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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/03/01)2013/03/02 
oars yeah, it does00:00.14 
sebras oars: if there is a problem with the rendering then I would expect it to mess up the _entire_ window, but from the looks of it only the pdf-part is really affected.00:00.42 
  not the grey background.00:00.56 
oars yeah, now that you mention it that seems odd.00:01.29 
  the application as a while seems less responsive too00:01.58 
  modifying the window size, or changing the zoom level takes a notisable amount of time00:02.20 
malc_ oars: probably a bug in your X driver00:02.37 
sebras oars: what window manager are you using?00:02.39 
oars xmonad00:02.43 
  I would blame it on it, but it's the only application that has given me problem00:02.57 
malc_ oars: you just don't use too many application that use ximage the way mupdf does00:03.22 
  oars: what graphics card/driver do you use?00:03.50 
oars AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1 GB GDDR500:05.27 
malc_ with radeonhd or catalyst?00:05.46 
oars I believe it's the catalyst ones00:06.14 
malc_ in any case, i'd try and rule out this. either by using xnest or switching to alternative driver00:06.27 
robin_watts_mac malc_: The lack of clipping is bad. We'll have to look into that.00:06.43 
oars ok, I'll take a look to see what xnest is, never heard of it00:07.29 
malc_ robin_watts_mac: yes it is, basically makes tiling a tradeof it wasnt meant to be (space for (alot of)time)00:07.33 
  oars: Xnest :1; DISPLAY=:1 xmonad00:07.56 
oars oh, it's just a new X session in a window, that's meta00:09.19 
  hmmm, so I need to figure out how to open a terminal inside the new session as hte window manager captures the keybindings00:09.53 
malc_ DISPLAY=:1 xterm00:10.05 
oars oh, cool, so yeah00:11.26 
  mupdf works just fine inside xnest00:11.33 
sebras oars: regardless of resizing..?00:11.47 
malc_ echo | mail -s 'you suck' catalyst@amd.com00:12.54 
oars sebras: oh, there it goes00:13.20 
  so it did show some trashing, but much less00:13.27 
  took a little juggling of the zoom levels and window size for it to show00:13.43 
sebras oars: in the nested or non-nested mupdf if you bring up the search with '/' and enter a looong string. this this string look ok?00:14.29 
  oars: as far as I see from the code we really repaint the entire pdf-part of the window at a time, so I can't really see that mupdf would be at fault.00:15.08 
oars sebras: it does show correctly00:16.58 
sebras oars: ok so the only thing that I can come to think of is that the type or order of X events that an app receives under xmonad might be different than under most other wms.00:19.41 
  oars: bug given the code in apps/x11_main.c::winblit() I can't figure out how on earth this could happen.00:20.30 
  oars: it's getting a bit late over here, but I'll try to reproduce your problem in xmonad locally.00:21.08 
malc_ oars: you can also try to run compiz00:21.13 
  and see whether the problem persists with, basicaly, double buffered desktop00:21.42 
oars sebras: sounds good, thanks for the help. If I come up with anything or find a solution I'll show my had back here again00:21.47 
sebras oars: I'll be here again tomorrow.00:21.55 
oars malc_: I'll give that a shot00:21.58 
  sebras: sounds good, where are you located? just wondering since you say it's late now00:22.22 
sebras oars: .se :)00:22.43 
  oars: it's not _that_ late, but I've been working a bit too much lately,.00:23.01 
oars sebras: everyone deserves some rest, I'm in Canada so it's only 5:30 over here00:23.18 
malc_ 17:30 you mean00:23.30 
oars yeah, that :P00:23.39 
malc_ cause it is 04:23 here00:23.40 
  and i'm defintely nowhere close canada00:23.48 
sebras oars: see you tomorrow then.00:24.15 
oars lol00:24.17 
  sebras: night00:24.23 
  thanks again00:24.24 
sebras np.00:24.26 
oars thanks to you too malc_ 00:24.31 
malc_ not at all00:24.56 
mvrhel_laptop cool. I have text search working asynchronously in the winRT mupdf viewer.04:48.34 
  at least conceptually. 04:48.42 
  need to fill in a few deatils04:48.47 
  on that note, done for the night04:49.03 
_ingsoc Is there a way to make the selected text go into a different clipboard?09:09.55 
sebras _ingsoc: if you are on linux... no I don't think so.09:41.00 
  _ingsoc: not without recompiling at least.09:41.08 
_ingsoc Hmm. I've using the git repository at the moment. Would it be a complicated tweak?09:41.28 
sebras _ingsoc: let me have a look. :)09:41.45 
_ingsoc I don't mind using two clipboards, because I merge them (using this: 
  But then when I copy some text out of mupdf, I select it just fine, but then I highlight some text to search in my browser that I want to replace with the text from mupdf, and I end up copying what I just selected in the browser, so it gets a little complicated.09:43.33 
  If I can get mupdf to use the other clipboard, it would work fine.09:43.50 
sebras _ingsoc: ah. but then you basically only want to use the clipboard, not the primary.09:50.51 
  _ingsoc: i.e. whenever you just highlight something in a gnome app, then you don't want that to end up in the primary, and you also don't want the primary to be pasted.09:51.29 
_ingsoc sebras: Hmm. How do I do fix that?09:51.49 
sebras _ingsoc: basically you want a windows-like interface where highlighting text doesn't mean clipping at all...09:51.54 
_ingsoc sebras: I'm a bit noob. Sorry. :/09:51.56 
sebras copying.09:51.58 
