IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/12/18)2013/12/19 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl...11:24.34 
kens pong11:24.39 
Robin_Watts You know the " **** File has unbalanced q/Q operators (too many Q's) ****" message11:24.53 
kens Yep11:24.57 
Robin_Watts is there any chance we could make it so that it only gives that message once per file? Or once per page at most ?11:25.18 
kens Only with difficulty11:25.33 
Robin_Watts I tested a fix last night, and the cluster fell over due to oversized logs.11:25.54 
  And the cause for that was that line (which was wrong, btw) being spewed 8 billion times.11:26.17 
kens Its caused by catching an error from restore/grestore as I recall, so we'd need to set a flag, and reset it on every page content stream11:26.25 
Robin_Watts and you can't see the logs when they are oversized, or even what files caused them.11:26.32 
kens Robin_Watts : the unbalanced q/Q may be caused by some other error in the file11:26.47 
Robin_Watts kens: That sounds like fairly minimal pain compared to the pain of 8 billion repeated lines.11:27.04 
kens If we abort a stream then the save stack is wrong, and you get that error, even though the q/Q may match11:27.10 
  Robin_Watts : if you want to code for it, be my guest11:27.25 
Robin_Watts That line is produced by the postscript ?11:27.40 
kens Its produced by the PDF interpreter11:27.56 
Robin_Watts Right.11:28.06 
  Do we have any global state at that point?11:28.17 
  Can't we just have a flag "I have spewed this meaningless drivel already" and check/set that before printing ?11:28.46 
kens Yes, but off the top of my head I don't know what, or how you would access it, I'd have to go look11:28.48 
  Robin_Watts : and where would you reset it ?11:29.01 
chrisl I'll have a look - I'm at a bit of a loose end just now11:29.10 
Robin_Watts I don't care about resetting it, frankly :)11:29.14 
kens is looking at a memory problem atm11:29.21 
Robin_Watts But possibly we could reset it when we print the "This file was created by Bob the Builder" ,message.11:29.42 
kens call the PDF interpreter with PDFSTOPONERROR and you won't get this11:29.52 
chrisl I wonder why we issue the warning in two different places.....11:31.11 
kens Probably tow different contexts11:31.23 
chrisl Oh, I see why.....11:32.02 
  One is for too many q's and one for too many Q's11:32.17 
kens OK11:32.26 
Robin_Watts kens: That's not an acceptable answer, IMHO.11:37.15 
  That's a workaround for a deficiency in our software.11:37.23 
kens what ?11:37.24 
Robin_Watts using PDFSTOPONERROR11:37.36 
kens the pesaence of the4 warning is a work-around for broken PDF files11:37.41 
Robin_Watts Giving the warning once is a feature.11:38.02 
  Spewing it endlessly is a bug.11:38.08 
kens Robin_Watts : I really don't care, and I'm busy with somethign else. If you want to change ti go ahead, I'mnot prepared to argue with you about whether its acceptable or not. THat's the way it is, and the way it has been for ages11:38.45 
Robin_Watts kens: Sure. I'm not expecting you to drop stuff to deal with this.11:39.06 
  But "that's just the way it is" is a song by Bruce Hornsby, not a valid argument for something being right.11:39.46 
kens refuses to be drawn into an argument11:40.06 
chrisl I believe I have a solution11:40.40 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah, excellent. Thanks.11:40.58 
chrisl Luckily we have a joyously awful custom operator called ".forceput", which lets us store values in read-only dictionaries11:41.45 
  So the question is, should the message be once per problem page, or once per problem file?11:43.00 
kens Per page11:43.10 
chrisl In which case, it's even simpler.....11:44.16 
Robin_Watts Either Per Page or Per Stream or Per File would be fine, I think.11:44.31 
chrisl It's per stream now, that's what you're complaining about11:44.56 
Robin_Watts oh, ok.11:45.10 
  Then Per Stream is bad :)11:45.18 
chrisl Okay, now I need to break a file to test this11:48.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I can give you such a breakage.11:48.45 
kens just decompress almost any file and white space a 'q'11:48.46 
chrisl Robin_Watts: is it the one that borked the cluster?11:49.08 
Robin_Watts Yes.11:49.13 
chrisl That'll do!11:49.18 
Robin_Watts In gdevp14.c search for if (!sep_target)11:49.35 
  should be around line 710011:49.50 
  After that if, we do: code = pdf14_update_device_color_procs_push_c11:50.13 
  the value of code is never used, which is just as well, because if you use it you get an infinite number of those messages.11:50.41 
chrisl With what test file?11:51.04 
Robin_Watts so I added if (code < 0) return code; (and appopriate { } ) and that was what triggered the cluster to die.11:51.07 
  The command line is:11:51.11 
  gs/debugbin/gswin32c.exe -r300 -o out.pbm -sDEVICE=pbmraw ../ghostpcl/tests_private/pdf/sumatra/1900_-_cairo_transparency_inefficiency.pdf11:51.31 
chrisl Hrm, no, I don't - it runs to completion for me......11:54.56 
Robin_Watts hmm.11:56.20 
chrisl possibly depends on other changes?11:58.08 
