IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/01/01)2013/01/02 
sebras marcosw: thanks! :)01:42.57 
Robin_Watts has spent the entire year either on drugs (Contact is really good stuff) or feeling like he's been mugged. And then at midnight last night, my glasses snapped. My optician is away until Monday. Let's hope it gets better :)09:14.43 
kens Robin_Watts : the year can't get much worse....09:26.58 
  Hmm, that's odd, my regression test didn't seem to send me an email10:04.22 
  ah 'log file too big'10:04.36 
  I don't believe my change should have caused any increase in the log file size.10:05.28 
  Maybe I need a marcosw :-(10:06.17 
kens tries a regression test of a clean HEAD10:07.37 
  OK so a clean HEAD fails the same way, its not my code. I guess I need marcosw now.10:20.04 
  But I'm off out for a couple of hours, I'll email him later10:20.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ping.10:40.11 
sebras tor8: pong.10:45.05 
Robin_Watts tor8: groan10:49.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: under the weather today?10:59.14 
  Robin_Watts: thirdparty/freetype artifex branch, is that of your doing?10:59.29 
Robin_Watts yeah. horrible cold. feel like I've been mugged.10:59.33 
  tor8: yes.10:59.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: cd /home/git/thirdparty/freetype.git; git remote update10:59.51 
Robin_Watts just pulled in some changes from freetype to fix one of the bugs from customer 395.11:00.17 
  There are various reviews up for you.11:00.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'd do fz_read_best differently. I'd make it never throw, but in the fz_read_all check if truncated and throw there instead.11:04.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK.11:06.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the rest LGTM. now I'll stop annoying you and let you rest. I had a nasty cold all christmas, probably same one as you got now telling by your description :(11:07.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks. I'm planning to work as much as possible today.11:14.00 
  Annoyingly I snapped my glasses last night, and my optician is away until monday, so I'm having to live with an old pair.11:14.29 
phiscribe that sucks. last time i broke mine i closed the hood of a car on them.11:15.18 
Robin_Watts phiscribe: oops.11:15.29 
phiscribe anyone know where i can find out about the adobe photoshop file format .csh (custom shape file). with the intention of just converting one to some other vector format like eps. can't seem to find much in googling. the header of the file doesnt look like adobe or pdfish stuff. says M.a.l.t.11:17.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping11:42.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: just heading out for lunch, I'll be back in an hour11:43.20 
Robin_Watts fz_read_best is documented to do exactly the same as fz_read_all does in the case where truncated is NULL.11:43.28 
  ah, ok.11:43.33 
  I'd have to break that if I move the truncated handling to fz_read_all.11:43.49 
  Also, I'd lose the ability to rethrow a meaningful error.11:45.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: can you do rethrow outside of catch?13:27.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: Possibly, but it's bad style. IMHO.13:46.56 
  kens: Have you run temp/tests_private__comparefiles__Bug693490.pdf.pdf.ppmraw.72.0.log locally?13:49.56 
  cos it's that file that has the huge log.13:50.11 
kens Robin_Watts : No I haven't13:50.59 
  How would it help me ?13:51.05 
  The cluster would still barf on it13:51.13 
Robin_Watts Right. I suspect that someone has left some logging in that is causing log file explosions with that file.13:51.42 
kens I suspect you are right13:51.52 
Robin_Watts If you can reproduce the problem, you can see the logging in question.13:52.01 
  Either you can then fix it, or find the commit that caused it and back it out.13:52.14 
  or know who to point the finger of shame at.13:52.26 
  It might be ec5b8eb ?13:55.11 
kens I guess I'll go and try to find out13:55.44 
