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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/28)2013/05/29 
ali Hi.. How can i search specific text while using mupdf? what function in mupdf support that?04:59.28 
Robin_Watts ali: What platform?05:12.44 
ali x86,im using c# to call functions in mupdf (as .dll)05:14.14 
Robin_Watts ali: ok.05:18.18 
  yes, there are searching functions at the API level.05:18.28 
  Look at fitz/text_search.c for the code that does the searching.05:18.45 
  Look at apps/pdfapp.c for example of code that calls it.05:19.00 
  or android/jni/mupdf.c05:19.07 
ali thanks very much 05:20.14 
Robin_Watts np.05:20.21 
ali fitz have not any file (text_search.c)!!05:42.13 
  its include doc_search.c05:44.03 
chrisl tor8: there's a commit on my mupdf repo that adds a doc/thirdparty.txt file07:55.01 
tor8 chrisl: thanks.07:58.34 
  Robin_Watts: several patches on tor/master08:02.30 
kens Isn't Robin off to the US today ?08:02.47 
tor8 oh yeah...08:02.53 
  still early in the morning :)08:03.05 
chrisl That'll be why he was online at 06:12 this morning!08:03.12 
tor8 kens: feel like doing some mupdf code review duty? ;)08:03.14 
kens I wouldn't know where to start tor808:03.27 
tor8 it was mostly in jest :)08:04.58 
kens is relieved to hear it :-)08:05.15 
tor8 sebras: you will have to fill in for robin today! (or at least until paulgardiner gets in, he's not off to the us today is he?)08:06.31 
kens Not as far as I now08:08.16 
ismail Hi!09:50.32 
  There is a small typo in Makethird file (mupdf.git)09:50.42 
  $(BUILD) should $(build) (lowercase)09:50.58 
  can someone fix it or shall I report a bug?09:51.22 
tor8 ismail: I'll fix it.10:12.26 
ismail tor8: thanks10:18.56 
paulgardiner tor8: ping10:19.09 
tor8 hi paul10:21.17 
paulgardiner Line 534 of pdf_repair.c10:21.42 
tor8 paulgardiner: which commit?10:21.58 
paulgardiner Unchanged source on orgin/master10:22.22 
  Sometimes we enter here with xref->table[i].ofs >= xref->len10:23.00 
  Should we throw an exception for that case too?10:23.26 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, that sounds like a good idea10:24.10 
  but let me think it through twice first10:24.32 
paulgardiner Okay good. Just realised that I haven't checked that it does actually happen with unchanged source. I'll just check now.10:24.58 
tor8 the 'o' ofs should be the number of the object stream that was just loaded10:25.59 
  so ofs being >= xref->len if 'o' is set should be impossible. hmm.10:26.48 
paulgardiner Let me just confirm it happens with unchanged source10:27.26 
  len = 48 ofs = 61090110:29.18 
  i = 110:30.02 
  All other values in the table entry look sensible10:30.41 
  type = 'n' Everything else 0 or NULL, other than ofs10:31.08 
tor8 type 'n' means the offset is a file location10:31.20 
  type 'o' means the offset is the object number of the containing ObjStm10:31.32 
paulgardiner Aaagh! Ignore me. I know what's happening10:31.54 
tor8 typo 'f' means the offset is the object number of the next 'f' slot in the xref (but we don't rely on it)10:31.59 
  okay. ignoring now :)10:32.23 
  paulgardiner: when you have a moment, could you give the commits on tor/master a review?10:32.37 
  mostly build stuff and some warning fixes10:32.43 
paulgardiner Sure10:32.48 
  tor8: third one: why if (image_part) after if (!image_part) throw? Is that to shut up the compiler?11:18.52 
  Oh. It's image_part and image_name11:22.56 
tor8 right.11:30.29 
paulgardiner tor8: your commits all look okay, although I wouldn't like to claim to have followed everything you do in the one that tidies the thridparty make files11:39.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: thanks. sebras got a walk through of the make file changes yesterday, so they should be okay.11:39.59 
  I'll push these, then you can proceed with openssl at your leisure. I'll leave the win32 project file setup for it to you and robin though!11:40.32 
paulgardiner Great thanks11:40.59 
sebras tor8: I'm not sure I can be blamed for any errors still left though. ;)11:44.27 
