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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/02/28)2013/03/01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: ping00:13.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: No, the last commit to golden was not in december 00:14.49 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I got the most recent commits00:21.57 
Robin_Watts ah, cool.00:22.05 
mvrhel_laptop but for some reason I had to pull them from my origin on casper00:22.11 
  pulling them from golden didnt work00:22.19 
  at least with tortoise git00:22.30 
Robin_Watts Right. Does tortoise git show the commands it actually sends? You should be doing the equivalent of "git pull --rebase golden master"00:23.02 
mvrhel_laptop anyway, trying to figure out how best to pull everything new into my branch and also to make sure the branch is on my repos on caspar00:23.09 
Robin_Watts ok, so you've got the commits in your local repo on master.00:23.33 
  You should change to your branch (git checkout win8) (or whatever it's called)00:23.55 
mvrhel_laptop my local repo is up to date, plus I have a branch that is not rebased locally00:23.56 
Robin_Watts then: git rebase master00:24.04 
  or however you do that in tortoise.00:24.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I am in the middle of some code rework. let me remove this stuff first00:24.45 
Robin_Watts (git stash :) )00:25.01 
mvrhel_laptop ok so I am on the branch 00:25.47 
  ah ok. I see let me rebase this to master00:26.33 
  of course I have a conflict with sln00:26.55 
  that is going to be a tricky one, as the solution with the windowRT stuff is going to have to be for VS 20q200:27.19 
  perhaps I need to have 2 solutions00:27.34 
Robin_Watts perhaps, yes.00:27.46 
  we have a win32 dir with the win32 solution in.00:28.13 
  Perhaps a WinRT dir? or a win8 dir?00:28.22 
  That might be the easiest way to avoid you going insane.00:28.34 
mvrhel_laptop perhaps. I guess I should probably do that first00:28.38 
  let me fix all of that first. I do see how to do the rebase for my branch00:29.08 
Robin_Watts OK. "git rebase --abort" (or the tortoise equivalent) will go back to as you were.00:29.19 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I aborted just now00:29.27 
Robin_Watts How many commits on this branch?00:29.32 
mvrhel_laptop one :)00:29.37 
  the initial one00:29.41 
Robin_Watts OK. So nice and simple - you move the solution to the new dir, add it, and then unstage the old one so it's unchanged.00:30.18 
mvrhel_laptop oh great idea00:30.33 
Robin_Watts git is very nice in that you can go back and rewrite history, so we could have made this work even if you'd had a series of commits, but that's more complex of course.00:30.53 
mvrhel_laptop let me attempt this00:31.04 
  so I need to undo the changes that I have in win32 now00:32.17 
Robin_Watts yeah, by command line you do: "git reset --mixed HEAD~1 -- pathname"00:34.58 
  but it's probably easier with tortoise.00:35.17 
mvrhel_laptop well we will see. luckily I do have a backup00:35.35 
Robin_Watts Copy the files to win8 before you try reverting them (he says, stating the obvious)00:37.40 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: Yes. I did that. Somehow something has gotten a little messed up here00:41.24 
  let me see if I can get the branch up to date now and then I will add in my minor changes to the fitz headers (the c++ stuff)00:42.00 
Robin_Watts remember that at any stage you can do a hard reset to get back to your last commit. But that will throw away all your changes!00:42.24 
mvrhel_laptop right. now I should be safe with the hard reset since it all is in another folder00:42.46 
  except for the header file changes. those are tiny though00:42.59 
  so right now, I am going to get my branch in rebased as is with my master00:44.28 
  the master is at the commit from paul today00:44.47 
Robin_Watts Sorry? Rebasing your branch on master will give problems because of the .sln.00:45.38 
mvrhel_laptop ok it is now fastforwarded that is00:45.46 
  I meant fast forward sorry00:45.58 
  Now I will add in my new solution00:46.11 
Robin_Watts ok. I'm confused, but if you're happy, that's the main thing :)00:46.37 
mvrhel_laptop so far I think I have a handle on it. basically now the branch and my master are the same as the golden00:47.00 
  I am going to commit my changes now to the branch00:47.08 
  but first I am going to hack out the win32 stuff from this solution00:47.25 
  or maybe I should just leave it00:48.04 
  I can do that later00:48.14 
  if I want00:48.22 
Robin_Watts ok, so are you sorted for now?00:53.57 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: apparently some of the functions in mupdf have changed since I last update00:56.05 
  but I should be able to get this sorted00:56.12 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: possibly.00:56.19 
mvrhel_laptop e.g. fz_bound_page changed00:56.24 
Robin_Watts Right.00:56.31 
  So 2 main changes.00:56.41 
  1) fz_bbox has changed to fz_irect00:56.50 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok00:57.09 
Robin_Watts 1a) Various places that used to take an fz_bbox now take an fz_rect cos it cleans the interface up.00:57.25 
  2) We now pass most rects and matrices by reference rather than by value.00:57.48 
  (so instead of passing fz_infinite_rect, you pass &fz_infinite_rect etc)00:58.03 
  Hopefully it should be a simple thing to fix (basically, you'll see a compilation failure/warning and the fix should be obvious)00:58.35 
mvrhel_laptop right00:58.46 
Robin_Watts If you get stuck, push your branch to your repo and mail me, and I'll pull the branch and fix it tomorrow.00:59.21 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks00:59.30 
