IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/11)2012/10/12 
vtorri hey09:19.15 
ghostbot que tal, vtorri09:19.15 
vtorri does the sumatrPDF lurk here sometimes ?09:19.38 
Robin_Watts vtorri: no.09:21.31 
  I've never known zeniko to log in here.09:21.40 
vtorri ok09:22.42 
  so mail is the best solution09:22.58 
  it's for epub support09:23.49 
  zeniko == Krzysztof Kowalczyk ?09:25.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: if you want to give it a try before I push to the main repo:;a=commit;h=ba731ff709:27.29 
Robin_Watts vtorri: No, zeniko = Simon09:35.35 
sebras vtorri: no, zeniko is a different guy from kowalczyk.09:35.49 
  vtorri: send a mail to zeniko, he usually responds within a day.09:36.18 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Looks good. Let me pull it to peeves and try it out.09:36.51 
  Still seems to be trying to build gdevmag09:46.19 
chrisl Oh, maybe I missed the MISC_DEVS list....09:47.17 
Robin_Watts I noticed yesterday when updating the msvc files that the list of default devices is very different for pcl etc and gs.09:48.30 
chrisl The PDL builds only use a small subset of the devices09:48.57 
  Robin_Watts: revised version in my repo09:49.28 
Robin_Watts I tweaked the VS projects/makefiles a bit yesterday, so there there are 'Debug-contrib' and 'Release-contrib' configurations that build with all the contrib devices in.09:50.09 
  OK. With mag16 and mag256 added, that works perfectly.09:50.27 
chrisl Having all the contrib devices in the Windows build seems a bit redundant - they're mostly for printers that have "real" drivers on Windows09:50.59 
Robin_Watts Right, but it's a much better environment to debug on :)09:51.34 
chrisl <cough><splutter> that's a matter of opinion!09:52.03 
Robin_Watts Same reason as for having Debug-cups.09:52.04 
chrisl That's not quite the reason for having cups in there.......09:52.43 
  Okay, pushed to the main repo......09:56.40 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Crumbs.11:27.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: huh?11:27.34 
Robin_Watts Turns out that it was easy to remove all those gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t calls after all.11:27.58 
  so it's 'just' the global usage we need to sort.11:28.38 
chrisl In some cases, there was a mem pointer "near by", but I assume you means something else?11:28.53 
Robin_Watts no, I mean that in all but 2 cases, there was a mem pointer available in the functions alread.11:29.16 
  and those 2 functions just required it to be passed in.11:29.28 
  i'd thought there was going to be much more fiddling required.11:29.38 
chrisl Ah, I thought there was more than just the two - I only took a quick look though. Sounds good :-)11:30.20 
oy tkamppeter, your coming is much appreciated :-)11:40.35 
tkamppeter oy, thanks for making the sponsoring possible.11:59.03 
vtorri Robin_Watts, sebras : thanks12:44.32 
kens chrisl Robin_Watts got a minute ?13:28.48 
chrisl_r61 kens: sure13:31.30 
Robin_Watts back, sorry, sure.13:31.44 
kens Having trouble with msys git and ssh/cluster13:31.48 
Robin_Watts Are you using plink or ssh ?13:32.04 
kens First thing is how do I export GIT_SSH so that msys will remember the environment variablke ?13:32.15 
  Robin_Watts : plink13:32.21 
  I have GIT_SSH=plink.exe13:32.31 
Robin_Watts You edit a file... let me try and figure out which one :)13:32.40 
kens ssh gives me 'permission denied (publickey)13:32.57 
chrisl_r61 It will be either .profile or .basshrc in your home directory13:33.06 
kens But PuTTY is fine doign the same thing13:33.06 
Robin_Watts plink casper.ghostscrip.com13:33.23 
kens chrisl : Aha, Let me look at .basshrc13:33.25 
Robin_Watts C:/Users/Robin Watts/.bashrc is what I have13:33.48 
