IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/03/04)2013/03/05 
ray_laptop Hi, Robin_Watts 00:27.05 
Robin_Watts hi00:27.10 
ghostbot niihau00:27.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the 'copy_planes' function has a 'plane_height' parameter, and the clist_copy_planes has an 'if (plane_height > 0) {', but the gxdevcli.h and the doc/Drivers.htm don't explain what plane_height is, and why it might ever be == 0 when the rheight is > 000:29.29 
  Robin_Watts: do you recall anything about this ? (question also for mvrhel)00:30.10 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right, so suppose I have a block of data that I want to write.00:31.35 
  that I want to copy_planes, I mean.00:31.48 
  My planar data might be 1024 wide x 1024 high x 8 planes00:32.28 
  but I might just want to copy_planes the top 256 x 256 area.00:32.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: by how many planes ?00:33.18 
Robin_Watts so I give width = 256, height = 256, raster = 1024, plane_height 102400:33.18 
  all 8 planes.00:33.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK, so when, if ever, will plane_height be <= 0 ???00:33.48 
Robin_Watts plane_height = 0 => copy_mono, no ?00:34.01 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: why isn't plane_height == rheight for mono (one plane) ???00:34.44 
Robin_Watts plane_height == rheight would not mean 1 plane.00:35.30 
  plane_height is 'the number of rasters to move from a given pixel value in one component to get to the corresponding pixel value in the next component"00:36.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK, so plane_height is either 0 (a pathological case in which copy_mono should have been called) or >= rheight ???00:37.29 
Robin_Watts Yes.00:37.37 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so plane_height < rheight is an error condition unless plane_height == 0 (just asking again a different way).00:39.02 
Robin_Watts I think so, yes.00:39.27 
ray_laptop The code in clist_copy_planes is still a bit confusing, then. if plane_height == 0, why can't we just call copy_mono and get rid of some duplicate code ? (when we can't even handle a single row)00:42.33 
Robin_Watts See line 870.00:42.56 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.00:43.20 
Robin_Watts wooah.00:43.25 
  We've just said that plane_height is never zero currently.00:43.41 
  It's possible that we could rejig copy_mono to call copy_planes with plane_height == 0.00:44.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: not that I can see using 'grep -l copy_planes base/*.c' -- I don't see anybody calling it with 000:44.40 
Robin_Watts with some jiggering around.00:44.40 
  ray_laptop: Right. No one ever calls it with 0. That's what we just agreed.00:45.12 
  but then you said: "if plane_height == 0, why can't we just call copy_mono and get rid of some duplicate code ?"00:45.38 
  and I said "wooah!" because plane_height is never 0.00:45.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so the code to treat plane_height == 0 is just sort of 'premature optimization' to allow us to make copy_mono just call copy_planes ???00:46.22 
Robin_Watts It is quite possible that I started writing this code intending copy_planes and copy_mono to end up in the same block.00:47.10 
  (possibly I started modifying copy_mono)00:47.26 
  and when stuff got hairy, I split them out separately, so I could at least be sure that I didn't break copy_mono.00:47.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think i'll "simplify" it and get rid of the plane_height == 0 special treatment00:48.06 
Robin_Watts Resolving the duplication by putting them back together would be nice.00:48.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: since copy_mono doesn't pay any attention to num_components, and copy_planes has to00:48.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. We could possibly common up the code, and use plane_height !=0 as the excuse for looking at num_components etc.00:49.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'd need a new function that I could send 'num_components' to, along with the other params. copy_mono would call the new function with 1 and copy_planes call it with num_components00:50.30 
Robin_Watts right.00:51.01 
  but if you just wanted to make what was there now work, I'd understand :)00:51.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: or, as you said, use plane_height == 0 to tell us to ignore num_components00:51.25 
  Robin_Watts: but, of course, this only helps if we document WHY plane_height might be 0 and what it implies 00:52.02 
  I guess I should have paid more attention when this stuff got put in :-/00:54.28 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I can't see any documentation for copy_planes at all.00:55.26 
  And why is copy_planes like copy_mono ?00:56.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think I mentioned that above (it should be in Drivers.htm, or at least in gxdevcli.h)00:56.25 
Robin_Watts mono is 1 bit, right?00:56.27 
  yeah, I'm *sure* I wrote this.00:56.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, mono is 1 bit. and there's a check at line 976 that looks like it might make us ignore num_components if plane_height == 000:58.15 
Robin_Watts Ah!00:59.31 
  I think the fact that plane_height != 0 is the thing that determines whether we call copy_mono or copy_planes01:00.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: where is that ?01:00.24 
Robin_Watts In the writing side look at 80701:00.51 
  In gxclrast.c look at 218101:01.20 
  Does that make sense?01:06.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so this looks like the reading side really never has a copy_mono -- just a copy_mono_planes01:07.02 
  with plane_height == 0 (in the reader) telling us to call copy_mono01:07.36 
Robin_Watts The op that is sent is cmd_op_copy_mono_planes01:10.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right. and the reader "splits" depending on plane_height (which is 0 if it came from copy_mono)01:11.00 
Robin_Watts it was called cmd_op_copy_mono, but I think I renamed it when I repurposed it (added a plane_height)01:11.11 
