statement, not a question.19:32.04 
ray_work Robin_Watts: sorry. I read 'is there'19:32.28 
Robin_Watts The problem is that some of the time, mem can be NULL.19:32.46 
ray_work Robin_Watts: OK. so what _is_ your question ?19:32.54 
Robin_Watts I've just done a run with some code in there to detect the cases where mem is NULL and SEGV on them.19:33.27 
ray_work Robin_Watts: so, the polling is all 'ad hoc' and how long before we take between calls to gp_check_interrupts can vary19:33.51 
Robin_Watts and we are indeed failing in lots of places.19:33.52 
  I could make the gp_check_interrupts just bale if mem is NULL.19:34.19 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I think it DEFINITELY should (if it didn't already)19:34.35 
  it may not have if the original design used a global19:35.11 
Robin_Watts Previously it would say "if mem is null, then mem = magic_call_to_get_a_mem_ctx_from_a_global();19:35.17 
  But that doesn't work for a GS_THREADSAFE build.19:35.37 
  The problem with just baling if mem is NULL is that we could get into a state where we take a very long time to spot an interrupt.19:36.14 
ray_work Robin_Watts: OK. So just skipping that poll callout seems OK, although we may want to come up with a way to debug how long we go between polls19:36.24 
Robin_Watts I was hoping that it would have been possible to make it so that we NEVER get there with mem being NULL.19:36.46 
  I'd kind of assumed that we'd always have dev->memory as being valid.19:37.12 
  but for devices created on the stack, dev->memory can be NULL.19:37.26 
ray_work Robin_Watts: for testing the effective poll interval we could get a high-resolution time on each valid poll and collect the interval data (historgram or max)19:37.41 
Robin_Watts I did wonder about adding a new memory pointer to every device that is guaranteed to be non-NULL.19:38.26 
ray_work Robin_Watts: at least that would let us look into files that have unusually long poll intervals19:38.27 
Robin_Watts ray_work: true.19:38.34 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I wouldn't mind adding that, or just the *lib_ctx directly19:39.01 
Robin_Watts In general the only stack based devices are ones that we've introduced internally (like the clipper and hit detect devices)19:39.41 
  Better to add a mem than a lib_ctx, cos we might need to pass it into dmlprintf etc.19:40.10 
ray_work Robin_Watts: the gp_check_interrupts is pretty much only used on embedded systems (printers) that want to check for job cancel. "Real" OS's nowadays don't need polling for things like GUI updates19:40.31 
Robin_Watts ray_work: Indeed.19:40.43 
  I'll look into adding a new memory pointer tomorrow, see how much work it is.19:42.01 
  Any suggestions for names?19:42.15 
ray_work The gp_check_interrupts was implemented for Windows and early MacOS (and also used by me for job cancel on the very first embedded RIP port of gs)19:42.17 
Robin_Watts dev->heap ?19:42.27 
ray_work Robin_Watts: mem_lib_ctx_handle ???19:42.50 
Robin_Watts but it's not a lib_ctx pointer.19:43.05 
  context_memory ?19:43.16 
ray_work Robin_Watts: no, but that's what it is used for. Thus the 'mem_' at the start19:43.26 
  Robin_Watts: but lib_ctx_mem or lib_ctx_memory would be fine, too19:43.55 
Robin_Watts I think the vague convention has been that memory pointers end in _memory (cache_memory, tile_memory etc)19:44.14 
  I'll give that a go tomorrow then. Thanks.19:44.33 
ray_work Robin_Watts: so either lib_context_memory or lib_ctx_memory ??19:44.47 
ray_work prefers the latter19:44.57 
Robin_Watts The latter is better to my taste.19:45.03 
  but I personally prefer context_memory19:45.16 
ray_work or as the painter on the roof said "I prefer the ladder"19:45.23 
  Robin_Watts: since we have at least two "context" structures (lib_ctx and i_ctx) I prefer keeping the 'lib_' in there19:46.18 
Robin_Watts Good answer. OK.19:46.32 
ray_work who knows -- if we ever do a mupdf based PDF parser, it may add YAC19:47.35 
Robin_Watts ray_work: MuPDF has a context, yes.19:49.18 
  But it's more central to the operation of mupdf than gs' one is.19:49.42 
  It wasn't designed in from the start, but when we revamped all the memory handling/error handling etc, it was a core concept.19:50.14 
