IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/06/03)2013/06/04 
ray_laptop well, that's a surprise. My change for using fill adjust with all clipping paths shows NO bmpcmp differences.00:09.55 
  done. e0ba422 Fix clipping bugs 693509 and 690036.00:12.58 
  I'll wait for the "final" commit regression before closing bug 693509 -- bug 690036 is already closed as a duplicate.00:13.55 
  Interesting that the regression testing showed so many differences, but bmpcmp didn't. I hope my commit is OK, but at the most I expect 1 pixel diferences.01:14.49 
henrys marcosw:looks like we've gone a month without a Bug Report or am I missing them somehow?01:49.18 
  hmm I guess the report should be html so links can be clicked04:20.45 
kens chrisl ping07:31.30 
chrisl kens: pong07:34.12 
kens chrisl can you tell me where Marcos is keeping these 'fuzzing' files ? I can't remember....07:34.31 
chrisl they are in the svn-private repo.....07:34.52 
kens ah, so I can get them from Peeves ?07:35.02 
  I don't think I have subversionset up here07:35.24 
chrisl svn-private/ghostpcl/trunk/tests_private/fuzzing07:35.30 
kens Hmm svn-private doesn't seem ot be on Peeves07:36.28 
  OK No Subversion and I can't find the source directory, any clues ?07:37.09 
tor8 kens: svn co on casper and scp the files07:38.03 
kens tor8 no subversion07:38.14 
chrisl Erm, get subversion?07:38.21 
tor8 or use git-svn with a shallow clone, but if you don't have svn I don't think git-svn will work07:38.22 
kens Oh onCasper, that sounds bad07:38.23 
tor8 kens: svn export will checkout without a repository, if you just want the files07:38.43 
kens Why on earth did Marcos stick them in subversion.....07:38.46 
chrisl kens: that's the policy we *all* decided on many moons ago07:39.10 
kens I gvuess I wasn't paying attention. I thought we stopped using Subversion so I'm not set up for it.07:39.42 
chrisl kens: since you can't checkout a sub-repo in git, and we rarely want the *entire* test repo, it was thought best to keep it in subversion.07:40.43 
kens would prefer that it be available in a directory somewhere....07:41.03 
chrisl kens: don't you have svn in msys?07:41.14 
kens chrisl not as far as I'm aware07:41.27 
tor8 msys-git comes with "git svn" at least on my install it did07:41.46 
chrisl If you want to e-mail a list of file(s) you want, I can stick them up on casper07:41.51 
kens Well svn in msys says 'command not found'07:41.51 
  chrisl thanks, give me a minute while I compile them, its only about 5 files07:42.14 
  I'm sure I used ot be able to get files out of subversion somewhere without actually running SVN....07:43.26 
chrisl You can probably get the "normal" regression tests from the cluster nodes, but the fuzzing tests aren't part of the normal cluster test, so aren't pulled onto every node07:44.39 
kens No I mean I actually pulled them out of the Subversion directory without running SVN, I just can't remember how07:46.40 
chrisl kens: on casper : /home/chrisl/fuzzing-20130604.zip07:52.14 
sebras chrisl: who created those fuzzing files? are they pdfs? have they been run though mupdf?07:54.19 
chrisl sebras: they come from a group at google, I believe, and I guess they ran them through mupdf - we got a bunch of files from them for both mupdf and gs.07:55.35 
sebras chrisl: aha. do you know how they created them? are they private or public?07:58.19 
kens chrisl, thanks08:04.13 
  chrisl I have the file but I can't delete the original (not the owner obviously). Feel free to get rid of it, and thanks again08:06.46 
chrisl kens: cool08:10.33 
  sebras: I believe the tests were created with a fuzzing tool of google's own, but I'm not sure. I *believe* there is nothing private in the files, they're in svn-private simply because we (and google) don't want the security implications spread over the net! But don't quote me on any of that - Robin may know more08:12.00 
kens Looking at Alex's patch I think it needs to be modified, there are three possible returns; error, not present and found, but the code only caters for found or not found. Also there are several other places with teh same fault08:12.04 
chrisl kens: was it perhaps the intention that the "error" case be treated as "not found"?08:13.04 
kens chrisl, I don't think so, it tries to add broken data to a dicitonary I think,but I need to run the files to be sure, which is what I'mdoing now08:13.36 
chrisl kens: I just wondered if treating error was missing was intended behaviour, but implemented wrongly08:14.19 
kens No, I think its an oversight, whoever did it didn't realise there was a possible error return I believe08:14.43 
  At the very least its dangerous and may lead to more subtle problems.08:15.12 
  THe fault is that the page number is -2....08:16.14 
sebras chrisl: ok. I'm just curious, because if there are pdfs that cause problems that I can look at then I'm happy to do so.08:27.39 
  chrisl: also it could be interesting to run the fuzzing tool on another set of pdfs, so if we know what tool was used and how it was configured we could do some more testing.08:28.36 
  chrisl: I have the zzuf tool, which does fuzz-testing, but it has no context-knowledge so it just does random fuzzing which take unnecessary execution time.08:29.31 
chrisl sebras: I don't think we can get the fuzzing tool, and I think the mupdf ones are all either fixed or in-hand - but check with Robin08:29.59 
kens At least one of the tools was 'address sanitizer' I believe, but I don't think that did the actual fuzzing08:30.32 
