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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/22)2012/10/23 
mvrhel henrys you there?03:24.53 
henrys yes I am here now04:25.30 
mvrhel henrys: just was going to tell you in email what you already replied to me about05:14.31 
  for yesterday05:14.34 
  i mean tomorrow05:14.41 
  past and future mixup05:14.52 
  trying to plan this cub scout camping thing for this weekend and it is form after form after form and has me all frazzled05:15.29 
  i just hope the weather improves. 45 degrees and raining while camping is not much fun05:16.09 
sebras morning kens.07:54.18 
kens Hi sebras, sorry for the delay I'm trying to reply to an email about colour management, and its making my head hurt08:02.47 
  Its too early for this, the coffee hasn't kicked in yet...08:03.02 
sebras kens: no worries. I have never got this obssession with coffee, luckily. :)08:07.32 
kens Hmm, I wonder if yesterday's cluster headaches were due to the Amazon data centre not linking Mondays....08:13.38 
chrisl Are the cluster problems gone?08:16.30 
kens chrisl don't know but the register has a sotry about the East Coast Amazon data centre being flaky yesterday08:22.06 
chrisl Probably 'cause of the power outages in California... we still have several idle nodes.08:29.55 
miha hello :)09:33.43 
Robin_Watts Morning09:33.54 
miha good morning09:34.09 
  (almost noon for me)09:34.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl_away: The data centre that died was East Coast.09:34.21 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts, tor8: some commits on paulg/master when you have a spare moment.09:53.53 
  Robin_Watts, tor8: actually, leave the last one for now. I'm not sure it is needed after all.09:55.00 
sebras paulgardiner: how about a FZ_RENDER_ALL?10:24.16 
paulgardiner sebras: could do. I had it there for a while and then didn't use it and thought I'll leave it until I can see it will actually be used10:25.06 
sebras paulgardiner: ok, I was just reading the comments.10:25.24 
  paulgardiner: wouldn't it be useful in fz_run_page()?10:26.15 
paulgardiner Possibly. I'm not sure which reads more clearly.10:28.33 
sebras paulgardiner: was just a thought.10:37.52 
paulgardiner sebras: yeah thanks. I did consider it myself and was undecided. Easy enough to add if we want10:40.17 
sebras paulgardiner: one question though -- why does one want to render the annotations separately?10:41.45 
  are there toggles somewhere to do this?10:41.58 
paulgardiner Form fields are represented visually by widget annotations. When a form field is changed, we want to repaing only the annotation for the sake of speed10:43.35 
sebras paulgardiner: oh, and the representation is in the form of a content stream?10:44.12 
  I thought the annotations were just dicts with information of what to draw, but not _how_ to draw it.10:44.32 
  like the squiggly underlining etc.10:45.02 
paulgardiner They have appearance streams10:45.09 
sebras ok.10:45.28 
fommil I have a 200K PDF which doesn't have any images in it. It's only 4 pages! When I try to shrink it the file actually gets bigger by a few K. I need to get it down below 200K to be able to upload it to a site. Any ideas that are better than this? -> 
  btw, it only uses the Palatino and Century Gothic fonts and was generated from Mac Word 201210:51.17 
kens I'd have to see the PDF file in ordcer to make any kind of useful comment10:56.58 
Robin_Watts gah. ok, so I get the same set of differences with and without my latest patch on the cluster.12:38.02 
kens Well, that seems reasonably positive12:38.20 
Robin_Watts So, how do I test the patch with interpolation turned on...12:38.20 
kens hard-code it ?12:38.39 
Robin_Watts but then it'll compare interpolated with non-interpolated, and every file will be different.12:39.21 
kens Hmm, yes that's true12:39.33 
Robin_Watts Ah, could do back to back clusterpushes, I guess and use the 'differences from last clusterpush' to see.12:39.53 
kens As long as you are comparing against master that's a problem12:40.02 
  That would work too12:40.10 
Robin_Watts but I can't run a bmpcmp to see the differences.12:40.12 
kens No12:40.17 
  But you could do that locally, assuming there aren't too many12:40.35 
Robin_Watts and the bmpcmp is needed, because I'm testing enabling interpolation for rotated things.12:40.39 
kens are you expecting a lot of differences ?12:40.43 
Robin_Watts kens: yes, differences in every file with a rotated image.12:40.59 
kens Well, that's probably quite a few yes12:41.13 
Robin_Watts (with a rotated by 90 or 270 degrees image)12:41.14 
kens I can't thiunk of a good alternative12:41.53 
Robin_Watts Let me hardcode it and force interpolation on, and run just highres ppmraws.12:42.22 
kens chrisl ping13:10.37 
chrisl kens: pong13:11.25 
kens Looking at the email to support regarding EPS+preview13:11.45 
paulgardiner tor8, Robin_Watts: sanity check... and don't just say "fail" without at least hearing me out. :-)13:11.55 
