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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/02/09)2013/02/10 
[1]JPeterson how do i change the cropbox? this is what i tried 
ray_laptop JPeterson: I didn't try it, but you definitely need to have the -c "..." immediately preceding the -f The 'unable to open initialdevice' is because the "-o out.pdf" follows the -c argument. The device is initialized when the -c is seen (it must be), bu the default OutputFile is not one that pdfwrite can write to (probably /dev/lp0 ).18:47.18 
  JPeterson: Also, the MediaBox should not be smaller than the CropBox, so you probably want BOTH to be set to the 0 36 lower left18:48.11 
  JPeterson: note that when rendering, gs uses the MediaBox by default unless -dUseCropBox is specified18:49.09 
  JPeterson: but I haven't tried this (even with the corrections mentioned above) so I don't know if the pdfmark approach will work18:50.17 
JakeSays how thread safe is mupdf? 22:19.54 
  my sense is the granularity is around fz_context22:22.08 
Robin_Watts JakeSays: exactly.23:40.44 
  Read doc/overview.txt and see the section called "Multi-threading"23:41.23 
JakeSays Robin_Watts: ah ok. thanks!23:43.08 
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