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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/15)2013/05/16 
sebras sorry about the bug, but it's too late tonight for me to fix it.00:20.48 
Global_Odey quick question (and obviously because I'm lazy) - how do you make a shared lib on OS X and/or is it even possible?03:50.51 
vtorri_ use libtool :p03:52.22 
Global_Odey as in libtoolize and be done with it? or spend the next several days trying to piece the entire source tree together?03:54.22 
vtorri_ well, libtool is part of a build system, oftenly named as "autotools"03:55.29 
  so you have to write some files to set up the autotools03:56.19 
  they create Makefile's03:56.32 
  libtool will set up these Makefile's so that shared lib are created03:57.15 
Global_Odey I guess that's what I was asking03:57.15 
  so autotools config files aren't already (at least, completely) there?03:57.43 
vtorri_ basically, you have to write a file named, and one or several files03:57.56 
  the autotools will create, from these files, the files configure (which will configure your project) and the Makefile files03:59.32 
  then run 'make'03:59.38 
Global_Odey I see that is there but there's no automake files...04:00.06 
  so this is going to take a while?04:00.26 
vtorri_ what is the projet you want to bild ?04:00.31 
Global_Odey I've got a program that depends on libspectre and I need libgs to build libspectre04:02.20 
vtorri_ ho04:05.42 
  use the prebuilt libgs04:05.58 
  that's what i do, as i'm als using libspectre04:06.10 
Global_Odey ?04:06.12 
vtorri_ also*04:06.16 
Global_Odey on OS X?04:06.28 
vtorri_ well, on linux, there are packages04:07.21 
  on windows, there is a prebuilt bin04:07.30 
  i don't know for mac04:07.35 
Global_Odey that's just it04:07.53 
  the doc lists a way to get a shared lib for seemingly every platform but OS X04:08.41 
vtorri_ <--- that's where you get the source files ?04:09.45 
Global_Odey yeah, I just got 9.0704:10.08 
vtorri_ i'll look at it04:10.46 
  it will take some time04:10.52 
Global_Odey ok04:11.00 
  well thank you for your time04:11.16 
vtorri_ so there are no ?04:11.21 
Global_Odey no04:11.52 
  and really just boils down to an autoconf and ./configure04:12.24 
vtorri_ you already have the dependencies ? (libjpeg, zlib, libpng)04:13.15 
Global_Odey yeah04:13.23 
  the gs bin builds just fine04:13.40 
vtorri_ but no libgs04:13.57 
Global_Odey nope04:14.04 
  I'll dig through the Makefile to see if there's a special target or something04:14.38 
  the lib for linux is made with 'make so'04:15.49 
vtorri_ indeed04:18.14 
  i'm reading the doc04:18.22 
  Global_Odey, open the file gs/doc/Make.htm with your browser04:21.13 
  in the Mac OS X section, there are some doc04:22.01 
Global_Odey ok04:22.11 
vtorri_ copy the top level Makefile and name the copy Makefile.orig04:23.13 
Global_Odey yeah that was about the only doc I could find04:23.25 
vtorri_ cp gs/base/macosx.mak Makefile04:23.32 
  try to run configure again and make04:24.04 
Global_Odey unfortunately, the Metrowerks Codewarrior it references is probably more than 10 years old04:24.24 
  but I'll try it04:24.28 
vtorri_ note that i said 'macosx.mak'04:25.25 
  not 'macos-mcp.mak'04:25.37 
Global_Odey oh wait, configure recreates the Makefile04:27.18 
vtorri_ honestly, that would be much simpler with all the autotools and not only autoconf04:27.27 
  copy again and make :)04:27.40 
Global_Odey yeah I just tried that and oddly enough it throws up a few errors about genconf04:29.20 
  which I think I read somewhere is a source file that only after you fix it will it tell you the configuration you need04:30.23 
vtorri_ can you paste the errors in pastebin ?04:31.06 
Global_Odey there isn't much04:31.35 
  it's mainly just 'make: I./base: Command not found'04:32.09 
  and then a few errors stemming from that04:32.33 
vtorri_ ok04:33.54 
  does the file 'configure' exist in gs/ ?04:37.08 
  or is there only ?04:37.15 
Global_Odey yeah configure is there04:38.24 
vtorri_ so go into gs/04:38.36 
  and run04:38.40 
  ./configure --enable-dynamic04:38.52 
  then make04:38.55 
Global_Odey ok04:39.06 
vtorri_ not good ?04:41.48 
Global_Odey oh04:41.56 
  no I just meant it's still running04:42.05 
vtorri_ ok04:42.09 
  do you have a multi processor ?04:42.31 
  dual cores or quadri cores ?04:42.49 
Global_Odey yeah I'm running -j204:42.51 
vtorri_ ok :)04:42.55 
  if it does not work, there will be another thing to test :)04:43.26 
Global_Odey yeah this mac wouldn't be nearly as old if it didn't cost so much to get a new one :)04:43.57 
