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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/04/30)2013/05/01 
enginuitor Is -dQFactor=x.x the correct parameter to use to control the "quality" of images compressed by DCTEncode?02:34.42 
  Because I'm trying to get some control over the same, and regardless of what value I pass for QFactor I get the exact same output02:35.48 
  hmm, okay, apparently the answer is that you can't control the quality when using DCTEncode04:19.26 
  I had to hard-code in a call to gs_jpeg_set_quality04:21.21 
Guest11688 hey, I could really use some help on how to use gs to re-render a pdf with new resolutions for images, is anyone up for a quick look at the command I'm trying to use? 07:24.50 
kens There are a whole slew of settings you need to set07:25.27 
Guest11688 so, taking the most basic approach I've been trying: 07:26.13 
kens Please note that the pdfwrite device is not actually intended for this purpose, its really intended to convert PostScript into PDF07:26.22 
  Anything else is effectively a bonus07:26.37 
Guest11688 gs -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sOUTPUTFILE=<OUTPUT_PDF> -dDownscaleColorImages=true -dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic -dColorImageResolution=<RES> -q <INPUT_PDF>07:26.40 
kens Bicubic is not supported (well, it is now, but not released)07:27.03 
  You also need to set the DownsampleThreshold07:27.20 
Guest11688 ah - I see, I'll just try that out thanks07:28.57 
  Any better approach for re-writing the pdf like that then using the pdfwrite device? 07:29.18 
kens There are tools intended for the job of manipualting PDF files, I'm sure one or more will offer the option to reduce the effective resolution of images.07:30.09 
  I'm not saying pdfwrite won't work, but you need to understand the limits under which it operates07:30.34 
Guest11688 My output pdf seems to have the same size no matter what <RES> value I set. I tried setting the DownsampleThreshold to a very small value like 0.1 to ensure that it would downsample and a low resolution like 12.0 or something, but the size is the same as not setting any of the parameters for scaling at all07:48.17 
  ex: gs -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sOUTPUTFILE=<outputpdf> -dDownscaleColorImages=true -dColorImageResolution=12.0 -dDownsampleThreshold=0.1 -q <inputpdf>07:50.56 
kens If Guest11688 comes back, poitn out to him that DownscaleColorImages is actually called DownsampleColorImages. If he uses the right switch it'll probably work.08:50.43 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: Stupid fonty fallback question if I may09:22.04 
  In gs, fonts fallback to a range of fonts, right?09:22.25 
  and cidfonts fallback to... just droidsansfallback ?09:22.39 
  (as configured by default at least)09:23.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, there's some hairy/horrid heuristics for fonts09:23.59 
Robin_Watts The bug I have here, we have a request for a CIDFont called "ArialMT". We were falling back to a non-CIDFont for Heletica, and so all the glyphs were garbled.09:25.12 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Yes, I mentioned that to Tor quite a while ago, but it wasn't a user bug, just something I stumbled across09:25.51 
Robin_Watts I've arranged a patch so we fallback from cidfont to cidfont (droidsans)09:26.34 
  but I was wondering if it was feasible to fallback from cidfont -> font if we remapped some chars.09:27.01 
chrisl It would be possible, but why bother?09:27.24 
Robin_Watts so if someone requests a cidfont "Arial" we'd fallback to Helvetica where chars exist, and then to droidsans if they didn't,.09:27.49 
  chrisl: For better matching.09:27.55 
chrisl That's not better matching, that's worse - if you ask for a cidfont, you should get a cidfont09:28.17 
  It's pretty horrible, because you'd be relying totally on knowing the glyph ordering of the cidfont *and* the contents of the font, neither of which you are sure to know09:29.31 
  Personally, I don't like going to excessive effort to "fake up" substitute fonts because it hides real problems with files09:31.13 
Robin_Watts ok, so my approach seems right then.09:31.34 
  We'll just let tor8 pull my implementation to bits later :)09:31.50 
chrisl I find it hard to believe that Helvetica would contain glyphs missing from DroidSansFallback anyway09:32.11 