  oh fz_bound_page returns a pointer. item 2 above...01:00.21 
  fz_scale too...01:01.04 
  oh fz_scale really changed01:01.47 
  ok I see01:02.13 
Robin_Watts 2a) matrix operations now pass by reference too, sorry.01:03.17 
mvrhel_laptop ok building once again01:09.40 
  Darn. ugly crash when I try to open a file :(01:11.13 
  well something to beat on tonight01:11.21 
  hmm. something likely wacky in the windows app file restriction.... wonder why that has come back up01:12.34 
  bbiaw to work on this more01:12.43 
  oh links I see from the customer.01:14.06 
  need to get that going too01:14.10 
Robin_Watts yeah. If this becomes urgent, I can always go buy a windows 8 license.01:14.33 
  so I could help out if required.01:15.34 
  I guess we'd need a VS2012 too.01:15.43 
sebras2 robin: did you read about zopflik?01:16.01 
Robin_Watts no?01:16.28 
sebras2 not sure it makes sense in mupdf or what licese is used, but it might be useful...01:16.46 
Robin_Watts What is it? Professor Google is failing me.01:17.13 
sebras2 robin: itc's on hn. ic'm having a hard time pasting the url from my phone. :v(01:18.12 
Robin_Watts ah, right. It's a better zipper.01:19.03 
sebras2 yes. and zlib compatible v(or so they sayb)...01:20.06 
Robin_Watts Yes, it's perfectly possible.01:20.15 
  I used another 'better than zip' thing before, and I can't remember it's name offhand.01:20.38 
sebras2 ah. like the jpegmini thing i saw on hn lately..01:21.22 
Robin_Watts I had a script to compress things several times, and used zipmix to pick the smallest (or something like that)01:21.23 
  I saw the "jpegmini does video" the other day. impressive.01:21.47 
sebras2 did you see the debunking for the videon-case took?01:22.31 
Robin_Watts Peregrines brother?01:23.27 
sebras2 got to go. goodnight alla!01:23.36 
Robin_Watts night.01:23.40 
mvrhel_laptop good night07:11.06 
chrisl kens: I'm struggling with the opdfread Postscript :-(08:43.48 
kens Nothing new there08:49.37 
  Have you looked at the de-obfuscated version ?08:49.51 
chrisl Unfortunately what's confusing me involves the job specific part :-(08:50.39 
  Let me e-mail you the file.....08:51.02 
kens Oh, do you want to mail me a copy and I'll chat about it ?08:51.04 
chrisl On its way :-)08:51.19 
kens OK got it.08:51.38 
chrisl So if you open that, and go to line 818808:51.56 
kens 11 0 obj08:52.08 
chrisl Yep, that dictionary references object 25, which is defined *after* object 1108:52.47 
kens Hmm, well that's legal in PDF :-)08:53.00 
  Yes I see its the encoding08:53.12 
chrisl Similarly the FonDescriptor08:53.35 
kens I 'think' that's OK because they aaren't dreferenced until the font is used, by which time they have been defined08:54.10 
  Certainly works OK in GS08:54.29 
chrisl In this file font isn't used, but we still end up calling MakeType42......08:54.44 
kens Really ? THat's od08:54.54 
chrisl If you have a search, it never references object 11 (I cut out the reference)08:55.29 
kens Yes.08:55.42 
  Did you run this with PDFR_DEBUG ?08:55.49 
chrisl Yes, not much help, really08:56.09 
kens It says it 'recognised a font object'08:56.44 
  and from there proceeds to define the font08:56.52 
chrisl Specifically, what I've been trying to fathom is how the "endobj" procedure knows that object 20 is a font file08:57.13 
kens TypeDaemons recognises the object type, need to see where that is executed from08:57.43 
chrisl from endobj08:58.49 
kens yep08:58.56 
  So there you are, endobj executes RunTypeDameon which looks for the object type '/Font' and determines its a font08:59.24 
chrisl Yes, but the dictionary contains references to as yet undefined objects......09:00.04 
kens True, but I think that's permitted at that point, its still just a dictioanry.#09:00.32 
  It just stores the font at that time09:00.50 
  It then defines the FOntDescriptor simlarly09:01.07 
chrisl Right, so then we get the encoding, then the font descriptor, then the font file stream09:01.17 
kens Yes09:01.23 
chrisl And we eventually define the font after we get the file stream09:01.44 
kens When it finishes the font stream it creates the font09:01.44 
chrisl Right: how does it know that the stream is for a font?09:02.02 
kens I think its the TypeDameons again09:02.26 
  OK BEcause its a FontFile object09:02.42 
  Not sure how it know that, maybe it searches09:03.11 
chrisl No, it's a stream object, that is referenced by the name FontFile209:03.15 
kens Yes but it knows its a fontfile when it executes the stream I mean09:03.33 
chrisl When we get to endobj for the stream, the stream dictionary contains a /.endobj_daemon entry09:04.10 
kens It knows before it gets there, it knows at the beginning of the satream09:04.26 
  Look at line 591, '/stream'09:04.36 
chrisl GetObject?09:05.27 
kens When it starts the stream it says 'Executing the FontFileDaemon for 20'09:05.37 
  Let me see how it determines that09:05.48 
  Ah, I think it may be that the FontDescriptor object leaves a FontFileDaemon on the stack09:06.52 
  Expecting that the next object will bethe FOntFile stream09:07.04 
  Because we control the creation of the file we can guarantee that is the case09:07.34 
chrisl Stack is empty after the font descriptor endobj09:08.25 
kens Hmm, well it definitely creates an executable array before it finishes09:08.49 
  Oh, its calling //Register09:09.22 
  look around line 86809:09.32 
  part of /FontDescriptor09:09.42 
  It creates an executable array and then calls //Register with it09:09.58 
  Oops,I've broken my copy of the file, could you send it again please ?09:11.47 
chrisl On its way09:12.50 
kens THanks, I'll make a copy this time....09:13.05 
  I think /Re09:13.29 
  I think /Regsiter uses PutObject to connect the object number with the Daemon, then when it encoutners the stream it nkows to run that Daemon with that object number09:14.11 