  I think I was struggling to find an unused clist code.01:11.37 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, but we still had clist_copy_mono laying around01:11.46 
Robin_Watts Did we?01:11.58 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: other than as a simple function that called clist_copy_planes with plane_height == 001:12.24 
Robin_Watts I still believe the writing is done in 2 separate functions. clist_copy_mono and clist_copy_planes01:12.39 
  They are superficially similar and would be nice candidates for merging, but I suspect the additional complexity introduced to cope with bpc and planes etc, means it's not a completely obvious win.01:13.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Yes it is (since copy_mono has to worry about doign the cmd_set_color in each band)01:14.16 
  Robin_Watts: so I think I will just rip out the plane_height == 0 stuff from the writer01:14.46 
Robin_Watts The "if (plane_height > 0)" in the writer is probably a red herring and should be removed.01:15.10 
  Is there plane_height ==0 stuff?01:15.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: and maybe for the nonce, add a DEBUG mode statement if clist_copy_planes is ever called with plane_height == 001:15.52 
Robin_Watts right.01:16.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the check in clist_copy_planes for plane_height > 0 (and subsequent duplicate code for when 'code < 0' that sees to try a different way to subdivide rheight01:17.31 
  gxclrect.c line 1000 or so01:18.00 
  (my code may differ w.r.t. exact line #)01:18.50 
Robin_Watts Yes, that's a really ugly duplication.01:21.14 
  Just after the copy: label, we check to see if the whole thing will fit into a cbuf, and split it if it won't.01:21.53 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, and do the recursive split to single lines if even one row doesn't fit01:22.40 
Robin_Watts yes.01:22.51 
  Then after we copy the first plane and write the command header, we write the subsequent planes...01:23.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: BTW, the loop after reducing re.height was already there01:23.19 
  Robin_Watts: and I've already changed to use 'data_bits_size' instead of cbuf_size01:23.53 
  the loop was line 1039 (I just never made it down that far in looking at the code)01:24.39 
Robin_Watts Ah, right, the original splitting is NOT about ensuring that the compressed command fits in a buffer, but rather to do with ensuring that the decompressed data fits into data_size.01:24.53 
ray_laptop that loops keeps plodding along until we reach re.yend01:25.23 
Robin_Watts The splitting *after* the compression calls is to do with splitting if the compressed data didn't fit.01:25.25 
  What a horrible mess.01:25.43 
  I do worry that that code isn't correct.01:26.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so you think that the compression code will be LARGER than the uncompressed code ?01:26.55 
Robin_Watts I hope not, but I guess we have to consider that it's possible.01:27.21 
  What happens if we write the 0th plane (and the command header) and that fills up a cbuf, and then we write the next few planes, and they fail. It's too late to back out then, isn't it?01:27.50 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'd rather just have a loop and revert to compression = 001:27.58 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think that may be best.01:28.11 
  essentially, I think, if we get to the point of writing the first one, we are committed.01:28.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the size limit is the UNCOMPRESSED data_bits size -- not what's in the cbuf (compressed or not).01:29.13 
  The uncompressed size is what is passed by the clist reader to the device's copy_planes call01:29.45 
Robin_Watts The size limit that we enforce by the first splitting block (just after "copy:") yes.01:29.53 
ray_laptop since that data _has_ to be uncompressed01:30.02 
Robin_Watts yes.01:30.10 
  My point is that once we get to the stage of agreeing that, and we start calling cmd_put_bits on each plane, we can never then decide to split the buffer further.01:30.51 
  Do you agree ?01:30.57 
ray_laptop that's part of the confusion that existed between data_bits_size and cbuf_size. It can actually be LARGER in the cbuf and that doesn't hurt (thanks to cmd_read_data_01:31.10 
  Robin_Watts: I agree01:31.25 
Robin_Watts hmm. We ensure that the uncompressed data < data_bits_size.01:35.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes01:35.16 
  Robin_Watts: for ALL planes01:35.31 
Robin_Watts and by ensuring that we need to ensure that the (possibly) compressed (singular) plane data < cbuf_size.01:35.56 
  for all planes.01:36.07 
  IF we assume that the compressed data is never larger than the uncompressed data, we're fine, as long as data_bits_size <= cbuf_size01:36.53 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, each plane can be in a separate cbuf (we top up after each plane) and if a plane exceeds what is remaining in the cbuf, we just read it from the stream (sgets in cmd_read_data)01:37.17 
Robin_Watts right, but in the worst case, we might only be working with a single plane.01:37.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: still OK01:37.49 
  if the compressed data is > the uncompressed data, we just write it and read it anyway01:38.23 
Robin_Watts oh, so a planes compressed data can span more than one cbuf?01:38.25 
  In that case the latter splitting loop can just be thrown away.01:38.39 
  much nicer.01:38.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes. That's why we didn't need the top_up_cbuf check/call before reading the first plane's data01:39.13 
Robin_Watts ok.01:39.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the later splitting loop, yes. We still need the split line loop for when re.height ends up == 0 and, of course, the outer loop while ((re.y += re.height) < re.yend)01:40.47 
Robin_Watts technically the first split thing isn't a loop, it's a recursion, but otherwise I completely agree.01:44.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right. And thanks01:44.44 
Robin_Watts you're welcome, and once again, thank you for sorting out my broken code!01:45.04 
