IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/12)2012/11/13 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: - don't know about the others. Everything ends up at anyway.00:05.40 
tor8 chrisl: xpsfapi.h could be inlined into ghostxps.h, but I take it you didn't do it that way given your preference for many small header files, or is there a conflict in xpsfapi.c otherwise?10:21.59 
chrisl tor8: I wanted to keep a consistent pattern across all the languages, that's all10:22.36 
tor8 chrisl: okay.10:22.47 
  I obviously don't know enough about FAPI, but would it be possible to strip away most of xpscff.c and xpsttf.c eventually?10:23.22 
  or is that still needed for -dDisableFAPI?10:23.31 
chrisl That's still needed for -dDisableFAPI, but that should be removed in a release, or two. Most or all of xpscff.c and xpsttf.c can go at that point10:24.20 
  Oh, bloody hell, XPS has the last_char hack, too :-(10:26.11 
kens Like PCL ?10:26.28 
  Probably because it was copied from there10:26.36 
chrisl Yes, I removed it from PCL, didn't realise XPS had it, too10:26.50 
  tor8: FWIW, I'm not married to the xpsfapi.h separate header, given how small it turned out to be......10:30.22 
kens chrisl ping11:57.07 
chrisl kens: pong11:57.17 
kens odd problem with building PCL11:57.25 
  Having bropken my repo yetserday I recopied it today and am remaking my make changes.11:57.46 
  When building PCL I seem to be getting a UFST invocation11:58.00 
  in winlib.mak, line 13911:58.11 
  !ifdef UFST_ROOT11:58.23 
  !include $(UFST_ROOT)\fapiufst.mak11:58.23 
  Gettging this error:11:58.35 
  1>..\gs\base\winlib.mak(139) : fatal error U1052: file '..\gs\base/../ufst\fapiufst.mak' not found11:58.36 
  1>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'11:58.37 
  WHIch sort of looks like UFST_ROOT is configured11:58.47 
chrisl Erm, UFST_ROOT shouldn't be defined - hang on, let me try it11:59.04 
kens Yeah, I thought it shouldn't be defined, which is why I'm a bit puzzled.11:59.27 
  If it is defined it has a weird value.11:59.39 
chrisl The error you pasted above suggests a fairly sane value12:00.15 
kens Hmm, I thought the multiplicity of '.' and '..' looked odd12:00.40 
  I certainly don't have UFST on this machine ;-)12:01.09 
  checked my environment to make sure I don't have UFST_ROOT set there12:01.28 
chrisl It's just a way of finding the "gs" directory - it's always one above "base"12:01.38 
kens :-)12:01.45 
  Only if UFST_BRIDGE is true though12:03.40 
  Or rather if its no undefined12:04.08 
  Oh, actually no12:04.25 
  # Define whether to compile in UFST. Note that freetype will/must be disabled.12:04.51 
  # FAPI/UFST depends on UFST_BRIDGE being undefined - hence the construct below.12:04.51 
  # (i.e. use "UFST_BRIDGE=1" or *not to define UFST_BRIDGE to anything*)12:04.51 
  !ifndef UFST_BRIDGE12:04.51 
  THat seems to make it unconditnally set UFST_ROOT12:05.14 
chrisl Hmm, okay, so we porbably need "!if UFST_BRIDGE == 1" around the UFST_ROOT assignment12:06.55 
kens Going by winlinb.mak, yes I think so12:07.10 
  I'll try it quickly12:07.19 
  Huh syntax error12:08.33 
chrisl Sorry you need to expand the variable ""!if $(UFST_BRIDGE) == 1"12:09.39 
kens aha12:09.43 
  Nope still get a syntax error12:10.32 
kens hates makefiles12:10.37 
sebras kens: how about some automake? ;)12:11.04 
chrisl Hmm, I'm still getting the makefile not found..... give me a minut12:11.17 
kens is never going there...12:11.19 
Robin_Watts !if "$(UFST_BRIDGE)" == "1" ?12:11.38 
kens chrisl note that my version is a custom hack on the standard make files, so that I cna\ have the originals unchanged in Git12:11.48 
Robin_Watts see gs/psi/msvc.mak for the form12:12.13 
kens SYNTAX ERROR ;-)12:12.22 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, solves the syntax error, still ends up with stuff defined that shouldn't be12:12.40 
kens Yes, syntax error fixed, but I still have a value for UFST_ROOT12:13.16 
