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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/03)2014/02/04 
kens thanks chrisl08:24.20 
  I see it here now08:24.27 
  I wonder why Miranda won't work though08:24.35 
chrisl Maybe Miranda looks like the source of the ddos attack?08:25.02 
kens Oh, I didn't think of that one08:25.41 
Robin_Watts Morning tor8.12:28.04 
tor8 hi Robin_Watts 12:28.08 
tor8 did you see my burbling about word line breaking yesterday or did that get lost in the irc network troubles?12:28.23 
Robin_Watts That's the reworked path extraction.12:28.28 
  tor8: I saw something... you suggested that office linebreaked differently according to the selected printer ?12:28.50 
  That's horrible, and oh so possible.12:29.04 
kens It definetly does12:29.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. that.12:29.18 
Robin_Watts so how the hell are we ever supposed to match it?12:29.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: by reading out the currently selected printer (I believe that's saved in the doc file? if not... there's no hope in hell)12:29.48 
kens you cna only match it for a specific printer12:29.52 
tor8 but yeah, it's a mess alright!12:30.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: The above patch gets the outlines unscaled, and then applies the transforms to them.12:30.33 
  The bmpcmps are all trivial changes, with a few progressions thrown in there.12:30.56 
  previously corners of chars were being chopped off slightly due to the bbox inaccuracies.12:31.18 
  and it makes the SVG output look much better.12:31.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, that looks just like what I had in mind.12:32.25 
  we haven't used "const float x = ..." before, is there any specific benefit to it?12:32.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's readable, and it should (I hope) stop the compiler recalculating things.12:33.27 
  Which instance were you looking at?12:33.34 
tor8 recip12:33.49 
Robin_Watts right.12:33.58 
tor8 fz_bound_ft_glyph, the recip and strength floats are const12:34.03 
  but they depend on a non-const scale12:34.14 
Robin_Watts oh, the scale should be const too, probably.12:34.31 
tor8 I think in this case, C (as opposed to C++) won't actually optimize any better just prevents further writes to the variable12:34.41 
Robin_Watts The key thing with recip was that I didn't want to do 4 divisions.12:35.19 
  FP division much more expensive than FP muls.12:35.33 
tor8 I am a big const convert, but here I don't really see the need for it. mind you, if you have a good argument, I'm all for more consts.12:35.46 
Robin_Watts The const is just a readability thing for humans really.12:35.58 
tor8 the recip thing is a common "trick", no argument there12:36.00 
  I can buy that argument12:36.06 
  but then scale probably ought to be const as well :)12:36.16 
Robin_Watts so probably I should make the scale const.12:36.20 
  I will make that change.12:36.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in fz_outline_ft_glyph there are two issues12:37.54 
  one which I just thought of12:37.57 
Robin_Watts ok.12:38.27 
tor8 1) you call FT_Set_Char_Size needlessly (since you pass NO_SCALE to FT_Load_Glyph)12:38.34 
  2) dynalab fonts will break, since they actually need hinting. but that was broken before as well.12:38.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: The docs seem to suggest that I should call FT_Set_Char_Size anyway.12:39.03 
  If the font is ‘tricky’ (see FT_FACE_FLAG_TRICKY for more), using FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE usually yields meaningless outlines because the subglyphs must be scaled and positioned with hinting instructions. This can be solved by loading the font without FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE and setting the character size to ‘font->units_per_EM’.12:39.28 
  or am I reading that wrong?12:39.50 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the docs suggest to set the character size to face->units_per_EM and load as normal for FT_FACE_FLAG_TRICKY (aka dynalab) fonts12:39.54 