  I'm off to bed now, but if you need me to look at anything, I'll check the logs in the morning.01:45.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, the only thing broken (other than the confusing bits) was that the check for calling cmd_write_buffer didn't take re.height into account01:46.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Morning.10:38.10 
  The internet is broken. Going to reboot the router.10:38.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. lgtm.12:02.55 
Guest4977 need help : 'make prefix=/usr/local install' => '/bin/sh: 1: cc: not found' 'make: *** [build/debug/base_context.o] Error 127'12:29.55 
tor8 Guest4977: install a c compiler12:35.45 
  what's your system?12:36.06 
Guest4977 kubuntu12:36.16 
tor8 Guest4977: install the "build-essential" package or maybe it's build-essentials12:36.41 
Guest4977 thanks12:37.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks.13:06.51 
  tor8: I'm going to look into malc_'s problem now.13:07.01 
  I think malc_'s problem is just that he's passing in the wrong rectangle.14:05.18 
  So the clip isn't set right.14:05.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. that sounds more plausible.14:24.30 
henrys is the android eclipse guy a customer?14:39.51 
Robin_Watts henrys: I don't think so.14:54.22 
  tor8: Now I've confused myself with malc_'s code.14:56.13 
  We expect the rect passed into fz_run_display_list to be the bounding box in output space.14:57.02 
  i.e. for each node in the display list, we map node->rect through the ctm, and then compare that to the rect.14:57.20 
  and on that basis, rect seems plausible in malc_'s code.14:57.32 
henrys Robin_Watts:so the poicy is to boot them off support - I like kens boilerplate he sent out showing folks to bugzilla and IRC maybe we should just send that out for these people.14:57.54 
Robin_Watts henrys: OK, I pulled him onto support because I felt that someone other than me should have visibility of the conversation.14:58.56 
  and my plan was to either ascertain whether he was a customer (or a potential customer) and then redirect him elsewhere.14:59.27 
henrys oh I see nvm then14:59.38 
Robin_Watts but he seems to be incapable of answering questions, so...14:59.40 
alexcher tor8: I've encountered a strange piece of code in setdevicenspace() function. Why it's possible to take dict_index_entry( ..., 0, ...) and expect a predictable result?15:22.16 
kens Does it work ?15:25.32 
  Its been years since I looked at that code, but it seems to work OK for me.15:26.10 
Robin_Watts Why is that an unreasonable thing to do? The 0th entry of a dictionary seems a reasonable thing to look for, right? I mean, we're computer scientists, we count from 0, right?15:30.13 
chrisl Postscript very clearly states the the order of entries in a dictionary is indeterminate........15:32.14 
  Oh, and IIRC, GS allows the key/value arrays to be sparse, so a dictionary containing N entries does not necessarily have entries at indices 0..N-115:34.42 
kens Hmm, that's not even my code actually, I think its Michael's15:37.05 
  and it only seems to operate on COlorants dicitonaries, so I bet its not well tested15:37.21 
  Umm, maybe it is my code, in fact15:38.11 
  In any event, it won't do anythign without a Colorants dictioanry#15:38.24 
chrisl I think all it needs is to check if the object returned is valid (not an empty index), and if it's not, keep trying until it finds an valid ref15:39.18 
kens To be honest, I'm not sure it *matters* what order we read fomr the dictioanry, as long as if we read all the indices they return valid stuff15:39.36 
  All the code seems to be doing is setting each entry one after the other,so the order is irrelevant15:39.52 
chrisl Yes, but it *might* matter if we push a null object onto he stack, then try to do something with it15:40.04 
kens You can't get here like that15:40.13 
  You would have to have a 5 erlement dictionary operand to setcolorspace with a DerviceN space15:40.31 
  possibly you could have an invalid space like that, but I think its checked at a higher level15:40.49 
chrisl But nothing guarantees that index 0 contains anything other than a null object, even if later indices do have valid objects15:41.16 
kens Well, I can't state that for sure, like I said, I'm not certain its my code.15:41.41 
  But the answer to Alex's question is that you can't expect a 'predictable' result, and you don't care15:42.02 
  The order doesn't matter15:42.09 
Robin_Watts make a dictionary, push something into it, then push the 5 real things into it, then delete the first entry. Does the dictionary have a valid 0th object then ?15:42.27 
kens We conswtrcut that dictioanry ourselves in the PDF itnerpreter I believe15:42.50 
  SO I don't think you can do that15:42.57 
  Well, modulo trying to break it15:43.08 
henrys how can you talk about a 0th object in a dictionary, it is unordered?15:43.11 
chrisl Even if you push 5 entries into the new dictionary, it doesn't guarantee the 0th entry will have anything in it15:43.20 
kens henrys PS dicts are always unordered15:43.27 
  chrisl if we make the dict ourselves in C we cna make gurantees15:43.46 
  I'm not saying it is guaranteed mind you, just that it 'might' be15:44.03 
henrys kens:I thought all dictionaries were unordered without more qualification.15:44.17 
kens henrys all PS dicts are unordered. The point is that in this case we don't care about the order15:44.38 
  We just want to enumerate all the objects15:44.46 
chrisl Well, if you use the "standard" functions, I think* dictionary contents are written using a hash, so empty entries are likely to occur15:45.08 
henrys kens:I'm agreeing with you, that is why I'm asking Robin why asking for the 0th object is valid.15:45.11 
kens henrys why would it not be valid ?15:45.26 
chrisl kens: we don't (normally) write dictionary entries in simple, ascending order15:46.16 
kens chrisl we don't care about the order. Yes I agree its possible there might be empty slots, but that (might) be taken care of elsewhere15:46.46 
  That's a reason for concern certainly, but the order matters not15:47.02 
chrisl But the 0th slot can be empty - yes, the order is unimportant15:47.18 
kens chrisl you and I are agreeing15:47.28 
chrisl Good ;-)15:47.38 
kens I 'suspect' we check in the colour space stuff ro null objects and invalid objects, but I am not certain15:47.54 