  Or at least, it is defined12:13.30 
  and empty12:13.36 
chrisl kens: in winlib.mak, line 108......12:15.04 
kens yes ?12:15.21 
chrisl Remove the assignment of UFST_BRIDGE12:15.22 
kens aha, OK12:15.26 
  still get the same error12:15.43 
  '\fapiufst.amk not found'12:15.58 
chrisl Then about line 138, change the conditional to !if "$(UFST_BRIDGE)" == "1"12:16.09 
kens Way better12:16.58 
  stufff is building now12:17.03 
  I owuld think testing UFST_BRIDGE is a better bet than testgin the existence of UFST_ROOT12:17.35 
chrisl Too many places where the same variable can be set :-(12:17.46 
  I'll commit the change once I've tested it12:18.07 
kens still has to try xps, svg and language_switch12:18.19 
chrisl winlib.mak should be common to all 12:18.40 
kens I'm sure iot is, but I think I'd better check that its OK :-)12:18.58 
  TO be honest, I don't need these so there's no rush, I was just doign a compelte test of my modified projects...12:19.24 
Robin_Watts Gawd. According to Raph the expected distance from a set pixel to the next set pixel in a greyscale of level g is 0.95/(g^2)12:20.01 
  I reckon it's 1/SQR(g)12:20.11 
kens That's quite a difference12:20.23 
chrisl Well, I really couldn't care less about language_switch - in fact, at least if I broke it, people would stop using it12:20.24 
Robin_Watts Now we're dealing with squared differences, which would make it 1/g, which is much closer to what the code actually implements.12:21.01 
  The code seems to do 0.95/g12:21.09 
robin_watts_fone someone just ate my phoneline. ADSL and all.12:40.29 
  it is possible that its by trying to fix a crackly connection we get when it rains, but...12:41.37 
kens probably pasing builders12:43.06 
robin_watts_fone my builders have buggered off. waiting for bricks to be delivered.12:43.54 
kens well I was thinking of any random builder, rather than your own ;-)_12:45.27 
robin_watts_fone there is a by van parked outside, so....12:54.24 
  bloody autocorrect. bt.12:54.50 
chrisl fixes for PCL and XPS pushed, language_switch is still broken - will fix it when I get back......13:02.03 
kens My builds are still building....13:13.41 
Robin_Watts electrician here now, so unexpected power cuts'r'us.13:38.26 
kens wonders if builds are stuck in some endless loop....13:51.40 
Robin_Watts Interesting. gutenprint includes an option for "Even Tone" dithering.13:56.03 
kens could be something different13:56.21 
  Looks very similar14:39.59 
kens well it credits artofcpode with the algorithm14:40.31 
Robin_Watts except without the incremental calculation of distances.14:40.33 
kens and Raph14:40.44 
  So I guess it is the same14:40.52 
Robin_Watts D'oh.14:40.55 
  Shows how much I read comments :)14:41.00 
  (for the logs) I was wrong about the incremental calculation of distances - it does use that.15:33.09 
henrys did you want a linux person to install it and capture output?15:43.44 
  I guess chrisl or I could do that.15:44.27 
chrisl Hmm, I can't get language_switch to build in Windows - even before the FAPI changes.......15:48.36 
kens I haven't tried to build it for ages15:48.56 
henrys we really should disable it entirely (all platforms)15:50.12 
chrisl I could just leave it broken, then..... :-)15:50.36 
henrys probably best15:52.28 
Robin_Watts Bah. That's quitting talk.15:52.45 
  henrys: I was hoping to use Gutenprint to send the output from ETS to my printer. I am asking on the gutenprint mailing list as to how.15:53.01 
  I just noticed their ETS stuff while reading the docs.15:53.19 
chrisl Robin_Watts: (as you're the only person I know that uses it) have you build language_switch recently?15:54.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes.15:54.52 
  Whenever I do "Build Solution" on ghostscript.15:55.06 
  (but if you mean within the last week or so, while my attention has been elsewhere, no)15:55.20 
chrisl VS2005 fails - I haven't tried other VS versions15:56.14 
Robin_Watts VS2005 is what I use.15:56.24 
