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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/06/02)2013/06/03 
Kausik hi07:22.38 
ghostbot moin moin07:23.49 
sebras ghostbot: hi08:21.01 
ghostbot salut, sebras08:21.01 
sebras tor8: morning. when you wake up have a look at sebras/master.08:21.31 
tor8 sebras: pushed to tor/master, if you'll give them an okay there I'll push to master08:47.50 
sebras tor8: looks good to me.09:00.47 
  tor8: one thing though.. why is the bidi-reordering done when freeing user?09:01.07 
tor8 sebras: because that's when the device knows the page is complete09:01.44 
  I have considered adding begin-page and end-page calls to the device interface09:03.06 
sebras tor8: so where is the reordered text transfered to the application?09:03.08 
tor8 that would possibly help with robin's multipage devices09:03.18 
sebras tor8: sounds like a good idea. I know you have mentioned this a long time ago.09:03.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: begin_page/end_page sound sensible to me.11:09.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: do you want to, or should I?11:09.58 
  are you back home or still in the US?11:10.15 
Robin_Watts Back home now.11:10.23 
tor8 for four days before your next trip? ugh, that must give you awful jet lag...11:10.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: it seemed like a good idea at the time :)11:11.10 
tor8 I upgraded to Gtk+ 3 and everything is behaving differently...11:11.16 
  same function calls, completely different behaviour11:11.28 
  at least it doesn't seem to be automatically threading stuff in the background anymore :)11:11.47 
  I even got it to kernel panic my linux VM11:12.04 
  malloc on linux overcommitting memory and crashing the app when it finally runs out is one thing, but doing it by kernel panic seems a bit ... overkill11:13.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: A few reviews on robin/master11:37.08 
  I'm gonna look at mvrhel's winrt stuff today too.11:37.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. I looked briefly at it, but there was some multithreading/locking I felt you'd be better off checkig.11:37.55 
  (the winrt stuff, that is)11:38.06 
  Robin_Watts: zeniko has started using github, so you can add his repo there as a remote and pull his fixes in11:38.34 
  there's a handful up we should review11:38.40 
  git remote add zeniko git:// 
  Robin_Watts: svg fix and negative xstep/ystep LGTM11:42.00 
  I don't understand the math in step<area11:42.14 
Robin_Watts Suppose you have an area of 0,0 -> 100,10011:43.19 
  and a step of 50,5011:43.25 
  Each tile should overlap it's neighbour by 50%11:43.47 
  or (if you prefer) each pixel is drawn as part of 4 tiles)11:44.06 
  hence in our calculation of "what's the left most tile repeat we need to draw" we need to allow for the difference between the width of the area, and the xstep.11:44.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm out of touch with this code11:44.57 
  what does the "area" represent?11:45.44 
  there are two rectangles coming in, area and view11:45.56 
  in pdf they should be the same rectangles, but in different coordinate spaces11:47.23 
  (and probably the same idea in xps)11:47.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: For simplicity, let's imagine a 1:1 ctm.11:48.42 
  so, we draw the pattern into a tile of size 'area'.11:49.00 
malc tor8: any clue what bidi_reordering doing in text device deallocation function?11:49.04 
tor8 malc: it's there because it's the only place we can run code at "page end" time11:49.26 
Robin_Watts then we repeatedly stamp that tile at repeats of xstep/ystep.11:49.28 
tor8 malc: I'm adding begin/end-page device calls to make it a bit more logical11:49.37 
Robin_Watts Normally, xstep/ystep >= the width/height of the area, right?11:49.49 
  if xstep=width then we get no gaps between repeats.11:50.02 
tor8 area is derived from xstep/ystep...?11:50.11 
Robin_Watts if xstep > width then we get gaps.11:50.14 
tor8 at least that's what I vaguely remember11:50.17 
Robin_Watts area is independent of xstep/ystep.11:50.25 
  Look at fts_15_1506.pdf11:50.30 
  In particular the 5,30 one.11:51.21 
  That's the same pattern as all the others.11:51.43 
tor8 oh, right. so area is the area to be filled?11:51.46 