vtorri_ :)04:45.20 
  btw, do you know the brew package manager ?04:45.36 
Global_Odey yeah04:46.27 
vtorri_ there is a ghostscript mackage in it04:46.44 
  looking at the source, it seems that it installs libgs04:47.03 
  but i'm not sure04:47.07 
Global_Odey ah man04:47.25 
  I've looked at recipes in the past for other things I have trouble building04:48.10 
  and that crossed my mind but I don't know why I didn't try that first04:49.03 
  holy cow04:52.17 
  it just uses the 'so' make target (well, indirectly by using 'install-so') to get libgs04:53.19 
  I'm trying it right now...04:54.06 
  sure enough05:03.44 
  well thanks again05:04.05 
  looks like I'll be off to file a bug against the documentation05:04.24 
Robin_Watts tor8:;a=commitdiff;h=d7a79bb7a88abfca9b1e0bc79703951f5a1e4bc510:26.11 
tor8 nods.10:26.36 
Robin_Watts ta.10:36.56 
  I fixed the mutex stuff in the windows 7 project last night.10:37.35 
  Tiny patch on my winRT branch, which contains all mvrhel's stuff rebased down to a single commit with formatting changes etc.10:38.07 
  I reckon it's easily good enough to commit as is.10:38.31 
  Can anyone else reach: 
chrisl_r61 Robin_Watts: nope, it looks like the site is down, according to http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com11:09.42 
Robin_Watts thanks.11:10.32 
chrisl_r61 Robin_Watts: I have rasterview 1.2.1 if that's any help11:10.49 
paulgardiner robin_watts, tor8: I've documented the Android app class structure. Here's the commit:;a=commitdiff;h=08dc4a137134408397b6f8b17d35267164e750f111:32.24 
  The three commits after it should be held off until we get openssl included.11:32.57 
kens thinks the Ghostscript devices are insane11:45.45 
tor8 paulgardiner: still working on that... hopefully later today.11:46.01 
sebras_ paulgardiner: in android or in doc/ that's the question... ;)11:48.11 
paulgardiner sebras: I'm happy to go with the consensus11:55.03 
sebras paulgardiner: I'm not sure which one is more appropriate, but maybe we want to keep most of the docs in one place? tor8? Robin_Watts? opinions?11:58.42 
sebras is probably wrong. :)11:58.50 
paulgardiner tor8: You should avoid finishing it off today: you'll just be back on Gtk+12:14.59 
Robin_Watts IMHO, doc is the place for mupdf docs. But android specific docs should be in android.12:19.54 
  (or maybe android/doc)12:19.59 
  paulgardiner: "menues" and "annotaton"12:56.14 
paulgardiner oops12:56.49 
Robin_Watts Would an ascii-art chart of the hierarchy be possible?12:56.50 
  Maybe just indenting (and reordering?) the existing text would be enough.12:57.47 
paulgardiner robin_watts: thought about a chart, but it isn't really a hierarchy12:57.48 
Robin_Watts Well, when X subclasses Y, there is a 'directionality' there.12:58.34 
  And there is kind of an implied tree with the Adapter/AdapterView stuff, right?12:59.21 
paulgardiner It would be all bits and bobs all over the place: most of the subclassing is of ssystem classes12:59.32 
  I don't know. I don't really see the Adapter/AdapterView thing as a tree13:00.21 
Robin_Watts yeah, but for people like me, (non (or beginner) android programmers) that specific knowledge is some of the most crucial.13:00.39 
  Don't panic about it. I may try and draw myself a diagram if I get bored at some point. The text is massively helpful as is.13:01.27 
paulgardiner Which may imply that more explanation is needed, but I can't see how to do it well with trees.13:01.27 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: Whose is the Debug-cups thing in the vs makefile?13:04.44 
chrisl_r61 Robin_Watts: say what now?13:05.07 
Robin_Watts In the vs project, there is a "Debug-cups" config option.13:05.20 
chrisl_r61 You added that, didn't you?13:05.37 
Robin_Watts essentially, it adds 'WITH_CUPS=1'13:05.42 
  I don't remember adding that.13:05.47 
  but that doesn't prove anything :)13:06.07 
chrisl_r61 The makefile content is mine, I added that, but I didn't touch the project file13:06.34 
Robin_Watts Right.13:06.50 
  The build log goes into Debug-cups, but the binary goes into debugbin/debugobj as usual.13:07.28 
  and when I just did a build, it didn't rebuild gswin32c.exe, but did rebuild gswin32.exe13:07.52 
chrisl_r61 Yeh, that's how I did it13:07.54 
Robin_Watts I'm trying a rebuild now.13:07.56 
chrisl_r61 It's not something I really want encourage people to use, hence I didn't want it in the project13:08.53 
Robin_Watts ok.13:09.00 
paulgardiner robin_watts: I've corrected those typos you spotted.13:10.57 
