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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/02/03)2013/02/04 
wizardxbl hello everybody , i'm a freshman to mupdf02:24.40 
  i want save doc to pdf but fz_write_document() seems not work well02:25.45 
  i just find the function pdf_write_document to done this work02:49.29 
kens Hmm, my cluster push gave me 270 'file(s) have started producing errors' almost all of which are CUPS and nothing to do with the code I've changed....09:49.59 
chrisl Quite likely they're "known errors" but the cluster lost the "known" part.....09:50.57 
kens I hope so, I can't believe that I've caused them.09:51.11 
chrisl Well, beats me......09:57.32 
kens Well I've committed my change, its pretty simple and clearly was incorrect (for 32-bit builds) before.09:58.46 
Robin_Watts D'Oh.11:14.32 
  I've had this window scrolled up for a while, so wondered why nothing was happening.11:14.56 
chrisl Robin_Watts: DVD arrived, thank you!11:17.28 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah, cool.11:17.39 
  tor8: ping11:40.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: morning11:41.16 
Robin_Watts morning11:41.34 
  have you tried Pauls latest prototype?11:41.48 
  He has it so that when you hit the 'search' button, each page goes through the text extraction device, and into a webview.11:42.32 
  a webview just shows html.11:42.43 
  Currently zooming doesn't work -that's the next thing for him to look at.11:42.57 
  Styles don't seem to work either at the moment.11:43.11 
  and (I'm looking at pdf_reference17.pdf) paragraph spacings seem to come through as 3 top bit set chars.11:44.28 
  Are you available to look at the styling/paragraph issues ?11:44.46 
  I'm trying to avoid touching any code until I get the quote done and dusted otherwise I'll get distracted.11:45.15 
paulgardiner oh yeah, nearly forgot: we need a reflow icon11:45.40 
Robin_Watts I could draw one, or we could look for one on the usual places.11:46.53 
tor8 paulgardiner: is what we currently use11:52.49 
paulgardiner Can you see a good one for reflow?11:53.20 
tor8 Robin_Watts: what needs to be done with the styles?11:53.27 
Robin_Watts We need to figure out why they aren't appearing in the webview.11:53.52 
tor8 paulgardiner: maybe one with the lines of text? like a "left-justified" icon?11:54.22 
paulgardiner I'm currently not using the code that produces html with styles. I guess what we need is the code that does that to produce a fz_buffer rather than assuming a FILE11:55.11 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ah!11:55.22 
paulgardiner I'm just adding <html><body><div> plus lots of <p>s myself at the moment.11:56.05 
Robin_Watts Ideally we need that code to be generalised so that it can go to a variety of outputs; one of which is a FILE, one of which is a buffer.11:56.10 
  That explains a lot.11:56.13 
  You'd told me previously, and I'd forgotten it.11:56.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, a fz_output that can write either to file or to a fz_buffer?11:57.03 
paulgardiner I thought we'd moved away from iconic11:57.17 
tor8 with fz_write and fz_print and fz_printf etc11:57.18 
  paulgardiner: we will, but we haven't yet11:57.25 
paulgardiner ah ok11:57.30 
Robin_Watts Specifically whatever function does -tt.11:57.33 
tor8 paulgardiner: we liked but that also has a limited (but less so) set of icons11:57.56 
  paulgardiner: I have a repo with pre-rendered png files of all these sitting around11:58.13 
paulgardiner tor8: come to think of it an fz_buffer may be no good: we do want unicode... although utf8 would be ok11:58.30 
tor8 we use utf8 everywhere, unconditionally11:58.44 was the mupdf apk with the batch icon set11:59.32 
paulgardiner ok that's fine. I was using unicode because I was accessing the block/line/span/char heirarchy directly11:59.48 
tor8 was with font-awesome11:59.49 
  paulgardiner: yeah. anything that takes or returns a char* in mupdf is utf-812:00.09 
  the fz_tex_char is a raw unicode int though12:00.19 
  (and I need to trim my fingernails, keep slipping and missing keys)12:00.32 
paulgardiner Right. That makes sense. That's why it seemed to be working.12:00.45 
  :-) Actually I am converting to utf8. I forgot12:01.31 
  So if you can produce utf8 with styles in, it'sll slot straight in12:01.54 