  But Alex's question was why this would be predictable, to which the answer is 'its not, and it doesn't magtter'15:48.27 
chrisl Yes, that's true15:48.43 
alexcher PDF dictionaries can have extra keys.15:48.48 
henrys it could be invalid if you changed the implementation of the dictionary, and the client shouldn't depend on that. 15:49.38 
  dictionaries should be accessed by keys15:49.54 
  but probably not worth arguing about...15:50.14 
chrisl henrys: then why do we have a function call that takes an index?15:50.21 
henrys because it's ghostscript15:50.51 
chrisl I would guess, at the least, it's used for the "forall" operator15:51.14 
kens So we will never change the implementation, therefore we are fine :-)15:51.22 
alexcher chrisl: there's a matching finction that returns an index.15:51.24 
chrisl alexcher: yeh, that's my point: it's clearly part of the dictionary implementation design that they be accessible by index, as well as key15:52.22 
henrys yes but you are exposing the underlying implementation, suppose I want to redo dictionaries with a linked list.15:52.46 
  anyway let's continue with the day15:53.19 
kens Then I suspect Ghostscript will break15:53.19 
chrisl henrys: you'd rewrite the indexing code, too15:53.20 
  henrys: if you can only access a dictionary by key, how do you interrogate arbitrary dictionaries for their contents?15:54.40 
henrys chrisl:an enumerator?15:56.44 
Robin_Watts And what is an index if not a form of an enumerator ?15:57.04 
henrys an index to me implies "order" dictionaries are classically "unordered" so using an index doesn't make sense to me.15:59.11 
chrisl I don't see an enumerator would make any fewer assumptions about the implementation than an index does.......15:59.21 
Robin_Watts When you enumerate across a dictionary, you impose an order.15:59.31 
  index or enumerator are isomorphic representations.16:00.11 
alexcher chrisl: The architectural details are not that important now. The question is who will fix this piece of code. Git attributes it to Tor. We have a SEGV there.16:00.15 
paulgardiner But indices are not ideal enumerators for linked lists.16:00.50 
kens I can probably take it if nobody else will16:00.54 
Robin_Watts alexcher: Probably git attributes it to tor8 because of the whitespace patches.16:00.54 
chrisl alexcher: well, common sense says it's not tor8's area.......16:00.59 
Robin_Watts git blame -w ?16:01.13 
chrisl was about to type that, tooo16:01.25 
kens I think its eihter me or Michael, so assignit to me since its PS16:01.49 
Robin_Watts No, tor8 loves ghostscript. and the C/PS handling of colorspace objects in particular. I'm sure he'd love to do it.16:01.54 
alexcher It's Ken's from 2008.16:02.34 
chrisl henrys: anyway, there are *so* many places in GS that rely on being able to enumerate dictionary contents via index, if you decided to rewrite the dictionary representation, we'd all have a *lot* of work to do!16:02.55 
henrys okay you guys can access your dictionaries with indexes and arrays with keys and whatever other stuff you need to do, let's get on with the MuPDF meeting.16:02.55 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am here for the meeting16:03.17 
  keeping quite about any PS color stuff....16:03.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I thought you'd forget, first time and all.16:03.37 
Robin_Watts I'd forgotten, and I have no excuse.16:04.03 
henrys paulgardiner: adobe reader does not support oval, line and arrow?16:04.13 
paulgardiner Not on Android... at least not that I've discovered16:04.40 
  Not to say that we shouldn't implement them.16:04.58 
henrys let's add them to the list because that is what was pointed out to me in Chicago as a feature of the competitor.16:05.44 
alexcher kens: let me take this bug because I have everything set up already.16:05.45 
kens ale16:05.53 
  xcher, well if you want it, that's no problem16:06.02 
paulgardiner henrys: sure. Shall I continue with the ones that Adobe Reader supports first, or would it be good to move onto oval, line, arrow sooner?16:06.45 
henrys no just add them on.16:07.03 
paulgardiner okay good16:07.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: do you have your stuff in a public branch?16:07.52 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: it is in my repos on casper now16:08.14 
  in a branch16:08.26 
  called winRT16:08.30 
paulgardiner I good address bug #693664. It would be very easy now, and I'd considered doing it before it got reported16:08.40 
mvrhel_laptop oh windowRT. I should have added an s in there or just done win16:09.05 
henrys I'm sort of wondering about the commonality of this stuff across devices. Does it make sense for paulgardiner to look at it and see what can gathered together as common code.?16:09.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: We can easily fix that.16:09.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: How much of what you have done is windows specific ?16:09.53 
  have you had to change anything within mupdf itself?16:10.04 
paulgardiner henrys: I sort of have that in mind already, but there does seem to be a fair amount that needs to be OS specific16:10.27 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: 99.9% of what I have in there is windows only. the only mupdf change I had was the c++ ifdef in the header files16:10.29 
henrys paulgardiner: reading the bug16:10.43 
mvrhel_laptop and I may be able to get rid of that16:10.44 
  Robin_Watts: lets change the branch name when we are in miami16:11.26 
henrys paulgardiner: I think that's a good thing to fix and historically we have gotten good feedback from that user, fixing it might get him more involved in the project.16:11.50 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK.16:12.07 
paulgardiner henrys: okay. I'll sort that out16:12.08 
  The hooks to do so are already there really.16:12.23 
henrys paulgardiner: you're good on bugzilla right - have all the permissions set up?16:12.38 
paulgardiner Yes thanks16:12.51 
  At least I haven't run into any problems for ages16:13.13 
henrys I don't think my iOS port agenda topic is going to be popular ...16:13.46 
  mvrhel_laptop: which competing apps are you looking at on windows mobile?16:14.43 
