IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/13)2012/11/14 
chrisl_r61 But it's late here, and I'm knackered, so g'nite!00:00.53 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I fixed the planes so they are offset from one another.00:16.58 
  And I added a -n flag so you can set the scale for the random noise. 0 is the lowest possible, 1 twice as noisy, etc.00:17.29 
  previously the code was defaulting to 5.00:17.45 
  but I haven't actually changed anything there.00:18.05 
  If you get around to looking at compute_randshift, we can talk about what I reckon it does.00:18.55 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: ok00:23.25 
tkamppeter oy, hi13:19.44 
oy tkamppeter, hello13:40.44 
Robin_Watts has a profile of MuPDF on android.14:37.14 
  time seconds seconds calls s/call s/call name14:38.47 
  57.81 55.91 55.91 35733886 0.00 0.00 cmyk_to_rgb14:38.49 
  tor8: ping14:49.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hey14:49.31 
Robin_Watts hey. So any thoughts on cmyk_to_rgb?14:49.44 
  That's so far and above any other contribution for this file.14:50.02 
tor8 #undef SLOWCMYK14:50.35 
Robin_Watts won't that look horrid?14:50.51 
tor8 yes :)14:50.55 
kens cheap fast or good :-)14:51.07 
tor8 we could build a 3d lookup table of the SLOWCMYK math and do interpolated sampling14:51.33 
Robin_Watts kens: Right, we only want 2 of the 3 : )14:51.39 
tor8 15*15*15 or something like that14:51.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: 15*15*15*15?14:51.57 
tor8 s/15/16/g14:51.57 
kens Robin_Watts : MuPDF is already cheap so you cnaonly have fast or good14:52.07 
tor8 oh right, 4-dimensional. ick.14:52.19 
  or we could do the K as a pre-lookup step14:52.31 
Robin_Watts I think there is scope for optimising the maths.14:52.32 
  and we could convert to fixed point rather than FP (which would, I suspect, help a lot on ARM)14:53.16 
tor8 vectorize the math :)14:53.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's a per pixel call; can't do multiple pixels at once.14:54.00 
chrisl Cache the result(s), and avoid the math for repeated sample values?14:54.06 
tor8 we should check if cmyk_to_rgb is inlined in the fast_cmyk_to_rgb/bgr cases for pixmaps14:54.11 
  Robin_Watts: yeah, we do the per-pixel call because it's a long function for converting pixmaps14:54.31 
Robin_Watts Let me run this file through very sleepy to see the call sequence.14:54.48 
tor8 that also goes through the unsigned char -> float and back conversions14:54.57 
Robin_Watts It's called from fast_cmyk_to_rgb14:58.51 
  and that's called from fz_convert_pixmap14:59.07 
  at that from fz_draw_fill_image14:59.20 
tor8 right. so two easy targets: (1) do we cache the color converted pixmaps? (2) inline or write a batch version of the math, without floating point math, in fast_cmyk_to_rgb15:00.17 
  or (3) use a lookup table for fast_cmyk_to_rgb15:00.42 
Robin_Watts 1) We don't. I was just pondering if we should change fz_image_to_pixmap to take a target colorspace.15:01.12 
  And it could do the color conversion for us (and hence cache the color converted ones).15:01.34 
  It might also allow things like only decoding JPEGs to grayscale rather than to RGB if we wanted to get smart.15:01.57 
tor8 the color conversion will still be slow though. fz_std_conv_pixmap does memoization but that won't help for contone images15:02.49 
Robin_Watts but I'm gonna have a stab at 2.15:02.55 
  Cos 2 will help even if we later do 1.15:03.06 
tor8 (2) is probably easiest and will give the most significant boost if it pans out15:03.23 
  a 4d lookup table is probably going to be just as slow as a matrix mult15:03.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: howso?15:04.43 
  This is a fixed conversion of course... I reckon a 4d lookup table might be the way to go.15:05.17 
  Let me try that.15:05.21 
tor8 interpolating in 4 dimensions is going to be a lot of mults too15:05.30 
  and the size of the table might bump things out of the cache15:05.47 
  cpu cache*15:05.51 
  but it's worth trying both approaches15:06.07 
  if we do the lookup table, we can stick a better CMYK profile in there15:06.26 
  which is of course an added bonus :)15:06.41 
Robin_Watts If we're going 8bit -> 8 bit, then we only need to use chars for the lookup table.15:07.12 
  8x8x8x8 = 4096 = 4K.15:07.21 
  oh, x3 = 12k :(15:08.02 
tkamppeter oy, can you report a bug about the auto-selection of the default (first) output intent?15:51.09 
kens tkamppeter : oy is gone I think16:05.27 
tkamppeter kens, I will tell it to him by e-mail, so that he gets it for the start of tomorrow's workday.16:26.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: I've got a reformulated version of cmyk_to_rgb here; avoids many muls.16:36.19 