  yeah, that sentence12:40.05 
  but that implies not using FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE at all12:40.14 
Robin_Watts Right. I hadn't got that implication.12:40.24 
  but you may be right.12:40.30 
tor8 so if we change the scale to the units_per_EM and leave the FT_Load_Glyph unchanged, we should still get the desired fix12:40.51 
Robin_Watts But for TRICKY fonts we should enable hinting then ?12:40.53 
tor8 and we have our own TRICKY flag set (since the freetype one misses a number of dynalab fonts)12:41.36 
Robin_Watts as otherwise we'll still get meaningless outlines ?12:41.47 
tor8 there is a fz_font->ft_hint flag we eset12:42.20 
Robin_Watts ok, for fonts that are TRICKY (or that we recognise as tricky) we should enable hinting ?12:42.29 
tor8 in do_ft_render_glyph you can see how it is used12:42.40 
  FT_Load_Glyph(face, gid, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | (font->ft_hint ? 0 : FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING))12:43.31 
  or something to that effect12:43.35 
  though I think we ought to be able to just drop the NO_BITMAP flag since we never load bitmap fonts12:43.54 
  I was just worried about bitmap fonts coming through fontconfig (or freetype picking up an embedded bitmap in the truetype)12:44.26 
  or just use the NO_SCALE for non-tricky12:46.13 
  so if (ft_hint) FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP else FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE12:46.44 
  Robin_Watts: btw, did you see the new scary thing Adobe is doing this summer? they're deprecating the Adept DRM and forcing everybody to upgrade to some new DRM scheme...12:48.18 
Robin_Watts I don't even know about Adept.12:48.43 
tor8 that's going to be very popular with owners of older devices that are unlikely to see any more firmware upgrades.12:48.44 
Robin_Watts I'm not up on their DRM schemes.12:48.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Adept is the name of the current Adobe Digital Editions DRM12:48.54 
  the one that's been cracked since ages12:49.04 
Robin_Watts ah, ok.12:49.12 
tor8 basically anybody selling DRMed ebooks outside of the big shops (amazon, itunes, nook) use it12:49.45 
Robin_Watts OK, so I'll try for the if (ft_hint) FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP else FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE solution.12:49.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. has a dynalab font if you want to test12:52.35 
Robin_Watts Can I add that file to the tests dirs?12:56.22 
  can't see any reason why not.12:56.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: go ahead13:00.37 
Robin_Watts shiny!13:20.33 
tor8 quanitisation typo14:06.58 
  Robin_Watts: ^14:07.02 
Robin_Watts OK. Other than that?14:07.35 
tor8 other than that LGTM14:08.42 
Robin_Watts thanks. pushed.14:10.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: a handful more pdf-util.js fixes on tor/master. I'm running them on a clusterpush now; hopefully they don't break anything.14:25.35 
henrys paulgardiner, kens: I started to question the credibility of the program when the people weren't choosing the pink donut14:30.21 
  I watched in on youtube - does bbc just give away their programs? I thought most illegal stuff was swept from youtube?14:31.21 
paulgardiner henrys: ah you found a copy then. Yes, I found that part difficult to believe14:31.31 
henrys interesting program nonetheless14:32.13 
paulgardiner There's a 720p copy here if anyone wants it.14:33.30 
  I'll leave it there for a few days.14:33.57 
kens henrys they don't give them away, but we can get them 14:34.20 
  free here of course14:34.22 
  tor8 are you using Miranda at the moment ?14:34.43 
tor8 henrys: I gather it's much like most national tv here in europe; it's free but only if your IP geo-location thing comes from the correct country14:35.20 
  kens: not for IRC, but for everything else14:35.34 
  I use Xchat for IRC14:35.37 
paulgardiner henrys, kens: what I was left wondering was whether everything we eat counts as a fat/sugar mixture (seeing as they really meant carbs by sugar a lot of the time). E.g., cheese sandwich, pasta bake.14:35.40 
