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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/10/06)2013/10/07 
marcosw internet down for anyone else?01:41.19 
ray_laptop marcosw: internet's up for me (and apparently, ghostbot)02:54.16 
  marcosw: since you can get to IRC, what part of the internet isn't working for you?02:54.50 
mvrhel_laptop been beating upon transparency stuff all weekend. a bit further with what appears to be two remaining issues05:09.07 
marcosw morning kens07:24.59 
kens morning marcosw07:25.07 
  Your intertubes are OK now ?07:25.13 
marcosw yes. it was strange, some internet sites were fine (,, ...) and other weren't (,, ....)07:25.52 
  must have been a routing problem.07:26.16 
kens sounds like it yes07:26.22 
tor7 Robin_Watts: hmm, more fun with nvidia cards...09:29.23 
Robin_Watts tor7: oh, god...10:09.33 
tor7 Robin_Watts: morning.10:17.26 
Robin_Watts I just dropped the laptop off at the parcel depot.10:17.42 
  had trouble trying to post it on friday :(10:18.00 
tor7 great! hopefully it'll be here before friday then :)10:19.16 
  mupdf pdf -> SVG now does text as paths.12:27.45 
paulgardiner Coo! Impressive12:31.11 
tor7 Robin_Watts: wow! that's neat.12:31.17 
  renders beatifully (if dog slow...) in firefox12:31.28 
  paulgardiner: I looked over your ios commits on friday, but I have to confess not grokking some of the new objc syntax that you've used...12:35.03 
  ^(MuTapResultExternalLink *link) for instance12:35.26 
paulgardiner tor7: It's a way to switch over subtypes without using rtti and casting12:36.19 
tor7 void (^)(MuTap... *)) -- is that like a function pointer to a block?12:36.20 
paulgardiner Yes. Passing a block12:37.01 
  The purpose can be seen via the use in MuDocumentController.onTap12:38.32 
tor7 right, so that's passing three blocks to the switchCaseXXX function, but which one is invoked depends on the object that receives the message?12:38.42 
paulgardiner That's it12:39.00 
tor7 due to differing implementations of switchCaseX12:39.01 
  right. seems odd to my brain, but so does most of objc :)12:39.13 
paulgardiner Yeah12:39.14 
tor7 why does BOOL tapHandled need to be in __block?12:40.19 
paulgardiner I think it might be called the "visitor" paradigm. It works out more neatly in Java12:40.50 
tor7 patterns. *shudders*12:41.45 
paulgardiner In the Obj-C case, it might have been better to make a delegate protocol that MuDocumentController then implements, but then the cases would appear as separate functions and it might be less readable12:41.53 
  I'm keener to change things like this than you might imagine. I like working on code written in your style, so if you do have suggestions for another way, do say - now, or later if something occurs to you.12:45.14 
  Also, a lot of the time with obj-C (and Java) I'm experimenting with ideas I've come across.12:46.10 
tor7 paulgardiner: I don't mind churn if you want to try different ideas and commit them as you go12:46.49 
paulgardiner Yeah, that sounds good to me.12:47.13 
tor7 handleTap basically returns the fz_link_dest information wrapped in a MuTapResult12:48.04 
  are there more tap results you envision, like forms etc?12:48.14 
paulgardiner In this particular case, I'm pleased with how the use has come out in MuDocumentController, but less pleased that the implementation in MuTapResult is in one part n-squared in number of cases12:48.17 
tor7 I probably would've gone with the dumb approach of having HitView call functions back to the DocumentController rather than returning a value12:49.13 
  or maybe initialise the HitView with a function callback/block to call on a hit12:49.31 
paulgardiner tor7: there will be at least on more result for forms, but that's likely to be a sort of do-nothing-but-consume-tap result, because MuPageViewNormal will do all the real work12:49.49 
tor7 remind me, is the hitview a transparent view that sits on top of the pageview and draws transparent rects on top, and eats tap inputs?12:50.35 
  I wonder how performance is there, if we were to stack multiple HitView (or similar) views12:51.01 
paulgardiner tor7: Having HitView call functions back to the DocumentController is very similar to the variant using a delegate protocol.12:51.02 
  tor7: yeah, that's what HitView is12:51.20 
