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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/07)2012/11/08 
mvrhel_laptop henrys you there?05:40.19 
  oh never mind I figured it out05:41.18 
Robin_Watts_ kens: Scott is on a plane today.10:57.24 
  Coming to London.10:57.56 
kens Robin_Watts_ : I didn't realise that10:58.17 
  At least my reply tells them something is happening10:58.42 
  chrisl Robin_Watts_ have either of you applied for an ESTA recently ?11:12.53 
chrisl kens: no, I think I did mine at the beginning of the year11:17.11 
kens Its OK, I found the problem. I had scripting blocked on the site. It was asking for my 'personal identification number' on my passport, and I don;t have one....11:17.40 
  WShy allowing scripting gets rid of that I have no idea11:17.59 
chrisl region checking?11:18.17 
kens Perhaps.11:18.28 
  Of course I now get to fill out the form again, as it forgot all my entries when I turned on scripting....11:18.52 
correct_doc for the pdfwriter option ConvertImagesToIndexed the doc says unsupported but when used the resulted PDF is different ?11:22.06 
kens And what is the question ?11:22.57 
correct_doc this is a bug in doc .11:23.26 
kens No11:23.31 
  The option is not supported, the documentation is correct11:24.06 
correct_doc but it does something11:26.34 
kens What exactly ?11:26.43 
chrisl_r61 Cor, useful information, there.....11:46.47 
kens Detailed and insightful11:47.51 
  I *know* pdfwrite doesn't convert images to indexed colour spaces, its on my todo list....11:48.31 
chrisl_r61 I *could* be an indeterminism caused by the length of the command line - but with no information, who cares....?11:49.23 
kens Its probably the fact that the date and timew stamp are different. A simple compare or dif or MD5 checksum will show the files as 'different'11:50.11 
  But since he offered no evidence, I don't really see a reaosn to pursue it11:50.49 
chrisl_r61 Yes, could be that. Actually, it made me wonder - how difficult would it be to dump the pdfwrite configuration as metadata into the output file?11:51.01 
kens Umm.11:51.19 
  We could put it in the PostScript dict easily enough as a private key, but the XML is governed by the schema and thre's no provision in that for that kind of information11:51.50 
  Also it would make the PDF file bigger (admittedly only a little bit)11:52.06 
chrisl_r61 Ah, I thought there was a metadata type that was just arbitrary data11:52.29 
kens In XML ? Yes, but in the PDF schema, I don't think so11:52.47 
  (I could be wrong)11:53.00 
chrisl_r61 Well, in that case, we could just use a comment11:53.16 
kens Yes, we could do that, I don't think it would save us a whole lot11:53.42 
chrisl_r61 Well, I was thinking of all the times it takes to-ing and fro-ing with the reporter to finally get them to admit the exact command line they use11:54.25 
kens Yes, but that to-and-fro gives you an instant feel to whether you are dealing with a clueless muppet or a sensible person :-)11:54.57 
chrisl_r61 Comparing the alleged command line with the configuration read from a PDF would give you that idea pretty quickly, too!11:55.38 
kens True.11:56.13 
chrisl_r61 It was that guy with the reusablestreamdecode issue that made me think about it - "oh, but here's command I actually used.... oh, no, I mean this one......."11:57.37 
kens I guessed that was who you had in mind....11:58.18 
chrisl_r61 He didn't fill me with confidence when, *after* I had confirmed I'd found the problem, he posted the Distiller result - gee, thanks.....11:59.13 
kens Yeah, its amazing how many people do that. And I've got one who keeps posting me the WIndows crash dialog, but won't send me a sample file....12:00.05 
chrisl_r61 I saw that. Did you close that bug? At this stage, I think I would.....12:00.40 
kens Not yet, but I will soon if I don't hear more. Its not actually assigned to me ;-)12:01.08 
chrisl_r61 I lack sympathy since it looks like Ghostscript is being used by a commercial package (even if it wasn't installed with it)12:02.35 
kens Yeah I'm suspicous about that too, I think my question made him back off on that.12:03.07 