Robin_Watts It's not that they might be missing. They might be a poor visual match.09:32.37 
chrisl Well, that's the risk you run relying on a substitute font - moral of the story: embed fonts!!09:33.09 
mcs Hi, can anyone explain me the significance/role of Document, View and Screen Space09:39.56 
Robin_Watts pgogna (b647b07e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 
  mcs (b647b07e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 
mcs I am his colligue, we are working on the same network09:42.50 
Robin_Watts Ah, right.09:43.04 
  Each page in a PDF file is described in terms of "document space" coordinates.09:43.25 
mcs thanks09:43.38 
Robin_Watts When the PDF file says "put this text here, at these coordinates", it's talking in document space coords.09:44.02 
mcs hmm09:44.16 
Robin_Watts So 0,0 is the top left of the page, and it extends to page_width/page_height at the bottom right.09:44.56 
mcs thanks09:45.38 
Robin_Watts (actually, there may be some other scalings/margins etc in there due to various things, but as far as the raw data exposed by mupdf, you can imagine that what I've just said is correct)09:45.48 
mcs ok09:46.03 
Robin_Watts In the MuPDF Android build, we then hold each page in a 'view'.09:46.11 
mcs So for iOs, you are not doing it?09:46.38 
Robin_Watts Each view also extends from (0,0) in the top left corner, to view_width/view_height09:46.54 
  In order to zoom the page, we increase/decrease the view_width/view_height.09:47.19 
mcs I see09:47.46 
Robin_Watts The iOS app has a different internal structure - it's to do with the different mechanisms for scrolling etc that exist in android/iOS.09:48.13 
  but it's broadly similar, I would imagine.09:48.23 
  So, that's view space. Converting from document space <-> view space is easy, as you as you know page_width/page_height/view_width/view_height.09:49.04 
  Views are then positioned on screen according to their left hand/top edges.09:49.42 
  If a view has it's left hand edge off the screen, then the left hand position will be -something.09:50.19 
  If there is a gap to the left of the page, then the left hand position will be +something.09:50.50 
mcs hmm09:51.06 
Robin_Watts So, adding in these offsets is how you go from view space to screen space.09:51.28 
mcs Is there any relationship between the view space (view_width / view_height) and device screen size?09:52.51 
Robin_Watts When a page is first opened, we scale it so that either the width or the height of the view fills the width or the height of the screen.09:54.17 
  but as we zoom in and out of pages, no there is no fixed relationship left.09:54.55 
mcs So they are independent? 09:55.06 
  What is the relationship between view space and document space? I am a bit murky on view space here.09:56.45 
  Do we see a document through a view?09:58.20 
  What if the dimensions of the view and screen differ? (If its a valid question)09:59.50 
  Ok, here is a scenario10:01.39 
  Imagine a PDF is opened when its best fit to height - in other words, you can see the entire PDF height wise10:02.21 
Robin_Watts sorry, was on phone.10:02.48 
  We do indeed see a document through a view.10:03.01 
mcs then, if we try to get a bounding box of text, it appears almost correctly (we are drawing an overlay of the bbox)10:03.08 
Robin_Watts Think of a view as being a bitmap image of the entire page at screen scale.10:03.41 
  So initially, in the case you describe, if the PDF is opened to fit best to height, screen_height = view_height, and screen_width >= view_width.10:04.28 
mcs Now, you pinch zoom, so you are now looking at a zoomed in view of the PFD, now we double tap to get the bbox10:04.42 
  we still get it as if the view is not zoomed in - in other words, the PDF is fit to height10:05.14 
  Any opinions on the scenario?10:05.24 
Robin_Watts Right. When you zoom in, view_height = screen_height * 2 (say)10:05.28 
  When you double tap to get the bbox, if you're getting bbox coords in doc space, then they will come back to be the same regardless of the zoom factor.10:06.37 
  If you're getting them in view space, then they'll come back differently - and you'd expect them to be twice as big.10:07.06 
mcs I see10:07.08 
  So what space do you suspect we are getting the the bbox in that might be causing this behaviour?10:07.42 
Robin_Watts I have no idea.10:08.00 
  because I don't know what processing you are doing on the values.10:08.16 