Robin_Watts indeed.11:51.51 
  If you view that file in mupdf then you'll note the left hand and bottom edges look wrong.11:52.26 
tor8 area=part of page to fill with tile11:53.26 
  view=size of one tile11:53.31 
  both in pattern space11:53.37 
Robin_Watts sounds plausible.11:53.49 
tor8 looking at the xps code that seems to be the case11:54.02 
Robin_Watts I'd have to check the comments I added last time I looked at this :)11:54.12 
tor8 so I don't understand what xstep/ystep have to do with area at all...11:55.05 
  if anything, they have to do with "view"11:55.14 
Robin_Watts so maybe I should be using view... let me check.11:56.08 
tor8 if the area is smaller that the step, we won't be calling begin/end_tile11:56.09 
  if the area is bigger than the step, we get the number of iterations to use in that x0/y0/x1/y1 calculation11:56.32 
  area is the scissor region, but in the pattern coordinate space11:56.50 
  (of course it may be bigger, if the display list is involved)11:57.12 
Robin_Watts Right. area is the scissor region for a single tile, I believe.11:57.17 
tor8 state[i].area = area passed into fz_begin_tile11:57.56 
  that area is the scissor region for the part of the page to be filled11:58.14 
  nothing to do with individual tiles11:58.20 
Robin_Watts OK, so view on entry is the size of the individual tile.12:05.46 
  We map that through ctm to get the bbox.12:06.54 
  the bbox gets put into 'scissor'.12:07.00 
  So the old code used to calculate how many repeats of the tile were required by taking area and dividing it by xstep/ystep.12:07.31 
  and that's fine, except for when the tile self-overlaps.12:07.43 
  In that case, we need to include extra repeats of the tile to the left and below.12:08.05 
tor8 self overlapping tiles are impossible in xps12:08.33 
Robin_Watts hence we modify the calculation of the left/bottom repeat bounds (x0 and y0)12:08.38 
tor8 and we can't possibly hope to get that right using the begin_tile/end_tile logic12:08.58 
Robin_Watts by subtracting the difference between the width of the tile (scissor.x1-scissor.x0) and the xstep.12:09.16 
tor8 what if the width/xstep is not evenly divisible12:09.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: We aren't relying on it being evenly divisible.12:09.46 
tor8 in xps the xstep/ystep and "view" box are one and the same (no overlaps or gaps)12:10.46 
  in pdf the xstep/ystep and "view" may be different12:10.54 
Robin_Watts Right, so in xps, we'll get no change.12:11.01 
tor8 where the view can be bigger than xstep12:11.04 
Robin_Watts i.e the xstep - view.width = 0, hence the calculation doesn't change.12:11.23 
tor8 so we ought to be taking into consideration how much bigger the view is than xstep12:11.28 
  so the scissor shouldn't be part of it, but the view should.12:12.00 
Robin_Watts scissor = view.12:12.09 
  scissor = view.ctm, more correctly.12:12.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: only in rectilinear cases12:12.30 
  what if the pattern is rotated?12:12.46 
Robin_Watts right, so in non-rectilinear cases, we may get more repeats than we need.12:12.56 
  but we already do.12:13.02 
  In rotated cases, we draw the pattern rotated onto a tile that is larger than it needs to be.12:13.46 
  i.e. we rotate the tile bounds, and take a bbox from that.12:13.59 
tor8 right!12:14.24 
  could you add a comment to mention that state[0].scissor is derived from the "view" size of one tile12:15.44 
Robin_Watts Sure.12:15.52 
tor8 the patch makes sense now12:15.59 
Robin_Watts SVG output of this file is screwed up though. The pattern is shifted slightly.12:16.28 
tor8 I had to go chasing a lot of variables to confirm where scissor came from12:16.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah. me to on the plane yesterday :)12:16.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the PCL patch, I'm not happy how all the pcl option structs are in fitz.h12:17.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right. I figure that needs discussion.12:17.25 
tor8 name/int pairs would work for all the pcl options, so we could make it an opaque struct and call fz_set_pcl_option(fz_pcl_options *opts, char *name, int value)12:19.20 
  fz_set_pcl_preset("ljet4") etc?12:19.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: We could, yes. Wouldn't that go against the whole 'no bloat' thing?12:20.38 
