IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/10/09)2013/10/10 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: for the logs, does mupdf fail for you on page 13 of Altona_Technical_v20_x4.pdf? seems to be a jpeg 2000 image issue04:32.53 
  I get a openjpeg error: Bad BPCC header box (bad size)04:33.59 
  which leads to error: Failed to read JPX header04:34.16 
  and I seem to have something amiss in my windowsrt codes since the throw is not getting back to my catch that I have in my code for some reason04:38.19 
  leading to an abrupt exit :(04:38.35 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: it should fail on gs also but we'd see that in the logs no?04:39.20 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes. I was surprised to see this04:39.56 
  let me double check with gs04:40.07 
  ok we get the error in gs too04:43.04 
  it keeps pushing on with the other images. this is likely all due to my poor error catching 04:43.40 
  actually the gs output looks good04:44.16 
  in fact, the AR output is wrong04:44.22 
  it fails on the CIELAB encoded image04:44.31 
henrys you probably return an error back to the pdf parser and it keeps going.04:45.36 
mvrhel_laptop yes04:45.59 
henrys I met a guy in chicago who worked on the venerable Altona tests.04:46.20 
mvrhel_laptop oh wow04:46.25 
  ok. I am going to call it a night. i will trace through the error return tomorrow and get this fixed up04:47.08 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: see you tomorrow04:47.28 
mvrhel_laptop yes04:47.32 
Vignesh__ Hi, I have integrated MuPDF1.3 Successfully in Android. But I am not able to navigate page to particular PDF page number.05:51.06 
  Now I am able to open PDF files.05:51.41 
  How to load PDF file with Particular page number?05:52.11 
  Hi buddies.05:53.24 
sebras2 vignesh__: you may have to wait a while for the european mupdf devs to wake up.06:18.17 
vignesh__ Thanks for your info sebras.06:37.20 
sebras2 tor7: Shanghai says good morning.07:36.10 
tor7 sebras2: hey. so, back at work then?07:36.32 
sebras2 tor7: yup, since tuesday. I think I mentioned this to chrisl, but maybe you weren't awake yet.07:37.57 
Robin_Watts tor7: Some reviews on robin/master when you get a mo.09:34.27 
tor7 Robin_Watts: naming question -- pixmap_as_png, or new_png_from_pixmap?09:40.09 
Robin_Watts tor7: I'd be happy with either.09:41.14 
  pixmap_as_png seems right to me, as we're getting a version of one thing as another.09:41.32 
  but I'm notoriously poor at such decisions.09:41.48 
tor7 the X_from_Y is what I usually do for conversion functions09:42.24 
  X_with_Y for constructors that take arguments but are not conversions09:42.41 
Robin_Watts pixmap_from_png then ?09:43.01 
tor7 on the second one, you use scissor_len and scissor_max, I'd prefer scissor_cap for consistency with other code09:43.03 
  png_from_pixmap, but png isn't a type so maybe what I said doesn't apply cleanly09:43.35 
kens IMOif its a destructive c onversion then its pixmap_as_png and if its non-destructive then its new_png_from_pixmap. But I know nothing :-)09:43.36 
tor7 new_buffer_with_pixmap_as_png would be the apple way of naming :)09:43.52 
Robin_Watts draw device uses stack_max. I should fix that to be _cap too then.09:44.28 
  likewise pdf-type3.c09:45.59 
  kens: it's non destructive.09:46.50 
  so fz_pixmap_from_png would be my preference.09:47.13 
  And windows wants me to reboot. brb.09:47.36 
tor7 I hope you mean png_from_pixmap...09:52.36 
kens I'm sure he does09:52.46 
tor7 Robin_Watts: IMO it should be new_png_from_pixmap (to make clear that the caller owns the resulting pointer)09:53.33 
Robin_Watts tor7: ok.09:54.28 
tor7 Robin_Watts: other than the naming, the 4 look good09:55.59 
Robin_Watts Ta.09:57.34 
  tor7: OK. Tweaked versions, plus a stack_max -> stack_cap one on robin/master10:11.54 
tor7 Robin_Watts: s/know/now/ in commit message10:14.39 
Robin_Watts D'Oh.10:17.55 
  tor7: happy with them now?10:34.06 
tor7 Robin_Watts: yes.11:02.12 
Robin_Watts tor7: Thanks11:57.26 
pulse Hi, I'm struggling with rezise of a PDF. I would like to take a PDF in A3 (or larger) format and convert it to an a4 postscript file. Currently I manage to get an a4 postscript, but the content is not resized (meaning I get just a corner of the original PDF)? Any suggestions?12:37.41 
  I have tested: gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -dFitPage -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA 85529442.pdf12:37.56 
kens -dPDFFitPage12:37.57 
pulse Together with the rest?12:38.22 
kens Well you have to set the size of media you want, and you have to make it fixed or requests will cahnge it. So yes12:38.58 
  -dFitPage is new though and its *supposed* to set -dPDFFitPage12:40.01 
  What version of Ghostscript are you using ?12:40.22 
pulse Ghostscript 5.5012:41.19 
kens THat's a joke right ?12:41.26 
pulse nope, it's not... Is it that old?12:41.49 
kens Old, well you could say that. The current version is 9.01 and the switch you are using opnly exists in the current version12:42.10 
  It will have no effect on that elderly a version of Ghostscript12:42.33 