tor7 one HitView per link type, created with a callback (target and objc selector)12:51.21 
  which is similar to the UIKit/AppKit approach12:51.47 
  or one HitView with a subobject HitTarget which defines the region and target/selector for an onHit12:52.21 
  TapTarget array with onTap callbacks12:52.47 
  (just thinking out loud here, feel free to ignore everything I say)12:53.05 
kens likes today's XKCD12:53.09 
tor7 kens: :)12:54.06 
paulgardiner The target selector approach is certainly a possibility. The downside of that is the lack of type safety. Using a delagate protocol is a sort of half-way between what I have and that12:54.45 
tor7 type safety? in objc? mwahahaaa :)12:55.00 
  well, the lack of type safety is why the objc stuff is all about selectors rather than function pointers12:55.40 
paulgardiner :-)12:55.41 
tor7 sending a selector to NULL is a no-op, which is pretty neat12:56.07 
  [nil doStuff]; is fine12:56.15 
paulgardiner yeah, but swings and roundabouts because sometimes it hides mistakes12:56.51 
  Did Obj-C influence mupdf? Some of the nice things in mupdf seem similar to Obj-C13:00.02 
tor7 paulgardiner: not consciously, but I did have a bout of infatuation with objc back in the late 90's early 00's13:03.20 
paulgardiner Right, but thankfully you recovered! :-)13:04.04 
Robin_Watts Looks like there is a "Type-3" like mechanism in SVG for fonts. I should probably use that.13:06.45 
paulgardiner tor7: fitPageToScreen confuses me slightly. It's sometimes used to scale from page to iOS units, sometimes to pixels, and it always uses floor. I wonder if we should always calculate to pixels and then adjust afterwards for dots, so that we always apply the same scaling, in effect.13:11.32 
  Not that anything is behaving wrongly...13:12.01 
tor7 Robin_Watts: there are svgfonts and the define/use a symbol mechanism as well13:12.31 
  paulgardiner: I don't remember any of that, do what you feel is necessary13:12.48 
paulgardiner Okay, but I think I'll leave it for now bacause it works and I'm not certain enough I understand it fully13:13.28 
tor7 I know I spent some time getting the scaling factors to always fit the rendered page mediabox to the integral number of units/pixels13:13.36 
  so we don't see white edges when there's an exactly page-sized colored background13:13.36 
Robin_Watts tor7: SVGfonts may be what I was talking about.13:13.59 
paulgardiner No, I think the only effect would be to make the link rectangles very slightly out.13:14.13 
Robin_Watts You can define a font in svg by giving a set of glyph definitions; each glyph can either be a path, or a list of arbitary svg content.13:14.31 
paulgardiner ... or not, if my understanding is incorrect.13:14.31 
tor7 Robin_Watts: I think SVG fonts would be preferable, if the majority of svg viewers have support for it13:14.36 
  that'd make text selectable and copy&paste-abel13:14.44 
Robin_Watts text is already selectable/copy-pastable I believe.13:15.00 
tor7 It didn't work in firefox13:15.15 
Robin_Watts I send 0-opacity text.13:15.18 
  Then I send the paths to draw over it.13:15.27 
  Using fonts rather than paths would be preferable for size of the documents though.13:15.59 
  and probably speed of rendering.13:16.06 
tor7 Robin_Watts: oh, I can select and copy the text. I just don't get a highlight in firefox.13:16.09 
  and there are about 90 blank lines between each paragraph...13:16.27 
  Robin_Watts: yeah. def/use would save on the size, but maybe not on rendering speed13:16.56 
Robin_Watts The question is, is what I am thinking of as svgfonts the same as what you are thinking of ?13:16.57 
  def/use should hopefully help on rendering speed as it can be cached.13:17.16 
tor7 Robin_Watts: *if* it's cached, which I'm not convinced they do13:17.31 
Robin_Watts The problem with defining a font is that it buggers up my nice simple 'just output to the output file as we go along' way of working.13:17.52 
  Unless I dump the whole font when we first meet it.13:18.09 
tor7 Robin_Watts: right. you could output to separate fz_outputs writing to fz_buffer and join them at the end?13:18.20 
Robin_Watts tor7: That's what I think I'll have to do, yes.13:18.31 
tor7 which means you could build up a use/def dictionary, and/or svgfonts as you encounter the glyphs13:18.55 
Robin_Watts Ah, sorry, maybe we are talking at cross purposes here.13:19.34 