kens Robin_Watts : plink works OK13:33.49 
Robin_Watts kens: Fab.13:33.54 
kens But git pull --rebase does not13:34.01 
chrisl_r61 kens: with ssh you need to specify a user name - ssh ken@casper......13:34.03 
kens nor does a straight ssh13:34.09 
Robin_Watts kens: Forget ssh, stick to plink for everything.13:34.21 
kens Hmm I tried -l ken, let me try the other way13:34.23 
Robin_Watts msys git ssh is broken on windows sadly, due to permissions problems.13:34.47 
kens ssh fails with the publickey error13:34.54 
  Robin_Watts : I thought it worked on my other PC just a moment13:35.10 
  Ah, no it doesn't, my mistake13:35.36 
Robin_Watts Maybe you've replaced the ssh within msys with a cygwin one. That works, apparently, though I don't trust it.13:35.38 
  ok, so: git remote -v and paste the results please.13:36.10 
chrisl_r61 kens: so it looks like ssh is not finding your key file13:36.11 
kens Robin_Watts : no it doesn't work on either, so that's OK13:36.21 
  chrisl : not worried about ssh now, onl;y about Git ;-)13:36.36 
chrisl_r61 Well, as git needs ssh of some kind......13:37.00 
kens git pull --rebase says 'connection abandoned. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"13:37.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl_r61: That's why he has export GIT_SSH=plink.exe in his .bashrc13:37.23 
chrisl_r61 Robin_Watts: right13:37.42 
kens $ git remote -v13:37.45 
  casper (fetch)13:37.45 
  casper (push)13:37.45 
  cluster (13:37.45 
  cluster (13:37.45 
  origin (fetch)13:37.46 
  origin (push)13:37.47 
Robin_Watts OK, so try: plink ken@ghostscript.com13:38.03 
chrisl_r61 Do you perhaps need the full patch to plink?13:38.19 
Robin_Watts chrisl_r61: Not if it's on his path.13:38.30 
  git is finding plink successfully I believe.13:38.50 
kens chrisl : plink is in the path (an earlier fix)13:38.52 
chrisl_r61 Okay13:39.00 
kens Robin_Watts : I had to agree to store the key in the cache, but plink works fine13:39.12 
Robin_Watts Now try git pull --rebase again.13:39.23 
kens Aha!13:39.56 
  Now its OK13:40.00 
  OK so all I need to do now is edit .bashrc13:40.16 
Robin_Watts cool. I had to go through this a while ago while setting up git on helens machine.13:40.18 
kens Robin_Watts : I knew there was stuff I hadn't done, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what13:40.36 
  It didn't help that I was (wrongly) sure that ssh should work....13:40.50 
Robin_Watts S'OK. Between us we have most of a functioning memory :)13:40.53 
chrisl_r61 So, git doesn't like the ssh delegate requiring interaction.....13:40.55 
kens It seems like it13:42.24 
  Great, that seems to fix everything, I think I'm about ready to turn off the old PC and just use this new one now13:45.14 
Robin_Watts kens: Do you use Console 2 ?13:45.52 
kens No, because I have no idea what it is :-)13:46.05 
Robin_Watts It's a better windows command window.13:46.19 
  Still runs cmd.exe (so exactly the same behaviour as before in that regard)13:46.43 
kens What's different then ?13:46.54 
Robin_Watts but supports tabs (so I can have cmd in one, an msys git in another in the GhostPDL directory, another msys git in the MuPDF directory, a cygwin,. ...)13:47.19 
  And has sane cut and paste.13:47.30 
kens Well, I'm no that bothered, I mostly launch msys whenI want it and then close it down13:47.57 
Robin_Watts Ah, I run msys all day long; I do all my work from it.13:48.12 
kens Whatever suits best....13:48.26 
  OK still to install Acrobat 9 and X13:48.37 
Robin_Watts configure: WARNING: Due to the --enable-threadsafe option, the following devices have been excluded because they are not threadsafe:14:16.37 
