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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/11/03)2013/11/04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: ?00:38.27 
  The current patches on robin/master give no noticable differences under bmpcmp. about 8 reported or so.00:38.59 
henrys Robin_Watts: wow 3 third world countries in one trip!14:03.48 
Robin_Watts Only if Texas secedes :)14:06.43 
  There was a possibility of flying via spain, so that could have been 4.14:07.25 
henrys last company trip there Miles equipped us all with bubba teeth 
Robin_Watts hehe14:13.58 
  Morning marcosw, ray_laptop 15:56.20 
  and mvrhel_laptop 15:56.24 
  marcosw: I just got a mail telling me that the Gamestick is being delivered on wednesday.15:56.51 
marcosw2 Robin_Watts: that's exciting, how late is it?16:20.47 
Robin_Watts marcosw2: Only about 6 months :)16:21.12 
  I've pledged for castAR glasses too, so next year you might get them too.16:21.44 
  You're never planning to move house, right? :)16:21.53 
mvrhel_laptop morning Robin_Watts 16:30.07 
marcosw Robin_Watts: we're probably not moving until the kids go to college in 5 years (at which point we'll move and not give the kids the new address) :-) 16:33.00 
mvrhel_laptop :)16:33.10 
Robin_Watts :)16:41.15 
ray_laptop morning, all16:42.56 
  I was on the phone.16:43.01 
  I have a pre-op and have to leave in about 1.5 hrs -- no idea how long I'll be there. then tomorrow I have the op on my finger at about the same time. I may be typing funny tomorrow pm, (moddle finger left hand)16:44.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Crumbs. This is the first I've heard of this.16:45.45 
  Is something wrong with your middle finger? Excess wear and tear from driving in LA? :)16:46.19 
chrisl pressing too hard on the saxophone valves?16:46.56 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, before you leave... I got the first couple of stages of the pad/align stuff working at the weekend.16:48.24 
  Now I've got to make it actually do the alignment.16:48.37 
  oops. scared him off.16:49.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry. my laptop decided to reset16:56.08 
Robin_Watts np :)16:56.25 
ray_laptop The finger is a minor out-patient surgery. The doctor usually does it in the office, but the insurance won't cover that, so I have to go to a surgery center.16:57.25 
Robin_Watts so, in your code, you hadn't actually done the alignment had you?16:57.33 
  What's actually wrong with your finger?16:58.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: All I had in my code was a "TEST_ALIGN_MOD_AND_PAD" #ifdef that set the alignment and pad to test values16:58.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. I tried that kind of test this morning.16:58.56 
ray_laptop I think I was using 5 for pad and 8 for align_mod (3 for log2_align_mod)16:59.16 
Robin_Watts I'm using 5 for pad and 6 for align_mod.16:59.35 
  (3 won't have any effect, as 3 < 4)16:59.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: oh, that's a log2 of bits, not bytes ?17:00.16 
Robin_Watts No, bytes.17:00.29 
ray_laptop log2_align_mod 3 means 8 byte alignment, then ?17:01.06 
Robin_Watts oh, sorry, ignore what I said about 3 not having any effect.17:01.13 
  brain fart.17:01.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: 3 is the default on 64-bit linux, iirc17:01.42 
Robin_Watts yes.17:01.45 
ray_laptop so to test something different (non-standard), you'd want 4 or more17:02.08 
Robin_Watts right. I tested with 6.17:02.33 
  In order to do the alignment I've had to change gx_device_memory a bit,17:02.55 
  Instead of holding just 'base', I've now got 'unaligned_base' and 'base'.17:03.09 
  unaligned_base = the thing that's malloced/freed.17:03.22 
  and base is the aligned version of that.17:03.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I didn't think you needed the aligned base for anything except line_ptrs. Did you find a place that needed it ?17:04.32 
  everyone is supposed to access scan_lines from line_ptrs17:04.52 
Robin_Watts I was assuming that some places might access directly using base and raster.17:05.36 
  That would make things simpler.17:06.23 
  Let me park what I have and try to proceed on that basis.17:06.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK.17:06.42 
Robin_Watts Thanks.17:06.48 
  The garbage collection for this stuff will be 'interesting'.17:07.03 
ray_laptop BTW, have you updated the code for cust 801?17:07.20 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I haven't.17:07.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I would have tended to keep the 'base' the same, and add an 'aligned_base'17:07.43 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I was working under the assumption that lots of people would be using 'base' to access things, hence I didn't want to cause changes throughout peoples devices.17:08.19 
