IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/13)2013/05/14 
mvrhel_laptop tkamppeter: is there place to upload my slides or do I send them to you?00:25.56 
  good night06:00.49 
kens ping chrisl09:43.31 
chrisl kens: pong09:43.42 
kens got a minute to check me on something ?09:43.54 
chrisl Sure09:44.00 
kens Can you look at gxccache.c, gx_lookup_cached_char09:44.16 
  around line 15409:44.27 
chrisl Got it09:44.52 
kens I think there is a potential endless loop here09:45.05 
  We have a large flat tbale with up to 0x3fff entries09:45.17 
  We start by (in essence) hashing the glyph and fm_pair09:45.33 
  and we look at that point in the table.09:45.41 
  If its the cached character we want, we return09:45.53 
  If its not, we add 1 to the index, and go round again09:46.04 
  Note that the index is AND'ed with the max table size, so when we reach teh end of the table we go back to 009:46.30 
chrisl I *think* the final entry in the table is always NULL09:46.48 
kens THe only way to break out of this, is if we find the cached char, or an empty slot09:46.51 
  I managed to create a situation where the table is full09:47.03 
  Just by calling gx_add_cached_char09:47.15 
  Admittedly my code was incorrect, but all it did was add the same characters to the cache all over again09:47.47 
  SO the cache filled up09:47.56 
chrisl Yes, but isn't the caller of gx_add_cached_char() supposed to check whether the cache is "full" before calling it?09:48.01 
kens Is it ? Itsa not obvious09:48.14 
  THe code in pdfwrite certainly never does09:48.53 
chrisl Well, actually, the decision is taken during the setcachedevice (and co) call09:49.01 
kens OK, and what if the glyph never calls setcachedevice ?09:49.19 
chrisl Then the glyph is wrong, surely?09:49.35 
kens PCL bitmap fonts can have a space glyph whcih doesn't call setcachedevice09:49.39 
  It happens that's teh glyphs I was adding09:49.50 
chrisl Then I would suggest that the PCL interpreter is wrong, and should be fixed. Withouth the call the setcachedevice, the cache device should never be created, so there should be no glyph to add to the cache09:51.02 
kens Hmm, maybe I'll open a bug for Henry. It would certainly fix my pdfwrite code if the setcachedevice were called. I'll check it further, maybe it just evades my pdfwrite override somehow09:51.48 
  (and I have a fix for my own problem already in testing ;-)09:52.08 
  Yep. In pl_bitmap_build_char, if the 'cdata' (presumably the bitmap) is NULL,it simply returns 0 without calling setcachedevice09:54.45 
chrisl Well, my reading of gx_add_cached_char() is that it assumes available space in the cache has already been checked, so it *requires* the setcachedevice to check all the cache limits.09:55.46 
kens I'll raise a bug for henry, just going to poke it a little and see if I can get some more information09:56.26 
  I guess that the PCL interpreter doesn't add it to the cache, but pdfwrite *needs* to, in order to detect redefined glyphs in a font.09:57.00 
chrisl kens: it's possible that the intention in PCL is to "render" the empty bitmap uncached so as not to clutter up the cache with a non-marking glyph - but that seems a pointless non-optimisation09:57.26 
kens chrisl, if there is no bitmap data, then the glyph has no width it seems, there is actually nothign to tell the interpreter what to do, which is why Henry returns I think.09:58.05 
  Setting a '0' cache device entry would maek more sense I think.09:58.18 
chrisl Yes, sorry, I assumed it was a space glyph or something. Simply not calling setcachedevice is *not* sufficient in this case09:59.11 
kens Its debatable as to what it is exactly. The PXL file uses a space character, but we don't seem to have a space in the font definition. I think this works out because the text is drawn with a XSpacing, so each glyph is spaced individually.10:00.17 
  Definitely one to chuck to Henry.10:00.38 
  I'd guess that if the text wasn't drawn with individual spacing, the 'space'; would simply vanish10:01.04 
chrisl Could this be one of the uses of the "galley character"? (whose purpose has always escaped me)10:01.20 
kens Umm, dunno....10:01.29 
  I don't think so though.10:01.35 
chrisl This sounds like another case of PCL making invalid assumptions about the behaviour of the graphics library10:03.24 
kens Actually it loks vaguely like Henry (or someone) added the NULL check to get around a seg fualt, or a valgrind warning or somethign similar10:03.58 
  Well if the PXL interpreter emits a setcachedevice, then my code works a lot better, without the hackery I've just added.10:06.35 
chrisl Either that or it needs to set the flag in the enumerator to say "do not cache", I'd think10:07.40 
kens I'd rather it called setcachedevice10:08.02 
chrisl That would be my recommendation, yes.10:08.15 
kens If it calls it with all 0 then everything works fine for me10:08.30 
