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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/06/26)2013/06/27 
kens wants to know why support has gone mad since I took over the PDF & PS interpreters08:43.30 
Robin_Watts People are surprised by having someone that actually looks at/comments on/closes the bugs rather than just ignoring them.08:44.15 
kens :-(08:44.48 
Robin_Watts So Amazon has just launched a new service.10:16.52 
  For every CD you buy from them they give you access to the music automatically in their cloud player.10:17.13 
  And they are back dating it to every CD you've ever bought from Amazon.10:17.25 
kens Hmm, that's several for me then I guess10:17.38 
Robin_Watts (and vinyl, for luddites like chrisl :) )10:17.45 
kens has vinyl also, but all old stuff. magnetic tape too10:18.11 
Robin_Watts I've pretty much only ever bought music from Amazon since they opened. 1444 songs :)10:18.16 
  kens: I rebought a load of old tapes etc as CDs from Amazon.10:18.57 
kens Robin_Watts : I rebought some vinyl, the tapes are mostly bootlegs, and so not really available on CD ;-)10:19.31 
  I also ripped a bunch of vinyl myself, if the record was in decent condition10:19.59 
  Looks like our pattern code has a major flaw10:20.39 
  and its making my head hurt....10:20.52 
Robin_Watts *a*. So hopeful :)10:20.56 
kens The clamping code seems to assume that the pattern co-ordinate space is the same orientation as the default PostScript co-ordinate space10:21.42 
  And it tries to clamp the pattern by tiling it, starting from botto left, and prcoeeding to top right10:22.07 
Robin_Watts kens: Can I distract you from that for a moment to give your head a chance to recover?10:22.23 
kens Robin_Watts : I'd welcome a distraction10:22.35 
Robin_Watts So, linearised PDF...10:22.41 
kens Oh god10:22.48 
kens think shat is worse10:23.01 
  err thinks that is worse10:23.13 
Robin_Watts if I download in a web browser, the first page appears first, as you'd expect.10:23.28 
kens OK10:23.38 
Robin_Watts but then all the other pages appear one by one as they download.10:23.41 
kens That seems reasonable, though how do you mean they 'appear one by one' ?10:24.11 
Robin_Watts The page tree is right at the end of the file, so how is it finding the other pages?10:24.12 
  I mean, as more of the file downloads, more pages pop up.10:24.25 
  it's not just "the first page" then "all the rest"10:24.35 
kens Because the linearisation has some stuff about pages in it doesn' it ? The Pages tree is irrelevant I think10:24.38 
Robin_Watts The hint stream tells us where pages are.10:24.55 
kens let me refresh my memory from the PDFRM10:24.56 
Robin_Watts so I thought, "Aha, it's using the hint stream".10:25.07 
kens I would have expected that, yes10:25.18 
Robin_Watts So I removed the first 5 bytes of the (flated) hint stream, and replaced them with BALLS10:25.27 
  and it STILL gets the pages appearing one by one.10:25.51 
kens Not in pdf.js10:26.00 
Robin_Watts So I'm forced to conclude that it is NOT using the hint stream.10:26.02 
  This is Chrome.10:26.10 
paulgardiner Amazon seemed to have added cds I bought as presents for other people - bought using their wish lists explicitly for them.10:26.11 
kens starts up chrome10:26.28 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Oh, yes.10:26.31 
  kens: So... perhaps it's looking for '/Type /Page' and assuming the pages are in order?10:26.58 
kens Robin_Watts : that was going to be my next suggestion, but....10:28.03 
  It displays the correct number of pages in the scroll bar while still downloading10:28.16 
  Is that stored somewhere other than the hint stream ?10:28.36 
Robin_Watts kens: It is.10:28.55 
  that's the /N entry in the linearised object.10:29.03 
kens OK then that is probably what it is doing, eys10:29.06 
Robin_Watts So I need to make my code peek at dictionaries to see if they are /Type/Page10:29.35 
  Feels... fragile.10:29.45 
kens Yes, but...10:29.53 
  Linearisation sucks, and it doesn't work with compressed xref streams anyway10:30.08 