tor8 hm? what specifically do you mean would go against 'no bloat'? including pcl output at all?12:21.24 
  or 'too many functions'?12:21.37 
Robin_Watts The code as written now has a few enums - if you don't use 'em they compile right out. If you do use them there is no overhead.12:22.05 
tor8 the same would be true of string literals...12:22.45 
Robin_Watts If we move to an 'fz_set_pcl_preset' thing, then everything we have now is still there, but we have an additional layer to do runtime translation from string to preset.12:23.01 
  and fz_set_pcl_option maps from string to enum.12:23.22 
tor8 the "static const struct ...option..." I'm less confident that compilers would do the right thing12:23.24 
paulgardiner I thought enums had no overhead independently of whether you use them.12:23.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: strings are more stable w.r.t. binary compatibility between library versions :)12:23.59 
  and setting up device options is hardly performance critical12:24.16 
  and easier to extend12:24.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Possibly we should have those as: const fz_pcl_options blah; in fitz.h12:24.50 
  and the actual definitions within the .c12:24.58 
tor8 also, strings don't bloat the header with a thousand enums :)12:25.01 
Robin_Watts that way the compiler would correctly elide them.12:25.06 
  but it's harder to extend them.12:25.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. if going with global structs, that's the way to do it.12:25.21 
Robin_Watts using strings is *harder* to extend them.12:25.34 
tor8 but I think having a more "dynamic" options interface is easier12:25.37 
  ...easier for users.12:25.53 
Robin_Watts cos you have the enum internally anyway, plus you need code to map from string to enum.12:25.59 
  right. This is where multiple headers would be a win.12:26.09 
  #include "fitz/pcl_options.h"12:26.23 
tor8 I have no problem with the pcl mode enums12:26.27 
  but enums for keys in the fz_meta interface, I'm not so fond of12:26.39 
  enums for values, yes. enums for keys, not so much.12:26.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ah, enums for keys in fz_meta are crucial, IMHO.12:27.05 
  fz_meta is potentially a time critical interface, hence string comparisons would be bad.12:27.28 
tor8 fz_meta is not performance critical. and the fz_meta interface is supposed to be extensible?12:27.31 
  oh. where is it time critical?12:27.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: currently it's not, but it *could* be.12:27.53 
tor8 I thought it was something you'd call at document loading time to get stuff like document titles and all the "dublin core" xml crap eventually12:28.12 
Robin_Watts certainly in circumstances where I've used similar things before it ended up being time critical.12:28.14 
tor8 I don't think it's something that would be called even at the page level granularity12:28.41 
  Robin_Watts IMO: #include "mupdf/pcl_options.h" and then we should move fitz.h into "mupdf/fitz.h" and all the other header files and split them by module rather than public/internal12:29.52 
paulgardiner Is this if (!strcmp) else if (!strcmp) else if (!strcmp) vs switch ?12:31.02 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: That's the argument, yes.12:31.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes.12:31.20 
Robin_Watts I *loathe* if (!strcmp) ...12:31.25 
tor8 that's only because C makes looking up strings painful12:31.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's not C compilers, it's microprocessors :)12:32.04 
paulgardiner I like the easy extensibility of strings, but I have to admit I've regretted using them in the past12:32.18 
tor8 I think title = fz_meta(doc, "title") is better than title = fz_meta(doc, FZ_META_TITLE)12:32.36 
paulgardiner On the other hand, that was looking up interfaces in a COM-like scenario, which is more likely to be time critical12:33.22 
tor8 but that's "write language bindings" and a fondness for scripting languages speaking12:33.24 
  "atoms" as in XInternAtom solve both issues neatly12:33.50 
  strings, with performance12:33.57 