  and frankly, I don't want to know.10:08.30 
mcs hmm10:08.31 
Robin_Watts You've got all the screen sizes/page sizes etc.10:09.04 
  You should be capable of doing some tests to check that the values you get at each stage look reasonable.10:09.20 
mcs hmm10:09.31 
  yes, we are trying that10:09.49 
  its almost working10:09.55 
Robin_Watts And if they are, then it's a simple matter to convert from one space to another.10:10.04 
mcs yes, thats why i am learning the significance of spaces10:10.25 
  Its working if we zoom the PDF to fit height10:10.47 
  otherwise, it doesnt work, because internally it always believes that the zoom level is fit to eight or as you mentioned, screen_height = view_height10:11.37 
  eight = height10:12.01 
  thanks for your help10:14.10 
  let me know if some idea comes to your mind regarding the scenario10:14.42 
Robin_Watts Morning tor810:21.28 
tor8 hi robin.10:25.00 
Robin_Watts A review on robin master for you.10:25.11 
  Essentially, it alters font fallback so cidfonts can't fall back to fonts, only to cidfonts.10:25.32 
tor8 that could be dangerous... the font fallback stuff is very delicate :(10:26.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: Well, it's an advance for this file, and I can't see offhand how it can break anything else.10:26.38 
  but have a look and see if you can see something I've missed.10:26.47 
tor8 lots of non-cjk fonts are implemented as cid-fonts10:27.11 
  mostly with identity-h encodings10:27.25 
Robin_Watts right. and if we ever fall back from a cidfont to a font, we get garbled text.10:27.33 
  because the orders on fonts and cidfonts are different.10:27.43 
tor8 define ordering10:28.00 
  do you mean encoding?10:29.12 
Robin_Watts the default position of a glyoh (say '3') is different in a cidfont with an identity-h encoding, than it is in a font.10:29.13 
  do I ?10:29.16 
tor8 the glyph id of a character varies randomly from font to font, has nothing to do with cid or non-cid...?10:29.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: Hmm. I don't know the terminology here, so bear with me.10:30.09 
tor8 if we don't have a way to get at an actual encoding, it's all just random guessing10:30.11 
Robin_Watts The situation I have is that I have a file that asks for a CIDfont ArialMT, which supposedly has Identity-H encoding.10:30.41 
tor8 most commonly when the creator has not embedded a truetype font and assumes the substitute font will always be a specific microsoft ttf10:30.45 
  and then it (erroneously) assumes that it can encode the glyph id directly10:31.04 
Robin_Watts and the text is then "30 Rue des halles" or something.10:31.14 
  If we fallback to a font, we get "1?sdsdfjas".10:31.40 
tor8 which, if we have the actual microsoft font, will work. but if we use any other font (as would be allowed by the spec) all bets are off what you'll actually see10:31.40 
  the ToUnicode mapping is only used for searchability, never for glyph lookup10:31.57 
Robin_Watts If instead we fallback to DroidSansFallback, we get perfect results.10:31.58 
  gs/Acrobat etc all get it right.10:32.11 
tor8 that would probably be a random side effect of droidsansfallback having the same internal glyph ordering as ArialMT on windows10:32.31 
  gs and acrobat may have access to the real ArialMT file10:32.51 
  acrobat certainly will, not sure about gs10:32.57 
Robin_Watts Talking to chris this morning, he says (I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong) that gs never falls back from CIDFont to Font for exactly this reason.10:33.13 
tor8 do you have the bug#?10:33.19 
Robin_Watts He spotted this problem ages ago.10:33.23 
  It's in my commit message.10:33.29 
tor8 pdf.js gets that one right too10:34.47 
  my guess would be that both pdf.js and sumatra have access to arial.ttf10:35.00 
Robin_Watts gs doesn't.10:35.19 
  AIUI gs only has droidsansfallback for cidfonts.10:35.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: is that true for all cidfonts, or just cjk fonts?10:36.27 
Robin_Watts This isn't a CJK font.10:36.58 
  or at least, the characters in question are all latin.10:37.12 
tor8 that's what I mean, so maybe it isn't using droidsansfallback for it10:37.14 
  the odd thing about that file is that some of the fonts look alright but some don't10:37.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right. There are 3 fonts, only one of which is a cidfont.10:37.44 
