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soo Hi Robin08:01.57 
  I was here a couple of days back on an issue integrating mupdf with android. As of now the demo application worked for me only on 1 device,samsung galaxy tab which is running on android 2.2, no other devices or emulators worked in my case. Can anyone give a possible solution for this?08:04.45 
  I tested on Samsung galaxy Pro(android 2.2), Motorola Fire XT(android 2.3.4) and Samsung galaxy tab (android 2.2)08:05.49 
  Like a build or something that I can use for running it on 2.2 and all emulators. I tried running the app on emulator with armeabi v7 as well, still no lucj08:09.09 
  Hi all, my issue I guess is with armeabi processor, once my processing env is chosen as armeabi-v7a its working. I have changed APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a to APP_ABI := all. Is there anything I am missing? Can anybody guide me please?09:01.35 
Robin_Watts soo: Have you tested with the normal android emulator running Froyo ?11:59.59 
soo yes robin12:00.26 
  I think I found what my issue is Robin12:00.35 
  You see I never had an NDK12:00.45 
Robin_Watts go on12:00.45 
soo I was only using normal SDK. Libraries I copy it into libs/armeabi12:01.11 
Robin_Watts oh.12:01.19 
soo I have one such file, so I think, it needs to be copied to different folders like armeabi, armeabi-v7a12:01.41 
  so on12:01.43 
Robin_Watts could be. Really you should just get the ndk and follow the build instructions.12:02.14 
soo Also probably the .so s am having must be different than one you guys could be using12:02.24 
  Isn't there any other way Robin, like to get these so files which are precompiled? That should just do the trick for me12:03.05 
Robin_Watts soo: We don't offer the files precompiled.12:03.36 
soo Right now, am using so files which I got from some other app, and I have copied the same file in both armeabi and armeabi-v7a12:04.00 
  I unzipped an app, I dont remember which app it was, initially the mupdf app from playstore and then some other guy's lib, 
Robin_Watts That relies on "some other app" not having changed the code. Or us not having changed the code since. You can that that, but don't come back and complain when it doesn't work.12:05.39 
soo Robin: Am not complainng anything. Its just that I never knew I needed an NDK to make this work12:06.49 
Robin_Watts soo: The instructions in the source are very clear.12:07.04 
soo Can you give me some instruction set with which I can compile these again12:07.43 
Robin_Watts Read android/ReadMe.txt and follow the instructions therein. If there is a particular point that isn't clear, please ask.12:08.23 
soo Sure, thanks12:09.16 
Robin_Watts hmm. I'm having trouble using the Froyo emulator here.12:10.11 
  It seems it's missing loadAnimator12:10.28 
soo You can tweak that12:11.36 
  remove animators and it should work12:11.44 
  those animations work on 3.0 and above, so I had to remove them12:12.04 
  also, couple of classes ArrayDeque and Deque12:12.19 
Robin_Watts There is code that should only call them if we're on new enough versions.12:12.34 
soo u can include that inside the same namespace12:12.35 
Robin_Watts and ArrayDeque has been included now.12:12.41 
soo oh12:12.48 
  can you give me the full path now please12:12.58 
  I meant the url12:13.03 
Robin_Watts the url of what?12:13.16 
soo your source repository12:13.29 
Robin_Watts You should really be working from git.12:13.31 
  The details of which are on mupdf.com12:13.39 
soo Oh yes. Saw it. Can you tell me what is cygwin?12:16.05 
  I have never used ndk before. So apologies for my lack of knowledge12:16.41 
soo So I just need cygwin right? Not NDK?12:18.47 
Robin_Watts NDK runs under cygwin. You need cygwin to make the NDK work on windows. If you are using windows you need both. This is very clear in ReadMe.txt. Please read it,and follow the instructions therein.12:20.38 
soo ok12:20.52 
Robin_Watts I'll finx the animatorInflator stuff tomorrow.12:22.38 
soo Oh that's great. So after that this demo will be completely runnable in 2.2 right12:23.24 
mvdan any mupdf or mupdf/android devs here?19:04.57 
  I just wanted to ask whether you have any donation method we could include with the mupdf app in F-Droid19:06.33 
Robin_Watts mvdan: Hi23:05.10 
  What is this F-Droid ?23:05.23 
  We don't currently have any donation method, but it's something I can ask about.23:07.11 
sebras mvdan: oh. thanks for the tip. I didn't know of f-droid before. :)23:28.21 
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