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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/05)2013/05/06 
kens chrisl ping09:13.05 
chrisl kens: pong09:13.36 
kens How are you on the font/matrix cache ? (fm_pair)09:13.54 
chrisl I haven't looked at it much09:14.13 
kens Ah, I was hoping you would know how fonts get flushed from it, if you don't then I'll carry on looking09:14.35 
chrisl IIRC, they get flushed when the font object itself is destroyed (usually on a restore)09:15.18 
kens That's the problem I'm seeing I think. THe fonts in the cache are copies held by pdfwrite. When we destroy them, the fm cache is still pointing to them.09:16.02 
  Of course this only happens with %d in the output filename (because otherwise we hodl fonts to the end of the job).09:16.37 
chrisl Okay, I would think that the right thing to do would be to add a "notification" to the pdfwrite copy which explicitly removes the fm_pair when the font is destroyed09:17.18 
kens I know when the font is destroyed, just trying to figure out how to remove it from the cache09:17.46 
chrisl fm_pair_remove_from_list() ?09:18.38 
kens BTW (bonus point) When we run the 'show' procedures, 'design_grid' is false, unless we are doing a charpath, when we get a TT outline, design_grid is always true....09:18.39 
  chrisl could be, I guess I'd have to do fm_lookup_pair first09:19.00 
  gx_lookup_fm_pair that is09:19.15 
chrisl Actually, maybe gs_purge_fm_pair() is the appropriate call09:20.51 
kens Umm, maybe. I'm just looking for where I dereference the font at the moment....09:21.15 
chrisl Yes, gs_purge_fm_pair() - it removes the fm_pair from the "active" list, adds it to the "free" list.09:22.18 
kens OK that sounds good, let me see if I can find out where the font is freed....09:22.39 
chrisl Well, like I say, you can add a notification to the font object so you don't need to worry about *where* it gets freed: "gs_notify_register()"09:24.41 
kens Hmm, could be a good idea, I may already have one though09:25.03 
  Seems not09:25.36 
Robin_Watts Morning all09:29.46 
kens Morning09:29.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: reworked rtl commit on robin/master09:56.55 
paulgardiner Morning10:00.52 
Robin_Watts morning paulgardiner - how goes windows RT hell?10:03.16 
paulgardiner Well at least I can debug now, and I discovered there was an error returned -12, seems to be something going wrong in gs_run_init_file, although it does seem to be interpreting tokens from what I guess is a rom file10:04.54 
  Was just trying to find out what -12 means10:05.15 
Robin_Watts #define gs_error_ioerror (-12)10:05.39 
  gs has an init file, that is compiled into the "rom filing system"10:06.28 
paulgardiner Yeah, it looks to be opening it okay10:06.45 
Robin_Watts (whether it is compiled in, or run from a file depends on COMPILE_INITS I think but it's on by default)10:07.00 
paulgardiner So could the io error be something to do with stdout or stderr10:07.04 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Could be.10:07.11 
  Try breaksetting "return error".10:07.27 
  sorry, that's a macro10:07.47 
paulgardiner Oh right. Will give that a try10:08.08 
Robin_Watts Often errors are raised by doing: return_error(blah); so they can be trapped.10:08.20 
paulgardiner Yeah handy10:09.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pspan is not very well named10:21.16 
Robin_Watts pointer to span ?10:36.42 
tor8 prev_line_span?10:41.46 
Robin_Watts that doesn't encapsulate the fact it's a pointer to a pointer.10:43.49 
tor8 ..._p10:44.04 
  "pspan" adds no information content that can't be obtained by the type, and it's complicated enough to need some10:44.58 
paulgardiner Strange it's dropping out with a syntax error because of running scan_number over ".quit".10:45.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: I can change to prev_line_span. Anything else ?10:46.34 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: where in the directory tree does the init file live? Maybe I can spot what part of it the interpreter has run in to.10:47.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: nope, that's all10:48.09 
chrisl paulgardiner: Resource/Init/gs_init.ps10:48.30 