tor8 I agree with robin watts on doc location (android specifics belong with the android code)13:19.31 
Robin_Watts tor8; happy for me to push paulgardiner's stuff ?13:19.50 
tor8 Robin_Watts: go ahead push the docs. the openssl based stuff should probably wait a bit.13:21.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: I've not braved that :)13:21.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: fontdump, cquote, and bin2hex do similar things. maybe combine them into one tool?13:22.26 
paulgardiner tor8: or should have common code pulled out into a separate file.13:23.36 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop14:01.28 
mvrhel_laptop morning robin_watts14:01.45 
  robin_watts: so did you commit your fixes to my repos or where can I get them? I have other changes related to text search progress, password and keyboard based zooming14:20.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: My changes are on the winRT branch on my repo.14:20.43 
  It's not clear to me how you want to proceed here.14:21.07 
  If you were to take on my branch, you'd lose the development history.14:21.25 
mvrhel_laptop well, I would like your fixes related to the lock and the tab/spacing 14:21.50 
Robin_Watts I can work some git magic whereby I can arrange to put my revised commit at the end of your branch, I think.14:22.15 
mvrhel_laptop I don't want to have problems putting my changes here into play though14:22.50 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Why don't you push your changes onto your branch.14:23.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok14:23.18 
Robin_Watts Then I'll pull those into mine, and put a revised version of my patch onto the end of your branch?14:23.35 
  mvrhel_laptop: I've just realised it's 3:30, and I haven't had lunch yet. My internal clock goes to pot on days when Helen is out.14:27.33 
  Yell when you've pushed the commits and I'll do that straight after lunch.14:27.53 
tor8 paulgardiner: what's the status with openssl on android?14:29.15 
  do we need to build or is it available as a system lib?14:29.26 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: ok. done. off for breakfast and taking kids to school14:29.34 
paulgardiner tor8: oh. I hadn't thought of that. I'd imagine it isn't available, but I don't know for sure.14:30.13 
tor8 paulgardiner: how are you building it on android then?14:30.30 
paulgardiner tor8: I've yet to get it working for android.14:30.50 
  It's Windows only at the moment14:31.06 
tor8 making our build system call config && make was trivial enough, but the more I look at building it manually the more I get scared14:31.11 
  building libcrypto.a compiles roughly 600 files...14:31.21 
sebras tor8: but they compile quite quickly, no..?14:31.44 
  at least they do at work.14:31.50 
tor8 sebras: takes a minute or two14:31.54 
sebras tor8: I would be surprised if we need more than 6 of those (without the digital signatures).14:32.28 
tor8 sebras: yeah. just getting the ones we need for encryption would be trivial.14:33.04 
  it's the q of getting signatures to work and how much is needed there14:33.16 
  they also have (stupid, stupid, STUPID!) -DL_ENDIAN requirements in their build14:33.40 
sebras tor8: do those apply even to the files we need?14:34.06 
tor8 sebras: thing is, I don't know which files we actually need yet...14:34.23 
  sorting through 600 odd files is a bit much14:34.34 
  ideally we'd build it as a complete static lib and let the linker sort out what we need14:35.11 
  like we do with libjpeg and freetype14:35.20 
  less so with freetype, where everything is pulled in unless you have magic configuration headers, which we do have set up in scripts/14:35.51 
sebras tor8: weren't your idea to use libcrypto for PDF encryption as well...?14:36.24 
  tor8: that sounds like a good start.14:36.34 
tor8 sebras: yes, if we're pulling it in for signatures we may as well use it for pdf encryption14:36.57 
sebras tor8: but for the other thirdparties we don't compile all .c-files from those project?14:37.12 
henrys tor8:there's all kinds of stuff in lib crypto we shouldn't need. seems like a lot to pull in.14:40.06 
kens Robin_Watts : canyou look at this please ? :14:40.59 
tor8 henrys: yeah. I wonder if there are any alternative libraries that do less but still fulfill our needs.14:41.08 
kens I'm guessing the user has not got X11 installed, but I don;t know14:41.15 
kens coffees14:41.53 
tor8 kens: rats. yeah, easiest is for him to compile with "make generate NOX11=yes"14:44.15 