  No way is it a 'Save As' in Powerbuilder, unless they have spcifically built that in and told people to use GS12:03.35 
chrisl_r61 Exactly12:03.57 
kens Ha, well there we are then.12:05.37 
  Nice up to date documentation too.12:05.54 
chrisl_r61 Well, I don't know what PowerBuilder version that's for, it's what google found12:06.29 
kens I can't believe customers let them get away with that12:06.35 
chrisl_r61 *Especially* as that is "PowerBuilder Enterprise"12:07.08 
kens Yeah, I waonder how much that costs ? .....12:07.25 
chrisl_r61 According to InfoWorld in 2009: "PowerBuilder (12) costs $2,995 for a new license"12:10.31 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: I've fixed the wrong-page-render bug.12:11.06 
kens And its PDF support is limited to 'download this open source app form somewhere else, good luck with it'12:11.11 
chrisl_r61 Currently, a single seat, PowerBuilder 12.5 license is 2,439.80 Euros - and is only available for Windows x86(!!!)12:12.10 
kens Hmm, a product on its way out ?12:12.33 
  damned expensive too12:12.45 
chrisl_r61 Oh, and that license price doesn't include support, that'll be another 1,097.80 Euros, please..... ffs!12:13.39 
kens Hmm gouging at its best12:14.03 
chrisl_r61 I'm unimpressed, to say the least12:14.49 
kens I wonder if this is actually a Sybase person12:15.36 
  Its a hotmail account, and he went quite when I inquired about where he got it, then came back 24 hours later with 'it happens at the command line too'12:16.07 
chrisl_r61 Possibly, that would not explain the failure to provide a test file12:16.25 
kens Yes, that was another thought I had too12:16.53 
  Well if he doesn't do so soon I will close the report12:17.08 
chrisl_r61 kens: I think this answers the question: 
kens Yeah that pretty much answers the question. I'm going to add a note to that effect in the thread and close it then.12:22.54 
kens lunches12:35.28 
  chrisl just forwarded you a private mail I receioved from Mr Gogas13:22.38 
Robin_Watts_ kens: any chance you could copy support? </Nosey>13:24.41 
kens Hmm, I'll send it to you if you like RObin :-)13:26.21 
  There you go.13:26.51 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: Those 3 commits all look good to me.13:33.22 
paulgardiner Great thanks13:33.42 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Do you want to move the tag up?13:34.15 
chrisl_r61 kens: well, at least he is off our backs......13:45.17 
kens Yes, looks like it was a hardware problem, you would think he would have tried another computer earlier....13:45.47 
  And I just checked the tghread and I definitely sadi I couldn't reproduce the problem13:46.09 
paulgardiner_ Yes. He said we could accept the information in any form, and we can create bugs appropriately.13:48.35 
ray_laptop that's a strange one. A support inquiry at 2:14AM (PST) from a guy in South San Francisco, CA. Thanks from replying, kens.15:14.08 
kens His auto-reply said he was travelling (out of office) so I guess he's probably in Europe at the moment15:23.47 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: ping15:32.38 
ray_laptop I had sent Scott an email I got that said they could provide a list of IT managers at Fortune 1000 companies. I wonder if he followed up. Enough support-only contracts could be a good revenue stream.15:46.05 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: ooh, I really hope we don't follow up on that.15:46.38 
ray_laptop have to restart to install an AV engine update. bbiab15:46.56 
Robin_Watts_ Giving any business to firms that spam you with offers to sell you other peoples addresses would make me feel very dirty.15:47.16 
paulgardiner Anyone know why a PDF document might have text widget annotations marked as being hidden?15:51.14 
Robin_Watts_ And more specifically, why acrobat would show them anyway.15:51.44 
kens Weel there's no accounting for what Acrobat does15:52.00 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: RadioCheckBox_AcroForm.pdf has a clear button that doesn't work.15:53.17 
kens One suggestion would be tghat annotations coujld form a history, when the task is done (editing or whatever) you cna hide tehm. If you ever need to see the history you can (presumabluy) unhide them15:53.25 