kens I'm on 2008 and it fails15:56.34 
chrisl syntax error ';'?15:56.48 
kens no, I got an error on the makefile, wait a moment I'll try again15:57.08 
  ah, seems to be wroking since I did an update15:57.34 
  previous time was with my hacked up makefiles15:57.44 
  Using your proper commmit this time15:57.51 
chrisl I guess I'll have to bisect, this will be s.l.o.w........ :-(15:58.59 
kens chrisl the error I get is:16:01.23 
  1>NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '.\debugobj\'16:01.23 
Robin_Watts So, forms meeting time, but paulgardiner has said he'll be late.16:02.07 
chrisl kens: yes, but I can't get the previous revision to build, either. I think I know how to fix the fapi error, but I just hit the same error I get the earlier revision16:02.27 
kens Ah, OK16:02.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: Did you have anything to discuss?16:02.43 
henrys Robin_Watts:I thought we'd give paulgardiner a few minutes16:09.04 
  but no I didn't have anything important to say16:09.46 
Robin_Watts me either.16:10.06 
henrys I'll be around if he shows up, tor8 do you have anything?16:11.45 
paulgardiner Hi. I made it back, nearly in time16:12.57 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ah, hi. We were just all saying that we didn't really have much to discuss anyway :)16:14.31 
paulgardiner :-)16:14.39 
Robin_Watts sebras tried the forms stuff on linux the other day.16:15.04 
  he noted that the input wasn't as nice as on other platforms (still console/stdin based, IIRC)? but then we knew that.16:15.36 
paulgardiner I don't think I have anything to add. A little bit more to do implementing alerts on android before I'll know if the plan works.16:15.46 
Robin_Watts He did say that it was asking twice for each input though, which sounds wrong?16:15.52 
paulgardiner That's odd16:16.06 
tor8 henrys: I got nothing16:16.53 
henrys this isn't really related to paulgardiner but with the show coming up it might be good to look at overall performance issues on the android platform. Frequently we see scanned to pdf stuff, how well does a big bitmap work on the android?16:21.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, we decode bitmaps and cache them internally. We then smooth scale them to the screen. The smooth scaled versions are cached too.16:22.34 
  We also have a subsampling mechanism where we avoid holding the fullsize bitmap, but rather just the log2 subscaled size above the size we need (for some bitmap types at least)16:23.20 
  So as long as you aren't repeatedly changing your zoom over such a boundary, you stand a good chance of only having an interpolated plot to do.16:24.10 
paulgardiner I have some files that, on each pan, are slow to update in high-quality the ucovered areas.16:27.01 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Bitmaps? Lineart?16:27.22 
paulgardiner Bitmaps I think16:27.40 
  Grahame's thesis is one example.16:27.59 
Robin_Watts Presumably that's tex output right?16:28.25 
paulgardiner It's the pages with diagrams that are slow16:29.29 
henrys Well for the show you can have some demo's onhand that you will know in advance don't perform poorly, but I wouldn't discount somebody coming up and saying bring up my pdf at http:// ... if we quickly paged through all the files in the PDF ATS it might show something. That was a "royal" we.16:29.51 
Robin_Watts I have my finger on my nose.16:30.24 
paulgardiner The diagrams could be line art16:30.53 
  That or very high res images16:31.05 
  Slowness seems to be more related to image complexity than size, so I think they might be line art16:33.15 
  That, plus I cannot see pixelation other than at screen res16:33.42 
henrys well why don't we all just be mindful of it. I'll pull down the new apk and put it on my nexus and try to run some interesting files, if everyoned does that we'll get a pretty good sense of performance16:34.44 
  are we good for this meeting? I wanted to work on some other stuff?16:36.08 