  so it's pretty much as if it had been designed in from the start.19:50.28 
LeastOne I'm looking to downsample PDF files using GS in interactive mode, can anyone confirm if that is possible?20:08.48 
saper LeastOne: downsample as in "gs -r<somelowerresolution>" ?20:15.53 
LeastOne Correct20:20.28 
  I can do it in non-interactive mode using -dBATCH, but would like to process several jobs in sequence in interactive mode if possible.20:21.31 
saper write a script?20:21.56 
  do you need a PostScript equivalent of "-r" ?20:22.28 
LeastOne I'm not sure I know how to answer your question ... 20:23.28 
  I'd like to keep the gs process running and when needed hand it a pdf file to downsample.20:24.30 
saper well I think (not an expert) such stuff is in the "currentpagedevice" dictionary, but I would definitely run gs in batch in your case20:26.54 
  or you could say20:27.16 
  (filename.pdf) run20:27.20 
LeastOne Ok, I was trying to do a variant of "(filename.pdf) run"20:27.42 
saper and it will go to your output device20:27.42 
LeastOne However I was trying to execute that command with -sDEVICE=pdfwrite but it would fail leading me to wonder if that were even possible20:28.25 
saper should work let me check20:28.44 
  LeastOne: I just did "ggs -r75 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf"20:30.54 
  er, 'gs -r7520:31.04 
  and ran (a.pdf) run (b.pdf) run (c.pdf) run20:31.14 
LeastOne Gotcha ... I see the first thing I was doing wrong ... 20:31.20 
  I was wanting to specify the output file name when providing the input file ... I know see how the output path is intended to be used.20:31.55 
saper add "-dNOPAUSE"20:32.02 
  gs -r75 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH input.pdf :)20:32.50 
LeastOne Yea, ok ... I think you've got me on the right track here ... I'll give that a try 20:33.30 
saper gs is quite good in the batch mode20:33.40 
  although learning Postscript is fun20:33.50 
LeastOne Hmm ... I'm getting an invalidfileaccess error ... 20:36.10 
  Maybe I need to set an explicit output path ... 20:37.03 
  Hmm no luck20:38.16 
rico hi20:42.03 
saper LeastOne: cannot write?20:43.31 
  and output.pdf should be different than input.pdf20:43.49 
LeastOne Yea, must be something with other switches I have enabled ... I'm scaled back to your command and now its working20:43.59 
  Agreed, out different than in20:44.08 
saper stick to my commandline then :)20:44.39 
LeastOne :)20:45.20 
  Here's the command I'm attempting ... does anything stick out as obviously wrong ... ?20:45.40 
  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.5 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dColorImageResolution=72 -dGrayImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dGrayImageResolution=72 -dMonoImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dMonoImageResolution=72 -dUseCIEColor -sOutputFile=output.pdf20:45.47 
  If I remove the -dSAFER switch it succeeds, any dangers I should be aware of in turning that off?20:54.06 
  Now I've got a new question ... can I force the output file to flush? Currently it won't finish writing to the file until I quit gs20:57.24 
  I have to step away for a bit, but if anyone has a comment concerning the flushing of the pdf file I'd greatly appreciate it, I'll check back later.21:01.06 
  saper: Thank you for your help, very grateful!21:01.44 
aleray_ hi, how can I remove cropmarks from my pdf ?21:50.01 
  hi, i'm trying to devellop an app with a plugin architecture. I implemented some kind of factory pattern, with decorator to register the plugins. I'd like to autodiscover the plugins (if they are located in an other app for instance but can't find how22:40.33 
  any idea?22:40.37 
ray_work aleray_: PDF's have several "boxes" that define the design boundaries of the page. MediaBox is the outermost, CropBox is within that and there are also TrimBox, ArtBox, and others. Don't ask me why so many -- please consult the PDF Reference Manual.23:23.48 
  aleray_: so all you really need to do is to select the correct one. Ghostscript has a -dUseCropBox command line argument to allow for that particular "inset" to be used to set the page box.23:25.15 
saper LeastOne: Another happy customer^G :)23:32.21 
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