  in pcl options, the "features" is a list of capabilities. I think that sort of thing sits uncomfortably as a bitmask masquerading as enums. it's inextensible past the number of bits you happen to allocate in the interface.12:36.39 
  a public interface for that would be better served without exposing the internal nature of using bitmasks12:36.59 
  be it via strings or selector enums (rather than bitmasks)12:37.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK. I can play with that.12:37.18 
tor8 currently only 11 bits used, and PCL probably won't grow past that, but you can understand my hesitation for that sort of interface12:38.28 
Robin_Watts I can.12:39.01 
tor8 we still have the same sort of thing with the device hints though, so I'm as guilty as anyone :)12:39.11 
  keep the current struct and enums, but namespace them and move the presets into the C file (and looked up by string name) and I'll be happy12:40.14 
  and once that's done, can we think about viciousy hacking up our header files?12:41.06 
  I'm unhappier every day witth navigating the header files...12:41.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: sure.12:46.32 
  tor8: That sounds like a job for a long haul flight to me.12:46.53 
  tor8: OK, rebased on robin master13:03.10 
  I'm gonna grab some lunch, then look at mvhrel's, then tweak the PCL stuff.13:04.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: typo/mistake in the xstep comment. you probably mean view when you say area.13:05.22 
  Robin_Watts: I've pushed the first two that are okay.13:06.11 
kens Robin_Watts : : Stack Overflow question for you:13:15.59 
  And for tor8, paulgardiner or Robin_Watts :13:16.32 
  Bit that last one looks like a dumb question, not wnough information to answer it13:16.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: possible bug in fz_run_display_list (BEGIN_TILE uses node->rect without transforming by top_ctm)13:17.08 
kens I notice that its been tagged with bot MuPDF an iText13:17.13 
tor8 kens: have you seen sebras harvest of probably infringing free apps based on mupdf? 26 of 'em...13:18.18 
kens tor8 I had no idea he'd found so many :-O13:18.35 
tor8 maybe we should answer all stackoverflow questions about mupdf with a prompt "are you complying with the GPL?"13:18.46 
  about mupdf on android, more specifically13:18.57 
kens That will keep Scott and Miles busy13:18.57 
  tor8 yes that last one crossed my 'who are you and what are you doing' trigger too13:19.19 
  I did reply to that one asking which library theywere actually using, since they tagged it with both MuPDF and iText13:19.46 
tor8 kens: I answered the first question13:20.12 
kens thanks tor13:20.19 
tor8 especially when they say "urgent plz halp!"13:20.26 
sebras tor8: :)13:20.44 
  I didn't mean to keep Scott and/or Miles occupied, but I was curious whether anyone was actualy using it and I wanted to let you guys know what I found.13:21.21 
kens sebras we certainly appreciate you finding this all out13:21.37 
  I'm sure Scott and Miles will be happy to send people emails gently chiding them, too13:22.11 
sebras tor8: were all of my findings correct?13:22.36 
  did you check them all?13:22.44 
tor8 sebras: I have only checked the first couple you sent on saturnday morning, haven't been through the rest yet13:23.11 
sebras oh and the 50000-free-ebooks-thing I suggest you install on a device where you don't care about your account, because it seemed to request a lot of strange permissions.13:23.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: typo fixed, and pushed to robin/master13:41.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fab. I've pushed to origin.13:43.01 
mvrhel_laptop henys you there?13:57.35 
henrys yup13:57.48 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to out this morning. my coauther is in town for the day so I was going to go meet with him13:58.23 
henrys sure no problem13:58.43 
mvrhel_laptop ok. Robin_Watts if you see any issues in the winRT stuff you can email me please . I will work on what you find tonight13:59.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: will do.13:59.25 
mvrhel_laptop thanks14:00.10 
  tor8: do open xps files work with mupdf?14:00.19 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: they should, but it's largely untested. if you have any files that don't work please pass them this way and I'll look.14:00.54 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I will send one. it was a print out with the oxps windows 8 driver of the xps spec14:01.26 