chrisl Yes, I'm beginning to see a vague outline of what's going on - this simply cannot be the best way to make this work :-(09:15.02 
kens I couldn't possibly comment.......09:15.22 
  I've not ahad to deal with this stuff much, it usually 'just works'09:15.44 
chrisl Okay so, two things FYI: the guy with the crashing printer was mistaken - the 9.05 output crashes, too. What he thought was 9.05 output was actually the poppler output....09:16.20 
kens :-)09:16.41 
chrisl (hence why I'm trying to get some handle on this to instrument the PS in some way)09:16.45 
kens THat at least doesn't surprise me09:16.51 
chrisl Second, the 9.07/HEAD code's output from the PDF errors out when running with -dPDFR_DEBUG09:17.38 
kens I see that when I run /streamfor the FontFile GetObject returns an object which we execute09:17.47 
  chrisl on the printer ?09:17.58 
chrisl No, in GS09:18.15 
kens Not for me09:18.19 
  At least it didn't until I edited the file, now it does...09:18.32 
chrisl That's 9.05's output you're using09:18.41 
kens (Maybe I'm making that up, let me retry)09:18.48 
  Oh, should read the code...09:18.59 
chrisl If you grab the "Original PDF" from 
kens THe 9.05 output errors with PDFR_DEBUG true as well09:20.14 
chrisl Run it through ps2write, then run the resulting PDF with -dPDFR_DEBUG, it errors with a rangecheck; OffendingCommand: getinterval09:20.19 
kens Seems to be common to both09:20.44 
chrisl Hmm, the 9.05 output works okay for me, I think.... hang on09:20.57 
kens Not for me, that was what had me going, I thought it was because I'd edited the file, in fact its the PDFR_DEBUG that does it09:21.20 
  Hmm, funny stuff on the stack,it looks like its breaking the TrueType loading09:22.12 
chrisl Hmm, I'm running it with 9.05 as well, I wonder if that makes a difference.....09:22.41 
kens Its hard to see why, let me try 9.05 with the file09:22.59 
  Bizarrely that does indeed work09:23.57 
chrisl Okay, good, at least we're consistent! I'll maybe bisect it later on09:24.22 
kens Its a problem intriduced later it seems.09:24.23 
  But the 9.07 output fails even with 9.05 ?09:24.45 
  (with PDFR_DEBUG)09:24.53 
chrisl Not sure.....09:24.59 
kens I'll try it09:25.13 
chrisl The 9.06 output is okay, so it is something on the interpreter side.09:25.42 
kens Very strange09:25.59 
  The original file, converted to PS with 9.07 then the PS run through 9.05 with PDFR_DEBUG is OK here too09:26.52 
  Well it seems to fail trying to read the second short for one fo the encodings.09:28.55 
  Anyway, this isn't really the original problem09:29.07 
chrisl Could be 64 bit integers causing the problem09:29.14 
kens I was wondering if we'd changed the size of something yes09:29.25 
  THe working setup goes09:29.58 
  NumEncodings = 209:29.58 
  00030000 [282 318 null]09:29.58 
  The failing one goes09:30.11 
  NumEncopdings = 209:30.11 
  WOuld have to debug further to find out what's dying there, but I'm not sure its worth it right now.09:30.38 
  Can I help further with the real problem ?09:30.51 
chrisl No, thanks, I'm just to stick some showpages in a strategic points, and try to narrow down where the printer is actually failing09:31.24 
kens OK then I'll go back to trying to constrcut a working type 3 image.09:31.43 
chrisl That's probably more interesting......09:31.56 
kens Its part of my colour space testing, I can't see why I'm getting a rangecheck, clearly I have something wrong....09:32.30 
kens returns to the PLRM09:32.49 
chrisl or there's a bug - it's not a very common image type09:32.53 
kens Yeah but my usage is so simple-minded I can't believe its that09:33.16 
  I've just done somethgin wrong is all09:33.25 
Robin_Watts kens/chris: About the contrib thing.10:22.35 
  I was initially in favour of leaving contrib where it was.10:22.47 
  but ray points out that it'd still be a single directory with all the contrib things in.10:23.13 
  I can see that there would be an argument for keeping the contrib stuff in a separate dir in the top level, but it's already not at the top level.10:23.48 
kens I don't feel strongly about it, but I think putting it outside devices makes it clearer its not 'our' code.10:23.48 
Robin_Watts (It's 'gs/contrib', not 'contrib')10:24.02 
kens Robin_Watts : it is for 'Ghostscript'10:24.08 
  Well, everything is under gs10:24.20 
Robin_Watts kens: No, not everything is under gs.10:24.38 
kens True, It used to be though10:24.56 
  This re-organisation has happened at least once before, and stopped part way10:25.13 
Robin_Watts I do wonder if in this great reorg, we should remove the GhostPDL/Gs distunction.10:25.18 
kens Personally I would be in favour10:25.31 
  That's where we stopped last time10:25.38 
Robin_Watts and just have psi as another language at the same level as pcl or xps or...10:25.48 
kens psi is at the same level already10:26.33 
  But its not the real one10:27.09 
Robin_Watts Right.10:27.18 
  So gs/base could become just 'lib' maybe, and gs/devices would become devices etc.10:27.47 
kens I'd be happier with that myself10:27.59 
  But its a nightmare for the build I think, everything has to change10:28.10 
  WHich (I think) is why its not happened before10:28.22 
  We'd probably need a '3rd party' library to store things like openjpeg zlib etc in a neat fashion, otherwise the top level directory would be unbearably cluttered10:29.28 
  Topic for the staff meeting ?10:29.50 
Robin_Watts Sounds a lot like it to me.10:30.35 
  a libs dir ? As some of the libs (jbig2dec) are actually ours.10:31.22 
  libs rather than thirdparty10:31.32 
kens I don't really mind what its called, just an observation that moving all the dependencies from ghostpdl to the top level would be a mess10:31.57 