sebras chrisl: ok, will do. thanks. :)08:31.15 
Robin_Watts kens: On peeves, look in /home/marcos/cluster/tests_private/09:40.37 
  there is a fuzzing dir in there.09:40.41 
kens Robin_Watts : thanks, if I need more I'll look there09:40.56 
kens lunches11:20.53 
  tor8 Robin_Watts another one on Stack Overflow. I'm not really sure what he wants, though it seems like a daft question. Also prossibly another one needing a pointer to the GPL:13:15.17 
kens OK I'mbaffled, what does it do ?13:20.31 
  ah, it has comments, they work13:20.48 
Robin_Watts kens: It collates reviews/comments etc to let you track your app.13:22.34 
kens what puzzled me is the graph on entry, which seems very bare13:22.52 
Robin_Watts kens: I suspect it will make more sense when it's been running for longer.13:24.13 
kens Yeah that could be,the other bits seem more sensible :-)13:24.31 
  anyone know how to read valgrind logs ?13:33.54 
Robin_Watts kens: ish.13:34.50 
kens OK I've got a log which I *think* I know what its telling me, but I'm not certain, jst a second.13:35.15 
  ==22390== Invalid read of size 813:35.30 
  ==22390== at 0x7F074D: pdf_compute_BaseFont (gdevpdtf.c:855)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x801388: write_font_resources (gdevpdtw.c:655)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x7A58D6: pdf_close (gdevpdf.c:2298)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x937C72: gs_closedevice (gsdevice.c:647)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x535D76: gs_main_finit (imain.c:867)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x5361B4: gs_to_exit_with_code (imain.c:931)13:35.30 
  ==22390== by 0x468527: main (gs.c:139)13:35.31 
  ==22390== Address 0x9f5a550 is 3,280 bytes inside a block of size 20,048 free'd13:35.31 
  ==22390== at 0x4C24D68: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325)13:35.32 
  ==22390== by 0x951E3B: gs_heap_free_object (gsmalloc.c:347)13:35.32 
  ==22390== by 0x9271FB: alloc_free_chunk (gsalloc.c:1998)13:35.33 
tor8 the first stack trace is where it bombed, the second is a stack trace from when the memory was allocated/freed13:36.12 
kens I think that's telling me that pdf_compute_BaseFont was trying to read from free'd memory and that the memory was free'd in gs_closedevice13:36.16 
  tor8 that's what I was thinking, thanks13:36.26 
Robin_Watts kens: you would be right.13:36.29 
kens So now I have to track down why the memory was freed but the resource was not discarded (I think)13:37.05 
  Kind of an odd sequence....13:37.22 
  and of course its a large file with many fonts.13:37.52 
tor8 kens: I don't follow... how did you read that trace to deduce that the memory was freed in gs_closedevice?13:42.29 
sebras Robin_Watts: kens: but in the stacktrace there is no evidence that gs_closedevice() freed the memory...?13:42.42 
tor8 the free trace is only 3 lines13:42.44 
kens from gs_closedevice13:42.44 
tor8 (unless irc truncated your paste)13:42.59 
kens gs_closedevice calls pdf_close etc13:43.06 
  Oh yes, freenode did truncate it13:43.16 
  'Throttled due to flooding'13:43.25 
  Having said that, I think valgrind is wrong anyway13:43.43 
  THe memory that's freed is not related to the font, but that probably means it was relocated by the garbage collector or something13:44.06 
sebras kens: valgrind might also truncate stacktraces sometimes. --num-callers=50 is really handy then.13:44.15 
  kens: if you can run gs without its own allocator it probably would make sense. we have to do the same for gstreamer (which relies on glibs slice-allocator e.g.)13:45.01 
kens You can't run GS without its own allocater13:45.14 
  Sorry allocaters, plural13:45.26 
  Well, the Val;grind warning is incorrect, at least for my current source, under Windows. I strongly suspect that the memory has been relocated which is either confusing Valgrind or making it impossible for me to see the problem because I don't have the same version of source running on the same OS etc.13:53.21 
  ROFL never seen this one before :13:55.43 
  ==26718== Warning: silly arg (-393168) to malloc()13:55.43 
sebras kens: (for the logs) I believe that it is possible to instrument allocator code to inform valgrin what is going on. it might be worthwhile to do that for gs perhaps.14:13.44 
tor8 henrys: Robin_Watts: paulgardiner: I may be a few minutes late for the mupdf meeting today.14:23.21 
henrys okay14:23.50 
Robin_Watts sebras: In what way? You mean marking stuff as undefined/defined within our own allocators?14:25.17 
  MuPDF does that.14:25.28 
  sorry, Memento does that.14:25.37 
  but I'm not sure the chunk allocator does.14:25.49 
  It means we need to mark block headers as accessible/unaccessible as we walk through them.14:26.18 
  henrys: A couple of topics for the meeting agenda...14:27.26 
  1) Get sebras an NDA.14:27.32 
  2) Investigate the NVidia path rendering on GPU stuff.14:27.51 
henrys yes I spoke with him privately earlier14:27.55 
  and added that.14:28.03 
Robin_Watts oh, ok.14:28.10 
  Also, the agenda works better in meetings when items are numbered, I think? Otherwise we lose track of where we are?14:28.49 
sebras I need to go, but I'll be sure to check the logs when I get home.14:31.43 
henrys Robin_Watts:yes the agenda is a work in progress right now. I'm actually using an online outliner which allows me to cross stuff off which fouls numbering, but yes I'll think of something.14:33.01 
  I could use an md5 sum ;-)14:34.15 
Robin_Watts henrys: put it in a shared git repo.14:38.52 