malc sebras: your (/F) patch doesn't seem to work14:01.53 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: but I will verify that I had not screwed up something before bothering you with it14:02.49 
henrys alexcher_: see shelly's message to Robin_Watts and make sure he has jbig2/jpeg2 problems to work on.14:05.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: zeniko has some patches that need reviewing too.14:09.06 
henrys Robin_Watts: forward or assign to alexcher_, I'll also send him email to read the logs.14:10.34 
  Robin_Watts: don't unpack ;-)14:10.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: I didn't get the Paul Revere gag the other day until I was reading the history as we walked the Freedom Trail.14:11.39 
henrys Robin_Watts: Every american school kid learns that … I doubt it is well known elsewhere.14:14.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Is ZoomToFactor a standard method ?14:19.46 
  mvrhel_laptop: As a general rule in mupdf, you can 'free' NULL things.14:21.05 
  So you don't need to do: if (x) fz_free_xxx(ctx, x);14:21.23 
  i.e. the if is not required.14:21.32 
  mvrhel_laptop: All seems fine to me.14:22.57 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I will remove the check14:29.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: checks don't hurt - we sometimes check elsewhere in the code. For performance critical stuff, checking can save an unnecessary function call, but...14:30.48 
  tor8: If we're going to reorganise header files, I wonder if we should have a directory restructuring too.14:36.28 
  We did a big reorganisation at Picsel when we took our (already modular) code and shuffled it about.14:37.10 
  Initially we built all our code as .o's and linked a whole batch of .o's into the final exe.14:37.29 
  but (for various reasons) we wanted to modularise it into libs that would be linked together.14:37.53 
  There were some things we wanted to achieve as part of the reorganisation:14:38.17 
  1) We wanted the API to be distinct from the implementation (even when implementations were shared across multiple .c files)14:38.40 
  So for each module we had an 'api' directory that contained a directory with the name of the module, then the api header files in that.14:39.44 
  And we'd have -Iapi14:40.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we could probably improve that too. I'm a bit concerned about having too many -I directives on one command line though. unless of course we're strict about only having the -I that we need for each module14:40.37 
Robin_Watts so you'd do: #include "fitz/pixmap.h" or something.14:40.46 
  We might only need a single 'api' directory.14:41.12 
tor8 right. that was what I was thinking. have one "mupdf" directory which has one header per module14:41.31 
  and a convenience "fitz.h" for clients to use, but which we'd phase out internally14:41.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: but that's distinct from the source dirs, right ?14:41.57 
tor8 distinct from source dir14:42.03 
Robin_Watts OK. So APIs are always included with the full name: "mupdf/pixmap.h"14:42.19 
tor8 I was thinking "mupdf/pixmap.h" and "pixmap/pixmap-stuff.c"14:42.25 
  mupdf/draw.h and draw/draw_*.c14:42.41 
Robin_Watts For the pixmap example...14:42.53 
  the api's would be in mupdf/pixmap.h"14:43.04 
  Personally, I'd then have a "pixmap-impl.h" in the source, so that the pixmap .c files can #include "pixmap-impl.h" to get the implementation details.14:43.44 
tor8 and pixmap-imp.h would live with the sources?14:43.58 
Robin_Watts yes.14:44.06 
tor8 I like that.14:44.09 
  it keeps module-internals shared between per module files but out of the public APIs14:44.23 
Robin_Watts It separates ".h files that define the API" from ".h files that are private to the source"14:44.38 
  and it greatly improves the ability of the linker to elide functions that aren't used (as those functions can be split into separate .c's)14:45.18 
tor8 how do you feel about adding a "source" directory to keep the module directories14:45.28 