  X11 libs shouldn't be tacked on for command line tools though... should fix that in the makefiles14:45.05 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, did you get my mail?14:52.11 
kens tor8 will you reply to him ?14:52.47 
  Or I can if you prefer14:53.08 
tor8 kens: I can reply.14:56.02 
kens OK thanks14:56.07 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Yes, it arrived a while ago.14:58.20 
  I've not had a chance to look at it in detail yet. Give me an hour or two.14:58.34 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, OK.14:59.26 
henrys Robin_Watts:can this be forwarded to tech?15:01.31 
Robin_Watts sure.15:01.52 
  tkamppeter: I spent this morning making mudraw capable of outputting pwg format.15:02.36 
tkamppeter tkamppeter, great!15:23.22 
  tkamppeter, Robin_Watts great15:23.35 
Robin_Watts I haven't tested it/committed it yet.15:24.10 
  Unfortunately the site for rasterview appears to be down.15:24.24 
  Maybe mvrhel_laptop could mention that to mike sweet ? :)15:24.35 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, I can send Rasterview to you. The CUPS infrastructure is broken down and in emergency service. Mike is waiting for getting infrastructure at Apple.15:33.19 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Please, that would be much appreciated.15:33.43 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, see Tuesday's CUPS talk of the OpenPrinting Summit.15:33.50 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Right, I skimmed the slides this morning and saw that. I didn't realise that was part of that issue.15:37.05 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, it is in your mail now.15:38.22 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yell when you're back in range.15:38.30 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, should Mike drop the hosting of Rasterview, I will re-host it on OpenPrinting.15:44.31 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: I was pondering adding pwg input to mupdf.15:44.59 
  Would that be useful in any way?15:45.06 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, we would need a rastertopdf filter, butt basing this on MuPDF could be overkill.15:48.01 
  Robin_Watts, but it could be useful anyway as one could perhaps thing about a mobile device scenario with less CUPS filters, by modifying the filter chains.15:49.15 
  if MuPDF does it all in one one could perhaps save a lot of resources, but it then would also need to do the job of pdftopdf.15:49.55 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: We don't yet have a full pdfwrite solution for mupdf.15:50.47 
  so we can't do pdf out reliably.15:50.59 
tkamppeter So MuPDF would only do the rastertopcl, rasterto... filters, which would be overkill in the print workflow15:52.18 
  Robin_Watts, but I have an idea now for what it is good: A CUPS/PWG Raster screen viewer for debugging the print workflow, like Rasterview, but better maintained, and perhaps a beter UI.15:53.17 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Current MuPDF can read PNGs,TIFs and JPGs.15:54.03 
  (as well as PDF/CBZ/XPS)15:54.13 
  If we had code to read cups/pwg files to pixmaps, it would be trivial to add CUPS and PWGs to that list.15:55.02 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, that is great, it makes MuPDF a universal doc/photo viewer to reduce the footprint on mobile.15:56.25 
henrys tkamppeter: we'd like to get tested, any ideas?15:59.48 
  I was thinking of having a webpage to solicit volunteers to help us test printer on ghostscript.com16:01.28 
  or even more than one printer ;-)16:02.34 
tkamppeter henrys, this would be great for bugs which are dependent on hardware.16:02.44 
henrys too bad chrisl isn't here - I wanted to see what he'd do when I said "Drupal" could solve that.16:04.22 
  tkamppeter:I'll bring it up next agenda.16:06.02 
Robin_Watts plays the VMware game with Ubuntu.16:06.10 
henrys I mean next meeting - Tuesday16:06.31 
  Robin_Watts: I like having a headless linux box.16:07.40 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have casper or peeves for that :)16:08.33 
henrys I wouldn't like a headless linux box without 1G ethernet.16:08.58 
  to it.16:09.07 
  so why do you need vmware?16:09.36 
Robin_Watts henrys: For when I want to run X stuff really.16:10.01 
  for instance, I've got to try and build rasterview now.16:10.09 
  VMWare works well, except the constant need to update everything before I start work.16:10.42 
