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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/15)2012/11/16 
tidemann Hi, anybody here that can help me installing mupdf on Solaris? When I try to issue 'make prefix=PATH install' I get the following error: make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 3: Badly formed macro assignment09:30.36 
  Any help would be greatly appreciated :)09:31.26 
kens We don't have a huge amount of experience with Solaris09:31.45 
  Are you using Gnu make ?09:32.13 
tidemann I see. It was a breeze compiling on OS X, though it would be so on Solaris as well.09:32.18 
  which make09:32.37 
kens GNU09:32.43 
tidemann hehe yields /usr/ccs/bin/make09:32.44 
  I was trying to be clever and post the output of which make09:32.56 
kens I think that's the Sun compiler version of make09:32.57 
  Which may well not like a gnu makefile09:33.19 
  chrisl ping09:33.26 
chrisl Sun make almos certainly won't work09:33.28 
kens :)09:33.33 
tidemann Yeah, but using gmake prefix=$HOME install09:33.43 
  yields "Assertion failed: ap <= end, file job.c, line 241209:33.48 
  Maybe I'm not using gmake correctly?09:34.16 
  OK, I'll try to look more online to see for help on GNU make then.09:36.23 
chrisl I don't think the mupdf makefiles have got a Solaris target, it might need some makefile hacking to get it working09:36.50 
tidemann OK, I see. This will require some effort.09:37.59 
  If I get it to work, I will get back to you, either here or on 
  But don't get your hopes up :)09:38.32 
chrisl Sun make *definitely* won't work, the mupdf makefile(s) have a lot of gnu make specific stuff in there09:38.36 
  tidemann: if I have time, I'll look at it, but it may not be soon09:39.14 
tidemann Thanks chrisl, that is really appreciated. I totally understand this might not be on top of your priority list, take your time :)09:39.52 
chrisl tidemann: are you on x86 or Sparc?09:40.44 
tidemann > uname -a09:41.01 
  SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-36 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V44009:41.02 
chrisl Right-oh, that means I'll have to wind up the rubber band on my clockwork sparc box ;-)09:41.58 
tidemann Hehehe :)09:43.00 
  OK, once again, thanks for your time. See you later!09:43.30 
Robin_Watts Gee. Approaching 24hours downloading the PDF_1.7_ATS stuff.10:56.30 
kens good grief, how much is there ?10:58.14 
Robin_Watts 2.63Gig so far, which doesn't sound much for 24 hours.11:24.39 
kens No, that seems really slow11:24.50 
Robin_Watts Maybe SVN is horribly inefficient.11:27.03 
kens Ah, I've always found it to be horribly slow transferring test files.11:27.29 
  You're probably better getting them directly from the server11:27.45 
  Unless you think you really need them under source control11:27.55 
Robin_Watts Hmm. It's used 3Gig of my data allowance since midnight.11:28.45 
  kens: I'd prefer them under source control because then I can update them.11:29.27 
kens Robin_Watts : but do you think the files will be updated ever ? :-)11:29.44 
Robin_Watts No, but when new ones are added, I'd quite like to be able to get them brainlessly :)11:30.06 
kens Umm, I thought we ahd all the files in there, I sort of doubt they will add new ones. But its up to you.11:30.42 
Robin_Watts kens: No, I mean, we'll add new directories with new sets etc.11:31.58 
  And historically, we *have* added new files to such dirs in the past (fixing brokenness in the tests etc)11:32.32 
kens Well, like I said, its up to you, but I would just grab them when needed. I stopped keeping the test files under svn control some time ago because it was too slow for words11:32.42 
Robin_Watts kens: eek. 22 Gig in that directory in the checkout on peeves.11:45.51 
  I think I will be making use of the unlimited overnight bandwidth my ISP provides by downloading a bit each night.11:46.11 
kens Sounds like the best solution11:46.25 
Robin_Watts Ah, that's better. I've downloaded 10gig, but only cost me 3 of my allowance.11:52.26 
  That's much more reasonable.11:52.33 
kens yeah that sounds better11:55.51 
chrisl Hmm, the cluster seems to be having a bit of a tantrum......11:59.02 
kens its Robin using up all the bandwidth :-)12:02.19 
chrisl It's all those "started producing errors" which have always produced errors happening again12:03.04 
  tor8: there's a couple of small changes for mupdf building on Solaris in my repository - if you're interested.......12:04.20 
kens Maybe we shouldn't be running files whic produce errors...12:04.26 