  i.e. I was thinking that setup would be the small case to change.17:08.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: because is 'foreign_bits' is set, the GC enumerates using mdev->base17:08.45 
  Robin_Watts: and if we are using 'foreign_bits' (as with the example code that you worked on for the non defunct company) that got band buffers from a call out, do we still use the alignment and pad when setting up the line_ptrs ?17:10.57 
  Robin_Watts: oops. I had that backwards -- the GC enumerates using mdev->base IFF foreign_bits is false17:11.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: create_buf_device can only take 1 pointer in.17:11.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but the question about alignment with foreign_bits is still a question17:12.03 
Robin_Watts and that thing might get freed.17:12.08 
  hence we always have to pass the unaligned version in there, and do the alignment/padding ourself.17:12.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, but I think that we can just align the line_ptrs (in set_line_ptrs) and that's it17:13.11 
Robin_Watts A lot of the time, the alignment and padding will be set to 0, so it won't actually do anything.17:13.21 
  ray_laptop: Indeed, that's what I'm going to try now, after you've changed my mind.17:13.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it won't be doing anything different than the standard code, that is17:13.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right.17:14.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: and the 'size' needed for a buffer needs to include the extra amount to align the first line, and use the alignment and pad for the rest of the lines17:14.49 
  (that's in the size_bits func)17:15.18 
Robin_Watts yes, I have code for that here.17:15.42 
ray_laptop I notice that in gdev_mem_set_line_ptrs, it originally didn't do anything to make sure that the lines started on align_bitmap_mod boundaries.17:18.57 
  It just assumed that mdev->base (or the base passed in) was properly aligned17:19.36 
Robin_Watts Indeed. I am just transplanting that code over from my new parked branch.17:20.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what do you think about adding a 'size' parameter to gdev_mem_set_line_ptrs so it can return an error if it would go past the buffer size (in the default case with line_ptrs_adjacent, that would overlap the initial line_ptrs)17:22.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Why would we need to?17:22.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if someone passes a buffer that is too small (e.g., they haven't use the gdev_mem_bits_size value), it provides an extra check.17:23.47 
Robin_Watts People should be using gdev_mem_bits_size.17:24.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: agreed. But do they ? By modifying the calling sequence, at least we'll get a compile error (warning?) and be able to check each usage for the way they allocate the buffer17:25.22 
Robin_Watts I will ponder on that.17:25.39 
ray_laptop but I guess it will be pretty to likely to segfault if we overwrite the line_ptrs17:26.20 
Robin_Watts I've been overwriting them all day, and it's been reliably SEGVing :)17:26.47 
kens OK I'm off goodnight folks17:28.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it's just when the line_ptrs aren't adjacent, that we may scribble on somebody else's memory17:28.26 
  Robin_Watts: and those clients are the ones that are less likely to have done things correctly w.r.t. allocating the raster line buffer17:30.23 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It feels wrong to bend the API for the sake of broken clients.17:34.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. I don't feel strongly17:35.22 
  Robin_Watts: I had honked up my XXXX_Project tree, so I re-loaded it, and loaded your 801.tar.gz on top of it. I fails to buld Does that tarball belong on HEAD, or on their code ?18:00.03 
Robin_Watts on HEAD18:00.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that would explain it :-/18:00.24 
Robin_Watts np.18:00.30 
  How come linux has a pam device by default and windows doesn't?18:18.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so I have two commits in my mupdf repos for you to look over18:38.50 
  one fixes an issue with windows 8.1 plus some zooming bugs.18:39.15 
  the other adds printing support18:39.21 
  the printing support is going to need a little more work, but I wanted to get what I have in place now 18:39.39 