tor7 <font><glyph unicode="xxx" d="...">, should let you emit glyphs in any order13:19.49 
Robin_Watts If I can define sections that can be reused, then I can safely define them just in time.13:20.00 
  but as you say, no caching.13:20.07 
  If I work properly as svg fonts, then I have to define them up front.13:20.19 
  but they really ought to be cached.13:20.26 
tor7 Robin_Watts: my idea would be you write the svg header, then open two fz_output buffers13:20.37 
  one to accumulate the use/def definitions13:20.49 
Robin_Watts tor7: Yeah.13:20.57 
tor7 one to write graphics as you encounter them13:20.57 
  then dump both at the end13:21.01 
  or if doing svgfont, open a new fz_output buffer for each font, concatenate glyph definitions as you encounter them13:21.20 
  and write them out before the page content that uses them at the end13:21.42 
Robin_Watts tor7: Probably I'd want to make a list of fonts I'd met, and which glyphs from that font had been used.13:21.47 
  Then write them out.13:21.56 
  saves me having too many output buffers open at a time.13:22.21 
tor7 Robin_Watts: yeah. the question I guess is one of whether to dump all glyphs in a font at first encounter, or build it up on the fly.13:22.22 
Robin_Watts BUT the buffers might be quite large.13:22.49 
  I do wonder if just doing 2 passes through the file would be smarter.13:23.02 
tor7 Robin_Watts: recording which fz_font and glyphs are used and creating the svgfont buffer at page end could work13:23.37 
  you'd only hold the content fz_output buffer in memory13:23.45 
  the svgfonts could be written directly to disk13:23.53 
  before you write out the page contents13:24.04 
Robin_Watts How about a 2 pass system where you run the page(s) twice. Which we can then wrap into a single pass system by having it write to a list internally, then play the list back twice?13:24.55 
tor7 what would you gain by having 2 passes?13:25.13 
  one to just collect the font statistics, and one to write the content?13:25.24 
Robin_Watts tor7: First pass calculates what fonts are needed etc.13:25.28 
  second pass, yes.13:25.31 
tor7 the pdfwrite way would be to write to temp files13:25.44 
  but I'd rather not get into that mess13:25.51 
Robin_Watts tor7: indeed, but we have avoided that so far.13:25.58 
tor7 I wonder, where are the <font> definitions allowed?13:26.23 
  must they all be up front or can the appear in the middle of the document13:26.33 
Robin_Watts <font> definitions are allowed at any point.13:26.33 
  good style is to have them up front.13:26.45 
tor7 because then we could just drop the font (with all glyphs we can find) at the point we first spot them13:26.51 
Robin_Watts but bugger good style :)13:26.54 
tor7 and write out *all* glyphs, used or not13:27.10 
Robin_Watts tor7: Right, if we're happy to send all the glyphs then it's easy :)13:27.18 
tor7 Robin_Watts: one other option would be to write out webfonts13:27.56 
  So Firefox can't do svgfonts :(13:28.12 
tor7 oh bugger :(13:28.28 
Robin_Watts Nor can IE.13:28.34 
tor7 so then, use/def or webfonts it is13:28.35 
Robin_Watts use/def wins for me.13:28.52 
tor7 yeah. def/use wins for keeping things simple and in one file13:29.16 
  svgfonts would be ideal if the support was there13:29.24 
Robin_Watts tor7: def/use has the advantage of saving me having to go to 2 passes for now.13:29.43 
tor7 hm, looks like inkscape can't use svgfonts either...13:30.29 
Robin_Watts tor7: 
  Looks to be working, except I've lost all my descenders :(15:14.48 
tor7 Robin_Watts: yeah, it looks like it's clipping the glyphs15:15.02 
paulgardiner Close though15:15.28 
Robin_Watts It's automatically calculating the extent for each "symbol".15:15.55 
  (i.e. I don't give a width/height for each glyph as a I define it, svg figures it out for itself)15:16.15 
  BUT it seems to clip that to 0,0 on the left/bottom, helpfully.15:16.31 
tor7 Robin_Watts: yeah, looking at the svg source I can't see anything odd15:16.40 
Robin_Watts And I can't see a way to tell it not to.15:16.42 
tor7 Robin_Watts: I need to leave for dinner, I'll be back in a while.15:17.04 
Robin_Watts I could offset every glyph a bit, and then allow for that in the transform in the use call.15:17.14 
  tor7: OK. I may burble here for a bit.15:17.23 