henrys It wouldn't be a problem if I broke it into subtopics, which I'd prefer, but that promotes snoozing ;-)14:39.02 
Robin_Watts I'm confused by bug 69429014:40.45 
  I can't reproduce it. Marcos says in comment 8 that it's been fixed.14:41.09 
  so why does he then ask me to try to figure out where it has the problem in comment 10 ?14:41.27 
kens No he means the /Nums problem is fixed14:41.28 
  the reporter has 2 problems in one bug14:41.38 
Robin_Watts kens: right.14:41.45 
kens I oculd reproduce the crash14:41.52 
Robin_Watts I'm trying on peeves and failing to make it crash.14:42.07 
kens crashed on WIndows for me14:46.00 
henrys I'm fine skipping meetings today we'll have plenty of meeting in Miami.14:56.17 
kens Sounds good to me.... The only things I have to discuss are on the agenda14:56.39 
henrys the only thing I'd say is let's rush to get stuff checked in, steady pace is best.14:56.55 
Robin_Watts henrys: I was hoping to talk about the mupdf fuzzing work that shelly and zeniko did.14:57.11 
  kens: won't reproduce in either windows or on peeves for me.14:58.05 
kens Well it was a slightly earlier version of the code, just a minute and I'll try with my current build14:58.26 
Robin_Watts what SHA were you testing on ?14:58.28 
henrys Robin_Watts:good enough if you, alexcher_ and I talk about it?14:58.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: sure.14:58.43 
henrys alexcher_:are you here yet?14:59.00 
  we may have to wait for the ghostscript meeting time, Robin_Watts 14:59.56 
Robin_Watts essentially, we asked shelly/simon to look at the remaining fuzzing SEGVs from mupdf (which we believed to all be in openjpeg2)15:00.02 
  We have 1 SEGV left that we know of, in the jbig2 stuff.15:00.22 
tor8 henrys: we'll snooze regardless ;)15:00.40 
Robin_Watts So I think they've fulfilled their remit, and we should sort out paying them some sort of bounty for their efforts.15:00.53 
  The majority of the fixes came from zeniko, but shelly was working on openjpeg2 integration.15:02.20 
kens Robin_Watts : current code works fine, I have no idea why15:02.28 
Robin_Watts so both deserve something.15:02.33 
  kens: I'll try to backtrack a bit,15:02.52 
kens a week or so should be enough15:03.02 
Robin_Watts I'd be tempted to kick the remaining jbig2dec bug to shelly and to pay them both a bounty.15:03.32 
henrys Robin_Watts:I have been watching and it "feels" like 1000 and 1500.00 (shelly and zeniko) is that about right?15:03.32 
Robin_Watts I don't think either could complain at that being ungenerous.15:03.59 
henrys okay I'll arrange that with miles.15:05.21 
tor8 henrys: mupdf meeting time?15:05.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: henrys just said to skip the meetings as we have miami looming.15:06.24 
  tor8: did you have anything for the meeting?15:06.34 
tor8 just sebras huge list of gpl violations on android marketplace15:06.52 
henrys if there is reason to have the meeting I'm here.15:06.56 
  tor8:I'll add that to the agenda.15:07.18 
  one good thing about mobile is we won't see many dodging the GPL with forked process.15:08.06 
tor8 like I mentioned yesterday to kens, it seems a lot of the dumb "how do I use my computer" questions regarding mupdf on android on stackoverflow are probably related15:08.54 
  henrys: a few of those seem to be cropping up as well15:09.02 
  one of the more popular apps that used to be gpl is going closed source and using a forked process to dodge the gpl...15:09.40 
  ebookdroid I think it wa15:09.47 
mvrhel_laptop sorry I am a bit late15:10.07 
  oh no meetings?15:10.52 
henrys tor8:really I thought that would too heavyweight on mobile15:11.03 
tor8 so we should probably probe all the stackoverflow "halp me plz fix! urgent! how do I compile mupdf on android??? I am clueless!" people about whether they're aware of licensing issues15:11.14 
mvrhel_laptop I had a couple questions.15:11.16 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: right - but go ahead.15:11.25 
Robin_Watts our expectations of the capabilities of mobile are changing radically.15:11.36 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: we want to get your stuff cleared for the windows store. Are you ready?15:12.36 
mvrhel_laptop so once I get the things that Robin_Watts mentioned to me (about the not checking for !=NULL) and figure out my open xps issue (obviously something I am doing here), and test that all is well when running on the device itself are we fine with submitting to the store?15:12.45 
  henrys: other than checking and fixing those things, yes I think so15:13.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The not checking for != NULL thing was just an observation.15:13.31 
  don't feel you need to change your code purely for my sensibilities :)15:13.42 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no it is cleaner. I already fixed it :)15:13.53 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: is there a packaging scheme like droid?15:13.58 
  you should post the package and let someone else test the final thing15:14.19 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I have to go through the whole process. I will copy the info that we have from the droid app15:14.21 
  oh. good idea. I15:14.40 
  I will start to go through the process and see if I can package and have someone test henrys15:15.04 
  next question is, do we want to make a windows mobile version too15:16.15 
henrys post it to tech and ask for testing. We'll talk about folks getting windows 8 at the meeting in Miami, but for now I think a few people can give it a go..15:16.25 