  OK type 3 images working now.....10:33.59 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that would make it pain doing the release - there'd would be a lot more faffing about to get the Ghostscript distribution10:52.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You'd take a subset of dirs, rather than a single one, but yes, I see your point.10:54.23 
chrisl Yeh, then there would be the configure script(s) and makefile(s) to sort out so each distribution got something that worked.....10:57.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping!11:56.44 
  tor8: 3 reviews on robin/master for you.11:58.39 
Robin_Watts disappears for a bit to fit new SSD and Harddrive.11:58.55 
robin_watts_mac tor8:ping12:53.04 
  I wish gparted gave some indication of how far a job it was :(13:05.54 
  s/far/far through/13:06.11 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: pong.13:27.19 
sebras robin_watts_mac: LVM..? ;)14:00.18 
henrys chrisl:usually when did you put mupdf 1.2 on ghostscript downloads? I didn't see an email to everyone did I miss it.14:09.57 
chrisl henrys: Sorry, I didn't send out an e-mail - I put it up just after tor8 released it14:10.39 
henrys chrisl:okay np, we do need a better way to broadcast the mupdf release so the entire staff knows (like ghostscript), maybe tor8 should send a message to everybody, I don't know. 14:16.37 
chrisl henrys: tbh, I thought tor8 or robin_watts_mac did it. I'm happy to send notification out once I've done the commercial release and the downloads page14:17.42 
robin_watts_mac sebras: What's LVM ?14:20.40 
  Damn. Copied old SSD to new one, and new one won't boot :(14:21.11 
henrys chrisl, tor8: I don't know maybe you and tor8 can decide how to do it, but we should have something to when the commercial release is available.14:21.29 
robin_watts_mac tor8: sorry, was at lunch.14:21.52 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: I assume from the context "Logical Volume Management"14:21.58 
sebras robin_watts_mac: logical volume management. 14:22.06 
robin_watts_mac ok. so my next question: logical volume mangement?14:22.26 
  I have a 128Gig SSD that I boot of off, and it's full.14:22.47 
sebras robin_watts_mac: but I see now that you are not _just_ adding more volumes, but actually moving your main OS partitions to a presumably faster SSD.14:22.49 
robin_watts_mac Y14:22.56 
chrisl henrys: I'll fit in with whatever tor8 prefers14:22.58 
henrys thanks14:23.13 
robin_watts_mac I've just bought a new 250Gig SSD, and I'd like to move the contents of the 128Gig one onto that, and boot from it.14:23.26 
sebras robin_watts_mac: LVM basically allows you to add/remove/resize volumes easy.14:23.32 
robin_watts_mac LVM is part of what ?14:23.42 
  linux or windows?14:23.46 
sebras robin_watts_mac: linux. :)14:23.59 
robin_watts_mac I use a gparted live CD for such things normally.14:24.08 
  Let me retry, with more care with sector numbers etc.14:24.35 
henrys robin_watts_mac:mac os x?14:28.18 
robin_watts_mac windows14:28.28 
  for macos x I used carbon copy cloner14:28.39 
henrys I had read there was some voodoo in 10.7 that really required you to reinstall the os. but I guess you've proven that wrong !14:29.52 
robin_watts_mac ccc worked well when i went from 250gig hd to 750gig hybrid14:30.33 
henrys alexcher:I'll take care of the bounty question if you haven't done so already.14:34.45 
pancho_jay hi!14:36.42 
  chrisl, ping!14:36.51 
chrisl pancho_jay: pong14:37.04 
pancho_jay how are you?14:37.09 
ghostbot just great, pancho_jay14:37.09 
chrisl Looking forward to the weekend ;-)14:37.28 
pancho_jay chrisl, TGIF :)14:37.37 
  yesterday I came here looking for help with ghostscript14:38.04 
chrisl It's good place for that.....14:38.34 
pancho_jay and tolk with mvrhel_laptop, he said that maybe you can help me14:38.37 
chrisl Oh, about pdfwrite? You'd better with kens tbh14:39.12 
pancho_jay I was trying to concatenate some pdf files into a big one, but some characters were changed or dissapear!14:40.03 
chrisl pancho_jay: however, I suspect the problem you're having is incompatible font subsets with the same name(s)14:40.13 
pancho_jay chrisl, nice... so what can I do?14:40.30 
  (sorry about my english, I am from Argentina! If you speak spanish.....)14:40.52 
chrisl I don't, I'm afraid.....14:41.23 
  pancho_jay: anyway, did you try Ghostscript 9.07?14:41.35 
pancho_jay nope, I didn't14:41.51 
kens pancho_jay, get trhe fonts correct in the first place. A work around is to use ps2write to first convert to POstScript then run the PostScript through pdfwrite to get a PDF14:41.52 
chrisl kens: won't the new hashing code resolve this?14:42.33 
pancho_jay I am generating original PDFs with libreoffice14:42.46 
kens chrisl yes, but only by first converting to PS14:42.49 
  chrisl so that the font names are correct14:43.06 
chrisl Oh, so the fresh subset prefix generation only come in for ps2write?14:43.28 
kens No....14:43.49 
chrisl Okay, confused.....14:44.33 
kens Its complicated.14:45.21 
chrisl :-)14:45.31 
kens ps2write works not quite the same as pdfwrite here14:45.32 
  SO we get all the same fonts but properly named14:45.45 
  (no compaction)14:45.53 
chrisl So pdfwrite tries to merge subsets, but ps2write doesn't?14:46.43 
pancho_jay mmmm14:47.11 
  great problem for me 14:47.17 
  I think that maybe I can use cups or something similar to avoid that issue...14:47.41 
henrys robin_watts_mac: was the ssd significant on your mac?14:51.21 
pancho_jay or try ps2write instead14:51.23 
robin_watts_mac henrys: I have much more free space.14:51.36 
chrisl pancho_jay: the problem is that font names should be unique, so when an application generates a PDF with a subset font in it, it needs to add a "random" prefix to the font name so the name for that specific subset is unique14:51.42 