Robin_Watts I've seen you say that before.10:30.18 
kens So I think nobody really has ever supported it10:30.20 
Robin_Watts Doesn't pdf_reference17.pdf use compressed xref streams?10:30.31 
paulgardiner robin_watts: there's a fix for the xref-monotonicity problem on paul/master10:30.45 
kens I'd be surprised if it didn't have xref streams10:31.01 
  But if you linearise it, it may put it down to 1.410:31.16 
Robin_Watts kens: pdf_reference17.pdf *is* linearised.10:31.37 
  and it contains an XRefStrm10:31.50 
kens I'm pretty sure it was an Adobe document that said xref streams didn't work10:32.18 
  TBH given that Distiller doesn't properly linearise files either, I wouldn't trust it10:32.36 
Robin_Watts It uses an old style xref for the first one in the file (first page), and a compressed one for the next, I think.10:32.55 
kens The last one in the file is a reguilar xref10:33.17 
  And the file is declared as PDF 1.4 in the header10:33.36 
Robin_Watts %PDF-1.610:33.54 
kens Then we are using different files10:34.02 
  Mine was produced by FrameMaker on 17/10/2006 and modified on 18/10/2006, Producer is Distiller 7.05 (Windows)10:34.57 
Robin_Watts I have: PDF-1.6, then a linearised object, then xref <object list/offsets> trailer << .... /XRefStm 186352 ... >>10:35.09 
  Mine is 
kens THis is the head of my file:10:36.09 
  333147 0 obj <</Linearized 1/L 32431662/O 333152/E 308684/N 1310/T 25768671/H [ 16979 169485]>>10:36.10 
  333147 81610:36.11 
Robin_Watts I have same details as yours, by a mod date of a month later.10:37.01 
  Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)10:37.17 
kens Yours is 40k bigger than mine too10:37.23 
Robin_Watts kens: It's probably that hint streams are incapable of pointing into compressed object streams.10:38.58 
kens Your file has a 'proper' xref at the end too10:39.05 
Robin_Watts yeah, but it definitely has an XRefStm in it too.10:39.22 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, thst's the problem, it does say so somewhere in the spec10:39.25 
Robin_Watts So, if we avoid hint streams, linearised works fine.10:39.39 
kens I thougth a linearised file was required to have a hint stream ? otherwise what's the point ?10:40.05 
  I can't find a XRefStrm in your file10:40.46 
Robin_Watts XRefStm, not XRefStrm10:41.04 
kens ah, the trailer dict has an Xrefstrm in it10:41.10 
  yes that10:41.18 
Robin_Watts Aha. Page 109 of the spec.10:41.47 
kens ah, hybrid10:42.19 
  I forgot about that hacky kludge10:42.29 
Robin_Watts So it's 1.5+ things only.10:42.42 
  At any rate, at least I understand how this is working now.10:42.53 
  Thanks for talking this through.10:42.58 
kens NP10:43.02 
kens heads back to co-ordinate spaces10:43.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh lovely. Xcode 5 has stopped shipping a command line compiler...10:58.56 
  even with the Command Line Tools...10:59.05 
Robin_Watts tor8: Surely you jest?!?10:59.13 
kens boggles10:59.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: Even using xcrun ?11:00.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hard to tell, I've got both Xcode 4 and 5 (preview) installed11:01.09 
Robin_Watts xcode-select 11:01.20 
tor8 I cannot find the compiler for iOS builds...11:02.51 
Robin_Watts xcrun cland -arch armv7 ?11:04.07 
  xcrun clang -arch armv7 ?11:04.11 
  xcrun -sdk iphoneos ?11:06.33 
tor8 I could try that. in the past I used the same binary as the native Xcode build did, which was a 'gcc' in $PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR11:07.05 
tor8 that directory is now missing bits and pieces. different bits and pieces for the different targets (ios, simulator, macosx)11:07.33 
Robin_Watts I feel for you :(11:08.14 
tor8 maybe xcrun is the way forward though11:08.26 
  oh yay, the progress bar in safari on ios7 is 1 pixel high...11:10.06 
  ... and oh boy, we've got work to do11:10.50 
  the automagic scrollview adjustments that used to happen when toolbars were shown/hidden behaves differently11:11.15 
  so now the page jumps up an inch when hiding the toolbars11:11.26 
