IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/09/25)2013/09/26 
JS__ anyone online?09:30.53 
kens Yes09:31.33 
JS__ converting doc or docx file to pdf is possible with ghostscript?09:32.26 
  is that a two step process? convert to ps and then from ps2pdf?09:32.44 
kens No. Ghostscript is a PostScript and PDF interpreter09:32.47 
  Yes, you can print to PostScirpt then convert teh PostScript to PDF, ps2pdf is just a script, you can use GS directly09:33.11 
JS__ ok. so any ps will be converted to pdf? i mean if i convert doc, xls to ps then it will be converted?09:34.02 
kens It doesn't matter where the PostScript comes from.09:34.27 
JS__ ok. will it convert embedded objects? 09:34.46 
  like images or ole objects..09:35.04 
kens You cannot have 'embedded objects' in PostsCRIPT09:35.11 
JS__ so images will be not displayed if they are in the doc?09:35.49 
kens PostScript is a programming language intended for printing, so it depends what your application considers to be 'printavble'09:36.08 
  When it generates the PostScript description09:36.21 
JS__ ok09:38.33 
Robin_Watts chrisl: you about?11:23.08 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm here11:23.53 
Robin_Watts private tab.11:24.11 
kens Robin_Watts : ping15:28.50 
Robin_Watts pong.15:29.10 
kens can you spare me a couple of minutes to do some Gitness ?15:29.24 
Robin_Watts Gladly.15:29.32 
kens I need to get some stuff off a branch and squash it, last time I messed it up15:29.42 
  I've checdked out and updated master, and rebvased my branch to that.15:29.56 
Robin_Watts kens: OK. Want to paste me a git logg so I can see ?15:30.20 
kens SO its the business of pulling over to master nad squashing the commits into one I need to do15:30.22 
  OK one second15:30.27 
  * 3e2f61f (cluster/ken) WIP on high_level_forms: 5b52cbb update makefile with15:30.54 
  | * 866514c index on high_level_forms: 5b52cbb update makefile with dependencies15:30.54 
  * 5b52cbb (HEAD, high_level_forms) update makefile with dependencies for zform.c15:30.54 
  * 6eebc18 pdfwrite - add UNROLLFORMS option to prevent form preservation15:30.55 
  * 05c3f56 ps2write - allow high level forms with ps2write15:30.55 
  * 9d5ab9a pdfwrite - sort out clipping for capture of high level forms15:30.56 
  * 83bcac3 pdfwrite - add a new variable to track when we are in a high level for15:30.56 
  * 6015396 PDF interpreter - add some comments about high level forms15:30.57 
  * 494854d PDF interpeter and pdfwrite - unwrap CTM from forms15:30.57 
  * f595bac pdfwrite - don't apply clipping if in a form15:30.58 
  * 9c32688 PDF interpreter - run PDF forms without high level support15:30.58 
  * 54f42ac correct a few errors caused by switching branches inappropriately15:30.59 
  and that got me a nastygram from freenode ;-)15:31.18 
Robin_Watts And wasn't enough. I need to see master in there too.15:31.29 
  pastebin ?15:31.32 
kens OK15:31.36 
  freenode throttled my paste...15:31.47 
Robin_Watts ok, so...15:33.32 
  git checkout master15:33.36 
  git stash15:33.42 
  That makes sure you haven't got any stray changes lying around that the next step will destroy.15:33.58 
kens oh oops, I forgot to commit a change, one second15:34.02 
Robin_Watts ok.15:34.10 
kens OK checkout master and stashed (No local changes ot save)15:34.53 
Robin_Watts git reset --hard high_level_forms15:35.27 
kens OK15:35.46 
Robin_Watts That says "make the current branch point to the same thing that high_level_forms points to"15:35.47 
kens yep15:35.50 
Robin_Watts so you should end up with master having all your commits on.15:35.59 
kens Yes, looks like it, want to see the logg ?15:36.25 
Robin_Watts no, that's fine.15:36.39 
  Now do:15:36.41 
  oh, do you have EDITOR set to something sane ?15:36.56 
kens Its VIM but I'll struggle with it15:37.04 
Robin_Watts ok.15:37.07 
kens I cna do enough15:37.09 
Robin_Watts git rebase -i HEAD~2015:37.14 
  That should produce you a vim with the last 20 commits listed.15:37.29 
  with the newest at the bottom.15:37.34 
kens Its thinking....15:37.42 