  Ahem. Nothing freudian in that slip at all.12:02.43 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: do you have that in the two sizes we need? 32 and 24 I think12:03.55 
Robin_Watts Doing the other one now.12:04.03 
paulgardiner Magic12:04.33 
  Those are the l and the m variants respectively.12:08.53 
  I'm sure we can find better ones at some point, but they'll do for now.12:09.43 
paulgardiner They look different from the previous ic_reflow2 you postef12:10.51 
Robin_Watts the previous one was white on black.12:11.14 
  These are white on transparent.12:11.20 
  which is what we actually need, right ?12:11.29 
paulgardiner ah yes, just as they need to be12:11.31 
  The top menu will be a bit crowded but we can worry about that later12:12.14 
  Any preference where in the sequence of icons to put this?12:12.35 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Leave search on the right.12:16.14 
paulgardiner :-) I just inserted it to the left of search before you said that12:16.51 
Robin_Watts but otherwise I don't care.12:16.57 
  Possibly we should have a 'Spanner' icon as the only icon in that top bar.12:17.58 
  And when you click the spanner icon the tool bar appears.12:18.06 
paulgardiner Yeah, or the spanner and just the few that we think are high priority12:18.38 
Robin_Watts but it's a different tradeoff on phones/tablets.12:18.40 
tor8 a spanner with a text menu would be ideal, so we don't have to worry about so many icons!12:34.01 
  just the basic few common operations + spanner12:34.16 
  so bookmarks+spanner, and in search mode just the arrows and X12:34.37 
  and maybe textual buttons for the annotation mode?12:35.05 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner: First attempt at a roadmap sent. Please give feedback.12:47.51 
paulgardiner will do12:48.10 
Robin_Watts I'm hoping that this is what Miles wanted. He can convert from times -> $$$ better than I can.12:48.14 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: still reading so this may be already in there, but I better mention it now before I forget: "using the same fonts as in the document"; foxit seems to do that even if the doc uses an unusual font.12:52.45 
Robin_Watts hmm. It's conceivable that it's feeding fonts through as OpenWebFont things?12:54.45 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Improve out of order text recognition - I'd imagine there would be a research element to that, and I'd be surprised if we could achieve anything in 3 days12:55.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I was intending that to be just an extension of our search algorithm; rather than being 'either it goes on the end of what we have or it's a new span'12:55.56 
paulgardiner oh ok12:56.08 
Robin_Watts So just a post process pass through where we look to further collate chars/spans/lines etc, and reorder blocks.12:57.10 
paulgardiner All looks good to me. I imagine that there's some possibility that for the sake of faster image and/or font handling, we might choose to create our own text-flowing view 1w/2w/3w13:00.11 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right, but it's possible that the customer might be specifically looking for a PDF -> html process.13:06.38 
paulgardiner AH yes, true. I hadn't thought of that.13:07.10 
  Quite likely now you mention it13:07.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: maybe data: urls for embedding fonts in the html/stylesheet can work?13:09.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: I believe paul is sending the whole thing as one big data: url at the moment.13:10.41 
  tor8: What formats can browsers generally accept fonts in?13:11.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: otf and ttf I think13:19.15 
Robin_Watts ok, so that could be another item on the roadmap?13:19.32 
tor8 so type1 would have to be converted to cff and wrapped i an otf13:19.37 
  and cff wrapped in an otf13:19.42 
  type3 would probably just have to be substituted13:19.51 
  Robin_Watts: paulgardiner: a few comments on the road map in the email13:20.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks, comments look good.13:23.06 
  Care to write me a 'task' for RTL reordering ?13:23.23 
  For 'undo hyphenation' I was expecting us to guess.13:24.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sumatrapdf has a patch13:24.11 
