IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/03/29)2013/03/30 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Bad news from 532 :(00:46.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: did you see my response yet ?01:07.14 
  I'll wait to get specifics on what exactly is the problem01:07.44 
  and will say no more here (at least not on a private chat) ;-)01:08.11 
  in the meantime, I will "continue checking" (really, I will) ;-)01:08.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Good response.01:10.19 
  Sabina seems... new?01:10.31 
ray_laptop pointy hair ?01:11.00 
Robin_Watts could be :)01:11.19 
  Coo. Got through almost 1000 more allocation events before I hit the next SEGV in the memory squeezing.01:13.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: check private tab...01:13.34 
Robin_Watts bedtime for me. have a good easter.01:17.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: g'nite. Happy Easter to you, too01:20.33 
pl Hello. I'm trying to setup a postscript printer with CUPS, but when I try to print some PDF files ghostscript starts eating the 100% of the cpu, produces an enormous output even in the input PDF was very small, or sometimes even garbles the printer.01:30.42 
  I'm using GS 9.0501:30.57 
  The command line is something like 01:33.17 
  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -dLanguageLevel=3 -r1200 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT -c save pop -f /var/spool/cups/tmp/049b051622dfe01:33.19 
  do you have any clue about this problem?01:33.29 
Hope hi07:20.52 
ghostbot que tal, hope07:20.52 
Hope are there anyone here?07:21.17 
sebras kens: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easterier!12:00.49 
Robin_Watts sebras: kens probably wont understand that. He's the only one that's never seen that message.12:52.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: most people probably don't track those messages. I'm not sure tor8 sees them either...13:09.21 
  Robin_Watts: happy easter by the way!13:09.36 
Robin_Watts and to you!13:13.25 
ray trying a new IRC client on chrome.18:48.06 
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