  Hmm, yes that does look likely13:56.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can't see an obvious way to slice this that makes nicer code.14:01.15 
  I dislike fz_rethrowing from outside the fz_catch, because the 'most recent error' may have changed.14:02.36 
  We call fz_trim_buffer, for example, and if that uses try/catch etc, then we might end up throwing something spurious.14:03.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right.14:37.59 
  Robin_Watts: maybe put fz_read_best in fitz-internal.h then?14:38.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: ok.14:41.05 
faenil good afternoon :)14:47.27 
  was looking for some help with gs14:47.33 
Robin_Watts faenil: Hi.14:47.33 
faenil I want to convert a color pdf to grayscale, but when I do so14:47.47 
  I get some errors from adobe reader in a few pages14:47.57 
Robin_Watts gs cannot convert a color pdf to a greyscale pdf, AIUI.14:48.04 
faenil so I should not use14:48.29 
  gs -sOutputFile=normal_bw.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray -dCompatibilityLevel=1.7 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH normal.pdf14:48.30 
Robin_Watts I think you need kens to comment on that.14:49.26 
kens SOrry, was fetching coffee, justa moment14:49.37 
faenil alright ;)14:49.57 
kens faenil that basically won't work in the current code14:50.06 
faenil kens oh :/14:50.15 
  it actually creates a grayscale pdf14:50.22 
kens Hopefully the next release will allow that, if I get the code finsihed14:50.28 
faenil but I have 3 pages with errors (out of 169)14:50.32 
  I it works but it creates errors?14:50.45 
kens faenil if it does you are in luck, buyt in the general case it won't work14:50.46 
faenil I see14:50.50 
  strange, it's a command I found on forums on old threads :)14:51.01 
kens The next releasee I'm working on integrating the Colour Management System14:51.08 
faenil cool, ok ;)14:51.23 
  kens, what do you recommend for that purpose? pdf2ps and back?14:51.36 
kens If I get it finished in time, you shoudl eb able to do this14:51.40 
  faenil I reccomend not trying it14:51.50 
faenil :O14:51.59 
  well, I have to :( need to print something to study14:52.08 
  and the guy wants a grayscale pdf...14:52.13 
kens I know of no reliable way (using open source software) to do this14:52.13 
  You could convert to a gray image and print that14:52.32 
faenil mmm I see...weird, I would have never imagined there were such problems :)14:52.37 
kens Consider an Indeexed colour space wiiht a base of DeviceN which has a ICCXBased alternate14:53.10 
faenil :)14:53.23 
kens COnverting that to DeviceGray is problematic14:53.25 
faenil I see...14:53.29 
kens CIEBased colours are difficult too. You need a proper CMS for all these things14:53.49 
faenil alright14:54.00 
  I just need a readable result :)14:54.09 
kens THe current code works 'most of the time' but is not (in my opinion) of commercial grade14:54.12 
faenil the code you're working on you mean?14:54.26 
kens No, the current release works 'most of the time'14:54.38 
faenil oh ok14:54.41 
kens THe code I'm working on should be100% reliable14:54.51 
faenil cool stuff 14:54.58 
kens Currently there are cases where we just 'give up'14:55.09 
faenil kens, what if I accepted to convert it to image? (as I have to print it today :/ )14:55.12 
  kens, oh..14:55.18 
kens To 'convert to image' use an image device instead of pdfwrite14:55.32 
Robin_Watts faenil: You can certainly render to greyscale images.14:55.41 
kens I thikn there's a tiffgray device14:55.43 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=tiffscaled8 -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -o out%d.tif in.pdf14:57.22 
kens Ah, marcosw has fixed my cluster trouble14:57.37 
faenil Robin_Watts, will try that, thanks14:57.41 
Robin_Watts That'd be what I'd try.14:57.48 
faenil Robin_Watts, oh...but that is a lot of images14:58.17 
  I thought you guys meant a pdf with images14:58.23 
kens one per page14:58.26 
faenil kens, yeah noticed14:58.30 
kens If you realy want a PDF< open the images and print them to PDF (or to PostScript and hten use pdfwrite to make a PDF)14:58.54 
faenil yeah but it's 169 images xD14:59.11 