Robin_Watts pulse: 8.71 is 4 years old now.12:42.47 
pulse ok, thanks alot... I will complain to the "installation department"12:43.00 
Robin_Watts Actually... it's possible that that's GNU Ghostscript rather than our Ghostscript.12:43.19 
kens Well, we can't support that :-)12:43.30 
Robin_Watts IIRC GNU Ghostscript stopped at 5.50 - and I'm not sure their version numbers match up to ours.12:43.41 
pulse Right, it is GNU Ghostscript 5.50 (2000-2-13)12:43.54 
kens Ghostscritp 5.50 was released in September 1998, so its 15 year sold now12:44.07 
  OK so that version is 13 years old then12:44.22 
  You're going to have to use something newer12:44.40 
kens assumes it took 2 years to 'port' Aladdin Ghostscript (as it was then) 5.50 to GNU 5.5012:45.23 
pulse I will ask the persons who installed it, why they installed thet version. It was actually installed last week...12:45.45 
Robin_Watts pulse: Possibly it's the version in their distros repo.12:48.45 
  Possibly they downloaded 'GNU Ghostscript' rather than 'Ghostscript'.12:48.56 
pulse Do you know if there are newer versions for AIX 7.112:49.12 
Robin_Watts It's a confusing thing, as our Ghostscript (the real ghostscript, the one that is actually developed) is released both under the GNU GPL and commercially.12:49.32 
  but some diehard zealots decided to repackage our releases as "GNU Ghostscript" a while ago, hence that name is polluted.12:50.08 
  Our version will work on AIX, I believe.12:50.16 
pulse and is that a comersial version?12:50.41 
Robin_Watts no, both the GNU GPL version and the commercial version will work on AIX.12:50.59 
  (The differences between the commercial version and the GNU GPL version are minimal)12:51.32 
pulse and where can I find a newer version for AIX?12:51.49 
Robin_Watts 12:52.08 
  You'll need to download the source and build it. We don't ship binaries.12:52.20 
pulse ok, thanks alot12:54.22 
Farmer_Dan exit13:15.39 
Robin_Watts tor7: Another review for you.13:55.58 
tor7 Robin_Watts: LGTM.14:09.06 
Robin_Watts ta.14:10.29 
  fts_01_0106.pdf is showing up a problem with the gradient stuff.14:10.51 
  tor7: Currently all our fz_new_pixmap functions return us solid white pixmaps.14:20.34 
  I need one that's transparent I think.14:20.46 
  Currently we have no 'clear this pixmap to be transparent' function14:21.00 
  ignore me.14:26.59 
  tor7: Another quick fix for you on robin/master. No rush.Thanks.14:37.13 
kens I have to go out to the dentist for a checkup, back in a bit14:38.58 
henrys oh no biro will be an entertaining customer, now that he's paying his bills14:45.40 
Robin_Watts tor7: fts_09_0910.pdf - we don't show the dingbats line. Presumably that's cos we don't have a fallback font for /ZapfDingbats?15:12.37 
selim hello15:22.11 
Robin_Watts hi15:22.21 
ghostbot niihau15:22.21 
selim I would like to give a title and author generated PDF but without a file directly from the command line thank you15:23.45 
Robin_Watts selim: sorry, I didn't understand that. Can you be more explicit please ?15:24.36 
tor7 Robin_Watts: new_pixmap returns uninitialised data. fz_clear_pixmap_with_value is what you already found, I reckon :)15:24.49 
Robin_Watts tor7: No, fz_clear_pixmap was what I wanted :)15:25.06 
  fz_clear_pixmap_with_value makes it solid.15:25.16 
  but, basically, yes. Thanks :)15:25.40 
selim I want to give a title and author name to my pdf but without using "Pdrmark" file.15:28.48 
Robin_Watts selim: You're using gs to generate you a pdf file from some input, and you want to specify the title and the author without using a separate file?15:29.57 
selim yes15:32.58 
Robin_Watts You can probably do what you want using -c, but I'm no expert. kens?15:33.46 
kens Just got back15:34.10 
chrisl You can certainly pass pdfmark with the -c option15:34.20 
kens You can feed PostScript into GS fomr teh command line, see the -c switch15:34.23 
  construct an appropriate pdfmark and it should be fine.15:34.39 
  You cannot do it without specifying a pdfmark though15:35.04 
selim i'm sad :(15:47.18 
mvrhel_laptop good morning16:27.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Morning.16:29.53 
  It seems that SVG 1.1 doesn't support any meaningful blend modes.16:30.08 
  and 1.2 (which was stillborn) supports them in an even more complex way than PDF.16:30.33 
  so I think I'm gonna punt on that for now.16:31.08 
mvrhel_laptop question for you Robin_Watts 16:32.17 
  so if fz_load_jpx does a fz_throw, when in a call stack from pdf_load_image how is the error handled?16:34.12 
  because right now, I am ending up in exit(EXIT_FAILURE)16:34.40 
Robin_Watts let me look.16:34.49 
  The error is caught in pdf_load_image and then rethrown.16:35.27 
mvrhel_laptop ?16:35.51 
  that is what I would have thought16:35.58 
Robin_Watts fz_load_jpx is called from fz_load_jpx16:35.58 
mvrhel_laptop ?16:36.06 
  its recursive?16:36.11 
Robin_Watts I am incapable of typing today. let me try again.16:36.15 
  fz_load_jpx is called from pdf_load_jpx.16:36.26 
  IF the former throws the latter catches and rethrows.16:36.34 
mvrhel_laptop yes that is working fine16:36.49 
Robin_Watts pdf_load_jpx is called from pdf_load_image_imp16:37.02 