Robin_Watts So when you zoom a page, you zoom pages +/- 10 from it too?18:41.09 
mvrhel_laptop no18:41.35 
  hold on18:41.50 
  no 18:42.48 
  that does not do a re-render18:42.56 
  just gives a size change18:43.03 
Robin_Watts but why +/- 10 pages?18:43.26 
mvrhel_laptop so that when we do go to that page quickly, we get the thumb or what ever is rendered there scaled properly18:43.27 
Robin_Watts why 10 ?18:43.27 
  If it's just a size change, why not all pages?18:43.38 
mvrhel_laptop if I have 1000 pages it seemed excessive to do that every time the scale changed18:43.58 
Robin_Watts Ok, so then why not just +/- 1 ?18:44.11 
mvrhel_laptop 10 seemed to get one fast enough where by when I started scolling then they were updated18:44.14 
Robin_Watts So the danger is that I might scroll quickly forwards and I'd get pages on that hadn't been resized?18:44.40 
mvrhel_laptop whew.18:44.46 
Robin_Watts how would that manifest itself?18:44.54 
mvrhel_laptop it just looked funny18:44.55 
  well the page would come up small and the zoom big18:45.05 
  the way I have it now,18:45.14 
  the page comes up proper sized but blurry18:45.26 
  and then comes in focus18:45.29 
  as it renders18:45.35 
  this is clearly dependent up the machine18:45.51 
  I fooled about on the surface and my PC18:46.01 
  and decided on the value that I have18:46.14 
Robin_Watts So, if we scroll quickly to a page that we haven't done the resize on, it will appear blurry and then refresh to be sharp.18:46.54 
mvrhel_laptop this really only comes into play if some one did a resolution change and then started flipping pages fast18:46.55 
Robin_Watts That sounds fine.18:46.59 
  How would that differ from us flipping to a page that we HAD done the resize on?18:47.20 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no you are a little confused. give me a chance to explain18:47.41 
Robin_Watts Sure, sorry, I'm probably being dim.18:47.52 
mvrhel_laptop no just asking questions faster than I can type18:48.02 
  so LOOK_AHEAD which has a value of 1 will prerender at the zoom resolution the pages that are +/- LOOK_AHEAD 18:48.46 
  so when someone flips to the next page, it should already be rendered if they are moving at a reading speed18:49.08 
  the thumbnails are pre-rendered for all the pages at a fixed resolution18:49.33 
  and the "images" have a size associated with the thumbnail bitmaps which are the actual page sizes. so if you were to view the thumbnail it would look like the normal page size but a low res blurry version18:50.37 
  now, when someone does a resolution zoom18:50.53 
  the thumbnail images are still at the page sizes.18:51.06 
Robin_Watts what is a resolution zoom? how does that differ from a normal zoom?18:51.38 
mvrhel_laptop but I now go ahead and adjust those thumbnail image dimensions so that they are scaled to the zoom resolution18:51.39 
  Robin_Watts: so there really are two ways to make the image larger18:51.56 
  one is to re-render it 18:52.02 
  another is to just change the dimensions18:52.11 
  and windows does its interpolation18:52.18 
  did I use the words resolution zoom vs. normal zoom?18:52.46 
  that should say18:53.16 
  when someone does a zoom18:53.20 
  ok. now where was I18:53.34 
Robin_Watts sorry, go on.18:54.00 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so the LOOK_AHEAD_SCALE just resizes the thumb nails near where we are to the current zoom size so that when the user quickly flips through, the thumbnail sizes match what is going to be rendered18:54.48 
  and this needs to be more than +/- 118:55.04 
  since we can flip faster than we can render on some devices18:55.14 
Robin_Watts ok, so just a sec...18:55.22 
mvrhel_laptop at certain large zoom factors18:55.23 
  that is what I should have said to start with18:55.45 
Robin_Watts When you zoom a page, you tell windows that it should display the thumbnails for the pages in a region around the current one at a different scale than before.18:56.14 
mvrhel_laptop right18:56.26 
  as the thumbnail is what is first shown when we go to a page18:56.47 
Robin_Watts That doesn't cause the thumbnails themselves to be redrawn, just that the old thumbnails are used at the new scale.18:56.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:56.54 
  thumbnail are never redrawn18:57.06 
  just scaled via windows magic18:57.23 
Robin_Watts Right, so what if I flip too fast and I get past that region. Does the thumbnail for the next page appear scaled to the wrong size?18:57.36 
mvrhel_laptop yes it would look a little funny if you could get to that point18:58.31 
Robin_Watts Right, that was my concern.18:58.40 
mvrhel_laptop as you would see the page blurry at normal resolution18:58.42 
  and then it would scale up to fully resolution not-blurry18:58.58 