mvrhel_laptop it should not be too hard, but it has to be written in c# as opposed to c++ :(15:16.47 
henrys ugh15:17.09 
mvrhel_laptop at least the ui part. I should still be able to call into the winrt library15:17.11 
  as I have it set up15:17.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mudraw on xps files leaks images according to valgrind :(15:17.30 
mvrhel_laptop I really don't think it will be too dificult15:17.33 
henrys why do we have the c++ version at all then?15:17.44 
mvrhel_laptop well, you want to write the winrt stuff in c++15:18.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: bugger. will look.15:18.23 
mvrhel_laptop and you can call from c++, javascript, c#15:18.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:I guess that was my question we either need 3 languages for the new windows ecosystem or 2 (C# and C), 2 is better than 3.15:19.26 
mvrhel_laptop writing the UI portion in xaml/C# will be pretty easy15:19.28 
  henrys: I see. I suppose, I could have written the windows 8 viewer in c#, but I still would need to write new UI code for the windows mobile device. This way at least we demonstrate that yes indeed from our mupdf winrt library we can create application in the various languages15:22.53 
  so I don't see it being too much of an issue. 15:23.17 
Robin_Watts The core lib is in C.15:23.34 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: fair enough.15:23.49 
Robin_Watts AIUI in order to expose the API to other things we need a small wrapper veneer. That needs to be in C++, right?15:24.02 
mvrhel_laptop yes. and the winrt interface to it is in c++. And one can write UI front ends in c++, c# and javascript to call into the winrt interface15:24.15 
Robin_Watts And then apps can be written in any language we like.15:24.22 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes.15:24.24 
Robin_Watts right, so we are tied to C/C++ for the core winrt libs, but app writers are free to choose.15:24.52 
henrys Robin_Watts:my point we could use C# in lieu of C++ and have one evil language to deal with ;-) not 215:24.57 
mvrhel_laptop c++ is not as evil as c#15:25.10 
Robin_Watts Can we write the veneer in C# ?15:25.28 
mvrhel_laptop but I think it is good to demonstrate the use of both.15:25.39 
  Robin_Watts: no I think the winrt stuff has to be in c++15:25.52 
Robin_Watts C# can call anything that's been wrapped up in the right way - but we need to use C++ to wrap our C.15:25.54 
mvrhel_laptop but I would need to double check that15:25.59 
Robin_Watts right, that's what I thought, hence I think henrys' assertion is wrong.15:26.07 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ah I see your logic15:26.22 
tor8 these wrappers, do they have to be classes and stuff or why can't you just call the C directly?15:26.23 
mvrhel_laptop even if I had written the viewer in C# I would have had c++ anyway15:26.40 
  tor8: they have to be very special winrt types15:26.55 
  not even standard c++ types15:27.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: AIUI, in order for the magic interoperability to work, it needs to be an object based interface.15:27.17 
tor8 yuck. but oh well.15:27.31 
mvrhel_laptop that part is done and working though, so getting a windows mobile solution working should be pretty easy15:28.18 
  but we can chat about it at the meeting15:28.33 
tor8 the cross-language interfaces to mupdf (jni and winrt, and maybe more in the future?) should probably be designed and documented. something for the agenda?15:28.46 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that would be a good idea15:29.16 
henrys okay the cancelled meeting has 1 minute left ;-)15:29.56 
mvrhel_laptop :)15:30.02 
  henrys: so can you add windows mobile to the agenda?15:30.16 
tor8 and foreign language mupdf interfaces. 15:30.35 
henrys yes and yes15:30.47 
Robin_Watts foreign language mupdf interfaces?15:31.03 
  LeMuPDF ?15:31.09 
mvrhel_laptop oui oui15:31.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: precis!15:31.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'm a bit confused, didn't you have something running on the surface?15:31.34 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that is working fine. but is different than windows phone....15:31.53 
  sad but true15:32.06 
Robin_Watts gotta love ms.15:32.09 
henrys i.e. I was just lumping windowrt viewer all in the same category and I guess it should be split up.15:32.27 
Robin_Watts everyone else is having problems with fragmentation of the device space. So we should design our new system to have the same problems!15:32.37 
tor8 jni, winrt, objc, and some basic set of apis that look similar for them all15:32.45 
mvrhel_laptop so we really have 3 windows things15:32.47 
  desktop, windows 8, windows 8 mobile15:32.58 
  the surface falls in the windows 8 category15:33.07 
henrys okay I'll fix the agenda.15:33.46 
Robin_Watts kens, ray_laptop: It seems that it was rays clipping change that's made this stop crashing.15:34.49 
kens THat's kind of odd15:35.48 
henrys whilst many of you are now here (and for the logs) I was going to suggest Artifex spend a bit more money and have meetings on weekdays. I won't suggest it if there are loud objections. I think family obligations are most likely to fall on a Saturday or Sunday. I'm definitely in the doghouse going out of town this weekend, summer art market for Sabrina. Thoughts? 15:36.16 
