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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/12/01)2012/12/02 
Cuong Hi all, i am using MUPDF library in iOS. It is very slow when opening graphics PDF files. I found the bottleneck at function fz_paint_affine_N_lerp08:27.29 
  Should I optimize the function fz_paint_affine_N_lerp by using OpenGLES?08:28.26 
sebras Cuong: you should probably be speaking to tor8.10:46.25 
  Cuong: or Robin_Watts.10:46.34 
Cuong Thanks I already email to Tor8. Waiting for his reply. 10:47.07 
sebras Cuong: alright, hard to know from irc. :)10:47.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts is a better choice to ask about rendering performance10:48.03 
sebras Cuong: do you see similar problems when using this ios app?10:48.10 
Cuong I Open single PDF file is not problem10:48.37 
sebras tor8: true, I was thinking that you're the go-to guy for ios though. anyway...10:48.59 
Cuong But opening more than one PDF files. App randomly crashes10:49.02 
  I guess some conflicts in static variables context...10:49.48 
tor8 Cuong: the iOS app isn't designed for more than one PDF file. It very carefully synchronizes the main and worker thread.10:49.56 
sebras tor8: maybe we should clarify this about mupdf -- it seems as if it is a common question/issue when using mupdf.10:51.07 
Cuong But in iPad, user wants to open several PDF files. It is whole different with iPhone situation10:51.19 
sebras tor8: about multi-threading I mean. 10:51.20 
tor8 Cuong: are you a paying customer? Apple does not look kindly on GPL apps in the app store, so you may want to look into acquiring a commercial license.10:51.22 
  Cuong: the MuPDF core library can do multi-threaded stuff with a bit of care. the iOS viewer doesn't, but that's a limit in the ObjC viewer code rather than the mupdf library.10:52.08 
Cuong I see. I am new to MuPDF, just want to develop a free app viewing PDF magazines10:52.40 
sebras Cuong: do you want to distribute you app through Apple's app store?10:53.26 
Cuong Yes10:53.34 
  Then do I have to pay licensing fee for MuPDF authors?10:53.54 
sebras Cuong: MuPDF is available under either GNU Public License or a commercial licensen with Artifex (the company that owns MuPDF10:55.42 
  Cuong: since Apple does not seem to allow apps to be released under GPL I guess that option is closed for you.10:56.10 
  Cuong: and that basically only leaves you with the commercial route.10:56.26 
  but I'm not a representative for Artifex, so don't take anything I write too seriously. :)10:57.02 
Cuong That means I have to buy commercial license of MuPDF to distribute apps to AppStore?10:57.25 
sebras Cuong: basically yes.10:57.34 
  Cuong: I guess that if you only intend to distribute the source code on your own website for other's to compile on their own then the situation is different.10:58.12 
Cuong If I can fix some problems in MuPDF then distributing fixed source code (mostly in iOS) is no problem 10:59.23 
sebras Cuong: if you see a bug in MuPDFs code then we'd be happy to have you register a bug over at (supplying a patch would be excellent).11:01.06 
Cuong Sure, I will do. Regarding license of muPDF I will check with Artiflex11:01.45 
sebras Cuong: if you come back here on monday I'm sure one of the guys working for Artifex will help you.11:02.27 
Cuong Thanks Sebras, I will back here on Monday.11:03.13 
sebras Cuong: no problem. :)11:03.26 
tor8 Cuong: we are also looking into (but long term project, no people or time has been allocated for it yet) using GLES 2 to speed up the renderer11:06.51 
Cuong I dig into code but don't understand much. I will try to improve performance of UIScrollView first11:08.55 
tor8 Cuong: fz_paint_affine_N_lerp sounds like a wrong function to be used; we have special case functions for 1, 3 and 4 component images11:09.37 
Cuong if it does not gain much, I think using OpenGL ES to render may be good choice11:09.49 
  I found fz_paint_affine_N_lerp because it is shown in XCode Instrument11:10.19 
  as the functions that consumes 30-37% CPU time11:10.38 
tor8 Cuong: I'm not convinced; you'll need lots of FBOs for many different render targets and they're all used dependently to do clipping, soft masks, transparency groups, etc11:11.22 
  so the setup overhead of talking to GL may outweigh the benefits11:11.36 
  Cuong: right. compiled in debug mode?11:12.33 
Cuong If I understand more how MUPDF renders image of PDF page, then some how I can justify whether using OpenGLES is good or not11:13.27 
tor8 Cuong: anyway, image drawing is expensive because of the bilinear filtering that needs to be done.11:13.29 
  Cuong: if you look at fz_device structure in fitz-internal.h there is a list of functions that need to be implemented11:14.16 
Cuong My team developed a filter using GPUImage, a library heavily uses OpenGLES, performance is far better than basic calculations in CPU11:14.32 
tor8 you probably want to make a new device to draw using GLES to do the work rather than software as our current fz_draw_device11:14.45 
  so all those functions will have to be implemented11:15.02 
Cuong I see11:15.13 
tor8 clipping throws a spanner in the works from how opengl normally operates11:15.15 
  otherwise we'd already have done it :) it may be possible to speed up only some operations like drawing an image, and doing the rest in software, if you can get GLES to work on fz_pixmaps as render targets without copying data11:16.00 
sebras Cuong: I have a contact for you concerning commercial licensing of MuPDF. You ought to contact Scott Sackett, Vice President - Sales & Licensing, Artifex Software, (940) 482-7985, scott.sackett@artifex.com11:16.31 
Cuong Thanks Sebras11:16.46 
tor8 Cuong: the apple situation regarding GPL is unfortunate11:16.52 
  but Apple can't legally distribute GPL software in the app store11:17.13 
Cuong If the app opens source code then can it be legally distributed?11:18.08 
tor8 Cuong: yes, by you. but not by apple in the app store (since apple applies DRM and breaks many GPL clauses)11:19.04 
  we can do it, because we own the copyright and can make an exception for the app store ourselves11:19.50 
sebras Cuong: so the MuP11:20.14 
tor8 you'll need to come in tomorrow and ask again, I'm not a legal expert.11:20.41 
sebras MuPDF app you see in Apples app store is not distributed under GPL, but the source code you see on _is_.11:20.52 
tor8 sebras: correct.11:21.08 
sebras tor8: I wish Apple would ease their restrictions though so this would be easier to explain.11:21.49 
tor8 sebras: you and me both. but they love their walled garden.11:22.04 
Cuong One question: an app contains modified code of MuPDF and many other many other codes not relates with MuPDF. Can developer just release modified MuPDf code?11:23.18 
tor8 cuong: no, your whole source code that uses mupdf needs to be open sourced. we use GPL 3, not LGPL.11:24.13 
  again, we are happy to sell you a commercial license if you don't want to comply :)11:24.42 
Cuong I see. With commercial license, does developers get any additional support from MuPDF?11:26.02 
tor8 Cuong: that depends on the exact license. You'll need to talk to Scott about the details.11:26.30 
Cuong ok,11:26.50 
tor8 Cuong: we do look at bugs reported by free users, but we can't make any promise to give them any priority11:27.09 
Cuong I will email to Scott Sackett tomorrow11:29.03 
Robin_Watts tor8, sebras: Cast your eyes over my bmpbmpc results.11:52.20 
  bmpcmp, even.11:52.27 
  That's the result of me changing all clip planes to be rendered without AA.11:52.59 
  That brings us more into line with what Acrobat does.11:53.15 
  and solves bug 693459.11:53.37 
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