paulgardiner Ta.10:48.53 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: but it's run from inside a .h file, effectively.10:48.59 
  and it's compacted/compressed as part of the build process.10:49.11 
paulgardiner Seeing as the whole thing fails with an io error, the syntax error may well be a red herring.10:49.40 
  The io error is from zwritecvp_at10:51.16 
Robin_Watts 'z' means that's a postscript interpreter function.10:51.43 
chrisl paulgardiner: it probably is a stdout problem, you're probably hitting the call to .writecvp that happens early in gs_init.ps10:55.00 
paulgardiner That would figure. I think I'm close to tracing it to a sputc call10:56.06 
Arya_ anyone online?10:56.39 
chrisl Arya_: maybe - depends what you want..... ;-)10:57.42 
Arya_ I have a query regarding GhostScript. Can i use GS to convert Doc files to PDF?10:58.43 
  If you could pls. point me to right direction.10:59.17 
chrisl Arya_: No, you cannot. Ghostscript consumes Postscript or PDF, not Doc.10:59.37 
Arya_ oh. I thought so. Now comes the hardtime to convince the client :-(11:00.20 
chrisl Your best solution is probably to use a "PDF printer" from an application that can open .doc format files11:00.21 
kens You can print the doc files to a PostScript file, then convert that.11:00.23 
  which works as per chrisl's comment11:00.38 
paulgardiner As you thought: fwrite to pio->fstdout. What's the best work around for that failing?11:01.09 
chrisl paulgardiner: you can redirect stdout/stderr to a file11:01.44 
paulgardiner Should I hardwire that in the METRO build? Maybe to disc files in the app's temp directory?11:02.31 
Arya_ @chris and kens : thanks for your valuable input11:02.46 
Robin_Watts Or, possibly easier, you can supply an fstdout_fn11:02.47 
  and then redirect to OutputDebugString and actually see the error messages.11:03.01 
paulgardiner Yeah that sounds good.11:03.49 
chrisl For testing you can just add "-sstdout=filename" to the command line params11:03.52 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: gsapi_set_stdio, and give it 3 functions.11:04.09 
paulgardiner Thanks.11:04.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: fixed patch online.11:06.37 
  tor8: I deliberately was keeping the paragraph analysis separate from the text extraction.11:11.55 
  For things like simple text extraction it doesn't matter.11:12.13 
  For searching you don't need the overhead etc.11:12.24 
  In your RTL commit you push the text extraction into the free device routine, which feels wrong.11:13.40 
  And I can never see where the rtl stuff is actually called.11:13.51 
  Can we just have the rtl stuff done in the free call, and leave the paragraph/column analysis as something people can call seprately ?11:14.17 
paulgardiner Now have a fatal error -100, but it's not issued via gs_log_error so not breaking on it. Am seeing "Unable to open the initial device, quitting" from stdout. What the best way to locate that?11:33.08 
kens what device is that ?11:33.47 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: This is -sDEVICE=bogus?11:34.11 
  or did you go back to -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ?11:34.20 
paulgardiner No. Changed it back... I think.11:34.32 
kens then it means the file couldn't be opened11:34.55 
  output file*11:35.01 
paulgardiner ah right11:35.12 
Robin_Watts So in order to open pdfwrite, it means it's tried to open the -sOutputFile=.... (or -o ...) file.11:35.14 
  Are you now seeing the error return code making it back to the caller ?11:35.43 
kens You can break in pdf_openif you really want to debug it11:35.56 
paulgardiner yes, error gets back to caller.11:36.26 
Robin_Watts last I heard last week, the problem was that you were calling the API and you were always getting "success" reported, so you've obviously got further now.11:36.45 
  Is the -sOutputFile=... in the right directory ?11:36.59 
  (i.e. in the only directory that windows RT will let you write into)11:37.11 
kens Is it present and properly spelled ? :-)11:37.11 
paulgardiner Seems to be. It's generated in the same way as stdout, and that is being created.11:38.33 