Robin_Watts_ Is it possible that we should make fields 'unhidden' when we generate appearance streams ?15:54.05 
kens Robin_Watts_ : I don't really feel I know enough about annotations to comment15:54.25 
Robin_Watts_ kens: This is a file where we can click on an (initially empty) field, and enter a string.15:54.31 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: the docs say I shouldn't even be allowing the user to interact with them.15:54.38 
Robin_Watts_ Oh.15:54.52 
  What does chrome do?15:55.02 
  Chrome does not allow us to access those fields.15:56.16 
  So I'm tempted to say that chrome is right, and acrobat is just broken.15:56.39 
paulgardiner Ah ok. Sometime I should change it so that those fields cannot be access probably.15:57.29 
kens "The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate."15:58.05 
  I expect people will regard Acrobat as correct, and Chrome as broken16:00.08 
  Oh great, zero-day vulnerability in reader X16:04.11 
mvrhel_laptop uhoh. hope you feel better soon henrys16:50.37 
Robin_Watts_ ew.16:51.03 
henrys thanks guys16:57.21 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: Clear button in RadioCheckBox_AcroForm.pdf works now, but I'm waiting on a cluster run to be sure I haven't broken anything.17:03.33 
ray_laptop I think I may be coming down with what my daughter had :-( Not horrible yet, tho'.17:07.11 
Robin_Watts_ TTOTD: Avoid using variables containing words you regularly misspell.17:08.26 
kens goodnight all17:11.43 
mvrhel_laptop bye kens17:11.48 
paulgardiner Night kens17:12.14 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: Gotta be fast to catch kens.17:12.48 
Robin_Watts_ finishes hacking huge amounts of out ETS, and looks to see if it still works :)17:13.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: I wonder if the 16 white lines thing is intentional so that the error term will have reduced to (close enough to) 0. 16 lines may be a bit conservative.17:15.07 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: Right, but the distance figures won't have decreased to zero.17:16.05 
  They *increase* each time.17:16.13 
ray_laptop increase to the max (as close as we get to infinite)17:16.35 
Robin_Watts_ 2*x+1 and 2*y+117:16.56 
  so they need only be 33.17:17.14 
mvrhel_laptop brb17:20.50 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_ yes that does not sound correct17:23.02 
Robin_Watts_ balls. I've broken the random noise.17:28.19 
mvrhel it was already broken :)17:29.21 
  brb again. having to restart each of these machines with the install of windows phone sdk and Hyper-V17:30.09 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Yeah, but it's really broken now. I'm getting black pixels in white areas.17:40.04 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: I thought there was code that forced white areas to be white: /* White pixels stay white */18:03.12 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: There is, BUT... turns out that white is 0x10000 not 0.18:03.30 
  That should actually be 'black pixels stay black'.18:03.41 
  which means that the code is even further wrong, cos that should be resetting the distance.18:04.12 
ray_laptop oh18:04.14 
Robin_Watts_ It surprised me.18:04.22 
ray_laptop well, with black the expected distance to the next pixel s/b 0, shouldn't it ?18:06.00 
  and it sets dst_ptr[i] = 018:06.47 
Robin_Watts_ Right, but we need to state that we set the pixel.18:06.51 
  Turns out we are working in 'amount of light' not 'amount of ink' in this code.18:07.13 
  oh, boy I hate this code.18:27.23 
  mvrhel_laptop: Are you in a position to spare me a few minutes?18:27.40 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: bmpcmp looks ok18:33.07 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: Cool.18:33.17 
  So do we think this is the last change required for the release? (famous last words)18:33.41 
paulgardiner Seems to have fixed another problem that was apparently quite common18:34.15 
  Lefthand side is the new ones, right?18:34.40 
Robin_Watts_ Yes.18:35.04 