  and again that will catch and rethrow.16:37.15 
mvrhel_laptop yes that works fine too16:37.36 
  but should pdf_load_image not have a catch also?16:38.26 
Robin_Watts That is called either recursively or from pdf_load_inline_image or from pdf_load_jpx or from pdf_load_image16:38.31 
mvrhel_laptop well, in the case I have here, it is coming from pdf_load_image16:38.49 
kens OK i'moff, night all16:38.50 
Robin_Watts and pdf_load_jpx is only called from pdf_load_image_imp.16:39.00 
  Sorry, I'm following this through. bear with me.16:39.13 
  So it looks to me like both pdf_load_image and pdf_load_inline_image can throw exceptions.16:39.33 
mvrhel_laptop I don't know about pdf_load_inline_image, but pdf_load_image seems to16:40.37 
Robin_Watts So, anything that calls pdf_load_image (or pdf_load_inline_image) should be prepared to catch any errors that are thrown.16:41.10 
mvrhel_laptop right16:41.25 
Robin_Watts pdf_load_image looks to be called by pdfextract.c (and we can ignore that) or from pdf_run_Do16:41.44 
mvrhel_laptop and rethrow I would assume16:41.53 
  since higher up it will decide what to do 16:42.05 
  and just not draw that object likely16:42.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Well, it can only rethrow if whatever is higher up is expecting to catch things, but yes.16:42.28 
mvrhel_laptop well higher up from pdf_load_image the call stack is catching16:42.50 
  but pdf_load_image is not throwing anything16:42.58 
Robin_Watts pdf_run_Do is called from pdf_run_keyword within it's own try/catch/rethrow.16:43.02 
  So what problem are you seeing here? You're seeing it throw, but not seeing it be caught?16:43.37 
  Can you pastebin the callstack ?16:43.51 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: just run page 13 of the Altona file16:44.07 
Robin_Watts ok.16:45.59 
  so I get errors thrown and I get the page rendered with an incomplete image.16:46.22 
  What's the problem?16:46.30 
mvrhel_laptop well for me I end up with the following16:46.40 
  I have a throw in load-jpx.c line 12816:47.38 
  which is rethrown in pdf_load_jpx16:48.12 
Robin_Watts right. Have you caught this in the debugger?16:48.21 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:48.26 
  which is rethrown in pdf_load_image_imp16:48.48 
Robin_Watts I *think* you can grab the callstack out of MSVC.16:48.48 
mvrhel_laptop which is then ends up in the else statement of the throw in error.c16:49.42 
Robin_Watts Click in the call stack window. Ctrl A, Ctrl C, then and paste it in there.16:49.53 
mvrhel_laptop since ex->top >= 0 is false16:49.54 
  when do you want me to grab the stack?16:50.11 
  when it first is thrown?16:50.17 
Robin_Watts yes.16:50.22 
mvrhel_laptop ok hold on16:50.25 
Robin_Watts Cos that way I can trace it all the way back.16:50.47 
mvrhel_laptop ok it is pasted16:51.50 
Robin_Watts You need to give me the URL :)16:52.06 
mvrhel_laptop he ehe16:52.32 
Robin_Watts My mentalism is a bit worn out by the end of the week :)16:52.52 
  Ok, let me catch it in the same place and we can walk it back up the stack together.16:53.49 
mvrhel_laptop sounds like a great idea16:54.03 
  maybe I don't have something set up correctly 16:55.35 
Robin_Watts ok, so I've got a break in fz_throw and another in fz_rethrow16:56.00 
mvrhel_laptop let me know when you are at the top16:56.01 
Robin_Watts ok, so I'm in fz_load_jpx and that's throwing, same as for you.16:56.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok I added break points there too16:56.40 
Robin_Watts and that ends up back in pdf_load_jpx16:57.01 
mvrhel_laptop yes in the catch16:57.26 
Robin_Watts That rethrows to pdf_load_image_imp16:57.30 
mvrhel_laptop for the rethrow16:57.37 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:58.03 
mvrhel_laptop yes, I am back in pdf_load_image_imp16:58.06 
  and I think this is where we will part ways16:58.21 
Robin_Watts From there it ends up in pdf_run_keyword (oops, that's in an fz_rethrow_message)16:58.26 
mvrhel_laptop from the rethrow in the catch in pdf_load_image_imp I am going to end up exiting16:59.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK, so something very odd is up.16:59.56 
  Let me get back to that rethrow.17:00.07 
  ok, so I'm stopped in pdf_load_image_imp at the start of the 'catch' block.17:01.04 
  and I'm looking at the value of ctx->error17:01.19 
  I have top = 19, errcode = 1, message = "Failed to read JPX header"17:01.42 
mvrhel_laptop I have top is -117:01.43 
Robin_Watts That'd be the problem then :)17:01.58 
mvrhel_laptop which is the source of my problem17:02.01 
Robin_Watts OK, so something is corrupting the error stack.17:02.13 
  Let's rerun and stop the program at the very first throw and see what the value is there.17:02.26 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:02.30 
Robin_Watts I have top = 21 there.17:02.47 
mvrhel_laptop hold on are you just running page 13 by itself?17:03.01 
Robin_Watts I am.17:03.17 
mvrhel_laptop one thing I have to say is that I am opening the file, and the thumbnails are off getting rendered leading to this17:03.30 
Robin_Watts The error stack should reset itself after each and every page render.17:03.45 