  no, sorry. There are 3 fonts. At least 1 is not a cidfont, at least 1 is.10:37.57 
tor8 they're all the same10:38.14 
  all three are type0 with identity-h10:38.26 
Robin_Watts 6 0 obj = Arial-BoldMT as a Type0 with a CIDFontType2.10:39.28 
  7 0 obj = ArialMT as a Type0 with a CIDFontType2 descendant.10:40.32 
  and 9 is the same but italic.10:41.10 
  Hmm. OK. I don't know how one works and the others don't.10:41.21 
tor8 they should all be having the same problems...10:41.23 
  maybe we should add some optional font parsing logging to all the steps we do when picking encodings10:42.08 
  okay, if you compile with -DNODROIDFONT we get the base14 as substitute fonts10:43.50 
  in that case *all* of them end up garbled10:43.57 
Robin_Watts ah.10:45.41 
tor8 we normally use droidsans.ttf as a fallback for all non-cjk fonts10:46.00 
  droidsansfallback is reserved for CJK10:46.08 
Robin_Watts so ensuring that we only fallback from cidfont to cidfont still sounds right to me.10:46.22 
tor8 it will make no difference. droidsansfallback is not a cidfont10:46.42 
  it may share internal glyph ordering with arial.ttf but that's only coincidence10:47.08 
Robin_Watts Oh.10:47.18 
tor8 for non-embedded CJK cid fonts we use the CMaps in the cmap directory to look up the correspending unicode code point for each character10:47.48 
  then map that through droidsansfallback.ttfs unicode encoding10:47.58 
Robin_Watts Can we do that for ALL non embedded cid fonts? not just CJK ones?10:48.23 
tor8 nope. because of Identity-H which means that the characters in the PDF file are supposed to be used directly as the glyph index, bypassing the encoding tables10:49.00 
  that's where the problem lies. the file specifies a specific glyph index in a specific truetype file. but it "forgot" to embed it.10:49.54 
  and relies on the viewer to be on windows and have access to exactly the same font file that was used to create the pdf10:50.16 
chrisl tor8: but it doesn't bypass the cmap tables in the TTF, does it?10:50.27 
tor8 chrisl: identity-h bypasses the cmap in the ttf10:50.39 
  it may have a secondary lookup via the CIDToGID array in the font descriptor10:50.54 
  but an identity-h will never use the ttf cmap10:51.04 
chrisl IIRC, Ghostscript uses a "special" CMap to handle this case.....10:51.29 
Robin_Watts Ok. How about "for all non embedded, cidfonts where we can't use ToUnicode to help us, only fallback to fonts that we know have a 'standard' glyph ordering (i.e. droidsansfallback)".10:51.42 
tor8 yeah. what we could do is set up some CMAp tables giving identity-glyph-index-to-unicode mappings for the common windows fonts10:52.03 
chrisl Frankly, that will work the vast majority of the time10:52.13 
Robin_Watts tor8: That sounds better, but much more work.10:52.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we would have to look at the "standard" glyph ordering of all microsofts fonts first to see if there actually is one10:52.55 
chrisl Okay, Ghostscript uses Identity-UTF16-H to map from Identity-H to a Unicode value we can pass to the TTF font10:53.08 
tor8 and if there is, even better, we just need to make one CMap to go from microsoft-glyph-id to unicode10:53.18 
sebras heh... I remember writing about this file a few days ago.10:53.31 
  tor8: wouldn't that be the same as ToUnicode..?10:53.47 
tor8 sebras: it might be, but should work even in the absence of ToUnicode10:54.13 
  a proper ToUnicode would be useless here, because it may contain N-to-M mappings as well10:54.30 
  but as a fallback, it may be the path of least resistance10:54.46 
  if cidfont and identity-h and not embedded: use tounicode and the same approach as cjk fonts (but with the same fallback font as used today, not necessarily droidsansfallback)10:55.36 
sebras tor8: so if there is a /ToUnicode, use that, if there isn't use a builtin cmap ms->unicode instead?10:55.37 
chrisl Frankly, I don't think it's worth all the effort - if it works, great. If it doesn't work, that's the price for relying on substitute cidfonts10:56.06 
tor8 chrisl: so that's just taking the character values and pretending they're unicode?10:56.18 
sebras tor8: isn't that what mupdf does now..?10:56.39 
chrisl tor8: yes, or use a one-size-fits-all mapping, like GS does10:56.45 
tor8 personally I'd be perfectly happy to say "screw this file, it's broken"10:56.49 