kens Ah, OK. I can't get Miranda to work on IRC suddenly14:35.53 
tor8 kens: might your troubles be because of NickSrv maybe?14:36.03 
kens NickServ is working fine with chatzilla. Miranda won't even connect14:36.25 
tor8 kens: give me a minute, I can try connecting with miranda and see if it works for me.14:36.54 
kens Not to worry, just curious because it was OK until yesterday14:37.14 
  And I've got out of the habit of using Chatzilla14:37.32 
  I'm confused, when's the meeting ?14:38.19 
henrys paulgardiner: I thought the takeaway was don't eat 50/50 stuff and I did look a bit and that does stand up to what your grandmother told you.14:38.37 
  1 hour14:38.47 
kens thanks henrsy, time for a coffee then. I was concerned we had started14:39.03 
paulgardiner tor8: yeah looks good14:40.46 
henrys paulgardiner: or foods where fat in grams == 1/2 carbs grams14:40.48 
kens looks like Miranda works for tor14:41.00 
tor5 kens: it worked, but it took a real long while to join #ghostscript14:41.09 
  kens: any hints in the Miranda server window thing?14:41.26 
kens Maybe I'm just not waiting long enough, I'll try again14:41.35 
  Well... Now it works. I'm really confused.14:42.25 
henrys do we have any understanding of the ddos?14:42.47 
paulgardiner henrys: strange though that it wasn't actually bad for you other than you were likely to eat too much of it. No carb diets or all carb diets were the things that were actually harmful.14:42.49 
kens2 Lets see if it still works after I close Chatzilla14:42.54 
kens Weird, its OK now.14:44.01 
henrys paulgardiner: I thought that end of it was rather extreme - a month without a piece of fruit or a vegetable - he's lucky not to have scurvy or something14:44.04 
kens Oh well, quick coffee time14:44.14 
Robin_Watts sounds like "supersize me"14:48.08 
henrys Robin_Watts: worse no bread - no fiber the guy can't poop and he's wondering why he can't think straight … 14:51.16 
  was there a security report posted somewhere about the irc failure?15:00.41 
Robin_Watts henrys: not that I saw. There was a wallop earlier though.15:01.05 
henrys I guess if that starts occurring a lot we can go to Skype until it's taken care of.15:02.01 
  Robin_Watts: you mean after the outage of 24 hours ago?15:05.46 
Robin_Watts yeah.15:06.01 
ray_laptop I couldn't get on using, but when I switched to freenode yesterday, it worked fine. Today works for me again (all with Chatzilla)15:16.37 
henrys irc should be considered sacrosanct - what kind of idiot attacks irc?15:19.34 
  it sounds like mvrhel_laptop has gs hooked into the viewer for distilling!15:29.48 
  mvrhel_laptop: a last step should probably be to check gsview and see if there are any features a user would miss switching to the new product.15:30.42 
  Does anyone have any feeling about naming those products (gsview and gsprint)? I have mixed feeling about using the old names.15:31.40 
kens People might expect behaviour that is not present15:32.13 
chrisl If we're not going to use the old names, why did we do the deal with Russell?15:32.35 
kens I'm inclined to keep the names, but its marginal15:33.10 
ray_laptop I think we should use the old names. If someone asks for a feature, then we can decide whether or not to do it15:33.14 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:33.14 
henrys chrisl: I think we would have done the deal anyway because the idea is derivative and we have a long relationship with russell so I'm not worried about that.15:33.26 
ray_laptop morning, mvrhel_laptop 15:33.31 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes, I have it here and have been looking over the features15:33.37 
  my plan is to add most of those plus some interesting color stuff15:33.48 
marcosw morning15:33.51 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: interesting to who ? ;-)15:34.09 
henrys kens:but will the new gsprint have everything russell had?15:34.12 
mvrhel_laptop color geeks of course15:34.17 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I'll make sure and let Michael Chang know (at cust 532)15:34.42 
