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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/11/07)2013/11/08 
AdamL Hi all.. Ray had given me some good advice earlier on how to combine a threshold with a BN dithering function01:24.30 
  i took that advice and generated a working command as follows:01:25.09 
  /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=HYBRID_%d.tif -r300 -dDITHER=300 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -Ilib -c "{ dup .5 lt { pop 0 } if } settransfer" -f $FILE01:25.10 
  which takes anything that's got a value darker than the threshold (0.5) and sets it black01:25.40 
  otherwise, apply dithering01:25.47 
  now, what I'd like to do is modify this slightly01:25.58 
  so that I have the same behavior, but that dithering only gets applied to things between 0.5 and 0.701:26.17 
  so that anything lighter than 0.7 just goes white01:26.29 
  is this an appropriate command?01:26.37 
  /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=HYBRID2_%d.tif -r300 -dDITHER=300 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -Ilib -c "{ dup .5 lt { pop 0 } if dup .7 gt { pop 1 } if } settransfer" -f $FILE01:27.13 
  (i'm a postscript programming novice, so i'm not sure if I've got the stack idea correct here)01:27.37 
  anyone ?01:45.15 
  hello ?01:52.15 
  i'm mostly having trouble with the RPN style notation of postscript02:18.38 
  anyone here ?03:42.16 
  hi marcosw03:46.52 
ray_laptop yuck! The debug build works, but a profile build and the release build get a "Can't find (or can't open) font file GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-H. 06:12.09 
  I *HATE* these kind of bugs. And with the ppmraw device, it works fine. Only fails with the xxx-aps device (cust 801)06:13.10 
  hmm... it only happens after outputting the 1st page. Clearly somebody is stomping on memory06:16.05 
sebras ray_laptop: can valgrind help you?08:33.34 
  yey for mupdf!11:02.59 
kens ??11:03.13 
UhWhatever Aloha11:05.56 
kens Hol, Hi hao, buenos dias...11:06.26 
sebras kens: I'm having a debate with colleagues at work about changing code in all places to be consistent, or just in the place a particular bug happened and make the code inconsistent.11:06.30 
UhWhatever I got a question concerning MuPDF11:06.32 
sebras UhWhatever: don't ask to ask, just ask.11:06.40 
UhWhatever Ok. Is there an Appcelerator Module that uses MuPDF?11:07.34 
kens has no idea what one of those is11:09.14 
  sI htink the answer to that is a resounding 'no', unless someone has built one and not mentioned it to us11:12.12 
UhWhatever Ok. Thanks for the info!11:13.50 
Robin_Watts Appcelerator is an "anyone can write apps" thing.12:34.17 
  Write once, will run on ios or android etc.12:34.28 
tor7 Robin_Watts: emscripten+js+html5 or a cross-platform toolkit?12:40.56 
Robin_Watts tor7: pass.12:41.21 
tor7 paulgardiner: BTW, the ios developer account we're using is due to expire in two weeks12:41.46 
Robin_Watts I spoke to them at AppsWorld last year(?) and tried to interest them in MuPDF, but they weren't particularly interested.12:41.52 
tor7 paulgardiner: so if you feel we're in good shape to ship a new release to the appstore soon, maybe we should consider doing something about that before it disappears12:42.52 
Robin_Watts tor7: We should renew the developer account before it expires.12:46.09 
tor7 we talked briefly about making it a company account rather than one tied to me12:46.37 
Robin_Watts Can you imagine the grief that will be caused by changing accounts with existing products?12:47.09 
  Possibly when we renew we'll get the change to upgrade to a company account.12:47.24 
tor7 that's what's held us back so far :)12:49.56 
paulgardiner tor7: Might be worth releasing a new version. It has forms and reflow now. I still have a way to go for annotations. And there is no javascript yet.12:55.29 
tor7 paulgardiner: and I assume the glitches with ios7 have been fixed?12:55.46 
  the way the page jumps up and down when you toggle the toolbars12:56.01 
  oh, and did you make a patch to use all custom icons and not the horrible ios7 system ones?12:56.49 
paulgardiner Oh ah. 12:56.51 
  It's using the better icons, but I've done nothing about the glitches. I wasn't aware of them (although you probably told me). I've been putting off updating my ipad to 7 so as to be able to test all the new stuff on 6.12:58.32 
  Robin_Watts, sebras: endptr commit is on paul/master13:03.03 
tor7 paulgardiner: ah! I expect you should be able to try ios7 in the simulator though?13:05.31 
paulgardiner tor7: oh possibly13:07.03 
tor7 hm, did someone break casper? git:// is down13:39.02 
kens It wasn't me...13:39.25 
  I can login to casper13:40.22 
tor7 ssh works fine, but the git server is not responding13:40.40 