henrys oh my favorite subject caching bitmap characters13:04.29 
kens :-)13:04.36 
henrys kens, chrisl:I should probably review that - it seems that the problem should be caught earlier on and not even get to build_char but if you are in a hurry please go ahead and use your fix as a workaround. Can you assign the but to me?13:19.42 
chrisl henrys: isn't it preferable to have it cached, so we don't have to mess around with the font on every invocation of the glyph?13:20.44 
kens henrys, I'm not in a hurry13:20.47 
henrys chris;have what cached? it's a broken font with no data.13:21.39 
chrisl henrys: ah okay, I'd been assuming it was a valid font with an empty glyph13:22.16 
kens I was unsure if this was valid or not13:22.39 
  I can commit my fix for the %d in putput file, and leave this open, it causes glyphs to go missing13:23.59 
  but only with this broken font13:24.51 
henrys chrisl:to get there we would have had to create a character slot for the glyph and then not filled that slot with data (all bitmaps are downloaded) which is is invalid.13:24.53 
chrisl henrys: fair enough - if it's invalid then I guess we're not so worried about it.13:26.18 
henrys kens:I'd rather see marcosw tools be more robust about errors but if he has a good reason this won't work, okay. We should expect some jobs will have many errors in the testing.13:28.04 
kens henrys, its worse than that :-)13:28.37 
  If you ignore the errors, then all but one of the pages has no text13:28.47 
  I have a fix for that, but that exposed this problem13:29.02 
  I have a fix ford that too, but while working on it I noticed this cache quirk13:31.32 
  I'll commit what I have that works, and open a new enhancement for you henry ?13:32.24 
henrys kens:okay not thrilled with the hack - another eyebrow raising snippet in the code to baffle the reader but I guess that's just the way it is.13:34.05 
kens henrys, I have code which works without changes to the PCL interpreter13:34.41 
  Its all surprising code in pdfwrite13:34.55 
  which is more 'expected'13:35.08 
henrys kens:oh so you don't need the plchar.c change?13:35.15 
  wow adobe has really pissed everyone off with subscription creative cloud… petitions.13:36.51 
chrisl I can't say that I'm surprised: their stuff is stupid expensive, and past experience says this will just make it more stupid expensive13:38.40 
kens henrys I don't *need* the changes in plchar.c, but they make some code I added redundant, the thing is I spotted the potential cache problem while wortking on it13:41.49 
  I'll commit what I have13:42.42 
  which should resolve Marcos's bug13:42.48 
chrisl I need to head out for a while - I should be back (barring traffic problems) in plenty of time for the GS meeting.14:06.26 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: ping14:48.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pong14:49.29 
Robin_Watts I just updated the svgwrite to be " like this" rather than "like that "14:49.46 
  s/svgwrite/svgwrite commit/14:50.01 
  Do you want to look it over again, or are you happy with it as is?14:50.18 
tor8 was it helpful?14:50.21 
Robin_Watts didn't save me anything, but you're right it's better in the long run.14:50.38 
tor8 I'm happy to let the svgwrite device in14:51.40 
  an item for the mupdf meeting would be a decomposition device or layer14:52.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah.14:52.26 
  Let's see if we can remember that for 9 minutes :)14:52.39 
tor8 either by fallback hooks in dev_null or by explicit transformation devices14:52.46 
henrys 814:52.49 
Robin_Watts 9 here. Time zones, eh? :)14:53.10 
tor8 text/font -> paths (or images) and shadings -> images are high priority there14:53.41 
  and maybe tile flattening14:53.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, the text/font -> paths/images is hopefully just a rejigging of the existing code.14:54.42 
  I guess shadings/images are too.14:54.51 
tor8 getting texts to paths should be trivial14:55.02 
  to images would need to pick a resolution and ask for a pixmap and wrap that in an image14:55.16 
  I don't think we need to call the draw device for any of these14:55.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think we'd assume that the matrix in use was to device pixels.14:55.57 
tor8 for the mesh we can probably just set up a pixmap and call the paint functions14:56.11 
Robin_Watts The draw device already has code that goes from text -> paths and text -> images.14:56.16 
  It's just that when we have the path/image we plot it by a direct call, rather than calling back through the device interface.14:56.39 
tor8 we should probably hoist that code out of the draw device as a utility function then, if you want to reuse it14:57.08 
Robin_Watts that was my thought.14:57.19 
tor8 using the ctm for device pixels would be bad for svg output though14:57.55 