  and that is what this fixes18:59.02 
Robin_Watts This commit stops pages momentarily appearing at the non-zoomed resolution if you flip far enough? Or it fixes it so that the pages correct themselves after momentarily being wrong ?18:59.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you will not be able to flip fast and far enough to get to a page that does the jump19:00.33 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Statements like that always come back to bite me :)19:00.52 
mvrhel_laptop as when you flip, it will resize a thumbnail that is +/- 10 pages beyond where you are19:01.05 
  so in FlipView_SelectionChanged19:01.18 
  it does an UpdateZoom19:01.26 
  so with every page fip19:01.32 
  we keep a running window of 10 pages properly scaled19:01.48 
  actually 21 pages19:01.59 
Robin_Watts If it was the case that flipping one page always forced the pages around that new page to be properly scaled, then the window need only ever be +/-119:02.10 
mvrhel_laptop no19:02.16 
  that does not work19:02.19 
  due to the threading19:02.27 
  while one page is rendering, you can flip do the next19:02.37 
  and the next and the next19:02.48 
Robin_Watts So the rescale is done when the rendering completes?19:03.06 
mvrhel_laptop and this is fired after the selection is changed 19:03.10 
  it may be that +/- 2 would wrk19:03.19 
  sorry I was wrong19:03.36 
  it has to do with the fact that FlipView_SelectionChanged occurs after the selection change19:03.55 
  let me try 2 for second19:04.10 
  one is def. not enough though19:04.37 
Robin_Watts Ah, so the event you are triggering the rescale on happens AFTER the flip has already happened.19:04.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:04.56 
Robin_Watts That explains why you need more than 1, yes.19:05.00 
  Now, I've worked on systems such as thing before, and to avoid exactly this sort of problem, they have a 'pre_selection_change' event or something.19:05.41 
  An event that is called before something is selected.19:05.56 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: unfortunately, the manipulation started etc events for the flipview xaml object does not work so well. 19:06.58 
Robin_Watts ok, I understand what's going on at least. thanks.19:07.54 
  2 would be nicer than 10 if it's safe.19:08.10 
mvrhel_laptop yes. let me check that on the surface too19:08.21 
  oh also I have a fix for pixmap.c19:08.35 
Robin_Watts Other than the +/-10 thing that first commit looks fine (at least, as far as I understand it)19:09.34 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks. let me push this other fix too19:09.54 
Robin_Watts oh, well, there is some commented out code in there that may want to be deleted.19:10.41 
  in mupdf_cpp::MainPage::RenderRange19:11.43 
  but that's a tiny thing.19:11.50 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok thanks19:12.16 
Robin_Watts similarly in the second commit there is a dead //mm_print.RegisterForPrinting(); in MainPage::InitialRender()19:12.40 
mvrhel_laptop I dont see that19:12.55 
  in RenderRange19:12.59 
Robin_Watts //spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1);19:13.41 
mvrhel_laptop and RegisterForPrinting has no commented code either19:13.42 
Robin_Watts void MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page)19:14.04 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:14.05 
Robin_Watts /* Render +/- the look ahead from where we are if blank page is present */19:14.07 
  //spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1);19:14.09 
  and in MainPage::InitialRender() you have: //m_print.RegisterForPrinting();19:14.26 
  like I say, these are VERY minor :)19:14.33 
  There is some wierd indentation in PrintTaskRequested.19:15.39 
mvrhel_laptop oh crap19:16.11 
  those are spaces19:16.15 
  let me fix that19:16.22 
  Robin_Watts: so I pushed the one little fix for pixmap.c19:18.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ah, yes, sure.19:18.43 
mvrhel_laptop I will clean up the tab/spacing stuff and remove the dead code19:18.50 
Robin_Watts I blame tor7 and his naughty gcc ways :)19:18.55 
  mvrhel_laptop: All 3 commits look fine to me (other than the indentation etc)19:19.10 
  I can't claim to understand all the windows printing gubbins, but it seems plausible enough :)19:19.36 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok thanks. Should I try to amend the tab/spacing stuff to one of the commits or are you fine with me doing a seperate commit19:19.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It's in "your" windows 8 code, so feel free to do it separately.19:20.17 
mvrhel_laptop ok. thanks19:20.22 
  damn I must have had my project open with the space instead of tab settings at one point19:22.49 
