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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/08/02)2013/08/03 
sebras does pdfref say anything about what type of EOL markers must or may be used in the values of text widgets?00:00.55 
  I have been looking for this, but haven't found anything useful so far.00:01.14 
ray_laptop sebras: generally PDF is "agnostic" w.r.t. EOL. <cr><lf> is the same as <lf> or <cr> alone. The only exception that I am aware of is following the "stream" operator00:30.39 
  so, without knowing, I would expect text widgets to behave similarly00:31.13 
  should be easy enough to test with Acrobat on linux and mac00:32.01 
  vs. windows00:32.06 
sebras ray_laptop: I have a file which appears to have a field with default text value using <cr><lf>.00:34.31 
  and acroread for linux plays nicely with this one.00:34.39 
  but I wonder if <cr><lf> is required or if <lf> (or <cr> for that matter) is also allowed.00:35.18 
ray_laptop sebras: I am basing it on "The carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) characters, also called newline characters, are treated as end-of-line (EOL) markers. The combination of a carriage return followed immediately by a line feed is treated as one EOL marker"00:35.22 
sebras ray_laptop: I understand. though I think this if more for the pdf format itself.00:35.46 
  ray_laptop: I would expect Variable Text in section 8.6 (page 677 of pdfref17) to say something about this.00:36.20 
ray_laptop sebras: if it doesn't mention it (as it does for stream) I'd expect it to follow the same rules.00:36.30 
sebras well, I guess it doesn't hurt to support any EOL.00:37.09 
  ray_laptop: thoug the "Note:" on page 683 under Rich Text Strings is interesting.00:37.41 
  not that I'd expect mupdf to support XFA any.version any time soon.00:38.03 
ray_laptop once again, easy enough to test by deleting the <cr> from the file you have that uses <cr><lf>. <cr> by itself has, AFAIK fallen out of use with the demise of Mac OS (not Mac OS/X)00:38.06 
ray_laptop checks page 68300:38.54 
sebras ray_laptop: oh. I didn't know that osx didn't use <lf>, but now that you mention it it makes sense, being a unix derivative.00:39.00 
  ray_laptop: I'm thinking this would shed som light on what the spec writers meant when desinging the text fields.00:40.08 
ray_laptop sebras: Mac OS/X uses <lf>, not <cr> (AFAIK). It is the older Max OS that used <cr>00:40.33 
  sorry if I didin't state it clearly (or am still being unclear)00:41.42 
sebras ray_laptop: you are right, and I did get it but I didn't ACK that. :)00:42.46 
  ray_laptop: and by fiddling around with my pdf it is apparent that at least on linux acroread supports any EOL marker.00:43.53 
  in multiline text fields that is.00:44.03 
  paulgardiner: there might be something wrong with the multiline text area line breaking algorithm. it appears not to take multiple EOL markers into account.01:37.57 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: do you know of a good icc calculator - colorsync on the mac doesn't handle this funky cmyk + blue profile04:24.09 
  or maybe you know marocsw?04:25.06 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: oh I use ICC profile calculator06:34.14 
  let me find the link06:34.17 
  of course it is a windoze tool though06:36.18 
chrisl_away kens2: I took the liberty of throwing together a patch for Bug 69450208:20.09 
kens2 replying now n the thread08:20.19 
  Another example of stupidly broken PDF files that Acrobat happily consumesw08:21.12 
  And why on earth did they send us scanned images that *look* brokenas an example ?08:21.32 
chrisl_away Oh, okay - I wanted to make sure you didn't spend time doing what I'd already looked at.08:21.32 
kens2 I always read my email first :-)08:21.55 
chrisl_away So I should push that?08:22.16 
kens2 Absolutely, yes08:22.24 
chrisl_away Cool, I'll do that, then off to squash......08:22.47 
kens2 Its crap to have to do it, but its better than the crap I've been putting in the PostScript stuff08:22.49 
chrisl_away It's strange - I'm sure I've come across this before, and I was sure it was with GS. Maybe it was a free user, and I just punted it back to them......08:24.33 
kens2 Possibly, I don't remember seeing it myself08:24.49 
chrisl_away Okay, that's done - enjoy the rest of the weekend!08:26.49 
kens2 You too. I just finished closing all of Marcos's wave of bug reports from Wednesday :-)08:27.11 
chrisl_away All basically the same thing?08:27.35 
kens2 Well, all horrendously broken PDF files08:27.48 
  I altered the redefinition of pdfrunso that it now executes inside stopped, and swallows the errors :-)08:28.15 
  Almost all the files wouldn't open in Acrobat, so I'm happy enough with that08:28.27 
chrisl_away I'm surprised it was done that way before. But hey, done now, and you can get on with more useful stuff!08:28.53 
kens2 Yes indeed :-)08:29.03 
  Now I cnago back to hassling Michael ;-)08:29.14 
chrisl_away Right, off now - bye08:29.17 
kens2 Bye have fun08:29.22 
robin_watts_mac Oku Harra16:35.26 
henrys robin_watts_mac: I was reading that in some areas of Africa women can carry 70% of their weight in head baskets. Did you get Helen fitted and all? 16:38.59 
robin_watts_mac That doesn't work when wearing designer footwear, apparently.16:39.43 
henrys we are saving a p1 bug for your return, it sounds dreadful - rotation, interpolation stuff16:42.03 
  sabrina says hi to you and helen16:42.19 
  robin_watts_mac ^^^16:43.42 
robin_watts_mac henrys: yeah, I saw the bug :(16:43.57 
  hi back to sabrina from both of us!16:44.11 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I ended up using the lcms calculators - works nice, simple command line can be used in scripts.17:00.40 
mvrhel_laptop oh. that is a good idea17:00.58 
henrys At first glance round trip pin never happens.17:05.40 
  but I may be doing something wrong. I'll look some more17:06.30 
robin_watts_mac henrys: bug 694451 has no attachment ?17:10.52 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts_mac: it is the weekend AND you are on vacation....17:11.15 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel_laptop: I've lost track of time, cos it's vacation.17:11.33 
mvrhel_laptop :)17:11.40 
robin_watts_mac Fell out of a light aircraft today.17:11.56 
mvrhel_laptop really?17:12.02 
henrys robin_watts_mac: I'm not telling you where it is, chase zebras or something.17:12.24 
robin_watts_mac It was parked.17:12.29 
  I got my foot caught in the seatbelt.17:12.41 
  Fortunately I broke my fall with a $3000 camera lens.17:12.53 
henrys robin_watts_mac: ugh17:13.07 
robin_watts_mac (the one I'm hiring for the holiday)17:13.12 
  seems to have survived though.17:13.21 
henrys off to my workout bbiaw17:24.54 
robin_watts_mac I need pizza. bbl.17:51.35 
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