IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/09)2013/05/10 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: the windows viewer is starting to look pretty good now05:44.55 
  just need to clean up the zoom, and fix a couple minor issues when the device is rotated05:45.25 
  and clean up my tab spacing issue05:45.32 
  and a few other minor house keeping things05:45.46 
  I need to stop and work on slides tomorrow05:45.52 
  it is hard to stop though when you are getting close05:46.08 
  sleep time05:51.11 
Robin_Watts Morning tor808:33.38 
  various reviews on robin master08:33.57 
  The svgwrite one could go in now too I guess. It's not complete, but it doesn't crash, and it makes a good effort at most stuff.08:34.01 
tor8 morning Robin_Watts 08:52.15 
  Robin_Watts: why don't you call pdf_keep_gstate in copy_state*?08:54.11 
Robin_Watts I could common up pdf_keep_gstate and copy_state.08:56.16 
  but then I'd have to split off copy_state_no_colors08:56.29 
  I can rejig it if you preter.08:57.09 
  prefer, even.08:57.16 
tor8 I'd group keep/drop/copy gstate next to each other at least, to make it clear at a glance what each one does in regards to ref counts08:58.02 
  and rename it pdf_copy_gstate(_no_colors) for symmetry08:58.23 
  typo in "tweak png" comment, "doesn NOT"09:00.19 
  maybe rename fz_output_pixmap_to_png to fz_output_png for symmetry with fz_write_*09:01.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: seems reasonable.09:24.21 
  tor8: Now I'm confused how this works at all.09:34.25 
  pdf_copy_gstate doesn't copy the whole gstate, only a subset.09:34.40 
  I'll have a think about it when I get back from standing in a field missing clays.09:34.59 
tor8 have fun and don't get too much sunburnt09:35.20 
kens I don't know about Robin, but we have no sun today :-(09:40.48 
tor8 my head is bright red from yesterday's sun :(09:44.15 
sebras is safe and sound, being indoors...09:47.43 
Robin_Watts was just enough sun to be warm. and I wore a hat.11:37.47 
paulgardiner tor8: of course best to avoid getting burnt if possible, but there is some new research that suggests further benefits of sun exposure, significantly enough that the medical profession is considering changing advice.11:39.43 
tor8 paulgardiner: more benefits than stocking up on vitamin d?11:40.58 
paulgardiner Yes. Something that reduces blood pressure.11:41.23 
wart__ hi folks. i was reading over the news for 1.2 and i have a couple of questions: what does this mean: Highlight and copy text selection API.11:41.47 
paulgardiner I think it was nitrous oxide, but that sounds weird, so perhaps I'm misremembering.11:41.56 
wart__ does it mean that mupdf now allows for 'highlight' style annotations?11:42.01 
  and what does this mean: Oversized and stroke text clipping implemented.11:42.19 
Robin_Watts wart__: mupdf does now support highligh style annotations.11:42.40 
  but that may not be what that sentence is to do with :)11:42.52 
tor8 wart_: it means there is a convenient api for clients to find regions to highlight and also to perform text searches11:42.57 
wart__ Robin_Watts: does now or does not?11:43.12 
  Robin_Watts: just to be clear :-)11:43.18 
Robin_Watts does now.11:43.20 
wart__ heh11:43.23 
wart__ emerge -C okular11:43.41 
Robin_Watts previously there were limitations in the text clipping styles that we supported.11:44.02 
tor8 oversized and stroke text clipping are bug fixes. we used to have a hard limit on just how large text could be. now we don't11:44.16 
Robin_Watts now we cope with the cases that we didn't before - namely oversized text and stroked text.11:44.26 
wart__ tor8: ah thanks11:44.27 
  what of 'post-it note' style annotations?11:44.44 
  wow lots of movement on the git log 11:45.00 
  did you guys get funding? oh right, its summer vacation!11:45.14 
tor8 wart__: we can (and have been able to, for a very long time) display most annotations11:45.20 
Robin_Watts wart__: MuPDF is commercially funded.11:45.36 
tor8 creating annotations is a new project for us, so very recent and still in progress11:45.41 
wart__ tor8: hmm, there must be a trick. is it documented? all i get is the sticky-note but i can't read the data contained in it11:45.44 
Robin_Watts annotation support may be post 1.211:46.00 
wart__ Robin_Watts: maybe i'll move to the git head.11:46.29 
tor8 wart__: I suspect (but don't quote me) that the sticky-note has two different display modes that you can toggle by clicking on it11:46.31 
  we only draw the default one so far11:46.38 
wart__ tor8: i've tried various clicks on it, but i can't get it to open (in 1.1)11:47.07 
  i'll try 1.2 then git head11:47.12 
tor8 wart__: only the android app supports interactive features like clicking on things11:47.28 
wart__ oh, right. i'm on linux.11:47.45 
tor8 yeah. I'm sorry. the desktop viewer is a bit behind on the features.11:48.12 
wart__ tor8: so not even git head will have it?11:48.38 
tor8 wart__: no. git head will have a performance fix though, for a problem that snuck into the 1.2 release11:49.23 
  scrolling and zooming on linux may be very slow on linux in 1.2, that's been fixed in head11:49.45 