Robin_Watts possibly. I will investigate some more.12:00.13 
  Do you want to give me your patch to test?12:00.37 
kens If I may suggest ? Send Robin the patch and let him test it12:00.40 
  Or take any PDF file with multiple streams per page, and hack out one q/Q from teh first stream12:01.22 
chrisl I'd like to test it at least on a simple case first12:01.25 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I have a plumber here at the moment, so may lag, but I'll gladly do any testing you feel is required. Thanks for this.12:04.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts: okay, I'm struggling to break a file so it issues lots of warnings, so.....12:05.26 
Robin_Watts Oh, I bet the error reported there gets ignored higher up in the current code.12:11.39 
  I've added a load of code to propogate such errors.12:11.58 
  that would explain it.12:12.08 
chrisl No, I've got it now - the code I was working with was *way* out of date12:12.20 
Robin_Watts oh, ok.12:13.11 
chrisl Mind, it's taking a *hell* of a long time to run. We may have hit some kind of infinite loop :-(12:15.36 
kens The cluster kills infinte loops IIRC12:16.15 
chrisl Yep, it's just it points to more being wrong here than spewing a lot of warnings12:17.54 
kens I htink that's true anyway, the code is broken if you return that. I think Robin was just complaining that the logs got broken.12:18.31 
  TO my mind its not terribly worrying which way the error shows up, but it seemed to bother Robin12:18.53 
chrisl TBH, it's bothered be before - not with the cluster, but with my own scripts. I don't like the test reports eating up *all* my disk space!12:19.52 
kens I don't log the output, so it doesn't worry me12:20.55 
chrisl I'm often looking for errors or warnings....12:22.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Are you cluster testing with that extra thing in to break it ?12:22.59 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, I'm just having a think about how I've implemented this12:23.33 
Robin_Watts plumber has fixed heating (I hope).12:28.19 
Robin_Watts heads for run, bbs.12:28.26 
fnodeuser hello, are there any plans to improve the situation with pdf files with filesizes of over 500 MB? the sumatrapdf developer said that it depends on you, the mupdf team, to solve the problem of the high memory usage12:34.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think I've figured out why commit da277059b37380d57028ff79a636f4d725c96e8f is broken12:59.10 
  what happens to your quantisation tricks if the coordinates are negative?12:59.29 
tkamppeter chrisl, kens, I want to modify the gdevcups,c so that one can use both "cups" and "pwgeaster" as device name (and if the user uses the latter, PWG Raster mode should be selected).13:31.20 
kens I'm not sure what your quesation is Till13:33.03 
  If you want two names I think you need 2 devices, but the code body can be identical13:33.18 
tkamppeter chrisl, kens, problem is that I have to duplicate the huge data structure gs_cups_device to appear also as gs_pwgraster_device and I tried with macros and this did not really work.13:34.16 
  kens, I can e-mail you the files, so that you can see the problem.13:34.49 
kens Yes that's what I do with pdfwrite/ps2write/eps2write13:34.51 
tkamppeter kens, if I have the huge structure twice in the code, all works, if I use macros, it does not build.13:35.39 
kens tkamppeter then that sounds like a macro problem, since the expansion of hte macro should be identical ti having the code there13:36.05 
  THe wya pdfwrite does this is to have the structure defined in an include file (gdevpdfb.h) and includes it multiple tiems.13:38.13 
  Not the structure definition, but the instantioation of the device which uses the structure13:39.40 
tkamppeter kens, I have sent you the files by mail now.13:40.54 
kens Till its not really my area, more like Chris's13:41.11 
tkamppeter chrisl, are you around?13:41.31 
kens probably at lunch13:41.45 
chrisl I'm eating. I'm not especially good with device definitions - mail me the files, and I'll look this afternoon13:42.21 
tkamppeter chrisl, done.13:56.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: Dunno. Will look in a mo.14:05.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think the "Reassemble the complete transform" step is where things go pear shaped14:09.19 
  if I revert the quantisation logic to what we had before, it all comes together. but my cold is making my head muzzy enough that I can't quite grasp the details of the rounding and truncation combinations your new stuff does.14:09.53 
  Robin_Watts: the "fixed" reversion of logic is up at tor/foo14:10.26 
  but that doesn't have the nice properties of the rounding you added14:10.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: leave it with me for a bit.14:11.05 
chrisl tkamppeter: check your mail......14:38.20 
tkamppeter chrisl, thank you very much.14:41.46 
chrisl tkamppeter: no problem14:42.18 
tkamppeter chrisl, did a quick check, works.14:45.53 
chrisl tkamppeter: cool. It is a very stupid restriction on the pre-processor :-(14:46.48 
