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vtorri_ tor8, hey08:50.16 
tor8 hi08:51.04 
ghostbot bonjour08:51.04 
vtorri_ tor8, do you have some time for explaining me how to use display list, please ?08:51.28 
tor8 vtorri_: there are many examples of display list use in the code. what do you need help to understand?08:55.13 
vtorri_ i write a library that display a pdf08:56.27 
  that library will be used in a program08:56.39 
  do I have to create a display list before the rendering of each page, then freee it after the rendering is finished ?08:57.15 
  or do I create it once at the beginning and free it when the program finishes ?08:57.40 
tor8 using a display list is optional08:58.09 
  the display list is a recording of the page drawing commands08:58.47 
vtorri_ like ?08:59.28 
tor8 you may get increased performance by using the display list to record the drawing commands for repeated play back08:59.35 
  if you only draw the page once, there is no benefit to using a display list08:59.45 
  consider the case when you are zooming around on a page09:00.19 
  then you are redrawing the page many times after each other. using a display list there makes sense.09:00.39 
  without the display list, you have to interpret the PDF page multiple times09:00.55 
  with the display list, it's interpreted once and then quickly played back each time you draw the page09:01.21 
vtorri_ so, if the user uses zoom in / zoom out on the page, it can speed up stuff09:01.30 
  and rotation too ?09:01.35 
tor8 the drawback is that a display list uses lots of memory09:01.39 
vtorri_ hmmm09:01.47 
  good to know09:01.52 
  especially for embedded09:01.59 
  zooming or rotating : display list09:02.26 
tor8 if you have enough memory, I would recommend caching the display list for the current page so that zooming and rotating can be sped up09:02.27 
  but don't hold on to them for a long time. re-interpreting the page is not *that* much more expensive.09:02.47 
  so: keep one display list for the current page, use that to draw and redraw when zooming / rotating.09:03.09 
  when you need to draw another page, discard the display list and make a new one for the new page09:03.26 
vtorri_ new page : i free it and create a new one09:03.29 
tor8 yes.09:03.37 
vtorri_ ok09:03.37 
  i should add an option to disable display lit09:03.59 
tor8 having a display list is also useful for if you want to extract text for copying or searching09:04.02 
vtorri_ haaa09:04.09 
  yes, i'll need that09:04.19 
tor8 since that also counts as "drawing" the page09:04.19 
  I have some plans for a "multiplexing" device that lets you run a page through multiple devices simultaneously09:04.42 
  but I haven't got around to it yet09:04.47 
vtorri_ when you say "caching it", you mean store it in a variable, right ?09:04.52 
  there is no specific stuff to do09:05.00 
tor8 yes. just keep it around until you change page.09:05.10 
vtorri_ great09:05.15 
  i understand more09:05.19 
  thank you09:05.21 
tor8 np09:05.30 
vtorri_ what is the interest of fz_var() ?10:00.34 
Robin_Watts vtorri_: It's to do with fz_try/fz_always/fz_catch10:04.42 
vtorri_ ok, thanks10:04.57 
  on the other hand, in 1.2, that function seems to do nothing10:05.12 
Robin_Watts If a variable is set in the fz_try section, and then may be used after that section in the case of something throwing an exception, you must fz_var it first.10:06.03 
  fz_try/fz_catch etc are implemented using setjmp/longjmp/10:06.20 
  And the problem is that if you longjmp, any local variables that have been set since the setjmp can lose their values.10:06.49 
  fz_var is a cunning trick that stops that happening.10:07.13 
vtorri_ ok11:06.26 
  is it a problem if i don't use at all tz_try/always/catch ?11:34.23 
tor8 vtorri_: if you don't mind your app doing exit() on errors...11:37.49 
vtorri_ check all the pointers11:38.06 
  it's not sufficient ?11:38.20 
tor8 many many things can cause errors. such as broken PDF files.11:38.43 
vtorri_ ho11:38.49 
Robin_Watts vtorri_: When coding in C, your options are: 1) ignore errors, 2) return an error code from every sodding function, 3) roll your own exception handling.11:39.34 