  sebras: we don't use the ToUnicode for encoding10:57.04 
  sebras: or do you mean "taking character values and pretending they're unicode"?10:57.24 
chrisl tor8: I still think it would be good for mupdf to allow some means of accessing other font files, though10:57.36 
sebras tor8: the latter.10:57.41 
tor8 we are currently taking character values and using them as glyph ids as the spec says, but without access to the correct font, we get garbage10:57.55 
  chrisl: sumatrapdf have their own substitute font lookup that finds windows system fonts10:58.19 
  which is why they can draw this file correctly10:58.28 
chrisl tor8: but that's a Windows specific solution - I'd rather see a general purpose one available in the core10:59.08 
tor8 chrisl, Robin_Watts I think I may have a simple fix for this11:00.32 
  by using the ToUnicode if available11:00.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Great.11:00.50 
  but I nobbled the ToUnicode, and Acrobat/gs still got it right.11:01.02 
chrisl Acrobat will be using Arial, and gs does it's own mapping stuff11:01.57 
  Robin_Watts: IIRC, only the vector devices ever use ToUnicode ings11:02.34 
  s/ings/in gs11:02.42 
  I can't remember if Freetype lets you pass in gids, skipping the cmap tables.....11:03.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. so we could assemble our own ToUnicode CMaps for microsofts truetype fonts11:04.02 
  and dump them in cmaps/11:04.09 
  chrisl: we always pass in gids to freetype in mupdf11:04.23 
  and we use freetype to explicitly look things up in freetype cmaps if needed11:04.53 
chrisl tor8: okay, so couldn't you just skip the cmap table lookup?11:05.03 
tor8 chrisl: I do. that's why it's ending up as garbage.11:05.17 
  because the glyph ids we get from the pdf don't "match" the same character in our substitute font as arial.ttf11:05.40 
chrisl Oh, I right, sorry - brain's a bit fuzzy :-(11:06.07 
tor8 here's what happens in mupdf:11:06.10 
  1) decode the character from the content stream (using the multibyte codespacerange stuff in the CMap if the font has one)11:06.36 
  2) convert the code point from (1) into a CID using the CMap if it exists11:06.53 
  these steps happen in pdf_show_string in pdf_interpret.c and use fontdesc->encoding11:08.20 
  pdf_decode_cmap for step 111:08.29 
  pdf_lookup_cmap for step 211:08.35 
Robin_Watts runs. I trust you'll have this all sorted by the time I return :)11:08.54 
tor8 in this file, fontdesc->encoding is a 2-byte identity encoding11:08.58 
  okay, if robin watts isn't interested I'll just shut up now.11:09.44 
sebras ehm... hi..?11:10.32 
tor8 sebras: right, so you're still listening :)11:10.49 
  continuing then11:10.55 
sebras I am.11:11.05 
  because I looked at the file.11:11.12 
tor8 so the value from step 2 gets passed to pdf_show_char as the CID11:11.16 
chrisl tor8: right, IIRC, Ghostscript creates a CIDDecoding resource (an inverse CMap) for use when substituting to go from a CID to a Unicode code.11:11.38 
tor8 chrisl: we do the same in mupdf, but only for CJK fonts11:12.05 
chrisl tor8: gs does it for any CIDfont substitution11:12.21 
tor8 I have a hack here to use the ToUnicode in this case11:12.33 
  chrisl: right. for identity-h and an embedded font that CIDDecoding should be identity, correct?11:12.56 
sebras tor8: why can't we rely on ToUnicode always? (if it's present)11:13.14 
tor8 or do you always go through the truetype cmap? in which case you'll have to use the inverse of the cmap11:13.29 
chrisl tor8: that's where we use the custom CMAP Identity-UTF16-H11:13.35 
tor8 sebras: because it isn't supposed to be used to encode characters for display. the spec says so :)11:13.48 
chrisl tor8: I *think* we always go through the TTF cmap table11:14.03 
tor8 chrisl: I suspect that you may be mistaken there, because there are lots of cases where you shouldn't be using the ttf cmap table11:14.55 
  but if this is igor's old code, all bets are off. he probably invented some gold ruberg contraption to invert the cmap first :)11:15.38 
chrisl tor8: the problem is, when using substitute fonts like this, all bets are off, anyway11:16.03 
tor8 3) the cid is converted to a glyph id by calling pdf_font_cid_to_gid11:16.21 
  4) the gid is passed to freetype to render11:16.38 
chrisl tor8: I know when we have a "real" CIDFont, and the ordering is Identity, we skip the cmap table lookup (or possibly, the cmap table we lookup is a "fake" identity mapping)11:17.35 