  x11alpha x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 x11 hpdj1120c hpdj890c hpdj870c hpdj855c hpdj850c hpdj690c hpdj680c hpdj670c hpdj660c hpdj600 hpdj560c hpdj550c hpdj540 hpdj520 hpdj510 hpdj500c hpdj500 hpdj500 hpdj400 hpdj340 hpdj320 hpdj310 hpdjportable hpdjplus pcl3 uniprint stcolor opvp lxm3200 fmlbp cdj970 cp50 bjccolor bjccmyk bjcgray bjcmono14:16.39 
  chrisl: It really thinks x11 is unsafe :)14:16.52 
chrisl_r61 That's confusing.....14:17.30 
Robin_Watts I've changed the list :)14:17.39 
chrisl_r61 Still, each device should only be listed once14:17.59 
Robin_Watts yeah, I figured.14:18.32 
chrisl_r61 The "NTS_EXCLUDES=`echo $NTS_EXCLUDES | uniq`" line should prune any duplicates14:19.23 
chrisl_r61 I'll take a look at it.....14:22.21 
Robin_Watts Do we ever use the LogLuv stuff in libtiff?14:37.48 
  (For high dynamic range images)14:37.55 
chrisl_r61 I'm not aware that we explicitly use it, no14:38.45 
Robin_Watts Cos it's not threadsafe.14:39.02 
  If we don't use it it doesn't matter.14:39.41 
chrisl_r61 libtiff has some vestigaes of non-thread safety.14:39.52 
Robin_Watts We could change to explicitly disabling it when building libtif.14:39.55 
chrisl_r61 Yeh, wouldn't be a big deal.14:40.21 
Robin_Watts Want me to roll that into my patch? Or just test it?14:40.53 
chrisl_r61 Up to you.....14:41.17 
Robin_Watts I'll just test it.14:41.31 
chrisl_r61 In terms of what ends up in the device lists, it's no different, just the warning has changed14:42.00 
Robin_Watts ok.14:42.21 
  chrisl_r61: Urm...14:49.18 
  ./configure: command substitution: line 8122: syntax error near unexpected token `)'14:49.28 
  ./configure: command substitution: line 8122: `echo "$NTS_EXCLUDES" | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " ")'14:49.30 
chrisl_r61 Oh, sorry.....14:50.12 
Robin_Watts Testing removing just the ) now.14:50.46 
chrisl_r61 Yeh, that should work14:51.34 
Robin_Watts That does indeed work.14:51.46 
  ooh, an mvrhel_laptop 14:52.06 
  I remembered something to speak to you about earlier... and now I've forgotten it again.14:52.22 
chrisl_r61 Robin_Watts: do you want me to push that to the main repo?14:52.29 
mvrhel_laptop good morning14:52.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl_r61: Would make sense.14:52.38 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have to run the kids to school and will be back on shortly after that14:53.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No worries. It could be weeks before it surfaces again.14:53.40 
mvrhel_laptop ok. 14:53.53 
  hopefully I can get this overprint stuff working today then work on documenting all the color changes this weekeend14:54.24 
Robin_Watts cool.14:54.45 
mvrhel_laptop then get customer 330 working with the code14:54.48 
Robin_Watts Who 'owns' the X device? Is that you chrisl?14:54.56 
  mvrhel_laptop: say it quick and it sounds easy :)14:55.36 
henrys I have x11 but it scares me.14:57.26 
  for x11alpha michael owns the alpha part.14:58.40 
Robin_Watts I was going to ask about x_error_handler in gdevxini.c as it looks not to be threadsafe.14:59.11 
  but then I read the comment just before it, where it says "this isn't threadsafe".14:59.24 
mvrhel_laptop you own that part Robin_Watts14:59.33 
henrys right you own x11threadunsafe14:59.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Gee, thanks :)15:00.03 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw15:00.25 
henrys Robin_Watts:but x11 itself must run in separate processes right?15:01.28 
Robin_Watts I'm still trying to understand the issue.15:02.06 
  If we have multiple threads each calling XSetErrorHandler, there is no way for the callback that comes in to know what thread the error was called by, I guess.15:03.29 
  ok, essentially, nothing Xlibby can be thread safe. 
