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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/06)2012/11/07 
kens Oh my. I hoipe thats a typo in the latest email to support (we want to create PDF/A in under 15Kb memory)10:11.25 
sebras tor8: ehm... you will reword the "WIP split muview..." title before you merge that commit to master, right? ;)11:54.29 
paulgardiner quickly performs git fetch tor12:02.58 
paulgardiner but doesn't find anything amusing. :-(12:05.05 
sebras paulgardiner: git config --global alias.fetcha 'fetch --all --tags --prune'12:05.24 
  paulgardiner: that way I'll see changes that robin, you and tor make.12:05.45 
  since I have added each of your repos as remotes.12:05.57 
  this is also the reason I sometimes complain about the abundance of branches. ;)12:06.33 
  paulgardiner: I was thinking of commit f0f1c3512:06.56 
paulgardiner I was expecting to see that Tor had finally succumbed to expressing in a commit message his true love of gtk development. :-)12:09.32 
sebras paulgardiner: :-D12:09.49 
tor8 paulgardiner: almost. just almost. :)12:10.43 
  Robin_Watts_: sorry, was a bit tired yesterday. tagging you said?12:11.10 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: yeah. If you tag a 'release', I'll pull it and do the builds etc.12:37.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: just 'form-tech-preview' or '1.1-forms-tech-preview' or some other name?12:37.43 
Robin_Watts_ the latter sounds better to me.12:38.08 
sebras if you are building that for android, consider updating the .xml-file too.12:38.21 
tor8 sebras: it's not an "official" release12:38.42 
sebras tor8: right, nvm then.12:38.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: tag pushed12:44.19 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Right. Will get right on that.12:45.18 
  kens: Good answer.13:21.24 
kens good answer to what ?13:23.03 
Robin_Watts_ 15kb.13:23.29 
kens Oh yes, I'm sure that must be a typo (surel;y ?)13:23.47 
  I think Melanie's calculator has more memory than that13:24.10 
Robin_Watts_ tor8, paulgardiner: Balls.13:51.26 
tor8 problems?13:51.33 
Robin_Watts_ I was hoping to make a release apk rather than a debug one.13:51.36 
  but we need to sign it.13:51.52 
tor8 oh, but you need the signing crap for that don't you?13:51.59 
Robin_Watts_ I wonder if I can make a debug apk with the release native code.13:52.08 
paulgardiner I think I've done that before13:52.36 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: Do you want to put together a zip file of good example forms pdf files?13:58.04 
  or at least throw me some names?13:58.12 
paulgardiner I've built up a directory of example which I've been using for testing as adding each feature. That would probably be a good start, I'd have thought.13:59.36 
Robin_Watts_ Great.13:59.58 
paulgardiner There you go: 
Robin_Watts_ Thanks.14:06.43 
ManDay Can anyone recommend a simple way to convert a PDF into a grayscale PDF?14:07.20 
kens ManDay, not at present, come back in 6 montsh14:15.46 
ManDay o_O14:19.26 
  Can you elaborate?14:19.32 
kens I'm workning ons pdfwrite and evntually it will be able to do this, but not now14:24.32 
  hopefully in time for our next release in Fev14:24.54 
ManDay kens: And ghostscript-gpl currently cannot do this? o_O14:25.01 
kens February14:25.02 
  Not easily14:25.09 
  I'll answer the russian in a bit14:42.17 
mace ManDay: random thought, if it's a one page pdf, then gimp might be sufficient14:42.54 
  won't be pretty though14:42.58 
ManDay ...14:44.12 
  Not only not pretty14:44.20 
  It's gonna be a picture, afterwards, wth14:44.27 
mace indeed14:56.05 
ManDay A beautiful, 200 Mb picture...15:00.17 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: So, our file selector doesn't do directories. Damn.15:08.46 
paulgardiner No, but you can invoke mupdf from any file manager15:09.34 
kens ManDay try -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -dUseCIEColor -sColorCOnversionStrategy=/Gray15:10.51 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: OK, my android thing doesn't seem to be doing forms15:11.00 
kens -sColorConversionStrategy15:11.07 
Robin_Watts_ Do I need to change anything to make the build work?15:11.11 
paulgardiner Besides using "V8_BUILD=yes ndk-build" for the native part, not as far as I know15:12.44 
Robin_Watts_ And that's what I cocked up. Thanks.15:13.06 
j00ru hey guys, can I find any mupdf devs here? ;)15:25.31 
kens I can see at least 3 from here :-)15:30.32 
j00ru and they are... ? :>15:31.53 
kens Robin_Watts_ : tor8 paulgardiner15:32.07 
sebras kens: hey!!15:32.44 
kens sorry sebras didn't see you15:32.52 
paulgardiner hi kens 15:32.59 
j00ru thanks kens 15:33.13 
sebras kens: not that I'm particularly more trustworthy today compared to yesterday though...15:33.13 
  j00ru: did you have a mupdf-related question? something tells me that you were not only looking for a list of nicks...?15:36.42 
j00ru yes, I have some security issues to report in mupdf and wanted to contact the devs directly before filing bugs in tracker / taking any other action.15:38.37 
sebras j00ru: ok, thanks for taking the time to report any issues you find. :)15:39.45 
j00ru ;-)15:40.16 
henrys once again Florida can't seem to count the damn votes - unbelievable ...15:51.08 
kens really ? Not heard that on the news15:51.24 
Robin_Watts_ FFS. How hard can it be to make electronic voting machines that actually work?15:51.49 
henrys well mvrhel and I can smoke pot now (actually the feds say no the states says yes). The meetings might take longer.15:54.48 
Robin_Watts_ gah. My ant installation is broken.15:57.05 
henrys is that needed for the apk?15:57.53 
Robin_Watts_ yeah.15:58.46 
  My fault. I moved java off the SSD and that's upset it.15:58.57 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I guess you have already seen youtube clips of machines not obeying voter selections?16:02.30 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: I am aware of their existence.16:03.09 