Robin_Watts I'm happy.16:37.50 
paulgardiner Yeah, I'm good thanks.16:37.54 
ray_laptop morning, all16:38.09 
Robin_Watts So, we're all agreed, we'll get ray to do it then?16:38.14 
  oh, hi ray.16:38.19 
ray_laptop I am in the fourth day of a bad cold :-(16:38.24 
henrys Robin_Watts:right ray_laptop will do it, he's weak from sickness and won't be able to fight.16:45.28 
  Uh could you please rifle through the PDF ATS on your phone and tell us what happens? Nobody is going to volunteer for that one.16:46.50 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'll do that, yeah.16:47.58 
  mvrhel: ping ?16:53.29 
mvrhel good morning16:54.57 
Robin_Watts Morning.16:55.03 
  I've been prodding at the random noise stuff today briefly.16:55.33 
  partly to see if we can reduce it's scale so it can't be noticed, while keeping it having the desired effect.16:56.21 
  and something has just struck me.16:56.38 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: oh. I had a plan to take a look at the random stuff to see what the frequency characteristics were16:56.44 
Robin_Watts Ah. I tried to understand that too.16:56.56 
  We can talk about that if you want.16:57.06 
  but the thing that I just noticed...16:57.25 
kens D'OH! Robin_Watts the bmpcmp is Candidate, Reference, Difference ?16:57.35 
Robin_Watts there are 2 different ways of getting randomness; one uses seeds, one using tables.16:57.45 
  kens: Yes...16:57.51 
kens Then I am being totally dumb, and the candidate is a progression, thanks Robin_Watts16:58.09 
  Been staring at that for an hour :-(16:58.15 
henrys CRD kens just like the postscript dictionary16:58.23 
kens henrys, yes, but for some stupid reason I was thinking the opposite16:58.41 
  I haev no idea why.....16:58.48 
Robin_Watts the one that uses tables picks a table value given an x/y position.16:59.02 
  which means it gets the same random value for every plane.16:59.19 
  wheras the seed based one will get different random values for each plane.16:59.36 
  I wonder if that is significant ( and which one is better).16:59.47 
  In particular I wonder if picking the same value for each plane is bad when we are doing multiplane optimisation.17:00.07 
henrys okay the only thing I had for the meeting is I was hoping tor8, ken and I would carefully review chrisl's changes.17:00.48 
  chosen because tor8 and I do languages and kens can review font stuff.17:01.03 
tor8 henrys: the changes to xps were pretty minimal17:01.15 
  I went through them this morning17:01.22 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: oh good catch17:01.30 
  the correlation between the randomness in the planes is not good 17:01.56 
henrys tor8:okay thanks17:02.04 
Robin_Watts Having said that, the seed based one looks worse to me :(17:02.07 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: is the seed based one generating a nice blue noise pattern I wonder?17:02.52 
Robin_Watts No idea. It's a mysterious "tm" table ina header file. No indication how it's generated.17:03.20 
  The seed based one is NOT blue noise, I'm sure.17:03.45 
  It's a simple random number generator.17:03.51 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: ok that is the difference I suspect17:03.55 
  I bet he generated a nice blue noise pattern in the table17:04.09 
Robin_Watts The table based one is from a header.17:04.12 
  could be.17:04.15 
mvrhel when he needs to have 4 (or more) of those17:04.27 
Robin_Watts or at least to space us out within that table.17:04.42 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I will grab the one in the header and take a look at it17:04.44 
henrys marcosw:fwiw I notice the firefox folks are using a tool called perecptual diff to detect visual differences with themselves and poppler, I looked at that too some time ago and it seemed to slow to be useful but maybe it has improved. We could compare ourselves with Adobe using something like that.17:04.52 