  I'm conflicted, convenience wants me to have the module directories at the top level, but it's confusing to have too many directories and files at the top level14:45.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: I would not be offended by that, but I think that we could avoid it if we wanted to.14:46.03 
  We ought to have either an 'api' or an 'include' dir, but the sources could go into 'source' or not, as we feel like.14:46.26 
tor8 or just move the android, ios, winrt, etc directories into apps/14:46.28 
  so it'd be ~/src/mupdf-work-directory/include/mupdf/fitz.h ?14:46.57 
Robin_Watts If we really want to go OCD on it, we should have a platform directory within which things life.14:47.06 
tor8 or just ~/src/mupdf-work-directory/mupdf/fitz.h ?14:47.16 
Robin_Watts the former.14:47.24 
  so we do -Iinclude14:47.31 
tor8 okay.14:47.35 
  I can live with that14:47.42 
  clearer but less convenient :)14:47.51 
Robin_Watts That way, people *can't* accidently include private stuff.14:48.25 
  (they have to deliberately go adding new include paths to mess where they shouldn't be)14:48.46 
tor8 with the latter we'd do -I. (at the top level) so you'd have to write #include "mupdf/fitz.h"14:49.05 
  not -Imupdf, if that's what you thought I meant14:49.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: we can either have the api dirs at the top level, or the source dirs, but not both, IMHO.14:49.56 
tor8 still, I think I would be okay with separate "include", "source", "generated" and "data" directories at the top level14:49.58 
  basically deepening source and data files by one level14:50.11 
Robin_Watts yeah.14:50.23 
tor8 prefer the source dirs at the top level in that case14:50.24 
Robin_Watts me too.14:50.30 
  tor8: Just looking at zenikos patches.14:52.56 
tor8 malc: sebras says he'll look at that in an hour or two15:06.30 
tkamppeter henrys, Robin_Watts, about bug 694279, the duplex problem of the PCL 5(e) drivers, the user succeeds to print correctly (one-sided, duplex long/short edge, correct margins) on his Brother printer when he uses the HPIJS driver of HPLIP, so you should perhaps compare Ghostscript's ljet4/ljet4d output with HPIJS' output.15:08.40 
henrys tkamppeter: I'll get to it but I'm working on other stuff now .. if you want to do it have at it!15:10.05 
tkamppeter henrys, OK, I have also CCed Hin-Tak, as he often did fixes on PCL drivers, but he did not comment on this yet.15:15.52 
malc tor8: thanks15:22.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: pushing zenikos patches (very slightly tweaked)15:22.59 
kens Robin_Watts : how bad was the immigration queue at Boston ?15:26.43 
Robin_Watts kens: 1 hour.15:26.50 
kens Well, that's not too bad :-(15:27.00 
Robin_Watts yeah.15:27.13 
kens THe newspaper was predicting 3.5 at Miami15:27.17 
  Reports vary there from 4 hours to 35 mins.15:30.02 
tor8 eep!15:38.38 
  Robin_Watts: paulgardiner: hmm. when adding fz_begin/end_page calls to pdf I ran into a small problem15:49.34 
  the split of run_page_contents and run_annot...15:49.51 
  I could put the calls to begin/end page into fz_run_page, but then anyone using annots explicitly will miss those calls15:50.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ah.15:58.42 
paulgardiner Oh nasty15:59.23 
Robin_Watts Refresh my memory as to how this works.15:59.23 
  Does fz_run_page do: fz_run_page_contents then fz_run_annot ?15:59.47 
  If so, can we have fz_run_page do: fz_begin_page, fz_run_page_contents, fz_run_annots, fz_end_page ?16:00.21 
tor8 you mean leave the responsibility to call fz_begin_page to the user if using explicit run_page_contents / annots?16:01.08 
Robin_Watts So, people that call fz_run_page_contents or fz_end_page should call fz_begin/end_page themselves ?16:01.09 
tor8 that would work I think16:01.15 
Robin_Watts I understand the need for fz_end_page.16:01.30 
  Why do we need fz_begin_page ?16:01.37 
  (can we have the fz_null layer call fz_begin_page on the first call of any function on a device? and call fz_end_page automatically on the device free?)16:02.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I was thinking it'd be handy for your multi-page devices16:04.27 
  create one multi-page device and run many pages16:04.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.16:04.36 
  and I absolutely agree that that's useful.16:04.47 
  but we could make the dev_null layer call it if required so existing single page use doesn't need changes.16:05.07 