  Gives visually identical results on windows, and is a tiny bit faster (but the timings for that function were small on windows anyway).16:36.51 
  Rebuilding for android now.16:36.58 
ray_laptop finally getting the fuzz out of my head. No more cold meds, and using coffee as a solvent helps16:48.24 
  Robin_Watts: 4k entries is enough for a lookup on 3-bits per component (12kbytes)16:49.16 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. 12K is too much.16:49.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so for a cache, I've used the low bits off of each component as the cache key, which takes 32-bits for the CMYK value plus 24 bits for the RGB, thus 7 bytes per cache slot16:50.58 
  7 * 4k entries is 28Kb16:51.37 
Robin_Watts Search time in such a cache would be prohibitive.16:52.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: are CMYK images even that common, though ? Or is this just one example that is really slow ?16:52.38 
Robin_Watts This is the slowest file I can find in as much of the PDF ATS before I lost the will to live.16:53.12 
  cor, evidently I couldn't be bothered to type half that sentence. Sorry.16:53.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: search time is collecting the low 3 bits of each component (shifts) to form the slot offset16:53.41 
chrisl I'd try a simple, one value, look-aside cache - even contone images often have runs of repeated sample values16:54.25 
Robin_Watts chrisl: yes, that's all lcms does.16:54.42 
chrisl It's often a lot of bang for very little effort16:55.07 
ray_laptop chrisl: that's what I was talking about. If the CMYK value doesn't match the slot, if it doesn't match compute it and replace the slot contents16:55.49 
Robin_Watts I'll see how fast I can get the standard code, then add caching.16:56.04 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I take it this is for image samples? Maybe doing a fixed-point conversion for 0-255 sample values would be useful16:56.58 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That's exactly what I'm doing now.16:57.13 
ray_laptop chrisl: what good are 255 samples ?16:57.33 
Robin_Watts I've optimised the 'general' floating point version to reduce muls etc.16:57.35 
chrisl ray_laptop: 8 bit values16:57.59 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I mean, I'm writing code that takes components as 0...255 rather than floats in the 0 to 1 range.16:58.11 
ray_laptop in my experience, real world images need a cache of about 32-64k slots to get a hit rate of around 65%16:59.00 
  of course it depends a lot on the level of detail in the image.16:59.27 
  I've also done a cache where each slot ignores the low bits of the input, then interpolate. The interpolation using shifts and adds is fast on CPU's w/o FP h/w17:01.32 
  but the interpolation overhead was enough that the simple cache won.17:02.04 
mvrhel_laptop I wonder if anyone will ever want mupdf to do real color17:02.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hooking mupdf up to a CMM is something we've talked about for ages, but it's never bubbled up the priority list.17:03.08 
mvrhel_laptop right17:03.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: for sure, working from 8-bit input (instead of floats) make sense. Also, is the color conversion done BEFORE the image smoothing (interpolation) ?17:03.28 
mvrhel_laptop I don't think there has been any demand17:03.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes.17:03.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: we've had one query for mupdf to use output ICC profiles, but we just steered them to gs.17:04.24 
Robin_Watts The question is, what costs more? converting more from 4->3 or scaling 4 instead of 3 ?17:04.48 
kens Depends on the caling I expect17:05.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't follow the question17:05.15 
Robin_Watts We start with a CMYK image, and we want to get a scaled rgb image.17:05.44 
  Either we can convert 4 ->3 then scale 3, or we can scale 4 then convert 4->3.17:06.04 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: as kens said, it depends on the scaling.17:06.16 
Robin_Watts yes. At the moment we always convert then scale.17:06.41 
  actually, mupdf subsamples/converts/scales.17:06.56 
ray_laptop for downsampling, we don't really want to convert all of the iinput, for upsampling then we want to convert, then scale (I would think)17:07.02 
mvrhel_laptop right17:07.22 
Robin_Watts So the 'gross resizing' happens in the subsample phase (to the nearest power of 2), I believe.17:08.06 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what is the subsample step (downsampling)?17:08.10 
Robin_Watts We decode images at a subsampled size.17:08.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: surely not when the image is to be scaled up ?17:09.01 