henrys Robin_Watts: supernatural season 9 underway14:58.51 
Robin_Watts henrys: I've seen 8, but 9 hasn't been shown here yet.15:10.17 How come we aren't mentioned?15:17.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I accidentally cluster tested with the gdevp14.c change, and it ran through, and the cluster didn't complain, so I think that's a good sign15:18.01 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Your last cluster test had many files starting to produce errors, didn't it?15:20.00 
  oh, but that's probably because of the gdevp14.c change.15:20.26 
chrisl Oh, crap, no I didn't see that - how come it didn't come up before? I better revert that :_(15:21.05 
paulgardiner henrys: Linda and I watched s09e09 last night, but now have to endure the xmas break.15:21.36 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You haven't pushed yet, have you?15:22.13 
chrisl No, not pushed - I was worried I had, though15:23.30 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The patch I sent last night for your consideration...15:23.41 
  1) The line you were worried about was actually the line that started the whole thing - I got a warning from the cluster telling me that the value assigned there was never used.15:24.16 
  2) The cluster tests failed when I tested it, because of a bug in the pdf14 stuff that caused an infinite amount of crap to be spewed to the logs. Chris has kindly been fixing the infinite amount of crap, but the pdf14 bug remains.15:25.12 
  I'll get you full details of that problem in a mo, but the short version is that pdf14_update_device_color_procs_push_c can be called with an unknown group_color and we get a rangecheck back.15:26.47 
  We only survive that at the moment, because we ignore the return value.15:27.01 
henrys paulgardiner: how long can it drag on?15:29.01 
paulgardiner I don't know. They've shown several "last" series. I'd guess (average life expentency - Dean's current age) / series duration15:34.55 
Robin_Watts henrys: The only 'bad' series I remember was the start of 6, while they struggled to get it back on track after tying it up so nicely at the end of 5.15:47.05 
  paulgardiner: Scott has just forwarded a question about mupdf annotations to support.15:53.37 
  Do you want to handle that, or should I ?15:53.47 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: okay ta15:53.50 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. if you can give me a file that has the issue I will look into it16:06.41 
  or is it on the dashboard someplace16:07.00 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: gs/debugbin/gswin32c.exe -r300 -o out.pbm -sDEVICE=pbmraw ../ghostpcl/tests_private/pdf/sumatra/1900_-_cairo_transparency_inefficiency.pdf16:07.11 
  I believe there are many files like that.16:07.29 
mvrhel_laptop is there a better one than a cario one....16:07.30 
Robin_Watts That's just one example.16:07.39 
  That's the only one I actually know about.16:07.45 
mvrhel_laptop those are such badly set up files16:07.48 
Robin_Watts When chris gets his patch in, I can rerun and get a list of files that have the problem, probably.16:08.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:08.25 
  I will look at that file16:08.35 
Robin_Watts We can easily ignore it until chrisl's patch goes in.16:08.50 
  I know you are still battling the clist issues.16:08.58 
mvrhel_laptop ok. yes. I would like to chat with ray about this. any idea how he is doing?16:09.26 
Robin_Watts I haven't spoken to him since yesterday. He seemed OK, but I think the novelty has worn off.16:09.53 
  tor8: Testing with -ve values for e and f seems to give the right results for me.16:39.01 
  Or at least, they look right to me in my test program.16:39.11 
  I wonder if it's a and/or d need to be -ve for it to go wrong?16:39.36 
  tor8: Can you give me a file where this causes a problem please?16:58.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pdfref17.pdf, rotate left (with 'a' key) 5 times17:03.29 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I've pushed the q/Q change - I need to head out, but I'll check the logs when I get back just in case17:04.13 
Robin_Watts tor8: I see it, thanks.17:04.31 
  I was looking for it in orthogonal text :)17:04.52 
tor8 right. it shows up in pretty much any text once you rotate left 90 degrees (which makes the y coordinates negative)17:05.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: To get a 90 degree rotation, that's 6 presses.17:06.32 
tor8 I expect just translating a page so that it ends up in negative coordinate space should work, but since we 'normalise' page coords so that they start at 0,0 and extend in the positive direction, that'll be trickier to test17:06.44 
Robin_Watts Just to be clear are you saying I should be able to see it at 90 degrees ?17:06.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. you should be able to see it at 90 degrees (as long as it's in the left-rotated quadrant)17:07.09 
Robin_Watts yeah, maybe in november.17:07.19 
tor8 you should see very uneven character spacing17:07.22 
Robin_Watts OK. Thanks.17:07.29 
tor8 go forward to page 217:07.33 