kens ick11:11.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and a bunch of lock errors11:13.31 
  Attempt to take lock 0 when held already!11:13.32 
  Attempt to release lock 0 when not held!11:13.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: crumbs.11:13.52 
tor8 I don't use multithreading and/or locks in the ios app, so seeing those is suspicious11:13.54 
Robin_Watts Lock 0 is the alloc lock.11:13.58 
tor8 or ios7 changed how the blocks grand central dispatch crap works...11:14.45 
Robin_Watts so either something is failing mid-alloc, or you're getting callbacks on a different thread than before and trying to malloc at that time.11:14.48 
  tor8: Well, you wanted to escape working on gtk, right? :/11:15.14 
tor8 or they added some automatic threading bullshit11:15.15 
  well, now I'm *this* much closer to reformatting my mac with windows 8 ..... it'd be an improvement11:15.37 
  anyway, calling the plain old "clang -arch armv7" seems to work well enough11:16.28 
  but I've had my fill of apple today. I shan't waste any more energy on updating the ios project for xcode 5 and ios7 today...11:16.52 
  Robin_Watts: I've got the first shell of an opengl based mupdf viewer up on tor/opengl if you want to take a peek11:18.23 
  so far it's just rendering with our existing draw device and uploading to a texture11:18.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: Cor, that was fast.11:18.37 
tor8 and showing that texture as a textured quad11:18.50 
Robin_Watts but it's a good first step.11:18.50 
  tor8: Runs on 'doze?11:19.09 
tor8 going to get some basic transforms (zoom and rotate) and page flipping in there11:19.10 
  Robin_Watts: with msys-git build yes11:19.17 
  haven't done the win32 project11:19.23 
  oh, but you need freeglut. I'll upload a copy of freeglut built for windows to casper if you want to give it a spin.11:19.48 
Robin_Watts I will try to look at that later today (mid progressive crap at the moment).11:20.04 
tor8 holler when you want to look, and I'll walk you through the build11:20.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Your patch looks good, with one minor proviso.11:22.58 
  In get_populating_xref_entry...11:23.44 
  you run from 0 to num_xref_sections-1, ensuring that every one is >= num.11:24.11 
  xref ends up being set to &doc->xref_sections[i] for the last value of i that the loop ran for, which is num_xref_sections-1, as long as num_xref_sections >= 111:25.33 
  it's safe, but doesn't look terribly pretty.11:25.41 
  Also, in general, we don't need to check all the incremental sections from 0...n-111:26.06 
  Hold on, I've confused myself again.11:27.13 
paulgardiner I was aware of the reliance on how the loop stopped: I put a comment in because it wasn't obvious. I could add an explict assignment11:27.26 
Robin_Watts chrisl: tor8: paulgardiner still can't push to git, he gets an unpacker error.11:37.52 
  Do we need to add him to a group or something?11:38.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: he needs to be in the gs-pub group to push11:38.54 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Try pushing again now ?11:49.05 
paulgardiner Sorted11:49.34 
Robin_Watts fab.11:49.41 
  tor8, paulgardiner: As tor commented the other day (and I'd forgotten until now), the pdf page loading changes the objects in the file.12:18.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm working on that...12:19.05 
Robin_Watts It 'flattens' the resources, so that every page object directly has the resources it needs.12:19.08 
  oh, ok.12:19.12 
tor8 just got distracted by opengl after having banged my head bloody on ios this morning12:19.24 
Robin_Watts cos my progressive loading stuff just ran into the same area.12:19.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: did you see zenikos comments on the pdf_obj changes?12:19.39 
Robin_Watts I didn't. Let me look now.12:19.49 
paulgardiner Hmmm. I seem to be loading pages without the move-to-incremental code being triggered.12:20.02 