  isn't there a pipe to do it all together? :D14:59.22 
kens Not 'out of the box'14:59.42 
faenil okay14:59.50 
kens There are some PS programs for reading image formats14:59.52 
faenil I'll make some bash script otherwise15:00.28 
  but first of all I'll try pdf2ps and back, and see if that creates monsters15:00.43 
kens I don't believe that will work any betrter than pdfwrite (unless it is using a differnt program than GS+ps2write)15:01.10 
faenil kens, trying in the meanwhile, who knows :/15:02.26 
kens :)15:02.31 
faenil or I could just take those 3 pages out15:02.33 
  and get done with it :P15:02.37 
  or print the color version of those 3 pages :D15:02.48 
  is it just me or it seems ps2pdf will take like hours for a 10mb pdf? :O15:04.59 
  it's raising few kbs at a sec15:05.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm having submodule woes here.15:07.38 
faenil kens, problems! :/15:08.20 
  kens, though quality is worse now...anything I can do?15:08.30 
kens OK good stuff15:08.33 
faenil must befont problem15:11.18 
  kens, anyway I guess it's an optimization/compression issue15:14.59 
  because this one is 27mb instead of 9mb15:15.05 
kens Possibly15:15.07 
faenil and it has no errors, even though text sucks15:15.13 
kens All converted to images, so bigger and ugly15:15.33 
  No surprise15:15.37 
faenil seems like text isn't antialiased15:15.57 
  is a ps supposed to have so bad fonts?15:16.05 
kens THey may be converted to images15:16.14 
  depsnds on what you used to do it15:16.19 
faenil pdf2ps, no arguments15:16.26 
  it uses gs, but I don't know the pars it passes15:16.38 
kens probably uses pswrite, bnad idea15:16.45 
faenil mm okay15:17.17 
  you know what, I'll stick the 3 colour images, and get done with it :)15:17.27 
  3 colour pages15:17.37 
  won't buy adobe professional but such a task :D15:18.02 
  also guys15:22.20 
  I was thinking about doing a pdf viewer15:22.27 
  with ink annotations and highlights15:22.32 
  for tablets15:22.34 
  is mupdf okay for the task? or is there any other library you'd suggest?15:22.54 
  I've seen poppler already has Qt bindings, which is interesting15:23.02 
  there is also podofo, but it does not render, as I've read15:23.53 
  what would you suggest for my purpose?15:24.06 
  it's an app for tablets, to take ink notes on PDFs and highlight text15:24.24 
  accademic purposes mainly15:24.32 
sebras appreciates the logs so he can find -dDEVICE(HEIGHT|WIDTH)POINTS again. gs doesn't really have an apple-ish UI now, has it... ;)15:27.38 
faenil kens, Robin_Watts any thought on my plans? :D15:27.52 
Robin_Watts faenil: Mupdf sounds appropriate for what you want.15:28.18 
kens I'm inclined to agree with Robin_Watts a viewer is a *lot* of work15:28.37 
Robin_Watts Whether it's academic or not, as long as you abide by the GNU GPL you will be fine.15:28.38 
faenil alright, I couldn't find info about how to highlight text so I thought maybe it had to be implemeted15:28.54 
  Robin_Watts, I meant academic for the user15:29.17 
  I'd like to sell it ( later, maybe)15:29.26 
Robin_Watts faenil: In MuPDF? It's there (we use it to highlight search results etc).15:29.28 
faenil Robin_Watts, alright15:29.39 
Robin_Watts faenil: Right, so you'd need a commercial license.15:29.42 
faenil Robin_Watts, GPL already allows that, doesn't it15:29.52 
  share source, sell app15:29.58 
Robin_Watts Sure, but IME you'll find it hard to sell many copies if people can just download the source and build their own.15:30.33 
faenil Robin_Watts, yeah I know, but it's just to earn something and give people a way to appreciate the work :)15:31.06 
  I don't think I can afford a commercial licence, I'm a uni student :)15:31.36 
  Is there a place where I can know more about how to use mupdf? I've only found header on the website under "documentation"15:32.32 
  I know almost nothing about pdf file format...15:33.01 
  nothing at all about mupdf15:33.15 
Robin_Watts faenil: There is limited documentation in the 'docs' directory of the source, but mostly, look at the example apps, and read the headers.15:33.36 
faenil Robin_Watts, the example app seems very complex, from the pdf noob pov :/15:34.01 