Robin_Watts If the next line starts with a Capital, no joining.13:24.16 
tor8 but it's ugly13:24.18 
Robin_Watts so Ankh-Morpork would be safe.13:24.29 
  but city-state would not.13:24.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that takes care of Ankh-Morpork but not city-state.13:24.36 
Robin_Watts All this is 'best guess' of course.13:25.04 
tor8 a dictionary lookup for the word parts will help, but only if we know the language13:25.13 
  so Caps to spot proper names, and then check if the split parts are words in themselves13:25.55 
Robin_Watts I think we just assume that any words split at the end of lines by a - where the second one isn't capitalised are hyphenated.13:26.27 
  We'll get more things right than wrong, I suspect.13:26.36 
  I may add "(imperfect, heuristic based, language independent)" to the roadmap.13:27.34 
tor8 in swedish there's even more ceaveats. there's a rule that if you have compound words with common parts in a list (like waterpower and windpower) you write them as "water- and windpower".13:29.25 
  and in general there's a lot more hyphens used for non-hyphenation13:29.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: same rule in english.13:30.06 
tor8 oh. I've never seen that in use in english!13:30.21 
  so joining hyphens is dangerous, but the best we can do is guess13:30.52 
Robin_Watts so maybe we should ignore hyphens. Or have it as an option.13:31.06 
tor8 I think looking at a dictionary and not join if both sides of the hyphen are complete words13:31.12 
Robin_Watts That assumes we have a dictionary.13:31.25 
tor8 and only do the joining if we can spot that it's english :)13:31.25 
  there is one in /usr/share/dict/words :)13:32.22 
Robin_Watts only on unix, and only for english.13:32.40 
tor8 but that's another 2.4MB to pack in, and only for english13:32.47 
Robin_Watts Having it as an option may be worthwhile.13:33.02 
tor8 in practice, I don't think hyphenation is all that common in pdf documents people pass around13:33.59 
Robin_Watts it's on page 2 of the pdf_reference17.pdf hence me spotting it :)13:35.29 
  tor8: Can you write me a task for the RTL reordering please?13:39.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: so fixing copying of arabic text is on the agenda then? cool. :)13:39.57 
tor8 Add RTL reordering pass to text extraction for both copy/paste, search and reflow. 1w/2w/1m.13:40.23 
Robin_Watts And what section does that go in?13:40.46 
  does Adobe Reader get that right?13:41.12 
tor8 but that's just reordering from visual LTR to logical RTL so that the text extraction actually gets the correct logical order13:41.39 
Robin_Watts Ok, updated version sent with tweaked timings.13:42.36 
  Let me know if I missed any comments, or if you have further ideas.13:42.46 
Robin_Watts lunches13:42.51 
tor8 I think it should go in the early part, since it's pretty crucial and we do have open bugs for it.13:43.35 
kens2 Does anyone know if we have a routine to 'unescape' a PostScript string ? THat is to convert a PostScript string with non-ASCII characters represented with \xxx octal escapes back into hex binary representation ?13:50.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: I put it just post "as good as foxit"14:20.44 
  tor8: ping14:53.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pong.15:20.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: Until I hear back from henrys, I'm assuming that the Roadmap is done.15:20.38 
  and therefore I'm starting to help out.15:20.46 
  I'm assuming that you're doing the html -> fz_buffer stuff?15:21.03 
  if you've not started I'll start to look at it.15:21.17 
  otherwise I'll try some simple code to gather line break distances and to guess paragraphs based on it.15:21.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: add a fz_output struct and abstract the printing functions to go to buffers or FILE*, I can do that but I doubt I'll be able to get it done today15:22.05 
  tomorrow for certain15:22.13 
Robin_Watts ok, I will do that then.15:22.14 
  I don't think it's brain surgery ;)15:22.30 
tor8 no, it's just a chore fixing all the places that could currently use it15:22.50 
henrys kens:do you know offhand the ps->pdf behavior with blank pages, I want PCL to do something similar? - see 
  kens:with duplexing16:28.50 
