IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/11/24)2012/11/25 
PereN <sebras> Thanks. I am create de bug 69346402:37.25 
Robin_Watts PereN: Thanks.02:38.13 
  We'll look over the patch next week.02:38.34 
PereN Robin_Watss: Thanks02:39.16 
Robin_Watts If we were to adopt it, we'd need to sort out a copyright assignment from you to Artifex. We'd then release the code under the GPL, but that also gives us the freedom to commercially license the code too.02:39.39 
  I hope that's ok.02:39.51 
PereN Robin_Wats: thats ok02:44.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: I figured as much, this is why I specifically mentioned providing contact info.12:39.28 
Robin_Watts sebras: yes, much appreciate.13:27.13 
bitHipy i read somewhere that a non-destructive crop can be made destructive using this command => gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=out.pdf - < in.pdf18:45.53 
  but it's not working18:46.02 
  using a cropping tool that is non-destructive, I do the crop. The PDF displays as I expect, and pdfimages extracts the *full* image, which is bigger than the presented image18:47.31 
  (as expected)18:47.35 
  then I run the "...-dUseCropBox..." command, and still the images extracted are in-full18:48.12 
sebras notices that mupdf parses U+202C files...23:44.26 
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