kens Mayeb the server daemon died13:40.57 
tor7 kens: yeah. http access also works.13:41.19 
kens has exhausted useful responses13:41.46 
chrisl Seems to be working okay for me13:42.44 
Robin_Watts Urgh.13:45.25 
  gs invocation on ../ghostpcl/tests_private/pdf/sumatra/586_-_non-white_background.pdf fails.13:45.55 
  same invocation on that file copied to 586.pdf in the current dir works fine.13:46.12 
chrisl fails how, what platform?13:46.53 
Robin_Watts windows. segv.13:47.13 
  memory corruption.13:47.20 
  also the cluster fails too.13:47.29 
tor7 chrisl: git clone git:// 
  Cloning into mupdf...13:47.34 
  fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer13:47.34 
Robin_Watts I've got 2 SEGVs left in the cluster tests.13:47.45 
chrisl tor7: Oh, how strange - I updated a few minutes ago, and it worked13:48.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Why would you have been using git:// ?13:49.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I keep a git:// repo 'cause people sometimes ask about it on here - I can use it and say "it works for me".....13:50.27 
Robin_Watts ah :)13:50.35 
tor7 Robin_Watts: I have all my fetch remotes configured as git: because it's way faster than ssh for fetchingn13:50.54 
  (and I'm too lazy to setup ssh-agent)13:51.19 
Robin_Watts pageant, ftw.13:52.10 
  also, I can't remember if I've suggested it on here, but windows users may want to consider kitty instead of putty.13:52.31 
tor7 Robin_Watts: what are the benefits of kitty over putty?13:53.16 
kens home page has a comparison as I recall13:53.48 
Robin_Watts It's the latest putty +various new features (mainly usability)13:54.29 
tor7 chrisl: there are a dozen or so idling git-daemon processes... maybe something's deadlocked?13:54.50 
chrisl Possibly....13:55.27 
tor7 and a ton of git-upload-pack13:55.39 
sebras I got caught as well. :-/13:55.40 
tor7 anyone object if I kill the processes to see if things clear up?13:57.22 
chrisl Hmm, dunno how to restart git-daemon :-(13:57.29 
tor7 (or should I wait for marcos)13:57.31 
Robin_Watts tor7: If it's not working at the moment, then we lose nothing by you killing the processes, right?13:58.23 
tor7 Robin_Watts: no, but I'm not sure what our policy is regarding sysadmin stuff.13:58.58 
  chrisl: I think it's one of those inetd started things13:59.21 
chrisl tor7: it used to /etc/init.d/git-daemon but that's not there now.....13:59.49 
Robin_Watts tor7: I thought our policy was that I could break stuff and Marcos or Chris would tidy up after me? :)14:00.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: if that's the policy, I might take the afternoon off.....14:00.31 
tor7 chrisl: well, killing them all off now lets me connect again14:00.54 
chrisl Sounds good :-)14:01.06 
tor7 makes me worried that it clogged up with stuck git-upload-pack processes though14:01.11 
chrisl We'll just have to keep an eye on it14:02.01 
tor7 paulgardiner: is the endptr thing not just a "tail" to go with the head?14:07.00 
paulgardiner tor7: a sort of, although it's a **14:08.02 
tor7 paulgardiner: the api is starting to smell, when the simple linked list is no longer a simple linked list. better change it to something else, IMO.14:09.06 
  like an explicit tail queue, or a dynamically resized array, or a circular doubly linked list14:09.46 
Robin_Watts tor7: It is a simple linked list. It's just a simple linked list with a pointer to the pointer that points to the last record.14:09.48 
tor7 Robin_Watts: a tail queue :)14:10.04 
paulgardiner A pointer to where the next record would go14:10.26 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes.14:10.39 
paulgardiner Where to extend from14:10.43 
tor7 I'd wrap those in a struct of its own though, rather than let the api deal with two pointers14:10.50 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes, my description was bad.14:10.55 
paulgardiner I didn't think I'd changed the api14:11.17 
  tor7: if you don't like this, it might be best to leave it as is because the iteration required during create is unlikely to be a issue14:11.46 
tor7 paulgardiner: and now it looks like the pdf_annot_xxx functions are tightly coupled with the pdf_page struct14:11.48 
  so I'd swap some argument orders14:11.54 
  s/endptr/tailp/ and put the pdf_page argument earlier in the signatures: pdf_load_annots(doc, page, annots) and I'm happy14:12.38 
paulgardiner Oh okay14:13.00 
tor7 I don't mind having a tail pointer, but I would like to develop an idiom for it that we use14:13.35 
paulgardiner Is it a tail pointer?14:13.44 
tor7 and one where it isn't easy to accidentally forget to update one of the pointers14:13.52 
  it's a pointer to where the tail will go, right?14:14.17 