robin_watts_mac I have no (noticable) change in battery life14:51.53 
  And I forgot to do 'before' timings for builds.14:52.05 
  I think they are faster.14:52.17 
pancho_jay chrisl, ok... i see!14:52.25 
robin_watts_mac I didn't buy the drive for a massive speed boost, more a massive space boost :)14:53.05 
pancho_jay chrisl, so if I have 2 pdfs with the same font, that fonts are renamed and then files are merged?14:53.16 
henrys it is hyped as being a great speed performance upgrade.14:53.17 
chrisl pancho_jay: renaming the fonts (correctly!) would work, but it's not as simple as it sounds14:53.55 
henrys robin_watts_mac most people are upgrading to ssd's and lose space.14:54.28 
robin_watts_mac SSD are a great speed improvement.14:54.46 
  hybrid ones... less so.14:54.54 
chrisl pancho_jay: pre-processing with ps2write will rename the fonts "correctly" for you, but there may be other issues with that conversion route14:55.25 
robin_watts_mac but it depends on your usage. If you are compute or memory bound, then an SSD ain't gonna help.14:55.38 
pancho_jay chrisl, I can understand why renaming fonts is to complex??? why you can generate a unique prefix for each one?14:57.11 
kens pancho_jay : pdfwrite assumes two fonts with teh same name are the same font14:57.50 
  THe 'random' prefix on subset fonts is top prevent that happening14:58.08 
  If the prefix is not unique then pdfwrite ends up trying to treat the two different fonts as the same font.14:58.54 
  ps2write is less sophisticated than pdfwrite in this case, and so doesn't get confused. As a bonus, when subsetting fonts itself it uses a technique to generate the prefix which is almost guaranteed to produce unique prefixes.14:59.44 
  So as long as you let it generate the subset, it 'fixes' the problem14:59.58 
  Sending the PostScrip twith the fixed font names topdfwrite gets a valid, correct, PDF15:00.27 
pancho_jay kens, thanks!15:01.05 
kens As too why we cna't generate a unique prefix for each font, we can, that's not the problem. The problem is that your PDF files *don't* have unique prefixes15:01.11 
robin_watts_mac tor8:ping15:12.30 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: ping.15:12.44 
robin_watts_mac aha.15:12.49 
  First off there are 3 commits for you to review.15:12.58 
  secondly, did you see zenikos comments about passwords?15:13.10 
tor8 fz_fopen I'm not too fond of. there must be a better way to #ifdef the windows specific cruft.15:13.17 
robin_watts_mac (spun off into bug 693425)15:13.26 
  tor8: I'm open to suggestions15:13.42 
tor8 outlines I have no opinion on, but it looks reasonable.15:14.19 
robin_watts_mac We need to do do allocation to do the utf8->ucs conversion, therefore we need a context15:14.40 
tor8 softmask, I'm going to have to trust you on, my transparency knowledge is paged out on tape by now :)15:14.46 
  robin_watts_mac: the password stuff I don't understand15:15.08 
robin_watts_mac (or else we have to use free/malloc, which might not be the end of the world)15:15.18 
  The password stuff... the authentication routines currently assume they get a set of byte values in, and use them directly.15:16.59 
  but with mudraw on windows now running in a unicode world, we get unicode in, which we convert to utf8. This means that the password ends up being recorded in utf8.15:18.12 
  Similarly on linux, we'll have the password in utf8 too.15:18.23 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: hmm. do the newer versions of the pdf spec state which encoding passwords are in?15:19.05 
  from past experience, they've been "local codepage of the creator, with no way to know which"15:19.25 
robin_watts_mac My commit there converts the utf8 down to bytes which effectively puts us back where we've always been.15:19.25 
  See bug 693425.15:19.34 
  According to zeniko Adobe has documented what encodings the passwords are in.15:19.49 
tor8 that's the scrolling bug15:20.00 
tor8 reading the bug comments now15:20.56 
robin_watts_mac so arguably we should always be passing the password in as utf8 and letting authenticate do any encoding fiddling that's required.15:21.26 
tor8 right. so the pdf_authenticate_password should take a utf-8 in, and convert that to pdf-doc-encoding depending on encryption version15:22.09 
robin_watts_mac right.15:22.17 
  so, that acn15:23.00 
tor8 #ifdef win32 #define fopen fz_fopen #endif ?15:23.12 
robin_watts_mac so that can sit there until one of us feels like it15:23.22 
tor8 and #undef fopen at the top of the file that defines it15:23.24 
robin_watts_mac tor8: and use malloc/free ?15:23.39 
tor8 we can probably get away with using microsofts own MB conversion functions on windows15:24.12 
  but yes, just use malloc/free (or PATH_MAX)15:24.27 
robin_watts_mac tor8: we still need a buffer.15:24.51 
  and PATH_MAX is asking for trouble,15:25.00 
tsbtmn With mupdf 1.2, I am finding that the new behaviour of mouse scrolling is quite slow when viewing a document at a high DPI. This is getting in the way of my workflow. Can the mouse scrolling behaviour be toggled to the old style?15:31.09 
Robin_Watts henrys:,3223-8.html15:47.37 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes all sorts of clues from the universe that a retina mac is in my future.15:49.26 
tsbtmn tor8: Slow mouse scrolling seems particularly bad at high DPI's.15:51.22 
  tor8: Looking at it a bit more closely I think it's not just the scrolling. I also just noticed that it is slow to draw a selection area when right-clicking and dragging.15:54.06 
tor8 tsbtmn: none of that should have changed since last release, though.15:57.04 
  the only thing that may have changed is which VS version was used to compile15:57.21 
  is there a noticeable difference from the 1.1 release?15:58.04 