kens henrys at the moment, no, in future, probably more15:34.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: so gs uses the api - it isn't a "popen" of gs?15:35.25 
mvrhel_laptop thanks ray_laptop . I will let the other two people who might use it also know ;)15:35.35 
  henrys: I am using the api15:35.57 
henrys mvrhel_laptop, ray_laptop I think it will get some traction - sumatra has a niche, why wouldn't this be used?15:36.45 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am thinking we are going to be competing with sumatra. this is going to be more of a viewer than gsview is15:37.27 
  or was15:37.30 
henrys kens:and we have pretty much determined port monitoring is not interesting?15:37.57 
mvrhel_laptop I have been looking over other viewers carefully to see what I want to add. doing the ui in wpf/xaml/c# makes things very easy to put together15:38.19 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: your gsview uses gs, right ?15:38.36 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes that was one of my concerns but it's not clear it will be a zero sum game.15:38.37 
kens henrys I do not believe port monitoring for Windows 8 at least is useful15:38.44 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: yes. and mupdf15:38.48 
ray_laptop or is it mupdf based ?15:38.48 
kens or indeed possible15:38.49 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I see. _and_ not _or_15:39.05 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: right15:39.13 
  ray_laptop: gs is being used as a distiller and also for creating stuff that mupdf cant15:39.38 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: so is gs's only role converting to pdf ?15:39.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: sorry I typed to slowly15:40.07 
mvrhel_laptop or eps, or ps, or even out to other devices15:40.20 
  also for xpswrite15:40.22 
  which we will use for the print flow15:40.31 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: right. Makes sense15:40.35 
mvrhel_laptop the API for mupdf is so much better for a viewer plus I am sharing my interface to mupdf that I wrote for windows 815:41.12 
  so right now the gsview project is actually in my winRT solution15:41.29 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: is your gsview on a git repo somewhere accessible ?15:41.32 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: I need to push it up15:41.46 
  I will get that done this week15:41.53 
  now that I have something that is starting to look reasonable15:42.08 
henrys paulgardiner, Robin_Watts: of GhostDoc bugs - it does seem a lot of this is line spacing. I assume that is coming from the font, the question is are our fonts different or is the derivation from font metrics to line spacing wrong?15:42.10 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I hope you have ti backed up somewhere :-)15:42.18 
paulgardiner henrys: would require some investigation15:43.11 
henrys that was really all I had on my list to talk about does anybody have anything else?15:43.27 
kens henrys, chrisl added the xpsprint skeleton to GS if you want to play with it15:44.02 
Robin_Watts henrys: I spoke to my contacts about this this morning again.15:44.22 
henrys paulgardiner: I assume the fonts are buried somewhere in the epage directory?15:44.24 
paulgardiner henrys: you sort of gave me the go ahead for an iOS release last week, but I'm wondering whether, being fairly close to a MuPDF release, I should hold off?15:44.24 
ray_laptop it seems that having a database of line spacings for bunches of fonts would solve that even if our fonts differed. May need glyph metrics also if it the difference is due to line breaks from the reflow15:44.30 
marcosw henrys: I just wanted to mention again that there is now a prviate ghostdocs area on bugs.ghostscript.com15:44.33 
Robin_Watts They think that the fonts are exact clones of 1) the base 14 PDF fonts, and 2) the windows fonts.15:44.49 
  But I mentioned to them the idea of me trying to bundle the standard windows fonts into the exe to see if that would solve some of the layout issues, and they didn't think it was a stupid idea.15:45.37 