  We have hi-tech disposable voting machines here which offer a simple UI on a carbon based substrate whereby people trace a glyph near the appropriate menu choice using a graphite based stylus.16:06.18 
  Also known as pencil and paper.16:06.35 
sebras Robin_Watts_: but that seems so ineffiencent! and I can't for the life in me believe that using that kind of tech won't fail miserably eventually...16:07.52 
henrys the basic problem in the US is each state has its own system. I think if we just agreed on one voting system machine, pencil whatever it would work better.16:09.21 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: The thing I like most about it is the way that at the count, people bundle the votes together into votes of the same type.16:09.40 
  Then they 'flipbook' through them to check that there aren't any of the wrong type in each bundle.16:10.08 
  henrys: Voting machines are fundamentally incapable of fulfilling the basic requirements of the system, namely 1) anonymity and 2) trust.16:12.34 
  I mean, I'm a tech head - given two choices in how to do something I'll generally go for the one that involves the most clever gadgetry, but really for voting, pencil/paper/ballot box wins every time.16:13.23 
henrys for those of us that consider a short wait in line to be fundamental to the basic requirement I have to disagree.16:15.55 
  I know canada is using the internet which seems pretty crazy and some states will except _EMAIL_ clear text ... unbelievable16:17.26 
paulgardiner We use apathy to keep our voting queues short.16:18.18 
sebras paulgardiner: :)16:18.35 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: In my experience of voting I have never had to wait for a voting booth.16:18.46 
  The time to actually vote with a pencil and paper is WAY less than the time to use an electronic machine.16:19.18 
henrys 4 and 5 hours waits occurred yesterday. It isn't just convenience, it effectively disenfranchises many people who simply can't do that, job family whatever.16:20.36 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: Right, and what's the holdup there?16:20.49 
  Is it the queuing for the limited number of voting machines?16:21.10 
  Or the queuing to find peoples names on the register of voters?16:21.27 
  The choice of voting machine vs paper will have no impact on the length of the queues if it's the latter.16:22.01 
  And if it's the former, well, remove the expensive voting machines from the equation and it becomes much much easier to shrink the queues.16:22.25 
henrys it looks like a lot of it was voter id laws so you might be right.16:24.38 
Robin_Watts_ No id required in the UK.16:27.58 
  We get a voting card sent through the post to every registered voter, but you don't need to take it along.16:28.20 
henrys I'm reading that you guys are starting to use internet voting.16:28.33 
Robin_Watts_ You give your name, they cross you off the list, you vote. Takes about 30 seconds.16:28.38 
  The last government wanted to push for postal voting, and they ran a trial in birmingham.16:28.56 
  The result was voting fraud on a massive scale.16:29.11 
henrys I do vote by mail.16:30.00 
Robin_Watts_ You can vote by mail if you want to here.16:30.51 
  but I've never seen the point.16:30.58 
henrys my mailman picks it up at my house. I always wonder if he looks for a sign in the yard and loses the ballot selectively.16:31.22 
Robin_Watts_ (The polling station is 2 minutes walk, and the process takes less than 2 mins)16:31.23 
  henrys: Our mail men only drop off.16:32.00 
  tor8: I figure on: (which will contain mupdf-v8.exe) and (which will contain mudraw.exe and mutool.exe)16:37.25 
  I don't see the point in shipping mujstest-v8.exe or mupdf.exe do you ?16:37.46 
  paulgardiner: oh eck.16:47.37 
paulgardiner Eek! What?16:48.12 
Robin_Watts_ I've got a problem with the android version of mupdf here - are you in a position to check something at your end?16:48.16 
  Start mupdf. Load calc.pdf.16:48.22 
paulgardiner Sure16:48.23 
Robin_Watts_ Enter some values on page 1. all works fine.16:48.32 
  Then pan to page 2...16:48.37 
paulgardiner Showing the first page on the second?16:48.45 
Robin_Watts_ yes.16:48.48 
paulgardiner Yes. I have seen that.16:49.19 
Robin_Watts_ Ah. I reckon that's a fair old show stopper personally.16:49.39 
paulgardiner I keep forgetting to trakc it down16:49.46 
  It was a rare occurence, but happens more now we have forms support.16:51.08 
Robin_Watts_ oh, I assumed this was because of the 'cache 3 pages' stuff.16:51.45 
paulgardiner No. It's been there a long time, although it was very rare. It's useful that it is more easily triggered now, because that should help tracking it down.16:52.42 
  I intended to look at that today, but forgot again.16:53.17 
  Hoepfully a concerted effort will trace it.16:53.58 
Robin_Watts_ OK, so I'll put what I've got up for testing etc, and hopefully we can fix that, and we can retag/rebuild.16:55.18 
paulgardiner The fact that all the public MUPDFCore methods are synchronized makes it hard to understand.16:55.30 
aleray hi, is it possible to redirect the output of a ghostscript command rather than to a file?16:55.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: what's the point of then? it's got nothing to do with the forms :)16:56.03 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: It's an updated version of the tools to replace the existing ones that don't work on XP.16:56.49 
ray_laptop aleray: yes. the -sOutputFile=___ captures the printer/image output of the rendered page (or pdf) in the specified file16:56.54 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: And it's possible that the forms announcement may drag people in to discover mupdf for the first time.16:57.22 
aleray ray_laptop, -sOutputFile=- you mean?16:57.24 
ray_laptop aleray: and -sstdout=___ -sstderr=___ allow redirection of stdout and stderr in case your OS doesn't support it16:57.27 