tsbtmn tor8: I have been switching back and forth between 1.1 and 1.2 for comparison and I am seeing a big difference between the two.16:02.04 
Ben___ Hi. I submitted a bug report and was told problem was already fixed, but I needed latest HEAD16:10.08 
  I downloaded the HEAD, but not sure how to build it to what I'm familiar with. Can someone help me?16:10.26 
kens What OS are you using ?16:10.34 
Ben___ Win716:10.37 
  I have vis studio if needed16:10.53 
kens THen you need Visual Studio, open the supplied solution and build16:11.00 
Ben___ does it matter which version of Visual studio I use?16:11.25 
  when I try opening with vs 2012 it asks me to upgrade16:12.10 
kens It works with 2005, 2008 and 2010 other versions your mileage may vary16:12.10 
Robin_Watts Ben___: Hi. Any VS version > 2005 will tell you it needs to upgrade the project. That's fine, just let it do what it wants.16:12.50 
  We provide the solution in VS2005 so it can work for everyone (albeit with this upgrade step)16:13.08 
  If we provided it in VS2012, then everyone with lower versions would be stuffed.16:13.27 
chrisl There will be warnings, but should be no errors if the project upgrades16:13.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: Updated commit:;a=commitdiff;h=fa469bd085112c5ba242b03bd696c1ee2bd6040416:17.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: drop the auth_password_utf8 and it's okay16:23.25 
  fo = (fopen)(argv[1], "wb"); I don't understand16:23.50 
  why the extra parens?16:23.55 
Robin_Watts (fopen) doesn't match fopen(a,b)16:24.08 
tor8 #undef fopen on the line above would be clearer16:24.24 
Robin_Watts otherwise I need to implement fopen_utf8 in cmapdump.16:24.25 
tor8 but right16:24.38 
  didn't notice which file it was in16:24.50 
Robin_Watts If I drop the auth_password_utf8, then no passwords would work that have top bits set, right?16:25.05 
  I think we should leave auth_password_utf8 in until such time as we change the authentication stuff to do the encoding mapping internally.16:25.37 
  This way, we behave exactly as we always have before.16:25.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: well, considering we couldn't open passwords with top bits set before either (since we don't pdfdocencode them) I don't see the need16:29.47 
  it should be a separate patch at least16:29.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: we could.16:30.08 
  Previously we did: mudraw -p BLAH -o out.png in.pdf16:30.26 
tor8 I'm happy to code up the utf-8 to pdfdocenc stuff16:30.30 
Robin_Watts On windows BLAH would be taken as a literal set of bytes, and passed through.16:30.50 
tor8 does docenc have common bits with latin-1?16:30.57 
Robin_Watts On linux those bytes would have been utf8 encoded, and hence wouldn't have worked.16:31.38 
  With the new code, on windows, we get BLAH in as unicode, convert to utf8 and back, and it works.16:32.13 
  With the new code on linux, we get BLAH in utf8, and we convert them back to utf8 and it works.16:32.33 
  The only times it doesn't work is when the user is expecting to give us encoded bytes rather than raw ones.16:33.17 
  I have no idea about docenc at all :(16:33.41 
  So, if I split out into 2 separate patches (utf8 filenames in one, utf8 passwords in another). you'd be happy?16:34.29 
  Then you can do the 'proper' solution at your leisure?16:34.42 
Ben___ when I build, I get a debugbin that contains gswin32c.exe. Should I be able to use that for what I need (txtwrite)?16:48.27 
tor8 maybe note that it's windows specific in the commit message16:48.27 
Ben___ (because when I try that, it crashes)16:48.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the windows app also calls password functions from the gui16:49.10 
Robin_Watts right, but we haven't converted those to utf8.16:49.36 
  they are raw bytes.16:49.42 
kens Ben___ : you should also get gswin32.exe, and yes it should work16:49.45 
Ben___ I'll try without the c16:49.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. should fix that too in the "real" fix.16:50.00 
Ben___ still crashes: "gswin32.exe has stopped working16:50.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: "Ensure that windows copes with utf8 filenames"16:50.29 
Ben___ "16:50.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes :)16:50.51 
kens just start it with no arguments and see what happens16:51.00 
Ben___ starts fine16:51.17 
kens Hmm what is the SHA of your git checkout ?16:51.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Updated to be more windowsy :)16:51.37 
Ben___ how do I find that?16:52.15 
Robin_Watts git log -116:52.22 
kens what robin said16:52.30 
Robin_Watts What's the top line: commit fdsflkshflkjfhsldjh#16:52.38 
Ben___ not well versed in git. Had to have someone help me use it to get the HEAD16:53.34 
  I opened Git Bash and typed 'git log -1'16:53.43 
  fatal: Not a git repository16:53.49 
kens not good16:54.01 
Robin_Watts cd path/to/your/checkout16:54.06 
  For instance, for me, it's cd /d/cvs/artifex/ghostpdl.git/16:54.37 
  cos I'm on drive d.16:54.46 
Ben___ mine's just C:\gs\16:55.02 
  but it's giving me the same error from that dir16:55.08 
kens so cd /c/gs16:55.13 
Robin_Watts Then you haven't got a git checkout, so I'm confused. What did you do to get your copy of gs ?16:55.50 
ray_laptop kens: were you investigating doing a port monitor ?16:55.59 
kens ray_laptop : no not really16:56.15 
Ben___ I remember we tried svn also ... maybe that's what we ended up doing. But I thought we got it through git16:56.31 
Robin_Watts Woooah. SVN is WAY old. That won't work.16:56.46 
kens Best to use Git16:56.46 
Ben___ ok16:56.55 
kens You are going to need a Git checkout of the current HEAD16:57.14 
Ben___ is there a good tutorial for how to do that?16:57.16 