henrys ssh -X works to a mac but I suppose not to windows.16:10.43 
kens Only if you are running a ssh server16:11.34 
Robin_Watts ssh -X forwards the X ports.16:12.02 
henrys kens:casper is running the ssh server16:12.04 
  you need cygwin X1116:12.11 
Robin_Watts The problem is that windows doesn't have an X server.16:12.14 
  Xmingw by preference.16:12.28 
henrys I have done X on casper and find the performance annoying. But I didn't look at improving it, possibly with ssh compression or something.16:14.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: Right. I use casper and peeves when I can live with terminal access.16:14.47 
  Having a VM here that runs unix is just much easier.16:14.58 
  and I don't need the hassle of another physical box in my office.16:15.08 
henrys Robin_Watts:yes I guess if I weren't saddled with the regression boxes I'd feel the same.16:15.43 
  kens:there was something I was supposed to look at which fell out your last pcl->pdf change and I can't remember what it was, were you to report a bug?16:16.46 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Well, rasterview can see tiger.pdf :)16:19.02 
kens henrys I didn't open a bug, I will if you like16:19.32 
Robin_Watts and in greyscale too.16:19.47 
henrys kens:up to you tell me, mail me or bug me.16:20.00 
kens It was the PCL bitmap character building when a character has no data16:20.03 
henrys kens:good enough, got it.16:20.21 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, do you have rasterview running now? Then you are ready for testing your work.16:20.47 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Yes, I have it working, and it's successfully shown both an rgb and a greyscale output PWG from mupdf.16:21.15 
kens OK henrys, thanks16:22.39 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, so what is needed for a pdftoraster filter is that one can control by command line resolution, color space, ..., all embedded parameters, so that one can add MuPDF support to the pdftoraster filter of cups-filters.16:23.50 
Robin_Watts tkampeter: mudraw -o out-%d.pwg -r 200 in.pdf will get you rgb.16:24.52 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, it must be possible to make it doing everything what the Poppler and GS pdftoraster filters are capable of.16:24.56 
Robin_Watts tkampeter: mudraw -o out-%d.pwg -r 200 -g in.pdf will get you greyscale.16:25.02 
  tkamppeter: Can you point me at docs for pdftoraster ?16:25.31 
kens OK goodnight all16:26.54 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Looking at it looks like there are a lot of command line options for passing in cups parameters to be dumped into the header.16:28.53 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, this is the case, but said file is out of date. Please check the pdftoraster source code in the cups-filters package (the Poppler-based filter) or cups/gstoraster.c in Ghostscript.16:32.58 
  Robin_Watts, the best for consistency would perhaps be merging gstoraster into the pdftoraster of cups-filters and adding MuPDF support.16:34.05 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: I am loathe to add hundreds of new command line switches to mudraw.16:35.57 
  which means we should probably have a separate mupdftoraster thing.16:36.27 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, perhaps this would actually be the best solution.16:37.58 
ray_laptop robin_watts: in your list of "what's wrong with the winRT email" you said "Converted the C/CPP files from space based indents to tab based ones."16:38.44 
  robin_wattsI thought we all decided that tabs were bad and we had to convert all the GS stuff to spaces (which is a major pain for me)16:39.20 
  robin_watts: so how come the winRT code is the other way around ?16:40.03 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: mupdf uses tabs for indentation. And only tabs.16:42.41 
  gs uses spaces, and only spaces.16:42.54 
  My personal preference is for spaces, and I believe the consensus was that spaces were better - hence gs adopting that way of working.16:43.41 
  mixed is certainly evil.16:43.46 
  tor8 prefers tabs, so mupdf stayed with tabs.16:44.02 
ray_laptop mixed is smaller than spaces and allows for indent 416:44.25 
Robin_Watts and my email wasn't intended as "Look what mvrhel got wrong!" :(16:44.40 
ray_laptop robin_watts: but we already had that discussion.16:44.43 
Robin_Watts It was "here is a squashed history version for people to look at, and here are the few small things I have questions about"16:45.20 