  Robin_Watts: the list looks like it is ready to be seen by Miles and Raph either one of you can copy them in or I will, let me know.16:30.28 
Robin_Watts henrys: I wasn't sure if we wanted to reveal timings to Raph16:30.54 
  or whether Miles would like to convert them to $$$ beforehand.16:31.06 
kens2 henrys, sorry, wasn busy. ps->PDF should preserve blank pages no problem16:31.14 
  I know PCL can 'remove' blank pages, PostScript never doess16:31.44 
Robin_Watts But if you're happy with the roadmap, I can forward it to Miles (or you can)16:31.49 
henrys no raph can be considered "one of us"16:32.00 
kens2 henrys I'm assuming that the PCL interpreter is eliding the blank pages, or am I wrong ?16:32.43 
Robin_Watts Is it worth delaying going back to Raph for a day or so to see if we can say "and here is an apk that shows it working"?16:33.03 
  paulgardiner worked over the weekend to get us something.16:33.27 
  We have a version that goes from pdf -> html and displays in the app in webviews.16:33.51 
paulgardiner We may have zoom in a minute. It's going better than expected16:34.03 
Robin_Watts Zooming the webviews doesn't work currently (he's battling that now...)16:34.08 
  ah, fab.16:34.12 
henrys okay let's hold off until that is ready.16:34.29 
Robin_Watts And we don't have styles yet (but that's an output thing, I'm working on that now, and hope to have something to pass to paulgardiner in an hour or so)16:34.41 
  But I'll send the roadmap to Miles.16:34.55 
henrys okay16:35.05 
aksr hi to all, does mupdf supports pdf annotation?16:35.14 
Robin_Watts We display them, if they are in the document and have an appearance stream.16:35.43 
aksr i know it's possible to see already annotated pdfs16:35.49 
henrys kens2:nto sure I didn't look at the job yet.16:36.06 
Robin_Watts We are working on code to allow creation and editing of them.16:36.11 
aksr Robin_Watts: nice to hear ;)16:36.19 
Robin_Watts The first couple of commits for that have gone in, but it's not complete yet.16:36.25 
kens2 henrys, I'm assuming that page 2 in the PCL is blank and being omitted, so pdfwrite never sees it, hence teh final PDF has only 3 pages16:36.46 
aksr any ETA for this? Robin_Watts 16:36.48 
Robin_Watts aksr: Well, it was the next thing on our priority list, but it just got shunted down it a bit.16:38.35 
aksr Robin_Watts: ok, thank you16:38.48 
Robin_Watts being as this is open source though, you can always pick up what we've got an run with it.16:39.16 
henrys Robin_Watts:can you keep all of us on the recipient list or just use tech16:41.45 
Robin_Watts I used tech16:41.54 
henrys paulgardiner: gets tech?16:42.13 
Robin_Watts I figured that keeping everyone up to date was worthwhile.16:42.17 
  oh, I assumed he did, but...16:42.24 
  Shall I mail marcosw and ask him to add paul to tech@ 16:42.54 
paulgardiner Don't think I do16:43.14 
Robin_Watts I'll resend with paul added as a new recipient.16:43.42 
fdncred Robin_Watts: FYI - Been testing mutool clean -ggg <inpdf> <outpdf> <pagenum> to split PDF files. It's doing great at keeping the annotations however....16:53.21 
Robin_Watts fdncred: fab.16:53.39 
fdncred Robin_Watts: however, i noticed that it removes the bookmarks. any tips on maintaining them per page?16:53.55 
Robin_Watts by bookmarks do you mean "outlines" ?16:54.09 
fdncred ya16:54.13 
Robin_Watts In order to do that, we'd need to walk the outlines structure culling things off the page.16:55.48 
  We don't currently do that.16:55.56 
  I guess we'd like to handle outlines better, but I can't see us doing it any time in the next few months.16:57.49 
fdncred alternatively - i could see enumerating them, storing that info in a text file, and then i could insert them myself if there were a way to insert outlines with mupdf16:58.57 
paulgardiner Here's the version with zooming: 
kens2 Robin_Watts : ping (in the absence of a Marcos)17:03.10 
Robin_Watts pong17:03.19 
kens2 I'm trying to queue a cluster test, and it seems to be ignoring me17:03.31 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Excellent. Will try in a mo.17:03.32 
  Using git cluster ?17:03.39 
kens2 Yes17:03.44 
  It worked fine thismorning, now, nothing....17:04.07 
  Where should I go look to ifnd the problem /17:04.20 
Robin_Watts reload the dashboard?17:04.22 
kens2 ?17:04.23 
  Hm, OK I'll try gthat17:04.31 