paulgardiner Yeah, that's fixed a lot of cases where we were getting both of a choice selected. Have to admit I'm not sure why.18:36.05 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: I am here18:39.23 
Robin_Watts_ OK, pushed.18:39.24 
  mvrhel_laptop: I've just stumbled upon something that has really confused me.18:39.40 
mvrhel_laptop crap phone hold on18:39.50 
Robin_Watts_ To the point where I don't understand how this code is working at all. holding.18:39.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok I am back18:44.05 
  Let me open the project18:44.32 
  Robin_Watts_: ok18:45.00 
Robin_Watts_ My previous understanding of the code was that we were working in 'amount of ink' in this central loop.18:46.17 
mvrhel_laptop That was my assumption to as we are looking at the distance to a dot 18:46.51 
Robin_Watts_ I thought that imo == im = 0 meant white18:47.03 
  BUT, I now think that im = levels-1 means white.18:47.19 
  Which throws me into utter confusion.18:47.27 
  sorry, imo == levels-1, im == 65536 means white.18:48.16 
  could I trouble you to sanity check me please?18:48.37 
  (run a known file through, look at the values etc)18:48.55 
mvrhel_laptop I can try18:49.15 
  what file and what parameters18:49.59 
  should I update first?18:50.13 
Robin_Watts_ Any file you like, and -m0 -e0 -r0 should be enough to show it.18:50.26 
mvrhel_laptop ok so I need to make a pam cmyk file I suppose18:51.03 
Robin_Watts_ examples/tiger.pam ?18:51.15 
mvrhel oh I did not realize we had the pam in there18:51.29 
Robin_Watts_ Or your .pgm file should be fine.18:51.46 
mvrhel ok let me use the .pgm18:52.17 
Robin_Watts_ Aargh.18:53.01 
  pgms represent white as FF.18:53.09 
  pams as 0018:53.13 
mvrhel oh18:53.22 
Robin_Watts_ So that explains something.18:53.23 
mvrhel yes18:53.26 
Robin_Watts_ God knows how stuff has been working then :(18:53.55 
mvrhel That has been the big question since we dug into this18:54.12 
Robin_Watts_ ok, so in the light of that, I need to regenerate all those pngs again.18:56.07 
  I'll do that before I waste any more of your time.18:56.21 
mvrhel ok. need to call wife back. she got a ticket and apparently I was not sympathetic enough.....19:00.56 
Robin_Watts_ ah.19:08.18 
  Right, images regenerated. What this shows is that the random noise is REALLY bad :(19:27.47 
  I can really see ETS working in the teeth now.19:28.41 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: not managed to reproduce that bad redraw yet19:29.27 
Robin_Watts_ on android?19:29.47 
  I had the phone in portrait mode.19:29.53 
  With the page scaled to be about twice the width of the screen.19:30.18 
paulgardiner Yes, that's about what I have.19:30.41 
Robin_Watts_ Select "Option 2" and then scroll so the clear button is in the middle of the page.19:31.13 
  then click it.19:31.17 
paulgardiner Ta. Got it19:31.36 
Robin_Watts_ Phew19:32.00 
paulgardiner Ah! Pretty sure I know what it is and how to fix it... I'll leave the disappointment of finding I'm wrong for tomorrow.19:37.12 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: Ah! Excellent.19:37.23 
  Good plan :)19:37.26 
Ch3rrryC0ke Hey there-- I'm trying to support printing in a PDF viewer that uses mupdf. The problem I'm having is that even when rendering text documents at a high resolution, when printed, they look aliased/fuzzy.19:49.12 
  My thinking was that perhaps the anti-aliasing mupdf applies looks great on screens but not when printing. Is there an easy way to turn it off? 19:49.31 
  Or are there any other tips for printing with mupdf?19:49.39 
Robin_Watts_ Ch3rrryC0ke: hi.19:54.05 
  The current plotters in mupdf only know how to go to 8bpc rgb or grayscale.19:54.27 
  mudraw can go to 1bpp output, but it does that by rendering to 8bpp contone then dithering down internally.19:55.06 
  Presumably you are using mudraw here ?19:55.31 
Ch3rrryC0ke I'm not using mudraw-- I'm using the libmupdf library. This is a Win8 app, so I'm basically rendering a bitmap, wrapping it in a Windows control, and then passing that control to the Win8 print framework. 19:56.27 
Robin_Watts_ If you use -b 0 you will disable antialiasing, in theory at least.19:56.28 