tor8 ray_laptop: mupdf coding style with "tabs for indent, no vertical alignment" allows for any indent of your choice. just set the tab stop size.16:46.17 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, mvrhel_laptop, marcosw, Feature Freeze for Ubuntu Touch is around mid-August, but printing will perhaps only get into the second phone, around half a year later (first model will be a more low-end).16:51.42 
  Robin_Watts, mvrhel_laptop, marcosw, I will have a meeting tomorrow 11am CEST about that.16:53.13 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts : dont worry I am thick skinned about criticism even if the code is still a work in progress ;) 18:00.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sure, but none of it was meant as criticism.18:01.03 
  so I've pushed a new branch to my repo, winRT218:01.26 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:01.53 
Robin_Watts That has your branch (rebased onto the current master), plus my polishing, plus my lock commit, plus your latest commit.18:02.03 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: so I guess I should grab that branch and then go ahead and push it to my repo and start working from there?18:03.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: If you're happy with what I've done, yes.18:04.12 
mvrhel_laptop I can always change it if I am not ;)18:04.45 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Then, yes, grab away.18:05.28 
mvrhel_laptop ok. brb. need to help wife with something then I will attempt18:05.51 
Robin_Watts I'd be happy to see that merged with master so you don't have to keep rebasing it.18:06.04 
  Would be nice to get the nod from tor8 for that...18:06.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I haven't looked over the winRT branch yet, but go ahead and commit anyway18:07.30 
  though I think I'd prefer the squished version so I can easily see the initial diff all in one place :)18:07.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: It'll be a merge, so the history will be there on a branch.18:08.31 
tor8 I'm not sure about the changes in base_time.c though18:09.01 
Robin_Watts and diffing across the branch will give you a single change.18:09.10 
tor8 #if define(_WIN32) && !defined(_WINRT) ?18:09.26 
Robin_Watts I mean: git diff merge~1..merge 18:09.35 
tor8 fopen_utf8 should probably move to a file of its own18:10.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: possibly we should rename base_time.c to be plat_win32.c or something.18:13.18 
  or plat_win.c ?18:14.02 
  That way fopen_utf8 would make sense to stay there.18:14.16 
tor8 yeah, that works for me18:15.17 
  though we do have a handful of ifdef _WIN32 spread throughout the files18:16.22 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: so are you moving this all into master then?18:22.50 
  if you want to do that first that is fine18:23.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: If you're happy with that.18:23.04 
  I'll do that now then.18:23.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:23.10 
Robin_Watts Hmm. It really wants to use a fast forward. Let me cheat a bit.18:25.39 
  OK, so master will look like this (ignoring the last 2 work in progress commits)18:32.26;a=summary18:32.30 
  bugger, no it won't.18:32.59 
  mvrhel_laptop: Do you want the history kept?18:33.40 
  I can put it in as I have there, and it means the history is kept on a separate branch.18:36.07 
  git diff master~1..master will give tor8 his single diff.18:36.29 
  but I can't see how to do it so I get the diff nicely in the web view. ho hum.18:36.51 
  I don't think I'm going to get better than this, so I'll push it.18:37.00 
  mvrhel_laptop, tor8: pushed to golden.18:37.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two patches on tor/master18:43.00 
Robin_Watts I thought I'd got all the trailing whitespace - from the .cpp and .h files at least.18:44.05 
tor8 I just piped all files through "git stripspace"18:44.45 
Robin_Watts So... you change from X11_LIBS to SYS_X11_LIBS18:45.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it was a mess. cmapdump and non-x11 tools got the SYS_X11_LIBS as well :(18:46.30 
  and X11_LIBS was never set18:46.41 
Robin_Watts I can't see any changes for cmapdump etc.18:47.13 
tor8 I removed the line LIBS += $(SYS_X11_LIBS) from Makethird18:47.34 
Robin_Watts Ah!18:47.47 
  yeah, that's nicer.18:48.01 
  I'll push them.18:48.07 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I pulled everything. so the remaining things for me to get working are, password finish, zooming with keyboard (almost done), state saving, and a couple issues when the device orientation changes19:17.03 
