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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/18)2012/11/19 
ray_laptop well, if the changes to 17 file are tucked away somewhere, I sure can't find them. I'm just creating them from memory. I'm not even sure when they went away :-(04:31.45 
saper I google "git stash ate my changes" a bit04:35.49 
ray_laptop saper: me too. Not much help. stackoverflow turned up posts about untracked files, but these were ALL tracked files04:42.44 
  saper: thanks for your suggestions. I guess the 'fatal' errror really was fatal. Maybe that's what erased my changes :-(04:43.49 
saper no, I think it did not04:44.00 
  I am not sure how stash works but maybe your blobs and trees got created04:44.32 
ray_laptop saper: the two "recent" objects don't seem to have my changes when I use git checkout _____ to load them04:50.21 
  I give up on getting my changes back. I could spend more time than just doing them over (I think)04:51.56 
kens Robin_Watts : tor8, a question on stack overflow (actually 2 questions...). Can one of you answer ?08:14.02 
Robin_Watts kens: Answered.09:52.00 
kens THanks Robin_Watts09:54.57 
Robin_Watts np. Thanks for the pointer.09:56.04 
kens I'm kind of relieved you didn't understand his second question either ;-)09:56.24 
unixSnob why does imagemagick disagree with pdfinfo on geometry?10:43.29 
  i want to use /CropBox, but i don't want to guess on the coordinates10:44.34 
kens Maybe you should ask the ImageMagick folks10:54.49 
  Or post an example file10:54.54 
  I don't know what infor ImageMagick gives, but as far asw I'm aware, uses the Box entries from the PDF file10:56.10 
unixSnob ultimately i intend to crop using /Cropbox, but how do I come up with the coorinates? 11:12.17 
  i know imagemagick users can use "display" to get coordinates visually.. but these coordinates don't match up11:12.51 
  what do ghostscript users use?11:12.58 
Robin_Watts unixSnob: I think kens has answered your question. With gs, if you call you should get exactly the values present in the file. If you know of a file where this isn't the case then please let us know.11:14.54 
  If you want to know what ImageMagick is doing... then ask the people that deal with ImageMagick.11:15.16 
unixSnob what's 11:19.00 
  i have pdfinfo.. is that different?11:19.13 
kens where did you get pdfinfo ?11:19.54 
unixSnob kens: it may be part of the debian installation.. not sure11:20.24 
kens Well if its not part of GS, we can't help you11:20.35 
Robin_Watts unixSnob: There used to be a pdfinfo file as part of mupdf.11:20.39 
  but poppler also provides a pdfinfo too.11:20.47 
unixSnob kens: i installed ghostscript, but i did not get a command as part of the package, and apt-cache search does not find a pdfinfo.ps11:22.07 
kens is a PostScript program, not a command11:22.24 
unixSnob i also did a "apt-file search" and "locate". apparently it does not come packaged with the debian ghostscript package11:23.52 
  i have ghostscript 8.71~dfsg2-9.. maybe that's too old?11:24.44 
Robin_Watts That is pretty old, yes.11:24.55 
unixSnob debian is always quite behind.. a price we pay for stability11:25.22 
  i'm probably stuck with imagemagick display.. but as soon as I ask the imagemagick folks how to using display coordinates for ghostscript, they're going to send me here11:27.26 
Robin_Watts unixSnob: No, you ask the imagemagick folks how they get the numbers they report from the numbers in the pdf file.11:30.42 
chrisl unixSnob: and if they tell you they come from Ghostscript, you need to ask them for the *exact* command line parameters they pass to Ghostscript to extrac the numbers, before we can possibly help.11:33.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Some patches for review on my repo.12:28.06 
unixSnob i need more options. there is no chance image magick can do this properly12:43.51 
  the document is sideways to ghostscript, but upright to imagemagick12:44.12 
  so the different tools don't even orient it the same12:44.23 
  is the only ghostscript tool that can display a PDF?12:44.43 
  ghostscript faq suggests ggv, but Debian does not have that either12:46.52 
Robin_Watts is not a ghostscript tool for displaying a PDF.12:49.21 is a postscript program that works in conjunction with ghostscripts PDF interpreter to extract information about a PDF.12:49.45 
  ghostscript itself can display a PDF (using the display device), but it's not really a fully fledged viewer - you can't move backwards pages or pan and zoom on them.12:50.32 
  If you want a PDF viewer, why not consider mupdf?12:50.54 
  There are viewers built on top of gs itself, such as ghostview.12:51.30 
unixSnob Robin_Watts: well it has to be ghostscript-based, because i need the viewer to give me coordinates for selected regions that I can give to ghostscript12:51.41 
Robin_Watts No.12:51.48 
unixSnob i'm finding that different viewers are using different coordinate systems12:52.00 
Robin_Watts You just need the viewer to give you coordinates that can be mapped back into PDF document space.12:52.22 
  Because that's what gs works in.12:52.33 
  Most viewers take things like "/Rotate" into account.12:52.51 
  and if you're feeding in values to ghostscript, then you need to take that into account too.12:53.18 
unixSnob the /CropBox command is flipping my image sideways13:05.11 
  is it possible that my translation of coordinates is doing that?13:05.37 
Robin_Watts What do you mean by "flipping my image sideways" ?13:27.11 
  Reflecting it in the Y axis? No, that should not be possible.13:28.01 