henrys kens, chrisl yes I will look at that. Thanks15:45.40 
Robin_Watts So I might try that.15:45.41 
paulgardiner henrys: a not so good possibilty is that GhostDocs layout module is working in integer pixels.15:45.43 
mvrhel_laptop I need to find some good files to have us open when we are in Japan15:45.52 
henrys Robin_Watts: what is the source of these fonts?15:46.00 
kens henrys you will have to build and run in at least WIndows Vista15:46.11 
paulgardiner ... although I'd expect that to give errors not always in the same direction15:46.12 
henrys kens:I have 815:46.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: The fonts are in epage.git/libraries/font/library/15:46.24 
  and they were licensed in from the Electronic Font Foundry.15:46.35 
chrisl henrys: and you need the Windows SDK version 7 or better (for xpsprint)15:46.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: rather than bundle in the standard windows fonts, why not just use the ones in the windows fonts folder ?15:47.03 
Robin_Watts (a guy called Eduard Poor, if memory serves. Did RISC OS fonts etc)15:47.07 
ray_laptop that's what office is doing 15:47.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah, but marcos is running the tests on linux, I think :)15:47.36 
marcosw Robin_Watts: if you'd compile a da_test in non debug mode I could run the windows version...15:48.02 
Robin_Watts and it might be easier to bundle than to try to massage the code into looking in windows?15:48.06 
chrisl Ubuntu has a msttcorefonts (or similar name) package15:48.06 
henrys paulgardiner: did the windows build every work or was that going to be a lot of work?15:48.24 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I tried a release build. The FBS was still doing a debug link at the end.15:48.26 
marcosw Robin_Watts: right.15:48.38 
Robin_Watts I don't really want to have to fight the FBS more than I have to.15:48.44 
henrys Robin_Watts: so if your source says they are the same can you simply ask him why a simple page of text does not match line advance wise?15:49.15 
  I do wish we have an anomaly document.15:49.33 
paulgardiner henrys: bah! sorry somehow I completely forgot about that. I'll have a quick look later15:49.36 
henrys s/have/had15:49.40 
Robin_Watts They can't give a definitive answer.15:49.41 
henrys paulgardiner: thanks15:49.54 
Robin_Watts henrys: The windows build works. It just doesn't work on marcosw's machine.15:50.20 
paulgardiner henrys: you mean the windows display app, right? Damn. I must write these things down.15:50.21 
Robin_Watts oh, the viewer, right.15:50.38 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I think we were talking about the viewer15:50.50 
marcosw Robin_Watts: the .doc and .docx files are on casper, you can run the files and send me the bitmaps.15:51.07 
henrys marcosw: is it possible to GhostDocs pdf output also, so we quickly see what is different from just pdf generation? Maybe that was done and I missed it?15:53.15 
  mvrhel_laptop: is going to need to have civil pdf output for Japan.15:54.03 
Robin_Watts AIUI what was currently done was the Ghostdocs output bitmaps, and marcosw made pdfs of comparisons from that.15:54.32 
  No comparison has been done of ghostdocs pdf output vs ghostdocs bitmap output.15:54.58 
marcosw henrys: Robin_Watts is correct, GhostDocs -> bmp15:54.58 
  ghostdocs pdf output vs ghostdocs bitmap would be easy to do.15:55.23 
  presumably it won't suffer from line break differences :-)15:55.40 
henrys marcosw: the pdf output is probably of more immediate import at least for mvrhel_laptop's trip15:56.03 
Robin_Watts I suspect it will differ in things like lack of underlining.15:56.15 
  and that is potentially something we can solve quickly.15:56.23 
henrys anyway somebody should take on the immediate task of finding mvrhel_laptop a good set of files so he feels comfortable doing the demo. marcosw have you found any that are reasonably close?15:57.38 
marcosw a lot of the simple ones are, but if you mean a complex one, no. otoh, i haven't looked at all of them. I'll do that right after the meeting.15:58.21 