  as opposed to the real tail (which would be named just "tail", the p on the end is for the ** nature)14:14.34 
paulgardiner I think of "tail" as meaning everything but the first, but that's probably picked up from functional programming.14:15.27 
  But I'm happy to go with that. So annottailp?14:18.18 
tor7 paulgardiner: right. feel free to use last rather than tail then :)14:20.25 
  annot_tailp or annots_lastp maybe with an underscore?14:20.47 
paulgardiner Yeah underscore better, but I think I'd stick with tail14:21.26 
  tor7: updated as requested on paul/master14:33.17 
henrys paulgardiner: we'll talk more tuesday about LO and other choices and let's double check for other solutions out there in the meantime, but I think we've hit all the possibilities in the open source community14:38.20 
paulgardiner henrys: Yeah. The smartoffice code would probably be best if that comes off, but failing that I don't know between fighting LO or doing our own from scratch.14:39.43 
Robin_Watts Just spoke to the administrator for SOT.15:01.52 
kens SOT ?15:02.03 
Robin_Watts Smart Office Technologies. The company formerly known as Picsel.15:02.19 
kens oh right15:02.26 
Robin_Watts or the former company formerly known as Picsel.15:02.29 
  In principle he's interested in the possibilities of licensing us what we need.15:02.53 
kens Sounds good15:03.13 
  sounds better than LO anyway15:03.21 
Robin_Watts I'm going to send him an email with more questions etc for him to talk over with his lawyers etc, and we'll see where we land.15:03.30 
henrys Robin_Watts: we really don't want a license we want a buyout that we can open source.15:03.42 
kens I'm getting weird results from the cluster. Changes in non-pdfwrite code after I changed pdfwrite.15:04.01 
  I'm doubtful they will do us a buyout after licencing to others15:04.26 
Robin_Watts henrys: I said that open sourcing it would be a priority for us.15:04.30 
kens OK I'll shut up then....15:04.40 
Robin_Watts he says that he thinks the previous licenses have basically said "do what you want with it"15:04.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh okay that's great then.15:05.15 
Robin_Watts so on that basis, open sourcing it shouldn't be a problem. But that's one of the things he wants to talk over with his lawyer.15:05.15 
kens O.O15:05.15 
  Sounds promising though15:05.32 
Robin_Watts yeah.15:05.42 
chrisl kens: it depends - if the primary intent was to ensure customers of the ex-company weren't left with an unsupportable product, open sourcing may not be seen as a problem15:06.06 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Well, they are administrators, so their primary intent is getting as much money in as possible :)15:07.17 
  But from the buyers point of view, yes, it's to ensure that they don't get an unsupported product.15:07.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts: and if they've already sold licenses to most existing customers, charging us a premium to allow open sourcing could be seen as a last squeeze....15:08.49 
henrys and I assume paulgardiner and Robin_Watts would be somewhat familiar with the code?15:10.08 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes. But then everyone else was interested in buying more code than we are.15:10.16 
  They want a complete working system (app, display engine, document agents etc), we just want the agents.15:11.08 
  henrys: We've had fingers in lots of the code, yes. The bits we haven't had, we know people that have.15:11.45 
paulgardiner agents and layout15:12.16 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: yeah. Various bits of the agents are done as libs too, like escher.15:12.52 
paulgardiner right15:13.11 
henrys chrisl: do you know anything about this bounded huffman stuff I don't see it used in the lib.mak15:13.23 
chrisl henrys: I can't find it used anywhere - I'm part way through ripping it out (also the Burrows-Wheeler stuff, too)15:14.25 
henrys I was looking at the ccitt code yesterday for a fuzz problem and noticed that.15:15.28 
  chrisl: I noticed you've worked on ccitt recently. did you notice this -ss->Columns & 7 stuff numbering the bits backward and comparing if the bit is smaller … q_at_stop() … I really can't figure out the rationale for that move, other than to waste a lot of my time figuring it out.15:17.33 
chrisl henrys: I didn't - the two things I did in there were very self contained. I can take a closer look if you like (but next week!)15:18.39 
Robin_Watts -x & 7 is sometimes used because it's a lot simpler than doing... (8-(x & 7) &7 and then 15:21.06 
  (8-(x & 7)) &7 even15:21.20 
  I had to do that in the code that aligns a buffer.15:22.10 
henrys Robin_Watts: I don't understand why end_bit would not be x & 7 then q_at_stop() would be qbit > end_bit,15:22.49 