Robin_Watts that size being the smallest power of 2 subsampling factor such that the image is just bigger than we actually need.17:09.15 
  Indeed, not when we are scaling up.17:09.20 
ray_laptop I realize that mupdf "thinks" in terms of cramming a page on a cell phone screen, so downsampling is the norm17:09.32 
Robin_Watts So for upscaling, we're converting then scaling - exactly what we want.17:09.49 
  For downscaling, we decode to a subsampled size, then convert, then scale.17:10.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK, so it sounds like the number of covnersions is reasonably optimized17:10.24 
mvrhel_laptop that does sound reasonable17:10.33 
Robin_Watts We cache the result of the subsample.17:10.35 
  We should really cache the result of the conversion instead, I think17:10.46 
mvrhel_laptop right17:10.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: for re-draws, yes, I would think so17:10.59 
Robin_Watts but that requires some slight reworking.17:11.15 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I am going to beat a bit on some of these output intent issues from cups for a bit17:11.23 
ray_laptop so the sub-sampled image is floats ? or 8-bit ?17:11.43 
  Robin_Watts: on the -n you added to ETS... Does that control rand_scale ?17:13.45 
Robin_Watts sub sampled image is 8 bit.17:14.07 
  ray_laptop: Yes, rand_scale.17:14.14 
  -n only has an effect if -r is used.17:14.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, that makes sense17:15.18 
  Robin_Watts: so adding a simple cache that uses some low bits of each component to get a cache slot index should be simple to insert in the flow. 3-bits per component would only need 28Kb17:17.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes, I could certainly do that.17:18.19 
ray_laptop adjusting the number of bits per component (more for M and less for Y, for instance) can improve the hit ratio for a given size17:18.25 
Robin_Watts but for now, I'd like to get the performance as good as possible without caching. Then we can add caching later.17:18.48 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: not sure what can improve the K channel handling, however, but doing 'simple' BG/UCR and then just converting the remaining 3 components may be faster (depending on the complexity of the CMY->RGB step)17:20.41 
  i.e., if interpolation in a multi-dimensional LUT is being used17:21.31 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: right doing the cmy to rgb and doing an adjustment based upon k to the rgb value would make the most sense17:22.55 
henrys` ray_laptop:at the meeting yesterday I was going to ask about the chunk memory manager and mt, I think it should get some priority, what do you think?17:23.22 
mvrhel_laptop for something sleazy17:23.25 
ray_laptop dropping the K channel lets us use more of the remaining color bits in the cache key17:23.25 
mvrhel_laptop right17:23.43 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: well, it is just for mupdf ;-)17:24.05 
  so sleazy is fine ;-)17:24.11 
mvrhel_laptop :)17:24.14 
ray_laptop remember that we are talking about primarily a viewer on a tablet or phone, not making plates for a press or printer17:25.33 
  henrys`: is this the issue with the locking in memory managers ?17:26.19 
mvrhel_laptop yes. tell that to the lady who ordered the sweater based upon the color shown in her viewer app17:26.24 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: just blame her monitor calibration 17:26.54 
mvrhel_laptop its all sRGB....17:27.02 
ray_laptop like 99.999% of the people even know there is such a thing as monitor calibration.17:27.28 
mvrhel_laptop true17:27.44 
  people just expect it to work17:27.52 
henrys` yes all pcl, xps, etc files potentially crash mt. - see marcos mt regression test email17:28.14 
ray_laptop henrys`: is this the issue with the underlying PCL chunk manager not being thread safe ?17:28.34 
  henrys`: right (I typed too slowly)17:28.48 
  henrys`: I should dust off that branch and finish it. I added 'on / off' locking to allocators so that multi-threaded apps can turn it on, but (for instance) a single instanced PCL parser step won't incur the performance hit.17:30.30 
kens goodnight everyone17:32.01 
ray_laptop so that ONLY when MT rendering is used, we turn on locking for the underlying chunk manager so that allocations outside the MT rendering (i.e. in the main thread) are protected17:32.06 
  bye, kens 17:32.13 
  looking at the Miranda blurb in ken's default /quit message, it occurs to me we should put more of an 'ad' tag line instead of (or before) GPL Ghostscript GIT PRERELEASE 9.07 (2012-07-31)17:35.01 
henrys` ray_laptop:I don't understand the details - why is extra stuff needed for pcl and not gs, I understand the chunk manager isn't used by the writer with gs and the chunk manager is. But what breaks because of that?17:35.43 