henrys well there is an xinitthreads() call but we don't use it so I don't thing it will work15:04.44 
Robin_Watts googles for that.15:04.56 
  ok, we'd need to lock/unlock around every Xlib call to use that.15:06.20 
chrisl That probably isn't too horrific given how the x11 devices work15:07.03 
Robin_Watts and presumably we'd only get error callbacks while locked, so we'd know which one caused it.15:07.04 
  Yeah, but I think it can stay a thread unsafe device.15:07.30 
  I mean, I don't really see print servers wanting to use the standard X device.15:07.55 
chrisl No, but god knows, some fool will want a multithreaded viewer, or something!15:08.23 
Robin_Watts We can burn that train when it sails.15:08.50 
henrys with out crappy X11 display one is more than enough15:09.18 
chrisl The trouble is, if the distros want to build in x11, our Linux libraries can never be thread safe.15:10.58 
Robin_Watts Well, we can enable the device, and people will only ever hit problems if they try and use more than 1 x display at once.15:15.15 
henrys Robin_Watts:yeah you're right sons of anarchy has improved just started the 3rd season.15:15.26 
Robin_Watts has just started Justified.15:15.40 
henrys now we have dexter, homeland and sons I'll never fix my bugs15:17.00 
Robin_Watts Homeland S2 has started here too. We have to wait ages for dexter and SoA.15:19.16 
  The Internet has had a great effect on TV though; because of torrents they generally try and air shows as soon as possible here now.15:19.46 
henrys yes I would expect people to download it illegally if it isn't even available in some commercial form.15:21.43 
  Robin_Watts:so you can't subscribe to showtime?15:23.56 
Robin_Watts showtime isn't available in the UK.15:24.25 
  They sell their shows to various other channels.15:24.39 
  Dexter is shown on FX (which also shows NCIS, The Walking Dead etc)15:25.10 
  FX is a satellite only channel.15:25.23 
  And about a year after they show stuff on FX, they come to terrestrial TV, generally.15:25.54 
  Most of HBOs drama stuff is shown on Sky Atlantic (again, a satellite only channel)15:26.33 
vtorri what are the new features in the current mupdf repo (compared to mupdf 1.1) ?15:50.46 
Robin_Watts vtorri: Forms.15:52.10 
  (and misc bugfixes)15:52.21 
vtorri web forms ?15:53.05 
Robin_Watts PDF forms.15:53.44 
  (and associated javascript)15:53.49 
vtorri which javascript engine do you use ?15:55.21 
  V8 ?15:55.26 
Robin_Watts The technology is designed to be engine agnostic, but the current implementation is for v8, yes.15:55.52 
vtorri ok15:56.12 
Robin_Watts vtorri: The forms stuff is still under rapid development.15:58.53 
  but we're approaching the point of doing an alpha release.15:59.04 
vtorri ok16:01.25 
  about graphisms for, for example, the combo box, is it also agnostic to any graphic engine ?16:01.53 
Robin_Watts vtorri: All such rendering is done using the mupdf lib.16:02.15 
vtorri ok16:02.30 
Robin_Watts (i.e. we generate appearance streams for them as PDF operators, and we then draw them like that)16:02.39 
vtorri i would really like to see a screenshot :)16:02.51 
Robin_Watts vtorri: Do you have an android device? :)16:03.26 
vtorri no :)16:03.42 
Robin_Watts Well, it works under windows/linux too.16:03.58 
vtorri i have to compile mupdf :)16:04.10 
  no time these days16:04.16 
  we have a lot of work in oiur project16:04.28 
Robin_Watts marcosw: This customer that is building on AIX and finding problems with the contrib dir being empty...16:14.33 
  presumably he's building from the commercial version which has had all the contrib stuff ripped out?16:15.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the current configure script detects the missing contrib contents, and disables those devices16:15.55 
Robin_Watts I was wondering if he was building from an out of date makefile for exactly that reason.16:16.17 
chrisl quite possible16:16.37 
ray_laptop we haven't shipped a complete 'contrib' directory in the commercial version for several years (once a customer asked us about the GPL drivers and we realized the problem)16:31.32 
  but he said he ran the configure, so maybe something is wrong with it ?16:33.52 
  (I assume your comments were about Oana's email16:34.46 
  I said 'he' but can't really tell from the name16:35.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: I just tested on Linux, and configure properly drops the contrib devices16:35.47 
ray_laptop chrisl: yeah. I can't imagine that the AIX shell wouldn't work.16:36.27 
Robin_Watts Unless he specifically requested that device in the configure step? Can you do that?16:37.39 
chrisl That might cause a problem, but then it's not our problem!16:38.14 
Robin_Watts BUGGER.17:05.50 
  I pushed the windows unicode commit.17:06.00 
  I'm gonna force push that out.17:06.26 
  Nobody saw that. It didn't happen. These are not the droids you are looking for.17:08.38 
kens Heading off, night all17:14.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: on the new website... Has the speed/responsiveness problem been resolved ?17:14.52 
Robin_Watts no.17:15.00 
  and unless we change to a different virtual host, I don't believe it will be.17:15.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. So, can we do that ? What's involved ?17:15.35 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Urm... Well, we'd need to open a new godaddy account.17:17.14 