tor8 I don't think the overflow issue is very likely (it'll only happen if he loads 65k+ pdf_page objects, indirect references don't refcount their "target")12:20.17 
Robin_Watts Maybe those files are already flattened?12:20.40 
paulgardiner But I'm having problems when trying to do old-style saving with sweepobj updating the Length's of streams12:20.55 
  Maybe I should just turn off the feature while saving.12:21.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: Where are his comments ?12:21.47 
tor8 bug 69438212:22.06 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Oh, I see. As we save we rewrite the Lengths in the dicts, and that causes the objects to be moved?12:22.17 
paulgardiner yep12:22.27 
Robin_Watts Turning off the feature while saving seems reasonable :)12:22.38 
paulgardiner Okay. I'll give that a go.12:22.52 
tor8 rewriting the /Lengths is strictly speaking unneccessary12:22.52 
  but I hated how ofter the /Length was just pointing to an indirect object after the stream...12:23.07 
  old-style saving, is that the usual 'save everything' non-incremental mode?12:23.55 
paulgardiner It's probably good to permit tidying during saving without triggering the move to incremental12:23.56 
  tor8: yeah.12:24.19 
tor8 paulgardiner: how about a separate function / pass to clean up the lengths instead?12:24.30 
paulgardiner tor8: possibly, but I can imagine other cases of little changes being convnient during saving12:25.12 
tor8 which pdfclean would do, but not incremental (or other, even) saves12:25.13 
Robin_Watts I should look into his comments.12:25.17 
  I think the refcounting is safe, as you say, but the others may be valid.12:25.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the type3 one sounds like it could be trouble12:25.40 
  but we could just nuke the cache when closing documents and be done with it12:25.59 
paulgardiner tor8: I'm seeing this happen only in sweepobj at present12:26.00 
  I'm hoping it's the reason for the blank docs I'm creating on save. :-)12:26.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: Or nuke the entries in the glyph cache that match a given document on a document close at least.12:27.17 
paulgardiner tor8, robin_watts: by the way, I may have missed something, but this looks to be working out very simply - much better than my case-by-case version. I feared that handling the general case could require more complication than case-by-case, but thankfullky it looks like I was wrong.12:28.07 
Robin_Watts Q: What does the "B" in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?12:29.22 
  A: Benoit B. Mandelbrot.12:29.33 
paulgardiner :-)12:31.02 
Robin_Watts There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.12:36.35 
kens I think I have a cunning solution to my problem :-)12:48.58 
paulgardiner Hmmm, now I have pushing rights, I'd really better rename origin and paul to golden and origin before the obvious accident happens13:01.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: :)13:02.47 
kens Hmm cluster run aborted, not a good sign13:15.09 
  crumbs, half the cluster is down O.O13:18.09 
  ah, and now its better13:18.29 
paulgardiner tor8, robin_watts: the move-to-incremental patch is up on paul/master. Can't be sure I'm spotted everything that needed changing, but debug runs seem to show it triggering in the correct situations. I've built for Android and seem to be able to still old-style save annotation and form changes. I also have a cluster test queued13:21.09 
  BTW, the Android app crashes on save with or without these changes. Something we need to track down.13:21.40 
  kens: just after my first ever push - I hope that's coincidence. :-)13:25.48 
kens paulgardiner : I'm baffled, the code I added shouls not have had this effect, and works with teh affected file locally :-(13:26.13 
  well, the couple I tried that were failing with timeouts13:26.26 
  So I'm kind of baffled13:26.37 
  I did a quick reformat of it and am trying again13:27.27 
mvrhel_laptop How do I get Importance to show up in my list of bugs in bugzilla13:43.44 
Robin_Watts Change Columns ?13:44.26 