  OK got it, hideous colour scheme15:37.51 
  All seems to be there15:38.10 
Robin_Watts OK, so are you wanting to squash all your commits into 1? or to squash selected ones into other ones ?15:38.14 
kens all my commits into 115:38.26 
  I don't think I need the complex history....15:38.37 
Robin_Watts OK, so your first commit was b7ac99d15:38.49 
kens correct15:38.55 
Robin_Watts change all the lines *AFTER* that (i.e. not including that) to have 's' at the start instead of 'pick'15:39.06 
kens OK done, I think that's where I went wrong before15:40.11 
  So I can save and exit I think ?15:40.42 
Robin_Watts yeah.15:41.11 
kens ok says rebasing15:41.30 
  And now I'm back in VIM with the commit messages15:42.17 
Robin_Watts ok, edit the commit messages into a single one.15:42.32 
paulgardiner Instead of from git rebase -i HEAD~20 onwards, I think you could have done: git reset b7ac99d; git commit -a --amend15:43.01 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes, there is more than one way to do it.15:43.54 
  but git rebase -i is worth knowing how to use, as it lets you rewrite history very flexibly.15:44.21 
  and Ken would have had to construct the commit message from scratch that way.15:44.51 
kens I have to anyway, none of the interim ones are useful ;-)15:45.18 
paulgardiner That would have rolled it all into the first commit.15:45.35 
kens And this is theway I have done it before, I don;t know what I did wrong last time :-(15:45.36 
paulgardiner On the other hand, that was my guess at the command-line version of what I do in gitk, and actually it might not be quite right, in that form: it might pick up changes but not new files15:46.31 
Robin_Watts kens: I'd guess that you did one too many 's' and squashed everything too far. I've done that before.15:46.44 
kens I think maybe I squashed to the end instead of the beginning or something. THe code all worked out,the commit messages were barking15:47.16 
paulgardiner Ah, I should have said git reset --soft b7ac99d; git commit -a --amend15:48.33 
kens OK so saved the commit message and exited15:48.40 
  well it says its done :-)15:48.53 
Robin_Watts kens: cool.15:49.01 
kens git logg looks OK15:49.06 
  SO now I'll push it and break everything. Fortunately I;'m not going out for another hour15:49.30 
  BTW for Star Wars fans 
paulgardiner kens: git diff high_level_forms master will tell you if your one commit is indeed equivalent to the original set15:50.56 
henrys Robin_Watts: all I need for memento is XCFLAGS="-DMEMENTO", yes?15:50.58 
Robin_Watts henrys: To use with pcl?15:51.10 
kens paulgardiner : Hmm lets see15:51.12 
  paulgardiner : said nothing, I guess that's good :-)15:51.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: make pcl-memento15:51.45 
paulgardiner kens: excellent15:51.48 
henrys and gs?15:51.53 
Robin_Watts make memento15:51.59 
kens I won't believe it until I see the cluster run, this has been one headache after another15:52.06 
ray_laptop kens: BTW, in vim you can get rid of colors with :set syntax=off15:52.18 
kens ray_laptop : I don't use VIM enough to warrant learning any new commands :-)15:52.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: That way the binaries are in membin, rather than bin or debugbin etc.15:52.50 
  (or memobj rather than obj or debugobj)15:53.02 
henrys got it thanks15:53.13 
ray_laptop Sometimes the colors chosen for syntax highlighting make things really hard to read, so I turn it off. For C and PS the colors seem sane enough that I haven't bothered tweaking15:53.18 
kens Its a Git one, so pick is in yellow and 's' comes out in green, the commit messages are in bright cyan which is hard to read....15:54.08 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Unofficially, I've heard from Len that my stuff has got them around a second.15:54.09 
ray_laptop kens: for when you use vim for git, you can put that in your ~/.vimrc15:54.20 
kens Robin_Watts : so that's 20% of your 20% :-)15:54.25 