Robin_Watts I can't comment on this particular case.15:23.40 
henrys Robin_Watts: I don't like looking for overflow with qbit <= end_bit - I looked at that and assumed it was a coding error.15:23.54 
chrisl henrys: the earliest reference I can find to the bounded huffman code is in the changelog for gs 3.xx, and that's a bug fix. so I can (so far) find no explanation for why it was added.15:23.55 
henrys chrisl: well I'm glad it's on your removal list…. 15:24.46 
Robin_Watts henrys: Want to log into skype for a mo ?15:25.12 
henrys yes15:25.22 
chrisl henrys: in cases like this I tend to think the best idea is to remove it, and if anyone complains we'll put it back, and fix it......15:25.33 
henrys chrisl: well it would also allow us to collapse some more macros - I guess there are a set of macros shared by the bounded stuff and scfd.c15:29.58 
chrisl henrys: could be. I'm just always suspicious of code that hasn't compiled in 5+ years - there is almost no chance it hasn't bitrotted15:31.04 
henrys chrisl: go ahead and pull it now I'm doing some stuff with scfd.c and that would help.15:31.46 
chrisl henrys: just a clusterpush (for safety) and I'll push the change - I suddenly realised there was a reference in Develop.htm I need to remove15:32.52 
henrys chrisl: great15:33.10 
tor7 paulgardiner: patch looks good to me. want me to push it?15:33.31 
chrisl henrys: there are definitely some hideous macros in shc.h :-(15:37.47 
henrys well if we get rid of that file they don't need to be shared and can become inline functions, right?15:40.36 
chrisl Probably yes, but I was thinking more of: hcd_declare_state/hcd_load_state()/hcd_store_state() - I hate hiding details like that....15:42.01 
henrys chrisl: we can get rid of those too I was less inclined to do so if they were shared, now they're not.15:43.39 
  well my old house is under contract already. 15:45.25 
chrisl henrys: suspect files suitably zapped....15:56.30 
henrys chrisl: thanks16:00.07 
marcosw2 cluster sure is busy this morning :-)16:26.41 
kens keeps you warm :-)16:27.05 
Robin_Watts I'm beginning to think that I shouldn't have had a "num_planes" field, I should have had an "is_planar" field.16:27.39 
  as num_planes == color_info.num_components whenever is_planar.16:28.03 
  and some of the recent SEGVs I've solved have been where num_planes and num_components are getting out of sync.16:28.39 
  I may go through and change the code in a bit.16:28.49 
henrys mvrhel_laptop, Robin_Watts: marti has started.16:36.31 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok great16:36.43 
Robin_Watts ah, fab!16:37.18 
ray_laptop morning, all.16:51.08 
Robin_Watts Morning ray.16:51.23 
ray_laptop for some reason, my IRC client didn't automatically connect16:51.26 
  I have a call with cust 532 in a few minutes.16:51.53 
  Robin_Watts: is there an shorter syntax to fetching the diff for a particular hash other than (e.g) git diff 656f26c~1..656f26c ?16:54.39 
  Robin_Watts: and how do I push a branch from my local to my repo on peeves ? (i.e., which branch should I be on as the current checkout, and what is the command) ?16:56.40 
  is it as simple as being on "master" and doing: git push @peeves:git/ghostpdl xxxx ?16:58.44 
  where xxxx is the branch16:59.02 
  I hesitate because I've honked up my repo on peeves a couple of times and got it all confused16:59.38 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: sorry, phone.17:00.41 
  ray_laptop: I'm not sure about the diff.17:00.55 
  I use "git diff HEAD~5..HEAD~4" a lot :)17:01.08 
  And to push do: git push remote-name local-branch:remote-branch17:01.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: will that work if the remote branch doesn't exist ?17:02.13 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think so.17:03.21 
ray_laptop ok, thanks. I'll let you know in a bit :-)17:03.56 
  Yep. It worked -- it created the remote branch and even told me: * [new branch] xxxx -> xxxx17:07.33 
Robin_Watts That is one of my favourite hammers.17:08.04 
  If you do: git push foo :bar then that will delete 'bar' on remote 'foo'.17:08.29 
  oh, balls.17:14.16 
  I just realised that I haven't updated the memory device gc stuff to realign stuff after a reloc.17:14.53 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: How is it that a memory buffer every is reloc'd ? It's going to be in a single object large chunk isn't it ?17:18.39 
  IIRC, any object that is > 1/2 the chunk size (default 20K) is put in its own chunk, right ?17:19.59 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I have never seen one reloc'd.17:20.42 
ray_laptop I suppose a pattern-accum memory device might be small enough, but those don't have special alignment used17:20.44 