kens henrys its really a lot more for us to fly not over a weekend. THree time sthe price as I recall15:37.20 
Robin_Watts henrys: The europeans would still HAVE to stay over a saturday night.15:37.39 
kens We don't ahev to stay a saturday robin15:37.53 
  Its just way more expensive if we don't15:38.03 
Robin_Watts kens: Unless we want to pay 4x the price.15:38.08 
kens yes, that's what I was saying :-)15:38.18 
  THough I thought it was 3 times, but ....15:38.28 
henrys oh I didn't know it was that much.15:38.35 
Robin_Watts 600 vs 2400 last time I looked.15:38.48 
kens yeah its like £1500 vs £50015:38.48 
  well RObin may be right15:38.54 
  Its really a lot15:39.02 
henrys okay well we don't want to do that.15:39.26 
Robin_Watts So either miles would need to pay a lot more (and there are 5 of us now), or we'd need to stay extra nights (which costs more in hotel bills)15:39.43 
  Idea: Do US folks pay the stupid saturday night premium when they fly to london? :)15:42.06 
mvrhel_laptop I don't believe so15:42.20 
Robin_Watts All future meetings to be held here then! Result!15:42.35 
mvrhel_laptop hehe15:42.41 
  I don't mind the weekend meetings for the most part. 15:43.06 
  as long as we have plenty of notice15:43.16 
Robin_Watts I'm still trying to parse how "avoiding family obligations" is a bad thing...15:43.31 
mvrhel_laptop hehe15:43.37 
henrys I see denver to london weekday for about 1200 US15:43.54 
  and don't see a change for the weekend, I'm just using google flight though15:44.51 
Robin_Watts ok, to and from sf in december, looking at virgin atlantic.15:45.04 
kens henrys miles sadi that too15:45.14 
  Its not the case here15:45.19 
Robin_Watts 483.75 if we stay saturday night, 1514.75 if we don't.15:45.21 
kens right 3 time slike I said15:45.32 
henrys insane15:45.42 
Robin_Watts sorry, that was for JFK not SFO. Don't know how I did that. But you get the idea.15:46.41 
henrys is it just a london thing or all of europe is like that?15:47.34 
Robin_Watts 2056.75 vs 785.7515:47.38 
  henrys: I thought it was a worldwide thing, so I clearly have no idea how to answer that question.15:47.59 
kens Miles said to me it was different for US folks, but when he aqctually tried it,it turned out not to be15:48.23 
  But that was some time ago15:48.29 
henrys how much is a one way?15:48.42 
kens I'm not sure immigration likes you arriving on a one-way ticket ;-)15:49.10 
Robin_Watts henrys: it would work out >= the 2K price, I'm sure 15:49.33 
henrys from what I'm grokking a one way here and a round trip back where you didn't use the 2nd leg of the round trip would be cheapr.15:49.54 
Robin_Watts We could fly on saturday, have the meeting sunday/monday and then fly home.15:49.54 
kens Robin_Watts : we've done that before (or at least, I hacve)15:50.12 
Robin_Watts kens: yeah, me too.15:50.35 
paulgardiner How about if we all live in the US and visit the UK for 4 almost 3 month periods a year with 2 day gaps?15:50.45 
kens Canslo do Thurs/Friday and fly back Sunday15:51.00 
Robin_Watts That would mean that USicans could maybe fly in sunday morning?15:51.01 
  i.e. only lose one day of their weekend.15:51.15 
  henrys: 1 way flight = 1085.1515:51.28 
marcosw the easiest solution is to use nested tickets, but that would require miles to plan two staff meetings in advance. 15:51.57 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Cunning.15:52.19 
marcosw I used to fly a lot on business for cheap companies :-)15:52.40 
henrys marcosw:well if you can figure out a was to keep us working on the workday and off on the weekdays at a reasonable cost I'll talk miles into it.15:53.28 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I could fly from Johanessburg to Chicago with a 4 week layover in london...15:53.28 
marcosw Robin_Watts: we also used to buy round trip tickets and throw away the return, that way a trip is never more than 2x the cheapest fare.15:54.10 
henrys of course he probably deducts it so the hit is not as large as it seems.15:54.21 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Right. That only works if you're not flying *from* europe/15:55.02 
  cos if you're flying from europe, you have the stupid taxes etc on the outbound leg.15:55.26 
henrys okay 5 minutes until the ghostscript cancelled meeting. I'll remind everyone at the half hour that it is over ;-)15:55.29 
  marcosw:from the logs - I haven't seen a bug report in about a month - is it me?15:56.09 
marcosw henrys: they are being produced but apparently the emails aren't making it. I've started looking into it.15:56.37 
  Robin_Watts: I don't see how the taxes a problem, if a round trip from LHR to JFK costs 500 pounds with a saturday stay and 1500 pounds without and a roundtrip from JFK to LHR costs $1000 with a saturday night stay isn't it cheaper to buy the two round trips? Or does the 500 pound fare not include taxes?15:58.21 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Oh, I see.16:00.00 
marcosw and in theory you should be able to get back at least the various departure/security/customs fees on the two return tickets you throw away, but I suspect that's a fools errand.16:02.10 
  or maybe it is possible (at least in the UK): 
  "Congress or the FAA should end the practice of not refunding aviation ticket taxes on unused commercial airline tickets," says the National Business Travelers Association. 16:06.35 
henrys I have to think teleconferencing has gotten good enough that we could have US'rs meet at one location and Euros at another and have an experience not much different than our meeting. 16:13.25 
