IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/10)2012/11/11 
oy hello08:41.41 
  mvrhel, ping08:41.50 
sebras Robin_Watts_: yes, do you want me to test them?11:50.39 
  Robin_Watts_: the v8 checkout instructions fails11:52.17 
  git clone git:// 
  Cloning into 'v8'...11:52.30 
  fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly11:52.30 
  could the issue be related to that your repo is the only one with /.git at the end? i.e. configured improperly?11:53.42 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: ooh eck, I don't know.12:03.26 
  It's not a bare repo.12:03.37 
sebras Robin_Watts_: could be the reason perhaps.12:04.03 
  Robin_Watts_: tor8 know this kind of thing better than I do.12:04.20 
  Robin_Watts_: ok. so I downloaded v8-3.9.x64.tgz... where am I supposed to put it?12:23.16 
Robin_Watts_ extract it into thirdparty.12:24.33 
sebras Robin_Watts_: that worked. I'm testing forms now.12:50.01 
  x11 input leaves some to be desired... ;)12:50.09 
  and also, each input field requests the form contents twice for whatever reason.12:50.34 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Yeah, x11 forms support is far behind windows/android.13:38.03 
  but it's just the UI missing.13:38.17 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I know. I'll install the android binary later and take that for a spin as well. need to go. see ya!13:44.12 
Robin_Watts_ cu.13:46.36 
henrys Robin_Watts_:saw the movie _keeping mum_ filmed out in your area reminded me of our trip.16:12.09 
Robin_Watts_ Was it raining the whole time? :)16:12.35 
henrys don't complain I'll be getting our my snow shovel today.16:14.06 
  Simple pam viewer - lets you turn planes on and off.16:15.20 
henrys anyway cute movie... nice very useful for ets.16:18.19 
Robin_Watts_ goes to climb a ladder and do battle with the triffid.16:18.21 
henrys happy battling!16:19.25 
  ShareMouse rocks!18:03.56 
Robin_Watts_ New version of pamview up; does .pgms too19:13.34 
  I want to make it read the raw planar files that mvrhel puts out from debugging the transparency stuff in gs.20:31.34 
  and I need to make it read CMYKcm pams too.20:31.44 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/11/12)>>>