Ch3rrryC0ke How can I do that in code? (E.g. not command line)19:57.01 
Robin_Watts_ fz_set_aa_level(ctx, 0);19:57.22 
Ch3rrryC0ke Ah awesome, let me try that real quick. Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology here, I'm still getting up to speed on mupdf. 19:57.48 
Robin_Watts_ no, you've been bang on the money so far.19:58.05 
Ch3rrryC0ke When you said mudraw, I thought that meant strictly the command line tool19:58.12 
  Does the fz_set_aa_level apply globally? 19:58.34 
Robin_Watts_ It applies to all renders done on that context.19:58.49 
Ch3rrryC0ke Ah gotcha. So right now how I have things structured is similar to the Win32 mupdf Viewer. I have a single "mupdf" class , (technically a "WinRT component"), and I instantiate one object of this per document.20:00.29 
  It has methods to render a page, or to render a "print page" etc, and only has one context20:00.47 
Robin_Watts_ ok, that's fine, unless you ever want to start doing multithreaded magic20:01.28 
Ch3rrryC0ke Yeah-- I want to eventually do multithreaded magic. How can I learn about all that / are there some good examples?20:02.10 
  Especially because the Win8 stuff is ALL about async functions. 20:02.41 
Robin_Watts_ doc/overview.txt20:02.50 
Ch3rrryC0ke Does fz_aa_level need to be set before fz_run_page, or can it be set after fz_run_page and before fz_run_display_list20:03.47 
Robin_Watts_ I suspect it needs to be set before you create the draw device.20:04.45 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_Watts: thanks! I just tried printing with AA set to 0, and the text looks MUCH more crisp.20:10.30 
Robin_Watts_ fab.20:10.36 
Ch3rrryC0ke Any other optimizations for printing?20:10.45 
Robin_Watts_ Ch3rrryC0ke: Not that I can think of offhand. Will this be available at some point?20:11.07 
  We'd love to see a metro app for mupdf.20:11.29 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_Watts_: Yeah, the app is in the Win 8 app store right now, it's called PDF Touch. It's actually a PDF annotator. 20:11.38 
  here's a link:20:11.49 
  And I finally got it compiling for ARM, so if you have a "Surface", it will work on that too20:13.07 
Robin_Watts_ Ch3rrryC0ke: So, your app is released under the GNU GPL, right?20:13.57 
  I can't see a declaration of that anywhere.20:14.07 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_Watts_: no, I'm paying for a mupdf license.20:14.13 
Robin_Watts_ oh, right, sorry!20:14.20 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_Watts_: No worries, I understand ;)20:14.44 
  I would love any feedback if you're able to check it out.20:15.17 
Robin_Watts_ I don't have windows 8, but mvrhel does...20:15.29 
mvrhel hello?20:16.19 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Ch3rrryC0ke has written a Metro app using mupdf. It's on the app store.20:16.43 
mvrhel I am playing around with writing a win8 app right this second20:16.46 
Robin_Watts_ See the link above.20:16.49 
mvrhel I will check it out20:16.54 
Ch3rrryC0ke One more Q if you have a sec-- my app is a PDF annotator, and I'm using iText to write annotations back to the PDFs. With certain PDF files, after saving my annotations, they "move" once re-rendered by mupdf, as if the units of the PDF are somehow different than what I expect. This only happens with certain files, and I can't figure out why-- any idea how I can debug this / figure out what's going on?20:17.06 
  I saw that pdf 1.6 introduces custom units, but one of the files that this repro's on is pdf version 1.4.20:17.31 
Robin_Watts_ I am unfamiliar with iText.20:18.00 
Ch3rrryC0ke mvrhel: thanks. Would love if you can e-mail me feedback at 20:18.08 
Robin_Watts_ How much do they move ?20:18.17 
mvrhel ok grabbing your app right now20:18.19 
Ch3rrryC0ke They move about half an inc down and a half an inch left20:18.32 
Robin_Watts_ Consistently, no matter where they are placed on the page?20:18.50 
  I'd be suspicious that the document was rotated or something, but if you're getting the same offsets whereever you are on the page, that seems unlikely.20:19.48 
Ch3rrryC0ke Yeah, it seems so (down and left), and on some pages, they dissapear entirely20:20.26 