mvrhel_laptop when I say the file, I mean the whole document17:03.47 
  let me get just the single page though17:04.05 
  hold on17:04.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The exact number doesn't matter (as long as it's not -1 :) ). I could imagine that we'd be slightly different due to different numbers of try/catch in the calling code.17:04.52 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:04.59 
  hold on17:05.04 
  so where do you want me to catch it?17:05.57 
  with the break point?17:06.03 
Robin_Watts In the very first fz_throw17:06.06 
mvrhel_laptop ok that is fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Failed to read JPX header");17:06.28 
Robin_Watts yeah.17:06.39 
  What is ctx->error->top there?17:06.46 
mvrhel_laptop and the value is 117:06.51 
Robin_Watts Ok, that's clearly screwed.17:07.05 
  every time we go through a try, error->top should get incremented by 1.17:07.21 
mvrhel_laptop maybe it is due to the cloning that I am doing?17:07.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: What cloning ?17:07.39 
  context cloning?17:07.44 
  Largely, the purpose of cloning the context is so that every new cloned context gets its own error stack.17:08.21 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok17:08.27 
Robin_Watts so we should never have 2 threads using the same error stack at the same time.17:08.39 
mvrhel_laptop well let me put a break proint at my call into fz_run_page17:08.52 
Robin_Watts Can you see the other threads in the debugger?17:09.13 
mvrhel_laptop and watch if the ctx error count is getting incremented17:09.13 
Robin_Watts I wonder if this is to do with the context changing at some point down the call stack...17:09.52 
mvrhel_laptop but I am doing a single page now17:09.54 
  so we should not be running into that problem17:10.14 
  I would hope...17:10.21 
Robin_Watts The file ends up bound to a single context.17:10.51 
  Let me try and find the language so I can remind myself of it.17:11.04 
mvrhel_laptop let me put a breakpoint earlier and monitor error->top17:11.33 
Robin_Watts ok.17:12.05 
mvrhel_laptop so before my call into fz_run_page I am in a fz_try and the value is 0 for error->top17:12.25 
Robin_Watts You could breakpoint fz_push_try17:12.34 
  That's called on every fz_try.17:12.47 
  but go on.17:13.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok let me do that17:13.03 
Robin_Watts Ah, I wonder if this is to do with the cloning. I bet the value of ctx is changing part way down the callstack.17:15.01 
  You'll probably see it as ctx->error->top suddenly dropping to 0.17:15.29 
mvrhel_laptop it is floating around between 4 and -1 as we go through the page17:15.52 
  so I need to do my interface differently17:16.21 
  so should I not be doing the context clone like I am in RenderPage in muctx.cpp?17:16.58 
Robin_Watts Ok, so look at: docs/overview.txt17:16.59 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:17.03 
Robin_Watts In the Multi-threading section. There are 3 rules. I think you're running foul of rule 2.17:17.23 
  all the fz_ functions take an fz_context *, and that's how we find the error stack.17:19.14 
mvrhel_laptop I guess I was confused due to the fact that multi-threaded. c in renderer it does a clone17:19.45 
  at line 9117:20.00 
Robin_Watts When we start calling pdf_ functions, they all take a pdf_document *. We didn't want to have to make them take both a pdf_document * and an fz_context *, so we put the fz_context * in the pdf_document *.17:20.09 
mvrhel_laptop and a comment above17:20.15 
  implies why you do that17:20.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Right. We clone the context so we can safely be using a different thread.17:22.01 
  but we only access a display list from within that thread.17:22.15 
  We never touch the original document.17:22.19 
  We make the original context in main. And we open the document with that. That binds that context to that document.17:23.12 
  then in main, we pull out each page from the document into a display list.17:23.31 
mvrhel_laptop still on the main thread17:23.46 
Robin_Watts Yes. Those pages are then rendered by the 'renderer' threads. And each of those uses a new context.17:24.01 
mvrhel_laptop I am doing the fz_load_page after the clone :(17:24.06 
  A subtle point17:24.26 
Robin_Watts Yeah, sorry.17:24.32 
  I have to confess to not appreciating this flaw when I designed the whole context thing.17:24.59 
mvrhel_laptop It would probably be good to clarify where that boundary exists. I did read the doc and looked over the code17:25.06 
  but missed this17:25.18 
  looks like I have some work to do...17:25.41 
Robin_Watts I think the docs are clear, but the example may not stress this enough.17:25.43 
  I will try to improve the comments in the example.17:26.04 
  If you can think of any improvements to the docs, please say, as the author is never best placed to be critical of his text :)17:26.35 
Micha` Hollo werld!17:27.15 