kens Do you know how that is stripped in regular GS prcoessing ?13:11.57 
chrisl I don't, no - I also don't see a mail about that, but gmail isn't talking to me, right now......13:13.17 
kens AH, well I guess I'll have to try and figure it out13:13.53 
  Customer is complaining that they used to use 'gsdll API' and are now using gsapi and it doesn't work the same, which is possible13:14.23 
  I'm guessing that the GS API is a lower level API, and hence doesn't execute teh stripping that teh GS DLL does.13:15.07 
chrisl I wouldn't have thought so......13:15.56 
kens Hmm, well gsdll_execute_cont simply calls gsapi_run_string_continue.13:16.53 
chrisl I can't see anything that ought to influence that behaviour between gspi and gsdll api13:20.33 
kens Me either, the DLL call is just the API call wrapped up.13:22.12 
  I'm writing that as a reply.13:22.20 
chrisl Hmm, the file has binary crap at the beginning......13:23.00 
kens Yes, its an EPS with preview13:23.27 
  The TIFF is at the end13:23.33 
  Having to rebuild because I just did a rebase13:23.56 
  draws a sort of left square bracket in yuvky purple13:25.19 
chrisl The only place I can see talking about previews is the DSC parsing code.......13:28.19 
kens I confess its kind of odd.13:30.45 
  Hmm, our code uses init_with_args.13:32.12 
chrisl Yes, we effectively do "(filename) run"13:32.37 
kens I'm not sure what run_string_continue is supposed to do13:34.24 
chrisl Feed in buffer at a time13:35.33 
kens Well I can't see how that differs from the DLL version13:36.11 
chrisl No, me neither.13:36.24 
kens I'm going to ask them if they ahve a simple application that shows how they are usingGS.13:38.31 
chrisl kens: the binary preample is stripped in in one of the redefinitions of "run", so I'm struggling to see how it ever worked passing data in bytewise......13:48.47 
tor8 paulgardiner: how about separate fz_run_page_contents and fz_run_page_annots functions instead of a bit flag to run_page_partial?13:48.57 
paulgardiner Yeah. Don't see why not.13:49.33 
tor8 paulgardiner: or better yet, don't we have an annotation enumerator? then we could just do fz_run_annot in a loop13:49.44 
Robin_Watts kens: the dll and gsapi are the same thing to all intents and purposes.13:49.54 
kens chrisl that's what I expected13:49.57 
paulgardiner ... although that wasn't what I was seeking a sanity check for.13:49.59 
kens Robin_Watts : agreed13:50.03 
  Robin_Watts : chrisl I suspect that they are sending different data which is one reason to ask for a demo13:50.19 
tor8 paulgardiner: sanity check for the /P pageref thing?13:50.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: back. What would you like sanity checked?13:50.41 
  tor8: Personally, I prefer run_page_partial with a bitflags thing.13:51.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that's only because you have a fetish for bit flags ;)13:51.42 
Robin_Watts We can always offer convenience functions run_page_contents and fz_run_page_annots on top of them.13:51.49 
paulgardiner tor8: don't think I need the /P pageref thing after all, now I've realised that apps need to keep a pdf_page for each cached bitmap and that has the info necessary to working out which rects need updating13:51.49 
  But still there is a small problem in calculating the changed rects13:52.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think I'd prefer to add fz_run_annot and move that out from fz_run_page altogether if possible13:53.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: So the app would have to take responsibility for enumerating the annotations and rendering them?13:54.01 
tor8 the transparency group stuff may make that impossible though -- did we come to a conclusion about that last week?13:54.03 
  Robin_Watts: yeah.13:54.08 
Robin_Watts That's contrary to the kind of thing we've done before.13:54.11 
tor8 I dislike passing around behaviour flags to functions13:54.33 
  eventually you run out of flags or want to do things in a different order, and then you're hosed13:55.11 
Robin_Watts but if we go down that route, I wonder if we should have something similar to allow us to walk the contents stream by 'marked content' markers.13:55.11 
paulgardiner It is conceivable that we will need to keep separate display lists for each annot for the sake of speed in the future13:55.18 
tor8 better to separate functionality into separate functions, IMO13:55.18 
  Robin_Watts: mmm, but the marked content markers can be interleaved with state setting and clip operations :(13:56.28 
Robin_Watts Yeah, it's a mess, but I suspect it's doable.13:56.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one way to allow splitting marked content would be to add operators to the device interface; then you could (with care to balance clipping operations) slice and dice the display list at the end without worrying about maintaining the interpreter graphics state13:58.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah.13:59.14 