Robin_Watts But code exists to reloc them.17:20.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: probably for the pattern-accum mem devices17:21.09 
  Robin_Watts: so it doesn't just run set_line_ptrs ?17:21.46 
Robin_Watts I do fondly remember a staff meeting discussion a few years ago, where we all earnestly agreed that it would be great to stop having things being gc'd when they didn't need to.17:21.56 
  ray_laptop: It does not.17:22.11 
ray_laptop it probably should17:22.34 
  once it has done the RELOC_PTR on 'base', it can just as easily rebuild them as run through and subtract the reloc offset17:23.42 
Robin_Watts The planar support in gs is partly written as if it's intended to support planes with different colorants having different depths.17:23.43 
  ray_laptop: Unless someone has set foreign_line_ptrs, and then had their own screwy layout for them.17:24.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I am fine with just commenting that as "LATER" or "FIXME"17:24.20 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: yeah, I might do that.17:24.34 
  BUT the planar support only actually works if all the planes have the same depth.17:24.55 
  I do wonder if I should do a tidy up of this code so that we just assume all the depths are the same everywhere.17:25.22 
  rather than giving people the impression that something is possible that isn't.17:25.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm OK with that, as well. It's not like it ever worked. And neither of us can think of why it might be wanted (at least not seriously)17:26.31 
  but then we were surprised by cust 801 wanting CMYB at 300 and K at 60017:27.02 
kens Night all17:32.11 
ray_laptop 'nite, kens17:32.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Likewise can you ever thing of a case where for a planar device we'd want num_planes != color_info.num_components ?17:42.40 
  Tag planes?17:43.30 
henrys chrisl: yes this load and store state is terrible - it leads to many unnecessary assignments that would be immediately noticed if the code were expanded. The compiler probably gets rid of that but geez...17:48.31 
chrisl henrys: some of that is due to when I made some of the macros into functions - we have to save the state to call the function, then retrieve the state after. I've been meaning to revisit that, and work out a neater way of doing it17:50.21 
henrys chrisl: well I'd like to fool with it. I think I inherited the filters17:51.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Possibly have all the state in a structure.17:51.39 
  Then the first call to every function is a pointer to the structure.17:51.56 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the state is in a structure, which we copy to local variables, then copy back to the structure at strategic points.... horrible :-(17:52.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: yeah, I assumed that was originally done because there was an 'important' compiler that couldn't optimise it otherwise.17:52.47 
henrys once I have the macros expanded I can read the code, I'm a stickler about reading it before modifying it ;-)17:53.07 
chrisl henrys: that's just crazy talk......17:53.45 
henrys bbiam17:54.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I suspected it was performance - a lot of older compilers produced inefficient code for accessing entries in structures.17:56.06 
  These days, me feeling is we should just ditch it, and deal with the state structure directly.17:57.02 
Robin_Watts I concur.17:57.47 
  henrys: At least you aren't aiming to understand it before modifying it :)17:58.27 
chrisl I think the CCITT fax code was specifically designed to frustrate attempts to understand it.......17:59.35 
Robin_Watts In order to understand any one line of the code, you need to understand the line before it.18:00.21 
ray_laptop chrisl: henrys: Yeah, I recall old compilers that would always reload structure elements using the pointer rather than keeping it in a register18:00.49 
  Some of that was before there was a 'volatile' keyword to tell the compiler when it needed to do that because another thread might modify it18:01.58 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, that's the pointer aliasing nature of C for you. You need to either define pointers to the structures as "restrict", or the functions need to be static and the optimiser needs to be smart.18:02.01 
  volatile won't help in this instance.18:02.26 
  volatile says that they MUST be reloaded/rewritten every time they are accessed.18:02.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, we want the compiler to assume that the struct is *not* volatile and optimize it18:02.51 
Robin_Watts and the order can't be changed.18:02.55 
  ray_laptop: And we want the compiler to know that no other pointer can overlap the structure. Hence restrict is what we want.18:03.43 
