IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/23)2012/10/24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I've grabbed bug 693407 - if you object, just say.00:43.17 
  Having said that, it works perfectly for me, I think.00:43.55 
  Will retest more thoroughly in the morning.00:44.08 
marcosw alexcher: there is a problem with alex_x6. Do i have a login on that machine? If so could you let me know the ip address, it's not in /etc/hosts on gate. If I don't have a login check the end of the alex_x6.dbg file to see if there are any obvious error messages. 00:45.50 
Robin_Watts Ah marcosw, you're awake...00:47.19 
  bug 693407 - does it look completely blank when it fails ?00:47.34 
marcosw No, I just added a screen shot of the current master vs. 9.02. I do see a blank page with 9.0600:48.07 
Robin_Watts OK. I see the flaw, thanks.00:50.55 
  I'll try to track it down tomorrow.00:51.10 
marcosw thx00:53.18 
mvrhel_laptop_ hi Robin_Watts 01:28.23 
  thanks for the heads up on you taking the bug01:28.34 
  I was just about to look at it01:28.41 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: Is Gemma just using tiffsep so that they can get overprint preview? If so, the may be able to just use tiff32nc with the -dSimulateOverprint01:42.44 
  marcosw: do you know the answer to this?01:43.04 
  this would free the from the limit on the spot colorants and save in performance01:44.33 
  boy I can't type tonight01:44.46 
  back to a few more things for customer 33001:54.23 
marcosw mvrhel_laptop: I believe you are correct, gemma only uses the preview image.02:20.28 
mvrhel_laptop then it may make some sense to ease her into the approach that I mentioned. plus we could get some testing of this02:21.04 
marcosw I'll confirm with her and suggest the -dSimulateOverprint feature. I presume that's a recent feature and we'll need to get her a current build.02:21.16 
mvrhel_laptop yes02:21.33 
  and its testing is limited. customer 330 requested this and I am trying to test it as best I can02:21.51 
  we dont really have a contone CMYK device that we test on the cluster do we02:23.09 
kens chrisl, I see the inkcov thing is runbling on07:05.57 
  Do we know if 'Kent' is usinga debug build ?If so we could get him to run with -Z: and copy the result to us.07:07.12 
  I'm wondering if this is related to bug #693367 which is a filename problem, also apparently using Java.07:07.47 
chrisl kens: No, I think he's using the build I did to test my change adding inkcov, and offered to let him use it. So, not debug, no07:21.55 
  He claims the same code works for JPEG output, so I can't see it being a file name problem.....07:22.31 
kens It might be worth giving him a debug build to try, so we can see the arguments, I'm suspicous that his Java is screwing up teh arguments07:22.56 
  I'd like to close that bug too, since its been idle for 2 weeks. How long do I haveto wait for a customer resposne do you think ?07:23.22 
chrisl Hmm, I thought it was C++.....07:23.32 
kens I thought that initially but...07:24.02 
chrisl Depends on the customer, and my memory: I usually wait a week for customers with a history of being a pain, and two weeks for "good" customers.07:24.27 
kens They are well pas either then :-)07:25.04 
  The bit that looks non C++ to me is:07:25.30 
  args[8] = string.Format("-sOutputFile={0}",outfile.txt);07:25.30 
  args[9] = string.Format("{0}", inputfile.pdf);07:25.30 
  But I guess that might be C++ it depdends on his string class07:25.54 
  Either way, I think it woulod be useful to see what he's passing, given that the command line app allagedly works07:26.37 
chrisl Okay, I will do a debug build for him. I can't do a debug build with an installer, IIRC......07:27.45 
kens Surely he can just replace the executable ?07:27.59 
  I mean, if he's coding his own app, he should be capable of that :-)07:28.16 
chrisl DLL, yes. But......07:28.24 
kens Well, closed that bug, lets see if that provokes some action.07:31.20 
chrisl Well, we can't just sit on open bugs when the reporter doesn't respond07:32.24 
kens I suspect that they followed one of the suggestions, discovered their app was passing the wrong filename and fixed it. They aren't terribly good about telling us stuff like that (embarrassed I exepct)07:34.35 
chrisl kens: I'm suspicious "Kent" hasn't done anything about stdout/stderr, so I thought it better to check that before going further07:56.27 
kens Yes I saw the mail07:56.56 
  He *really* needs to see stdout and stderr07:57.10 
chrisl That's why I didn't any point doing anything more until we check that...07:57.47 
miha good morning09:08.17 
sebras miha: likewise.09:12.40 
miha how to make this mupdf android ndk-build faster... int resolution in mupdf.c ? APP_OPTIM := release in ? something else? threads perhaps? :)09:34.44 