wart__ tor8: is there an ETA on getting the linux client to have highlight and annotations features?11:50.46 
tor8 "When it's done."11:51.12 
wart__ i mean is it on the books?11:51.19 
tor8 improving the linux viewer is my next task11:51.27 
wart__ is it something that might get done? :-)11:51.30 
tor8 so it should get done. but gui programming is such a bore, I dive on any opportunity to avoid it :)11:51.49 
wart__ tor8: well, i among many others in the linux community would love it. so far okular is the only thing that seems to support annotations, and it has terrible loads of dependencies11:51.55 
tor8 I have an experimental branch on my personal repo which has the beginnings of a rewrite of the linux viewer11:52.29 
wart__ tor8: you are Tor Anderson on the git, right?11:52.50 
tor8 it's based on Gtk+ (so I don't have to reinvent text input boxes... the one in the current mupdf app is dreadfully inadequate)11:52.54 
  wart__: correct.11:52.57 
  well, almost correct. Andersson with a double s.11:53.12 
wart__ tor8: you might think about using the dmenu/dwm draw.h stuff. probably too minimal.11:53.37 
  is this the branch you are talking about?;a=summary11:54.24 
kens Fun weith Lego:12:25.50 
  "Can you tell what it is yet ?"12:25.51 
paulgardiner Well the one in the middle is Turing12:37.04 
kens :-)12:37.12 
  THe one in the middle looks like a lady to me....12:37.35 
paulgardiner Oh yeah. Maybe not then12:37.51 
kens (admittedly its hard to tell with Lego)12:37.56 
paulgardiner I think my guess as to the location is probably wrong anyway.12:38.47 
kens Where do you thnk >?12:38.57 
paulgardiner Bletchley Park12:40.42 
kens Yep, its the colossus mark 212:40.56 
paulgardiner Ah right. On second look I thought there might be too few of those sticky-out red and black things.12:41.32 
kens THere are way too few, but its a fair attempt for Lego12:41.48 
chrisl It looks more like a variation on a Bombe12:42.02 
paulgardiner And I'm not sure what the floor clamp is for and the big pulley wheels.12:42.25 
kens THe tape reader is the give away12:42.27 
  the big wheels are the tape12:42.43 
paulgardiner Oh wow12:42.53 
kens Well, they run the tgape....12:43.33 
  the clamp is that stand with teh typewriter affair on it (a modified enigma I htink)12:43.54 
  Actually, on closer inspection, it may just be an output termianl12:45.38 
henrys off to the coffee shop for a change of scenery - bbiab13:53.39 
Robin_Watts aargh. patterns are bonkers :(16:12.05 
kens yep16:12.14 
deleet you're bonkers16:15.50 
  patterns are awesome :D16:15.55 
kens Not the way they are defined in PDF16:16.24 
  Anywya, night all16:16.29 
Robin_Watts night kens. have a good weekend.16:16.42 
  Bah, bah, and thrice bah.17:18.54 
  Kens comments have sent me completely off in the wrong direction, I think.17:25.04 
  A patterns ctm comes from a mixture of the top level page ctm and the pattern matrix.17:26.06 
  It is unaffected by any changes of matrix due to any intervening xobjects.17:26.42 
  or any matrix setting at the top level.17:27.45 
  hence we don't need to store a parent ctm at each content stream entry.17:28.22 
  (I am not blaming kens here.)17:28.56 
  tor8: ping17:46.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, your moving of the topctm up to the content stream beginnings looked a bit odd17:52.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: so, did you look at the svgwrite device?17:52.31 
  I've made the corrections to the commits you asked for and pushed them (but not the gstate one obviously)17:52.55 
tor8 svg device looks sound. typedef tile is a bit dangerously close to colliding with variable names.17:54.41 
  (I dislike typedefining structs as a general practice, but it's what we settled on doing 10 years ago when defining the coding standards for mupdf)17:56.07 
Robin_Watts suggestions for better name ?17:56.07 
tor8 prefix it svg_tile17:56.15 
Robin_Watts ok.17:56.23 
tor8 or let it be "struct tile"17:56.26 
  for internal types, I don't really think it matters17:56.42 
  whether they have typedefs or require the struct keyword17:56.54 
  another thing I've found to be good way to print xml strings is to put the space before the attributes. makes it easier to concatenate and not get extra spaces on the end17:57.53 
  printf("<tag"); printf(" attr=%d", a); printf(">\n");17:58.16 
  i.e. putting the space before the attribute, and leaving it off the end of the tag17:58.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah. I understand.17:58.46 
  I probably had a reason for not doing it that way for the first one, and the others followed.17:59.04 
  I'm not changing that immediately though :)17:59.15 
tor8 it's counter-intuitive to do it that way (space before) but it works out better in the end17:59.30 
Robin_Watts yes, you may be right.18:01.10 
mvrhel_laptop whew. ok with a bit more work I have the zooming working nicely in with windows viewer now. 19:43.14 
Qcoder00 Hello?22:46.18 
  Where in the documentation are the exit levels documented?22:46.30 
sebras tor8: 
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