Robin_Watts so inside C:\gs, do you have a debugbin directory ?16:57.20 
Ben___ yes16:57.31 
Robin_Watts OK, then I can say with confidence that that did not come from git.16:57.41 
Ben___ ok16:57.46 
Robin_Watts So... in git bash do the following.16:58.02 
  cd /c/16:58.05 
kens Ben___ : what does GS sy when you start it up ?16:58.23 
Ben___ ahhh ... SVN PRERELEASE 9.03 from 3/30/201116:58.46 
  :) my bad16:58.49 
  no wonder txtwrite doesn't exist there16:58.58 
  (following your instructions, Robin)16:59.09 
kens OK as Robin ays, not Git checkout, you need the Git checkout16:59.10 
Robin_Watts git clone 
  That should make you a C:/ghostpdl.git directory. In there there will be the gs directory that you are familiar with.17:00.12 
Ben___ cloning into ghostpdl17:00.14 
  ok, done checking out files. So now I just need to build the project and I can use the resulting gswin32.exe, right?17:03.17 
Robin_Watts right.17:03.24 
Ben___ thanks so much for walking me through it. I appreciate it.17:03.47 
Robin_Watts no worries.17:04.22 
Ben___ now I'm getting "Error: /undefined in -sDEVICE=txtwrite"17:16.46 
Robin_Watts Ben___: Can you give us your exact command line please ?17:17.16 
Ben___ -sDEVICE=txtwrite -o=C:\testingagain.txt C:\Temp\SouthernTesting\3620644.PDF17:18.01 
kens -o= won't work17:18.16 
Robin_Watts -o C:\testingagain.txt17:18.36 
Ben___ same thing when I do -OutputFile=17:18.40 
kens -sOutputFile17:18.46 
Robin_Watts Not -o=C:\testingagain.txt17:18.47 
Ben___ still undefined in txtwrite though17:19.22 
  I got it working17:20.52 
  did it through Windows CMD this time instead of opening ghostcript first17:21.08 
Robin_Watts Ben__: Oh, you were trying to type that into the console window?17:22.30 
  The console window expects postscript input. What you have there are command line arguments, NOT postscript, so that would have failed, yes.17:23.04 
Ben___ :) thanks again for the help17:24.20 
Robin_Watts np.17:24.25 
  Morning mvrhel_laptop. Did you get mupdf working again?18:08.10 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: fighting with it right this second. I should be able to work through this18:08.38 
  It is good that I am going to a different solution file18:09.00 
  but somehow mine got mucked up 18:09.21 
Robin_Watts It sounds like the sanest solution (no pun intended)18:09.21 
mvrhel_laptop :)18:09.30 
  oh I see the issue18:10.06 
ray_laptop FINALLY. The file Bug690395.pdf was one of the ones that showed a bmpcmp difference, but at 300 dpi it broke all of the visual comparison tools. And Photoshop SUCKS (I see the difference in the file, but differencing the layers doesn't show it) :-(18:10.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: What format file ?18:10.41 
malc_ robin_watts_mac: hi, did the code help?18:10.42 
ray_laptop FINALLY I got it to bomb at 200 dpi during clist rendering with a bad op18:10.46 
  Robin_Watts: plank18:10.54 
Robin_Watts malc_ sorry, I haven't had a chance to look yet.18:10.58 
  ray_laptop: You can use my image viewer! :)18:11.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: where is it ?18:11.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I wrote a quicky pam2ppm so that at least Photoshop can open it (and my tools can, if the file is small enough)18:12.31 
  the diffference is there in the ppm file, but Photoshop doesn't show it18:13.01 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: where is pdf_new_pdf_device defined?18:13.02 
Robin_Watts My thing is a simple javascript app that draws pams or pngs to a canvas, and you can enable/disable layers.18:13.20 
  mvrhel_laptop: That's a new file. Let me find it.18:13.28 
mvrhel_laptop ah18:13.32 
Robin_Watts pdf/pdf_device.c18:13.45 
mvrhel_laptop this will be the disadvantage of having a separate solution...18:13.59 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Let me know if it works for you.18:14.02 
  mvrhel_laptop: yeah...18:14.07 
mvrhel_laptop but that is an easy fix18:14.14 
  compared to the headaches the other approach would be18:14.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: It just shows me a Browse... prompt, I get a pop up file open dialog, select the PAM, then click 'Open' in the file dialog and it goes back to the screen now with the path filled in, but then it just sits there18:16.13 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Can you give me a copy of your file please?18:16.35 
  What browser?18:16.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I am using firefox18:16.44 
  version 18.0.218:16.59 
  Robin_Watts: I'll try with chrome...18:17.12 
Robin_Watts Works for me in my firefox.18:17.25 
  16.0.2 admittedly.18:17.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: w/ chrome I get the "Aw, Snap!" display18:18.49 
Robin_Watts And again in 19.018:18.53 
  ray_laptop: How big is the file?18:19.02 
  I'm testing with a 1600x1600 one here.18:19.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: my PAM is W 15748 H 486018:19.48 
Robin_Watts That may be the issue. can I get a copy of it please?18:20.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: and that's the lower res, cut down file 18:20.11 
mvrhel_laptop looks like stm_output.c is new too18:20.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yes, probably, sorry.18:20.43 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Wattsno worry18:20.50 
ray_laptop gswin32c -r200 -g15748x4860 -sDEVICE=plank -dBandHeight=135 -o ref.pam -Z: c:/Artifex/tests_private/comparefiles/Bug690395.pdf18:20.51 
mvrhel_laptop it was easy to find18:20.54 
  ok now I am up and running again18:21.12 
  need to head out for bit18:21.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but, like I said, with my changed version, I'm able to get an Unrecoverable clist error (bad op)18:21.37 