  That seems a saner way of working.13:59.40 
  OK, so ignore that random idea.13:59.47 
tor8 anyway, I think I want to hoist the annotation running out into a separate fz_run_annot call and force the viewers to enumerate and run them in a loop rather than passing flags to run_page. having them run individually rather than as a group would be useful for having to regenerate only the display lists for the annots that actually change, etc14:01.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: If you are prepared to hold a separate display list per annotaiton, yes.14:02.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and if you're not, run them all into the same display list device sequentially14:02.24 
  or even into the same rendering device as the main page14:02.31 
  separate run calls gives us the most flexibility, and we could add a convenience fz_run_page_annots that just loops and runs each annot if that's a common enough occurrence14:03.54 
  (a convenience function that needn't add to the device/document interface)14:04.28 
  run_annot would need to be added to fz_document though14:04.40 
paulgardiner Have we settled on a decision? I'm easy, other than a very slight preference for not having to change my current commits, of course.14:15.22 
  The sanity check I was after was whether it seemed reasonable to add an integer field to xobjects that increments each time the contents is altered, so that I can tell its changed elsewhere in the code.14:19.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I'm happy to go with tor8s preferences.14:19.30 
  A generation counter.14:19.44 
  Yes, I think we may even have used that somewhere else...14:19.56 
paulgardiner Yes14:19.56 
  I think I've seen you use it somewhere14:20.10 
tor8 sounds familiar...14:20.11 
  I think robin's used something like it elsewhere, or at least talked about it14:20.24 
Robin_Watts probably in the pixmap caching?14:20.29 
paulgardiner It does seem to get me out of a hole and makes everything else otherwise work out neatly14:20.51 
  I guess there's the 2 billion wrap around, but I can't see that ever happening.14:21.17 
Robin_Watts If we ever differ by more than 1 billion, regenerate it regardless.14:21.42 
  That way we never get to the 2 billion mark where we start to not regenerate where we should.14:22.29 
paulgardiner Still you might wrap right the way around without noticing the halfway point, but this would have to happen between altering a field and updating the screen, so pretty much impossible14:23.06 
sebras Robin_Watts: ehm... you know I'm testing mupdf right? >;-)14:41.00 
Robin_Watts sebras: mmm?14:41.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: i.e. don't rely on things "never" happening. :)14:41.32 
Robin_Watts ah.14:41.56 
tor8 a generation counter overflowing... I doubt even sebras has the patience to wait for that ;)14:58.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: careful. That could be read as a geek-challenge.14:59.44 
Vantir Hi everyone, I need help.15:00.09 
henrys oh yikes time for a meeting15:00.09 
Robin_Watts so it is.15:00.16 
Vantir How do I remove ghostscript?15:00.33 
  I used it for CutePDF15:00.42 
  now I don't need it anymore15:00.50 
Robin_Watts Vantir: Hold with both hands and pull really hard.15:00.52 
  Vantir: It depends on how it was installed.15:01.08 
Vantir Robin_Watts: Ha, wish that works!15:01.10 
kens Vantir I'd suggest you ask the CutePDF people15:01.10 
Vantir alright15:01.17 
  i installed using the converter15:01.30 
Robin_Watts There *should* be an uninstaller - if there isn't, then as kens says, it's time to speak to CutePDF.15:01.34 
kens Presumably their application installed it, so their uninstaller should remove it15:01.37 
henrys paulgardiner:apologies I'm reading the report now.15:01.42 
paulgardiner henrys: np15:01.53 
Vantir but I installed separately from cute pdf15:02.01 
kens Then use the Ghostscript uninstaller15:02.18 
Vantir I didnt find it on ghostscript web page15:02.46 
kens Why woudl you expect to ? THIs is Windows right ?15:02.59 
Vantir huh?15:03.28 
henrys tor8:any word from raph beyond what I was copied in on?15:03.32 
Robin_Watts Vantir: Control Panel -> Add/Remove programs.15:03.33 
  henrys: I didn't see anything from Raph.15:03.47 
Vantir Robin_Watts: I wish that it was that easy15:03.54 
kens Vantir what is the problem ?15:04.02 
  If you sued the Ghostscript installer then you should be able to use teh Control Panel15:04.15 
tor8 henrys: nope15:04.20 
Vantir kens: it is not on the Add/Remove list, also cannot find in program files15:04.40 
kens WHat version of Windows is this ?15:04.50 
Vantir Win7, 64 bit15:04.59 
kens Right, so go to control panel15:05.04 
  Then Program15:05.15 
Vantir ok15:05.16 
kens Programs*15:05.18 
henrys tor8:we should forward stuff to Robin_Watts and Paul - the technical pieces. yes?15:05.23 