  I mean, no explanation of any call15:34.11 
Robin_Watts faenil: doc/example.c15:35.36 
faenil Robin_Watts, look great, for rendering :)15:37.23 
  is there anything like that for annotations?15:37.31 
Robin_Watts No. Because the functionality you are talking about (for adding annotations etc) is not quite there yet.15:37.56 
faenil Robin_Watts, how can I use it for my purpose? :D15:39.04 
Robin_Watts faenil: At the moment, adding annotations etc, requires some knowledge of the underlying PDF structure. Come back in a month or so and ask again, and we may have exposed a nicer API for you.15:39.58 
faenil I see...perfect timing, I think I'll start making that app in february15:40.30 
  so that should be cool15:40.37 
  otherwise, I'll learn something about PDF structure and do it myself :) 15:41.18 
  in that case, is there any good guide about pdf structure?15:41.32 
Robin_Watts The PDF Reference Manual.15:42.26 
faenil something like 10k pages :D15:43.08 
  let's see15:43.10 
  oh only 745 :15:44.21 
  Robin_Watts, thanks ;)15:44.43 
Robin_Watts faenil: np.15:45.03 
faenil Robin_Watts, have you already tried porting mupdf to BlackBerry10 by any chance?15:45.12 
  that's what I'll need to do15:45.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: Updated patch pushed.15:45.23 
  faenil: Nope, but I believe others have.15:45.41 
  tor8: plus another couple of changes.15:45.51 
faenil Robin_Watts, others in mupdf group? notice that BlackBerry10 isn't out yet15:46.09 
Robin_Watts OK. I believe that other people have ported mupdf to that OS or something. I can't remember any details.15:47.17 
  but not from people within Artifex.15:47.34 
faenil Robin_Watts, alright, couldn't find any detail on Google, that's why I asked ;)15:48.34 
  is there platform-specific code in mupdf? or should it just be a matter of using a different compiler?15:49.01 
  or system libs15:49.10 
Robin_Watts mupdf is pretty portable. No compulsory system specific magic in there.15:50.04 
faenil cool15:50.12 
henrys isn't blackberry qnx - bug 692947?15:51.12 
Robin_Watts henrys: That was the TLA I was trying to remember :)15:51.31 
sebras henrys: yes it is, but their windowing-layer might not be photon (at least I'm not sure).15:54.09 
  on blackberry I mean.15:54.55 
faenil henrys, oh cool, even though that's not BB10 most likely :)15:56.03 
  714kb patch file? holy crap :O15:56.12 
sebras faenil: but half of it just a hexdump of some icons or something.15:57.45 
faenil sebras, well 300kb is still pretty big isn't it :D15:58.07 
sebras it is.15:58.32 
faenil it's 6.5k LOC15:58.49 
  the viewer that is :)15:58.59 
  Robin_Watts, is there a reason why that was never merged?16:01.16 
sebras I guess the reasons for this not being merged so far is lack of test devices, incentive to do it and the fact that the viewer probably doesn't share enough code with the existing viewers.16:01.47 
Robin_Watts Yes. We lack the ability (or particular desire) to test it.16:01.49 
faenil alright ;)16:02.20 
  anyway, it should work (TM) :)16:02.38 
sebras Robin_Watts: once the new pdfviewer layer is finished apps like this ought to be smaller at least.16:03.05 
faenil last question (sorry to bother...) would it make any sense to just make a tablet GUI for Okular? this applies to those who have already read its sourcecode at least :)16:04.33 
Robin_Watts Okular is (according to Professor Google) based on KPDF. So I'm not sure how that would work.16:07.06 
faenil alright16:07.21 
  yeah it's based on KPDF and poppler16:07.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hey. How are you feeling?16:07.36 
faenil Robin_Watts, thank you very much for the patience :)16:07.56 
  see you all guys, got to get back to studying compilers :/16:08.10 
mvrhel_laptop Hi Robin_Watts . Pretty crappy still16:08.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: PDFRM section 3.9.3 talks about a "Functions" entry.16:08.19 
  As far as I can tell we only look for a "Function" entry.16:08.29 
  mvrhel_laptop: Commiserations. If it's any consolation I'm feeling similarly crap.16:09.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry to hear that. 16:09.40 