  we have a 'has_begun_page' flag.16:05.27 
tor8 several people have run into the gotcha of the text device not having the final line because they haven't freed the text device in time16:05.37 
  the begin page call would handily have the page mediabox in it too16:05.56 
  which would communicate that info to multi-page devices as well16:06.15 
Robin_Watts page media box and maybe page title or page number?16:06.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: existing single page use shouldn't be affected, nor simple users of fz_run_page16:06.41 
  we could add page numbers, but that's going to require some additions to the pdf_page struct to save the number :)16:07.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: possibly fz_begin_page should take a pointer to a struct with information in, such as the mediabox.16:08.21 
  That way we can extend the struct without breaking the interface in future.16:08.34 
tor8 we could pass in the fz_page struct maybe16:09.19 
  I'll leave it as the dead simple just-a-mediabox for now16:09.29 
  that doesn't need any tweaking of the display list16:09.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: So, suppose I write a new device that relies on fz_begin_page being called.16:10.10 
  old code won't call it, right?16:10.20 
tor8 Robin_Watts: old code will call fz_run_page, which will call it16:10.30 
Robin_Watts fair enough.16:10.46 
tor8 it's just those who use separate calls for fz_run_page_contents, fz_run_annot that need to change16:11.00 
  Robin_Watts: patches up on tor/master16:18.09 
  Robin_Watts: the null layer could/should probably have a device hint for whether a given device is multi-page or single-page and throw errors if beginpage is called more than once on single page devices16:20.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: nice.16:20.36 
kens Goodnight everyone16:22.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and fix to text device to move span soup straining and bidi reordering16:23.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: Fab. Just doing some email, will look asap.16:24.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: return value of dev->begin_tile and id argument? I'm writing a fz_tee_device for running multiple devices at once16:52.01 
Robin_Watts If begin_tile returns 1, then that tile is cached, IIRC.16:52.37 
  hence we don't bother sending the tile contents.16:52.51 
  so you'd need to remember which of your devices said 1 and which said 0.16:53.23 
tor8 so in a tee device, that'd be return ret_a && ret_b16:53.30 
Robin_Watts and you'd return the AND of them.16:53.35 
  but if any of them said no, you'd need to only forward the contents to that one.16:53.49 
  sounds hellish.16:53.54 
tor8 yeah. question is: does it hurt to forward to both anyway?16:54.24 
Robin_Watts the question should be "*should* it hurt to forward to both anyway" :)16:54.44 
  I fear in the cached case, you'll redraw onto the existing tile.16:55.11 
  currently at least.16:55.19 
  tor8: I was imagining that is_multi_page would be a device hint.16:56.31 
tor8 send id -1 then?16:56.34 
  Robin_Watts: I thought that too at first, but since users can override hints it'd be a bit dangerous16:56.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: ew. You'd be disabling all caching.16:57.03 
tor8 and we need to keep track of page count anyway16:57.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: right, I was thinking we'd specifically want to allow users to disable the error; imagine if I want to composite 2 pages together with different CTMs.16:57.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. not good. so I'd need a tile-cache-nesting-stack for inhibiting device calls to one. or just silently drop on the non-cached device.16:57.41 
  Robin_Watts: oh, right!16:57.58 
  well, we could just ignore that commit and be happy :)16:58.11 
  but the text device isn't safe for that16:58.25 
Robin_Watts a hint seems the right solution to me.16:58.38 
tor8 you may well be right. let's sleep on it. I need to get some dinner now.16:58.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, I think the tee device would need some sort of state :(16:59.11 
  unless we specify that ALL devices MUST cope with being sent the contents, even though they may be cached.16:59.38 