kens Then Programs and Features15:05.25 
  Locate GPL Ghostscript15:05.38 
Vantir it is not on the list15:05.49 
henrys tor8:can you do that?15:05.49 
kens Vantir did you use our installer ?15:06.00 
  Because that adds it to the list ofr me on WIndows 7 64-bit15:06.13 
  I currently have 3 versions installed, 9.05 (32 bit) 9.05 (64bit) and 9.06 (64-bit)15:06.43 
Vantir kens: i used GPLGS8.1515:06.44 
kens Vantir well that is absolutely a=ncient15:06.58 
henrys paulgardiner:screen updating seemed reasonable fast on the nexus 7, just FYI15:07.02 
kens preadtes 64-bit on WIndows fort starters so it will be 32-bit15:07.11 
Robin_Watts Vantir: And may well not actually come from us.15:07.23 
kens I was coming to that :-)15:07.34 
paulgardiner henrys: even with calc.pdf? There's quite a noticable delay on my Galaxy S215:07.46 
Vantir heh, so now what do i do?15:07.54 
kens *If* it cmae from us (some years ago) then it should be in C:\Program FIles (x86)\gs15:08.08 
henrys paulgardiner:I don't remember it being a problem. Like I said one time I was going really fast and it hung.15:08.31 
paulgardiner henrys: also the forms we've been testing may be particularly easy15:08.32 
kens Vanti you can delete that directory, there *may* be some small pieces left around but that should be the vast majority of it.15:09.02 
Vantir kens: Robin_Watts thanks guys, guess I will have to contact cutePDF, yea I am searching the registry files for it, can't find it15:09.40 
paulgardiner Also I realised that I was updating only the current page of the android app. If I updated all three, it would get 3 times slower15:09.41 
Vantir oh and no directory also15:10.12 
  thanks anyways15:10.18 
kens Vantir 8.15 is 8 years old, I can't tell you where it may have written to in the Registry15:10.36 
henrys tor8:I think there is useful tech stuff in the last email for paulgardiner and Robin_Watts15:10.48 
kens If you can run the executable it must be on the path, so you could start by looking in all the places mentioned on the path15:11.07 
tor8 henrys: forwarded. Robin_Watts, paulgardiner: raph replied a bit about hardware acceleration, I forwarded the mail. nothing earth shaking, just another confirmation that opengl looks to be the way forward if we want accelerated rendering.15:12.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: So a way forward would be to write a draw device that used OpenGL ES.15:14.37 
paulgardiner on hardware acceleration: I wonder if there is a format that's a bit like a display list which already commonly has support for hardware rendering?15:14.59 
Robin_Watts The canvas class?15:15.33 
  I suspect that's a) not rich enough for us, and b) is the wrong side of the jni interface.15:15.48 
paulgardiner The C could generate a list of canvas commands15:16.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: paulgardiner: yeah, the canvas api is on all the wrong side of things for us. the overhead of talking to it will probably outweigh any benefits the acceleration would yield.15:16.27 
paulgardiner Some way to export a display list into a java object, plus display2canvas writtn in java?15:17.19 
Robin_Watts OpenGL ES sounds like the right thing for us to use - as tor8 says in the email it's the defacto standard for everything these days (except TIFKAM).15:17.23 
henrys I didn't see a performance problem with forms nor general pdf rendering on nexus, so is this OpenGL suggestion premature?15:18.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think it's the typical "we want our next versions to be faster/smoother" etc thing.15:19.41 
tor8 rendering is fast enough for the common case. we could potentially get significant speed ups of shadings and images and text blitting though. vector art, not so much.15:20.05 
henrys tor8:yes I didn't look at complex graphics.15:21.31 
Robin_Watts Gah. 1 rendering problem in the rotated interpolate tests :(15:22.24 
henrys okay so I assume raph's mail has been digested we can move on to paulgardiner's report15:22.56 
Robin_Watts I have nothing to add to the report. All seems fine to me (and we've discussed stuff here).15:25.58 
henrys tor8?15:26.17 
tor8 nothing to add15:26.53 
henrys wow first one under 1/2 hour15:27.09 
Robin_Watts We can talk about progressive display if you'd like :)15:28.05 
henrys if we talk about anything we should discuss how to sell this stuff that's becoming the hard part in all this.15:30.25 
  Robin_Watts:thanks for helping with support15:32.35 
Robin_Watts np.15:32.42 
  it seemed sensible for me to answer Gemma given the time zone.15:32.56 
henrys I'm really haven't gotten up to speed on those changes anyway, so you could have explained it to her or to me.15:33.44 
Robin_Watts Well, hopefully my explanation to her makes it clear to you?15:34.11 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the PDF interpreter sets up the device for the spots in the file, so there should be little/no performance impact setting MaxSpots high for a PDF workflow15:34.16 