mvrhel_laptop sometimes, it is helpful to have a newbie try to create something using the documentation to see if all is clear. when the designer does it, it is easy to leave out what he/she considers to be intuitively obvious to the casual observer17:27.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Indeed.17:27.36 
  I don't consider this easy or obvious.17:27.45 
Micha` Quick question here; why every PDF tool I tried ship the Ink annotations together with a bitmap of what they should like?17:28.00 
mvrhel_laptop well, it could be that I am not the smartest bear either17:28.01 
  let me rework my code and I may bug you later17:28.16 
  tomorrow or early next week17:28.26 
Robin_Watts I consider it a nasty limitation, but it's one we can't easily lift. Hence me trying to make it clear in the docs, and failing, obviously.17:28.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: Sorry.17:28.32 
mvrhel_laptop no problem17:28.35 
  now I know17:28.38 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Did you see the email from Len ?17:28.44 
mvrhel_laptop and Robin_Watts, it was the cloning as I suspected. i.e. I was wondering when I wrote the code if what I was doing was correct17:29.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes. I guess he sent it to you because I was already working on something for them (monochrome detection in their 8.71+++ mess)17:29.31 
mvrhel_laptop ick. 17:29.43 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right.17:29.54 
  I don't have a clue how the selective transparency works, but I'll have a go :)17:30.18 
  Can you hang around on here so I can ask questions? :)17:30.31 
ray_laptop I'm firing up the discovery sim now to see what he's talking about. I did the selective transparency anyway17:30.38 
  Robin_Watts: I don't think there's much point in pulling you off of working with mvrhel_laptop on mupdf17:31.21 
Robin_Watts I think mvrhel_laptop and I are done for now. He's going to be busy stabbing the voodoo doll for a few days.17:31.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:32.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So you make the display lists on background threads?17:32.45 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:32.55 
Robin_Watts We could have a 'server thread' that you called to make display lists from the other threads?17:33.43 
  That server thread would be the only thing using the doc (and hence the only thing using that context).17:34.10 
  That might save you from having to change the structure of the code wholesale ?17:34.33 
mvrhel_laptop that is a good idea17:34.37 
  luckily though, my interface to mupdf is fairly simple though17:34.55 
Robin_Watts So each of your existing worker threads would block on calling the server thread.17:35.05 
mvrhel_laptop right17:35.17 
  let me look things over. I may bug you more about this17:35.49 
Robin_Watts no worries.17:36.04 
Micha` --- if my question isn't clear, what I'm asking is the reason why there is an AP entry pointing to an Image XObject attached to every Ink annotation, even though the Ink annot already has the InkList of points. Plus, I can't find where this is actually added in the library, pdf_set_ink_annot_list looking innocuous.17:36.28 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Sorry, was busy elsewhere.17:37.49 
  I am not the expert on annotations, but I can try to give you my understanding of the situation.17:38.24 
Micha` Thanks :-) This is my first dwelling into PDF internals, so I may be missing something obvious.17:39.24 
Robin_Watts Every annotation type generally includes the 'raw information' for the annotation (in this case, for an Ink annotation, it's the list of points), and can optionally include an 'Appearance stream' (the AP entry) that shows what that actually looks like.17:39.31 
henrys ray_laptop:geez did you know 801 has made substantial changes to the banding code? If so have you reviewed them?17:39.32 
Robin_Watts The process of going from the 'raw data' to the actual rendered appearance is called 'appearance stream synthesis'.17:40.38 
  Many PDF viewers are 'dumb' in that they don't know about all the different types of annotation that are out there. So they just render the appearance stream given in the document.17:41.15 
  This means that if new annotation types are added in future, old viewers can still display them - they just can edit them etc.17:41.40 
  MuPDF was like that until recently when we started the annotation/forms work.17:41.58 
  So it's 'good form' for a PDF editor to fill out the 'AP' entry as well as putting in the raw points when editing an annotation.17:42.51 
  Micha`: Does that make sense?17:43.07 
Micha` This definitely makes sense; I was thinking about it backwards, as if the stream was preferred to raw data rendering when it is present. However, there's a reason for that, I think: most viewers tend to render better ink annotations when the stream is present... Why is that?17:43.32 
Robin_Watts most viewers don't know how to do the appearance stream synthesis.17:46.02 
  or if they do perhaps they do it badly.17:46.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: FWIW, the transparency problem Len reported is not due to selective transparency -- it is doing transparency on all bands17:46.47 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: ok.17:47.03 