tor8 3.a) if fontdesc has a to_ttf_cmap use that to look up a unicode value which is then passed through freetype's cmap handling11:18.45 
  3.b) if fontdesc has a cid_to_gid table, use that to get the gid instead11:19.11 
  3.c) neither of the above, assume the cid is a gid11:19.24 
  3.a is what happens for CJK cidfonts11:19.32 
sebras an 3.c in this file, right..?11:19.40 
tor8 3.b is what happens for embedded cid fonts11:19.41 
  3.c can also happen for embedded cid fonts, if there is no CIDToGID array in the font descriptor11:20.10 
  3.c is what happens in this file11:20.16 
  but shouldn't end up here because the font really should be embedded but isn't11:20.31 
sebras if the cmap is Identity-H as in this case and ToUnicode is not a direct mapping, couldn't this be used to tell whether the cmap is reliable or not..?11:21.31 
  or rather, that you can't know which one is wrong/right so you need to do some guess work.11:21.57 
tor8 okay, I'm on to one difference in the font loading11:30.53 
  one of the three fonts ends up as a "builtin" font, the other two as "system" fonts11:31.10 
  ArialMT -> Helvetica -- builtin11:31.21 
sebras and this is the one that fails.11:31.30 
tor8 Arial-BoldMT,Bold -> system11:31.31 
  and the builtin font is the fail one11:31.42 
sebras and this all comes down to the difference between BaseFont and the cleaned up fornt name..?11:32.32 
tor8 builtin fonts don't get the substitute font treatment11:32.42 
  which is where our actual bug may be11:32.48 
  sebras: yeah.11:32.55 
sebras though both Helvetica and ArialMT are both in teh base_font_names table?11:33.26 
  teh! teh?! the! :p11:33.37 
tor8 pdfref1.7 (maybe earlier) abolished the notion of builtin fonts, but there are a lot of old files out there that may break if we drop the special handling for builtin fonts11:33.48 
  Robin_Watts: so you were on the right track after all, but for the wrong reasons :)11:36.42 
  Robin_Watts: one of the three fonts ended up using the builtin Helvetica font, and the other two using DroidSans11:37.16 
sebras tor8: I'm confused. so where is the error? it couldn't be because we're missing Arial-BoldMT,Bold in the lookup table, right? because if it was present it'd be substituted by Helvetica-Bold which likely would cause all the text to be garbled..?11:39.44 
tor8 sebras: two bugs here11:40.09 
  one -- we're treating a cid font as a builtin (when it never should be able to, only simple fonts should get that)11:40.27 
  two -- the one we've been discussing still remains. droidsans.ttf is lucky to have the same glyph indexes as arial so that's why the other two seemed like they worked.11:41.04 
  if you compile pdf_fontfile.c with -DNODROIDFONT all end up as garbage11:41.18 
sebras tor8: I see. so you'd still want the microsoft-to-unicode cmap for nr 2.11:41.50 
  how would you know when to apply it?11:42.20 
tor8 if (identity-encoding && substitute-font && not-CJK)11:42.59 
  or well, for microsoft-to-unicode we'd have to find a CMap based on the fontname11:43.25 
  but we can always try the ToUnicode in the above case11:43.34 
sebras ok, now it makes sense to me. now I'll let you get back to whipping up a patch. :)11:44.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sebras: two patches on tor/master11:52.52 
sebras tor8: looks good to me.12:08.39 
tor8 runs through sane suite with progressions12:08.51 
sebras nice.12:10.32 
tor8 running on the cluster now to get the bmpcmps12:12.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: I told you you'd have it sorted by the time I returned :)12:25.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: indeed :)12:25.53 
  progressions on both sane and bmpcmp and sebras said LGTM so I've pushed12:26.06 
Robin_Watts I'm afraid fonts are an area where I have tried to know as little as possible.12:26.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's a hairy area, so I can't blame you for staying away from it12:26.29 
sebras it has always annoyed me that I don't Get It<tm>... :(12:30.30 
kens tor8 Robin_Watts : 
  There's an answer there but its not terribly helpful12:34.44 
Robin_Watts will scribble something.12:40.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: hm... this probably only shows that I ought to populate the docs-directory a bit more...12:42.32 