  alexcher your regression machine has been down quite a bit. Is everything okay?17:05.25 
marcosw I can take a look at it. is perceptual diff available as a stand alone tool or embedded deep in the firefox source distribution?17:05.53 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so what is the period and organization of the data in tmmat?17:06.06 
alexcher__ henrys: somebody has switched it off. 17:06.10 
henrys Robin_Watts:what Robin_Watts said17:06.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Urm...17:07.08 
  result->tmmat = tmmat;17:07.10 
  result->tmwid = 256;17:07.12 
  result->tmheight = 256;17:07.14 
mvrhel ok17:07.17 
henrys marcosw:any reason alexcher's machine is off17:07.54 
  alexcher how about your project - you've seemed quiet lately.17:08.19 
alexcher__ henrys: I hope It will be ready for the meeting.17:09.02 
marcosw yes. alex_x6 fails when running svn update in the tests_private directory. I contacted him some time ago asking for access and/or to send me the logs but didn't hear back (or more likely he did reply and I overlooked it).17:09.05 
alexcher marcosw: I thought it was a random glitch.17:10.03 
henrys Robin_Watts, mvrhel:it looks like you guys have ets under control, is there anything else you need?17:10.10 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: has done 95% of the work17:10.32 
  maybe even 99%17:10.41 
henrys there is no harm in sending a question to Raph if you want.17:10.50 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, at the moment, none of us has got to the stage of printing anything.17:10.57 
  henrys: Right, but I think we now understand the code.17:11.22 
henrys does gutenprint recommend ets for some particular product?17:11.29 
mvrhel Oh maybe I can try to get some printing to take place this week here17:11.34 
  I found my old code to drive the HP17:11.46 
henrys kens:anything for the meeting?17:11.56 
Robin_Watts gutenprint has ETS built in; it says it's very good for photos, less good for drawings etc.17:12.10 
marcosw alexcher: no, I've tried several times and it hangs trying to fetch tests_private/pdf/PDF_1.7_ATS it's a large set of files but shouldn't be a problem since your internets connection is fast. both peeves and henrys_x6 managed the update okay (I had to deal with the machines in miles's manually).17:12.30 
Robin_Watts It's not Raph's code, but someone elses reimplementation.17:12.33 
  It has a 'hybrid' ETS too, where (AIUI) it uses ETS to choose between certain known dither cells.17:13.46 
marcosw henrys: pdiff hasn't been updated in 3.5 years, so depending on when you last looked at it it won't have gotten faster (otoh computers are faster and we have a cluster of fifteen 6/8 core machines).17:13.57 
henrys It might be fun for us to take over that project - just a thought. Probably could do a lot with multiple cores.17:16.57 
  I wish I could find mozilla's pdf.js QA project page that used pdiff I was just lookng at it the other day.17:18.31 
  anyway that's all I had this week, anybody else?17:19.55 
Robin_Watts ?17:20.09 
henrys that is it yes17:21.15 
marcosw I just upgraded do Acrobat XI and was about to run the test suite (including the new PDF_1.7_ATS files) so Ghostscript using our internal bitmap comparison tools. I'll give pdfiff a try and see how it compares.17:24.30 
  Speaking of PDF_1.7_ATS, did we want to add a subset of these to the git/nightly/weekly regression tests? There are too many files to add all of them and I don't know how to go about selecting a reasonable subset.17:25.19 
henrys maybe ray can identify a subset based on customer complaints.17:27.45 
  in the interest of not repeating bugs17:27.58 
marcosw some of the files would probably be good to use as performance regression test, since most of the Quality Logic PDF files we currently use are too fast to be useful.17:29.52 
henrys and if you are feeling proactive QA wise: another interesting thing I saw mozilla do was grab pdfs from the web with the highest page rank - googling for filetype:pdf pdf - that seems to pull up some important pdfs that we should get right.17:31.31 