aleray I will try16:57.28 
  ray_laptop, three underscores?16:57.42 
ray_laptop aleray: no, ___ is where you specify your path for the files16:58.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: oh, right. so why not a with both the updated tools and mupdf-v8 and mupdf non-v8 ?16:58.25 
henrys aleray:gs/doc/Use.htm16:58.37 
ray_laptop NO underscores. e.g. -sstdout=mystdout.txt -sOutputFile=myfile.jpg ...16:58.38 
aleray ray_laptop, I'm writing a python program, and I would like to avoid to write the output file on disk16:58.44 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Normally you put tools in a separate zip file.16:58.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: I didn't for the last release though16:59.12 
Robin_Watts_ But I'm happy to put 'em all in together.16:59.16 
  So both mupdf's and tools.16:59.26 
  Do you agree about no mujstest ?16:59.34 
ray_laptop aleray: iirc, when you run an external program from python, the python captures the stdout and stderr, but I haven't played with it for a while.16:59.52 
tor8 yes. it seems a bit useless outside of artifex :)16:59.53 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: It's useless unless you're actually building from source, I reckon, at least.17:00.09 
ray_laptop aleray: what works depends on which version python, IIRC17:00.20 
aleray ray_laptop, i'm looking into it17:00.30 
ray_laptop aleray: from the python docs on the 'sys' module:17:02.36 
  stdin -- standard input file object; used by input()17:02.38 
  stdout -- standard output file object; used by print()17:02.39 
  stderr -- standard error object; used for error messages17:02.41 
  By assigning other file objects (or objects that behave like files)17:02.42 
  to these, it is possible to redirect all of the interpreter's I/O.17:02.44 
marcosw I found a web page with some good ideas for improving our regression scripts: 
ray_laptop aleray: Also check the docs on python 'pipes' module: The module lets you construct a pipeline template by sticking one or more conversion steps together. It will take care of creating and17:06.11 
  removing temporary files if they are necessary to hold intermediate data. 17:06.12 
aleray ray_laptop, thanks. I'm ok on this point actually17:06.32 
  another question is can I feed gs with stdin instead of a file name ?17:06.54 
ray_laptop marcosw: do you have a dog ?17:07.20 
  aleray: yes, as henrys said "doc/Use.htm" the '-' option tells ghostscript to read from stdin17:08.02 
marcosw no, we have two guinea pigs17:08.03 
ray_laptop marcosw: I guess they could manage to chew up regex's an emit pellets that you could put into the cluster code :-)17:08.45 
mvrhel good morning17:08.49 
aleray cool17:08.50 
ray_laptop aleray: the other thing you may want is -q (to limit the noise on stdout)17:09.18 
  morning, mvrhel 17:09.26 
marcosw the guinea are excellent at eating paper, so will probably make a reasonable dog substitute17:09.36 
aleray ray_laptop, what do yo umean by noise?17:09.45 
kens alreay all the other stuff that gets emitted there that you don't want to se because you aren't interested in it17:10.43 
ray_laptop aleray: things lilke: GPL Ghostscript GIT PRERELEASE 9.07 (2012-07-31)17:11.18 
  Copyright (C) 2012 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.17:11.20 
  This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.17:11.22 
aleray ray_laptop, ah ok17:11.35 
  ray_laptop, ah it was already enabled in my cmd line17:11.55 
ray_laptop aleray: and if you want ghostscript to actually execute stdin, make sure each PostScript input command terminates with whitespace (new-line is common)17:13.31 
Robin_Watts_ ah, morning mvrhel.17:14.12 
mvrhel good morning Robin_Watts_ just looking over your commits 17:14.33 
ray_laptop aleray: a common mistake is to send "( run" to stdin and discover it doesn't do anything. You need "( run\n"17:14.36 
lost711 evening all, I'm curious if some of the older bugs that are marked 'bountiable' are still valid for collecting bounties?17:15.05 
Robin_Watts_ lost711: if they say bountiable, they are still eligible, I believe. Which ones in particular ?17:15.35 
kens As far as I'm aware if htey are open and marked as bountiable, then you are fine17:15.42 
lost711 The windows spooler one17:15.56 
kens can you give us a number ?17:16.10 
lost711 Digging it17:16.14 
  chrome tab crashed :-/17:16.22 
kens As far as I can tell there's no reason why that shouldn't be bountiable.17:18.03 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: I had thought you said you had a commit that fixed an issue with the weight or strengths of the distance propagation amongst planes but I could not find that in the commits. Anyway we can keep pushing on17:18.08 
lost711 I'm downloading the GS source now to get a feel for it, and work on that and some of the other bounty bugs :-)17:18.35 
kens lost711 : you may want topost any ideas or findings to the bug report though, so that you don't waste time with somethign we won't accept17:18.38 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: actually let me see if I can get rock and scroll in place in visual studio 2012 first17:18.40 
lost711 is there a copyright assignment or somethng similar required for upstream contribution?17:18.52 
kens lost711 : yes, there is, but I'm not an expert in this17:19.07 
Robin_Watts_ lost711: Yes.17:19.08 
mvrhel or RockScroll I guess it is called17:19.24 
Robin_Watts_ Metal Scroll I believe17:19.32 
  RockScroll was the original, MetalScroll is a new one that's better... for some reason I can't remember.17:19.59 
lost711 Fair enough. I need to finish wrapping my brain around ghostscript before doing any patch writing though17:20.01 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: While I was testing I had the strengths for CMYK stuff broken for a while, but I went back and fixed it.17:20.14 
  The error was in the test code, and I rewrote the history so it was saner.17:20.23 
mvrhel ok17:20.32 
  let me get metalscroll then...17:20.39 