  so, now I will just push into my repos on the master and then when I get to a spot where I think it looks good, do I have you and tor8 review and then commit to golden?19:18.06 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: yes. when you have things you want to put on master, ping me or Robin_Watts and we'll review and push when all is good19:19.15 
mvrhel_laptop ok sounds good19:19.35 
tor8 or we'll complain about things to fix and refuse to push :)19:19.36 
mvrhel_laptop fair enough19:19.59 
  I need to get cracking on the icc branch19:20.13 
  I wanted to write up a couple thoughts on how I think that should be done to have you and robin_watts look over before I get started19:20.38 
  I will try to get that to you by next week tor819:20.47 
tor8 sounds good. feel free to pester me or robin if there is anything we can help with.19:21.43 
  we've both messed about with the color space code19:21.54 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks19:21.59 
  the main thing I was wondering about is how do you want the API to be set up. I was thinking that you have some fz_ procedures that you can call to initialize the default profiles and the device profile and enable using ICC. That way things stay pretty much the way they are and if someone wants to do ICC stuff they need to make these extra set up calls19:24.02 
tor8 it would be good to have the default "fast" color spaces as they are19:24.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I agree19:24.53 
tor8 currently when rendering we create a pixmap with a specific colorspace object19:25.11 
  I'm not sure if it's feasible to just create an ICC based colorspace, pass that to the pixmap constructor and then everything would work off of that19:25.58 
  I guess you'll need some input profile for the devicergb etc colorspaces?19:26.17 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that needs to be part of the setup I mentioned above19:26.33 
  really 3 defaults for the sources and a device profile19:27.17 
tor8 so fz_new_input_profile for the device* colorspaces, and fz_new_output_profile for the destination pixmap's colorspace?19:28.08 
mvrhel_laptop right. plus we would want a cielab profile19:28.27 
  not sure how best to handle that19:28.42 
  I don't want to bloat the rom footprint19:28.51 
tor8 currently we have a fz_colorspace struct which is used for both input and output profiles19:28.53 
  would you want to split that into two separate structs?19:29.07 
mvrhel_laptop no19:29.10 
  since the profiles are 2 way it is fine19:29.20 
tor8 right. so just a fz_new_colorspace() from icc and cielab data which will internally use lcms profiles.19:29.56 
  how big would default icc profiles for srgb and swop cmyk be?19:30.29 
  we already have some pretty bloated data chunks in the rom (hello CJK fonts and cmaps... ugh)19:30.49 
  we could make a "hack" for the device colorspaces19:31.20 
mvrhel_laptop I have cut them down a lot for gs (cmyk was the big one). let me check. but I would picture this as perhaps not being part of the default set up, but a special add on if needed19:31.23 
tor8 if the output is also a device colorspace, just use the current fast path19:31.28 
  if the output is an icc colorspace, instantiate a proper sRGB profile19:31.50 
  I think if we have it we'd ideally want to use it by default unless it makes everything ten times slower19:32.13 
mvrhel_laptop swop cmyk profile is 184K. the rest are a few K19:32.29 
tor8 I think we can live with that rom footprint19:32.47 
  so I wouldn't worry about that19:33.05 
mvrhel_laptop ok. good deal19:33.10 
tor8 if it was closer to 1M I'd be more reluctant :)19:33.25 
mvrhel_laptop well I need to poke around in the color stuff a bit and I will probably have a bunch of questions19:33.29 
  I will probably need help from someone in making the link cache thread safe too19:34.05 
  aka robin_watts19:34.11 
tor8 yeah, robin has done lots of global cache work in mupdf so he's definitely better suited to help with that19:34.37 
  I think my biggest question is what happens with device colorspaces by default in a few situations19:35.12 
  maybe it should all be configurable19:35.16 
  1) device output space, icc image is drawn19:35.31 
  2) icc output space, device space image is drawn19:35.45 
  I'd imaging for device/device the current code would run19:35.56 
  and icc/icc would invoke the full wrath of lcms19:36.05 