kens is unconvinced16:13.43 
Robin_Watts would have to check the rules on bacon.16:14.10 
  and milkshakes.16:14.26 
henrys there must be milkshakes in London like the US no?16:15.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: harder to find.16:15.42 
  but calories in a different timezone don't count.16:16.09 
henrys the gamma radiation of flight converts the mass to energy.16:17.19 
Robin_Watts sounds convincing to me.16:18.52 
henrys They've set up nature cams at one of my favorite running spots, not sure if I really want to look at them anymore: 
  I can tell that's a bad kitty16:20.21 
kens 1OK I'm off goodnight all16:28.33 
marcosw henrys: I found the missing bug emails, google identified them as spam so they were being held for moderation. I'm trying to figure out how to avoid this in the future but am thwarted by the fact that if google tells people how to avoid having their emails identified as spam the spammers will win.16:50.07 
  that was easy, they have a whitelist by sender.16:51.39 
henrys I'm moving the agenda to a live document I wonder if that couldn't be done with the bug report - update it every hour and write it to a web page and folks can look at it when they want.16:52.10 
marcosw isn't that what is?16:52.33 
henrys yes if we enable all the stats so we had reporting16:53.13 
  if there a place on the bug page where say miles can go and see a summary of the bug universe?16:53.49 
marcosw a bug dashboard? That shouldn't be too hard to whip up. 16:54.23 
henrys I think bugzilla gives you all kinds of reporting we just don't have it turned on right?16:55.10 
marcosw lists bugs counts, current customer bugs, and the latest bugs. Bugs that are stale (i.e. no engineer comment in X days) are in red, etc.16:55.20 
  a combination of the monday and tuesday bug emails.16:55.35 
henrys yes that would be better for me.16:56.10 
marcosw I'll have to check into bugzilla, I didn't think it was quite that versatile.16:56.19 
henrys probably not.16:56.29 
  is it slow to generate the report - can it be done in real time?16:56.59 
marcosw this is interesting:16:57.30 
SpNg what is the best way to read the colorspace of an eps file?16:57.34 
marcosw oops: 
  lots of people have bugs who probably shouldn't (i.e. Igor, jack, dan, ...)16:58.51 
henrys I'll add that to the agenda - I can probably go through those.16:59.21 
  but we do want some kind of report that contains all the info we are getting now from both emails.16:59.55 
marcosw add an agenda item to discuss a bug dashboard and/or updated weekly emails.17:00.10 
henrys okay17:00.30 
marcosw thc17:06.10 
henrys gawd 822 total issues.17:15.20 
marcosw henrys: ghostpcl won't build with "-DENABLE_VALGRIND -DPACIFY_VALGRIND". do you want to take a quick look or shall i open a bug?17:25.33 
henrys I'll look now. thanks17:26.02 
tor8 henrys: one way airline tickets are even more expensive than business class...17:26.18 
marcosw plplatf.c:42: undefined reference to `VALGRIND_HG_DISABLE_CHECKING'17:26.42 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: wow about the mountain lion17:35.20 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:just have to make sure the group has a few slower than me.17:37.02 
mvrhel_laptop exactly. 17:37.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I saw that you thought my clipping change fixed a crash ???17:39.12 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: There is a bug that no longer happens after your fix.17:39.48 
henrys marcosw:hmm can't reproduce?17:39.49 
Robin_Watts and it does involve clipping.17:39.58 
henrys make -k pcl-debug CFLAGS="-DENABLE_VALGRIND -DPACIFY_VALGRIND"17:40.13 
  marcosw:is that your line.17:40.26 
marcosw henrys: probably depends on what libraries are installed. let me try on peeves17:40.27 
henrys ?17:40.28 
Robin_Watts but it could easily be a heisenbug.17:40.29 
marcosw make pcl-debug XCFLAGS="-DENABLE_VALGRIND -DPACIFY_VALGRIND"17:40.39 
Robin_Watts marcosw: on what machine ?17:41.11 
  peeves has an old valgrind, IIRC.17:41.21 
  ISTR I built my own one.17:41.27 
marcosw Robin_Watts: on my x6 cluster node.17:41.41 
henrys marcosw:trying with XCFLAGS but I doubt that will matter.17:41.48 
Robin_Watts ~robin/sauce/valgrind-3.8.117:41.50 
marcosw but it fails on other cluster nodes as well (i.e. inches)17:42.07 
  so in what library is VALGRIND_HG_DISABLE_CHECKING normally found?17:42.32 
Robin_Watts It should be a macro defined in valgrind.h17:42.55 
  or valgrind/helgrind.h17:43.01 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you available for a sec?17:43.26 
henrys indeed with XCFLAGS I do get a compile fail17:43.29 
Robin_Watts valgrind/helgrind.h17:43.41 
henrys but CFLAGS works17:43.43 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I am here.17:43.45 
marcosw I don't think CFLAGS does anything. 17:43.46 
mvrhel_laptop I can wait until you are finished I mean17:43.57 
sebras henrys: see PM.17:44.03 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: don't want to interupt. ping me when you are available17:44.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Go for it17:44.29 
  marcosw: Anything that uses VALGRIND_HG_... in gs should include our own valgrind.h header.17:45.10 
  That defines VALGRIND_HG_DISABLE_CHECKING if the nodes don't have it.17:45.29 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so if mupdf ends up doing a throw due to some issue, how do I get things set up so my viewer does not crash. Right now I am ending up in base_error.c throw exit(EXIT_FAILURE)17:45.37 