  actually metalmargin17:22.27 
mvrhel aha17:24.01 
Robin_Watts_ no, you're right.17:24.08 
  metal margin is metalscroll redone for VS201017:24.23 
mvrhel oh ok17:24.32 
  ok I will have to fool with this later. Robin_Watts_ lets push forward so it does not get too late for you17:26.16 
Robin_Watts_ ok, so I think we'd basically got all the way through yesterday, but had left various things to come back to. Is that right?17:27.01 
ray_laptop mvrhel: it is also supposed to be in MS's add-in pack called Productivity Power Tools 17:27.20 
mvrhel ray_laptop: ok I will look into it later17:27.38 
  Robin_Watts_: I thinkn we were at line 112917:28.00 
Robin_Watts_ coupling += ...17:28.19 
mvrhel yes17:28.23 
kens Goodnight folks.17:29.01 
Robin_Watts_ That's equation 6.17:29.10 
ray_laptop has the git code now to follow along17:29.25 
Robin_Watts_ coupling_contribution = "acheived error" = gj - tj17:29.30 
ray_laptop night, kens 17:29.31 
mvrhel so the ccoupling_contribution is the error computed in line 112017:29.36 
  and the variable coupling is updated with this17:29.53 
Robin_Watts_ Right17:30.01 
  coupling is k in equation 6.17:30.12 
mvrhel and coupling will be used for the next plane17:30.16 
Robin_Watts_ right.17:30.20 
mvrhel So the error is sort of propagated to the next plane as we go through?17:30.45 
  that seems a bit different than I had expected17:30.51 
Robin_Watts_ Yes, me too now you come to mention it.17:31.05 
mvrhel So the next plane could squash the error17:31.38 
Robin_Watts_ Let's just think about this; we're dealing with the black plane first.17:31.39 
mvrhel ending any propagation17:31.42 
  which seems reasonable actually17:31.53 
Robin_Watts_ No. it's not added to the error. It's added to the bias.17:31.57 
ray_laptop doesn't increasing the error make it MORE likely to produce a dot (or are the signs inverted) ?17:32.01 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: yes ok17:32.16 
Robin_Watts_ Suppose we put a black dot out when we were really only expecting a midtone.17:32.30 
  That means the error is going to be negative as we've put out more ink that we'd expect.17:32.47 
mvrhel right17:33.00 
Robin_Watts_ So coupling_contribution < 017:33.02 
mvrhel right17:33.10 
Robin_Watts_ so the next plane will be biased away from producing a dot.17:33.20 
mvrhel ok. that seems reasonable17:33.30 
Robin_Watts_ but the error propagated from that component will still be correct, so we'll get the right amount of ink overall in the end.17:33.50 
  Ok. it makes a kind of sense at least.17:33.59 
mvrhel one question17:34.34 
Robin_Watts_ go on (just running to fridge)17:34.44 
mvrhel line 1103 shows the coupling being added to err17:35.00 
ray_laptop and if we produce a dot on the next plane following the first, how does that prevent us from putting a dot on the third plane under the black ?17:35.07 
mvrhel prior to line 1109 where we do the quantization17:35.28 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Right.17:35.43 
  ray_laptop: coupling is cumulative.17:36.01 
mvrhel I suppose adding to the error is the same as biasing the threshold17:36.13 
  as long as the subsuquent error calcuation is correct17:36.33 
Robin_Watts_ so plane 0 has coupling=0. plane 1 has coupling from plane 0. plane 2 has coupling from plane 0 + plane 1.17:36.36 
  mvrhel: It's a bad variable name17:36.43 
mvrhel yes17:36.50 
Robin_Watts_ err is really 'error+bias'17:36.53 
mvrhel It would be nice to rename that17:36.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: OK, right I see.17:37.00 
Robin_Watts_ I had it renamed to bias for a while, but the problem is that the error is added in there as well before clipping, so even bias isn't quite right.17:37.30 
mvrhel right17:37.42 
Robin_Watts_ I'm open to suggestions for better names :)17:38.03 
ball I think you should call it "Dave"17:38.15 
Robin_Watts_ ball: I'd get it confused with the TV channel.17:38.35 
mvrhel A comment there would be nice just so that it is clear that we are using the coupling as a bias in the subsequent quantization calculation17:38.47 
ball Is there a TV channel called "Dave"?!17:39.00 
Robin_Watts_ ball: There is.17:39.08 
ball Well that's a bit odd.17:39.18 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: A comment where?17:39.19 
mvrhel above err += coupling;17:39.34 
  where you have the question about clamping17:39.49 
ray_laptop A guy that worked for me once used to use all girls names for branch targets in .asm (he got tired of thinking up 8 character meaningful names)17:39.59 
mvrhel ha17:40.08 
  ok so line 113217:40.50 
  so if we put a dot out, things get reset17:41.11 
Robin_Watts_ /* Add the coupling to our combined 'error + bias' value */ ?17:41.14 
mvrhel that is fine17:41.21 
Robin_Watts_ If we put a dot out, we reset the distance measurements, yes.17:41.44 
ball I think this photocopier hates me.17:42.05 
mvrhel then we have some fancy stuff17:42.21 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: right, as described in eq. 317:42.34 
mvrhel and we end the main loop17:43.02 
  so what is going on in line 1167....17:43.41 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: We end the forward pass loop, yes.17:43.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel: that just ends that plane's calc. then we save the planes values and end the main loop17:44.20 
Robin_Watts_ The way the algorithm works for maintaining the distance metrics is that after we have done a forward pass to generate a line of pixels, we then need to run backwards across the line.17:44.26 
  mvrhel: That's the application of equation 4 from the paper.17:45.09 
  ray_laptop: We're a bit further on than that.17:45.17 
mvrhel ok. so we have already decided if we are or are not outputting a dot. and now we are updating the reverse direction errors for the next time we come in here17:45.29 
Robin_Watts_ yes.17:45.47 
mvrhel which is that pile of equations with the multiple prime symobls17:45.49 