henrys She completely ignored my build suggestion as expected.15:34.31 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah, true.15:34.38 
chrisl Also I *thought* the intention was the PDF interpreter would override MaxSpots, but maybe I picked that up wrong.....15:35.03 
henrys Robin_Watts:clear15:35.21 
Robin_Watts Yeah, maybe that's been messed up.15:35.24 
chrisl henrys: I guess I could delay the build next time they have a bug-fix pending......15:35.59 
Robin_Watts The problem is (I suspect) not the time taken to do the builds so much as the time taken to make a customer release with the appropriate patches.15:36.50 
  We might be able to train monkey her into building, but applying patches is a different kettle of ballparks.15:37.26 
chrisl We've just been giving them the latest code15:37.41 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right, but a customer release thereof.15:37.55 
  To remove ourselves from the workflow we'd want to give them a patch and have them apply it to the last customer release they had.15:38.28 
chrisl Yes, I suppose. I suspect kens's assessment was correct - all their development is done "elsewhere"15:38.51 
henrys theorists15:41.00 
Robin_Watts imagines henrys changing his password.15:41.50 
henrys chrisl, kens:reminds me we found out a few shows back larry spevack has never written a line of code.15:42.10 
chrisl henrys: that comes as no surprise, and something of a relief!15:42.33 
henrys chrisl:he does have very deep color ideas knowledge that do get translated into real software products, so I was somewhat astounded.15:44.47 
chrisl henrys: I don't think I ever got that far with him - he tended to get an idea into his head, and wouldn't let go, however wrong it was.....15:47.36 
kens2 Larry is a salesman really15:49.11 
henrys chrisl:he's absolutely maddening to communicate with but I over the years I've learned to admire his persistence. He never gives up.15:49.23 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: This remind you of anyone? :)15:49.25 
paulgardiner Very much so.15:49.44 
chrisl henrys: "persistence" and "never gives up" are not always positive attributes15:50.19 
Robin_Watts Urgh. PDF14, clipping and rotated interpolation all required to reproduce this bug.15:56.13 
  Thankfully no clist as of yet :)15:56.20 
henrys refreshes coffee before meeting II15:57.24 
  michael is doing school stuff and won't be here.15:59.59 
kens2 5 minutes16:00.13 
henrys kens:are my clocks wrong?16:00.35 
kens2 No sorry, I meant I need 5 minutes, back now16:02.15 
  Had to put dinner in the oven16:02.52 
henrys Robin_Watts:how is the transition stuff coming, is that done?16:03.15 
Robin_Watts sorry, back.16:03.48 
  The mupdf transition stuff?16:03.56 
henrys it would be nice to copy the emails out to tech we like to keep the projects transparent.16:04.12 
Robin_Watts Everything so far has been committed.16:04.23 
henrys Robin_Watts:I'll talk to Miles about that also.16:04.53 
Robin_Watts If you build a mupdf binary from the current source you can hit 'p' to go into 'presentation' mode, and then it autoadvances, and does a simple transition.16:05.04 
  There's no documentation etc at the moment.16:05.18 
  I was waiting to hear back from the customer.16:05.26 
henrys we also have another private project going on ray_laptop and ets.16:05.41 
Robin_Watts I'm not sure there have been any emails to copy to tech about this. I haven't touched transitions in a week or so.16:06.22 
  I've got a first version of progressive download/display working in mupdf.16:06.41 
  Needs tidying, and that's not committed yet.16:07.06 
  but it's on my private repo.16:07.14 
henrys ray_laptop:I'm a little nervous depending on outside help, I'd much rather see you, michael, maybe robin and I sit down and figure out ETS if we are going to sell it. Thoughts?16:07.23 
Robin_Watts ETS = Even Toned Screening ?16:07.51 
henrys yes16:08.01 
  chrisl:wanted to check in on freetype - it has seemed quiet are you good with the schedule?16:08.54 
kens2 There was a clal from Werner the other day to run testsuites against the latest version chrisl, I mean to ask you if you'd tried that ?16:09.24 
henrys and finally tor8 the viewer, we absolutely need to have a GSView - what are we going to do?16:09.49 
chrisl henrys: I've got PCL and XPS now working, and getting decent results from the cluster. I need to tidy up the APIs a bit, and sort out the Windows build(s)16:10.06 
henrys chrisl:wow great16:13.17 
chrisl I also need to add in a "disablefapi" option for the non-PS languages, then I'll be ready to move it onto master16:14.03 
ray_laptop henrys: (sorry, was on the phone) Miles pointed out that the performance tuning for cust 532 is higher priority than digging into ETS. There are some things that may be quite a booger to change/fix, particularly the simplistic handling of multiple dot sizes (levels).16:14.43 