  When I ask for the path, I could calculate the bbox from that, and then store the required offset per glyph.15:18.20 
  Currently I am storing a single bit per glyph in a font (have I sent this glyph yet?).15:18.49 
  If I had a font bbox, I could use that, but AIUI, you can't trust the font bboxes for most fonts.15:19.16 
  As an example: 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: could you use the ascender and descender? I had yo use them in the pdf device for something... maybe not present for all fonts though.15:54.26 
Robin_Watts Version where I shift the text box a bit: 
  For each glyph I find it's bbox, and shift the path so it's entirely positive, and shift back on use.15:55.01 
  BUT this reveals another problem.15:55.09 
  The first line should say "(C) 1985-2006", but the "-" disappears.15:55.52 
paulgardiner I was just thinking with use of the ascender and descender values, you might be able to use the same bounds for the entire font15:56.07 
kens2 You cna't trust those (if available) any more than the BBox15:56.51 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yeah, and they aren't available from an fz_font :)15:57.24 
paulgardiner Maybe it wasn't in the pdf device I used them then. Must have misremembered15:58.06 
mvrhel_laptop good morning16:09.01 
Robin_Watts mvrneh16:11.56 
  mvrhel_laptop: Morning.16:12.05 
  Sorry about that.16:12.10 
mvrhel_laptop no worries. the name is difficult to spell16:12.25 
  and say16:12.36 
Robin_Watts even so, that was a very poor effort :)16:12.42 
henrys Robin_Watts: have you told paulgardiner about the cliff he is going to jump uhum - the MS Office project?16:16.10 
Robin_Watts henrys: I haven't. I thought I'd let you communicate that.16:16.35 
mvrhel_laptop I can't get AR to save this file that I want to edit to track down this bug16:16.40 
paulgardiner I thought making me work on iOS was mean enough! :-)16:16.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you interested in looking at this for a second for me?16:16.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sure.16:17.05 
henrys paulgardiner: well we'll talk at the meeting tomorrow, lots of noises from customers for some way to print and view MS Office stuff… I thought looking at some open source stuff first might make sense, like Apache POI16:19.14 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: just emailed it to you. I want to be able to save it in AR since I do some content removal with AR16:19.42 
Robin_Watts ok.16:19.49 
mvrhel_laptop AR will open it and display it just fine16:19.51 
paulgardiner Actually I must be suffering from some kind of sickness because that sounds like fun. I should regain my sanity by tomorrow16:19.55 
mvrhel_laptop with my knockout changes, cmyk rendering is different in clist vs nonclist16:20.17 
  which is what I want to track down16:20.29 
henrys paulgardiner: give me some of whatever you're taking...16:20.43 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That's one of our standard test files, right?16:20.48 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:20.53 
paulgardiner henrys: it's highly illegal! Anyway you can't talk: you run marathons.16:21.28 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Have you decorators been leaving the white spirit out again?16:22.07 
paulgardiner :-)16:22.13 
kens Goodnight all16:22.45 
paulgardiner Night kens 16:22.54 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Interesting. I get the same problem here.16:23.43 
mvrhel_laptop same as in you can not save?16:23.58 
Robin_Watts Do you care about images or line art ?16:24.01 
mvrhel_laptop or diff in clist?16:24.03 
Robin_Watts Even after pdfcleaning it, I cannot save it from Acrobat.16:24.24 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so look in my bmpcmp first page16:24.38 
  you will see that the whole center map has a black plane16:24.55 
  that it should not have16:24.58 
Robin_Watts OK, so I can remove images without ruining it.16:25.22 
mvrhel_laptop so there is some large mask or trans group that is causing the issue16:25.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: How about I remove bits from the file, and you tell me if the problem is still there?16:26.37 
  or... could you mail me a windows binary that shows the problem ?16:27.53 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I am sorry. I don't mean to make a bunch of work for you. 16:31.10 