kens goddnight all18:22.26 
Robin_Watts Night kens18:22.39 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so I have something to work on.18:23.23 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah, the browser runs into memory problems with that file :(18:24.54 
  Not much I can do about that really.18:25.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: same problem I was having with my other tools. :-(18:25.55 
  which is why I started lowering the res and chopping the page size down to try and get something I could see, when I tripped over the 'bad op'18:26.36 
  The thing is that this is _supposed_ to be my pdf14 clist optimization changes, and the file DOESN'T have transparency :-/18:27.41 
Robin_Watts ah :(18:29.43 
ray_laptop oh, great! I rebuilt and now it doesn't fail18:31.43 
  oops. wrong source branch.18:32.00 
  at least I'm able to debug the bad op case now18:57.55 
  this is probably something that's been laying around for a while.18:58.32 
  oops. One of the things I broke was -ZL :-( Fix that first...19:08.41 
Robin_Watts ok, I'm going to reboot so I can copy 1.2TB of data between harddrives without windows having a paddy about open files.19:55.35 
  Have a good weekend all!19:55.39 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts_mac: you still around?21:46.24 
malc_ robin_watts_mac: profile is dominated by hash21:52.04 
  according to both callgrind and perf..21:52.30 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts_mac: ok. successfully pushed my winRT branch to my local repo. now I am going to do a clean checkout to see it I got everything in there21:53.46 
  ok. missing a few things....21:59.19 
  ok. now it all seems to be in place22:30.06 
  now to do some real work again...22:34.54 
sebras make -j10 build=release22:51.00 
  Package libopenjpeg was not found in the pkg-config search path.22:51.00 
  Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libopenjpeg.pc'22:51.01 
  to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable22:51.01 
  No package 'libopenjpeg' found CC build/release/base_context.o22:51.01 
  say what!? since when does mupdf depend on pkg-config..?22:51.14 
malc_ since the world went multicore i suppose22:52.52 
sebras malc_: ehm..?22:53.46 
  malc_: but mupdf is bundling libopenjpeg.22:53.57 
malc_ sebras: i always fail at being subtle.. i was hinting at -j10 as the culprit22:54.26 
sebras robin_watts_mac: tor8: ok.. so I pushed a commit that fixes the pkg-config printing problem.23:17.31 
malc_ sebras: by the by, you guys cut the release but there's no tag in git for it as far as i can see23:18.06 
sebras malc_: true enough... I'm sure it's still sitting in tor8's local repo.23:18.57 
malc_ nor any new thirdparty zip was uploaded23:19.28 
  robin_watts_mac: btw. i know why it takes the same time.. the reason is simple the text is not clipped when doing a tiled rendering.. so it always renders, caches, hashes and so on for all the bloody charcters in the page23:23.26 
  tor8: lo, what i just said to Robin is probably of interest to you too23:23.56 
tor8 malc_: I must have missed some part of the discussion (profiling, cache?)23:30.01 
  malc_: I forgot to push the tag, I have done so now23:30.46 
malc_ tor8: basically rendering small tiles takes the same time as the very large one23:30.50 
  tor8: great!23:30.58 
tor8 malc_: there is no thirdparty zip anymore, we use git submodules23:31.08 
  and we put the thirdparty libs directly in the source tarball23:31.17 
malc_ but you used to place thirdparty after every release23:31.27 
  which isn't all that often23:31.37 
sebras tor8: patch over at sebras/master23:33.09 
tor8 malc_: that's odd, we should be using text and glyph bboxes to avoid rendering23:33.41 
malc_ tor8: (very tall one page texty pdf) same happens with pdfs with images too23:33.59 
  you don't23:34.11 
  i just checked23:34.14 
  simple test23:34.23 
tor8 sebras: why hide errors?23:37.41 
  that's ... not good if there are any23:37.49 
sebras tor8: becuse I do not have libopenjpeg installed on my system, but instead rely on the one in thirdparty.23:42.18 
  tor8: this means I get the compilation errors whenever I compile.23:42.34 
oars hi there23:42.53 
sebras tor8: I have never seen those errors before, so I'm thinking that `` might hide stderr while $(shell ) does not.23:42.57 
  oars: hiya!23:43.00 
oars anyone have any issues using mupdf under tiling window managers?23:43.09 
tor8 sebras: the presence of thirdparty libs should prevent that detection no?23:43.18 
sebras tor8: no.23:43.26 
  tor8: the detection is run before...23:43.35 
tor8 sebras: `` is evaluated when executing the commands, $(shell) is evaluated by make23:43.50 
sebras tor8: SYS_* is evaluated in Makerules, currently only based on $(OS).23:44.22 
  tor8: while the checks for thirdparty is done in Makethird.23:44.43 
  tor8: of course I could have moved the pkg-config calls to Makethird, but something tells me that this would be a bad idea.23:45.20 
tor8 right. we could rejig that. but it's annoying.23:45.26 
sebras oars: what problems are you experiencing..?23:45.33 
oars trashing of the rendered pdf, I'll link a screenshot, easier explained that way23:45.51 
sebras oars: excellent.23:45.59 
  so everytime I swap pages, or change zoom level the trashing changes on the renered pdf23:52.08 
  so it isn't constant23:52.11 
  I just built updf from source (1.2) to make sure the ubuntu install wasn't at fault23:52.25 
  also if I use the default window manager for ubuntu (Unity and the like) the trashing does not occur23:52.50 
  sebras: any ideas?23:56.19 
sebras is back.23:57.18 
  oars: does the bad rendering differ depending on the size of the window?23:59.48 
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