  so it might be a clist problem?17:47.16 
  I will try to reproduce it here, and cut down the file as much as possible.17:47.45 
ray_laptop henrys: I haven't looked at their clist changes. They said they have moved to 9.10, so I hoped they would stay with our code going forward17:47.46 
Micha` True that. Evince does a really poor job wrt ink annotations without the stream. But with the stream, I'm surprised that I can still zoom in without seeing the pixels.17:47.47 
Robin_Watts Micha`: The appearance stream is not a bitmap.17:48.09 
Micha` AH!17:48.13 
Robin_Watts It's a sequence of pdf operators; move here, stroke here etc.17:48.24 
henrys ray_laptop:yeah they do sse2 stuff in gxclthrd.c not sure that's buying them a lot.17:48.45 
Robin_Watts (Well, it COULD be a bitmap, but that'd be bonkers for ink annotations)17:48.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it looks to me like the part that is dark gray in the color view is coming out light gray17:49.00 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm still not at the point of having looked at the file.17:49.31 
  This is discovery, not dolphin right?17:49.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right.17:49.48 
  I've got it running with discovery2_es startup17:50.21 
Micha` Robin_Watts: Now I do understand. So basically, the extra coordinates are the arcs obtained using interpolation by the PDF creator. That's great.17:50.37 
Robin_Watts yeah.17:50.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: First I'm going to look at the file with 8.7117:50.53 
Micha` Well, I think we got it all covered, except that I still can't find where this is added in the library. But I'll have a deeper look now that I know what I'm searching for :-) 17:51.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ahh.. it's broken in 8.71 the same way as discovery17:51.59 
  I think I'll go to peeves and do git bisect17:52.36 
  (it build faster than my laptop)17:52.51 
henrys bbiab17:53.03 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: OK, that's good news, I guess.17:53.14 
  Is it broken in 9.10 ?17:53.25 
  if not, there might be a clist fix we can backport easily?17:53.49 
  "we" :)17:53.56 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it looks OK in 9.10 (at least I think so)17:54.57 
Robin_Watts Is it worth me trying to cut the file down?17:55.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: not yet. Let me do the bisect first17:56.11 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: fts_24_2526.pdf?17:59.36 
  Does he mean fts_24_2426.pdf ?17:59.47 
ray_laptop 25_252618:00.41 
Robin_Watts ok, cos 24_2426 looks fine :)18:01.00 
  oh he gets it right in the title, but wrong in the text.18:01.20 
ray_laptop at least that is one that is broken in 8.71 and 9.06 (differently) and looks closer in 9.1018:01.23 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: How is the file broken? Looks Ok to me.18:04.52 
ray_laptop the output is wrong with 9.0618:05.22 
Robin_Watts I'm looking at acrobat and their sim output in wheel.18:05.38 
  oh, I see I think.18:08.06 
  grid should be lighter than the cells, not the other way around?18:08.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right18:09.18 
  and with 9.06 the cells and the grid are almost the same18:09.45 
  (both light)18:09.54 
Robin_Watts With the current code they are almost the same (both dark)18:10.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think I need to have Acrobat spit out a gray file for me to know what Adobe thinks it should be.18:15.58 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm doing that as we speak.18:16.13 
ray_laptop OK. HEAD matches (sort of) Adobe.18:20.30 
Robin_Watts adobe looks like the grid is lighter.18:20.47 
ray_laptop the grid is lighter than the cells and the center shape is darker than the cell bg18:21.23 
Robin_Watts yes.18:21.38 
  wheras the gs output (from the pgm device) looks darker overall.18:21.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but it's close enough. Just a color management diff18:22.05 
Robin_Watts The stroke colors from gs look way too dark IMHO.18:22.56 
ray_laptop well, close enough in general.18:23.24 
rayjj I'm bisecting (3 runs done)18:24.58 
Robin_Watts I'm not convinced, but for the purposes of satisfying len, I won't argue.18:25.13 
ray_laptop hmm... git bisect keeps giving me the same merge base :-(18:26.44 
Robin_Watts marcosw has binaries stored so he can bisect very fast.18:32.04 
  marcosw: Are you here?18:32.09 
ray_laptop I guess I have enough space on peeved to do that, too18:33.07 
Robin_Watts I have the space on my NAS, just not the inclination :)18:33.50 
ray_laptop except it would take several days to generate them18:34.18 
  hmm... 8.71 and 9.06 both work the same as HEAD on that file on linux, but Windows doesn't work the same way18:46.22 
  Robin_Watts: what platform are you on ?18:46.33 
Robin_Watts windows.18:46.40 
ray_laptop so now I have to bisect on Windows ?18:48.06 