  Does anyone actually find it that big of a deal?17:17.51 
  Certainly I don't find the site to be too slow.17:18.56 
henrys ray_laptop:I have about as much understanding of what Miles is saying as he does. Can you see his spreadsheet?17:23.26 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I do notice it being slower than I expect, but it's not unusable. I find it surprising because the downloads are fast enough17:24.40 
ray_laptop henrys: Miles' spreadsheet ?17:24.51 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Downloads are just shifting bulk data.17:24.58 
  To generate the pages, it's database access etc.17:25.17 
chrisl Oh, I didn't think that stuff was in place yet17:25.39 
henrys ray_laptop:he sent a message to us saying remove Jack's access from the spreadsheet, did you see that email?17:25.41 
ray_laptop henrys: yes, but I don't know where that is ?17:26.33 
  chrisl: yes, that's the point of the new website17:26.56 
  henrys: I thought you were the one that got Scott and Jack up with a spreadsheet somewhere (google ?)17:27.46 
henrys no I just told them to use it and never heard back.17:28.11 
chrisl I gotta head out - enjoy your weekends!17:29.08 
Robin_Watts you too chrisl.17:29.08 
chrisl Cheers17:29.08 
henrys ray_laptop:I responded to the email, I have to think Scott was letting him use his password.17:31.37 
marcosw Robin_Watts: if the commercial version isn't compiling under AIX does that mean it's also not compiling on other UNIX like operating systems?17:32.18 
Robin_Watts marcosw: We discussed this a bit earlier.17:32.58 
marcosw earlier today or a lot earlier?17:33.08 
Robin_Watts Earlier today.17:33.15 
  Just after I brought the subject up and you fell off the net.17:33.26 
  The configure script should automatically exclude the devices when it finds contrib empty.17:33.38 
marcosw I guess I look at the logs then.17:33.57 
Robin_Watts The best guess we could come up with is that he's specifically requesting that device in the configure invocation.17:34.11 
marcosw okay, I'll clarify what options they are using and request the configure output files (and Makefile)17:35.21 
henrys marcosw:you are still looking at Elizabeth's issue right?17:38.06 
marcosw henrys: I'm supposed to be, have been busy with other (non-artifex) stuff the last couple of days. 17:39.08 
henrys marcosw:just checking you know the ball's in your court.17:39.54 
marcosw henrys: sometimes it seems that all the balls are in my court.17:40.37 
henrys I think I have more customer bugs than everyone put together - so I must have a few balls too.17:42.14 
Robin_Watts Why am I not getting the lxm3200 device in my final build?18:23.46 
  oh, I see, maybe.18:25.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you were the last person to touch the image interpolation stuff.19:25.29 
Robin_Watts I probably was, yes.19:25.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what do you think of having an integer scale factor so that we only interpolate to a NxN device pixels ?19:26.58 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm not convinced it'll look good on contone devices.19:27.52 
  I can possibly see that it might be worthwhile on dithered output.19:28.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: this would be optional (device param) for dithered output19:28.31 
Robin_Watts but if it's to be done, it should be done outside of the interpolation code.19:28.34 
  we should have another image enumerator thing that calls the interpolation classes, and then expands the results.19:29.13 
  If you see what I mean.19:29.17 
  The interpolation stuff is quite hairy enough already.19:29.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.19:32.57 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Actually, that may not be easy to do at the enumerated image type level.19:52.23 
  Within the interpolation image type we handle the interpolation as a stream.19:53.37 
  It may be possible to do a stream that wraps the interpolation processing stream that pixel doubles (or triples etc) the output.19:54.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm thinking that maybe finagling gs_image_class_0_interpolate and image_render_interpolate to do the N-up may not be too bad19:54.24 
Robin_Watts Ok. So that keeps the complexity out of the central interpolation processing code.19:55.04 
ray_laptop i.e. the interpolation code just gets a different WidthOut HeightOut19:55.48 
Robin_Watts Yes, so the outside code drives the core interpolator differently. No changes to the core processing.19:56.14 
ray_laptop then when we do the LINE_ACCUM_COPY we expand it19:56.23 
  Robin_Watts: right -- the core code is pretty hideous19:56.40 
Robin_Watts We have a bug open for the lack of interpolation in rotated images. I have code that almost works. I should revisit that and try to solve the clist problems.19:56.51 
  The core code is not hideous. It's just complex.19:57.01 
  And it uses far more fp than is good for it.19:57.27 
ray_laptop hideous as in complex, not hideous as in badly written (hideous is in the eye of the beholder)19:57.50 
Robin_Watts actually, I take that back. It's far from the nicest implementation of this algorithm I've seen.19:57.55 
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