  there is a native solution for pdf right?16:14.58 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I was just looking at the one that comes with windows. yes the native one.16:15.07 
  I need to take a look at it again.16:15.18 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: If you see anything that seems like a good feature please bring it up.16:15.44 
mvrhel_laptop ok will do. henrys, I will bring the microsoft surface with me to the meeting16:16.05 
henrys oh cool16:16.14 
  I haven't seen one live yet.16:16.25 
  paulgardiner: go ahead and assign that bug to yourself might as well have the complete experience ;-)16:17.19 
tor8 henrys: please don't mention iOS ;)16:17.30 
mvrhel_laptop the nexus devices are nicer16:17.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Is it worth more than one of us getting set up to develop for windows 8?16:17.45 
henrys tor8:I knew that would get you out of lurking mode.16:17.52 
tor8 henrys: :)16:18.07 
  careful, it might get me into raging mode...16:18.18 
henrys IMHO paulgardiner should get set up on windows8 too and assist/review mvrhel_laptop 16:19.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok. but let me get the code into a non-embarrassing form before to many people poke at it16:20.51 
Robin_Watts That would require us to get another copy of VS2012. mvrhel has a good way of getting them, right? Is it feasible for you to get a copy to bring with you to the staff meeting?16:20.59 
henrys I think it is difficult to review (which you guys require) without being able to run/build the code.16:21.03 
paulgardiner Sure. I have no device, but probably there are emulators?16:21.08 
mvrhel_laptop the emulator is good in VS201216:21.25 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: You will need a Windows 8 installation.16:21.27 
paulgardiner Eek!16:21.39 
henrys in fairness to iOS the emulator is pretty good from what I can tell.16:21.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Can you use the emulator without breaking virtualisation ?16:21.49 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I can get another copy, but probably not before the staff meeting16:21.54 
Robin_Watts henrys: other than it not running ARM code, sure.16:21.59 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, for the surface device, but not the phone16:22.22 
paulgardiner Windows 8 under VMWare be okay?16:22.23 
henrys have we really had that many issues where ARM code matters?16:22.31 
mvrhel_laptop if you install the phone emulator, it installs hyper-v which will break vmware. you have to do some special set-ups to get vmware working again16:23.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, only if you want to actually test what you're running on the device. Testing code that runs on a completely different architecture is less than optimal.16:23.06 
  x86 is much faster at FP for example.16:23.13 
henrys paulgardiner: also feel free to buy a device16:23.24 
mvrhel_laptop I have also compiled the ARM code in VS2012 and ran that on the surface without any issues16:23.31 
paulgardiner henrys: oh right. That would solve that one if needs be.16:23.51 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: When I used the preview windows 8 and MSVC 2012 preview it was under VMware and it was fine (but I didn't install the emulators)16:24.37 
henrys paulgardiner: I assume you've don'e expense reports to miles. It's just a regular expense entry.16:24.40 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner probably invoices expenses in a different way; just as another invoice. He, like me, has a company.16:25.21 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: let me put in a request with another friend for the VS2012. He might get it this week.16:25.34 
paulgardiner henrys: had no expenses to date, but I'm sure that'll be fine.16:25.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Fab.16:25.50 
henrys I'm sure Robin_Watts can give you a form to use.16:26.22 
  paulgardiner: but how did you charge your trip?16:27.04 
paulgardiner You mean the Miami flight? Haven't sorted that out yet16:27.40 
henrys anyway best to keep meeting around 1/2 hour any other items? mvrhel_laptop?16:27.48 
mvrhel_laptop no items from me. I am hoping to have search in place this week in the windows app16:28.26 
paulgardiner I mean haven't sorted out the expense claim. The flight is booked of course :-)16:28.30 
henrys paulgardiner: right let me email you an expense sheet you just fill it out and send it to Joanne, I think Robin_Watts' setup might be different.16:29.21 
paulgardiner henrys: great. thanks16:29.35 
henrys Robin_Watts: there are some rumors that apples may have arms soon - a strange sentence.16:30.33 
kens armed fruit ? Only in hte US....16:30.48 
Robin_Watts The "Apple to buy ARM" thing has been around a while.16:30.58 
  I can't see it happening (famous last words)16:31.07 
henrys yes but I'm talking about ARMs on laptops16:31.26 
Robin_Watts oh, right.16:31.37 
henrys kens:GMO16:31.58 
  trying to get the agenda out today, you guys do too much work, it takes forever to go through all this.16:42.39 
kens :)16:43.09 
  I blame Paul RObin and Tor16:43.21 
henrys well impenetrable ghostscript takes a longer time per change. I think that is a factor.16:44.43 
marcosw henrys: is there an irc meeting today? 16:45.27 
henrys marcosw: yes I thought we'd cancel next week.16:45.49 
  instead of this week.16:46.09 
kens Sounds good to me16:46.15 
marcosw henrys: I'm going to be a bit late, I have to run now and will be back online at 9:15ish16:46.45 
henrys okay16:47.01 
  wow ray_laptop nice to see smask gone.16:56.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that is nice.16:57.11 
  what time does everyone get into miami?16:57.21 
ray_laptop henrys: sure is.16:57.36 
kens one moment I'll check16:57.38 
  17:40 for us16:57.51 
ray_laptop I get into MIA late (10:30pm EST)16:58.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok I get in at 8:15 pm16:58.11 
henrys early 4:50 pm16:59.08 
alexcher 19:1517:00.23 
henrys meeting time - be prepared to discuss projects and bugs from last meeting next week. It seems like everything is moving along okay.17:00.48 