kens You may have to debug it then, or send the code to me and I'll have a go11:39.15 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: the always having success reported was just me being daft. Soon saw what the problem was once I got debugging working11:39.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Oh!11:39.56 
  pdfwrite uses temporary files, right?11:40.02 
  Maybe we should try a bitmap output?11:40.15 
paulgardiner kens: thanks, but I may aswell battle on for a bit.11:40.17 
Robin_Watts -sDEVICE=png16m -o out.png tiger.eps11:40.30 
kens I would leave pdfwrite until later ppersonally11:40.35 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I had to drop all the png devices, so I'd guess that wouldn't work11:41.18 
  drop from the build.11:41.28 
Robin_Watts -sDEVICE=ppmraw -o out.ppm tiger.eps11:41.39 
paulgardiner Ok. I'll give that a try.11:42.20 
Robin_Watts Woo Hoo! Right side up text!11:42.25 
paulgardiner And I have a ppm of a tiger (which my desktop cleverly shows me in the file icon, although Windows claims it has no program that can open it!)11:46.00 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Most excellent!11:46.48 
paulgardiner So ppmraw works but pdfwrite not.11:46.53 
Robin_Watts Well, as I say, pdrwrite uses temp files (I believe)11:47.05 
kens It does, always11:47.11 
Robin_Watts s/r/f/11:47.12 
paulgardiner temp files should work.11:47.16 
Robin_Watts hazards to suggest that they don't :)11:47.32 
kens Possibly they don't....11:47.35 
  Or it could be something else, time to break out the debugger11:47.52 
Robin_Watts Now, try adding -r60011:47.54 
  before tiger.eps11:48.15 
  That will tell it to use 600dpi.11:48.22 
  That should force it into using clist (and hence temp files)11:48.41 
paulgardiner I'm using the tempfile opening call (can't remember what it's called) to open the file that I write the args to, and that appears.11:48.47 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ah, ok.11:49.00 
  well, the -r600 test is still not a bad one.11:49.07 
kens would resort to the debugger11:49.19 
Robin_Watts actually, -dMaxBitmap=10000 might be nice too.11:49.24 
  -sDEVICE=ppmraw -o out.ppm -dMaxBitmap=10000 -r600 tiger.eps11:49.47 
  If that works, then it's a sign that clist operation is working.11:50.02 
paulgardiner I'll give that a go.11:50.15 
  kens: break point pdf_openif? I can give that a try too.11:51.02 
kens Its a place to start11:51.11 
  One of the first things that routine does is open lots of files11:51.43 
paulgardiner Does argument order matter at all?11:52.10 
kens Depends on the arguments11:52.19 
  But usually no11:52.26 
Robin_Watts arguments are processed in order.11:52.26 
paulgardiner ... just easier to add to the end of my array11:52.37 
Robin_Watts pretty much ALL arguments are of the form "set this setting"11:52.45 
  and then they only get activated when we hit a filename to execute.11:53.01 
  so you need to put the args before the filenames (or before any 'inline' postscript commands)11:53.22 
paulgardiner Ah right, so I mustn't put -r600 after -f 11:53.38 
Robin_Watts so "-sDEVICE=ppmraw -o out.png -r600 tiger.eps" you can reorder any way you like, except tiger.eps must be last.11:54.07 
paulgardiner Now I have a 98MB ppm11:58.45 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: spot on.11:59.31 
  Do you have imagemagic installed?11:59.39 
  ("convert out.ppm out.png")11:59.46 
paulgardiner I can see the tiger head in the icon12:00.09 
Robin_Watts ok, sounds like you're sorted.12:00.24 
paulgardiner oh. I have gimp too12:00.25 
Robin_Watts Did you have the -dMaxBitmap=10000 in there?12:00.38 
  If so, then we're sure that's using clists.12:00.54 
  it could be using clist memory rather than clist files though, I guess.12:01.22 
paulgardiner Oh weird. It fails intermittently12:01.35 
Robin_Watts Fails how?12:02.07 
paulgardiner fatal error.12:02.20 
  Possibly pdfwrite would have done the same if I'd have given it more tries12:04.48 
kens pdfwrite probably opens a *lot* more files, so if the file open process 'sometimes' fails, then maybe not12:05.28 
  It sort of sounds like a temporary file problem though12:05.49 
Robin_Watts Remove the -r600 and -dMaxBitmap and see if you get indeterminate failures without them?12:06.34 
  If not, that would point to it being temporary files occasionally failing.12:06.52 
