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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/11/30)2013/12/01 
Sachin Hi14:50.57 
  Anybody there?14:51.04 
  I am facing similar problelm14:54.50 
  How can I resolve this..14:55.20 
ghostbot hello15:01.33 
Sachin Please help15:01.35 
  Hello Ghostbot...15:01.47 
  Please help me with above issue..15:01.58 
  As per Robin Watts this issue might be due to Native Library.. It is not properly loaded..15:03.07 
  Can you guide me on how to confirm if library is properly loaded..15:03.32 
  I can find it in the Build Path..15:03.41 
  And if library is not there.. Where can I get the library from..15:03.51 
qz hello, any mupdf devs here?19:53.37 
robin_watts_mac Yes, but not for long.20:22.06 
  If you have a question, ask it, and we'll answer it, but it might take a while.20:22.28 
qz well, i updated to master as i'm told that is fixed there20:54.07 
  but now there are build problems because of libopenjpeg220:55.00 
  so i wanted to ask -- is there any way to use libopenjpeg1.5 with latest sources?20:55.36 
  and when i'm saying that build is broken i mean that for example it is linked as -lopenjpeg while it should be -lopenjp220:59.12 
sebras qz: I just cloned a new mupdf tree, ran git submodule update --init in it and then make -j10 on my Debian box without any problems.23:26.28 
  qz: are you trying to link with your system's openjpeg? the recommended way is to build and link openjpeg statically.23:27.52 
  qz: this is also the default IIRC.23:28.03 
qz sebras: which openjpeg library are you using? debian does not have 2.0 in packages23:52.24 
sebras qz: I'm using the one coming with mupdf23:53.04 
  qz: if you lookin the thirdparty/openjpeg directory after running clone and git submodule update --init it ought to be there.23:53.31 
  qz: oh and, yes openjpeg and debian (and probably other distros) really ought to get their act together and have a dependable scheme for naming versions, header files, libraries and packages. :-P23:55.49 
qz sebras: thanks, i think i had forgotten to do submodule checkout of openjpeg23:59.08 
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