  Initially mupdf did 1.11:39.44 
  but when we decided that wasn't enough, we didn't want to rewrite it all to do 2.11:39.58 
  so we did 3.11:40.03 
  and on the whole it's worked well - the flow of the program is maintained, the code is nicely readable, and we can cope efficiently with errors/exceptions etc.11:40.36 
  fz_var is one of two major wrinkles.11:41.10 
  the other being to remember never to return from inside an fz_try.11:41.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it does put a burden on users though... it would be fairly trivial to create a naive wrapper for the top level functions called that wrap the try/catch and return error codes. something we'd need if we're going to create a more one-to-one language binding for java for instance11:43.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'd claim that the java bindings would convert from our exceptions to java exceptions.11:43.57 
  likewise C++11:44.03 
  so the exceptions should be kept external to the API.11:44.18 
tor8 that'd work too.11:44.18 
  it would make it harder to use automatic code generation tools to create language bindings though11:45.04 
Robin_Watts yes.11:45.35 
  tor8: though we could automatically generate, and then hand tune.11:45.54 
tor8 or just write our own automatic code generation11:46.33 
  SWIG is probably a monster these days. it was bad enough 10 years ago...11:46.53 
  Robin_Watts: don't know if you saw, but there are two patches on tor/master that need some eyeballs11:49.50 
Robin_Watts Are they the same as last nights?11:50.02 
  if so, I pushed them to golden.11:50.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah, so you did! thanks.11:50.39 
Robin_Watts I wondered for a bit if we should have a "compare colorspaces" call, but having thought about it, I think equality is probably ok.11:51.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: just a question on your git wokflow. those patches have different sha1:s but are rooted on the same parent11:51.22 
  do you always cherry-pick when you push?11:51.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: I pull them into my repo, where I have extra commits.11:51.44 
  then I rebase them to the right place in the history, then I push11:51.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right, that explains it!11:52.07 
Robin_Watts so, it has the unfortunate effect of changing the SHAs. Is that a problem?11:52.09 
tor8 no, not at all11:52.15 
  just makes me wonder if you did any edits11:52.23 
Robin_Watts fab.11:52.26 
paulgardiner robin_watts: I think if you used fetch they'd come in at the right location and you wouldn't need to rebase them,12:05.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: If I pull --rebased them, then they would come at the right point.12:05.43 
  and sometimes I do.12:05.52 
  with tor's I fetched then cherry picked.12:06.00 
  then rebased.12:06.05 
tor8 I usually cross-push (git push origin sha1:master)12:06.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's what I do.12:07.03 
  git push golden master~2:master :)12:07.23 
tor8 yeah, but I do it from any branch to any12:07.46 
  git push origin robin/master:master12:08.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: right, but then I'd still have to pull your changes back into my master.12:08.11 
  Anyway, it's git. There are many ways to do things :)12:08.29 
paulgardiner robin_watts: maybe I misunderstood what the issue was. I though you'd pushed some of tor8's commits and they'd changed sha although they were at the same place in history as tor8 created them12:08.31 
tor8 and then when it's time to publish, I rebase to origin/master and push -f tor12:08.33 
  paulgardiner: they were, because he cherry picked on top of his local commits, then rebased them to eariler12:08.59 
  back to the same parent they originally came from12:09.09 
paulgardiner But that would also happen with pull --rebase12:09.23 
Robin_Watts No.12:09.31 
tor8 pull --rebase would rebase his local commits on top of the existing sha1 from the remote12:09.46 
Robin_Watts pull --rebase would take tors commits as is, and rebase my new ones to be after them.12:09.51 