  If you still get failures, it would indicate that temp files are not the issue. But it could still be output file issues I guess.12:07.23 
paulgardiner Is there a good "noop" argument so I can remove args without renumbering?12:07.34 
Robin_Watts -dBOGUS=112:07.48 
  -dXXXXX=y means "Set the dictionary entry XXXXX to be integer y"12:08.20 
  -sXXXXX=y means "set the dictionary entry XXXXXX to be string y"12:08.39 
  It's either the system dict or the user dict; it's where postscript devices look for their setup. (I will now be corrected by kens or chrisl who actually understand postscript :) )12:10.16 
paulgardiner Not able to get a failure so far without the extra args. I'll try putting them back and breakpointing the windows bits I've added.12:10.24 
kens I believe the values are stored in systemdict12:11.05 
Robin_Watts could it be that the thing that's making the thumbnails for the file is holding the file open when gs comes to rerun and so the file open fails?12:11.24 
  Larger files => longer time to thumbnail, hence more chance of failures?12:11.41 
  probably not, but I thought I should mention the idea in case....12:12.00 
paulgardiner Good thought, but the thumbnail is visible only in the copy I dragged out of the W8 client to the W7 host12:12.28 
Robin_Watts oh, right. that makes sense.12:12.58 
kens If pdfwrite always goes wrong it may be the easiest one to debug12:15.01 
paulgardiner I bet it's GetTempFileName being called twice within 1ms and giving back the same filename. That would happen if my test for whether the file already exists doesn't work.12:34.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ah.12:35.26 
paulgardiner A guess, but could be it.12:35.43 
Robin_Watts sounds plausible.12:36.24 
paulgardiner Even more so now I've spotted "if (h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)"12:37.10 
Robin_Watts oops :)12:40.30 
paulgardiner And now I have a pdf version of tiger.12:50.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we could separate them completely, yes12:51.13 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts, kens, chrisl: what would you recommend I do about the problem with stdio? It looks like it wont work without a stdout redirection, so perhaps I should make METRO builds provide a default one.12:57.08 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: excellent news about the pdf version of tiger.12:57.36 
kens Seems like a plan12:57.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: so can I pass that back to you?12:57.48 
  paulgardiner: What would the default one do?12:58.02 
  I think we do need to provide a default, yes.12:58.21 
paulgardiner Not sure. Could write to the temp area12:58.28 
Robin_Watts stdin being empty seems sensible.12:58.35 
paulgardiner Or Call OutputDebugString12:58.53 
Robin_Watts stdout and stderr going to nowhere, or to OutputDebugString in debug builds would be my favorite.12:59.00 
  If people want to redirect to a temp file, they can do that themselves.12:59.15 
paulgardiner Yeah12:59.26 
henrys kens:I should get to your reductions today the first one got me sidetracked off to an XL bug.13:00.20 
kens stdout output just confuses users generally13:00.23 
  henrys no rush, I'm working ont he crash. I have a fix but it causes a lot of ther seg faults13:00.41 
henrys kens:dangling pointers to fonts?13:01.38 
kens I thnk so, the fm cache is pointing at fonts that are no longer present13:02.03 
paulgardiner So for METRO builds I should add a call to gsapi_set_stdio to one of the init functions, but which one?13:02.18 
Robin_Watts gsapi_new_instance ?13:03.08 
  That's guaranteed to be the first thing called, right?13:03.19 
  IF you do: Ctrl-Shift-F in VS and search for "gsapi_set_stdio" in the whole solution you can see lots of places where we call:13:06.22 
  gsapi_new_instance(...) ; gs_set_stdio(...);13:06.43 
  so any default setting needs to happen in gsapi_new_instance.13:07.01 
  presumably there must be some default setting in there anyway?13:07.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sure. I'll split them into separate passes, and make the RTL one implicit.13:07.17 
paulgardiner Great ta13:07.32 
Robin_Watts mem->gs_lib_ctx->stdin_fn = NULL;13:07.47 
