IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/12/08)2012/12/09 
sebras tor8: yo!00:27.29 
  still in .us?00:27.39 
tor8 sebras: yes.00:27.51 
sebras tor8: right. you said tuesday...00:28.09 
tor8 back on monday night00:28.18 
sebras tor8: I bet you have it warmer than the -8degrees we've got tonight.00:32.09 
tor8 sebras: a bit, yes! not looking forward to getting back...00:33.22 
sebras tor8: inspired by mupdfs usage of openjpeg I managed to decode a j2k-file inside a gst element today. :)00:39.19 
robin_watts_mac tor8: Have pushed your 3 ios changes.03:05.15 
  There are now 4 commits on my repo waiting for you to nod at.03:05.26 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: thanks. the internet in my room is too flaky to git fetch though :(03:05.57 
robin_watts_mac viewgit? 03:06.16 
  Want URLs ?03:06.24 
tor8 rejig and 3 forward?03:06.57 
robin_watts_mac yes.03:07.31 
tor8 re rejig, I'm allergic to "get" in function names. code is fine apart from the naming though.03:08.54 
  nod to the remaining three, I do03:10.25 
robin_watts_mac preferred name ?03:11.59 
  Seen on a gravestone in a galaxy far far away: Master Yoda. IPR03:12.59 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/12/10)>>>