paulgardiner Ah12:10.09 
  of course it does12:10.18 
Robin_Watts often golden has moved on by the time a review has been done.12:10.25 
  hence pull --rebase from somewhere that's not up to date causes problems.12:10.45 
  hence I fetch and cherry-pick.12:10.54 
  gah. my vmware box doesn't have the memory for this valgrind problem :(12:16.14 
  time to slow peeves to a crawl.12:16.21 
kens Hmm, the bbox device seems to be broken for text13:11.54 
  Well, that's puzzlng. If I go back to the 9.07 release code, it still fails for me, but if I use the released binary, it works....13:22.15 
  Ah its OK I just can't read13:25.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: quick fix on tor/master13:38.16 
Robin_Watts Gah. Stupid valgrind.13:47.03 
kens not a real bug ?13:47.40 
Robin_Watts When you do a valgrind check of a block of memory, and it fails, it'd be really nice if it told you what block you checked.13:47.51 
  or, which set of bytes in the block are undefined.13:55.37 
  tor8: pushed.14:00.33 
kens tor8 Robin_Watts : someone claiming they can't build from current git:14:23.08 
tor8 kens: that's the fix robin just pushed for me :)14:23.42 
kens Ah, OK I'll tell him that.14:23.51 
Robin_Watts OMG! Compile Failed! Post to StackOverflow!14:24.58 
  kens: you might want to point out that if he's working from the git head, he can expect occasional breakages.14:25.31 
kens Uh, I already replied....14:25.45 
tor8 notice how all these posts always have reputation scores in the single digits?14:25.45 
kens Because they only *ask* questions....14:25.59 
  henrys I'll be interested to hear what happens returning gs_no_glyph14:27.27 
henrys kens:I suspect another can of worms but it does seems worthwhile to try.14:30.00 
kens henrys I suspect it will indeed be more worms, but its an interesting idea14:30.21 
Robin_Watts does the mvrhel_laptop summoning dance.15:38.13 
  Hi mvrhel_laptop. Got time for a word?15:55.11 
mvrhel_laptop Hi robin_watts. yes15:56.40 
Robin_Watts I've got a fuzzing bug that hits valgrind problems in interpolate_image_icc15:57.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:57.28 
Robin_Watts (actually, it hits them in CachedXForm in lcms2, but it's because interpolate_image_icc is feeding uninitialised data in).15:57.29 
  and I think I've figured out why. I'd like another pair of eyes to double check me before I spend more time on this.15:58.01 
mvrhel_laptop ok. let me bring up gs15:58.19 
Robin_Watts In interpolate_image_icc (in gxiscale.c) we're called with a buffer of data at address P of width W. The first thing we do is to call initial_decode.15:59.00 
  that's returning with stream_r.ptr set to be P + W-1.15:59.19 
mvrhel_laptop so you are in image_render_interpolate_icc?15:59.43 
Robin_Watts Yes, sorry.15:59.52 
  My debugging indicates that the stream_r.ptr is set at around line 61816:00.26 
  so the code is detecting that we're being called with more than 8bpp, in a non-indexed space.16:00.54 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:01.28 
Robin_Watts The problem is, I think, that the is_icc case does not allow for reversed = 116:01.50 
mvrhel_laptop reversed=1 is....16:02.08 
Robin_Watts That the data is flipped on X.16:02.19 
mvrhel_laptop having flashbacks of too many options in this part of the code16:02.27 
Robin_Watts mmm :)16:02.34 
mvrhel_laptop it is very possible that that was overlooked16:02.43 
  and not tested in our files16:02.54 
  16 bit interpolation with flipped in X direction16:03.07 
  I can see where this is likely headed16:03.36 
  there is a if (reversed) {16:03.56 
Robin_Watts where?16:04.13 
mvrhel_laptop line 61116:04.18 
Robin_Watts right, yes, sorry.16:04.25 
mvrhel_laptop if (reversed) {16:04.26 
  pdata += (pss->params.WidthIn - 1) * dpd;16:04.27 
  dpd = - dpd;16:04.29 
Robin_Watts That makes pdata point at the END of the row rather than the start, and makes dpd be the amount to step backwards between pixels rather than forwards between pixels.16:05.04 
  but all this is lost when the function exits.16:05.11 
mvrhel_laptop right16:05.11 