_ingsoc sebras: Yes.09:52.02 
  sebras: I do want that, but I want to copy from mupdf.09:52.52 
sebras yes, I know. :)09:53.01 
_ingsoc But how?09:53.17 
sebras so basically if mupdf only copied to the correct buffer when you wouldn't need autocutsel.09:53.28 
  (for this purpose at least).09:53.35 
  I'm not sure, yet. I'm trying to figure out the X11-functions still.09:53.59 
_ingsoc sebras: Yes, that's right. I'm using the autocutsel option now as a workaround, but it's causing the select-copy issue elsewhere.09:54.47 
sebras _ingsoc: I expected this to be a simple change from XA_PRIMARY to XA_SECONDARY.09:57.01 
  _ingsoc: but apparently I need to do some more reading. :)09:57.14 
_ingsoc sebras: Hmmm. What file is it in?09:57.46 
sebras _ingsoc: apps/x11_main.c09:58.03 
  in the function windocopy()09:58.16 
_ingsoc Would it be related to XA_CLIPBOARD?10:02.17 
sebras _ingsoc: yes.10:02.37 
  _ingsoc: still haven't convinced it to work locally though.10:02.57 
_ingsoc Ah, that was my next question. :P10:03.09 
sebras _ingsoc: got it.10:04.50 
_ingsoc sebras: Nice. :D What did you do?10:06.12 
sebras _ingsoc: 
  _ingsoc: my mistake was to expect that xmu was implicitly included when asking for x11 in the makefile. :)10:08.05 
  _ingsoc: now you should be able to paste using ctrl-v in the other app.10:08.24 
  and highlighting ought not to add anything to the clipboard if you disable autocutsel.10:08.59 
_ingsoc Hmm, alright, let me go through this. I'm a bit slow when it comes to diff. :P10:10.14 
  Okay, I think I follow what you've done. Is there any way to apply this patch if I want to keep on tracking the git version?10:12.10 
sebras _ingsoc: oh. let me know if I can help you ought.10:12.12 
  ought -> out.10:12.28 
  well, you can have a local branch that you rebase on top of origin/master.10:12.58 
  that's probably what I would do myself.10:13.12 
_ingsoc How do I set up a local brach?10:13.23 
  Sorry about the newbie questions. :)10:15.14 
sebras so today you do git pull and then make10:17.22 
  what you could do (instead of creating a local branch and rebasing this on top of origin/master) is of course to simply apply the patch by cat /tmp/clipboard-patch.diff | patch -p1 before make.10:18.04 
_ingsoc Yup, I do: git pull ; git submodule init ; git submodule update.10:18.08 
sebras the next time, beforce you do git pull though, you need to remove the patch by git reset --hard HEAD.10:18.52 
_ingsoc So what would clipboard-path.diff look like?10:19.32 
sebras _ingsoc: that's the patch over at pastebin.com10:20.42 
  _ingsoc: if you want I can teach you a bit about git branching, but I'll do that privately so as not to pollute #ghostscript too much.10:21.09 
_ingsoc sebras: That's really nice. Thank you. :D I'd appreciate it.10:21.33 
sebras tor8: what is your intent with regards to XA_PRIMARY/XA_CLIPBOARD()..?10:56.52 
  tor8: I guess since mupdf has not proper Copy-action then we really ought to stay with XA_PRIMARY by default. how about adding a commmand-line option for using XA_CLIPBOARD() instead?10:57.47 
Wrzlprmft Hello. I am failing to find, how to set keys of encoders, as documented here: (I am using the command line interface)13:24.51 
henrys Wrzlprmft: probably best to report a bug at - with a description of what you are trying to do, your code and how you are running ghostscript (command line)14:36.41 
Wrzlprmft Really? So far I have not encountered any bug, but only failed to find syntax documentation14:38.50 
henrys Wrzlprmft: I was imagining you had a significant code fragment that needed to be examined.14:42.16 
  Wrzlprmft: specifics?14:44.19 
Wrzlprmft All I want to do is to set the »Predictor« parameter for the »PNGPredictorEncode« filter for PDFs, but I fail to find, how.14:44.30 
  (minimal example: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/PNGPredictorEncode -sOutputFile=x.pdf y.pdf)14:46.11 
henrys best to wait around for the pdfwrite guru kens, if you come back monday at this time he'll be here or post your question on gs stackoverflow14:53.46 
  I don't see anything particularly wrong with what you are doing … I know that doesn't get a lot of testing so it might be broken.14:55.20 
Wrzlprmft just to clarify: In the above example nothing fails. I just want to set the Predictor option, but all I have come up with so far, either does nothing or produces a syntax error14:56.40 
henrys I am not following: you use your command line, have a program with a PNG stream and it does what is expected or it's a bug. We really need something concrete to look at or we can't help. 15:04.50 
  sorry have a program that is supposed to produce a PNG stream in the output pdf with the predictor.15:06.08 
Wrzlprmft hmm, since I also fail to see the source of the misunderstanding, let me rephrase the question: How do I set the »Predictor« parameter for the »PNGPredictorEncode« filter for PDF output?15:14.15 
henrys oh now I see 15:15.41 
  I don't see a way to set that from the command line in the documentation for pdfwrite, You can certainly write a postscript program to implement a png filter with a specific predictor but it isn't clear how to push that through the command line. -c does allow executing arbitrary postscript on the command line but I'm not sure if that will help. kens or alexcher might be able to help or stack overflow. 15:24.18 
  sorry I couldn't be of more help15:24.43 
Wrzlprmft ok, thank you anyway15:25.58 
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