Robin_Watts so the hopes of the rebellion lie with you, I think :)15:54.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I have hopes, but I am going to remind them again in email about that mysterious 5.7 seconds on the first page that should be more like 1.2 to 1.5 seconds15:55.36 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's not that mysterious.15:55.57 
  They said that that time included the time taken to transfer the file into memory.15:56.16 
  The main problem there is that under their profiling it was being blamed on us.15:57.03 
  Of course, if they can reduce it that'd be great :)15:57.21 
kens Yay! 9 year old bug report closed......16:01.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but it's only a 1.4Mb PDF. That seems inordinately slow to transfer to memory. Even over a wireless network.16:03.51 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes, but we have no idea of the amount of overhead imposed by setting up an airprint session etc.16:04.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: still, if there is a bottleneck there, they should be looking at it! That's a big percentage of time, and that'll hit EVERY job16:05.26 
mvrhel_laptop good mornig16:08.43 
kens morning mvrhel_laptop16:08.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: something screwy. The file has a PDF 1.3 header, but uses transparency on page 216:11.14 
Robin_Watts morning mvrhel_laptop 16:11.15 
kens ray_laptop : it wouldn't be the first time we've seen that16:11.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Ah! Can we make gs ignore transparency if it's a 1.3 file? That'd get the speed up.16:11.45 
ray_laptop kens: Producer (Mac OS X 10.8.4 Quartz PDFContext) Author (Apple Inc.)16:12.54 
kens modified ?16:13.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, you can do a page comparison with and without -dNOTRANSPARENCY 16:13.37 
  Robin_Watts: it'd be easy to implement that :-)16:14.08 
  Robin_Watts: on this file the difference is minimal16:16.23 
Robin_Watts As far as I can tell -dNOTRANSPARENCY doesn't make a difference.16:16.36 
kens dthe file really does use transparency ?16:17.12 
Robin_Watts kens: An image has a softmask.16:17.22 
  but the image is on a white background anyway...16:17.35 
ray_laptop kens: yes, there's a DeviceGray image on page 2 with an SMask16:17.36 
kens Well then it really does, even if its a 100% trnsparent mask :-)16:17.38 
ray_laptop oops. no, it's another ICCBased DeviceRGB picture, not monochrome16:18.30 
kens customers do tend to complain if we do things like insisting that the PDF version matches the actual features used by the PDF file though16:18.32 
ray_laptop kens: well, I can't really see that the SMask is doing much. Lots of pixels differ, but the gray shades differ by less than 15/25516:21.23 
  I can't even tell the difference on the screen easily16:21.43 
kens yeah, we've seen 'nonsensical' use fo transparency before too16:21.47 
  THough amditteldy usually from Cairo :-)16:22.15 
ray_laptop kens: yes, Cairo is particularly offensive16:22.32 
  Robin_Watts: I've sent the email off to Len, pinging him to have someone look at that extra 4 seconds or so on page 116:23.28 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I saw.16:24.08 
ray_laptop and now back to finding out why my parameter to the DCT filter /ForceGrayOut true isn't making it into the parameters.16:24.09 
Robin_Watts It does bug me that we keep asking them for things, and they never actually deliver them.16:24.27 
ray_laptop once that works, I'm ready to test16:24.32 
  I'm doing it on HEAD so I can submit a cluster run :-)16:25.04 
  it'll be easy enough to port to their code16:25.26 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's not safe to do it in general on HEAD though, is it?16:25.43 
  Cos it'll screw up color management.16:25.50 
  (I could have a profile set to convert from the RGB I get out of the JPEG decoder that would give me wildly different results than I'd get by getting greyscale out of the JPEG decoder, and then processing that, right ?)16:26.49 