Robin_Watts the only worry with that, is that it might be slower to actually plot bitmaps calling back into the device rather than just doing it directly, as we have to check for the need to scale etc.14:57.57 
tor8 I'd pass a callback function to the utility function14:58.20 
  and make the callback plot directly for the draw device14:58.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: it would. hence for svg we'd want to go to paths all the time or something.14:58.36 
tor8 and wrap it up in an image/path drawing call for the decomposition device14:58.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah. that'd work.14:58.48 
  for svg we'd want to go to an svgfont (like a type3 font), probably.14:59.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: for svg output, can you make a "library" of resources?14:59.20 
Robin_Watts That might need a bit more thought.14:59.23 
tor8 font decomposition should ideally use some form of resource caching for the glyphs14:59.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: you can give objects id's, yes.14:59.47 
  so yes, we could do each glyph as a pattern.15:00.05 
  but svgfont would be neater.15:00.13 
tor8 we could drop all glyphs as images or paths into an svg "defs" section15:00.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: We don't need to put stuff in a defs section.15:01.00 
tor8 but that's going to mean a two-pass approach15:01.00 
Robin_Watts defs is optional.15:01.06 
henrys does anyone know what Raed expects?15:01.09 
Robin_Watts which is good, cos I'm opting to ignore it.15:01.16 
  henrys: for svgwrite? No.15:01.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, so you can have "draw-this-and-save-as-defs-for-later-use" in svg?15:01.35 
  it's been too long since I read the svg spec15:01.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes, AIUI.15:02.05 
henrys I wonder if it would be useful if marcosw asked him to describe the product to assist us in steering the development. 15:02.15 
tor8 anyway, I'd start by going all paths, no caching or reuse, for text decomposition.15:02.20 
Robin_Watts henrys: I was about to suggest that I mail him saying "This is what we have for now, feel free to try it out. Can you tell us more about what you want?"15:02.52 
tor8 but if that's true (define at first use by setting id#) we can save the id and get some reuse there, but the decomposition device would need to be smarter there...15:02.59 then we could just as well be creating svgfonts15:03.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: but the smartness can be in the callback handler, possibly.15:03.21 
henrys Robin_Watts:probably best for it to go through marcosw but either way.15:04.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we have resources in the store for images, that should be used for svgout to reuse images15:04.03 
  but for paths we have no such mechanism15:04.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: We can't use the store to do reuse; in low memory conditions we'd end up evicting all the time, and nothing would be reused.15:04.54 
  We need to track reuse in the device, I think. It's what I did in pdfwrite (I think).15:05.12 
  for now, we don't reuse images in svgwrite.15:05.36 
henrys paulgardiner read the status - looks good, I wonder if signatures could be something for michael's talk.15:05.46 
Robin_Watts henrys: signatures were mentioned in the "coming soon" section of the stuff I sent to michael.15:06.26 
henrys Robin_Watts:ah must have missed it … great.15:06.41 
mvrhel_laptop Yes. I have that listed. I don't know a lot of details about it though15:06.43 
Robin_Watts (I think I copied it to tech)15:06.44 
paulgardiner henrys: how long until the talk?15:07.17 
mvrhel_laptop the talk is tomorrow. I am heading off tonight15:07.40 
henrys mupdf'er please read about the open printing summit business here: 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I did have one question for you15:07.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You can sign a PDF with a public/private key to say things like "This is an unchanged version of the original document" and "This is signed with all the keys of the people that have approved it" etc.15:07.57 
mvrhel_laptop On one of your headings you had the title "Complete" PDF support. I was wondering about the quotes....15:08.33 
Robin_Watts so in a company you could write something, and sign it, and send it to your colleague who could see that it really was from you, and he could sign it and send it on to someone else, who can see that it's really from both of you and ...15:09.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok thanks for the note above on signatures15:09.01 
paulgardiner henrys: we are a long way off being able to sign documents. There's a lot of work in supporting PDF's incremental update.15:09.04 
henrys marcosw is already at the meeting15:09.33 
  or summit15:09.41 