Robin_Watts The calling code has no way of knowing that it's reversed.16:05.27 
mvrhel_laptop it should end up decoding it into the buffer reversed though16:05.34 
  this should have fixed the reversing16:05.47 
  unless it is getting reversed twice....16:05.59 
Robin_Watts No, cos it reads from the end of the buffer forwards into hyperspace, rather than from the start of the buffer forwards.16:06.07 
mvrhel_laptop "it" being....16:06.26 
Robin_Watts (i.e. the data is read in the surrounding code from stream_r.ptr)16:06.33 
  it being "image_render_interpolate_icc"16:07.14 
mvrhel_laptop oh i see 16:07.21 
  the if (is_icc)16:07.25 
  just sets the pointer16:07.30 
Robin_Watts Yes.16:07.32 
mvrhel_laptop to the end16:07.33 
  and then we merrily read beyond that16:07.41 
  later after we return16:07.45 
Robin_Watts All the other 'reversed' cases end up copying the data from psrc -> pdata and reversing it into pdata -> ...16:08.01 
mvrhel_laptop we should do the same here if it is reversed16:08.12 
Robin_Watts OK, that's what I figured. I'll give that a whirl. Thanks.16:08.26 
mvrhel_laptop thanks for tracking that down16:08.33 
Robin_Watts no worries. I was worried that the valgrind error was pointing to something I'd broken in lcms2 :)16:08.51 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: are you around?16:15.09 
henrys I am16:15.21 
mvrhel_laptop I see from the support email that customer 801 is doing SIMD halftoning (or trying to)16:16.14 
  perhaps marcosw should point them to the implementation that I have (it is not post clist but could work just as well)16:16.42 
  I wonder what they want us to do about that issue as we don't have their code16:18.04 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: isn't ray holding their hand through this?16:18.40 
mvrhel_laptop I don't think ray has chimed in on this one16:19.10 
  this is the one entitled Mission some object in output bitmap16:19.22 
  ray has been going over Auto Scaling with them16:19.48 
  they have been getting their fair share of support....16:20.00 
henrys oh I know he hasn't responded yet to that specific email but generally he is responsible for getting a printer customer up and running so I'm expecting he'll respond soon. I'll text him and tell him to check in at irc16:21.15 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok. btw, I will send out an email, but I am going to be out Wed-Fri next week. at a camp with my son's 5th grade class. 16:22.53 
ray_laptop morning, all16:23.27 
Robin_Watts morning ray_laptop 16:23.33 
henrys speak of the devil16:23.34 
mvrhel_laptop his ears must of been burning16:23.40 
ray_laptop re cust 801, yes, I am holding their hand16:23.41 
mvrhel_laptop well you may have to hold both16:23.50 
Robin_Watts Just hope they don't need to use the bathroom.16:24.09 
mvrhel_laptop hehe16:24.13 
ray_laptop They sent a .zip file that I haven't' looked at, but it's probably their code16:24.16 
  I'll look at it today. They are sleeping now and I try and get back to them by 2pm my time, then check during the evening (until I crash) since that allows more than 1 email exchage per day16:25.47 
  mvrhel_laptop: and I'll mention the SIMD halftoning code that you did16:26.26 
mvrhel_laptop it may not be of any use for them. not sure what they are doing exactly16:26.45 
henrys alignment maybe?16:27.01 
mvrhel_laptop but they may not be aware that it is in there16:27.05 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I don't know either, and their stuff is probably OK16:27.12 
mvrhel_laptop alignment with SIMD is certainly critical16:27.24 
ray_laptop more likely, they are allocating buffers incorrectly. Rendering threads do have to make sure and use the right allocator16:28.15 
mvrhel_laptop right16:28.54 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: thanks, I'll mention alignment as well. I assume that your implementation has code to over-allocate and find the aligned point in the buffer ?16:29.17 
  what alignment is needed ? 64-bit or more ?16:30.17 
  (easier to ask than look at the code :-) )16:30.45 
Robin_Watts 128bit IIRC. (16 bytes)16:31.30 