henrys marcosw: it seems like you are best positioned to feed mvrhel_laptop files as you find them.15:58.56 
  ray_laptop: you you got the banding for non printing devices in, very cool!15:59.22 
kens Yes, that's a huge improvement16:00.03 
  And I'm very happy it wasn't me that had to do it!16:00.16 
henrys it is 9 so let's adjourn but I'll be here most of the day.16:00.47 
ray_laptop henrys: I have some bug tail I am investigating, but yes, it works reasonably well. It sure is a performance hit, however (compared to page mode).16:00.48 
henrys ray_laptop: sure it's a tradeoff16:01.10 
kens ray yes, I'm sure that's true, but for files which don;t work otherwise its a huge boost16:01.44 
ray_laptop henrys: right. And at least MaxBitmap allows a user to stick with page mode.16:01.47 
  kens: yeah. It was really nice to close the oldest customer bug :-)16:02.14 
kens :-)16:02.22 
ray_laptop I'm down to one customer bug and that one is not really from the customer, so they aren't waiting for it16:03.44 
henrys marcosw: i wonder if the line advance is such an overarching issue we shouldn't fix that first before we do more testing. Every file I look at suffers from that.16:06.43 
  paulgardiner: you said this may be non trivial though? the layout machinery?16:07.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: I really doubt that will be a simple fix.16:08.11 
  (Unless it's a question of fonts having the wrong metrics)16:08.20 
  If it was trivial to fix, Picsel would have done so already.16:08.37 
henrys paulgardiner: probably naive but would moving to greater precision fixed point work?16:08.46 
  Robin_Watts: yes good point16:09.11 
paulgardiner henrys: that was only a wild guess concerning precision16:09.16 
  And now I come to thing of it layout should be working independently of resolution16:09.37 
tor8 henrys: there's also the possibility of word's line breaking being dependent on the currently selected printer in the preferences16:09.38 
Robin_Watts I think we should try a "quick fix" of changing the fonts it uses.16:10.05 
paulgardiner It would be the rendering of the display list where integer pixel positions would be an issue, I think16:10.09 
Robin_Watts If we change that and we get no differences, then we can be happy that the inbuilt fonts are a good match to windows ones.16:10.32 
marcosw henrys: I think I agree. On my many files the issue seems not to be line breaks, but just spacing between lines. I'll enter a bug :-)16:10.47 
Robin_Watts Then the "next lowest hanging fruit" is probably the stuff missing from pdf exports.16:11.09 
  Then someone needs to take the time to run through the entire layout process to watch what happens and try and see problems.16:11.39 
  but that's a potentially long and arduous problem.16:11.57 
  I'll take on trying to change the fonts (either by bundling the windows ones, or by making the font engine look for them)16:12.54 
henrys tor8:oh you mean the selected printer in office?16:13.08 
tor8 henrys: yeah. word pagination and word breaks depends (depended... in old versions at least) on the printer properties16:13.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Someone could try looking to see if that setting is read from the file and consulted during layout.16:13.49 
tor8 like printer resolution, since it applies font hinting at the target printer resolution and uses those metrics16:14.00 
  and printable area might affect margins, etc, etc16:14.13 
henrys tor8:this looks much bigger than I'd expect from hinting.16:14.28 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I don't think the picsel font engine does hinting.16:14.44 
henrys tor8: a couple lines a page16:14.45 
tor8 henrys: well, where the word breaks land would depend on the accurate metrics, and once you get one break that's off that'll escalate16:15.24 
Robin_Watts On another subject, last week we discussed the idea of calling torscript muscript or mujscript.16:16.21 
henrys tor8:many of the files I looked at had line spacing problems only, there wasn't wraparound16:16.25 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw: thank you for helping me 16:16.26 
