IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/10/24)2012/10/25 
kens Hmm I see we have an angstroms on teh cluster now11:46.46 
kens wonders how to politely tell a cistomer they are using their own code incorrectly....12:01.16 
Robin_Watts kens: "I vouchsafe, that you sir, are a fuckwit!" works for me.12:53.19 
kens I did say 'politely' :-)12:53.42 
  But its sorely tempting....12:53.51 
paulgardiner tor8, Robin_Watts: those commits we discussed yesterday (or the day before maybe) are updated on paulg/master14:07.30 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yeah. I'll get to them after I finish staring at this interpolation thing.14:07.52 
paulgardiner great ta14:08.05 
tor8 paulgardiner: typo in mucbz.c (you set run_page_contents twice)15:13.26 
paulgardiner Oh ok. Anything else, or are you still looking?15:14.18 
tor8 still looking. not found anything odd yet.15:14.33 
  well, there is the question of why we have the _shim functions in pdf_xref_aux ... I remember removing them in the other files.15:15.15 
  can you remember why I kept them there?15:15.24 
Robin_Watts you removed them in favour of casting through void * ?15:15.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: correct15:16.36 
  I am a bit annoyed at the proliferation of pdf_run_* functions ... anyway to reduce the number? I'm sure half of them are probably unused...15:17.29 
paulgardiner Some are static15:18.14 
tor8 pdf_run_page seems pointless after that patch though15:19.36 
paulgardiner Of the global ones, we definitely need fz_run_annot and fz_run_page_contents, and if we are to avoid changing loads of existing code, fz_run_page, but besides that...15:19.44 
tor8 I know the ios app still calls it, but that should be fixed to call fz_run_page instead15:19.58 
  there are only two or three places that need fixing if we remove fz_run_page (or replace with what you call fz_run_page_contents)15:20.51 
paulgardiner pdf_run_page... possibly. I suspected it was much used, but I didn't check. Yeah, I suppose few things go other than trhough fz15:21.01 
  fz_run_page is good for people that don't care about partial updates.15:21.49 
  If we take fz_run_page out then people will need to enumerate the annotations when rendering even if they don't want forms support.15:28.36 
tor8 paulgardiner: all things *ought* to go through fz, I can change those that don't easily enough15:34.48 
  paulgardiner: yeah, as it is it's a nice convenience function15:35.23 
paulgardiner Yes. I could take pdf_run_page out, although I'm not set up to quickly test the iOS build, so might be quicker for someone else as a follow up.15:36.34 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'll do the follow up, don't worry15:36.53 
paulgardiner Great thanks. I'' get rid of the typo though. Anything else?15:38.18 
tor8 not at a glance, no, that's all15:42.59 
paulgardiner Just fixing a typo and an unused var that the cluster showed up15:44.12 
  There, pushed to paulg. There are also a couple of commits on my partial_update branch that are ready to go, if you have time.15:48.28 
alexcher mvrhel: Take a look at the bug 693398. Git bisect took me to your branch, but it doesn't build for me.15:51.08 
mvrhel my branch?16:01.36 
  kens: did you have time to chat today?16:01.53 
kens mvrhel, am afraid not. I'm about to go out for my daughter's riding lesson16:02.10 
  I will beback later and will try to catch up with you then16:02.22 
mvrhel ok sounds good16:02.26 
kens Otherwise it'll have to be tomorrow, I have more time then16:02.47 
  ANyway, goodnight all16:03.26 
alexcher mvrhel: It's a branch where most commits are yours.16:11.46 
mvrhel looks like the icc branch which is over 2 years ago16:12.24 
  I will see if I can get the crash to occur here16:13.04 
  I don't think the commit history is going to help with this issue16:14.21 
alexcher mvrhel: what else is left? My main question is how did you compile this branch?16:18.24 
mvrhel huh16:18.36 
  I am not going to go back to some branch from 4 years ago16:18.48 
  or 2 years aog16:18.56 
alexcher mvrhel: OK16:19.12 
mvrhel alexcher. what is left is to debug the current build as it fails 16:19.42 
  with the file16:19.45 
  do you need me to do that or are you doing that?16:20.11 
  alexcher: I had thought that was what you were asking. sorry16:20.50 
alexcher mvrhel: I'll try.16:20.57 
mvrhel ok thanks16:21.01 
henrys I just started following these prediction markets and I see an arbitrage opportunity, intrade vs. betfair, bet obama on intrade and romney on betfair. Strange there would be such a spread, but the numbers would guaranteed 5% on your money election day ... I must not understand something about these markets, that shouldn't happen.16:40.37 
miha henrys: 
miha eurotrash16:48.37 
Robin_Watts gets Netgear ReadyNAS working. Nice piece of kit. Up to 4 drives, raided together for data protection (I have 2 currently).17:20.24 
  I can add new drives (as long as they are always at least as large as the current ones), and it'll automatically update everything so I get the extra capacity.17:21.18 
sebras Robin_Watts: SW raid or HW raid?17:27.56 
Robin_Watts sebras: No idea, but I don't think it matters in this instance :)17:28.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: it's just that hw raid tends to require disks of the same size, and sw raid might have lower throughput.17:29.09 
  at least that is what I'm seeing on my desktop.17:29.24 
Robin_Watts sebras: it does NOT require discs of the same size.17:29.26 
  and it's a NAS, so speed isn't the critical factor.17:29.36 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, good point.17:29.44 