Robin_Watts is picking up a car, so although we land at 17:40, by the time we've cleared immigration/collected luggage/car etc, it'll be 7 by the time we leave the airport I reckon.17:01.07 
henrys chrisl:you said something about looking into font cache stuff and I didm' see any followup on that one.17:01.15 
chrisl henrys: I haven't even started that - been busy with other stuff17:01.39 
henrys okay17:01.50 
chrisl I think we can do better than we currently do with the glyph cache, but it needs a chunk of uninterrupted time to study it17:02.28 
henrys I am about 3/4 done with the agenda and it seems like very good progress as usual. (from the quarterly viewpoint)17:03.23 
chrisl There have been no dissenting voices about the devices directory reorg, so I'm going to commit the change - unless someone shouts now17:04.40 
Robin_Watts chrisl: wherefore contrib?17:05.01 
henrys chrisl:I hurriedly checked something in so I wouldn't have to reorganize ;-)17:05.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I've kept it separate from "devices" - no one shouted loudly enough (yet) to change my mind!17:05.41 
Robin_Watts ok.17:05.50 
chrisl henrys: luckily, git mostly "just works" with that kind of thing.... "only" the makefiles to fiddle17:06.34 
henrys I think it will be a very nice change - I know it is a minor thing but just not having to look at that endless list of files in one directory ...17:07.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's kind of why I brought it up now - if people feel strongly about contrib, I won't be totally intransigent17:07.32 
Robin_Watts Given that contrib is purely devices, my personal preference (a weak one) would be to have it in devices/contrib.17:08.26 
ray_laptop chrisl: no, it seems most others were fine with leaving it orphaned at the upper level instead of with the rest of the device drivers ;-)17:08.27 
  chrisl: so, I won't push it. OK with me to commit as is17:08.49 
chrisl Well, like I said in the e-mail, I feel having it stay where it is serves to reinforce that they are *not* our devices17:09.31 
ray_laptop do we have to do anything with the VS projects17:10.06 
chrisl ray_laptop: I've redone those, so the paths are correct17:10.24 
ray_laptop chrisl: great! Thanks for thinking of it before I did (but I tend to just use ctags -R with gvim to navigate the sources)17:11.20 
  but I think others tend to do more with the VS debugger 17:12.03 
Robin_Watts The other idea which was mentioned on here, but not via emails was to flatten the structure a bit, so that GS/PCL/XPS etc all lived at the same level.17:12.36 
  chrisl indicated that that would make the gs commercial release harder to do.17:12.59 
chrisl It would also be a *big* project to do "right"17:13.24 
henrys chrisl:so git will do the right thing if somebody has committed a local change to say a device file that has moved?17:13.38 
Robin_Watts Intrinsicly it would seem nicer to me to have the graphics lib separate from the individual languages, but not so much nicer that it's worth making chrisl's life hell.17:14.17 
chrisl henrys: yes - so like kens's recent pdfwrite commits just pulled straight into my reorganised repo with no interventions from me17:14.22 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. If you're going downhill, with a following wind, on a clear day.17:14.32 
henrys ;-)17:14.48 
  hi marcosw:anything for the meeting?17:15.45 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the big thing is the builds - IMHO, the "right" way to do it would be to properly incorporate the PCL/XPS(/SVG) builds into the Ghostscript build system - that would (I think) be quite a bit of work17:16.03 
marcosw henrys: no, I don't think so.17:16.13 
henrys marcosw:I looked at other's projects in advance of the meeting but I don't know what is going on with ECCN.17:16.39 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Surely the right way to do it would be to split the library build out from the PS build?17:17.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, that would be part of it, too......17:17.29 
marcosw henrys: me neither, I think I was probably supposed to do something. I'll check the email thread.17:17.44 
Robin_Watts That way we'd have all the languages depending on a common lib build, rather than all rebuilding the same files.17:18.01 
henrys chrisl:I don't know I've always imagined PCL and friends to be hooked up to a gs library.17:18.01 
ray_laptop well, if bmpcmp can be trusted, the pdf transparency clist optimization is ready to go. It does concern me a bit that I had 25 differences from the regression run (all psdcmyk) and bmpcmp reports all with no differences17:18.16 
  Robin_Watts: mvrhel_laptop: any idea what might be specific to psdcmyk that could cause this ?17:19.06 
chrisl henrys: but we don't build a gs "library" for the PCL/XPS builds17:19.06 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Hmm. I'd be tempted to run at least one of those files manually on peeves.17:19.57 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: no idea off the top of my head. a valgrind check might be worthwhile17:19.57 
henrys chrisl:well we could, that was my point.17:20.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was hoping to be able to avoid that ;-) (but I was thinking that I might have to resort to that)17:20.43 
chrisl henrys: I had thought the the graphics library, and each interpreter would be built into a static library each, and then linked into exe with some "simple" top-level code17:21.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl: yes. Sounds much nicer to me.17:21.34 
ray_laptop the really strange thing is that the bulk of the changes are for transparency, several .PS CET files showed up with diffs (but also not with bmpcmp)17:22.05 
chrisl My hope would be that would also make things like a functional language_switch easier to achieve17:22.09 
  Robin_Watts: ^^17:22.20 
henrys chrisl:yes that would be even better but it sounds ambitious. Having PCL, XPS etc just use the current ghostscript library would be a fairly easy change.17:22.26 
chrisl henrys: on Unix, we don't normally build a gs library17:23.06 
henrys chrisl:it's there are and it works right?17:23.32 
  the .so target?17:23.40 