mvrhel_laptop paulgardiner: ok. so we are not able to do what Robin_Watts just described above but that is where we are heading15:09.41 
paulgardiner mvrhel_laptop: yes exactly15:09.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: We don't support: 3d models, movies, pdf portfolios...15:10.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: how do you deal with font reuse in pdfwrite?15:10.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. fair enough15:10.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: /* FIXME: Get someone who understands fonts to fill in this bit. */15:10.38 
mvrhel_laptop :)15:10.46 
henrys Robin_Watts: I like it.15:11.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: I suspect I currently take a reference to each font I see and keep it in a list.15:11.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: which means they have to survive the store15:11.34 
Robin_Watts by us having a reference, they *will* survive the store.15:11.48 
  The store can only ditch things where it's the only holder of a reference.15:12.42 
henrys of 693503 - this is a P1 with last comment in january?15:14.27 
paulgardiner Eek! git commit -a on casper has thrown me into nano. Was expecting vi.15:14.38 
Robin_Watts Ctrl-X15:14.49 
  Ctrl-X then Ctrl-C, probably15:15.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. so we can do the same for images.15:15.23 
henrys reboot casper ;-)15:15.24 
paulgardiner Something like that worked15:15.28 
tor8 to reuse them in pdfwrite and svgwrite15:15.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah.15:15.48 
  I just haven't coded that.15:15.55 
tor8 and add a list like that to the text decomposition15:15.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yeah, possibly that should be closed now. I'll recheck.15:16.08 
tor8 if it wants to reuse glyph images15:16.15 
Robin_Watts henrys: oh, wait, that's the bug for the fuzzying of mupdf.15:17.44 
  It's all the openjpeg stuff still left.15:17.50 
  I forget... did we have Shelly looking into using OpenJpeg 2 or something ?15:18.29 
henrys Robin_Watts:what about using luratech for commercial releases in mupdf?15:18.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have no experience of luratech, but I guess it's possible.15:19.16 
henrys Robin_Watts:either him or zeniko - it ought to be bountiable if you want somebody to look at it.15:19.21 
Robin_Watts henrys: Step 1) Get OpenJPEG 2 working as well as our patched OpenJPEG 1.5 currently does.15:19.57 
  Step 2) fix any of the fuzzing bugs that are still outstanding.15:20.16 
  Step 2 is bug 693503. Step 1 we'd need to create a new bug and make it bountiable - if there isn't one already.15:20.47 
  So Michael takes the stage at 9pm tomorrow our time.15:22.24 
mvrhel_laptop Yes. So, I believe the winrt viewer is working pretty well now. The only things I need to do are add a progress bar during text search, store the state in case of suspension, password entry, clean up tab spacing issues. At that point perhaps we can see about having it merged into golden and maybe submitted as an app in windows store? Or do we want to wait for that? 15:22.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: it's all ASAP I think, why sit on it.15:23.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Have you pushed it to your repo?15:23.50 
mvrhel_laptop ok. sounds good to me.15:23.57 
  Robin_Watts: yes. it is all up there15:24.15 
Robin_Watts cool. I'll try and look at that soon.15:24.28 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks15:24.34 
Robin_Watts We had a volunteer to do the armeabi stuff with V8.15:24.47 
paulgardiner_ I just fell off IRC, so may have missed the last few messages15:25.05 
Robin_Watts he said he'd look this coming weekend, so maybe we'll have some news for next weeks meeting.15:25.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: are there build instructions in case we get volunteers who aren't as comfortable as the devels?15:25.31 
Robin_Watts Load VS2012 Project. Hit Make. ?15:25.50 
mvrhel_laptop that is pretty much it15:25.56 
  I will add a few notes as to what is the default project, what is the winrt library15:26.30 
  and I can add some notes about the different classes in the project15:26.41 
henrys mvrhel_laptop, Robin_Watts:I thought I'd have to install xaml libraries or some set of windows acronyms to get things going. 15:27.07 
Robin_Watts Oh, a random thought I had... it would be nice to get an 'overview' document of the classes in the android viewer, and how they fit together.15:27.18 
mvrhel_laptop right now the viewer is in c++, but it might be nice to add a simple viewer (no frills just pages shown) in a c# and javascript or visual basic project15:27.23 
henrys Robin_Watts:I'd really like that - paulgardiner ?15:27.53 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: no if you are in windows8 and have visual studio 2012 it should just work15:28.06 