chrisl Most of these are PCL/PXL files which are supposed to produce errors, *and* output, which we need to md5 :-(12:05.09 
kens that's a bit of a problem then I guess12:05.29 
chrisl There is "singular_ctm_3_tr_mode.pdf" which, when run through ps2write results in an error reading the ps2write output12:06.30 
kens Hmm, don't know about that one12:06.50 
  Except that I haven't done anything awful in that area recently12:07.06 
  I think that's a degenerate matrix test though12:07.25 
chrisl I've seen it before, but since the input is, strictly speaking, broken, I've never worried about the ps2write output being broken, too12:07.41 
kens seems reasonable to me12:08.17 
chrisl I've also got a bunch of differences despite my push being a "clean" master tree12:08.40 
kens PCL ?12:08.56 
chrisl PCL, PDF, PS, PXL.....12:09.18 
kens 111I saw it mostly with PCL/PXL files recently12:10.03 
  But since my change was in pdfwrite, and most of the diffs were in rednering I decided it wasn't me...12:10.30 
chrisl It's mostly PCL/PXL, but three or four PDF/PS ones, too12:10.49 
kens some files have long been non-deterministic12:12.02 
  there are som ePCL patterns which always seem to vary with pdfwrite, I'm not at all sure why12:12.18 
  THey do seem to be coming up more frequently than they used to though12:12.32 
chrisl With 18 files showing differences, and 280+ allegedly newly producing errors, it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff12:13.13 
kens Maybe I should look at the PCL patterns...12:14.44 
chrisl Are they problematic?12:15.48 
kens there are sopme (few) cases which show non-deterministic behaviour12:17.00 
  THey are clearly 'constructed' files no real-worl dfiles so I haven't bothered much with them, the real files using patterns seem to be OK.12:17.29 
  It sort of looks like an /Indexed colour problem again12:17.53 
  or palette to put it in PCL terms12:18.06 
chrisl Well, I'm more bothered by the files that error out....12:18.13 
kens PDF/PS ones ?12:18.26 
  I could look at the singular_ctm one but liek you say, the input is broken, so....12:18.54 
chrisl No, PCL/PXL - the couple of PS/PDF involved ones I know about them. But 200+ PCL/PXL files that may or may not be inteded to error out is more of a pain12:19.59 
kens Hmm, yes that's going to be difficult :(12:21.18 
chrisl I wonder if we should have an explicit list of files which are intended to error out, so the cluster knows not to report them12:21.50 
kens I htougth of that, then decided it was an awful lot of trouble12:22.39 
chrisl It may work out as less trouble then checking them all every couple of weeks!12:23.29 
kens Well, I wouldn't have to write the script, so I'm fine with that :-)12:31.59 
chrisl I'll maybe ask Marcos about it - if I remember.....12:35.17 
tor8 chrisl: thanks.13:04.50 
chrisl tor8: np13:13.16 
tor8 chrisl: the problems he mentioned sounded more ominous than just missing -I directives and not using gnu make13:15.21 
chrisl tor8: I'm not promising it will work on his sytem, but it works on mine..... ;-)13:16.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: I see you've pulled chrisl's changes into your mupdf repo.13:54.19 
  Have you pushed all your changes too ?13:54.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I rebased and pushed the patches you looked at yesterday13:54.40 
Robin_Watts So you have.13:54.46 
  tor8, paulgardiner: Some changes on my repo for review...13:58.13 
  Fax decompression speedup (work in bytes rather than bits)13:58.35 
  and the ndk-profiler stuff.13:58.43 
  The profiler stuff involves adding a 'can write files to storage card' permission to the manifest.13:59.22 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: isn't it possible to make the latter part conditional on profile-builds?14:01.40 
Robin_Watts sebras: If you can see how, I'd love to know.14:36.37 
  The new ndk appears to have dependencies broken, meaning it always rebuilds *everything* in an ndk-build.14:47.00 
  That gets old very quickly.14:47.05 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: argh.14:54.49 
  Robin_Watts: I have had a number of patches sitting in AOSP for over a year without them being included. :-(14:55.09 
Robin_Watts AOSP ?14:56.36 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: Android Open Source Project14:56.51 
Robin_Watts Ah.14:56.55 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: like this one: 
  Robin_Watts: one of the things that attracts me to mupdf is the turn-around time for patches. not so much for AOSP.14:59.09 
Robin_Watts a 1 character change. A 10 minute wait. Android.15:00.14 