Robin_Watts So around every call into the lib, you should have: fz_try(ctx) {... do the call here ... } fz_catch(ctx) { ... clean up ... }17:46.17 
mvrhel_laptop I figured out the open xps issue. I was passing along the .oxps extension17:46.21 
  oh problem here is that this is in the streaming stuff17:46.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Well, we should probably cope with .oxps.17:46.38 
mvrhel_laptop file streaming set up17:46.46 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: What streaming stuff?17:46.55 
marcosw Robin_Watts: there is a #include <valgrind/helgrind.h> in pl/plplatf.c17:46.57 
mvrhel_laptop when we are attempting to open the file,17:47.05 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Right. That should be #include "valgrind.h" and the problem should go away.17:47.19 
mvrhel_laptop if the extension is unknown, we try to open it as a pdf17:47.21 
  oh I see what I need17:47.29 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Right. We should cope with .oxps meaning the same as .xps17:47.41 
mvrhel_laptop I need to put the catch around my call to fz_open_document_with_stream17:47.58 
Robin_Watts The try, yes.17:48.06 
mvrhel_laptop anyway17:48.07 
  plus it would be nice to add in the oxps option17:48.26 
  into fz_open_document_with_stream17:48.33 
  I will go ahead and do that17:48.40 
Robin_Watts and you may want to use the fz_try { ... } fz_always { ... } fz_catch { ... } form.17:48.40 
  to avoid leaks.17:48.43 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: will do17:48.47 
Robin_Watts fab.17:48.53 
mvrhel_laptop thanks17:49.00 
  for getting me back on track17:49.05 
Robin_Watts no worries.17:49.06 
  marcosw: Are you trying the #onclude "valgrind.h" fix now? If not, I will.17:49.27 
marcosw Robin_Watts: yes, compiling as we speak (type)17:49.39 
  Robin_Watts: nope, didn't work.17:50.28 
  never mind, there is a typo in the file.17:50.48 
Robin_Watts in which file ?17:51.18 
marcosw Robin_Watts: all sorted thx17:51.39 
Robin_Watts ok :)17:51.47 
mvrhel_laptop ugh. a P1 softmask bounding box bug17:55.43 
  must be my lucky day17:55.55 
  oh and it was from a commit from igor...17:56.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh... open_document and open_document_with_stream have different duplicated mime-type/file extension detection code :(17:58.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: You say that like it's a bad thing :)17:58.23 
  We should possibly move to a more data driven way of working; a table of suffix -> type, and type -> functions.17:59.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah.17:59.29 
marcosw mvrhel_laptop: one of Igor's infamous "part 4 of 6" commits.17:59.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: XPS leak fix on robin master18:18.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: if you can look over the 3 commits in my repos, I would appreciate it18:58.12 
  now let me see if this thing still works on the surface with the ARM build....18:59.11 
  have not done that in a while18:59.23 
  or tor8 above, if Robin_Watts is out19:00.11 
Robin_Watts looking now.19:00.58 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks19:01.35 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: In the first one, you've added "<ResourceCompile Include="mupdf_cpp.rc">19:03.15 
  but not included mupdf_cpp.rc itself?19:03.26 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that was a mistake19:03.27 
  and it was fixed later19:03.35 
Robin_Watts likewise resource.h19:03.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. same19:03.41 
Robin_Watts ok, so those 2 commits exactly cancel one another out?19:04.12 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:04.16 
  they cancel out that part19:04.25 
  but there is other stuff in there19:04.29 
Robin_Watts no, there isn't.19:04.37 
mvrhel_laptop hmm hold on19:04.45 
  ok so 444bc introduced them, plus other stuff19:05.17 
mvrhel_laptop and d20d removed the resources19:05.37 
  Robin_Watts: I guess I don't understand your question19:06.05 
Robin_Watts Look at that link.19:06.14 
mvrhel_laptop the two commits do not cancel one another.19:06.19 
Robin_Watts It shows the changes in commit 444bc19:06.27 
mvrhel_laptop the second commit removes some stuff that was introduced by accident in the first commit19:06.40 
ray_laptop_ henrys: There is a commit of yours from May 1999 that has a check that looks funky ;-)19:06.51 
Robin_Watts and those are restricted to the changes in mupdf_cpp.vcxproj.*19:06.55 
mvrhel_laptop yes, as far as those files are concerned the commits cancel19:07.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Are you saying there is more in that commit than the link above shows?19:07.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok let me start at the beginning19:07.30 
henrys ray_laptop_: that was before I learned how to code ;-)19:07.44 
mvrhel_laptop oh wierd19:07.49 
ray_laptop_ henrys: actually I think it's from Peter, but I can't be sure. All you did was a massive commit to our repository (I think we were using CVS back then)19:08.07 
mvrhel_laptop wtf19:08.10 
  5ab3dae was the commit I was thinking of where the resources were added19:08.48 
ray_laptop_ The History 5 does mention: - Images that lay entirely outside the page could cause a memory access error. (gxclimag.c)19:08.48 
mvrhel_laptop where did 444bcbc come from19:09.02 
Robin_Watts Ah, I understand.19:09.16 