  let me send the binary16:31.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No worries. You're saving me from the insanity that is SVG.16:31.27 
mvrhel_laptop hmm. It might be easier to send you a patch16:33.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sure.16:33.57 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. sent you a patch16:39.46 
  sorry it took so long. I had to amend it with some changes and rebase16:39.56 
Robin_Watts np.16:40.07 
  Does it only show up with pkmraw ?16:42.42 
mvrhel_laptop no tiff32nc also16:42.52 
Robin_Watts so it's cmyk specific?16:43.11 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:43.15 
  and clist only16:43.21 
Robin_Watts ok. I can reproduce it here.16:44.49 
mvrhel_laptop oh good16:44.56 
Robin_Watts It's R7 at fault.16:45.16 
  A deviceRGB Transparency group that overlays the whole image.16:45.53 
  Using a pattern.16:46.10 
mvrhel_laptop oh a pattern!16:46.15 
  that is likely the issue16:47.15 
henrys Robin_Watts: Incidentally a global and a lock can be used for the openjpeg memory stuff, why was that solution dismissed?16:47.36 
mvrhel_laptop if you can chop it down a bit for me that would be greatly appreciated16:47.38 
Robin_Watts oh, and there is a softmask.16:52.48 
mvrhel_laptop of course16:53.24 
Robin_Watts I think it might be the softmask that's the problem.16:53.34 
  no, maybe not.16:54.23 
  the softmask alone is not the problem, but the softmask does contribute to the problem.16:54.45 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:54.52 
Robin_Watts OK, not the pattern at fault.17:00.54 
mvrhel_laptop really17:01.23 
Robin_Watts yeah, I removed the pattern from the file - same issue remains.17:01.41 
mvrhel_laptop well that will make life easier17:04.00 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Cutdown file on its way.17:09.58 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: thank you very much17:10.29 
Robin_Watts no worries. I don't think I cut it down too much.17:10.48 
  I can possibly shrink it a bit more, but I risk making it hard to tell if it's working or not :)17:11.17 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: perfect thanks17:16.15 
Robin_Watts Interesting.17:16.25 
  The central group contains a stroke17:16.42 
  a semi-opaque stroke around the edge of the page.17:16.57 
  which is what produces the box.17:17.02 
  If you move the stroke off the page, the central region of the stroke changes colour.17:17.34 
  It's as if it's doing a stroke+fill.17:17.41 
mvrhel_laptop right now I am comparing the much reduced raw images in clist vs non-clist case to see where things are different17:19.12 
Robin_Watts And if I change it to be a triangle rather than a square, some bands look correct, others don't.17:20.07 
  I think the detection for "is there transparency in this band" may be screwy.17:20.24 
  If it will help, give me 10 mins and I'll get you a simpler file.17:20.42 
mvrhel_laptop ok 17:20.46 
  every bit helps17:20.51 
  oh I do see where things are going astray though17:22.07 
  I believe17:22.11 
  in the non-clist case, the backdrop is being color managed and in the clist case it is not17:23.28 
Robin_Watts OK, smaller version on the way.17:29.07 
  Page contents = rectangle, then a triangle on top of it.17:29.27 
  Then this is overlaid by the group with an SMask.17:29.46 
  the smask is just a rectangle and the group contents should be a stroked triangle.17:30.15 
  sorry, the group contents should be 2 sides of the square stroked.17:30.44 
  The file should be entirely valid.17:30.51 
  and yet gs reports that the file did not complete the page properly.17:31.03 
  so this might point to an imbalance in gs's transparency handling or something.17:31.18 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok thanks17:31.41 
  I do see an issue with the groups color profile missing during the clist reading which I think is the source of the color issue17:32.20 
Robin_Watts tor7: 2 commits on robin/master for you then. (The SVG ones)17:41.37 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I was able to fix the issue18:18.45 
  thanks a bunch for cutting that down18:18.51 
Robin_Watts fab.18:18.52 
  no worries.18:18.55 
mvrhel_laptop that saved me a bunch of time18:19.00 