  In fact I'll use Chrome17:04.41 
  And there it is, Firefox screwing up :-( Thanks Robin_Watts17:05.26 
Robin_Watts no worries. I like that kind of fix :)17:05.37 
kens2 I htink something is broken in the more recent builds of Firefox, this never used to happen17:06.14 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: OK, I've got a first version of the stuff to allow output to buffers on line.17:13.18 
fdncred Robin_Watts: is there anyway to create bookmarks/outlines with mutool?17:17.00 
Robin_Watts no.17:17.39 
fdncred thank you17:17.48 
  for answering my q's17:18.00 
Robin_Watts np.17:18.10 
  We can't 'recognise' the structures to make.17:18.23 
  marcosw: Can we add Paul to the list please?17:55.27 
marcosw sure.17:55.42 
kens2 is off, goodnight all17:56.43 
Robin_Watts night kens217:56.49 
marcosw Robin_Watts: btw, you are on the list as Should I change to you email address?18:00.11 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Makes no difference to me - it all comes to wss in the end and gets filtered.18:00.54 
ray_laptop marcosw: I don't see why you assigned bug 693612 to me18:03.32 
  marcosw: see my comments.18:03.41 
henrys hi ray_laptop I was down in your neck of the woods (Palm Springs) visiting my cousin.18:05.53 
ray_laptop henrys: good weather this weekend18:07.58 
  at least about 70 miles west of PS18:08.35 
  PS is a great place to visit (and play golf) but I wouldn't want to live there18:09.03 
henrys yes I like the tram they have there, it is supposed to be famous18:09.08 
  too hot in summer?18:09.27 
ray_laptop henrys: did you go up (and play in the snow). That's an attaction for SoCal residents. Probably less so for you18:09.54 
henrys we did18:10.10 
ray_laptop henrys: you bet it's too hot in the summer. they will have a streak of days in the +120 degrees F18:10.43 
mvrhel_laptop we are going to PS for spring break in April to get out of the rain and clouds here and let the kids swim in the pool. probably do some desert hiking at Josuah tree18:10.46 
ray_laptop henrys: where it will cool down at night to 90 or so18:11.04 
henrys yes my cousin was telling me somedays you really have to stay in.18:11.30 
  mvrhel_laptop: I liked it but I didn't see a lot they have 2 year old twins and I went to visit the kids.18:12.33 
mvrhel_laptop oh henrys I am going to out tomorrow18:12.34 
henrys I should change my IRC nick to Oh Henry18:13.01 
mvrhel_laptop I am off to Olympia with my sons class for a field trip18:13.21 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:okay18:13.26 
  how the windows app coming?18:13.36 
  not too hurry you just curious18:13.54 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: It is coming along ok. I am hoping to have something to show by the meeting18:13.56 
  I think once I get through this UI issue, things will come together pretty easily18:14.26 
  the UI issuing being finding the best UI control to get smooth scrolling and allowing me to dynamically update the flipview list18:15.02 
  which is the structure that is in the windoze UI that I am trying to use18:15.22 
  overall though it has not been too painful18:15.35 
  I also need to work on the color/black and white thing for the new support customer18:15.51 
  bug 693583 18:16.08 
  ray_laptop: I am going to work on adding the check on this in the CMM and then hopefully hand it off to you for you to add the device to do the mapping18:16.40 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: what do you mean by "add the device to do the mapping" ?18:22.00 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: I thought you were going to add in a device that would map the CMYK buffers to gray18:22.26 
  if needed18:22.29 
  let me check the IRC logs...18:23.30 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: OK. Right. That's pretty easy if we assume a "simple" CMYK->K mapping (a'la 100% BG 100% UCR)18:24.09 
mvrhel_laptop right18:24.13 
marcosw henrys: I'm looking at the email from Guillaume. I'll open a bug if necessary.18:27.04 
henrys marcosw:okay great thank you.18:27.31 
ray_laptop marcosw: Did you see my comment on bug 693612 ?18:27.59 
marcosw yes. I reassigned it to alexcher, per your suggestion. Don't know why I didn't' realize it wasn't a clist issue, working on too man different bugs at once while watching the Super Bowl :-)18:28.53 