Robin_Watts My mother in law is 2 or 3 days further through the course of the cold we've got, and she just looked awful when she left this morning. So I have that to look forward to :(16:09.49 
marcosw_ henrys: I ran across an Adobe web site,, that contains a large number of PDF test files. I've downloaded them and was thinking of running a comparison of Acrobat, Ghostscript, and muPDF but before I started wanted to see if you knew about the site and had looked at any of the files before?16:10.11 
mvrhel_laptop Stephanie just came down with this yesterday and is following me now...16:10.25 
Robin_Watts ew.16:10.39 
sebras marcosw_: I mentioned that site long ago, so tor8 has known about it at least. don't know about henrys.16:11.19 
  marcosw_: mupdf doesn't segfault on any of those files, but I'm not sure all of them are rendered perfectly.16:11.49 
henrys marcosw_:geez I missed it.16:12.02 
sebras Robin_Watts: load_stitching_func() parses "Functions"..?16:12.18 
marcosw_ sebras: not seg faulting is a good first step :-)16:12.20 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah, I'm off by 1 layer of structure here. Ignore me :)16:13.13 
sebras marcosw_: I haven't got gs and bmpcmp setup so I have had difficulties comparing them myself.16:13.14 
  Robin_Watts: I know. I will. ;)16:13.26 
henrys marcosw_:while you are about I had cluster questions above about cron and all.16:15.32 
marcosw_ henrys: okay16:15.43 
henrys somewhere back in the logs - let me just repeat it. Why not one script with a loop at startup time instead of a syslog'd cron every minute?16:16.55 
sebras Robin_Watts: henrys: apparently bb10 is based on qnx, but uses Screen for graphics rather than photon.16:17.05 
marcosw_ sebras: bmpcmp isn't well suited for running large comparisons, I have different comparison tool (based on fuzzy.c) that i used. I should check it into git but then I'd have to document it.16:17.14 
henrys I am trying to troubleshoot henrysx6 but syslog is of no help it is all cron entries.16:18.00 
sebras marcosw_: oh. well if you manage to run it on the adobe-files (avoid the ones named *32k* and *64k* as that refers to the number of pages), I'm quite curious about the results.16:19.07 
faenil sebras, exactly16:19.10 
marcosw_ henrys: If I had to do it again I probably wouldn't use a cron job, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. In any case, we'd still have to have a cron job running to make sure the cluster code was still running :-) but presumably it wouldn't have to run every minute.16:21.25 
henrys marcosw_:I've run various diagnostics and can't produce a failure on henrysx6 and I compile code with -j frequently. Does it usually fail with the large language switch build?16:22.32 
kens marcosw my cluster test just failed again16:22.52 
  Not sure why yet16:23.07 
marcosw_ henrys: as I recall it fails with any of the builds16:23.09 
  kens: I'll take a quick look.16:23.14 
kens It could be me this time ;-)16:23.30 
marcosw_ same error. odd why didn't the svn update I did work?16:23.49 
kens Umm, no idea....16:23.56 
marcosw_ kens: no wait, the file I was looking at is several hours old. 16:24.18 
kens It snot completed failing yet16:24.27 
  But all the nodes aborted16:24.42 
henrys marcosw_:okay let me try again.16:24.51 
kens That's why I said I didn't know why it had failed16:24.56 
  marcosw it has finsished and is still failing with log files too big16:25.38 
marcosw_ kens: sigh, another file has the same problem.16:25.50 
kens Looks that way yes16:25.55 
marcosw_ kens: okay, please try again.16:27.52 
kens OK :-)16:27.58 
marcosw_ This time for sure :-)16:28.00 
  That was a "Rocky and Bullwinkle" reference, for those of you across the pond.16:28.27 
kens We get (or used ot) Rocky and Bullwinkle too16:28.43 
  I thought you only got Dallas and Baywatch, didn't realize the quality shows made it to you.16:29.35 
kens Our channels will buy anything if its cheap enough16:30.15 
  got to fill the schedules somehow....16:30.24 
marcosw_ kens: I thought you only had 3 channels? 16:33.18 
kens You are out of date Marcosw, we've had 4 for ages16:33.32 