mvrhel_laptop d20d94a6d did cancel out 444bcbc 19:09.24 
Robin_Watts OK. so git rebase -i HEAD~1019:09.26 
  then remove those 2 lines and the cancelling out commits will vanish, leaving just 1 commit.19:09.55 
mvrhel_laptop oh and 9820d3cf removed them19:09.58 
  both d20d94a6 and 444bcbc1 should not be there19:10.16 
Robin_Watts I'll do that for you if you want, but I've got to go walk the dog now.19:10.19 
ray_laptop_ But the code that I don't think makes sense w.r.t. the comment is in write_image_end_all:19:10.24 
  * We need to check specially for images lying entirely outside the19:10.27 
  * page, since FOR_RECTS doesn't do this.19:10.29 
  if (rheight <= 0)19:10.32 
mvrhel_laptop I have no idea how I managed that one Robin_Watts 19:10.33 
ray_laptop_ return 0;19:10.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I suspect it's an artifact of rebasing.19:10.44 
  it's easy to fix.19:10.50 
mvrhel_laptop so the only commit that is of interest to review is the top one in my repos19:10.59 
  sorry for the mixup19:11.02 
Robin_Watts I'll do that, and look over the last commit when I get back.19:11.02 
  no worries :)19:11.08 
  mvrhel_laptop: Do you need tea this time?19:11.23 
mvrhel_laptop oh yes. that would be great19:11.30 
ray_laptop_ This doesn't make sense to me since an image that is entirely outside the page has ymax < 0 or ymin > dev->height19:11.34 
Robin_Watts I will see what I can manage.19:11.40 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: just regular English Breakfast if you can19:11.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sure. The twinings stuff OK?19:12.01 
mvrhel_laptop that is great. or the store brand was great too19:12.12 
Robin_Watts ok.19:12.19 
mvrhel_laptop thanks a bunch19:12.27 
ray_laptop_ henrys: or Robin_Watts or anybody. Can I have a spare set of eyes on the check for image off the page in write_image_end_all (line 2217 in gxclimag.c) ???19:15.22 
  specifically the check on line 223019:16.03 
henrys ray_laptop_:the comment and the code seem unrelated.19:21.41 
ray_laptop_ henrys: thanks. That's what I thought19:26.39 
henrys gosh the FOR_RECT macro was removed but many comments cite it.19:26.58 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: another question for you when you return....19:29.23 
  problems with openjpeg stuff when compiling for the ARM with Visual studio19:32.00 
  not sure how we handle third party lib issues like that19:32.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: For openjpeg, we fix it ourselves.19:34.41 
  and we offer the fix upstream.19:34.49 
  if (code == S_ISOK)19:38.01 
  return code;19:38.07 
  return code;19:38.12 
  Why not just:19:38.27 
  if (code == S_ISOK) InitialRender();19:38.28 
  return code;19:38.30 
  Also: fz_open_document_with_stream(ctx, ext, stream) takes a reference to the stream that's passed in.19:41.30 
  so I'm not sure you need to keep mu_stream about at all.19:43.40 
  i.e. rather than doing this->mu_stream = blah; then calling fz_open_document_with_stream, why not get rid of this->mu_stream entirely?19:44.25 
  and do: fz_stream *mu_stream = fz_new_stream; .... fz_try { mu_doc = fz_open_document_with_stream(... mu_stream); } fz_always { fz_drop_stream(stream) } fz_catch { return E_FAILURE; }19:46.05 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^19:51.14 
  ray_laptop_: I won't get time to look tonight, but I will do so during the day tomorrow if you send me an email to remind me :)19:51.42 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok let me look this over19:52.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop:;a=commitdiff;h=a5402710b7f1dc658439be0d27936a09733805f919:58.36 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: oh ok. You already did the changes to the stream stuff19:59.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I thought it was easier to show you what I meant than to try to describe it in english :)20:00.16 
  I suspect it's probably worth you trying a memento build to check for leaks.20:00.41 
mvrhel_laptop I understood and was making the changes here, but I am fine with it20:00.44 
Robin_Watts I found loads in the android stuff that I wasn't expecting.20:00.59 
  It's ever so easy to miss a 'drop' and leak loads, as I've proved on many occasions.20:01.32 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I will look over how memento is built in win32 project and see if I can replicate in winRT20:02.13 
  have to fix a few things with respect to the ARM build20:02.37 
Robin_Watts in theory you should just need to predefine MEMENTO and rebuild.20:03.13 
mvrhel_laptop need to step out for a bit now though. I may bug you a bit tomorrow if I run into memento issues20:03.15 
Robin_Watts having said that I've never tried it with C++ etc. :(20:03.24 
  sure. ttyl.20:03.28 
mvrhel_laptop have you committed to golden?20:03.34 
  I guess I should do a hard reset to that to avoid any merge issues20:03.48 
  when I have a commit here and there is a slightly different version in golden it would seems issues occur20:04.17 
  Robin_Watts: are you going to go ahead and commit your altered version of my commit?23:41.22 
  or do you want me to fix up mine and amend the last commit23:41.38 
  and then you can check it23:41.43 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I was planning to let you do it, cos you can test it :)23:41.47 
mvrhel_laptop good idea23:41.52 
Robin_Watts no problem.23:42.02 
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