Robin_Watts Ray then piped up later and suggested "mujs". That's my favourite one so far.16:16.41 
henrys I like ray_laptop's best also.16:17.10 
tor8 mujs, mujscript, or mujavascript would all be fine by me16:17.41 
Robin_Watts OK. The Picsel font engine does not do hinting (just had that confirmed)16:18.18 
henrys So I suppose somebody should get the ISO spec for MS Word - one obvious thing to do is see what the predicted value for line advance should be according to the specification and see what we actually get, that could be a clue where to look.16:18.40 
Robin_Watts ISO spec? really? :)16:19.13 
tor8 mujs has many more existing google hits.16:19.16 
ray_laptop henrys: so you think MS office actually meets the spec ? I doubt anybody at MS even cares about specs16:19.40 
henrys ray_laptop: I'm picturing something halfway between pcl and postscript16:20.15 
Robin_Watts Certainly the pre OOXML versions of office had no iso spec.16:20.27 
  There were file specs you could buy from ms, but they were hard to get.16:20.40 
henrys well now there is an iso spec, I saw it yesterday don't remember the number.16:21.30 
Robin_Watts There is an ISO spec for the OOXML stuff I think.16:22.27 
  but I wouldn't like to predict exactly how closely word actually follows it.16:22.44 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes it doesn't cover the old stuff16:22.49 
Robin_Watts I guess the OOXML stuff is most important.16:24.30 
marcosw I found a 'simple' .doc file that exhbits line spacing problems (but not word) wrap and have entered a bug. Is Robin_Watts the lukcy assignee?16:24.51 
henrys it's also going to be the horrid prose like xps or the "new" pdf spec.16:24.59 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Sure.16:25.19 
  The only "mujs javascript" hit that seems meaningful is: 
  and that's 3 years old, and consists of a single commit of a single file.16:26.11 
henrys off to shovel again, I wish some of our weather would head down toward's ray_laptop 16:27.02 
ray_laptop me too!16:29.11 
  Robin_Watts: right. With no log message or anything to indicate what the heck it is (AFAICT)16:32.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: indeed.16:32.39 
ray_laptop tor8: BTW, how does your implementation (whatever it's called) compare with tiny-js ?16:34.57 
tor8 ray_laptop: mujs supports the full language spec16:37.11 
  tiny-js is a toy16:37.31 
ray_laptop tor8: Great! So once we have a name for yours, we can post something to make the tiny-js users happy that there is something better available16:40.57 
  mvrhel_laptop: Robin_Watts: I am looking into bug 694821 and I have found something in the psdcmyk device that makes it work, but doesn't seem quite right.16:48.23 
  pdf_prn_open line 398 sets color_info.num_components to pdev_psd->max_spots + 4, even though the 'open' call is because the device was closed by a put_params that set the num_components to 1.16:48.24 
  It was set to 1 because there was a SeparationOrder [ /Black ] in the file.16:48.26 
Robin_Watts That doesn't sound ideal.16:55.15 
  marcosw: Does the version of windows-da-test.exe in my home dir run on your machine?16:55.32 
ray_laptop The psdcmykog device doesn't do this, so it ends up with num_components == 116:55.51 
Robin_Watts I think I've changed the final link to avoid the /DEBUG switch.16:56.09 
  ray_laptop: and which is working? psdcmykog or psdcmyk ? :)16:56.33 
ray_laptop and a planar device that only has 1 component doesn't set the fill_rectangle_hl_color proc16:56.40 
  psdcmyk works. psdcmykog fails (thus the bug)16:56.59 
Robin_Watts right.16:57.05 
  But is psdcmykog actually wrong about the number of components?16:57.41 
ray_laptop now I can "fix" the bug by doing what psdcmyk does, but I'd like to know which seems right.16:57.47 
Robin_Watts Or is it getting the number of components right because it's exposing a bug elsewhere?16:58.01 
ray_laptop it does mean that when the psdcmyk is told to only render Black, it is still keeping 14 planes16:58.24 