Robin_Watts To do that we'd need paulgardiner to take some time off digital signatures. I guess I should make an enhancement bug and assign it to him, so he can do it when he needs a break?15:28.08 
paulgardiner Sure. No problem15:28.10 
henrys Robin_Watts:sounds good.15:28.28 
  for all the openjpeg stuff can we just make a bunch of bountiable stuff for zeniko and shelly?15:29.44 
  parcel it up into bounty size pieces?15:30.02 
Robin_Watts henrys: yeah, the problem is in knowing enough to know how to bundle it :(15:30.35 
  I have no idea if it's a 5 minute job, or a 5 week job.15:30.54 
  It's possible I did at one point, but it's all fallen out of my head.15:31.11 
henrys Robin_Watts:I was just thinking that. We could make on big bug and just tell them we'll assess upon code receipt and they'll just have to trust us?15:31.38 
Robin_Watts henrys: That would seem reasonable to me.15:31.56 
  If they identify large separable areas we can break out bugs along the way.15:32.11 
henrys once we see the work it is fairly straightforward to asses the difficulty and the proper reward ..15:32.23 
Robin_Watts seems fair to me. I'll open a bug and send an email out.15:32.47 
henrys great15:32.55 
Robin_Watts I've been chasing a problem with pattern handling in mupdf all week.15:33.24 
henrys I was going to go over the milestones in the schedule miles gave raph but we're already over let's do it another time.15:33.28 
Robin_Watts I've got it down to hopefully the last few diffs now.15:33.40 
  The test file that kens supplied kills gs.15:34.04 
paulgardiner I need some help deciding how to include openssl in mupdf, but that can be handled outside the meeting15:34.34 
henrys oh there is one final mupdf issue we need a third party list like ghostscript has maybe tor8 can do this or you might be able to convince chrisl who did ghostscript's.15:34.38 
tor8 third party list?15:34.51 
henrys tor8:see gs/doc/thirdpaty.htm15:35.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: With mupdf, isn't that "everything that's in the thirdparty directory"15:36.09 
henrys or thirdparty.htm would be a better thing to look at.15:36.10 
Robin_Watts ?15:36.11 
mvrhel_laptop brb15:36.33 
Robin_Watts henrys: editing the gs one into a mupdf one would be simple enough I think.15:37.16 
  I'll do it if no one else wants to.15:37.25 
henrys okay, you may want to ask chrisl how he keeps up with versions.15:38.21 
  and new libraries15:38.35 
  seems like chrisl should own all of it. one person is more likely to keep it up to date but I guess it isn't that important.15:39.25 
Robin_Watts Can we claim that the git submodule definition file is our thirdparty.htm? :)15:39.59 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: the same thought struck me15:40.22 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: bug 694073 is all yours.15:40.41 
paulgardiner Your so kind!15:41.00 
  You're even15:41.05 
henrys Robin_Watts: uh no.15:41.15 
  ah I notice hin-tak will be at the summit15:42.49 
  I wish they had a webcast or something.15:43.35 
ray_laptop I thought they had previously15:44.03 
Robin_Watts They are at Apple. I can't believe that Apple aren't set up for that.15:44.21 
chrisl Apple are probably worried there'd be a glimpse of something super-secret15:45.35 
Robin_Watts Aha, a chrisl. I'm going to make tea before the next meeting, but see above for discussion of the thirdparty.htm thing. Do you want to do it? If not, do you have a cunning system for catching version changes etc?15:46.37 
henrys they do have call in numbers.15:46.41 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no magic, I'm afraid, they don't change that often. I'm not fussy about doing it or not, it's not a big job, on the whole15:47.54 
henrys I see here you can joint the meetings: 
marcosw_ morning15:50.11 
chrisl marcosw_: morning - thought you weren't going to be around?15:50.44 
ray_laptop marcosw: I thought you weren't going to be here15:50.52 
  now we can't say nasty things about you ;-)15:51.07 
chrisl It doesn't usually stop us ;-)15:51.26 
marcosw_ meeting hasn't started yet.15:51.26 
  btw, hin-tak says hello.  First time I've met him in person.15:51.38 
henrys marcosw_:yes say hi for us too, I just noticed him on the web page.15:52.07 
  are you attending the pwg plenary marcosw_?15:52.26 
chrisl paulgardiner: I reckon I can "fix" the libtiff and libpng WinRT problems without actually touching their source - I'll have a proper play with that tomorrow15:54.52 
marcosw_ henrys: yeas, my meeting at uni this morning was cancelled, so I'll be here until lunch.15:55.04 
paulgardiner chrisl: excellent15:55.12 
henrys marcosw_:"plenary" sounds highfalutin15:55.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: Will weed help, do you think?15:56.00 
mvrhel_laptop only in Colorado or Washington15:57.14 
henrys they'd have to move it here where it is legal.15:57.16 