ray_laptop henrys`: the gs parser always uses the GC for the parser step, and the non_gc_memory always has mutex protection.17:36.43 
henrys` okay that's right17:38.05 
  I forgot that17:38.23 
ray_laptop henrys`: PCL would incur a performance hit if every access to the chunk manager for all of the little allocations/frees17:40.26 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter are you here?17:40.38 
ray_laptop phone call to Scott... bbiab17:40.42 
chrisl henrys`: I just pushed a fix for that PCL glyph spacing problem. I get *much* closer results between the FAPI and non-FAPI code, now, across *loads* of tests.17:51.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl: nice one.17:52.48 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm just waiting on all the other problems, now ;-)17:53.27 
henrys okay chrisl I'll continue testing - thanks18:06.34 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, yes.18:09.30 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter in bug 691952 did you include -dUsePDFX3Profile in your command lines in item 6?18:10.49 
  realize that due to CMM differences between lcms and adobe, every rendering intent and every profile combination is not going to give exactly the same color value18:11.36 
tkamppeter I have tried the test files with -dUsePDFX3Profile now. 070_OutputIntent_ISOCoated1-v1_x3.pdf gives red crosses on all samples, 130_Source\ Profile.pdf gives no crosses (at least one correctly treated file) and 131_Rendering\ intent.pdf gives crosses on the first three fields and no cross on the last (white) field (partial success).18:12.01 
mvrhel_laptop but, we should not be seeing extreme difference (e.g. like a green X in a blue square)18:12.02 
  let me look at 070_OutputIntent_ISOCoated1-v1_x3.pdf18:15.08 
  070_OutputIntent_ISOCoated1-v1_x3.pdf renders fine for me18:16.51 
  let me try without -dUsePDFX3Profile18:17.05 
  and lots of x's without -dUsePDFX3Profile18:18.04 
  that was out to a cmyk device18:18.16 
  let me try an RGB device18:18.21 
  which will be a proofing case18:18.27 
  x's may be partially visible in this case18:18.37 
  as it uses the output intent as a proofing profile18:19.30 
  that did not work correctly18:19.58 
  lets see what adobe does with this18:20.03 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, with the cups output device and color space 6 (CMYK) 070... works for me, color space 1 (RGB) shows red crosses on rosé squares.18:21.39 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter: ok that is what I am seeing. the RGB case really should be better than that18:22.02 
  let me dig into that right now18:22.07 
  in that case, it is supposed to be using the output intent as a proofing profile18:22.21 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, in color space 6 all three files work.18:24.41 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter: ok that is good news18:25.01 
  so it is just the proofing flow18:25.07 
  nice acrobat reader crashed on me18:25.18 
  I am a little worried about the output intent profiles in these files18:27.11 
  They may not be round tripping at all18:27.25 
  which would break the proofing process18:27.36 
  this is the danger of using the output intent as your primary method of color managment18:27.58 
  but we will see 18:29.02 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, bug report updated.18:31.31 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks18:31.38 
henrys chrisl:looks good now there are pretty close - it seems like fuzzy should work but it doesn't with the parameters I have. I'll fool with it a bit18:34.50 
  s/there are/they are/18:35.14 
mvrhel_laptop ok. found one issue. we are going through the proofing profile when the source color is already in the proper color space. this explains the rose background that should have been purple18:36.38 
chrisl henrys: I was using "-w 7" with fuzzy - that's the same error window we used with the Ghostscript FAPI work18:38.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok. now for the red x's18:45.50 
henrys chrisl:oh okay I think I'll go through at least the fts visually, that's a bit larger than I'd want to set it for.18:47.22 
chrisl henrys: My problem is, I'm a bit snow-blind from staring at the differences, now. BTW, I'm working at 300 dpi (mostly), I guess that influences the effect of the window setting?18:50.56 
Robin_Watts window setting is in device pixels.18:51.19 
  so passing with a window of 7 at 300dpi is much better than passing with a window of 7 at 72dpi18:51.43 
chrisl Yeh, I assumed as much, since the files we're using don't have a dpi setting in them18:52.07 
Robin_Watts Hmm. My rewriting got it down from 69% to 60%.18:52.17 