henrys ray_laptop:that doesn't effect michael or robin looking at i.t16:15.24 
ray_laptop henrys: on ETS, finding/fixing the 'overlay' of black dots on color dots is probably not too hard.16:16.09 
  henrys: of course, anyone can look at it. It's GPL16:16.32 
tor8 henrys: I don't know. I must admit I'm a bit fuzzy on why it has to be gsview and should it include ghostscript and why the name change? only because miles wants to feel he got something out of the deal with russell?16:16.38 
  henrys: anyway, gtk+ is not going to fly on windows, distributing with over 20 dll:s isn't something I feel is acceptable.16:17.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can we not distribute with 20 DLLs as a stopgap?16:17.37 
tor8 I had hoped we could get away with one dll or static linking, but from googling it looks like static linking is impossible to do as well16:17.45 
  Robin_Watts: we can distribute a linux version as a stopgap ;) I think if we nail down the UI specifics of a desktop app we can make something that works with minimal amount of reworking on win, gtk and macosx.16:18.33 
henrys tor8:it's more me than miles I want artifex to have a descent viewer. The name is a separate issue really.16:18.37 
tor8 henrys: have you played with the gtk viewer on my branch?16:18.59 
  henrys: you use linux on one of your machines right?16:19.09 
henrys ray_laptop:pointer to the code please?16:19.19 
tor8 henrys: it compiles and runs on osx, but installing gtk+ is a bit of a hassle16:19.26 
  henrys: for one, gtk install requires that you *not* have fink or macports or any of those installed...16:19.50 
  it's all a big fat mess16:19.59 
chrisl I'm surprised there isn't a MacPorts version of gtk+16:20.22 
ray_laptop henrys: ETS is at 
henrys tor8:windows is the important target.16:20.32 
alexcher What's wrong with the native GUI application that interacts with a portable rendering engine?16:20.52 
henrys ray_laptop:can you forward max's issues to tech please?16:20.55 
ray_laptop henrys: sure. just a sec. I'll also forward the questions as I posed them to Raph.16:21.25 
tor8 henrys: I think I know enough win32 programming to get something that works like the current gtk version and reuses much of the code working. but it'll be very limited in terms of how much gui widgetry we can add, so if you expect something that looks like sumatra or gsview with a ton of toolbars and dialogs it won't happen16:21.45 
henrys tor8:we'll take it. Maybe we can get some contributions also.16:23.01 
tor8 my idea is to make a viewer that has a search text input field, a togglable bookmark outline view, and a right click context menu for layout modes (facing, single page, fit width, fit page, that sort of thing) and access other features like print etc16:23.05 
henrys Russell is going to stop working on all his stuff, he's sold everything's name to miles, we have to take over that niche.16:23.44 
tor8 no visible scroll bars and toolbars, maximize the area for page display. basically look like our current bare bones viewer but with continuous scroll and a proper text input for search.16:23.54 
Robin_Watts ooh, we do want to show scrollbars, IMHO.16:24.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a scrollbar on a 100+ page document is less than worthless, IMAO.16:24.35 
Robin_Watts (unless the page is small enough to fit without them)16:24.35 
henrys and distiller built in, right?16:24.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: A scrollbar that's properly proportional is NEVER useless.16:24.57 
tor8 henrys: call external programs to convert document types we can't handle natively16:25.07 
  Robin_Watts: when 1 pixel of movement exceeds one page of movement, it's pretty useless16:25.33 
Robin_Watts No, cos you use it as a draggable page selector.16:25.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and fisheye zoom thingy scrollbars aren't exactly standard fare16:25.50 
henrys thanks ray_laptop for the emails16:25.57 
Robin_Watts fisheye?16:26.04 
alexcher I need to leave at 12:30. Does anybody have any questions to me?16:26.19 
ray_laptop henrys: the ones from Max are still on the way.16:26.25 
Robin_Watts alexcher: Sorry to ask again, but any progress on the softmask stuff?16:26.42 
ray_laptop (they had big attachments)16:26.42 
henrys alexcher:yes what is your current project?16:26.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts: like those hyperbolic zoom things. think the mac os x dock in default configuration where it zooms near your mouse16:27.00 
  to give you more local precision but still show the whole range16:27.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right. I wasn't expecting that.16:27.16 
alexcher henrys: softmask is the current project. 16:27.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that's the only way a scrollbar thumb is going to be useful for a long document16:27.40 
Robin_Watts but if a page is too big to fit in the window, we need to have scrollbars.16:27.48 