ray_laptop plenary is just a fancy way of saying 'bull session', right ?15:57.33 
  hi, mvrhel_laptop 15:58.12 
  when is your talk ?15:58.20 
henrys ray_laptop:it is actually a good use of the word I looked it up: 2 (of a meeting) to be attended by all participants at a conference or assembly, who otherwise meet in smaller groups: a plenary session of the European Parliament.15:58.52 
Robin_Watts Tomorrow 1pm15:58.56 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: tomorrow15:59.01 
henrys oh the ghostscript meeting.16:00.29 
  mvrhel_laptop:694067 - can we tell the customer he shouldn't be doing that and make this a non customer issue.16:02.39 
marcosw_ there are only about 10 people here in person.  If everyone calls in via webex we'll have them outnumbered.  BTW, tkamppeter is not here in person, he's on the phone.16:02.44 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok I was wondering about that16:02.58 
  seriously til is not there?16:03.24 
henrys marcosw_:can you see the people webex'd?16:03.46 
  a room of talking heads?16:03.58 
marcosw_ henrys: no, it's voice only.16:04.04 
ray_laptop on the page Robin_Watts provided the link to, it says he'll call in16:04.08 
marcosw_ mvrhel_laptop: yup, he's on the phone.16:04.18 
Robin_Watts webexed: me, Michael Sweet (host), David L. Zwang, Nancy Chen16:04.44 
henrys so should we ditch the meeting and webex in?16:05.16 
Robin_Watts I can see a slide, but there is no audio or video (yet)16:05.20 
marcosw_ you may have to call in to get audio: +1-619-326-273016:06.51 
  Access code: 491659#16:07.09 
kens Don't fancy internationall call16:07.19 
Robin_Watts I might do that for mvrhels talk tomorrow.16:07.23 
marcosw_ til says he couldn't come because of a visa issue.16:07.30 
Robin_Watts kens: <- 1p a minute.16:07.34 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:I just had something similar and I assigned it back to marcosw_ to contact the customer then he can give it back to you as a non customer bug … keeps the ball rolling and stuff off engineer's plates.16:07.56 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok I will do that same thanks16:08.13 
marcosw_ oops, I gave out the wrong number, that was for the pre-meeting.16:08.36 
henrys the only other thing I had for the meeting is what to do about all these fuzzing bugs and should we fix the static analysis bugs first assuming they are easier and will cause some of the fuzzing bugs?16:10.16 
  anybody else have stuff for the ghostscript meeting?16:10.34 
kens Not today16:10.51 
Robin_Watts kens: your patterns.pdf file kills gs.16:11.03 
kens You said16:11.09 
  But tha'ts one for alex :-)16:11.16 
  Its a barking mad test file to be honest16:11.29 
alexcher__ henrys: make the fuzzing bugs bountiable ?16:11.33 
marcosw_ henrys:the bad news is that the fuzzing bugs that I've entered are only a subset, the 64 bit build issues that cause segfaults.  I have 64 bit valgrind issues that don't segfault and 32 bit issues as well.16:11.35 
Robin_Watts kens: right, but opening a bug and attaching the file is not an option, right ?16:11.53 
alexcher__ kens: please assing this bug to me.16:12.12 
kens I'd prefer not to add that file to our repository of tests, nor make it public16:12.15 
  alexcher, there is as yet no bug16:12.26 
Robin_Watts kens: but as a private attachment on a bug is alright?16:12.33 
henrys so I guess we all skeptical that working on scan build problems will fix fuzzing problems?16:12.36 
chrisl kens: you can add it a private attachment, and note in the bug that it shouldn't be added to the test repo16:12.51 
kens Robin_Watts : as long as its clear that it gets deleted, and not added to the test suite16:12.53 
Robin_Watts kens: Once added to a bug it can't (easily) be deleted.16:13.13 
kens THen I'd rather send the file internally as required16:13.29 
chrisl henrys: I'm skeptical about that, none of the ones I've looked at would fall into that category16:13.36 
kens I can trust you all to delete the file, right ? :-)16:13.46 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: yes it can, I've enabled attachment deletion in bugzilla (you might have to have admin priv).16:13.50 
henrys chrisl:wishful thinking on my part.16:13.58 
mvrhel_laptop oh. does anyone have anything interesting in the trunk (or for the next release) that they want mentioned at the meeting tomorrow?16:14.01 
  kens: perhaps your work with pdfwrite color?16:14.13 
  will that be in the august release?16:14.24 
  I only heard back from ray_laptop in my email 16:14.44 
kens mvrhel_laptop : I would like to think so, but I am not promising anything at the moment16:14.48 
chrisl henrys: it's possible there will be overlap, given the sheer number of both16:14.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I looked back over the history, and all my commits have been windows specific or SEGVs fixes - so no new features for linux users.16:14.51 