henrys yes I was using 300 - but I look at the output and it doesn't look like it should need 7 ...18:52.26 
  but it does18:52.29 
Robin_Watts Adding a 1 place cache got it from 60% to 31%.18:52.30 
mvrhel_laptop I guess I am going to have to extract this output intent profile to see what is going on18:54.47 
henrys errands bbiab18:55.58 
mvrhel_laptop ok these profiles are *ucked in terms of working as proofing profiles19:05.01 
  hmm actually this should work19:14.29 
  since applying the sequence of profiles manually in photoshop give something reasonable19:14.59 
  perhaps a rendering intent issue19:15.30 
wart___ hi folks. i'm becoming increasingly frustrated at how big my pdf files are getting; I work with a lot of (medieval) manuscripts and old books, and some of my pdfs just take about 10 seconds in (say) mupdf to load. There's got to be a clever trick (ghostscript? pdftk?) to strip these down so they load reasonably.19:46.55 
  but i can't find the right magic in google to get an answer.19:47.04 
  (an answer that works)19:47.14 
  some of my pdf files load very fast, so there's gotta be a difference that makes a difference19:47.30 
  and i'd love to figure out what19:47.36 
  i tried this: ~/Downloads/WADDING/test $ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf test.pdf19:51.37 
  but it appears all the pages are blank and it spit out this error over and over: **** ERROR: Unable to process JPXDecode data. Page will be missing data.19:52.14 
Robin_Watts wart___: Sounds to me like the files are just scanned images on each page.20:00.27 
  And the images are in jpeg2000 format.20:00.37 
  and for some reason you're getting an error about processing that data.20:01.09 
wart___ Robin_Watts: yeah, that would make sense; so can I pop them out, convert them to something more reasonable, and pop them back in (so to say)? It seems like this is a commonality with the files I work with.20:01.10 
Robin_Watts wart___: Well, gs decodes jpeg2ks just fine.20:01.41 
  but recoding from jpeg2k to something else is likely to make the files *larger*.20:01.59 
wart___ Robin_Watts: here's a link to a sample file: 
  ah i need to compile ghostscript with jpeg2k20:03.08 
  let me see if that does the trick20:03.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: (just read the logs from a few hours back)20:14.03 
  Robin_Watts: I see you are making a cache lookup table?20:14.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: No.20:14.22 
  I've done various things.20:14.33 
  1) Optimise the standard FP version to use fewer MULs, and to avoid using MULs in favour of adds/subs.20:15.03 
  2) Then I took that and stuck it into the middle of the fast_cmyk_to_rgb function, and munged it so it worked in fixed point with 8 bit values as input/output.20:15.51 
  3) Then I put a simple 1 place cache in there too.20:16.13 
  1 saved 20% on windows, but not much on android.20:16.32 
  2 saved 9% or so on android.20:16.45 
  3 saved 30% on android.20:16.54 
  I'm just tidying it all up for commit now.20:17.08 
tor8 I was hoping for more on (2)20:17.10 
Robin_Watts Me too.20:17.16 
tor8 but any improvement is welcome20:17.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok. looks like the issue with the output intent is due to the use of different rendering intents20:18.11 
tor8 sampling a 4-d lookup with linear interpolation is 16 fetches and 10 lerps20:19.02 
  probably not an improvement over the matrix mult, but may be worth trying20:19.21 
Robin_Watts There may well be something to be had by spotting cases in the matrix mult where each plane is 0.20:19.59 
  Changes pushed to my repo.20:23.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: feel free to commit those to master20:27.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks. If you can see any improvements, please say.20:27.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: also, you're missing the .c files in your xps device work-in-progress20:27.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: oops, yes, thanks.20:27.34 
  there really isn't much there yet.20:27.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: speaking of the xps (and pdf write) device, you reckon we should add begin_page(w, h) and end_page() calls to fz_device?20:29.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: I was going to address that a different way to start with.20:29.56 
  My plan was that you'd open an xps output file, then for each page, ( open a device on that file, run the page, close the device ) then finally close the file.20:30.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. there was something else I found scribbled on a note yesterday -- something about removing fz_bbox from the public api and using fz_rect everywhere outside of the draw device20:31.12 