Robin_Watts_ yeah.17:45.55 
mvrhel ok. I think that finishes us then17:46.10 
Robin_Watts_ Now, I had some more thoughts about the white count stuff last night, and thought I'd got it figured out in my head.17:46.12 
  but then on my run this morning I convinced myself that even if I make the fixes I had in mind, it'd still be broken.17:46.48 
  but anyway...17:47.01 
  So, we put pins in various bits to come back to.17:47.13 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: so where are we now and what do you think needs to be done / addressed17:47.18 
Robin_Watts_ do you remember where? :)17:47.33 
mvrhel I thought you were taking notes in the code :017:47.47 
Robin_Watts_ Yeah, there are FIXMEs.17:47.55 
mvrhel good eal17:48.00 
Robin_Watts_ I see 3 FIXMEs.17:48.24 
ray_laptop what about multiple levels (and the transition and dot size compensation questions) ?17:48.34 
Robin_Watts_ 1) Understand the clamping to 0.55 * ...17:48.36 
mvrhel that fixme is in line 179217:48.44 
Robin_Watts_ 2) Understand why the coupling isn't clamped17:48.52 
mvrhel and then 3) is ray's comment17:49.05 
Robin_Watts_ 3) indeed.17:49.10 
mvrhel which we don't believe is addressed17:49.24 
Robin_Watts_ There should be one for 4) fix the damn white skipping code.17:49.36 
mvrhel yes I agree17:49.45 
  Robin_Watts_: so are you seeing artifacts from it not working?17:49.58 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: No, because tiger.pam has a grey background :)17:50.15 
mvrhel Do you see any diffs with it on or off on something with chunks of white17:50.30 
ray_laptop but even with the relative dot size taken into account, Max was commenting that the transitions where not 'smooth'. Do we expect that having rand_luts for the transitions will solve that ?17:50.34 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Let's come back to that in a mo.17:50.49 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: try (colorcir.pam)17:51.12 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: I think we should all look at some output together so we can agree what the state of play is.17:51.13 
mvrhel rand_luts are a mistake or a crutch for something that is broken also I believe but that is another story17:51.18 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Right exactly.17:51.26 
  So, if we all open the following link in a browser...17:51.49 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: OK.17:52.29 
Robin_Watts_ Pop the browser to full screen, and open the following images in a tab each...17:52.43 
  In chrome, the pictures appear zoomed in, so click on them once to make them real sized.17:53.29 
mvrhel ok17:53.30 
Robin_Watts_ If you scroll up into the top left corner in all of them, and then navigate around by moving in page sizes using the scrollbar, you can swap between tabs and see differences very easily.17:54.42 
  (Does that make sense?)17:54.48 
mvrhel yes. let me do that17:55.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: right. works for me.17:56.06 
Robin_Watts_ Oh, and open tiger_fsonly.png too17:56.13 
  tiger_fsonly.png is tiger_m0_e0_r0.png really.17:56.40 
  I have added -m -e and -r flags to the tests.17:56.53 
  -m 0 or 1 enables or disables multiplane optimisations.17:57.05 
  -e 0 or 1 disables or enables ETS biasing17:57.24 
  -r determines the style of random noise used.17:57.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: I was noticing that m0_e0_r0 looked a lot like fsonly17:58.02 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: There is no m0_e0_e017:58.38 
ray_laptop m1_e1_r2 looks pretty grainy17:58.39 
  meant m1_e0_r017:58.49 
Robin_Watts_ So comparing tiger_fsonly.png and tiger_m1_e0_r0.png shows the effect of turning on multiplane optimisations.17:58.50 
  You can really see the difference if you look at the 'crows feet' above the tigers nose.17:59.14 
mvrhel ok so I have my favorite17:59.28 
ray_laptop I see narrow 'red' stripes in the orange17:59.39 
mvrhel I do not like any of the random ones17:59.40 
ray_laptop my fav. is m1_e1_r1 just because the orange looks smoother18:00.00 
mvrhel both m1_e0 and m1_e1 are better than FS18:00.03 
Robin_Watts_ Right. turning multiplane opts on is a big win I reckon.18:00.21 
mvrhel e1 looks better in the tooth18:00.22 
  than e018:00.35 
Robin_Watts_ I find it hard to have a strong opinion between e1 and e0 personally.18:01.15 
mvrhel so m1-e118:01.18 
  look at the patterns in the tooth18:01.27 
  with m1_e018:01.30 
  the left canine18:01.35 
Robin_Watts_ His left or our left?18:01.53 
mvrhel ok his right18:02.01 
  the magenta dots18:02.05 
  have a bit of a pattern that e1 seems to break up18:02.14 
  that is being picky18:02.23 
  but 18:02.25 
Robin_Watts_ OK. Look at the right hand side (our right) of his mouth.18:02.40 
  In the darkest purple bit.18:02.53 
mvrhel oh18:02.58 
  we should find out what that is18:03.12 
Robin_Watts_ I wonder if that's overflow.18:03.14 
mvrhel that is a nice example of a problem18:03.29 
Robin_Watts_ OK, so ready to consider the different random ones?18:03.46 
mvrhel I dont like any of them18:04.20 
Robin_Watts_ Me either.18:04.25 
  If you look at the plain grey background it looks 'grainier' with random noise.18:04.40 
  but more worrying is what it does to graduations.18:04.49 
  Look at the section just above his nose.18:05.00 
mvrhel I would expect it t wash them out18:05.03 
Robin_Watts_ and in the graduations around his eyes.18:05.44 
mvrhel I don't like the black areas on his nose for sure18:06.15 
Robin_Watts_ actually... I should probably regenerate these images to make sure they are entirely up to date.18:06.48 
  Can you bear with me for a bit while I do that?18:06.55 
mvrhel sure18:06.59 
  I will work on getting the VS tools for a bit18:07.16 
  looking into ray's suggestion of Productivity Power Tools 18:07.54 
  has a nice name...18:08.03 
ray_laptop mvrhel: for the gradations above the nose, r>0 smooths them out. Is that what you meant by 'wash out' ?18:08.34 