Robin_Watts does gs still report the error ?18:19.02 
mvrhel_laptop oh. let me try the other newer file18:19.14 
Robin_Watts I have to pop out for a bit.18:21.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: it works fine now18:21.33 
  and another cluster push to see what remains.18:32.15 
  in this work to fix the knockout stuff, I have managed to fix a couple other transparency issues18:32.34 
  that I stumbled upon during the review of bmpcmp 18:32.50 
ray_laptop ahh, good. I beat mvrhel_laptop to the cluster ;-)19:16.32 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: no. I am long done19:16.43 
  working on a new batch of issues19:17.01 
  from that run19:17.06 
ray_laptop found yet another saved-pages bug that caused bunches of differences19:17.09 
  mvrhel_laptop: good. I was just kidding anyway.19:17.26 
  if I forget tomorrow, I want to see what anybody thinks about making the saved-pages a little more idiot proof.19:22.16 
  1. accepting -saved-pages (adding a special check for this). It's not likely someone will want to set a string named "aved-pages"19:22.17 
  2. If --saved-pages=begin or --saved-pages-test is placed before -sDEVICE= don't take immediate action, but wait until we do the init2.19:22.19 
  (Marcos tripped over this in setting up the weekly test of --saved-pages-test)19:22.20 
  time for lunch. bbiaw19:31.20 
mvrhel_laptop sigh looks like I have some spot color issues19:34.41 
  actually overprint issues it appears20:43.51 
  what a pain20:43.53 
  and another soft mask issue that I stumbled upon21:12.32 
  taking a break.21:12.37 
ray_laptop Oh, this is interesting. It seems that tests_private/comparefiles/Bug690714.pdf.ppmraw.72 has a difference with clist mode *WHERE THE CLIST MODE MATCHES ADOBE* and the page mode is missing a dashed line on page 3 (below "PATIENT STATEMENT")22:00.38 
  mvrhel_laptop: tests_private/comparefiles/Altona_Technical_v20_x4.pdf looks wrong on page 7 (the bottom rightmost corner). I also see a difference on the second from the left D between clist and page mode, but that (probably) isn't your issue.22:16.08 
  mvrhel_laptop: if you test it with your WIP and it's still wrong, let me know and I'll open a bug. The command line is:22:18.25 
  gswin32c -sDEVICE=ppmraw -o out.ppm -dFirstPage=7 -dLastPage=7 tests_private/comparefiles/Altona_Technical_v20_x4.pdf22:18.26 
  hmm.. why did that wrap after "compar" ???22:19.02 
  mvrhel_laptop: if you add -dMaxBitmap=0 you'll see the page mode is slightly different22:21.39 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: I am so deep right now in getting this knockout stuff figured out, I may look at that issue later22:35.50 
  that file is one though that I have fixed several issues with though22:36.02 
  with what I am working on22:36.08 
  that file has knockout groups22:36.22 
  and lots of other various things going on22:36.30 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: another one that I see differences on is tests_private/comparefiles/Bug692720.pdf (clist vs. non-clist). Some of the yellow text goes away22:44.44 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: what change is causing these differences?22:45.32 
  or are you just looking at head22:45.38 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: Why clist vs. page mode make a difference, I don't understand22:45.39 
  mvrhel_laptop: I'm looking a differences with --saved-pages-test mode and on the "serious" diffs, I've determined that they are clist vs. page mode (so far)22:46.43 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: and they happen in head or with your change?22:47.02 
  I guess I am a bit confused22:47.20 
ray_laptop I need a way to compare the --saved-pages-test mode with the .1 (clist mode) results22:47.23 
  mvrhel_laptop: the two I've mentioned happen in HEAD with clist vs. page mode22:47.52 
  but running --saved-pages-test FORCES clist mode, regardless if -dMaxBitmap=300m 22:48.24 
mvrhel_laptop i see22:48.29 
  ok. I can help out after I get this knockout stuff done.22:48.46 
  need to take kids to piano now..22:48.56 
ray_laptop so a LOT of the .0 pages differ with --saved-pages-test forced.22:49.05 
  mvrhel_laptop: I have to pick up my son from robotics class. bbiab22:49.23 
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