  this is where you asked about setting up default profiles?19:36.25 
mvrhel_laptop yes. so you are asking about the case where we have an embedded ICC profile and a "Dumb color" device?19:37.02 
tor8 yeah. mostly.19:37.15 
mvrhel_laptop and the case where we have DeviceRGB source but specified a profile for the device19:37.17 
tor8 exactly.19:37.26 
mvrhel_laptop so for the top one, I would argue we just treat the source ICC color as Device Color like you currrently do19:37.54 
  for the bottom one, we use the "default" profiles that I mentioned way above19:38.20 
  but I am open to other ideas if you have some clever thought of making it do different things based on some settings19:39.30 
tor8 I was thinking we could have two modes of operation.19:39.55 
  a "fast" one where any use of a device colorspace would hit the current non-colorspace-managed code19:40.19 
  and a slow one where we use default profiles installed for both input and output spaces19:40.42 
mvrhel_laptop that would make sense to me19:41.09 
tor8 of course that means that any icc colorspace would need a fallback colorspace object to do what we have now19:41.20 
  so if you really don't care about color management, just don't install any profiles and it will behave exactly like today even when there are icc profiles in the PDF file19:41.59 
mvrhel_laptop that was what I was thinking originally19:42.17 
tor8 but if you install them, you get sane defaults for device colorspaces (assume sRGB or swop)19:42.20 
mvrhel_laptop to make use of the ICC stuff you need to do a few setup commands19:42.48 
tor8 I think I'm just rephrasing what you said before though...19:43.13 
  color management on or off based completely on the output colorspace profile being set or not19:43.56 
  but if output is set, we need a way to set the default device* input profiles19:44.22 
mvrhel_laptop yes. we could have the sane defaults loaded but there should be an interface to also use different defaults if desired19:45.03 
tor8 definitely.19:45.34 
mvrhel_laptop when the output is set, we will go ahead and set the defaults (assuming they were not already set). and then then user can load different ones if desired19:45.50 
  but with the loading of the output profile, we will be doing an ICC workflow. if no output profile was set, things will work like they do now19:46.20 
tor8 the question then is where do we associate them. currently the device colorspaces are constant globals, so they'd have to move into the fz_context.19:46.22 
  robin would probably want a fz_colorspace_context for that19:46.31 
mvrhel_laptop yes that would need to be changed19:46.47 
tor8 *or* we associate them with the interpreter19:47.16 
  and leave them out of the context altogether19:47.23 
  the context would still have a link cache19:47.49 
  I think it'll be easier on the API to just leave them as a semi-global in a context19:48.23 
  but we'll need to move away from globals to accessor functions19:48.35 
  fz_device_rgb would have to become fz_device_rgb(ctx) function call19:48.51 
mvrhel_laptop right19:49.23 
tor8 and fz_set_device_rgb(ctx, colorspace) to register a new one19:49.28 
  fz_set_device_rgb(ctx, fz_new_colorspace_with_icc_data(ctx, buffer, len)) or something like that19:49.59 
  does that sound reasonable?19:50.28 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that does sound reasonable.19:50.36 
tor8 and then to render: fz_new_pixmap(..., fz_new_colorspace_with_icc_data(ctx, buffer, len))19:50.58 
mvrhel_laptop I will spend a bit of time next week looking at the color code and probably have a pile of questions19:51.01 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: don't feel like the internals of the color code are worth preserving in the shape it's in... we are not averse to ripping out and rewiring everything in completely different shapes19:51.56 
mvrhel_laptop ok. that is good to know19:52.08 
tor8 the current architecture made the most sense for what we currently have, but it's in no way "holy" :)19:52.25 
  Robin_Watts: mvrhel_laptop: some patches on tor/master for review (added colorspace context)20:30.29 
mvrhel_laptop oh cool20:32.37 
tor8 I'd imagine the link cache would be stuffed in there too20:35.37 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: looks good to me. so now it will be straight forward to add the icc color space type 20:53.40 
  and it would make sense to put the link cache in there like you said20:53.51 
tor8 I'm off for the night.21:15.05 
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