mvrhel_laptop oh yes13:44.31 
  just found it :)13:44.34 
  Not sure when it changed though13:44.43 
  I used to have it on there13:44.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: So in our cluster testing, we only have 2 files that ever take refs >= 25613:45.25 
kens Hmm clusrter is happy this time it seems13:51.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: And those are indeed a resource reference.14:03.17 
  Or at least one of them is, in the forms stuff.14:03.30 
  ok, both in the forms stuff.14:05.27 
paulgardiner TTOTD: when enumerating an array in reverse order, *decrement* the index14:28.25 
Robin_Watts TTOTD: When debugging through a pdf file, do not be surprised if the numbers fail to match up with the one you have in your editor if the editor contains a different file.14:31.39 
paulgardiner :-)14:32.55 
kens Weird, if I use abs() I get lots of timeouts, if I simply multiply by -1, I don't.....14:42.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the refs>256 could be our resource dict page tree flattening, so those will be solved soon14:49.58 
Robin_Watts This is in copy_resources, part of the forms thing.14:52.48 
  Paul goes looking for a /DR entry and copies entries from there, into the resources dictionary of the widget.14:54.06 
  In these two files, the resources themselves are all indirect refs.14:54.32 
  but the problem I'm seeing is with the keys of the dictionary, not the values.14:54.55 
  He runs through the dictionary, i =0 to len. Reads key = ith key. Checks to see if that key exists in the destination dictionary, and if not, writes the value in with that key.14:56.07 
  Hence the refcounts for the keys goes up.14:56.19 
  BUT... this code needs to be changed, I think.14:56.39 
  We can't be flattening the resources like this, because if we save a file after it's been loaded like this, it'll be different, right?14:57.11 
shobhit Anyone available?14:58.54 
  I am trying to build the MuPDF and I am getting following error:14:59.47 
  C:/Android-NDK/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libmupdfcore.a(image.o): in function fz_decomp_image_from_stream:jni/../../../source/fitz/image.c:182: error: undefined reference to 'fz_unpack_tile14:59.50 
  Can anyone help me?15:00.01 
Robin_Watts shobbit: hold on a mo.15:02.38 
  fz_unpack_tile is defined in fitz/draw-unpack.c15:03.14 
  shobbit: Are you building the latest version from git?15:03.53 
shobhit yes15:03.57 
  Before everything15:04.12 
Robin_Watts shobhit: Apologies for mistyping your name!15:04.36 
shobhit I would like to tell you that I want to use MuPDF to read and parse the PDF in android15:04.44 
Robin_Watts shobhit: OK. Your choices are either to comply with the GNU GPL license, or to become a commercial licensee.15:05.16 
shobhit As I am developing an android application which will support the PDF annotations.15:05.23 
Robin_Watts shobhit: OK. We are working on annotation support too.15:05.52 
shobhit I just saw that fz_unpack_title is defined in fitz/draw-unpack.c15:09.13 
  but now how should I continue?15:09.23 
  @Robin_Watts: Could you please copy and paste all your replies if you gave any sometime back?15:21.19 
  I got disconnected from the netwrork15:21.31 
Robin_Watts shobhit: On phone, sorry.15:21.33 
shobhit Just to summarize: I want to develop and android application which will help annotating the PDF files in android. Thus, I am using MuPDF to read and Parse the PDF files in android. I am trying to build it but I have encountered the following error:15:23.28 
  C:/Android-NDK/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libmupdfcore.a(image.o): in function fz_decomp_image_from_stream:jni/../../../source/fitz/image.c:182: error: undefined reference to 'fz_unpack_tile15:23.32 
  I got to know that fz_unpack_tile is defined in fitz/draw-unpack.c15:27.49 
  Now I am not sure of how to continue from here15:28.19 
  Can someone help me?15:28.26 
Robin_Watts shobhit: Right, sorry, off phone now.15:28.33 