chrisl Yes, but that's a complete PITA to test and debug with17:23.56 
henrys I do like your idea I just don't know if you can afford the pharmaceuticals associated with that project ;-)17:25.00 
  anyway I shall return to the agenda but be around for quite some time. Look forward to seeing you guys in Miami!17:25.49 
kens Yes, see you all then, I need to go cook now17:26.07 
  Goodnight all17:26.16 
chrisl henrys: if you add Robin_Watts suggestion about flattening the directory structure to the agenda, we can discuss the build implications in person - might be a little easier17:26.37 
henrys will do.17:26.52 
Robin_Watts henrys: I wasn't suggesting we use a sharedlib.17:27.35 
henrys I already have gs directory restructuring on the agenda so that should trigger our memory well enough.17:27.42 
Robin_Watts just a static one.17:27.44 
  but most importantly the job would be to get it so that it was a separate build step.17:28.09 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's the thing: at the moment, we don't have a static library build, except I think you added one for PCL?17:28.35 
Robin_Watts Yes, but that was at the PCL lib level.17:28.56 
chrisl Yeh, but nowhere else do we make a static lib17:29.21 
Robin_Watts you may be right.17:29.49 
ray_laptop chrisl: there is (or was) an msvclib make option17:30.34 
  that actually builds a static lib -- probably bit rotted, if it's even still there17:31.10 
chrisl There have been a couple of a issues with command line length limits which are essentially unsolvable with the current approach, which would be solved by building components into static libs and then linking the appropriate combinations for executables17:31.25 
henrys chrisl:so you envisions something like the the third party font scaler that has builds a lib for each subsystem.17:31.27 
chrisl henrys: *eventually*, yes17:31.44 
henrys the font scaler that shall not be named.17:31.46 
  makes sense17:32.23 
ray_laptop henrys: oh, we aren't supposed to mention it by name here ?17:32.29 
henrys prefer to be under their radar yes.17:33.01 
chrisl henrys: as you said, my constitution may not handle doing everything all once.......17:33.38 
alexcher Should we split bugs 693658 and 693659 into individual cases? I cannot reproduce 3/4 ot the reported problems. What was the command line used by the customer?17:37.44 
Robin_Watts alexcher: My approach to the mupdf set of bugs was to run through them, attempting to confirm them. If I could confirm them, and easily fix it, I did so. If not, I spun out a bug.17:39.43 
chrisl alexcher: given the nature of the problems, it probably needs the same code they tested with (as well as the command line, system type etc) to reproduce them reliably17:40.00 
  Do we know what Ghostscript version they tested?17:40.20 
Robin_Watts alexcher: They told us the SHA they used, didn't they?17:40.21 
chrisl It's not mentioned in the bug.....17:40.56 
Robin_Watts 591a6e95b11f07611f612a691c7e06e169c1fe93. 17:41.06 
henrys I have it on the agenda but IMO it should be assigned back to marcos for divvying up.17:41.11 
  should I just go ahead and do that.17:41.24 
Robin_Watts It was in their support mail of 21 Feb.17:41.28 
alexcher What's SHA?17:41.29 
Robin_Watts the git hash17:41.35 
chrisl Robin_Watts: could you add that to the bug, please?17:41.55 
henrys I just sent it back to Marcos17:43.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: done.17:44.04 
chrisl Thanks - I don't see a command line mentioned either (my mail archive is pretty chaotic!)17:44.52 
Robin_Watts yeah, I've been digging, and I can't see a command line either :(17:47.30 
  Let me mail them back and ask.17:47.46 
chrisl Well, that's a irresistible deal: "Upgrade the whole trip to Premium Economy for GBP 1,895.00 extra per person" - er, thanks, but no thanks!17:49.40 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Did they just ring you too? They called me and said "oh, my computer has just crashed..."17:51.20 
  Apparently the flight is "medium full", so we may get lucky and have some spare seats.17:51.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, I looked up the web site, on the off chance of getting a reasonable upgrade price.....17:52.06 
  Oh, I wonder if that was the phone call on my mobile I missed earlier17:53.20 
Robin_Watts seat map makes it look chocka.17:53.34 
chrisl Oh, great :-(17:53.53 
Robin_Watts but they don't release some seats until the day, and all the extra legroom ones are always greyed out etc.17:56.19 
  malc_: ping17:57.17 
  malc_: I did some tests here, and we ARE culling text as we'd expect to be doing.17:58.05 
  so I looked at your test code and got very confused. 
  Am I to assume that you were doing: ttest 256 and ttest 4096 and seeing more or less the same timings ?17:59.13 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab18:02.44 
ray_laptop well -- found a real bug that would cause indeterminate results. The problem is with sumatra/x_-_integer_overflow_in_fz_newpixmap.pdf. On a halftoned device we use image_render_mono_ht which uses the "color_cache", but only the first two elements have been filled in19:00.55 
  the values returned from the FlateDecode are outside the range 0..1 (0x41)19:04.02 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Coo.19:06.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: not really. Looks really UGLY. I wonder if mvrhel_laptop knew something when he suggested valgrind ?19:09.44 
  The image_init_color_cache is using the index table data without clamping to 'hival' number of entries, then the color_cache is also used directly19:13.44 
  with no regard for out-of-range data (above hival)19:14.06 
Robin_Watts just that valgrind is good for spotting indeterminisms.19:19.30 
ray_laptop the spec calls for "if it is outside the range 0 to hival, it is adjusted to the nearest value within that range."19:19.31 
Robin_Watts so can you add a clamping phase?19:19.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: rather than check on each pixel lookup, I think I'll just fill the cache with the correct value when it is initialized19:20.29 
Robin_Watts has a gs stroking bug that involves undoing a previous fix :(19:20.35 
  ray_laptop: Right.19:20.38 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: great. glad you were able to track down the issue19:40.14 