henrys alexcher:okay right, that was my obligatory dilbert cartoon question.16:28.08 
Robin_Watts Unless you plan to use a 'push' model for moving around on a page ?16:28.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we need to have scrolling. visible scrollbars are a different issue :)16:28.18 
Robin_Watts Moving away from a consistent UI for the sake of 'coolness' is bad. IMHO.16:28.58 
chrisl henrys: oh, I've also got the stream code (I think) handling >4Gb offsets, and Ghostscript (64 and 32 bit) reading >4Gb PDF files.... again, a little tidying up needed (in progress)16:29.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: osx 10.7+ does away with visible scrollbars by default.16:29.16 
alexcher Robin_Watts: There's some progress but I'm not ready to commit yet.16:29.24 
Robin_Watts Right, but that's consistent across OS X.16:29.33 
kens chrisl, please let me know when you havethat done so I can work on pdfwrite with it16:29.40 
henrys thanks alexcher, sorry to hold you up16:30.13 
tor8 anyway, scrollbars are there for gtk+, and I've written scrollbar code on win32 for the old mozilla plugin so that's certainly possible (but icky) whether I like them or not. and a cocoa port would be using the normal scroll view so come for free there too.16:30.21 
chrisl kens: nearly there - some 32 bit issues came up today, which I fixed, and then I need to check it on windows16:30.23 
Robin_Watts The amount of crappy apps for windows that feel free to do their own set of UI conventions because "they are better than windows standard ones" and just end up being unusable is incredible.16:30.30 
kens Norush...16:30.32 
henrys it is 9:30 so attendance optional16:30.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: consistency on win32 is a moving target ;) you want a ribbon ui to go with those toolbars? ;)16:30.45 
chrisl Am I the only one having gmail issues today?16:31.06 
kens Mine seems OK16:31.11 
chrisl Hmm, it's taking minutes to load an e-mail for me - must be the IMAP end :-(16:31.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no argument there. skinned ui apps are atrocious. just look at the ati control panel.16:32.03 
Robin_Watts defected to Nvidia.16:32.20 
tor8 I regretfully jumped ship to ATI when nvidia stopped making passively cooled graphics cards16:32.54 
  worst decision ever. crappier opengl drivers you have to look for...16:33.14 
Robin_Watts groans whenever he sees another vendor specific wireless configuration or sound card control panel app.16:33.33 
sebras tor8: so gtk+ is targeted only for linux?16:35.32 
  tor8: or does it still include osc?16:35.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the thing that irritates me on Windows is all of the apps that improperly handle their dialog boxes when the system scaling is non-standard16:36.01 
tor8 sebras: osx only. if I have to make separate apps for each platform, a native cocoa version for osx isn't a lot more work.16:36.19 
  sebras: s/osx/linux/116:36.28 
sebras tor8: right.16:36.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: buttons get placed outside the dialog boxes sometimes and text sometimes overflows the area it's supposed to fit16:37.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah. Well, that's windows for you :(16:37.47 
  The whole world should use RISC OS! :)16:37.56 
ray_laptop and windows programmers16:38.02 
  henrys: the thing I hoped Raph could do fairly easily is to address the description of the ETS parameters. I can look at the code and see the permissible range of values, but things like the "useful range" is harder.16:48.34 
alexcher I'm back.16:50.16 
Robin_Watts oh, great. I spoke to soon. clist is involved :(16:50.19 
ray_laptop henrys: also I can puzzle out the "purpose" of some of the parameters, but really wanted that info from Raph, because my guess might be wrong and I didn't want to give out guesses16:50.24 
Robin_Watts s/to/too/16:50.25 
henrys ray_laptop:I hope he can, but our history with him ... he could fall off the earth at any minute and months can go by...16:50.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so, you have all components involved.16:50.52 
  Robin_Watts: what problem is this ?16:51.02 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I've updated my patch to do interpolation on landscape bitmaps.16:51.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I see. and it breaks ONLY if going through the clist ?16:51.53 
Robin_Watts and if I run a cluster test (gs highres -filter=ppmraw) where I've nobbled the code to always turn interpolation on for landscape bitmaps, then I get differences, as you'd expect.16:52.28 
  bmpcmping them, I see that all the differences are fine - except one.16:52.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: based on the performance issues, maybe just doing pre-clist interpolation is better16:52.44 
Robin_Watts When I tested this patch before it was failing with the clist.16:53.36 