kens Goodnight all16:32.29 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: How do we know that we have sufficient room to copy the line in there?16:34.19 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: sorry what are we talking about?16:35.14 
Robin_Watts sorry.16:35.36 
  In initial_decode.16:35.42 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: moved on to winrt land. let me reopen gs..16:36.01 
  robin_watts: ok so copy line into where16:36.32 
Robin_Watts Ok. let's go back to initial_decode to the place we were looking before16:36.54 
  Let's follow the non if (is_icc) case.16:37.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok at the is_icc16:37.11 
Robin_Watts For the non-reversed case, this code makes sense; it reads psrc[j] and writes that to pdata[j]16:37.51 
  hold on, I've confused myself. Let me unconfuse myself before I waste more of your time, sorry.16:38.59 
mvrhel_laptop looks like bdata is allocated on line 45916:39.07 
  oh no16:39.21 
  not allocated set to buffer16:39.32 
  need to see where buffer in image_render_interpolate is allocated16:40.12 
Robin_Watts buffer is the incoming data buffer.16:40.22 
  from whatever the data source is.16:40.31 
  I'm all confused by psrc being the output pointer :(16:40.52 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok16:41.10 
  it is the real source color16:41.30 
  as opposed to the destination color16:41.39 
  just think that you are simply trying to figure out what the real source value is16:41.56 
  that is right, it is penum->line16:42.37 
  with the /* Output */ comment....16:42.51 
  allocated on line 33416:43.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK. I'm sorted now I think. For a few minutes at least :)16:43.57 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: no worries. I will keep gs open...16:44.15 
henrys Robin_Watts: I don't think I'm going to give supernatural a super rating ;-)18:03.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: really? How much have you watched?18:03.27 
henrys 1/2 way through season 118:03.43 
  I did very much like american horror story18:04.03 
  does it improve?18:04.29 
Robin_Watts I'd encourage you to stick the season out.18:04.32 
henrys Robin_Watts: yeah I was going to finish it.18:04.57 
Robin_Watts IIRC (and it's a long time since I watched S1) the main story arc moves more to the fore towards the end.18:05.13 
marcosw Robin_Watts: mail for you from China arrived at my house. I'll bring it to the Miami meeting.18:19.41 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Cor.18:20.04 
  I have no memory of having ordered anything ;)18:20.15 
  Except the gamestick, and that's not due for a while.18:20.29 
marcosw It's a "card" (at least that's what the customs declaration says). The return address is Cloud Imperium, in Santa Monica, California.18:20.52 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Oh, pfft. That. Thanks.18:21.08 
  I backed Star Citizen on kickstarter, and they are sending out silly credit card sized things to prove how sad we all are :)18:22.02 
ray_laptop marcosw: at least the return address is in CA. I ordered a cheap watch for my son that he liked ($10 incl. shipping). It arrived broken, I got an RMA from Amazon and they wanted me to return it to the Canary Islands. The cheapest rate I could get was $14.18:23.15 
  I never order from china unless I'm willing to get ripped off18:23.49 
marcosw BTW, any problem if I order something from Lufthansa and have it shipped to your house? On one of my flights last year the footrest wasn't working and so they gave me Euro 125 in vouchers to order from their site, but they won't ship to the US (not really "worldshop" is it, should be called euro shop).18:23.53 
Robin_Watts marcosw: go for it.18:24.26 
marcosw Robin_Watts: great, I wonder what the heaviest thing that they sell for Euro 125 is? :-)18:24.54 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I've ordered from china a couple of times, but only if I'm sure I'm not going to get caught for import duties etc.18:25.38 
  marcosw: If it's too heavy, I'll just bring it to the next london meeting for you :)18:25.56 
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