  back to the salt mine17:32.13 
marcosw henrys: I saw that and was going to fetch the list of files they use and see if there were any we had problems with. I presume someone would have noticed by now, but perhaps not.17:33.26 
  I have to run, my battery is nearly dead and this starbucks doesn't have any available power outlets.17:34.41 
sebras henrys: or harvest problematic pdfs from other projects bugzillas...17:35.48 
henrys sebras:yes - for all of these ideas the pdiff thing looks very powerful, assuming we are interested in finding problems ;-)17:39.22 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: So I am grabbing the tm file and going to have a look at it in MATLAB to see what the frequency characteristics are17:41.09 
  Robin_Watts: the psd format had me so mad yesterday. trying to read files from photoshop itself (not just ours) and they dont seem to follow the spec that I have very well. the size of the resources dont seem to be correct. I am going to hold off on that for a bit17:44.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I was driven mad enough by it adding support to bmpcmp for it.17:45.11 
mvrhel I remember that17:45.29 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: In the paper, Raph describes the expected distance as being 0.95/(g^2)17:47.50 
  I reckon that's rubbish.17:47.58 
kens off for the night, goodnight everyone17:48.51 
Robin_Watts For a greyscale of 1/4, we'd expect (say) the top left pixel in each 2x2 square to be set. Hence an expected distance of 2.17:49.07 
  For a greyscale of 1/9, we'd expect the top left pixel in each 3x3 square to be set. Hence an expected distance of 3.17:49.32 
  For a greyscale of 1/16, 4 etc.17:49.45 
  so I reckon the expected distance is more like SQR(1/g)17:50.02 
  The algorithm deals in "distance squared" though, so that would be 1/g17:50.27 
  and the actual code uses 0.95/g which is pretty close.17:50.38 
  So I think the paper is wrong. That explains one of the FIXMEs.17:51.02 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: good observation on this17:51.48 
henrys I did want ask at the meeting we start spell checking logs, someone's commit reminded me of that ;-) Does that seem reasonable?18:00.26 
chrisl I wonder if there's a commit hook for that.....18:01.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: oops. Was that me?18:01.54 
henrys actually kens commit got my attention but I think most of us have done it.18:02.56 
mvrhel I had to go look at the logs to see. I know I do a mispell now and thng18:02.59 
  Kens is pretty good :)18:03.15 
ray_laptop Spell checking with all of our special terms will be a pain. It'll take a while to get a dictionary that has everything. unless maybe we can process old logs, kick out all 'mis-spellings' and add those that are OK.18:05.59 
  have to change venues. bbiaw.18:07.55 
henrys yes I was more thinking you guys could have an editor with spell checking that pops up when you commit right? Then you can ignore jargon18:08.02 
Robin_Watts Right. Can emacs be set to spell check commit messages automatically?18:10.38 
  If you come up with the emacs lisp for that, I'll have a copy :)18:10.59 
  ooh. git-gui might already do it.18:11.26 
henrys I use flyspell-mode. even works for comments in code.18:18.31 
Robin_Watts Needs ispell installed.18:19.59 
henrys yes18:20.29 
  is that a problem on windows?18:21.32 
Robin_Watts just installing aspell now to try.18:21.47 
  That seems to be working.18:33.36 
  but not in C files.18:33.44 
henrys did you add the hook from the wiki page18:34.28 
Robin_Watts I did.18:34.36 
  And even calling it manually doesn't seem to work.18:34.45 
henrys and it's listed in your mode bar - I have (C Fly AC Abbrev)18:36.53 
  when I bring up a c file that is.18:37.25 
Robin_Watts (C Fly Abbrev)18:37.26 