Robin_Watts_ Could be to do with odd margins or something.20:20.56 
  Every page has various bounding boxes, (MediaBox, CropBox etc).20:21.14 
  Typically they are [0 0 width height]20:21.24 
mvrhel neat app20:21.32 
Robin_Watts_ but sometimes they might be [xoff yoff width+xoff height_yoff]20:21.45 
Ch3rrryC0ke I can show you an example / send the file. But basically I use mupdf's text extraction to highlight the text, then I convert those units to "pdf units" (1/72 inch, origin at bottom left", and then write the annotation back to the file.20:21.55 
Robin_Watts_ If you were calculating the offsets into the page by pixels, you'd consistently be off by (xoff, yoff).20:22.30 
  Sure, send me a file. robin.watts at artifex.com20:22.47 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_watts_: ok, I'll look at that, as well as rotations. Are "mediaBox" and "CropBox" PDF concepts or mupdf concepts?20:22.51 
Robin_Watts_ PDF concepts20:22.59 
Ch3rrryC0ke Thanks, sending right now.. this was sent to me by a user, so no judgements on the content ;)20:23.23 
mvrhel so how do you make money on this though Ch3rrryC0ke?20:24.48 
Ch3rrryC0ke mvrhel: Right now, I don't- I'm working on building a pro version that I hope to charge for, and my bigger goal is to build a company around making productivity applications for tablets.20:25.53 
  PDF Annotator is hopefully the first of a suite of apps.20:26.26 
  Robin_Watts_: File sent20:28.13 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: I've just added a -l flag to the ets test thing, so we can set the number of levels.20:29.00 
  results look nice with -l420:29.13 
  and I've pushed my sanitised code.20:29.34 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: great20:29.39 
  off to lunch. I will update and take a look20:29.51 
Robin_Watts_ The white spots in the tongue do not appear to be overflows though, so I'm confused.20:30.04 
mvrhel oh that is surprising20:30.35 
Robin_Watts_ actually, maybe we shouldn't be surprised to see the odd dot.20:38.25 
  Maybe the shade just happens to be very close to the exact ratio that would cause it to be completely covered in dots, so just a few are showing? And the ets biasing tips it over.20:39.16 
  Arranging to only bias in the lighter part of the range would solve that maybe.20:39.50 
  Ch3rrryC0ke: /CropBox[17.0079002 17.0079002 331.600006 466.992004]/MediaBox[0 0 331.600006 484]20:42.44 
  so if the disparity between CropBox and MediaBox IS what's going on here, we'd expect to see a 5% horizontal displacement.20:43.55 
  I reckon we're seeing a 1.3cm horizontal displacement for a 25cm rendering20:45.52 
  which is about right.20:46.18 
  We'd expect a 3.6% displacement up/down...20:47.00 
  I can't tell where you were expecting it to be.20:49.12 
  "sage is still positive, ...ways." would make sense I guess.20:49.46 
Ch3rrryC0ke Robin_Watts: thanks, that's already really helpful. I'll try adjusting for the crop box and media box.20:56.09 
  I'll read about those in the standard first and then go from there. 20:56.39 
  So for example the "When he tells" was meant to be highlighted in the first paragraph on page 620:57.19 
  it shifted down and left20:57.27 
Robin_Watts_ Really?21:02.08 
  I reckon "proved over time .... counsel." was highlighted.21:02.36 
  and "find such friends.... Bible."21:03.16 
  The offset to "When he tells" seems wrong to me.21:04.29 
Ch3rrryC0ke Here's a before and after, I used a different color this time to make it more clear ;)21:06.20 
Robin_Watts_ Right, so that looks like the margins are plausibly to blame.21:09.42 
Ch3rrryC0ke Ok cool, are margins different than cropbox/ media box?21:10.28 
Robin_Watts_ No, I meant cropbox/mediabox, sorry.21:11.48 
Ch3rrryC0ke No prob, thanks so much, this has been very helpful!21:12.29 
  Are "custom units" in PDFs fairly common?21:18.31 
Robin_Watts_ No, not at all.21:19.47 
  That's an Acrobat hack.21:20.05 
ray_laptop I definitely got a virus (probably the same as my daughter had)22:07.20 
Ch3rrryC0ke Is there a way to get the cropbox of a page from mupdf? 22:54.35 
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