IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/23)2012/11/24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: tor/master has two xml parser patches. one for sumatrapdf to use to extract metadata, etc instead of having to write their own hacky strstr-based metadata extractor. one a possible overflow fix (double check that to make sure I haven't made a thinko)13:31.51 
alexcher Many PDF files from the Sumatra batch are broken beyond repair. They are reported as new regressions every time when regression test runs. What are we going to do about it.14:57.49 
Robin_Watts alexcher: mupdf should render all of them consistently, I believe.15:00.13 
  Possibly they shouldn't be enabled for gs ?15:00.25 
  tor8: Did you have any luck with the t3 stuff?15:00.40 
alexcher Robin_Watts: some of the files are not PDF files at all.15:14.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. check my tor/master branch for t3 stuff15:46.10 
  back in a while15:46.15 
PereN I modified library for android the mupdf to create documents from byte arrays. If you are interested I can send modified files.16:30.27 
sebras PereN: I think most mupdf devs are not working during the weekend, but you can always create a new bug at, set severity to enhancement and attach a patch and they'll get it. :)17:20.31 
  PereN: be sure to leave your mail address too so we can contact you if necessary.17:21.08 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/11/25)>>>