  Do we need to ping mvrhel_laptop on this?16:27.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, we could check that the Alternate colorspace is DeviceGray, DeviceCMYK or DeviceRGB. Screwy ICC profiles are discouraged since using the Alternate won't work.16:32.35 
  Part of the reason for cluster testing is to have a look for such (screwy) cases so we can skip the optimization for them16:33.57 
Robin_Watts Maybe I'm worrying about nothing here - I'd be the first to admit that color management is not my thing.16:34.08 
  mvrhel_laptop: In examining the profiles of gs processing this file from the customer, it turns out that we are getting an RGB JPEG that gets eventually fed into a mono device.16:35.05 
ray_laptop Recall that the change is only for JPEG files, so they tend to be fairly sane16:35.13 
Robin_Watts Currently that means we decode YUV -> RGB, then RGB into the clist, then RGB out of the clist and into the device.16:35.39 
  Ray has some code that means if we spot that the device is mono, we'd arrange to get greyscale values out of the jpeg decoder.16:36.23 
  This should save us lots of decode time, time in the clist writing/reading and in the device.16:36.50 
mvrhel_laptop I would think just grabbing the Y component would still be just fine16:36.54 
Robin_Watts With 'sane' profiles, yes.16:37.16 
  Am I right in thinking that your stuff lets people supply different profiles for RGB and/or CMYK data than for greyscale data ?16:38.03 
  If this is fine, then I'm really glad ray has coded this in HEAD. I'd assumed it was a non-starter for color managed stuff.16:39.21 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: If the real source data were not some sort of sane RGB prior to going to YCC then the JPEG encoding would be rather poor and there would be other issues16:39.22 
  oh you are talking about with head16:39.38 
  when going out to a gray device?16:40.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yes. It sounds like a great idea for the customers 8.71 based workflow.16:40.02 
  Their device is 600dpi mono.16:40.24 
mvrhel_laptop I still think forcing transparency blending to be done in gray would also be a win performance wise16:41.07 
Robin_Watts The question is whether it's a change we can take on in HEAD.16:41.29 
  This code will do that (for this file) anyway, I believe.16:41.43 
mvrhel_laptop I think it has to be a command line option though16:41.57 
Robin_Watts the image will appear to be DeviceGray rather than DeviceRGB, so the blending with the softmask etc will be in gray won't it?16:42.19 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: It depends upon the specified color space for the group16:42.26 
  not the image contents16:42.30 
  oh if it is a softmask that is different16:42.48 
  then all the colors are forced to gray16:42.54 
  Robin_Watts: so it all depends upon the PDF content. I could push a group with CMYK blending16:43.36 
  and have a gray image16:43.40 
Robin_Watts right.16:43.45 
mvrhel_laptop and the blending will be done in CMYK16:43.46 
Robin_Watts but *for this file*, we should be OK, yes?16:43.58 
mvrhel_laptop I don't have the file so I dont know16:44.12 
Robin_Watts No group specified.16:44.18 
  the Image says /Colorspace [ /ICCBased .... /ALternate /DeviceRGB ]16:44.53 
  so presumably ray is changing that to be /Colorspace /DeviceGray16:45.07 
mvrhel_laptop if there is no group color space specified, then the group will inherit the target device color space16:46.25 
  which is gray in this case16:46.29 
  so we are good16:46.31 
  ok. back to beating away at transparency code for non-isolated knockout. Robin_Watts a quick question for you16:48.54 
Robin_Watts uh oh.16:49.05 
mvrhel_laptop so does mupdf maintain a separate group alpha and shape plane in addition to the RGB + alpha data during its transparency stack?16:49.38 
  the blending procs in gs use this stuff to undo a blend and reblend during the non-isolated stuff16:50.29 
kens RIght, goodnight all16:50.39 
mvrhel_laptop bye kens16:50.44 
  I guess I can look myself too...16:51.13 