Robin_Watts miha: The resolution you need to render at is set by the number of pixels on the screen and the selected zoom level.09:36.56 
  Yes, a release build would be faster, in theory at least.09:37.15 
miha Robin_Watts: from my brief testing, about 2x as fast as debug09:37.34 
Robin_Watts And using threads is possible.09:37.37 
miha Robin_Watts: using threads is possible how? :)09:38.47 
Robin_Watts See doc/overview.txt09:39.52 
miha Robin_Watts: i see.09:43.03 
  what does this mean 10-24 11:59:10.700: E/libmupdf(26790): warning: openjpeg warning: SOT marker inconsistency in tile 304: tile-part index greater (5) than number of tile-parts (5)09:58.03 
  i get lots of these often :)09:58.13 
Robin_Watts There is an image in your file in Jpeg2000 format.10:04.49 
  and the decoding software we use doesn't like it.10:05.06 
miha oh :)10:06.38 
Robin_Watts well, the decoding software decodes it, but it finds problems with it - hence that warning.10:07.03 
sebras miha: it may be valuable to extract that j2k image and send it to openjpegs bugtracker so they can take a look at it.10:08.43 
miha sebras: may i msg?10:19.39 
sebras miha: sure.10:25.47 
  miha: I'm leaving for lunch in a few mins, though.10:26.00 
miha sebras: ok, can wait :)10:28.47 
paulgardiner tor8, Robin_Watts: yesterday's commits with the requested alterations are up on paulg/master14:04.49 
kens mvrhel : or mvrhel_laptop, you free for a few minutes ?14:27.42 
chrisl Hmm, there doesn't seem to be a printf format placeholder for a 64 bit integer that won't result in a warning on one or other build :-(14:55.29 
kens :-(14:55.57 
chrisl I thought the whole point of the C99 macros was to avoid exactly this problem!14:57.48 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I have to run kids to school. be back in a bit15:12.40 
henrys why did we have 4000 dpi for the bbox device?15:18.56 
kens To meka ure its accurate ?15:19.39 
henrys seems excessive and risks overflowing internal fixed coordinates at very large page sizes.15:22.23 
kens Well, low resolution gives the wrong answer sometimes,epscially with glyphs near the edge of the page15:22.50 
  THat said, 4000 does seem like a lot15:24.10 
chrisl henrys: Ray seemed quite insistent that we retain the high resolution when I queried it a couple of years ago15:25.16 
  Although I would probably favour something like 4320dpi......15:27.08 
kens 4321, it has a nicer sequence :-)15:29.59 
chrisl But not an integer multiple of 72....15:30.38 
  OKay, 6.9Gb PDF ripping on Windows......15:31.59 
kens cool15:33.20 
henrys I wonder when a morning will begin without hpgl/2 questions.15:33.32 
chrisl henrys: I suspect bbox outputs the coordinates in a PS/PDF style coordinate space, which, IIRC, is "upside-down" compared to PCL. Could that be a source of confusion?15:40.17 
  Crumbs, Freetype converted to JavaScript......15:42.58 
henrys gl/2 is the same as ps most of the time. But generally I think the coordinates are reported in "user space" so it should just work for everything. I'll debug it today sometime.15:43.42 
kens chrisl yes I saw that15:43.54 
chrisl kens: at least they were reasonable in the "Why? Because we can....." bit!15:44.26 
henrys in fact pcl used to embed the bbox device to catch dirty pages but it was a performance hit so I moved to heuristics.15:44.30 
kens alongwith teh 'don'tlook at the performance' and 'really, don't do this'15:44.37 
chrisl henrys: it was just the comment about missing marks at the bottom of the page when the bounding box starts at {0,0}15:45.27 
  kens: I wonder.... Ghostscript is JavaScript.... :-)15:45.49 
kens It crossed my mind...15:46.02 
  I *will* be impressed if the tool works for that15:46.17 
chrisl Possibly mupdf would be a less insane idea.....15:46.25 
  (But still insane!)15:46.33 
kens DOn't suggets it where Tor might hear you :-)15:47.09 
chrisl Is emscripten what google are using for their C to JS conversion?15:47.50 
kens I owuld guess so15:48.01 
chrisl I had it in my mind it was Google's own tool15:48.44 
kens I'm sure Google would like you to think that ;-)15:49.03 
henrys it's funny you mention that becuase I was wondering how an emscripten'd mupdf would perform against mozilla's js pdf. 15:49.04 
kens hears the sound of Tor running away15:49.24 
chrisl Porbably poorly as I suspect they use the browser canvas for rendering, so that would be "native"15:50.05 
henrys well that kind of stuff could be "patched up" later ;-)15:51.18 
chrisl a simple matter of programming.......15:52.28 
henrys I have talked miles into going bsd for jbig2dec, now I just have to convince you guys.15:53.11 
Robin_Watts henrys: What's the advantage to us?15:53.35 
henrys mozilla would like to use it and I think it is would good for us to improve our relationship with them.15:54.10 