paulgardiner tor8: I updated my xref-interface commits to address Robin_Watts's concern about function calls in for-loop tests. I didn't get a definitive answer as to whether pdf_xref_obj was needed, but I'd have thought it was harmless to add it for now and remove it later. Did you have other qualms11:45.10;a=summary11:45.47 
tor8 paulgardiner: regarding pdf_xref_obj, wouldn't that work as well by pdf_get_xref_entry()->obj ?11:50.29 
paulgardiner Ah yes. That would be better11:51.01 
  I'll update11:51.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: though I think it should be safe to just call pdf_load_object instead11:52.05 
  but I'm afraid to say for certain, the renumbering code has been unfortunately fragile in the past11:52.59 
paulgardiner Lets leave it for now11:53.29 
tor8 pdf_resolve_indirect can lead to a pdf_load_object call itself, which does give me a bit more confidence11:53.44 
  I think the current (tabse[num].obj) only works because we've pre-loaded all the objects in a previous step11:54.46 
paulgardiner Updated and pushed to my repo11:58.17 
tor8 now there's only the question of the "get" name :)12:03.08 
paulgardiner We do it elsewhere when the type and accessor conflict12:04.09 
  Just rebased them past the ones you just committed now12:04.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: grepping through the source I see we've been somewhat less than consistent there12:05.25 
  pdf_get_xref_entry or pdf_xref_get_entry would both be valid choices here12:05.55 
  the former (get_xref_entry) fits better with the general "verb_noun" naming12:06.28 
paulgardiner I'm easy.12:06.37 
tor8 if you're happy then I will push your changes12:07.47 
paulgardiner Yeah great thanks12:08.09 
tor8 just running them through sane now12:08.17 
paulgardiner Oh yes. I haven't run your script yet12:08.49 
tor8 btw, if you're on linux, using "clang" instead of "gcc" will silence the "may be used unitinialized" warnings that try/always/catch confuse gcc with12:09.00 
  0 files changed.12:09.08 
paulgardiner ta12:10.45 
tor8 paulgardiner: some documentation files about naming and reference counting on tor/master12:42.22 
paulgardiner tor8: both look fine12:45.57 
tor8 paulgardiner: thanks.12:46.41 
alexcher kens: What do you know about zero-escape in pdf_scan_token ? We have a file with zero characters in names.13:03.11 
kens alexcher I'mlooking at it.THe problem is the named destination is a unicode (16BE) name and we don't permit NULLs in our cvs routines13:03.47 
alexcher OK13:04.20 
tor8 paulgardiner: in your git command line shell whatever you use, you can run "bash scripts/" to install the whitespace fixing hooks that I committed yesterday.13:19.06 
  that adds an alias "git wsfix" as well to fix your current workspace diffs13:19.34 
paulgardiner Will that affect all repos or just mupdf?13:20.01 
tor8 only mupdf13:20.11 
paulgardiner Excellent13:20.16 
tor8 the same hook and alias could be added to ghostpdl or any other repo, but really wants some .gitattribute configuration to set the desired whitespace settings13:21.05 
  the default just strips trailing whitespace13:21.14 
sebras tor8: so no automagic installation of the git aliases when doing make..?13:39.14 
kens alexcher there isn't any obvious way for us to handle this problem file. We convert all named destinations into name objects, because we don't build a Names tree, and so cannot handle named destinations whose destination is a string. Names cannot contain Unicode values in PDF (unlike PostScript) so we can't take the Unicode name and use it directly as a name.13:59.58 
  The best we could do I think is to ignore the offending named destination.14:00.17 
  alexcher, if you have any ideas about this I'd be interested....14:01.08 
alexcher kens: why #XX convention can't be used?14:16.50 
kens alexcher, hmmm... that works for things like spaces, does it work for NULLs ?14:17.26 
  and would the result still be UTF-16BE ?14:17.41 
alexcher kens: #00, the result is a byte string14:18.19 
kens alewxcher, we cannot use byte strings14:18.37 