ray_laptop trying a memento build to see if it hits anything 18:03.44 
Robin_Watts Down to just 1 segv in psdcmyk now.18:05.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: is it that the one that has been there for a long time ? tests_private/comparefiles/Bug693365.pdf.psdcmyk.300.1 Seg_Fault18:07.54 
Robin_Watts yes.18:08.16 
  Ah, that's not my fault? Woo Hoo!18:08.25 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw18:13.47 
ray_laptop hmm.. found one issue. When I have NumRenderingThreads > 0, the color_usage_array isn't set up in the rendering thread's device_clist_reader struct, so a process_fn gets a NULL pointer :-(18:27.26 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: oops.18:30.50 
ray_laptop Looking into it...18:31.07 
  OK, so I just have to fix it in the setup and teardown, similar to what is done for the icc_table19:04.51 
  OK. Now band skipping is working with NumRenderingThreads>0 and a release build !19:25.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Excellent!19:25.53 
ray_laptop Now my J12 time with NRT=3 is 15.04 sec19:26.19 
Robin_Watts down from?19:26.53 
ray_laptop next, I'll see about -dBGPrint=true19:26.54 
  it _should_ work19:27.18 
Robin_Watts I've been distracted by SEGVs, so haven't tried the persistent icc_cache's yet. Will do that on monday.19:27.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that will help more, proportionally on J6x100 right ?19:28.10 
  there's only 20 pages in J1219:28.28 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes.19:28.38 
  but when I profiled it, fully 50% of CPU time was spent in lcms.19:28.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: with J6, right ?19:29.06 
Robin_Watts No, with J12.19:29.14 
ray_laptop oh, wow19:29.20 
Robin_Watts (my 100 pages example was purely for ease of elucidation :) )19:29.41 
ray_laptop That doesn't seem right. How many times does it build a new link profile with J12 ?19:29.47 
Robin_Watts 4*20.19:29.57 
  with numrenderingthreads = 4.19:30.08 
ray_laptop and that's 50% of the time ??? Wow, we need a new CMS 19:30.29 
Robin_Watts so naively, we can save 47.5%19:30.36 
ray_laptop or we need to get somebody to profile the guts of lcms219:31.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: When we load a link, it forms an optimised version.19:31.53 
  performs sampling etc. So the loading of the link is relatively expensive, in order to make the actual usage much faster.19:32.25 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: does this seem reasonable to you -- generating 80 link profiles taking 50% of the time. That would be 7+ seconds out of 15 on my laptop19:32.26 
Robin_Watts The fact that we throw the link away many times is our fault, not lcms'.19:32.54 
ray_laptop my laptop can execute a LOT of instructions in 7 seconds !19:33.03 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Please feel free to profile again in case I have misread.19:33.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I might try after BGPrint19:33.35 
  time for a lunch break19:33.51 
Robin_Watts (It's possible I've confused the numbers because of multiple threads being there)19:33.54 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: reasonable depends upon the file and the content. 20:29.55 
  the generation of the links is certainly expensive which is why we cache them20:30.24 
  that is why I did not understand when you wanted to make the cache small for the one customer ray_laptop20:30.47 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I saw you comment in the logs. For cust 532, I did performance testing at various ICC_CACHE_MAX_LINKS level for their performance problem file and found that reducing it killed performance (even 15 was noticeably worse than the default of 50).21:51.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: I dropped the investigation when they did, but it still seems that that number seems large, given your patch to recognize "same ICC colorspace" that helped the allocation pattern21:53.02 
  mvrhel_laptop: BTW, did that enhancement ever make it into our tree ?21:53.40 
  I have to plug in my laptop to validate my numbers, but it looks like -dBGPrint=true gives another 20% or more22:13.19 
  that's with the cust 801 device22:13.37 
  that's on J12. On J6 it gets about 15% -- numbers subject to verification22:17.33 
  but it definitely helps22:17.54 
  which is *GOOD*22:18.01 
  _and_ it seems to work without problems (just changing to use gdev_prn_bg_output_page22:20.19 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: For the logs; 20% extra is great. I really think the customer should be happy with the results.23:36.41 
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