mvrhel yes. no major contours18:08.50 
  which can be ok18:09.02 
  but the black area on his nose is bad18:09.14 
ray_laptop mvrhel: the solid black ? (or the gray at the base of the whiskers)?18:09.46 
mvrhel ray_laptop: it may be that we need better luts18:09.48 
  oh that is interesting18:10.17 
  yes. ray I guess that is supposed to be gray18:10.26 
  now the other non random ones have that very black18:10.39 
  or more so18:10.54 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: I'm worried that some of these may not be quite right, hence me regenerating.18:11.01 
mvrhel ok. we will wait18:11.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: OK.18:11.14 
mvrhel Thanks Robin_Watts_ 18:11.16 
Robin_Watts_ ok uploading now...18:14.57 
ray_laptop was there info somewhere on how the tm was derived ?18:18.38 
Robin_Watts_ tm = random noise.18:18.58 
mvrhel oh are the files up now?18:19.12 
Robin_Watts_ all except the random ones.18:19.23 
  still uploading.18:19.27 
ray_laptop if we used a blue noise random we might get better18:19.37 
Robin_Watts_ OK. so m0_e0_r0 -> m1_e0_r0 is a no brainer to me.18:20.50 
  All uploaded.18:20.59 
mvrhel ok opening....18:21.19 
Robin_Watts_ anyone going to disagree with that?18:23.27 
ray_laptop m0_e0_r0 has purple stripes in the red (others are black.) Colors shouldn't change that much !18:24.15 
mvrhel where?18:25.10 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: Some of this may be to do with the fact that these are rgb pngs from cmyk pams.18:25.23 
mvrhel I am not going to be too concerned about color shifts. really the way one does is is picks a HT method to reduce artifacts and then color manages18:25.39 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: but black dots totally obliterate the color, right ?18:25.53 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: Right. Where are you looking ?18:26.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: the 'black' lines on the red stripes on the muzzle above the nose toward the tiger's left eye18:27.29 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: If you look at tiger_source.png you'll note that those aren't supposed to be black lines.18:28.21 
ray_laptop e1_r0 is mostly black. e1_r1 is purple lines, as is m0_e0_r018:28.22 
mvrhel ray_laptop: you mean where I was talking earlier?18:28.35 
Robin_Watts_ They are supposed to be brown.18:28.45 
ray_laptop compare to CMYK from gswin32c -r360 -dDisplayFormat=16#20808 examples/tiger.eps18:28.49 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: Much more sensible to compare with tiger_source.png as that's generated from the source pam that is used to generate all the others from.18:29.26 
mvrhel ok. again. color shifts are not super critical here and can be expected especially since we are doing a soft copy preview18:29.33 
  I would focus more on an structural issues18:29.50 
Robin_Watts_ So is anyone going to disagree about m1 being much better than m0 ?18:30.45 
mvrhel structure wise I like m1 better18:30.56 
  quit a bit actually18:31.28 
ray_laptop those are fairly extensive color shifts, in an area with some C+M+Y+K I think we need to keep this on the list (may be related to / caused by the coupling)18:31.29 
  I agree that m1_e0_r0 is much better than m018:31.53 
Robin_Watts_ Ok, so let's look at m1_e0_r0 vs m1_e1_r0 ? (i.e. does ETS help or harm)18:31.57 
mvrhel again in the canine, the structures are less in e118:32.44 
  but we do have more spots in that deep magenta region18:32.59 
  below his tounge18:33.14 
  that are bright18:33.24 
Robin_Watts_ I am inclined to think that ETS doesn't make a blind bit of difference, EXCEPT in the case where we are in a very pale region.18:33.37 
mvrhel It would be good to find out what those are18:33.38 
  in the highlights18:33.49 
  where the dots are noticable18:33.57 
ray_laptop I agree m1_e1_r0 is slightly better (and still no color shift). But I see the white dots in the purple below the tongue18:34.04 
Robin_Watts_ Which makes me wonder if we shouldn't weight the ets adjustment.18:34.23 
mvrhel weight it based upon the level? that is it kicks in more in the hightlights18:35.02 
  and none in the shadows18:35.18 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Have the weighting drop to zero in the midtones I was thinking.18:35.28 
mvrhel yes18:35.35 
  I believe that sounds like a good idea based upon what I am seeing here18:35.52 
Robin_Watts_ Certainly the correction makes sense for very light tones.18:36.00 
  And potentially in dark tones we'd like the same kind of thing done, but with 'distance between white pixels'.18:36.41 
mvrhel right18:36.53 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: IFF, do_shadows ?18:36.57 
Robin_Watts_ No.18:37.02 
  sorry. let me be clearer.18:37.34 
ray_laptop recall that dispersed white dots are _rarely_ visible with inkjet drop sizes18:37.36 
mvrhel right18:37.43 
  so lets just worry about the hightlights18:37.53 
ray_laptop mvrhel: agreed18:38.02 
Robin_Watts_ I'm not averse to the idea of having a separate option to enable the 'white dot even toning', but that's NOT what do_shadows currently tries to do.18:38.15 
  To do white dot even toning, we'd need to keep a whole new set of distance measurements.18:38.32 
mvrhel lets not worry about that18:38.42 
Robin_Watts_ right.18:38.47 
  So, any feelings about e1 vs e2 or e3?18:39.03 
mvrhel so you have an e2 case...18:39.05 
  and e318:39.10 
  I see more issues below his tounge with e2 and less with e318:40.31 
  all are better in the canine compared to e018:41.02 
  what is the difference code wise?18:41.21 
  or parameter wise18:41.44 
ray_laptop the purple area below the tongue is better with e318:42.37 
mvrhel right18:42.44 
  e2 is worse18:42.55 
  what changed Robin_Watts_ ?18:43.06 
Robin_Watts_ The differences here are to do with the scaling applied to the ets correction.18:43.13 
mvrhel one of the magic numbers?18:43.34 
ray_laptop it's all FM 18:43.48 