  Of course, now we've gone digital we have as many as the US and nobody watches TV any more, we spend the entire evening flipping channels trying to find something that isn't terrible, or a repeat....16:34.49 
Robin_Watts kens: This is why God gave us Sky+ (Tivo for the USians).16:39.36 
kens wwwEven more channels to flip through....16:39.59 
Robin_Watts kens: Nah, set stuff to record. Never channel flip randomly again.16:40.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, and watch when you retire (if you have kids).16:41.29 
  that's what my former colleagues do at least. :)16:41.58 
kens 2 TVs :-)16:42.13 
Robin_Watts I am becoming more and more convinced that kids shouldn't be allowed to watch childrens TV, ever.16:42.33 
kens That's just a symptom of age :-)16:42.59 
Robin_Watts Brightly coloured blobs singing in stupid voices. We're breeding morons, and we need to be breeding smart people to earn lots, and pay taxes, and keep me in my (rapidly apporaching) decrepitude.16:43.35 
sebras Robin_Watts: I can tell from experience that watching TV news while eating might be somewhat...unsettling.16:43.51 
Robin_Watts Don't get me started pn rolling TV news...16:44.28 
sebras Robin_Watts: we didn't have that in .se until recently.16:44.49 
Robin_Watts "This is the view from our Bagdad hotel roof. We've heard stuff might be happening down the road, but we can't go and investigate because we've got to do another live link up in an hours time..."16:46.17 
kens (translation) It might be dangverous :-)16:46.55 
sebras Robin_Watts: unfortunately that wasn't the case when I was a kid. and it was Iran at the time I believe. hard to combine the TV images with my mother's food though. conflicting input...16:48.02 
kens marcosw looks like tht is working now17:00.29 
  Hmm we have a *lot* of "new makefile issues"17:05.07 
  OK I'm off for the night, bye all17:25.00 
ascarpino hi all, I get this error when converting a file to pdf using ps2pdf17:42.29 
  Error: /undefined in ESCEESC*r0FESC&f101y0XESC&l1c12EESC*p0x0YESC*c5772x8238y0TESC17:42.31 
  where should I begin to find the issue?17:42.49 
Robin_Watts Is the source file postscript ?17:43.35 
henrys marcosw_:just built gs with -j infinity with no problems17:43.41 
ascarpino Robin_Watts: no17:43.56 
  Robin_Watts: it's a stream of raw data17:44.33 
Robin_Watts ascarpino: So you're using a tool that's designed to take postscript and turn it into pdf, and you're feeding it something other than postscript ?17:44.44 
ascarpino ehm right.17:45.02 
marcosw_ henrys: the problem occurs infrequently, so you may have to run it multiple times. If you remind me of the ip address I can try and duplicate it.17:45.15 
ascarpino Robin_Watts: what do you suggest to create a pdf file?17:45.28 
Robin_Watts ascarpino: From what?17:46.02 
ascarpino the stream could be a doc, or a pdf, or a web page...17:46.26 
henrys I don't know if there is a nice way for you to get to henrysx6 right now. I'm in the middle of a router change anyway. let me repeatedly compile17:47.14 
  marcosw_:I do think this cron business should be revisited it blows away syslog… now doing 5 make -j; make clean in the ghostpdl directory, building all the languages hope that trips it.17:51.26 
  marcosw_: I got this wndr4300 router a later release than chris' suggestion and saw there was code for it in openwrt but apparently dd-wrt hasn't taken up the changes yet so I'm stuck with net gear firmware and no dns, but it is fast particularly using the 5GHZ17:54.41 
marcosw_ henrys: it is possible that the problem only occurs during a cluster job. I can't think of how this could be, since the cluster just does shell call with 'make -j12', but I can setup a job on casper that causes a compile on henrysx6 to be launch repeatedly.18:08.44 
henrys I am just using -j and don't see anything. Please go ahead and set up the job and I'll monitor syslog18:09.59 
  can you record the time it fails?18:10.13 
marcosw_ henrys: 
  apparently you aren't the first person to have this problem :-)18:10.42 
henrys marcosw_:looks like there are reasonable workarounds, but it doesn't seem the cluster should use cron at all.18:14.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: Why not?18:14.45 