chrisl Fine by me, I can't see that we can generate any revenue from it......15:54.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right, except our competitors (pdf.js) get to use it to improve their competing product.15:54.59 
  Let's give everyone baseball bats so they can hit us with them.15:55.46 
henrys they'll just use something else15:55.52 
chrisl Or write their own15:56.04 
kens jbig2 is not that hard, I'm sure a Google engineer could code it in a week or so15:56.05 
henrys and we might get bug fixes back.15:56.26 
Robin_Watts If we can guarantee getting fixes back, that may be worthwhile. but BSD does not guarantee us that.15:56.40 
henrys keep in mind commercially we use luratech.15:58.06 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I am here now if you want to chat15:58.07 
kens OK off for a pizza, I'll try and come back later, night all15:58.08 
  SOrry mvrhel15:58.16 
Robin_Watts I have no strong objection I guess. As chrisl says, we aren't getting revenue from it.15:59.19 
  I fear that it won't do anything meaningful in "improving our relationship with mozilla".15:59.53 
sebras I guess you guys know of already..?16:01.13 
Robin_Watts sebras: See what I said about pdf.js above :)16:01.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh, sorry.16:02.13 
  I replied before getting to the end of the log. :)16:02.23 
Robin_Watts no worries.16:02.23 
  I often don't listen to what I say either >8*)16:02.43 
sebras what dictates the choice of license apart from your own whims?16:02.49 
henrys sebrase:right we are going to bsd jbig2dec so they can use it in pdfjs, that's what we are talking about.16:03.19 
sebras henrys: oh, I see. :)16:03.55 
Robin_Watts sebras: We want to be able to sell the stuff we write - hence anything we hope to generate revenue from can't be BSD.16:03.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: true. does it have to be BSD? pdf.js appears to be apache v2.016:05.40 
  I always forget the license compatibilty matrix. :-/16:05.59 
Robin_Watts BSD is universal donor.16:06.10 
henrys actually they want MPL I'd like something with more mind share that doesn't need to be explained.16:06.47 
sebras maybe pdf.js-people can share something else that you'd benefit from -- testfiles or whatever..?16:09.28 
chrisl Money? ;-)16:09.43 
sebras chrisl: do they have any? ;)16:10.02 
chrisl Good point.....16:10.30 
Robin_Watts They get their money in the form of a grant from google in exchange for having google as their default search provider/homepage.16:10.38 
sebras however, once pdf.js is mature and working well in browsers in phones and other devices where firefox/whatever-it-will-be-renamed-to-next is bundled then mupdf might have a smaller market I guess.16:11.35 
miha as user i see no other good default search provider than google anyway. bing i don't like and rest are no alternative...16:12.07 
henrys sebras:yes but that will happen whether we give them jbig2dec or not.16:13.25 
sebras henrys: I know. I guess it's a matter of whether you want to accelerate this or not.16:14.15 
  don't get me wrong, I don't particularly like everything being re-implemented in js, but I see it happening often nowadays. it even annoys me a little. :)16:15.05 
henrys sebras:yes tor8 should be tasked with doing mupdf in js ;-)16:20.21 
Robin_Watts Would it save him from having to write a viewer?16:20.46 
henrys Robin_Watts:I guess the browser would be the viewer right?16:21.11 
sebras henrys: he will kill me for this. :)16:21.33 
Robin_Watts Depends on what sort of page display you want. 1up, 2up etc.16:21.50 
henrys we should have played a joke on him at an in person meeting - all agreed and serious about him doing mupdf in js.16:23.10 
sebras henrys: well, he's logged out so if you just clean up the irclogs you still have a chance to do so. ;)16:24.04 
henrys I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.16:24.33 
sebras drives home, see you later.16:25.20 
chrisl Well, I can "compile" Ghostscript into JavaScript, but it doesn't run......16:39.31 
henrys wow you actually tried it?16:41.44 
  what does the js look like?16:42.00 
chrisl BIG, comes out at 107Mb, for a fairly cut down build. And even running "-h" was a no go.....16:43.04 
  Oh, there are actually recognisable GS function names in the js output - but it's largely incomprehensible to me......16:45.40 
henrys we need not think zero-sum game either, it could be js pdf will improve the pdf web ecosystem, that can only be good for us.16:45.47 
chrisl Past experience says more PDFs means more people printing PDFs.......16:47.04 
mvrhel_laptop I have to think there will still be a market for native code implementations16:47.45 
chrisl Well, medium/high quality proofing will never fly with a js implementation, I reckon16:48.57 