  doesn't run automatically. Maybe I have the hook name wrong.18:37.39 
  OK, now I have it running automatically.18:38.33 
  but it's not highlighting misspellings in comments.18:38.59 
henrys mine underlines and colors misspellings18:40.17 
Gigs- Are there non-deterministic factors in tiffsep's output?18:42.11 
  I wrote a regression script that's pretty sensitive and running it multiple times gives me different results each time in terms of regression vs no regression18:42.46 
  I'm taking care of the date, these are single pixel differences, 00 turns to ff, etc18:43.09 
chrisl Gigs-: which tiff device are you using?18:43.32 
Gigs- tiffsep?18:43.42 
chrisl Hmm, I'm not aware of problems with tiffsep, although someone on here was saying the same thing, but wouldn't give us any details18:44.30 
Gigs- it's not a problem really, just single pixel differences that seem non-deterministic18:44.51 
henrys Robin_Watts:it doesn't preprocess the entire file but you should get an error if you type in an error or edit near a misspelling18:45.06 
Robin_Watts Right. That's what I tried.18:45.41 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so the random matrix is definitely blue noise like. Perhaps I should generate 3 others18:45.47 
Robin_Watts Gigs-: It seems like a problem to me.18:46.08 
chrisl Gigs-: there is (we think) a very rare indeterminism in the halftoning code, but it shouldn't affect tiffsep18:46.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: 3 ain't enough :(18:46.23 
mvrhel ?18:46.29 
  well for CMYK that will be fine18:46.35 
Gigs- I'll see if I can pin it down further18:46.39 
mvrhel I can generate 5 more18:46.46 
Robin_Watts CMYKcmy ?18:46.46 
mvrhel ok 6 more18:46.52 
  to I hear 7?18:47.00 
Robin_Watts I'd be tempted to just have the 1 and use offsets for each plane personally.18:47.29 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: that would be fine 18:47.45 
  a much better solution18:48.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Just applying a horizontal and/or vertical shift per plane should reduce correlation in the randomness18:48.13 
  for the stochastic threshold when I wanted CMYK I just did 90 degree rotations, but offsets of 1/4 or so of the table is fine too18:49.06 
  mvrhel: did you ever do the Fourier on the tm matrix noise ?18:49.41 
mvrhel just did it18:49.47 
  and can see that it is blue18:49.57 
ray_laptop mvrhel: sorry -- I missed that in the log.18:50.11 
mvrhel not sure it was in the logs. I mentioned to Robin_Watts that I was going to look at it18:50.33 
  and just got it into MATLAB and looked at the power spectrum18:50.49 
ray_laptop so blue noise should be better than white noise (that the seed gives us). Which shows in the results as well.18:51.14 
mvrhel right18:51.58 
  getting the planes uncorrelated in their noise should provide some improvement too18:52.16 
ray_laptop of course, we can play with the frequency and spectrum for the blue noise and maybe make it better. 18:53.31 
  I suspect that we want a very high frequency since that's where the eye is going to pick up 'patterns'. If the dots are far apart, a little position difference is not noticed18:55.16 
  I would guess the frequency corresponding to between 3 and 8 pixels would work well.18:57.02 
Robin_Watts So, I've been staring at the compute_randshift code.19:06.37 
  I reckon it's called with nl in the 0..0x10000 range.19:06.55 
  and with 'rs' being the shift value. The higher the shift, the lower the effect the noise has.19:07.54 
  It generally returns rs unchanged, except when nl is in certain ranges, when it decreases rs by up to 3 and returns it.19:08.31 
  The question is where are those ranges centred... I reckon they are:19:08.57 
  centred on 0x10000, reduces rs by up to 3. This corresponds to full intensity.19:09.28 
  centred on 0x8000, reduces rs by up to 3. This corresponds to alternating pixels.19:09.51 
  Actually, a better way of putting this: 1 => -3, 1/2 => -3, 1/3 => -2, 1/4 => -3, 1/6 => -119:11.13 