marcosw_ mvrhel_laptop: good news for you, the August open printing meeting in August will be in Washington State.16:15.09 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw_: I was not aware there was an August meeting16:15.28 
ray_laptop marcosw: I didn't see the weekly run last Friday with NumRenderingThreads. Did it not run for some reason ?16:15.46 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:did you harvest everything out of the newsletter?16:15.56 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: old stuff I have16:16.08 
marcosw_ mvrhel_laptop:sorry, it's the PWG meeting.16:16.16 
mvrhel_laptop Just new stuff that has not yet been released16:16.22 
ray_laptop the updates I sent to mvrhel_laptop were after 9.0716:16.22 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I want after 9.0716:16.30 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:the xps writer is coming along.16:16.40 
mvrhel_laptop I will mention that. and they will ask, what is xps?16:16.59 
alexcher mvrhel_laptop: we have conducted a systematic search for SEGVs, Valgrind warnings, and fuzzing problems.16:17.14 
mvrhel_laptop alexcher, yes, I have that in the talk16:17.24 
chrisl We haven't fixed them, but we've looked for them.... ;-)16:17.46 
henrys we can juggle, do card tricks and handstands.16:17.52 
mvrhel_laptop yes. the usual circus acts16:18.05 
ray_laptop and chrisl plays the guitar16:18.10 
chrisl And I can sing Ave Maria whilst standing on one leg in a bucket of custard (for any fans of Spike Milligan out there!)16:19.19 
marcosw_ ray_laptop:the NumRenderingThreads test email should have gone out on Friday afternoon.  Let me check if I received it.16:19.34 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw_ : did you see my email to you about the windowsRT mudpf project yesterday?16:20.44 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: I received the email, the subject is: "weekly regression report - Multithreaded and backgorund rendering - 2013-05-10-16:45:30"16:20.54 
  there were 2000+ bitmap differences, but I believe there were all caused by a different change.  I haven't looked at the bitmaps yet, but will post bug(s) if background printing broke something.16:21.43 
ray_laptop marcosw: strange. It's not in my inbox or my trash (on T'bird). I'll check gmail directly16:22.05 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: good grief the customer's definition of color is really strict16:22.28 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: yes, probably overly so16:22.48 
mvrhel_laptop they don't want neutral pages printed16:23.00 
  it probably costs them money16:23.08 
marcosw_ mvrhel_laptop:No, I didn't see the windowsRT mupdf email.  Let me look now.16:23.13 
mvrhel_laptop i.e. they make more if it is printed in color16:23.19 
marcosw_ mvrhel_laptop:turns out I did see your email and replied.16:24.01 
henrys marcosw_:there must be a lot of duplication in the fuzzing - I would think that one say missing error return would result in many problems. Any ideas how we can recheck all the problems per fix?16:24.06 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: you are probably right.16:24.17 
  at least Phil was satisfied with the FitPage fix16:25.36 
tkamppeter marcosw_, only 10 persons at Apple? Where are all the others? Did they got denied entry to the US, too?16:26.27 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: if they want to have R=G=B strictly then they need to set the DEV_NEUTRAL_16 = 0 and DEV_NEUTRAL_8 = 0 and AB_NEUTRAL_8 = 0 and AB_NEUTRAL_16 =0 in gscms.h16:26.59 
  AB_NEUTRAL_16 = 0 16:27.21 
  marcosw_: ok thanks16:27.48 
  Robin_Watts: do you have the VS version for which the ghostscript solution is made?16:28.54 
henrys ray_laptop:I think you have an old bountiable bug about romfs compression that needs to be settled if you don't have time just accept it and let's pay him and we can review it later.16:30.02 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: if it is easy for you to do, can you add gsicc_monitorcm.c to base/color/icc . I could try to do if from this 2012 version but would likely mess something up 16:30.21 
henrys kens:you had a bountiable one as well.16:30.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I do, and I will.16:31.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks16:31.23 
chrisl Ah, good, Robin_Watts got there - FWIW, I have the appropriate VS as well16:32.01 
henrys Robin_Watts:is the webex good?16:32.03 
marcosw_ tkamppeter: I don't know where everyone is but some people came in late.  There are now 14 in the room now.16:34.02 
Robin_Watts henrys: it's pointless without audio, I reckon.16:34.26 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts you can ask tkamppeter what the international dial in number and access code is.16:35.06 
kens henrys which boutiable bug are you referring to ?16:35.43 