Robin_Watts Does DLNA, rsync, http, https, SMB, NFS etc.17:29.59 
  and I can configure it to backup where it will suck data across the network from shares on my other machines, I think.17:30.23 
  and most importantly, it was dead easy to setup :)17:33.56 
  mvrhel: ping?18:12.23 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: pont18:12.49 
Robin_Watts Can I get you to decipher some code for me please?18:13.38 
  in gxiscale.c...18:13.45 
  h == 118:14.11 
  sizeofPixelIn == 118:14.25 
  pcs->type->index == gs_color_space_indexed_Indexed18:14.38 
mvrhel can you give me a line number please18:14.49 
Robin_Watts not easily :(18:14.59 
  Search for:18:15.02 
  "indexed 8 bit color values, possibly a device indep. or"18:15.12 
  My file is heavily modified (but not in this area) hence line numbers will be way off.18:15.39 
mvrhel ok I am at the comment18:16.03 
Robin_Watts I reckon I've got 1 bit per sample data here.18:16.37 
  penum->bps == 118:16.50 
  so a few lines further on, you do:18:17.12 
  if (reversed) {18:17.25 
  pdata += (pss->params.WidthIn - 1) * dpd;18:17.38 
  dpd = -dpd;18:17.43 
  Doesn't that offset by 8 times too much ?18:17.54 
mvrhel I cant find that18:18.13 
Robin_Watts 15 lines after the comment.18:18.37 
  oh, unless...18:18.51 
mvrhel no if (reversed) found18:19.01 
Robin_Watts OK, sorry.18:20.15 
  if (penum->matrix.xx < 0)18:20.22 
  sorry, in my version that's become if (reversed)18:20.36 
mvrhel ok.....18:20.38 
Robin_Watts It looks to me like all this code is assuming 1 BYTE per sample, not 1 bit per sample.18:21.42 
  and the comment might imply that too.18:21.59 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I believe all the data that is fed into this function is already 1 byte at lease18:22.11 
  otherwise it is not used18:22.16 
  we dont do gxiscale on 1 bit data18:22.25 
  if i recall correctly18:22.32 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I have a case here where we do.18:22.53 
mvrhel I thought those were checked for in the front end hold on18:23.15 
Robin_Watts This file has a 1bpp indexed colorspace (which resolves to black or white) and has an inline image which specifies interpolation.18:23.40 
  BUT... we currently never interpolate it because it's rotated by 90 degrees.18:24.10 
mvrhel there is a comment I made around line 212 about this function always getting a least 8 bits18:24.36 
  cant recall why I wrote that18:24.41 
  I recall we do something different for 1 bit data18:25.27 
  and 2 bit or 4 bet etc data is put in 8 bit prior to us running into gxiscale18:25.59 
Robin_Watts So my code is showing this problem up, but it may not actually be my fault (though it still could be of course!)18:26.11 
  mvrhel: right...18:26.29 
  So, I've made a non rotated version of this file here. Let me see if we get into the same place.18:28.37 
mvrhel good idea18:30.06 
Robin_Watts We do indeed get into the same code.18:30.33 
mvrhel well if that is the case. either a) there is a mistake in the logic that got you there, or b) there is a lot of work to do in the in interpolation code18:33.48 
Robin_Watts Ah, the data IS 8 bit.18:33.58 
  in the portrait case at least.18:34.06 
mvrhel oh18:34.11 
Robin_Watts but bps == 1, indicates that it WAS 1bit at some point.18:34.21 
  Right, so let me go back to the landscape case and see what's going on.18:34.51 
  Sorry about this.18:34.57 
mvrhel no worries. that area is confusing18:35.05 
  and I probably did not help the situation18:35.13 
  since it was the first area I poked around in when I started18:35.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: OK, can I continue to bother you for a sanity check please?18:56.59 
  In gxidata.c line 10618:57.13 
  That's where we do the unpacking. In this instance it's from 1 bit to 8 bit.18:58.07 
  A bit below that (line 123) we have a debug section that prints out the buffer returned.18:58.38 
  OK. Ignore me, I'll keep bashing. I'm getting source_x back as 3 and 1) I wasn't expecting that, and 2) it's cocking up the data pointer.18:59.57 
  in gxiscale.c at line 404, we do: const unsigned char *bdata = buffer + data_x * spp_decode * sizeofPixelIn; 19:04.14 
  spp_decode = 3.19:04.24 
  I'm thinking that we shouldn't be multiplying by spp_decode in the indexed case ?19:04.39 
  And that solves it.19:07.31 
kens mvrhel : ping19:47.03 
Robin_Watts kens: I think I've driven him into hiding, sorry.19:53.28 
kens I thunk he's avoiding me :-)19:54.07 
mvrhel kens I am here but getting ready to head out 20:05.23 
  kens: is tomorrow better20:05.37 
kens tomorrow is alos goo20:07.30 
  good :-)20:07.38 
  I have more time late afternoon, its getting later here now20:07.54 
mvrhel kens: lets go for tomorroe20:08.14 
kens OK see you then :-)20:08.22 
  I'll log off, goodnight Robin_Watts and anyone else still here20:08.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: If you get a chance to look over the patch that is currently testing on the cluster, that would be great.20:13.44 
  (when my run finishes, click on "robin" and scroll down to the bottom)20:14.06 
  It's only a 2 line change.20:14.12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: that looks fine to em22:59.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Thanks.23:43.49 
mvrhel I am surprised we had no progressions23:52.50 
  guess that is why I never caught that one23:54.10 
Robin_Watts Oh balls.23:55.05 
  Everytime I fix one sodding problem, another one pops up :(23:55.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: now you sound just like me.23:55.51 
  Robin_Watts: except you curse a lot less. ;)23:56.01 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/10/26)>>>