Robin_Watts So it won't affect gs, but might affect mupdf.16:49.42 
henrys I'm imagining what comes out of emscripten is something like an intermediate code - what the dragon book calls 3 address instruction codes.16:50.46 
chrisl henrys: I can't comment, as I really don't know js at all - but it doesn't look "nice".....16:52.37 
  Holy crap! If I leave out the threading stuff, GS emits our "-h" message compiled into JS - that's stunning!16:58.58 
  It's very unhappy rendering anything, though - no big shock, there!17:01.01 
henrys I'm sort of wondering why it wouldn't just work ... but very slowly. It is just assembler in javascript.17:06.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: depends on the OS calls we make, I suspect.17:07.11 
  but I guess we'd expect that to be caught at compile time.17:07.36 
chrisl I suspect it's more just a case of the rendering code is one of the bigger challenges in generating code, so more likely to trip up a converter17:08.08 
  Robin_Watts: does mupdf have an equivalent of gs's "AUXCC"?17:09.43 
Robin_Watts Urm... HOSTCC maybe?17:10.02 
chrisl Don't see it....17:10.27 
Robin_Watts look at the cmapdump lines.17:10.40 
henrys it's not converting from C it goes to llvm bitcode than to js so the rendering code shouldn't be any different than any other code.17:10.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: So you're saying it's essentially an interpreter for llvm intermediate format code.17:11.41 
henrys that's what it says on the page.17:12.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah, right. See the 'CROSSCOMPILE' definition.17:13.01 
  If that's defined, then we assume that the generate stage has been done already, and we don't bother doing cmapdump/fontdump/cquote17:13.36 
chrisl Robin_Watts: thanks, I'll need to pick this up tomorrow, I have to go out....17:13.42 
Robin_Watts "need" :)17:13.51 
chrisl Assuming I bother, I'll need to......17:14.41 
henrys kens:marcos said he'd handle elizabeth so I assume that still holds.17:16.11 
  oh right kens left for the logs then17:16.38 
henrys can't imagine some register transfer language in javascript being worth a damn for anything but it seems to be getting use.17:19.39 
chrisl Anyway, enough fun for now - off out.......17:24.36 
mvrhel_laptop so henrys, I was thinking that we could get some use out of gemma for testing by having them try to use my recent commit with -dSimulateOverprint with the tiff32nc device17:27.35 
  I mentioned this to marcosw last night. he was going to ping her about this17:28.05 
  that would help their performance I would think17:28.18 
  if they are just after the blended output and don't need the separations17:28.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:marcosw said he'd followup I wasn't sure if he's back to regular work.17:45.28 
  mvrhel_laptop:that was a question, is marcosw going to followup or should I?17:54.21 
  sorry I wasn't being clear.17:54.40 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I believe marcosw was going to do this17:55.20 
sebras what's the p in pdf_dict_getp()?18:57.26 
  and don't answer portable...18:57.35 
Robin_Watts path18:57.38 
  Root/Info/Blah etc18:57.49 
sebras ah... 18:58.06 
  Robin_Watts: I stumbled over a pdf that fails in pdf_load_annots19:00.48 
  due to a missing apperance dict which is re-introduced in load_or_create_form() as an empty dict.19:01.08 
  later get_font_info() complains since it can not find a font name....19:01.28 the attached pdf.19:02.25 
kens henrys is Elizabeth the AIX performance problem ?19:29.37 
  mvrhel : ping ?19:29.46 
henrys kens:yes19:42.39 
  kens: marcosw is back so our support duty is done.19:43.30 
kens excellent, thanks henrys19:45.57 
sebras paulgardiner: are you here?21:01.34 
Ch3rryC0ke Robin_Watts: Are you there? Can I ask you for some help on getting mupdf to compile for ARM in Visual Studio?21:38.48 
  I've been able to get libthirdparty compiling, but now I'm running into an issue with the dependency on the "generated" project.21:39.15 
  Basically visual studio gives me an error when trying to run generate.bat21:49.27 
sebras paulgardiner: Robin_Watts sebras/master has a patch for the forms-stuff: basically we need to always query the inheritance hierarcy for the DA field and we didn't, so we file depending on AcroForm's DA attribute would fail.22:01.37 
  paulgardiner: Robin_Watts the url I mentioned earlier links to an example exhibiting the issue.22:05.00 
paulgardiner sebras: yes, thanks. That should fix it.22:08.02 
sebras paulgardiner: np.22:08.21 
mvrhel sorry I missed you kens23:09.18 
henrys chrisl_away:oh of course you are right about the gl/2 coordinates. I wasn't thinking straight.23:14.02 
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