Robin_Watts_ e1 is the code as it came to me. We calculate r = actual distance - expected distance18:44.00 
  then we futz with that for a bit, and then use it as a bias.18:44.18 
ray_laptop (FM does NOT stand for Frequency Modulation screening)18:44.18 
Robin_Watts_ how we futz with that is what e does.18:44.34 
  e 0: set r to 0.18:44.43 
  e 1: if (r > 0) r>>=3;18:44.53 
  e2: use r as is.18:45.11 
  e3: r >>= 3;18:45.17 
  So assuming Raph had a clever undocumented reason for his code, we should expect e1 to be best.18:45.48 
ray_laptop but we _seem_ to like e3 better (slightly)18:46.06 
Robin_Watts_ I *think* I like e3 best, but it's a very close thing.18:46.44 
  Given that e3 involves shifting down, and has fewer white spots, I think that might add credence to the idea that the white spots are caused by overflow.18:48.33 
  But anyway, I think we should reserve judgement on e1/2/3 until we have those spots solved.18:49.09 
  because those are probably the overriding factor in the differences, would you agree?18:49.31 
mvrhel I agree18:51.16 
Robin_Watts_ OK. Then we have the 2 random noise ones.18:51.31 
  Both are horrid.18:51.38 
ray_laptop just for reference, the red (darker orange) stripes on the nose are original RGB color 0.599609 0.149902 0, then the darker (what looks near black on top) is RGB 0.300049 0 018:52.18 
Robin_Watts_ There is scope for us to wind the random noise down.18:53.32 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: I agree about the use of random. I am not sure if its use would be ok near certain transitions as mentioned in Raph's paper18:54.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: and maybe look at a better 'tm' matrix18:54.02 
  (for the r1 case)18:54.11 
mvrhel e.g. near 1/218:54.38 
  1/4, 1/318:54.45 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: What the paper suggests (and the code implements) is that the scaling applied to the random noise is chosen for each pixel based upon the source intensity value.18:55.03 
mvrhel right. 18:55.30 
Robin_Watts_ and indeed, the scaling is larger near rational transitions18:55.38 
mvrhel ok18:55.43 
  so it is doing that with this18:55.47 
Robin_Watts_ but all the scalings are done by shifts.18:55.50 
mvrhel and the diff between r1 and r2 here?18:55.59 
Robin_Watts_ so it's a somewhat blunt instrument.18:56.01 
ray_laptop which is a rather heavy hammer18:56.04 
  robin types faster18:56.13 
Robin_Watts_ :)18:56.16 
  and there is an 'overall shift' as well.18:56.24 
mvrhel oh. its not like a small bias is added18:56.30 
  or subtracted18:56.37 
Robin_Watts_ No.18:56.42 
mvrhel well that could be done a bit better then18:56.51 
Robin_Watts_ yes. I think there is scope for experimentation here.18:57.03 
mvrhel in its current form though I would suggest it be turned off18:57.48 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Right. -r 0 :)18:57.58 
  do either of you have inkjets that you can drive so that we can do test prints?18:58.46 
mvrhel I used to have an hp inkjet that I could drive directly18:59.07 
  I may have gotten rid of it18:59.13 
ray_laptop I think a color chart that showed all of the transitions might help asses the need for r>0 use18:59.15 
mvrhel need to check the garage18:59.18 
ray_laptop I have an Epson 2200 but it's been 3+ years since I ran it18:59.49 
mvrhel and the code that I had to drive it19:00.00 
Robin_Watts_ I have a Canon MFP thing, but I'd need to dive into the gutenprint stuff to figure out how to output stuff without it all being redithered etc :(19:00.09 
mvrhel right19:00.18 
ray_laptop and the 'rinkj' driver outpus to the 2200, iirc19:00.24 
mvrhel hold on let me see what I have 19:00.35 
Robin_Watts_ ok, so I can't palm that off easily on either of you. Rats :)19:00.38 
ray_laptop that's what Raph used for testing19:00.39 
  I'll see if I can fire up the 220019:00.52 
  Epson escape stylus raster format is well understood. at least they give you direct 1:1 input in CcMmYKk19:01.56 
Robin_Watts_ I *thought* that the canon here was PCL, but I could be wrong.19:02.26 
mvrhel ok19:02.54 
Robin_Watts_ and I don't speak PCL in any meaningful fashion.19:03.01 
mvrhel I do have an HP GPB10 demo printer that we used to drive directly when I worked with randair19:03.23 
  need to see if I can actually still run it and get cartridges19:03.51 
ray_laptop I should be able to try the 2200 today (replace all of the inks and run several maintenance cycles)19:04.01 
mvrhel it is fairly compact and I can bring it to the meeting even19:04.10 
ray_laptop the 2200 is fairly bulky (for an inkjet). It prints A3 width19:05.08 
Robin_Watts_ ok, well, I'll try to get my canon working too - that way we can have several routes to test, which would be good.19:06.35 
mvrhel this thing is 10 years old 
Robin_Watts_ I was thinking some more about the distance measurement thing.19:07.26 
  And how it needs to change in the presence of multiple levels.19:07.46 
ray_laptop OK.19:08.38 
Robin_Watts_ For any given greyscale, imagine that intensity dithered over an infinite area. There would be effectively a 'base intensity' with a set of dots every now and then at 'base intensity + 1'19:09.15 
  And the goal of even toned screening is to ensure that the distance between the +1 dots is even.19:10.15 
ray_laptop and to compensate for base_intensity+1 dots, we' need to have some dots at base_intensity-119:10.33 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: No.19:10.44 
ray_laptop is base_intensity a level ?19:11.07 
Robin_Watts_ Let's say that intensity i is in the 0 to 1 range.19:11.47 
ray_laptop maybe I'm too focused on the transition point (33% and 66% when levels = 4)19:12.06 
Robin_Watts_ and the actual levels achievable to us are 0, 1/(levels-1), ... (levels-1)/(levels-1)19:12.25 
  so when levels=4, we can actually get dots for 0, 0.33, 0.66, 119:13.02 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: OK, except achievable is more like 0 0.50, 0.7, 119:13.40 