ray_laptop marcosw: note, I tried ALL of the 32-bit build problem bugs with Windows and can't get any failures (which is good since 32-bit windoze is more common that 32-bit linux)18:29.09 
  marcosw: thanks. It was a good game (even if SF lost)18:29.41 
marcosw ray_laptop: as I said in the bug report, it's an indeterministic problem that comes and goes under linux, so am not surprised it doesn't fail on windows.18:30.25 
henrys marcosw: do you have access to any HP printer with a duplexer?18:31.56 
marcosw henrys: as it happens I have access to four. Two at uni (where I am currently) and two at home.18:32.31 
alexcher marcosw: I've reproduced the problem on x86.18:32.36 
marcosw henrys: though none of them are particularly current models.18:32.52 
  alexcher: great, maybe I should assign 693613 to you as well.18:35.06 
henrys can you send the pcl file associated with and just describe the output in particular which pages/sides are blank?18:35.15 
  he made obfuscated the file so it won't be attractive to look at18:36.07 
alexcher marcosw: I need to reproduce it first.18:36.21 
ray_laptop alexcher: which problem were you able to reproduce on Windows (or is it just x86 32-bit on linux) ?18:38.07 
alexcher ray_laptop: I didn't try Windows. The bug 693613 is reproduced on x86 Linux but worx fine on ppc32.18:39.40 
ray_laptop alexcher: I see. That corresponds to what I've seen. It fails on peeves (which is i7)18:40.31 
marcosw henrys: how long is that document!?! I stopped it after ~20 pages, is that enough?18:40.35 
alexcher ray_laptop: -dNOGC helps.18:40.48 
ray_laptop alexcher: helps reproduce the problem, or avoid the problem ?18:41.23 
marcosw henrys: do you want me to summarize the duplex test output in a bug comment?18:41.27 
henrys marcosw:oh sorry - that should be enough just the first five page - at least according to his description we should see a problem in the first few pages.18:41.30 
alexcher ray_laptop: -dNOGC helps to avoid the problem.18:41.46 
ray_laptop alexcher: not too surprising given that the SEGV call stack seems to often be in the GC (for some of the bugs, anyway). Not the case with bug 693592, however18:43.41 
marcosw henrys: I've updated 693608 18:48.06 
henrys marcosw:thank you18:53.18 
marcosw henrys: np18:53.23 
  seems to be the day for P1 customer bugs...19:21.12 
ray_laptop henrys: I think a support contract would not allow us to provide the PCL fonts, would it? They'd need an actual OEM contract19:59.00 
henrys ray_laptop:hmm hadn't really thought about it. I'll make scott aware of the issue and he can discuss it with miles if need be.20:00.45 
  what is happening - product name AFPL Ghostscript20:11.19 
  marcosw:looks like something wrong with the cluster20:41.30 
marcosw I'll take a look.20:41.40 
henrys marcosw:humph just got my report but when I looked everything was on standby20:44.17 
marcosw your macpro was stuck, so i manually aborted it and the jobs it had been sent were redistributed to the other nodes. Since it hadn't received any jobs that meant the cluster job finished immediately.20:45.14 
  I've been meaning to add code to the cluster to detect this case; if one machine get's stuck and hasn't received any jobs just abort it.20:45.41 
  the cluster already sort of does this, but the logic is pretty simplistic and relies on pretty long time outs.20:46.50 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw21:42.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sorry, had to pop out for a bit there. I see things have progressed nicely with paulgardiner and the zoom.22:29.12 
  Robin_Watts: should probably name the file stm_output.c and also add a raw write function to the struct22:33.40 
  other than that, patch looks good22:33.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: ok. thanks.22:45.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: just rename the file and it's okay to commit. adding a write() function can be done later when we need it.22:46.32 
  I'm thinking we'd want to use this for the pdfwrite/xpswrite devices too22:46.53 
  where we need to write binary data and have a tell() function as well22:47.12 
Robin_Watts I started on the xpswrite device a while ago.,22:48.05 
  xpswrite we need to write zipfiles.22:48.15 
  I was using fz_printf_buffer in those, IIRC.22:48.47 
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