ray_laptop tempted to push the commit without a prior regression, but I always get burned doing that :-(19:57.21 
  I'm surprised we hadn't seen that more often, but I guess data outside the 'hival' range of an indexed colorspace is rare enough19:58.17 
Robin_Watts Does that fix resolve all 25 of the differences ?19:58.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: first I am making the change to the master, since it is really unrelated to my other changes, then I'll apply it to my branch, and test that, so I'll let you know after a couple of regression runs.19:59.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Perfect.19:59.41 
ray_laptop darn, I forgot to do update of my master from origin before the run, so I may pick up some false diffs :-(20:02.04 
  what is it ? abort ???20:02.17 
Robin_Watts yup.20:03.00 
  Then wait 1 minute before resubmitting a job (or until the dashboard shows it's aborted)20:03.36 
ray_laptop oops. I just restarted20:04.13 
Robin_Watts The dashboard shows it's OK, I think.20:04.43 
ray_laptop looks like I squeaked by because all the servers got the Abort20:04.50 
Robin_Watts The cluster checks for new jobs (which includes aborts) once a minute.20:05.13 
  so if you abort and reschedule, quickly the cluster can miss the abort.20:05.27 
  (hmm, extra comma in that sentence)20:05.41 
ray_laptop bbiaw (after the 'master' run finishes), then I'll start my pdf14_clist_optimize run THEN push the master (so the run I'm most interested in gets started first)20:08.03 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right, but if you do that, the cluster won't have updated it's idea of what is "right".20:09.26 
  Better to let the cluster run the new master (so any indetermisms are gone from master), then when you run your pdf14_clist_optimise run, it'll be checked against the new correct thing.20:10.27 
ray_laptop I _REALLY_ want to get this off my plate !20:11.21 
  Robin_Watts: true, but the 'differences from previous clusterpush' will tell me, right ?20:12.14 
Robin_Watts yes. Unless you need to run more than one job, in which case you'll wish you'd just done it the easy way in the first place :)20:12.57 
ray_laptop I'm surprised that the problem file didn't show up indeterminate more often -- pbmraw is always run20:15.07 
Robin_Watts Was the array on the stack ?20:15.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, it's allocated by PostScript20:16.06 
Robin_Watts Given that Miles and Scott are doing AndDevCon in Boston in May (28-31st), I wonder if that's where our next staff meeting will be.20:17.29 
  Early june is abour right, yes?20:17.41 
ray_laptop Oh, that's the one that mvrhel_laptop said he wasn't going to. 20:18.52 
Robin_Watts the show? or the staff meeting?20:19.16 
ray_laptop They have his email wrong vhrel instead of vrhel 20:19.33 
  the conference20:19.46 
Robin_Watts Right. I keep getting messages from them too.20:19.59 
ray_laptop "save $500"20:20.11 
Robin_Watts yeah.20:20.16 
ray_laptop about time to upgrade peeves to an i_3770. I wonder what speed alex_i3770 is ?20:21.25 
  that one, meters and inches are always the fastest20:21.59 
Robin_Watts ?20:23.40 
Robin_Watts will delay his cluster test til later.20:29.16 
alexcher ray_laptop: it's standard i3770 with a separate disk for regression.20:32.02 
ray_laptop alexcher: separate disk ? 20:40.14 
  alexcher: sata HD or SSD ?20:40.35 
  guess I'll have a look at the differences with bmpcmp :-( at least the problem file showed up as a diff :-)20:42.34 
Robin_Watts sorry ray, I was sure I aborted my job.20:49.49 
  Will I get in your way if I run a test now ? (after your bmpcmp ?)20:50.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you were already running one20:51.20 
Robin_Watts yes, the one that I thought I'd aborted.20:51.31 
  I've killed it now, so your bmpcmp can run.20:51.38 
  If I reschedule one after that will it be in your way.20:51.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, go ahead and run it. I am going to have lunch anyway20:51.58 
alexcher ray_laptop: HDD 1gb20:52.07 
Robin_Watts Thanks.20:52.09 
alexcher ray_laptop: HDD 1TB20:53.08 
ray_laptop I went ahead and queued up my pdf14_clist_optimize run also20:54.07 
  after I saw that yours was queued, Robin_Watts :-)20:55.04 
  such a small set of files for bmpcmp that "meters" finished them all before most other machines finished compiling20:56.13 
  and 'inches' is still building :-(20:56.32 
henrys oh the time changes while we are in Miiami20:58.35 
ray_laptop not good. tests_private/comparefiles/ shows up with a cyan background with plank :-(21:08.21 
  wonder what that's about ?21:08.30 
  Robin_Watts: the mem_planar_fill_rectangle_hl_color is loading the color for the fill_rectangle color from pdcolor->colors.devn.values[], but the pdcolor->type is gx_dc_type_data_ht_binary21:33.44 
henrys Robin_Watts: could you forward the agenda to paul I don't think he is on the "staff" mailing list.21:34.02 
  or I guess I'll just do it. nvm21:34.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so it's picking up the address of the b_ht structure as a color. This AIN'T right. Is this yours or mvrhel_laptop's21:36.27 
  mvrhel_laptop: what do you think. BTW, I see it with -sDEVICE=plank and comparefiles/104-01.ps21:39.57 
  YAIC (Yet Another Indeterminate Case) -- depends on the address of stuff in memory :-(21:41.41 
  at this rate, I'm not making any progress on putting in bugs -- just finding ones already there :-(21:42.23 
gandaro mupdf-v8.exe is probably the version that supports JavaScript?22:53.36 
  I have translated the MuPDF main page already, when you have time (and I have surveyed it once again), I will send it to you23:25.25 
  or translate the rest of the page23:25.44 
  but it's late, I have to go to bed, ;)23:25.58 
ray_laptop I went ahead an pushed my fix for image_init_color_cache since it was obviously wrong and the file I found it with is fixed. I may just open a bug for 104-01.ps23:46.40 
  unless I can find a quick fix. It is also quite broken, but rare in the real world -- not many people use the 'erasepage' feature to paint other than white23:47.41 
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