  For reference, this channel is logged. If you look in the topic line you'll see a link you can click on to check whether you missed stuff.15:29.05 
  paulgardiner did a build of the up to date android app this morning, and it worked fine.15:29.24 
  hence there should not be a problem with the sources as in git.15:29.44 
  Can you completely clean your dir, then rebuild and capture the build log.15:30.11 
  then post that somewhere we can look at please ?15:30.18 
kens2 OK I'm off, night all16:16.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping16:26.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. they'll get flattened, which we probably won't want.16:27.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: It turns out that paulgardiner's flattening stuff only kicks in if we are synthesising appearance streams that don't exist.16:28.23 
  and arguably if we are synthesising appearance streams, then that *should* count as a difference when we save the file back.16:28.51 
  So I am not too concerned about the flattening code. I'm rather more interested in how we solve the refcounting problem.16:29.43 
  Suppose we have an array of 256x256 widgets on a page.16:30.06 
  We'd end up overflowing the refcount there.16:30.32 
  one possibility is that when we 'keep' an obj, we check for the refcount getting too large, and if it does, we clone the object and return the cloned one.16:31.16 
  That would mean we'd need to ensure that we always use the return value from pdf_keep_obj16:31.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or we add 2 bytes to the pdf_obj struct :)16:32.38 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:33.17 
  Well, it's 4 bytes, but...16:33.23 
  There are only 2 places in the code where we ignore the return code from pdf_keep_obj, and they could easily be fixed.16:40.30 
  I guess I'd be happy to go back to an int. It's probably the simplest all around. And even with the parent int that paulgardiner is adding now, we'd be no bigger than we were before.16:42.56 
  tor8, paulgardiner: Anyone going to dissent with me going back to an int?16:43.16 
tor8 go for it16:43.22 
paulgardiner int sounds good to me16:44.03 
Robin_Watts I'm looking at changing the code from adding "Dirty" entries all over the place to using a flags word bit.16:47.25 
  and it occurs to me... are we sufficiently protected from multiple threads trying to access the same flags words at the same time?16:47.51 
  What guarantees do we currently have that only 1 thread is reading/writing Dirty at a time?16:48.10 
tor8 yesterday, you said pdf_obj's belonged to a single context...16:48.40 
Robin_Watts So I did!16:49.25 
  Well done. You were paying attention. Test passed.16:49.47 
tor8 :)16:50.31 
  Robin_Watts: has binaries for win32 that you can just unzip into thirdparty/16:52.06 
Robin_Watts Thanks.16:52.21 
tor8 should work for MSVC too, if you set up the project16:52.24 
  there's both mingw .a and msvc .lib and .dll there16:52.41 
  for msysgit you need to run c:\msysgit\mingw\bin\make.exe rather than the default c:\msysgit\bin\make.exe16:54.14 
  the mingw make is version 3.81 and the default make is version 3.79 ... the 3.79 version is ancient and doesn't support half of the features we use in our makefiles16:54.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: Do you have an ETA on the page loading changes?17:00.51 
tor8 tomorrow.17:01.18 
Robin_Watts Fab. My progressive work is blocked on that, I think.17:01.32 
tor8 right. I'll make it top priority tomorrow morning then.17:01.47 
Robin_Watts ta.17:05.24 
ray_laptop tor8: robin_watts: paulgardiner: I closed bug 694376 as INVALID (with an explanation). Probably this guy was using an old iOS mupdf app that ignored annotations.17:06.44 
tor8 ray_laptop: is he a customer?17:09.00 
  otherwise, we ought to remind him of the GPL terms and conditions (he mentioned developing an app for android)17:09.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Am doing that now.17:10.22 
tor8 the iOS viewer he's talking about is most likely apple's built in pdf viewer.17:10.35 