Robin_Watts fz_rect being the floaty one ?20:31.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yup.20:31.37 
Robin_Watts The only purpose of fz_bbox is for device level representations.20:31.59 
  but I do think it's useful for people to work in device level representations with a bbox rather than a rect.20:32.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. only for the draw device to represent areas of pixmaps.20:32.23 
Robin_Watts Well, I'm pretty sure viewer apps need it too.20:32.48 
tor8 a fz_rect can represent all values any sane person wants out of a fz_bbox20:32.50 
Robin_Watts Right, but I'd worry about floatyness.20:33.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm less certain they *need* the intness20:33.19 
Robin_Watts I suspect we could get away with floats, but I like the ints. It makes it clearer when you're dealing with what.20:33.57 
tor8 the one place they need to turn it into ints is when creating the pixmap as a destination20:34.11 
Robin_Watts yeah.20:34.17 
tor8 everywhere else is better (or at least as well) served with floats20:34.37 
  like the text hit testing, and search highlighting, etc20:34.58 
Robin_Watts I disagree, I think.20:35.18 
  Anywhere where we deal with screen coords, I think we should talk in bboxes.20:35.41 
tor8 you get nasty quantization, and being able to reuse the values of a text extraction when the zoom changes is not well served by ints20:35.52 
Robin_Watts Don't want to have to force the user to make the bboxes from the rects themselves to ensure proper coverage.20:36.16 
  A text extraction via the text extraction device should return in rects, cos it's document space (or something like it, right?)20:36.56 
tor8 that's the place that prompted me in the first place; the resolution dependency of the text extraction device that uses bboxes20:37.09 
  Robin_Watts: yeah. I think a lot of the places where we use bboxes now can be changed to rects20:37.29 
Robin_Watts A list of rectangles for search results is intrinsically bound to the transform that was fed in; i.e. the current zoom etc.20:37.31 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so lcms does not let me pick and choose different rendering intents to use when constructing a multi profile transform20:37.40 
Robin_Watts hence that should stay as bboxes.20:37.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: which is why in my viewers I send in fz_identity and post-transform the list of rects20:37.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Is that because of the use of cmsChangeBufferFormat ?20:38.02 
mvrhel_laptop no20:38.05 
tor8 that way I don't have to re-extract the text if I zoom20:38.05 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have a source profile, a proof profile and a destination profile20:38.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.20:38.23 
mvrhel_laptop need to use the one intent type for the mapping from source to proof and a different intent from proof to destination20:38.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: which is why I'd prefer floaty rects there20:38.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So that's an lcms bug?20:38.47 
mvrhel_laptop well not a bug20:38.52 
  but lack of a feature20:38.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: It feels odd to me, but then I've not had to code a viewer using it.20:39.12 
mvrhel_laptop I believe I have a trick to get around it though20:39.23 
  need to head off now for a bit20:39.27 
Robin_Watts I guess we should poll paulgardiner on it to see what he does in the android stuff.20:39.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: how about I rejig the parts that can safely use rects instead of bboxes first and we can look at that and see how many places fz_bbox remains in20:39.35 
Robin_Watts sure.20:39.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I suspect only the bits that touch fz_pixmaps in some form will want them20:40.10 
Robin_Watts I have changes here to make the android build work with the profiler.20:40.14 
  one of the changes is that the app needs permission to write files.20:40.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, and I've got a handful of patches on tor/master that could do with a review20:40.36 
  right. not familiar with android profiling or app permissions, better let paul have a look at that :)20:41.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK. I'm quitting for the night now, I think. Eyes are tired. I'll review 'em all first thing tomorrow, ok?20:41.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sure. they've been sitting a week already.20:41.43 
Robin_Watts It's basically gprof.20:41.46 
tor8 so no rush there20:41.49 
Robin_Watts ok. have a good one.20:41.55 
tor8 I just keep forgetting to tell you :)20:42.07 
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