tor8 a first stab at a tee device (without users) on tor/master16:59.40 
Robin_Watts so the draw device would know to skip for itself.16:59.57 
tor8 or put that logic into the dev_null layer17:00.09 
Robin_Watts so every device would get called if anyone needed it.17:00.16 
  tor8: that would require nasty nesting of information in dev_null, right?17:00.39 
ray_laptop I finallly decided to look at bug 693509 (since the meeting is coming up soon :-) ) -- really strange. The clip rectangle is 0 width in page mode, but is 1 pixel wide in clist mode.17:01.06 
tor8 we'd need to test the return value of fz_begin_tile_id and keep a stack of is-cached-tile17:01.22 
  probably very hairy17:01.31 
Robin_Watts yeah, I dislike keeping a stack in dev_null.17:01.38 
  On the other hand, the draw device already has to keep a stack.17:01.51 
tor8 but I think it'd be nice for the common use case for "draw the page bitmap and get the text out at the same time"17:01.57 
Robin_Watts making it responsible for remembering for itself is probably less work.17:02.16 
tor8 question is the possibly different ctms there17:02.22 
ray_laptop 1 pixel wide matches Adobe's output.17:02.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: The cache record for the tile includes the ctm.17:02.53 
tor8 might not be worth bothering with, if you're willing to use the display list though17:02.53 
Robin_Watts different ctm means uncached.17:03.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I meant wanting different ctm on the A and B devices of the tee17:03.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: why is that a problem?17:03.25 
tor8 say I want identity for the text, and current zoom level for bitmap17:03.41 
Robin_Watts oh, in terms of using the device, right.17:03.53 
  That's very true.17:03.57 
tor8 but that's even hairier to fix17:04.03 
Robin_Watts How common is the tee thing?17:04.08 
  I can't think of an application in our code that would actually use it.17:04.26 
tor8 I was thinking it might help the viewers that want to use less memory and not haul around the display list17:04.37 
  and still be able to get the text out at the same time as drawing a bitmap17:05.00 
  but it may not be worth bothering with. just wanted to see if it was easy enough to do.17:05.15 
Robin_Watts We never want the text at the same time as drawing the bitmap.17:05.21 
tor8 turns out, tile caching throws a spanner into the works :(17:05.26 
Robin_Watts We might want to show the bitmap, THEN do text->speech, but that's a second pass.17:05.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that second pass will need re-parsing in the non-display-list case17:05.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.17:06.03 
tor8 which is what I was hoping to avoid17:06.03 
  in the presence of memory gobbling display lists, not a problem17:06.19 
ray_laptop tor8: and Robin_Watts: I don't see in the PDF spec if it defines what a clipping path of a zero width path is supposed to do. Do either of you know what it's supposed to be (and where it's defined) ?17:20.54 
Robin_Watts It's undefined in the spec, I believe.17:21.10 
ray_laptop great :-( What does mupdf do ?17:21.27 
Robin_Watts but acrobat sometimes treats it as "covering any parrt of a pixel".17:21.30 
  There is a gs bug open about it. let me find it.17:21.47 
ray_laptop it's the one I mentioned above17:21.59 
  or at least that one has it in there.17:22.11 
ray_laptop bug 69350917:22.24 
Robin_Watts I have to run, sorry.17:22.37 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. Thanks. Two bugs then17:22.52 
  So I just have to find out why the clist mode works and fix the page mode clipping to match it 17:25.04 
  At least Igor identified where it was in the spec.17:25.35 
  I found the reason that the clist mode uses the "correct" boundaries. It uses the clip accumulator device and then fills the path, so the fill_adjust is applied.19:33.26 
  the clip_fill_rectangle of the 'clipper' device doesn't use the fill_adjust19:37.57 
  I'm testing a change to use the fill_adjust (it did in some cases and not in others). Lots of differences are expected, but not in the clist case.20:13.29 
shelly Robin_Watts: ping21:45.41 
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