Robin_Watts sebras: I suspect they want a nice friendly java class they can call - and it doesn't exist yet.12:43.00 
sebras wonders how people that can manage 100+ git branches in a single repo are wired...13:24.29 
Robin_Watts suspects they simply don't know about git branch -D :)13:50.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: no, that's not the case. they made it their branching policy to create branches for _every_ bugfix and every topic, and every project (consisting of bugfixes and topics) which are then merged into master. and all branches stay in the repo since they want to be able to combine these differently for other products.13:54.16 
  please, never do that in mupdf...13:54.24 
Robin_Watts 100s of active branches is just nuts.13:54.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: it is. sorry about griping here... :)13:56.34 
henrys more snow - we've gone from total draught to average snowpack in a month.14:31.06 
Robin_Watts but no more forest fires? :)14:40.06 
henrys yes that is the good news14:40.57 
paulgardiner makefiles: 2 paul: 014:43.01 
kens If this is the GS makefile, that's normal14:43.26 
paulgardiner I even tried threatening them with deletion.14:45.03 
henrys we've tried that they won't go away.14:45.30 
chrisl paulgardiner: careful, they'll fight back....14:45.35 
paulgardiner :-)14:46.11 
chrisl paulgardiner: actually, one big thing to remember with the Windows makefiles is that we rely on calling nmake recursively, and you have to explicitly new parameters to the subcalls14:47.20 
  s/explicitly/explicitly add14:47.43 
paulgardiner That's exavtly what I'm not understanding. I cannot see explicitly added parameters, other than defines.14:48.29 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Can you give us an example of a parameter that you're adding?14:49.11 
paulgardiner I'm just trying to understand how msvc32.mak debug works. msvc32.mak includes msvc32.mak includes msvc.mak which defines MAKEFILE=mscv32.mak and then the debug target calls nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) with a load of defines but no new target that I can see.14:51.33 
  Oops! Too many 32s14:51.54 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right. It doesn't set a target, just defines.14:52.10 
  so it gets the default target.14:52.17 
paulgardiner yeah, but that looks to be debug:14:52.34 
Robin_Watts The net effect is that "make debug" does exactly the same as "make" except that it has lots of other defines in it.14:52.49 
  It's not. There are includes in there I think.14:53.01 
paulgardiner Oh of course14:53.11 
  So the first include with a target?14:53.31 
Robin_Watts dosdefault:\n\tdefault14:54.14 
  in msvccmd.mak14:54.19 
  "dosdefault: default" even.14:54.49 
paulgardiner Ah ok.14:55.32 
Robin_Watts gs/base/gs.mak has "all default : $(GS_XE) ...14:56.04 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:38.18 
Robin_Watts morning15:53.29 
  henrys: When you did svgout from gs, how smart were you about not sending data multiple times?16:14.42 
  like repeatedly sending colors/stroke widths etc ?16:14.52 
  henrys: Did you check your svgwrite code in?16:16.20 
henrys ralph did svg out - but I'm familiar with it 16:16.31 
Robin_Watts I thought you had been working on it recently?16:16.55 
henrys devices/vectors/gdevsvg.c16:16.57 
  your thinking of xps16:17.03 
Robin_Watts Ah.16:17.09 
henrys I might have fixed some stuff.16:17.15 
  but yes the state is written infrequently - when something changes.16:17.56 
Robin_Watts ok.16:18.10 
  If I'm reading the spec correctly, I can only set colors, line states etc at group level.16:19.18 
henrys search for the poorly named svg->dirty_flag16:19.19 
Robin_Watts Right, so colors/stroke state are sent as groups, and any change in any of it causes it to be rewritten.16:21.21 
  and transforms are never sent.16:21.33 
henrys just at begin page time. the coordinates have already been put in "device" space16:22.32 
Robin_Watts Right. In mupdf the transform changes throughout the page.16:22.47 
  so either I need to roll that into ever object I output (flatten the objects w.r.t. transforms), or I need to be smarter.16:23.24 
henrys simple enough to do a transform with all the other state stuff right?16:23.35 
Robin_Watts henrys: Right, but then I need to reoutput all the state stuff whenever a color or a stroke state or a transform changes.16:24.18 