  But without knowing exactly what you're doing, I can't really comment with any accuracy.13:29.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: s/factor/power/ in downscaling?14:32.10 
  or factor_pow214:32.28 
  or something less confusing :)14:32.33 
  Robin_Watts: "Add image subsampling function." you've got an #ifdef 0 section that doesn't belong and a missing newline at the end of the file14:35.01 
  other than that, LGTM14:35.10 
Robin_Watts I'll reply to the mupdf support license thing.14:39.47 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts, tor8: couple of commits on paulg/master. Nasty Android threading stuff.14:42.44 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop. Happy belated birthday.15:04.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: Good morning and thanks!15:04.28 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I will look now, unless tor8 already is.15:14.24 
paulgardiner Thanks15:14.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Could you maybe add some comments to the code describing what the different locks/condition variables are about?15:18.28 
paulgardiner Yeah that would be sensible15:18.46 
Robin_Watts I understand that you've got a thread in the java that does nothing but start up, wait for alerts etc? Some description of that would be nice.15:19.03 
  Some description of what alert_reply/request/active etc are would be nice too.15:19.43 
henrys` nice to have a short week, US folks are off Th and Fr15:23.23 
kens ah, Thanksgiving15:23.38 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am going to take Wed. off too15:59.37 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: comments added as requested.16:05.02 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Thanks.16:05.09 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:okay - I'll be out monday and tuesday going to flint ... buffing up the kevlar16:07.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: today/tomorrow or next week ?16:08.43 
kens thinks next week, after the Thanksgiving weekend16:09.09 
Robin_Watts That would make more sense, yes.16:09.19 
henrys next week16:09.47 
  I'll send out email16:10.03 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: You have alerts_init after fz_open_document16:22.29 
paulgardiner Hmmm16:22.52 
Robin_Watts Is it possible that if fz_open_document fails, alerts_fin() will be called without alerts_init having be called.16:22.53 
  Will that matter?16:22.58 
  I also wonder if we should have something like chrome does with alerts.16:24.13 
  With CHrome, if you get a second alert pop up quickly, it offers an "ignore all further alerts from this webpage" option, thus ensuring you can't get into an infinite loop of alerts popping up.16:25.01 
  Maybe we should have a 'close document' option on the alerts or something, so people don't get mupdf jammed on their phone ?16:25.38 
  What's the purpose of the switch(result.iconType) ?16:27.01 
  I'm guessing there is code in there missing ?16:27.08 
paulgardiner I intend to choose an icon appropriate to the type of alert there, but was going to add that later.16:27.39 
Robin_Watts ok.16:27.48 
  A 'FIXME' would be nice then (but don't bother unless you're updating other things.16:28.09 
  If you're updating other things, then there are some typos in comments.16:28.38 
paulgardiner I think a get-out button may be worth adding, but I'd leave it for now. It would happen only if there was a loop in the javascript, and you can always get out by holding menu on android.16:29.00 
Robin_Watts Does it make sense to have an alertWaiter with no core?16:29.48 
  cos alertWaiter assumes core is non NULL.16:29.58 
  and if core can become non NULL after onStart is run, then nothing will have run core.startAlerts16:30.34 
paulgardiner onCreate errors out if it fails to init core.16:32.24 
Robin_Watts I'm looking at onStart16:32.47 
  which checks core before calling core.startAlerts16:32.57 
  but calls createAlertWaiter regardless.16:33.04 
paulgardiner Yeah, I think the test isn't needed. Maybe I should remove it.16:34.03 
Robin_Watts only if you're changing other things.16:34.31 
  Otherwise it seems fine.16:35.02 
paulgardiner I'd better think about fz_open_document failing.16:35.54 
  It's ok, although a bit lucky. alert_fin is safe to call without a call to alert_init provided doc is NULL, which it will be.16:38.54 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: OK. Will push that in a mo.16:41.35 
paulgardiner ta16:41.47 
unixSnob where can I upload a PDF to? to post examples for this channel16:43.43 
kens ANy public location and gie us a URL16:43.57 
  If its private, open a bug and attach it and tell one of us the bug number16:44.24 
unixSnob most of the pastebin type services are text only16:44.44 
  I found one for images, but PDF is not accepted16:44.54 
kens transferbbigfiles.com16:45.05 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: pushed.16:53.11 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Here's the apk 
Robin_Watts And that works for you?18:09.49 
paulgardiner Yep :-(18:17.33 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter: I closed Bug 693438 as the command line used is not really correctd18:21.19 
tkamppeter mvrhel_laptop, OK. Richard will get notified then.18:27.40 
kens2 OK that's enough for the night....19:50.50 
  I hate TrueType comosite glyphs.19:51.04 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: is your birthday tomorrow?21:37.30 
  bbiaw. need to run a few errands21:38.08 
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