Robin_Watts I reckon 9.06 is wrong, and master is right on windows.18:48.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm starting the bisect process on Windows ...18:49.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think it's somewhere between bbfbdf7 and 3a4439b19:22.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: git bisect isn't working for me :-( I did: git bisect start ghostscript-9.06 72afba4 and it said 19:25.07 
  Bisecting: a merge base must be tested19:25.08 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah. I hate git bisect.19:25.59 
  I do it by hand.19:26.02 
ray_laptop since I already know that one is "good" (really bad), I did: git bisect good and it moved to d723d72b3c19:26.04 
Robin_Watts between 2a3bf5a and 3a4439b19:26.45 
ray_laptop which is only a few days later (Aug 1 2012)19:26.46 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I'm testing in december 2012 at the moment.19:28.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: git bisect is broken as far as I can tell19:30.22 
Robin_Watts between ee7fdd1 and fea783c19:31.19 
  I'd guess that 6ca50dd might be the puppy.19:32.25 
  no. between 12763a0 and ee7fdd119:35.07 
  Ok, so it's 12763a0 that fixes it.19:35.53 
  ray_laptop: ping19:36.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.19:36.23 
Robin_Watts 1276ea0 even, sorry.19:36.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't see that one in the git log19:37.04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm being called for dinner. I will check back in afterwards.19:37.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.19:37.30 
Robin_Watts It looks like a plausible commit to me.19:37.45 
ray_laptop that one does sound more plausiible19:37.46 
  Robin_Watts: and the bug 693498 mentions the same file. We should have searched the bug tracker first :-/19:39.06 
  I'll go ahead and pull that in and try it on their code...19:39.37 
  OK. Got the changes in. building to test ...20:03.49 
  mvrhel_laptop: Robin_Watts just found something you fixed with fts_25_2526, but both he and I did it the hard way, rather than checking the bug tracker. Bug 693498 :-/20:05.17 
mvrhel_laptop I remember that one20:05.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Yep. That fixed it.20:06.07 
  I'll email Len20:06.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Ha! typical.20:15.45 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: are you back from dinner?20:23.19 
Robin_Watts I am.20:23.26 
mvrhel_laptop so if I already have a mutex lock set up for ctx is that not sufficient for me to just do the multi-threaded rendering the way that I am?20:24.22 
  the reason, I ask, is that I replaced all the clones with the global context and all seems fine20:24.41 
  or is there concern about the document access?20:25.06 
  i.e. the get page20:25.10 
  or fz_load_page20:25.27 
  that is20:25.29 
Robin_Watts You can use the global context everywhere if you have a lock so that only one thread can ever be using the context at a time.20:25.31 
mvrhel_laptop ok that is the way it is set up now20:25.46 
Robin_Watts The context contains the error stack, so only one thread can ever be using it at a time.20:25.59 
mvrhel_laptop and what about fz_document20:26.15 
Robin_Watts and the doc is hardwired to the context it is created under.20:26.24 
mvrhel_laptop can multiple threads read from that to get different pages?20:26.28 
Robin_Watts No.20:26.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh the doc is under the ctx20:26.59 
  so if the ctx is locked then access to the doc will also be locked?20:27.14 
Robin_Watts No. The doc has a ctx field. (doc->ctx)20:27.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok this is where I think I still have an issue then20:27.31 
Robin_Watts Right.20:27.37 
mvrhel_laptop though I don't know why it is working20:27.38 
Robin_Watts luck :)20:27.48 
  In your scheme, the thing to do would be to do something like:20:28.01 
mvrhel_laptop all my operations use the document. usually to load the page20:28.58 
  for example GetHTML, loads the page, runs the page20:29.14 
Robin_Watts TAKE LOCK, get the page (using the base context), run the page to get the display list (using the base context), DROP LOCK, clone the context, run the list to render it(using the clone context), drop the clone context.20:29.23 
mvrhel_laptop so how do I do that while threads are off rendering thumbnails20:29.42 
Robin_Watts Like I just said.20:30.12 
mvrhel_laptop I see. So put a lock around all the doc access in my code20:31.13 
Robin_Watts right.20:31.20 
mvrhel_laptop and then let mupdf deal with the locks around the context20:31.30 
  I have that defined20:31.37 
Robin_Watts eh, what?20:31.38 
mvrhel_laptop but mupdf knows it already20:31.43 
Robin_Watts "and then let mupdf deal with the locks around the context" ?20:32.05 
mvrhel_laptop i.e. it was set up with the context this->mu_ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, &mu_locks, FZ_STORE_DEFAULT);20:32.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Right, mupdf uses that to ensure that things like the glyph cache, image cache etc are all threadsafe.20:32.47 
  It doesn't use that to protect file access.20:32.56 