  but that was before my recent changes to the code to support clipping.16:53.49 
kens OK time to make dinner, night all17:01.14 
  I may come back and try to catch Michael if he is on later17:01.27 
ray_laptop does XPS have control for interpolation on images ?17:11.22 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Are you going to push your image changes?17:41.05 
  (The code to only send images through the clist for the appropriate bands)17:41.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: running a clusterpush now17:41.39 
Robin_Watts ok17:41.46 
ray_laptop lots of differences. :-(17:42.17 
  I have to go to cust 532 for a meeting, so I'll have a look later17:42.39 
  started the bmpcmp17:43.02 
Robin_Watts ok.17:43.04 
ray_laptop later ...17:43.12 
miha Robin_Watts: i manage to sometimes crash current version of android mupdf.. but i see no error message, just "clean" exit17:44.17 
Robin_Watts miha: Try running with the device plugged in, and "adb logcat" running on the PC.17:44.49 
  That way you'll see any error messages.17:44.55 
miha Robin_Watts: i do. there's no crash. just mupdf activity closes.17:45.10 
Robin_Watts oh. how odd.17:45.23 
sebras miha: can you reproduce it consistently, or is it random?17:46.26 
miha sebras: random, when i scroll a lot fast17:47.04 
Robin_Watts miha: And you've built this from a recent git checkout ?17:47.28 
sebras miha: and have you made any changes yourself?17:47.53 
miha Robin_Watts: yes. only modified it so readerview fetches more pages at once (left and right of current page).. 17:48.00 
  in a queue17:48.11 
Robin_Watts can you make it crash with vanilla mupdf?17:48.20 
miha sorted from current page :)17:48.20 
  Robin_Watts: let me see17:48.28 
sebras miha: do you get any logcat error in this case?17:52.20 
  miha: any information would be interesting since no one here appears to be able to reproduce this but you. :)17:52.49 
miha sebras: even i have problems. i better be quiet :(17:58.09 
sebras miha: I just tried it with a single-page pdf with a big image image, zoomed in full, flicked around and let it render after it flick, and then as soon as the render was completed I flicked again.\17:58.46 
  on my HTC sensation I see a steady memory usage, without too much fluctuation.17:59.36 
miha sebras: how can i see memory use?18:00.48 
  i have android sdk and eclipse18:01.13 
sebras miha: I just observed the GC_EXPLICIT lines in logcat which on my device consistently stated 62% unused.18:02.53 
  miha: I have also been told that ddms which is part of android sdk can show heap usage.18:03.26 
  miha: are you using windows or linux? or perhaps osx?18:04.17 
  in linux there is a small green cylinder in the upper left corner which needs to be checked after you have clicked on the process in the tree beneather you devices in ddms.18:04.46 
miha sebras: linux18:09.55 
sebras miha: great, then I'm in better position to help you with ddms.18:10.18 
  paulgardiner: adb shell monkey -p com.artifex.mupdf -v 500018:12.26 
  paulgardiner: wow... it still survives... :)18:12.39 
  paulgardiner: this is like an automated version of me. I though I had copyright on me!18:13.08 
Robin_Watts what's that do?18:13.18 
sebras Robin_Watts: sends random gestures to the app.18:13.50 
  Robin_Watts: 5000 of them.18:13.55 
Robin_Watts ah. flings poo at it :)18:14.05 
sebras Robin_Watts: gesture based fuzz testing.18:14.18 
Robin_Watts I see why they call it monkey.18:14.24 
sebras Robin_Watts: but now I killed mupdf! :)18:15.00 
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 018:15.28 
  looks like there's more thinking to do...18:15.40 
Robin_Watts henrys: DRY violation?18:16.26 
miha sebras: thank you. so this heap is all i need to monitor? :)18:18.22 
  sebras: non-java is libmupdf?18:18.51 
sebras miha: I think so. I only learned of this tool yesterday. :)18:19.12 
miha sebras: this i think is crash.... so creating too many bitmaps? :D18:32.05 
sebras miha: what is above this part in logcat?18:37.27 
miha sebras: refresh18:42.01 
  sebras: my dirty hacks? :)18:42.59 
sebras miha: I'm just wondering since the part you cite says "Found by:" and I'm wondering "what is it that is found?"18:43.29 
miha btw i think in whenever is line mEntire.setImageBitmap(null); that bitmap should be recycled too 
henrys` likes public libraries18:45.20 
  dry - do not repeat yourself18:45.52 
Robin_Watts Ah, right. I guessed the meaning, but not the TLA :)18:47.19 
  enum { DEFAULT_MITER_LENGTH=5 };18:47.46 
kens Does IRC have a buil-in compiler now ? :-)18:49.56 
Robin_Watts syntax error in kens at line 1.18:50.20 
miha sebras: i'll use this, waiting for GC to clean bitmaps is bad18:57.58 
sebras miha: ok. I'm by no means the android expert around here.18:59.18 
miha sebras: i just pretend a lot :)19:02.55 
sebras kens: harder, better, faster, stronger.20:33.42 
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