  I accepted teh bicubic one16:36.03 
henrys kens:ah that was it.16:36.36 
kens OK Math said he knew what to do, so I left it with him16:36.49 
ray_laptop henrys: right, I remember that. It's to do the lzma compression. Sorry that I didn't finish the review, but as long as we are OK with taking the entire 7zip archive, I guess it's OK. It _would_ be nicer to just take the part that we need, however16:36.58 
  but the romfs part looks OK.16:37.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: 
ray_laptop I'm fine with giving him the bounty. It's good work16:37.29 
Robin_Watts I think that's a download for VS2005 Express Edition, which should enable you to make changes like this in the future.16:37.31 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ah ok. thanks16:37.42 
henrys ray_laptop:you can add "please collect the bounty" to the bug or I'll do it, either way is fine by me.16:38.14 
tkamppeter marcosw_, henrys, Robin_Watts: I have sent you the number now.16:38.24 
alexcher ray_laptop: I've checked PDF collection code. Currently, temporary files have to survive --restore-- there. What can be done about it?16:40.45 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Done and pushed.16:41.03 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks16:41.17 
chrisl alexcher: could the files be opened in global VM?16:41.19 
Robin_Watts np.16:41.21 
ray_laptop henrys: I updated the bug 690969 with the 'approval'16:41.37 
alexcher chrisl: probably, i'll try this.16:43.00 
tkamppeter marcosw_, there are 19 who announced themselves to come in person, but there are perhaps some not coming all days.16:43.17 
ray_laptop henrys: you've already communincated with him, right ? 16:44.15 
  henrys: I'm fine with you contacting him16:44.37 
chrisl ray_laptop: persumably we only need the content of the "C" directory in the SDK archive?16:45.12 
ray_laptop henrys: I need to run a paper over to the school. anything else for me? Anyone ?16:45.17 
henrys ray_laptop:he knows to go to miles then miles contact me and we verify the bookkeeping is right16:45.26 
  yeah meeting over sorry16:45.32 
ray_laptop henrys: OK. Thanks.16:45.43 
henrys 10:30 it's over !16:45.43 
kens Ah cool, I will be off then. GOodnight all16:45.49 
henrys 9:30 Pacific time.16:46.05 
ray_laptop chrisl: yeah, just taking the C tree is probably enough16:46.20 
chrisl ray_laptop: if you want to assign it to me as a "build" thingy16:46.51 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: Thanks. I'll tell them that as well. And tell them the reason for the 'tolerance'16:49.51 
  chrisl: OK. Thanks.16:50.10 
  mvrhel_laptop: oops. old message. ignore it16:50.34 
  for some reason, gmail classifies some of the regression emails as Spam. That's what happened to the Multithreaded one from 5/1017:25.16 
Robin_Watts bah. Why do gutters only go wrong when it's raining?17:42.31 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: 
Robin_Watts Thanks.18:50.13 
  So... none of the test files ever throws an error.18:50.24 
  or uses the context.18:50.27 
  I think gcov has some issues :(18:50.33 
  Are you planning to put gs/pcl etc in the same place?18:51.23 
  I'll add links to the dashboard if I know where to point them.18:51.38 
  tor8: ping18:59.32 
sebras_ Robin_Watts: what files did you use for that coverage measurement?19:11.24 
Robin_Watts sebras: I didn't, marcosw did.19:16.37 
  If you look in the files, some of them have lines in yellow.19:16.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes.. are those misses?19:17.11 
Robin_Watts mouse over those lines and it gives you a few files. click on the line and it gives you the whole list of files.19:17.20 
  no, those are the hits.19:17.25 
sebras aha, so the private suite.19:18.18 
  Robin_Watts: I get much better coverage at home, so something is definitely breaking gcov here...19:18.43 
  Robin_Watts: what's the difference between yellow and black lines?19:20.40 
  obviously the grey ones have not been hit.19:20.51 
Robin_Watts sebras: can you give me an example?19:21.03 
Robin_Watts I don't know. marcosw?19:22.12 
sebras Robin_Watts: even looking at the html-source doesn't reveal anything...19:25.03 
marcosw_ The yellow highlighted lines have a different set of tests covering them than the previously covered line.19:42.42 
  sebras: I'm willing to believe that I have errors in the coverage analysis.  An example of a test and line would be helpful.19:44.06 
Robin_Watts As an example, every single file must call fz_new_context19:44.53 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: Yes, I'm preparing the ghostpcl coverage analysis now and it will go in the analogous location.19:45.25 
Robin_Watts marcosw: but according to nothing calls it.19:45.32 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: thanks, I'll take a look.19:46.16 
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