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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/12/27)2012/12/28 
jzmer what is the recommended windows color printer driver to be used to produce postscript files so that it can be processed with ghostscript?02:20.53 
ray_work jzmer: The "generic PostScript color printer" but there is a .inf file in the gs distribution that has what you need.02:33.48 
  jzmer: search for ghostpdf.inf02:34.43 
jzmer ray_work: is it signed with a cat?02:36.14 
ray_work jzmer: I'll check further when I get back to my laprop02:36.16 
jzmer thanks. i will look it up02:36.29 
ray_work jzmer: we don't do MS signed stuff02:36.43 
  we distribute the source with a MD5 sum published so you can verify your down.oad02:37.12 
jzmer but windoze would complain if a non-signed drive is installed, and in this case, the inf file02:37.57 
  does it mean i will have so sign it myself then ...02:38.11 
  anyway to extract files from gs906w64.exe without running it as administrator?02:42.33 
  wait, generic postscript color printer?02:52.16 
  under which vendor?02:52.34 
  can ghostscript provide zip files for all windows flavors?03:30.36 
  exe need admin privelege03:30.46 
JakeSays does gs have a debug mode that will trace the execution of the interpreter?04:03.41 
bencc how can I convert series of images to a single pdf, each image as one page?12:02.44 
  I see is there something similar for png?12:21.59 
jzmer graphicsmagick should be able to convert image to pdf12:58.16 
  and then you concat them pdf into one13:04.29 
  gm/im should be capable as well13:04.47 
robin_watts_mac JakeSays: Yes, various debug flags.13:25.27 
  In a debug build of gs, call: gs --debug and it will give you a list of switches.13:25.54 
  There are docs in gs/doc/Use.htm I believe.13:26.08 
bencc jzmer: graphicsmagick is like imagemagick?15:08.30 
jzmer aye15:10.31 
JakeSays Robin_Watts: yeah found 'em - thanks15:26.49 
  robin_watts_mac: i believe i've tracked down the issue i've been having with txtwrite and invalid characters. i think the pdfs i'm dealing with have embedded fonts and txtwrite can't resolve them correctly. however other drivers work fine - for instance png*. can you give me an idea where i can find the code png* uses to render text?15:33.40 
robin_watts_mac JakeSays: The problem is that lots of PDFs are created with enough information to render correctly, but with not enough information to actually give a valid unicode char for each glyph.17:22.03 
  I can make a PDF with an embedded font, and tell it to draw glyphs 1,2,3,4,5. Now, those glyphs might happen to spell out 'fred!', but unless I somehow note the unicode value that each glyph number corresponds to, the file doesn't have that info in it.17:25.23 
JakeSays robin_watts_mac: yeah thats exactly what these pdfs are doing :(17:57.03 
  robin_watts_mac: the thing is, though, the text writer driver can't even resolve the glyph. 17:58.10 
  i'm half suspecting it might be easier to just OCR the whole thing from a png17:59.04 
  robin_watts_mac: actually its the function gs_font_map_glyph_to_unicode that is failing18:10.59 
  which makes sense18:11.33 
sebras JakeSays: are you able to copy the text you want using another PDF viewer?18:11.46 
JakeSays because i imagine the actual unicode value is useless for rendering18:11.52 
sebras if that works then it might be the simple option, and if that doesn't work either then maybe the problem is with the PDF instead of with the PDF viewers...?18:12.23 
JakeSays sebras: i can select and copy it in acrobat reader, but the characters it copies are not what is being displayed18:13.12 
  sebras: and when i try to edit it in foxit's editor, it gives me an error saying the font doesnt support the character i'm typing18:14.01 
  which fits robin_watts_mac's theory18:14.08 
sebras exactly.18:14.13 
JakeSays which, if the glyphs are exactly the same for every pdf, then i can come up with a glyph to char mapping easy enough18:15.08 
  but my guess is they're not18:15.19 
  actually, i bet the glyph for 'a' isn't even the same for every 'a' in one pdf. there are several embedded fonts18:16.27 
sebras that sounds plausible.18:16.41 
JakeSays i'm going to tweak txtwrite to dump the glyph # so i can see whats up18:17.25 
sebras actually the same 'a' in the same font might have different indicies on different pages unless the same font object in the PDF is re-used on each page. which it may or may not be.18:17.37 
JakeSays these are single page pdfs18:18.05 
  they're actually generated from a pdf print driver18:18.19 
sebras JakeSays: this might help you. in mupdf there is a tool called mudraw, if you use it like this: mudraw -x texty.pdf 3 then you will get a xml-representation of page 3.18:19.03 
  that would contain e.g. the ucs-charcter (if any) and a gid.18:19.21 
JakeSays sebras: did that. mudraw shows "?" for the chars18:19.39 
  however, dont remember seeing a gid. hmm.18:19.56 
  sebras: i dont see a gid18:22.15 
  sebras: <char bbox="-30.8162 346.557 -25.9543 355.486" c="?"/>18:22.36 
sebras JakeSays: um.. are you sure you are using mudraw -x and not mudraw -ttt ?18:25.27 
JakeSays sebras: ah, yeah thats much better18:25.57 
sebras JakeSays: great. :)18:26.08 
JakeSays dang. thats very helpful!18:27.10 
sebras JakeSays: you still need to make the mapping table, and it might not be 100%, but you have something to start with at least.18:28.16 
JakeSays right18:28.28 
  lol now i know what a display list is18:29.26 
  sebras: are the coordinates in pixels?18:36.46 
sebras JakeSays: no, they are probably expressed in user space. in addition I'm unsure if all translation matrices are taken into account. I think so, but I might be wrong.18:40.21 
JakeSays sebras: i was thinking the matrices weren't applied since they're included in the output, but i'm not sure. i'll consult the source to be sure tho18:41.33 
sebras that's probably a good idea. I'm having too much of a cold to be fully reliable. ;)18:42.11 
JakeSays sebras: would you happen to know where the code is that generates the display list xml?22:24.48 
  sebras: lol found it.22:25.57 
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