Robin_Watts oh, bugger.19:33.05 
  2181 diffs in the cluster, so I bmpcmp it and see just 1.19:33.29 
  I think I need to add psd support to bmpcmp :)19:33.41 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so +/- 2 works must fine. Thanks for catching that19:34.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ah, fab.19:34.26 
  It might be worth a quick comment in there as to why we need +/- 2 rather than +/- 119:34.45 
  bmpcmp does have psd support, it seems.19:34.57 
  so why isn't that showing up in the cluster...19:35.06 
ray_laptop well, the bad news is that it took until 30 min ago to finish my "pre-op".21:38.26 
  The good news is that I don't need to have the surgery.21:38.49 
  The best medical procedures don't involve doctors, particularly those with sharp knives ;-)21:39.28 
Gigs- they had you ready to go to surgery and all? Or a pre-op consultation?21:42.50 
ray_laptop Gigs: it was only a finger, and 'pre-op' is where they have us sign all of the "yeah, I know, I might die or worse" forms21:43.47 
  Gigs: but instead of getting worse since two weeks ago, the little bump on my finger almost went away, so he recommended "let's wait". Fine by me!21:44.53 
Gigs- I might need surgery on one of my fingers. I blew up a gun.21:46.00 
ray_laptop Gigs-: sorry to hear that :-(21:47.31 
Gigs- it's not bad, just the knuckle got kind of screwed21:48.23 
ray_laptop guns are safest kept away from hands, IMHO. Preferably locked up somewhere.21:48.37 
Gigs- I was working on developing a completely new load, so it was risky21:48.57 
ray_laptop Gigs-: yikes21:49.20 
Gigs- I was using a powder where you can't necessarily use less because it has a nonlinear pressure curve, and the calculated load and reality didn't line up21:49.35 
  probably should have used some kind of remote firing set up21:49.51 
  anyway the gun wasn't badly damaged except for the bolt face, it was a strong gun, but my knuckle got hit by something flying out of the bottom21:50.56 
  I had an xray a couple weeks afterward because it didn't look like anything but a little cut when it happened, the dr said there was a little sliver of something in there but it looked like the bone was healing fine... but then I kept busting it on things21:51.45 
  having a knuckle swollen tends to cause it to get hit more often it's like a bad loop :)21:52.15 
  so speaking of breaking things... I seem to have come to an impasse when it comes to redefining deviceN tint transforms21:54.14 
  if the target colorant is a component in a deviceN space, I'm not really sure how to handle that in a way that doesn't risk "knocking out" other colorants that are members of the same DN space21:55.03 
  for example Magenta and BrightPink are a DN space... and BrightPink is actually just another name for magenta. If I knock out brightpink in that colorspace, it also knocks out pixels that are brightpink+magenta21:56.36 
  bah I think I've found a solution but it sucks, isolate each DN colorant by finding the entry for 100% of only that colorant, and then reconstruct the composite color spaces and clip the values, and hope everything was linear.22:11.46 
ray_laptop Gigs-: My problem was also the last joint knuckle, and I kept bumping it. In order to forestall surgery for a long as possible, he recommended putting a bandage, or pad on it when I bump it for a 4 or 5 days to avoid bumping it again.22:32.27 
  Gigs-: using the 100% of a colorant through the tint transform is also what tiffsep does to be construct the "composite CMYK". We also assume linear22:33.58 
  Gigs-: and when we add in the colorant, we clamp22:34.34 
  sounds pretty much like what you describe if I read it correctly22:34.53 
  Note that we rely on tiffsep maintaining the N colorants in separate planes, so any overprint "knockout" will properly erase or leave the underlying similar component (BrightPink or Magenta), then we can scale the BrightPink by whatever CMYK 1005 tint transform is, and add it in with clamping22:37.50 
  Gigs-: but if you are trying to fiddle tint transforms in order to "adjust" colorants so they will look right when rendered using the tint transform, and not using all N colorant planes, I don't think you will ever get there.22:40.03 
  Sort of what mvrhel_laptop went through with SimulateOverprint22:40.34 
  you can get close22:40.44 
  mvrhel_laptop: cust 532 is coming in with some problems/questions with the older (8.72++++) code that uses the CMYK->RGB device link hack. I'll check it out and chat with you after I have cogent quesions.22:43.25 
  probably tomorrow22:43.35 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: ok 23:38.29 
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