ray_laptop tor8: does it ignore annotations17:17.09 
tor8 no idea.17:17.23 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner:;a=commitdiff;h=10dc3cad879c16b9da033941285080bd7519f75f17:17.47 
ray_laptop I don't have an iphone. My wife has an ipod17:17.53 
tor8 but it wouldn't surprise me if it either ignored them, or selectively ignored video annotations.17:17.54 
ray_laptop I guess I could check, except I already closed the bug which deletes my motivation :-)17:18.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: do you really want to mix in the smear/clean fixes with zenikos fixes?17:20.02 
  the changes look fine17:20.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: I guess not. Let me separate them.17:20.30 
paulgardiner robin_watts: is that pdf_print_obj call intentionally left in?17:22.37 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: No, there were 2 cockups in there, that was one :)17:22.56 
tor8 smear, or smudge?17:23.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: either works for me. Smear is what happens to peoples good name when you dirty them in the press.17:24.32 
tor8 smudge is what git uses for their filter combos (like when changing tabs/spaces)17:25.03 
Robin_Watts Right. smudge implies taking something and making something that's almost the same, just a bit blurred.17:26.12 
  I could live with either.17:26.32 
tor8 hm, the word order for dicts etc is to your preference, but for obj I'm not sure we're very consistent17:26.53 
Robin_Watts yeah, I spotted that too.17:27.12 
tor8 (pdf_clean_obj vs pdf_obj_clean)17:27.14 
Robin_Watts How about I change them all, and then use pdf_obj_is_dirty/pdf_dirty_obj/pdf_clean_obj ?17:27.47 
  pdf_mark_obj/pdf_unmark_obj seems to be right by our scheme.17:31.15 
  pdf_obj_stash/pdf_obj_stashed or pdf_stash_obj/pdf_stashed_obj ? Neither seems really right.17:32.00 
tor8 pdf_stash_obj / pdf_is_obj_stashed would sit best (not that I particularly like the second one)17:34.35 
  but I could live with pdf_obj being the exception to the rule17:34.53 
  so pdf_obj_stash / _stashed17:35.09 
  or pdf_obj_is_stashed17:35.13 
  to go with pdf_dict_xxx17:35.19 
  and pdf_array_xxx17:35.22 
Robin_Watts pdf_stash_obj/pdf_is_obj_stashed doesn't sound right to me. It's not the object that's stashed.17:37.35 
  It's that we can stash a boolean in the object.17:37.48 
tor8 pdf_flag_obj, pdf_get_obj_flag17:38.28 
Robin_Watts That would be for the more general set/get flag bits ?17:38.54 
tor8 no, just alternative name for stash17:39.08 
  but I liked stash17:39.11 
Robin_Watts stash->flags would be a bad step, imho.17:40.02 
tor8 pdf_obj_stash_bool / pdf_obj_stashed_bool17:41.01 
  or "get"17:41.07 
Robin_Watts pdf_stash_in_object17:41.12 
  pdf_retrieve_stash_from_obj ?17:41.27 
tor8 pdf_obj_stash, pdf_obj_unstash17:43.54 
Robin_Watts The operation does not take the stash out from the objec.t17:44.17 
tor8 yeah, scratch that.17:44.28 
Robin_Watts pdf_peek_obj_stash17:44.51 
  Maybe this is an indication that we need a better name. but I can't think of one.17:45.26 
tor8 sleep on it! :)17:45.34 
  or take a shower (your hot water's been fixed I hope)17:45.46 
Robin_Watts It has, thankfully.17:46.04 
  pdf_set_obj_memo, pdf_read_obj_memo ?17:46.18 
tor8 pdf_set_obj_memo, pdf_obj_memo17:47.57 
Robin_Watts ok, I like that.17:48.54 
  ok, 2 updated commits on robin/master then.17:54.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: s/pdf_dirty_object/pdf_dirty_obj/19:04.12 
Robin_Watts oops. ok.19:04.32 
  other than that?19:05.09 
  New version up.19:06.26 
henrys phew bug 694341 - when multiple things are wrong things a bug can chew up a lot of time.21:21.32 
sebras I have a pdf causing:22:57.27 
  WARNING in tgt_create tree->numnodes == 0, no tree created.22:57.31 
  WARNING: No incltree created.22:57.31 
  WARNING in tgt_create tree->numnodes == 0, no tree created.22:57.39 
  WARNING: No imsbtree created.22:57.40 
  is this expected?22:57.45 
  have neither checked the code nor the file.22:58.05 
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