Robin_Watts_ Right, but that'd be hidden in the gamma tables, I'd hope.19:14.09 
  at least everything in this algorithm assumes that that is the case.19:14.38 
  So for any given i, we 'round it down' to the achievable level below i.19:15.00 
ray_laptop but when you put down a 0.5 dot the expected distance is much greater than if is a 0.33 dot19:15.18 
Robin_Watts_ So 0.5 would go to 0.33 - that would be our "base intensity"19:15.25 
  and an infinite expanse of 0.5 would actually be an infinite expanse of 0.33 with occasional 0.66 dots to bring it up to 0.5 on average.19:15.58 
  right? So we're either sending 'base level' or 'base level+1'.19:16.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: that's assuming the engine can do "an infinite expanse of 0.33", but we can leave that for later19:17.02 
Robin_Watts_ (base level is probably better than base intensity)19:17.11 
  So in order to "even tone screen" that, we want to ensure that the 'base level+1' dots are evenly spaced.19:17.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: and assuming that we don't want any 0.66 dots until we are above 0.33 desired intensity (which may not be the case)19:17.56 
Robin_Watts_ Right, but again that's an assumption of this algorithm.19:18.27 
  So in order to achieve the even toned screening, we are not interested in "distance since the last dot".19:19.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: OK, but that's why I think we need to improve it19:19.20 
Robin_Watts_ We are interested in "distance since the last base_level+1 dot".19:19.35 
  Which means we'd need to keep separate distance counts for all the different levels.19:19.59 
  Which sounds like a tall order to me.19:20.06 
  So, coupling this with what we said earlier about only wanting to apply ETS to highlights I wonder if we should only apply ETS to intensities that fall within the first 'level' band.19:21.21 
  (Clearly I've scared mvrhel off entirely)19:21.51 
mvrhel I am not sure about all of this. In the high lights, which is where I would expect to see ETS have an impact, I would hope that I would see well spaced light dots, not dark dots19:21.56 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Right.19:22.10 
mvrhel I was saving my comments until you finished19:22.11 
  in those transition areas, we may end up turning ETS off19:22.47 
Robin_Watts_ For a highlight (say 0.1), we'd expect to see mostly 0 dots, interspersed with evenly spaced level 1 dots.19:22.53 
mvrhel that is in the midtones and beyond19:22.56 
Robin_Watts_ My contention is that we should consider turning off ETS for any intensity that would fall on level 1 or above anyway.19:23.37 
ray_laptop probably on inkjets the 'compression' of levels will make level 2 and even 3 dots not be very visible in field of level 1 dots19:24.09 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: yes I agree19:24.28 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: They may not individually be visble, but they will have the effect of darkening the overall field, which is what we want right?19:24.54 
ray_laptop so e0 distribution for dots above level 1 is probably OK. May not look so on the display, but OK on paper19:25.00 
Robin_Watts_ (I mean, you might not be able to exactly pinpoint where the darker dot was as it will 'spread' into the surrounding ink, but there WILL be a darker region)19:25.38 
ray_laptop I have to run an errand. BBIAW. I'll check the logs later. Thanks for letting me chime in.19:26.01 
Robin_Watts_ so it sounds to me like we're all vaguely in agreement then.19:26.01 
ray_laptop Yes, as long as Max is looking at paper for multi-level and NOT the display (as I think he was)19:26.36 
Robin_Watts_ And this is where the 0.55/0.6 thing might start to make sense.19:27.15 
ray_laptop and if we ignore the issue of printers that can't print runs of level 1 dots19:27.18 
mvrhel ok. so I am going to grab some lunch. Robin_Watts_ do you want to write up what we want to do and our thoughts on all of this?19:27.53 
ray_laptop That's the problem that cust 240 ran into (Epson and a few others had a constraint)19:28.02 
mvrhel of course it is getting late for you19:28.04 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Not really :)19:28.07 
mvrhel hehe19:28.10 
  Ok. I can try to do it19:28.18 
ray_laptop bbiaw. 19:28.26 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: OK, that would be good, thanks.19:28.28 
mvrhel no worries. thanks for leading the charge19:28.38 
Robin_Watts_ I reckon we should rip the white skipping stuff out personally.19:28.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: and thanks for adding in the comments!!!19:28.55 
mvrhel I will send something out to you and ray 19:29.05 
Robin_Watts_ It's all very well skipping runs of white pixels, but the distance calculations need to be maintained.19:29.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: well, if we can do it, that can make a big performance difference19:29.28 
Robin_Watts_ and they aren't.19:29.30 
  ray_laptop: I'm not averse to skipping white sections efficiently, but I'd like us to skip them CORRECTLY :)19:30.02 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: agreed.19:30.19 
mvrhel bbiaw19:30.41 
  ok so the productivity power tools are for VS 201020:48.50 
  ok found it in the VS extensions20:53.58 
  and that worked20:54.44 
  much better20:55.03 
  got a margin guide extension too21:14.58 
sebras g'night.23:09.28 
ray_laptop mvrhel: thanks for capturing the info from our 'chat' earlier. I emailed a couple of comments....23:18.38 
Ch3rryC0ke Hey there-- I'm using mupdf in an app where I want to print PDFs. Is there a way to turn off anti-aliasing when rendering pages for printing?23:35.39 
  Or are there any other best practices for using mupdf and printing? I'm finding that when printing text, even when rendering a very high res image of a page, the text looks blurry/jaggy when printing.23:36.10 
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