  I'm sure there is a haiku in there fighting to get out.15:00.25 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: I wonder how they managed to break the ndk. I mean -- its based on make so they ought to get dependency checking for free...15:02.00 
Robin_Watts sebras_: I occasionally get warnings of 'clock skew' (but not every time).15:02.36 
mssm Interesting problem: I found this to fix my corrupted PDFs: however, ghostscript does not seem to produce any output files anymore. There simply is not output file.15:24.46 
  I have also tried -sOutputFile= instead of the -o flag.15:25.10 
  It definitely does something, showing me each page very quickly (using -dNOPAUSE), but that's it.15:25.48 
  Apart from some stuff printed to StdOut, no resulting file. The weird thing is - when I tried this half a year ago, it worked.15:26.10 
  Version is 9.06-115:26.32 
kens Rather than pointing to a thread somewhere else, why don't you jst say what it is you are doing15:26.48 
mssm Trying to run my broken PDF files through ghostscript to fix them.15:27.25 
  So that my ebook reader displays them.15:27.30 
kens Give me the command line15:27.35 
  I think I can already see your problem15:27.47 
mssm kens: thats why I pointed to that thread15:27.48 
  kens: the first answer contains the line15:27.54 
kens SO post it here, I'm not off to some random place to look15:28.05 
mssm gs -o repaired.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress corrupted.pdf15:28.16 
  ignore the white space15:28.23 
kens I think you have a typo15:28.26 
mssm Yay! :D where?15:28.46 
kens If Ghostscript is displaying the outptu, then its not running pdfwrite, its running the default (display) device15:28.56 
mssm Ok, that's good to know. This displaying I found unusual. I don't remember it being there.15:29.30 
kens So I don't hink you are putting -sDEVICE=pdfwrite15:29.35 
  Check tghat most carefully, also put it in front of the -o15:29.53 
  order is important in parameter evluation15:30.04 
kens had someone on gs-devel tyuping -sDEVCIE=pdfwrite and havingt the same problem, only on Linux15:30.57 
mssm kens: alright, this was indeed the problem15:31.43 
  I managed to write it in camel case15:31.50 
kens Yep, that won't work, its case sensitive15:32.00 
mssm :-/15:32.02 
  kens: thank you15:32.06 
  Linux here btw :)15:32.08 
kens NP15:32.09 
mssm If that's what you were referring to.15:32.35 
kens Nopt especially, the difference with the gs-devel one was that he had no X windows, so was getting an X error15:33.00 
mssm oh; so he was running it in the frambuffer?15:33.23 
  Interesting to fix documents like that outside of X.15:33.52 
  I mean... how would you check it quickly?15:33.59 
kens Err, he intended it to be pdfwrite, but because of the typo he was geting the display device, which uses X< but couldn't connect to X windows, because it wasn'rt installed, hence an error15:34.00 
mssm ah, ok15:34.28 
  ok, i am out; thanks again for the help with that silly typo :/15:34.43 
Robin_Watts Crumbs.16:02.25 
  This file has 160 fax images on a page. Each 15571x1557116:02.49 
  And I was worried that it took 8 seconds to display after each zoom.16:03.22 
henrys wow external makefile projects now work in xcode - everything seems okay, intellisense, debugger gui cool.16:16.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: Excellent!16:18.02 
  By "external makefile projects" does that mean "ghostscript" ?16:18.49 
henrys yeah I'm debugging away in pcl and gs. I find it pokey and prefer emacs, I guess if I got sucked into intellisense I would switch - but I'm afraid I'd squander whatever memory cells I have left if I didn't use them to remember what code I intended to write.16:47.31 
  It's good and bad when you go back to a bug and it suddenly starts working.16:49.56 
kens OK I'm off for a pizza, goodnight everyone have a good weekend16:59.37 
henrys bye kens16:59.44 
Robin_Watts night kens16:59.47 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab17:41.39 
henrys I think it is easier just to use git rev-list --bisect and do it manually, the git bisect thing just annoys me when you are looking for a fix.17:48.40 
Robin_Watts I'm getting incredible deja vu with this code. Where have I written subsampling code before?18:00.31 
  (in the Artifex universe)18:00.36 
henrys hmm I don't remember anything, but that doesn't mean a lot ;-). Have an appointment be back in an hour or so.18:01.54 
Robin_Watts Oh, the downsampler of course.18:15.20 
  tiffscaled and all that.18:15.29 
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