  and it's stunningly obvious17:07.40 
Robin_Watts ew, yes.17:07.48 
  OK. I can work from this. Thanks.17:08.04 
ray_laptop morning, mvrhel_laptop 17:13.38 
  I'm home now17:13.45 
mvrhel_laptop hi ray_laptop 17:13.51 
  ok I am stepping through the clist writing phase right now17:14.02 
  seeing when the cmd put colors occur and what band they go it 17:14.15 
  go in17:14.17 
  hold on a sec17:14.20 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: so which file are you on (I inderstand that 'simple' works OK17:14.26 
mvrhel_laptop easy517:15.03 
  and then using your command line17:15.14 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: thx17:15.16 
mvrhel_laptop put a counting break point at 17:15.29 
  gx_pattern_cache_ensure_space line 2046 in gsptype1.c for 22. 23 is the "extra read of the pattern"17:16.24 
  excuse me. "using your command line" ? why did I type that17:16.57 
  using visual studio i mean17:17.15 
  ray_laptop ^^17:17.23 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Presumably you meant "using the command line options given in the bug"17:17.48 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: oops. I need to git pull this sandbox. just a minute.17:18.04 
mvrhel_laptop oh yes that is what I meant17:18.17 
ray_laptop rebuilding after update...17:21.03 
Robin_Watts We are now listed on the hackathon page. ( 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the description seems a bit limited. I wonder who wrote that ? It also doesn't mention any of the apps or anything other than 'basic text extraction'. I suspect that we'd get more interest with a better description18:46.04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The author of the site wrote the description.18:46.49 
  The hackathon is specifically about pdf text extraction, hence him focussing on that.18:47.28 
  I pointed him at the xml output modes of the text extraction, but he said "hmm, doesn't seem like it would be easy to build anything from that."18:47.58 
ray_laptop someone (Robin?) should contact them and give a bit more info. For instance, svg output and image extraction, and rendering to popular formats with full transparency. But...18:48.35 
  Robin_Watts: oh, well.18:49.07 
Robin_Watts I countered with "I would imagine that anyone trying to do any serious text analysis would need at least that much information, and XML is easy to work with with free tools out there"18:49.14 
  ray_laptop: Yeah, the non text extraction based features aren't going to get mentioned on this page as they aren't relevant.18:49.46 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: I am back18:50.27 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think if we decided to sponsor them we could set our own challenge. Probably within that we could specify the use of MuPDF ?18:55.05 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: so sure enough, on the last image, when it does the write out to band 14 it writes out to all the bands18:55.06 
  ray_laptop: and *NOT* doing the write out to all bands fixes the issue18:56.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That sounds like progress.18:59.16 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:59.24 
  ray_laptop: so pre->nbands = 1 for band 17 when we write out the full pattern. later when we do band 14 pre->nbands = 5 so we decide to write out to all bands19:21.32 
  either one of two things needs to be fixed here. 1) we need to avoid writing out the same pattern to the same bands or 2) I need to figure out a better place to store the pointer to the group buffer that the tile is filling19:22.54 
  so that I can restore it19:23.03 
  when we blow away the current tile19:23.11 
  1) seems like a better approach to me, 19:23.39 
  actually, getting it to simply write out to all bands when it does 17 would seem to make sense19:27.52 
  ray_laptop: that also fixes the issue19:29.24 
  essentially, a problem is that we start the image, writing out the pattern to a single band, then later decide we will also write it out to all the bands19:30.04 
  so I think the test 19:30.30 
  if (!all_bands && dc_size * pre->nbands > 1024*1024 /* arbitrary */)19:30.32 
  all_bands = true;19:30.34 
  with the use of pre->nbands needs a little work19:30.49 
  ray__laptop: I have to head out for a bit. bbiaw19:32.43 
Robin_Watts marcos: I'm guessing that you're playing with the cluster with a new user called robin.mhw ? :)20:33.54 
  tor8: (For the logs) The subpixel rendering thing is cured with;a=commitdiff;h=0d837b4a07681331648016cca7093402df68ca9f20:34.38 
  It turns out that (int)-98.5 = -98. Wheras floorf(-98.5) = -99.20:35.02 
  The actual subpixel adjustment code was correct.20:35.13 
  It was the code after that that was wrong. The subpixel adjustment just had the effect of pulling more things onto an integer boundary which caused the problem.20:35.51 
mvrhel_laptop hi ray_laptop21:54.19 
  did you see my comments from earlier?21:54.26 
ray_laptop "conibuation" -- that's a new one. Someone needs a spell checker ;-)23:56.45 
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