  the Dest for a named destination must be a name object or a string, if its a string it must have an entry in the names table, which we do not construct14:19.10 
  SO we could use a #00 in the name, but I'm not certain if the named destination *name* is actually visible anywhere in the document14:19.50 
alexcher kens: This depends on the viewer. I don't remember what AR does.14:22.34 
kens alexcher I can't seem to sfind any way of seeing teh named destinations, in fact I can't actually find any at present, but its a 7 page file so that's not perhaps surprising. I *think* they are links to the bibilography (hence bib1, bib2...)14:23.33 
  Yes, just found one.14:23.54 
  I don't believe Acrobat displays these names, I guess altering them to use the #xx syntax might be better than nothing. Is there an established method for doing that in the PDF interpreter ?14:27.16 
alexcher kens: No, PDF interpreter does it the other way.14:29.47 
kens Ah, that makes sense I guess. Hmm, have to think about it....14:30.02 
  Hmm, alexcher in pdf_put_name_chars_1_2 there's a comment that says : " Since we only support14:47.49 
  * PDF 1.2 and above, we can use an escape sequence for anything except a14:47.49 
  * null <00>"14:47.49 
  Canyou think of a good reason why we can't use 00 for a Null ?14:48.07 
  Aha, page 57 of the 1.7 PDF Reference Manual: "Beginning with PDF 1.2, any character except null (character code 0) may be included in a name"14:51.37 
  So, we can't use the #xx escape14:52.02 
  OK we already have a hack to deal with this, we replace the NULLs with an arbitrary string. This 'seems' to work adequately well.14:56.05 
  appears based on ebookdroid sources (which are based on vudroid which is based on mupdf)20:23.20 
  there is a binary in the apk20:23.35 
  it is linked to from dropbox: 
  and this binary contains mupdf symbols.20:24.04 
  I can not find the source on his website.20:24.11 
  also there is a link to a commercial version of the reader here: 
  there is also this one: with the pdf-plugin 
  the pdf plugins is advertised as GPLv3 and the source is here: 
  I'm not sure how artifex views GP20:40.37 
  GPL but the main app is also available as donation-ware20:41.07 
  and on the main app's download page you can also find the binary-only PDFPlugin with a paypay donate-button next to it: 
  there is also this free pdf viewer plugin: 
  which contains mupdf symbols in libvudroid.jpg(!)20:48.01 
  it is not advertised to be gpl20:48.11 
  they also have a main app 
  which has a pay-for-it pro-version: claims to have mupdf in it, and this is true. however while it is free it never mentions being under gpl or where the source code is located.20:54.24 
  oh, I found links to on the about-page of the app. sorry for the noise. :)20:55.50 is free, does not mention GPL and has mupdf symbols in it. I can't find the source. and the about-screen doesn't say anything about GPL either.20:59.39 
  of course any of these might be using mupdf under a commercial license, but I'm not aware of it.21:02.17 
robin_watts_mac got PCL output working from mupdf on the plane.21:37.56 
  Mono only for now, but it copes with all the vagaries of the gs devices, duplex, media selection etc.21:38.28 
  Various commits, including the PCL one on robin master for tor8, paulgardiner, sebras, and anyone else interested to look at.21:45.05 
sebras robin_watts_mac: why is it imporant to adhere to api-7 instead of api-8?22:59.43 
  robin_watts_mac: oh, and you have not been running tor8's whitespace script...23:00.22 
  robin_watts_mac: how about separating out fz_pixmap_set_resolution() into a separate patch? is there other reasons for having it besides pcl?23:02.37 
  robin_watts_mac: the foreach-patch... I gues it's meant to make to code easier to read, but is it really? it hides how things work..?23:10.22 
  moreover it removes 44 lines of code and inserts 53 lines, so it actually increases the code size..?23:10.48 
  I'm not smart enough to get what is really happening in get_subdiv_level_for_patch().23:13.59 
  or I shouldn't be trying at 1am...23:14.16 
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