henrys stuff being color, line ends etc.16:24.22 
Robin_Watts which means I end up rewriting the state pretty much every time.16:24.34 
henrys oh is it very common in mupdf?16:24.39 
Robin_Watts I fear it's common, yes.16:25.02 
henrys scale the coordinates instead?16:25.25 
Robin_Watts Think of how often something changes between pdf write operations.16:25.29 
  yes, that's what I meant by flattening the objects w.r.t transforms.16:25.51 
henrys okay fine I'll read what you've right geez16:26.13 
Robin_Watts :)16:26.22 
henrys or write evne16:26.27 
Robin_Watts ok, for consistency, I'm going to go with the way gs does it.16:27.38 
  and for the lack of any better ideas for now :)16:27.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: either make a state tracker, or dump explicit for each element. I'd do the latter, and let gzip worry about file sizes.16:31.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah. In pdfwrite I track the state through gstates (pushes and pops etc)16:32.39 
  In svg I'm just going to have a dirty flag.16:32.54 
henrys svg support gzip ?16:32.58 
tor8 henrys: all web servers that send svg support gzip16:33.27 
  Robin_Watts: how would a dirty flag work?16:33.45 
  Robin_Watts: a new <g> every time state changes?16:33.58 
Robin_Watts yes.16:34.03 
  but I won't include the transform in the state.16:34.16 
tor8 that will be terrible for editing the svg in inkscape later16:34.18 
henrys right but it isn't part of the format so it really is not very good to depend on it.16:34.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: Presumably inkscape has the ability to 'flatten' groups ?16:35.39 
tor8 you could run the graphics through a pre-pass to collect the most common values to use as defaults, and then just override individual attributes where they differ16:35.51 
henrys does inkscape import pdf?16:36.02 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: thanks for looking over my plan to finish the AutoColorDetection stuff for cust 801. As I replied in the email, I plan on adding a 'pnmcmyk' device that will use this to write either a pgm (neutral true) or pamcmyk32 format.16:36.06 
tor8 svg is xml, I wouldn't worry about bloat16:36.07 
  since xml is going to be bloated no matter what...16:36.17 
henrys tor8:there is that.16:36.24 
tor8 and since xml is bloated, anybody who cares about size is going to gzip16:36.41 
Robin_Watts Well, just outputting explicit values each time is easy for me.16:36.43 
henrys ray_laptop:so we only have 1 page ahead with your background printing?16:36.55 
Robin_Watts and I can stay with using groups for transforms.16:36.56 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: no problem thank you for talking it over16:37.13 
tor8 it seems to me that the main reason for wanting svg out is to edit the file16:37.24 
Robin_Watts completely forgot to look at ray_laptops commit :(16:37.32 
tor8 and for that, explicit values and using <g> in "natural" locations would help16:37.36 
kens2 Right, I'm off. Goodnight all16:38.55 
Robin_Watts Well, I now have mupdf outputting tiger as an SVG properly. That counts as complete, right?17:27.33 
henrys Robin_Watts:right you're done.17:42.18 
marcosw Robin_Watts: Based on your tiger.pdf -> SVG success I've contacted the customer and told him the software is ready to ship...17:42.19 
Robin_Watts woo hoo!17:42.48 
henrys a fuzzy diff with a raster device is quick way to find problems17:43.26 
  probably stating the obvious17:43.44 
Robin_Watts henrys: Anything that involves text or bitmaps would find problems quickly :)17:51.29 
  or clipping.17:51.46 
  or blending.17:51.54 
  ok, simple bitmaps work too.19:01.46 
  SVG can't express bitmap masks, or bitmap clips though :(19:02.03 
  marti has now taken all but one of my lcms2 patches.19:45.54 
  but the one he hasn't taken yet is the biggest of the set.19:46.10 
  OK, I've coded clip paths... can anyone think of a good test file for them offhand?19:47.59 
henrys Robin_Watts:if you just want to smoke test use itext examples there is a pdf on this page: 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks. I found a couple of examples earlier, and (after some tweaking) they both work now.23:24.16 
  Next stop... text.23:24.34 
  Just watched the end of S5 of Sons of Anarchy.23:24.52 
  It is unquestionably the best plotted thing on TV.23:25.02 
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