  then there is another one, about 1/9.33 if I'm reading it right, which is -1.19:11.34 
henrys chrisl:I am pretty sure that shift in pcl/pcl5cfts/fts.0010 banner is a regression, let me create an obvious example19:22.11 
chrisl henrys: I'm not seeing a significant shift there19:27.40 
henrys yes but it grows with font size sending an email.19:28.58 
  do you want bugzilla reports or just emails?19:30.24 
chrisl henrys: bugzilla is probably best19:30.45 
henrys It looks like you are missing the lsb19:30.55 
  I sent the email already but I'll do bugzilla from now on.19:32.41 
Robin_Watts henrys: PDF_1.7_FTS? Was that what you wanted tested?19:52.53 
  No, the ATS...19:54.24 
henrys either rays new ats files or PDFIA1.7_SUBSET20:03.02 
Robin_Watts Ah. I'll do the subset as the new ones are still downloading.20:09.57 
henrys oh okay great.20:14.29 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: We really must get it to sort the file list20:15.12 
  Of the IA3Z files there are 4 slow/sluggish ones20:36.19 
  0845 being the worst.20:36.29 
  CATZ8874.pdf is unreadable.20:43.46 
  CATX8874.pdf that is. Due to not being able to zoom far enough in.20:44.10 
Gigs- Need attachments to marked private20:44.51 
Robin_Watts Done.20:45.56 
  mvrhel, ray_laptop: I think I'm burnt out on ETS for a bit.20:49.46 
  I'm going to step away from it tomorrow and look at the slowness in some of these mupdf files.20:50.04 
  I've pushed all my latest fiddlings.20:50.16 
  Gigs-: Thanks for the bug report.20:50.47 
Gigs- thanks20:52.07 
  I don't know if it's going to be reproducible or not20:52.17 
  make sure to try at least 5 times20:52.28 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: ok. on ETS. I can look at some of the things that remain on the list. Did you do anything with the random stuff then?21:09.41 
tkamppeter mvrhel, hi21:12.52 
  oy, hi21:13.14 
mvrhel tkamppeter: hello21:13.27 
oy tkamppeter, hello21:13.57 
mvrhel tkamppeter: I have the output intent stuff on my to do list21:14.08 
oy cool21:14.14 
tkamppeter mvrhel, did oy contact you already about our findings about Ghostscript on the Color Management hackfest which ended yesterday?21:14.17 
mvrhel tkamppeter: no21:14.29 
  oy and tkamppeter: if you can wrap up any issues into bugzilla for me that would be very helpful21:15.15 
  in case they are not already there21:15.26 
  I have an appt I need to head out for right this sec21:15.38 
tkamppeter mvrhel, you are talking about bug 691952?21:15.55 
mvrhel right21:16.12 
  tkamppeter ^^21:16.23 
tkamppeter mvrhel, and bug 693438?21:16.37 
mvrhel oh that is the one that chris was telling me about21:17.12 
  I will try to take a look at that tonight21:17.23 
  need to go now. if there is more please open bugs21:17.31 
oy assumes, tkamppeter has the OutputIntent and Rendering Intent bugs reported or actualised21:17.44 
tkamppeter oy, I have updated bug 691952 because of your test files, and Richard has reported bug 693438 due to messed up CUPS Raster files. Please tell me if there is another issue to report.21:37.15 
oy tkamppeter, will look tomorrow into21:38.27 
chrisl_r61 henrys: I believe the problem was the scaling when I retrieved the glyph width through FAPI causing rounding errors. I have an idea, but it needs more testing - tomorrow......22:31.19 
  marcosw: I had to revert your --exclude Makefile change to because it broke the pcl/xps/ls cluster testing. We'll need to just exclude ghostpdl/gs/Makefile, and not ghostpdl/Makefile23:55.05 
marcosw isn't ghostpdl/Makefile generated by ./configure (or autogen)?23:55.53 
chrisl_r61 No, it's in git - ghostpdl uses a for the configure results23:56.28 
marcosw oops, sorry about that.23:58.38 
chrisl_r61 No worries. Since we're not maintaining the non-configure ghostpdl build any more, we could change that, but for now, I just commented out the line in clusterpush.pl23:59.56 
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