  I just didn't know if you knew.16:51.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: mupdf keeps data for shape and alpha16:51.29 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:51.35 
Robin_Watts I'm trying to figure out if it's group alpha or not.16:53.25 
  I get confused when there is more than 1 alpha.16:53.41 
mvrhel_laptop yes. me too16:53.46 
  essentially, what gs does is create a new alpha_g plane when the group is not isolated16:54.06 
  and then when it does its blending it uses this alpha_g plane to undo a blend and the reblend16:54.28 
  or something of the sort. I need to dig a bit more16:54.41 
  does mupdf use the same blending procs as gs?16:54.53 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No.16:55.17 
mvrhel_laptop time for me to look myself. Sorry to bother you Robin_Watts16:55.21 
  oh ok. for some reason I thought tor said he lifted them16:55.40 
Robin_Watts Oh, well, the core blending routines might have come from gs.16:56.08 
mvrhel_laptop that is what I mean16:56.15 
Robin_Watts but until I had a bad meth trip and got all enthusiastic one week mupdf didn't have a transparency stack.16:56.56 
  so there were no group alpha planes or shape planes etc.16:57.28 
mvrhel_laptop :)16:57.45 
  and you added these?16:57.54 
Robin_Watts I suspect you might do better to look at the code than for me to try to explain what my dodgy memory of my broken implementation of my confused understanding of what the code does.16:58.27 
  The phrase to keep in mind is probably "WTF?"16:58.41 
mvrhel_laptop wow. the blending procs in mupdf look so neat and clean....16:59.11 
  ok. I found what I am looking for.17:01.42 
  so it looks like mupdf just carries around shape and alpha17:01.55 
  and the shape is used in the non-isolated case17:02.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: And you need an additional "group alpha" ?17:02.21 
mvrhel_laptop gs has it. But I don't see why it would need it17:02.47 
Robin_Watts I am fairly sure that the mupdf blending is not perfect.17:02.51 
mvrhel_laptop I am tempted to remove it17:02.53 
  but I think I will do this in two steps17:03.03 
  one is to get knockout non-isolated working first17:03.16 
  and then do a serious clean up17:03.24 
Robin_Watts sounds good.17:03.30 
mvrhel_laptop if I try to do this in one step I am certain to screw things 17:03.43 
Robin_Watts and you'll find that you DID need it, and you won't be able to unpick the two commits.17:04.01 
  yeah, been there, done that :)17:04.07 
mvrhel_laptop exactly17:04.25 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: git branch is your friend17:10.45 
  that or stashing with your own comments to remind you what's in a stash17:11.36 
  Got It! (a stoopid PS error, adding my parameter to the wrong dict pulled from the stack)17:47.08 
  gray shades a a bit lighter than going through all of the YCC->RGB->Gray logic.17:49.46 
  but I think I'll port it over to the customer's code17:50.02 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Excellent!17:51.11 
willschm ray_laptop: you mentioned alignment on PPC with long doubles as a potential trouble spot. Are there any debug flags or specific areas in the code I should be looking closely at?17:56.44 
ray_laptop willschm: I don't know if it is a potential trouble or not, but since you mentioned you were having trouble with those, alignment comes to mind.17:58.14 
  willschm: if you have a debugger, you should get a break on unaligned access (if that is an issue as it is with SPARC)17:58.50 
willschm ray_laptop: Ok. The generated obj/arch.h header file seems OK, but overall i'm not entirely familiar with the code. :-) 17:59.23 
ray_laptop willschm: really chrisl (who will be on vacation until Tuesday) is more knowledgeable on these issues17:59.25 
  willschm: unfortunately, genarch (and configure) aren't too good sometimes at spotting all required alignment issues. jmp_buf was a recent issue. On some chips the FPU or SSE instructions have data alignment requirements more stringent than the normal CPU instructions18:01.11 
willschm ray_laptop: Yeah, I noticed he seemed to be missing today, not a problem. :-) 18:01.22 