mvrhel_laptop right. 20:33.02 
  and why do I need to do the cloning though?20:33.11 
  i.e. you have " run the list to render it(using the clone context), drop the clone context."20:33.24 
Robin_Watts You need to use a context to run the display list.20:33.41 
mvrhel_laptop yes20:33.45 
Robin_Watts You can only use each context in 1 thread.20:33.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok20:34.04 
Robin_Watts hence you can't be rendering the display list with a context while another thread is using it too.20:34.20 
  So either you need to hold the lock for the WHOLE time (which would be simple, but would suck performance-wise), or you need to use a different context for the rendering.20:34.53 
  Does that make sense?20:35.27 
mvrhel_laptop so do the clones share a glyph cache, image cache etc?20:36.52 
Robin_Watts Yes.20:36.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok so now it makes sense20:37.05 
Robin_Watts The only thing that isn't shared by the clones is the error stack.20:37.12 
  Now, what I described above (TAKE, get display list, DROP, render display list) will work, and will probably be your shortest route out of this, but it's not ideal.20:38.07 
mvrhel_laptop so I am still a little confused why my error stack is getting corrupted though when I have the clones20:38.33 
Robin_Watts ok.20:38.45 
  So at the moment you're calling fz_run_page(cloned_context, page); right?20:39.14 
  so that does an fz_try(cloned_context) and that calls pdf_run_page(page->doc) or something, right?20:39.45 
  and pdf_run_page does an fz_try(page->doc->ctx) or something.20:40.09 
mvrhel_laptop yes20:40.17 
Robin_Watts and the problem is that cloned_context != page->doc->ctx20:40.25 
mvrhel_laptop I see20:40.39 
Robin_Watts so you have the outside fz_var set up on the cloned_context stack, and the inner one on a different stack, and it all goes tits up.20:40.50 
mvrhel_laptop so a different ctx is getting incremented and decremented20:40.53 
Robin_Watts yeah, we're using 2 different error stacks.20:41.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so what is the ideal way that this would be done20:41.29 
Robin_Watts ok, the problem with what I described above is what happens when you have several threads waiting for a page to be loaded.20:42.04 
  Do you have a thread per page or something?20:42.37 
mvrhel_laptop currently at the top level, I only have an opaque object which is the document. it is not until the lower level (right before the calls in fz_*) that I do anything with various pages20:42.53 
  and that call from the opaque level is a new thread20:43.09 
  so render_page(x, document)20:43.20 
Robin_Watts OK. I'm imagining a situation where you have several threads all waiting for the lock at once.20:43.22 
mvrhel_laptop is done up high on a new thread20:43.26 
Robin_Watts one thread might be a background one that's doing thumbnails.20:43.55 
  another might be for a page that's actually needed for rendering on the screen.20:44.06 
mvrhel_laptop yes more or less, there may be multiple threads even doing thumbnails20:44.32 
  or doing up coming pages at full resolution even20:44.45 
Robin_Watts Right. That was the case I was thinking of.20:44.58 
  So in that case, you'd like the 'active' page to be highest priority.20:45.13 
  and the upcoming ones next priority20:45.24 
  and the thumbnail the lowest priority.20:45.32 
mvrhel_laptop I can assign priority at the high level, but I have not done that yet20:45.33 
  that is, I can do it at my opaque to mupdf level20:45.53 
Robin_Watts With the simple 'TAKE lock, get list, DROP lock, render list' meachanism if you have multiple threads waiting on the lock you can't say which one will get the next lock.20:46.22 
  Wheras if you implement a server thread that takes requests, and returns lists, that can easily have priorities in it.20:46.50 
mvrhel_laptop right20:47.12 
Robin_Watts so each thread would do 'get list from server, render list'20:47.22 
  and the server thread would be the only thing that ever uses doc/base_context.20:47.53 
mvrhel_laptop ok. this is going to take a little thought for me with the way that I have things designed now with the whole create_task and continuations going on currently in the code.20:49.28 
Robin_Watts yeah.20:49.41 
mvrhel_laptop but I think it is doable20:49.42 
Robin_Watts cool.20:49.47 
  If you could spare the time to look over docs/overview.txt and tell me how to make it clearer, I'd appreciate it.20:50.09 
mvrhel_laptop if they are always just calling the same "server object" and it is designed to be thread safe then I should be ok20:50.18 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: yeah. by having a server object you serialise it all.20:50.40 
mvrhel_laptop yes20:50.45 
  I like that approach. I think I will work in that direction. It is pretty clear to me.20:51.27 
  Thanks Robin_Watts 20:51.29 
  I have to head out for bit right now20:51.35 
Robin_Watts no worries.20:51.38 
  I'm done for the night now, I think.20:51.43 
mvrhel_laptop have a good night20:52.00 
Robin_Watts ta. you too.20:52.30 
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