  mem->gs_lib_ctx->stdout_fn = NULL;13:07.49 
  mem->gs_lib_ctx->stderr_fn = NULL;13:07.51 
  I have text in the right size, in the right place now. Still in the wrong font.13:09.02 
henrys Robin_Watts:you have all the different font types working already?13:37.53 
  Robin_Watts: that's very fast progress.13:38.11 
  someday I'll redo pass thru mode, today is not the day.13:56.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: looking for a more descriptive name of fz_text_analysis...14:00.30 
  candidate: fz_sort_paragraphs or something like it14:01.08 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have no font types at all working.14:05.50 
  I just the font name through, no font data.14:06.11 
  tor8: well, the routine analyses text. Columns/Indents/Paragraphs spacing etc.14:06.58 
  text_analysis seems like the right name to me :(14:07.06 
  henrys: Have you ever considered mupcl ?14:07.29 
tor8 fz_analyze_text then14:11.12 
henrys Robin_Watts:I've thought about it, it would be more compelling if PCL were not so tied to printing.14:11.16 
Robin_Watts Stroked text is problematic.14:12.18 
  or at least, it's problematic with the way I'm handling transforms.14:12.33 
paulgardiner It gets weirder: with my io override in place, it crashes in a memmove in stream_compact.14:31.39 
Robin_Watts hehe14:32.39 
paulgardiner Other than having a large number of devices removed, it seems to be working now:;a=summary15:03.35 
  chrisl: I haven't updated the way winrtsup.cpp is built. I thought I may as well take you up on your offer to sort it out.15:05.25 
chrisl paulgardiner: sure, no problem. I'll do it when you commit the changes to master - if you remind me!15:06.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fixed patches on tor/master15:19.05 
kens OK I'm off goodnight folks16:54.14 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: you around?20:44.16 
henrys yes mvrhel_laptop 20:44.30 
mvrhel_laptop just wanted to give you a update on where I am with the windows viewer. 20:44.46 
  a lot of my rewrite is done20:44.54 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: oh are you out for the meeting tomorrow?20:45.13 
mvrhel_laptop no I will be there20:45.21 
  I can give the update then20:45.28 
  I may have a few more things done by then :)20:45.38 
  the rewrite started out slow, but now things are coming together quickly20:45.54 
  and it is much cleaner now20:45.59 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: the group probably will have better feedback than me alone anyway.20:46.01 
mvrhel_laptop ok20:46.06 
  maintaining and adding new features will be much easier now.20:46.20 
  later part of this week I need to get ready for open printing talk20:46.31 
henrys it might be good if you can get things pushed up on your branch20:46.41 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts is going to help me with some of the mu pdf details20:47.02 
  henrys: yes, I am pushing it all up now each day20:47.20 
  I was not for awhile when I had everything in shambles20:47.34 
henrys good I'll try to study it a bit before the meeting.20:47.50 
mvrhel_laptop ok. two main projects are mupdfwinrt which has two classes. mudocument which is the interface between winRT and another class muctx which does all the calls to the mupdf library20:48.38 
  the other project is mupdf_cpp which is the viewer code as a c++ project20:49.03 
  I started a csharp viewer too, but that is not checked in20:49.32 
  the c++ viewer may be sufficient for a demo 20:49.49 
henrys maybe we should have a winrt device at chicago in September.20:50.46 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that would be a good idea20:51.00 
  off to get the kids from school. bbiaw20:51.41 
henrys hopefully it is not going to be really difficult to implement features on many devices. For example paulgardiner is probably close on having digital signatures, but how easy does that get moved over to winrt or iOS?20:52.29 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: if he has an easy interface to mupdf then it should be very easy to port to winrt the way that I have things written23:01.49 
  i hope 23:01.58 
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