ray_laptop willschm: he was around earlier. He's in the UK and is taking vacation, so he might have left a bit early18:02.01 
willschm ok, does gdb have an option for that? (break on unaligned access)18:02.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: oops. I forgot that I need to add code to make doing this conditional on the printer being monochrome18:02.43 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm sure no one will notice. Who needs colour JPEGs after all? :)18:07.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yeah, but it'll create even more noise in my cluster test :-)18:10.59 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: nexus arrived today18:33.04 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: oh good18:33.21 
ray_laptop I expect a lot of diffs.18:33.35 
mvrhel_laptop new kitten here in the house. we have not had a cat in probably 7 years so this is going to be an adjustment18:34.28 
ray_laptop henrys: the ipad is supposed to be delivered today (on truck)18:34.29 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I bet the kids like that.18:37.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: the chickens not so much.18:37.40 
mvrhel_laptop yes. there have been many tears for the past 6 months as I tried to delay the kitten. 18:37.59 
  it will be interesting to see how the cat and the chickens interact18:38.17 
  my hope is that with the kitten young she will learn not to fool with them18:38.29 
ray_laptop bbiab.18:43.58 
chrisl_r61 willschm: I don't think you're seeing an endian issue, the trio source *should* be endian agnostic, and works fine on x86.....19:03.57 
  willschm: The lines along which I was thinking was that the trio source seems to assume that long doubles are 64 bit. If your environment drops them to 32 bits, that could be a problem.19:04.09 
willschm chrisl_r61: Ok. Should be no 32-bit here, so thats probably not an issue. 19:07.02 
chrisl_r61 willschm: Okay, well, I'm at a bit of a loss, then. The code does okay on x86, x86_64, SPARC, little endian arm, and big endian PPC (Mac OS X, and Linux).19:09.31 
willschm yeah, I don't doubt it. :-) 19:09.57 
chrisl_r61 willschm: is your platform easily available?19:10.06 
willschm chrisl_r61: nope, still quite early in it's lifetime. ppc64 LE, firmware/etc still in bringup, not available externally yet. 19:10.59 
  I've got gdb running in ppc64 BE , ppc64 LE, x86_64 sessions, so working through the flow to see where they diverge. 19:11.36 
  I have found a lcms2 ppc==BE assumption, which i've hacked up locally. so i'm tentatively expecting to find a couple more similar things, somewhere.. :-)19:12.28 
chrisl_r61 willschm: Hmm, I thought we overrode that kind of thing in LCMS. If you stick that in a bug report, it's something we should probably look at fixing.19:13.46 
  willschm: one of the reasons I settled on using trio was because the code allegedly is endian agnostic, so it didn't required extra configuration stuff in the ghostscript build.19:15.59 
willschm chrisl_r61: yeah, i'll do that shortly to get it logged. is the right place for that ? ( lcms2 bug )19:16.25 
chrisl_r61 willschm: yeh, we'll either fix it, and pass the patch upstream, or pass the report upstream, depending on what's needed to fix it19:17.08 
  willschm: Personally, one of the things I'd check is whether the claims made around TRIO_DOUBLE_INDEX() are proving correct on your system19:19.11 
willschm chrisl_r61: Ok, I'll check that out shortly. Thanks for your help and insights. :-)19:26.11 
chrisl_r61 willschm: np. As Ray mentioned, I'll be on vacation until Tuesday. I'll be happy to swap notes when I return....19:27.47 
henrys Robin_Watts: have you been asking GPL users to change their code to AGPL if they use MuPDF?22:01.26 
  I don't feel strongly about it but if that is what you've been doing I'll follow suit.22:02.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: I haven't been in touch with anyone that's using it under the GPL except maybe malc_.22:54.02 
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