  Either we need to have a process that runs all the time as a top level watchdog, and we need to be really careful to catch every possible route by which it might fail and die, and hence leave a cluster node unconnected....18:15.53 
marcosw_ henrys: there would still have be a cron job to check to make sure that the clusterpull script hasn't crashed, though that cold run every 5 or 10 minutes.18:15.54 
henrys because there is nothing about it that is scheduled that is what cron is used for. A script should be started in rc.local that is a simple infinite loop with a sleep.18:15.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: It *is* scheduled.18:16.37 
  Every minute we check for timeouts etc.18:16.47 
  and when your simple infinite loop with a sleep dies because of running out of memory, or process exhaustion, or any one of a myriad of other things, you'll lose the cluster node.18:17.55 
  The cron based solution is low tech, but it's effective.18:18.14 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: as I said earlier, we could still have a cronjob that check to make sure the infinite loop hasn't died, but that just changes the cron from once a minute to every N minutes18:25.16 
henrys Sorry I was called away18:34.45 
  why isn't the server responsible for the time tracking/18:35.43 
  anyway I think we can all agree syslog should not be flooded so all system messages are rotated out.18:36.41 
  marcosw_:have you started the casper job?18:39.07 
marcosw_ henrys: yes, but I still need to add code to detect failure and quit.18:39.36 
henrys okay this is puzzling my makes seem to have worked okay.18:41.26 
paulgardiner faBvLon518:55.06 
henrys entropy is probably good enough but your usage of it needs work.18:57.31 
paulgardiner henrys: Yes: best not type it into a black screen without first checking there's a password prompt. :-)18:59.02 
henrys hi mvrhel_laptop feeling any better?19:55.06 
marcosw_ henrys: I've run about 10 test compiles on henrysx6 and so far no problem. You haven't changed anything since it last failed have you?20:29.05 
henrys marcosw_:I did enable smart diagnostics on the hard drive ( 
marcosw_ henrys: I can't imaging that would make a difference; it really feels like a memory issue. 20:39.20 
henrys well we tested memory and that didn't show anything then we said let's see about the drive so I checked that with smart. 20:46.21 
  marcosw_:I also changed the location of the box and use power line networking instead of 10 base T now, seeming unrelated.20:52.45 
marcosw_ Is it plugged into a difference circuit? I believe you have a color laser jet 4550, if it's anything like my 4500 and it causes all the lights on the same circuit to dim that could be it. I don't recall suggestion the drive; it really doesn't feel like a drive issue.20:54.54 
henrys marcosw:still here?21:03.40 
marcosw1 henrys: I'm back online.21:37.33 
henrys I do still have the printer on the same circuit but it is a different one and I'm not using it as frequently. I could print something while you do the test.21:38.24 
marcosw1 it's worth trying, though if the compile doesn't fail it won't prove anything :-)21:40.12 
henrys I would just enable the node and let's see what happens.21:42.41 
marcosw1 henrys: sounds good to me. I'll do that now.21:42.56 
JakeSays i'm tweaking the output of mudraw's xml text device. i need to capture paths as well as text. i've been able to add path tags to the xml easily enough, but the coordinates are not the same as the text. i'm assuming i need to apply the transformation matrix to the path, but i'm not sure how to go about it. any suggestions?22:42.39 
  hmm. maybe i just call fz_transform_point on each point in the path22:49.57 
  lol or maybe fz_transform_path22:52.57 
emrosenf Hi, does anyone here know if it's possible to compile ghostpdl as a static library for iOS?23:26.44 
  The build system is quite complex and I've been having trouble configuring it. I'd really appreciate any insights.23:26.45 
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