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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/17)2012/11/18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you probably are not working, but ...04:58.17 
  Robin_Watts: in case you are.04:58.26 
  I have a local git repo for my customer 532 code (which is 8.71+++) and I wanted to 'stash' some WIP. but when I did " git stash save "limit_image_interp" I got:05:01.19 
  fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': both revision and filename05:01.20 
  Use '--' to separate filenames from revisions05:01.21 
  Saved working directory and index state On (no branch): limit_image_interp05:01.23 
  HEAD is now at 715d318 Force interpolation to the parser stage05:01.24 
  now my WIP is gone ! (except from my physical head).05:01.56 
  so, other than resorting to "wet memory" are my changes laying around somewhere ?05:02.37 
  note that: git stash list shows nothing and "git status -u no" shows:05:05.11 
  # Not currently on any branch.05:05.13 
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)05:05.14 
  prior to the git stash save, "git st" showed:05:06.29 
  M base/gxclimag.c05:06.31 
  M base/gxi12bit.c05:06.32 
  M base/gxiclass.h05:06.34 
  M base/gxicolor.c05:06.35 
  M base/gxidata.c05:06.37 
  M base/gxifast.c05:06.39 
  M base/gximage.h05:06.40 
  M base/gximono.c05:06.42 
  M base/gxipixel.c05:06.43 
  M base/gxiscale.c05:06.45 
  M base/icclib.mak05:06.46 
  M base/jpeg.mak05:06.48 
  M base/ktd_msvclib.mak05:06.49 
  M base/winlib.mak05:06.51 
  M psi/int.mak05:06.52 
  M psi/ktd_gs_main.c05:06.54 
  M psi/msvc.mak05:06.55 
sebras rayjj: if you have file .git/refs/stash with a commit id in it, try to checkout out that commit id. this is apparently where git normally stores the sha1 of things you stash.14:13.56 
  rayjj: though I would expect that "branch" to show up in gitk/git logg/whatever and in that case you would probably have found it already.14:14.42 
  rayjj: I tried to reproduce your problem (I guessed you had a branch named limit_image_interp as well as naming the stash this), but using git I cannot reproduce your error message.14:15.44 
ray_laptop my local .git LOST my changes. I search "objects" and I do see a couple of fairly recent files that look like SHA1 names. How do I load them to see what's in them ?19:16.41 
  This is a result of doing a stash, but my stash is gone (there isn't even a .git/refs/stash directory)19:17.48 
saper ray_laptop: you can read the object file with "zpipe", a simple C program that calls deflate() from zlib19:18.41 
  ray_laptop: the contents is fairy simple, but you probably only need to do "git show <...sha1...>" to get the object19:19.29 
  ray_laptop: what do you mean by "LOST" my changes? maybe you were switched to another branch and your commits just are not plain visible to "git log"?19:20.02 
  to check that, I would recommend having a look at "git reflog" - it shows history of movements of your current head19:20.35 
ray_laptop saper: thanks. trying git show first ...19:22.09 
  the most recent SHA1 files don't show up on git reflog at all19:23.17 
saper sha1's objects in the objects/ are also trees and blobs, which you won't see19:28.47 
  (only objects of type "commit" are)19:29.05 
ray_laptop I had 17 files that "git st" showed as modified. I did 'git stash save "limit_image_interp"'. It said:19:31.57 
  fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': both revision and filename19:31.59 
  Use '--' to separate filenames from revisions19:32.00 
  Saved working directory and index state On (no branch): limit_image_interp19:32.02 
  HEAD is now at 715d318 Force interpolation to the parser stage19:32.03 
  I didn't understand the 'fatal' message, but since it said it 'saved' it, I didn't worry overmuch.19:32.49 
  so is there a way to get back what it said it saved ???19:34.08 
sebras ray_laptop: does git reflog show you any sha1 that contains the files you are looking for?19:41.45 
  ray_laptop: it might, but I think that git stash sha1s do not show up there. :-/19:42.07 
ray_laptop sebras: nope. git reflog just shows:19:43.22 
  715d318 HEAD@{0}: commit: Force interpolation to the parser stage19:43.24 
  91976f1 HEAD@{1}: commit: Increase MAX_BITMAP_PATTERN_SIZE to 6m and force pattern-clists to non HL images.19:43.25 
  fa7fb75 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to HEAD~119:43.27 
  1ca498a HEAD@{3}: commit: Port the 9.06 changes to support overprint to RGB devices.19:43.28 
  fa7fb75 HEAD@{4}: commit: Fix possible access past array bounds.19:43.30 
sebras ray_laptop: right, and those commit ids are just normal commits as I understand..?19:45.28 
  ray_laptop: have you continued to work in that repo after the problem happened?19:45.42 
ray_laptop sebras: no19:45.52 
sebras ray_laptop: is not one could possibly try to dig out the sha1s from .git/objects/* based on time perhaps.19:46.02 
  the directories contain the two first hexdigits of the sha1 and the filenames the remainder.19:46.32 
ray_laptop there are only a few files with Nov 17 date (all the rest are older)19:47.03 
sebras ray_laptop: I need to go to get some food, but this might be a good resource 
ray_laptop sebras: AHH.. so I need to concatenate the first 2 and the remainder in order to actually form the SHA119:48.01 
sebras ray_laptop: exacrtly.19:48.40 
  thought the sha1 might be one for a particular file or for a tree, not necessarily a commit id.19:49.00 
  look in the pdf and the datastructures will make more sense. :)19:49.19 
sebras rushes starving to the local pizza place... ;)19:49.42 
saper this wonders me: " On (no branch)"19:55.33 
  were you in the so-called detached HEAD? (it happens if you "git checkout <sha1>", nothing too much to worry about)19:56.03 
sebras ray_laptop: do you have a branch or a file named HEAD in that repo?22:15.59 
  ray_laptop: judging by the error messages that's what it looks like.22:16.24 
itwasntme ghostscript: the first scripting language for ghosts. where do i begin?23:34.01 
  oh...i see23:34.24 
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