Robin_Watts Possibly all single component devices should have the fill_rectangle_hl_color procs filled in.16:58.34 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: you there?16:59.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes, I'm back16:59.48 
mvrhel_laptop so I was hooking up the xps print stuff into gsview.16:59.54 
  I can't even get xpswrite to do tiger.eps from the command line17:00.10 
  it crashes17:00.13 
  in zip_look_up_file_info17:00.26 
henrys I thought you were going to gloat about the seahawks 17:00.30 
mvrhel_laptop hehe17:00.34 
  that was quite a game17:00.40 
henrys I have an explanation - you haven't opened retail marijuana shops yet.17:01.00 
mvrhel_laptop yes. the broncos looked a little dazed17:01.13 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I haven't looked at it recently but it is fairly simple send me a file17:01.56 
kens mvrhel_laptop : is that to me about tiger ?17:02.11 
henrys tiger.eps you say17:02.21 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:02.23 
kens because that one definitely works for me here17:02.28 
mvrhel_laptop the one in our examples17:02.30 
henrys I was testing with that all along, strange17:02.30 
mvrhel_laptop weird17:02.36 
kens mvrhel_laptop : is this with regular GS ?17:02.44 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:02.47 
kens from teh command line ?17:02.48 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:02.50 
chrisl 32/64 bit?17:02.59 
kens Hmm well I didn't try it sionce chris hooked up the xpsprintcode17:03.05 
  Let me update and try17:03.11 
mvrhel_laptop gswin64c -sDEVICE=xpswrite -sOutputFile="test.xps" -f ..\examples\tiger.eps17:04.12 
kens Oh I was trying 32-bit17:04.28 
mvrhel_laptop I have not updated in a bit though17:04.29 
kens Will need to rebuild17:04.32 
mvrhel_laptop oh. you are working in the stone age17:04.36 
  i see17:04.39 
kens I flip back and forth17:05.06 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I was working on 64 bit mac and linux to do xpswrite but I never tried windows17:05.14 
kens depends if a bug needs 32 bit or not17:05.19 
mvrhel_laptop let me try 32 bit 17:05.25 
kens rebuilding 54-bit right now17:05.31 
  err 6417:05.34 
  32-bit definitely works with the currne code for me17:05.52 
  gswin32c -sDEVICE=xpswrite -sOutputFile=\temp\out.xps \ghostpdl\gs\examples\tiger.eps17:06.23 
chrisl Works for me.....17:07.14 
  It does give a warning about "xps_rect: type not supported 4"17:07.47 
kens yes I see that too17:07.59 
henrys chrisl: that's expected17:08.03 
kens In 32-bit17:08.05 
mvrhel_laptop well let me make sure I am all updated too17:08.32 
chrisl This was 64 bit17:08.34 
kens I see MS has a new CEO17:08.39 
chrisl Already? I thought it was expected to take a while17:09.14 
kens 64-bits works for me too17:09.29 
mvrhel_laptop wtf17:09.32 
  Bill no longer chariman either17:09.47 
mvrhel_laptop let me clean and rebuild etc17:09.55 
henrys kens: can you try with -Z@ also17:10.08 
kens OK17:10.13 
chrisl -Z@ needs a debug build, doesn't it?17:10.35 
kens works fine no additional warnings17:10.41 
henrys chrisl: yes17:10.48 
kens It is a debug build17:10.50 
chrisl Mine was a release bulid17:10.58 
  or build, even17:11.06 
kens both mine are debug17:11.11 
  32 & 6417:11.15 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: are you on a production build?17:11.30 
mvrhel_laptop I was running a debug build17:11.51 
  hold on doing a update/clean/rebuild17:12.01 
kens well my 64-bit build was a full clean and rebuild, it was a bit out of date17:12.16 
  I'll do all 417:12.24 
  It'll take a few minutes17:12.29 
henrys could it be studio versions?17:14.35 
  hopefully it will go away with mvrhel_laptop's rebuild17:15.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok that fixed it. sorry to drag you all into that17:16.28 
  henrys, kens, chrisl ^^17:16.42 
kens No problem, glad its OK now, had me worried :-)17:16.53 
henrys that's a relief17:17.01 
kens OK goodnight folks17:21.01 
mvrhel_laptop blah. I actually am still having the issue with the 64 bit debug build. let me see if I can figure this out17:32.23 
  32 bit is working ine17:32.29 
  hmm let me go to VS 2012...17:38.37 
  dang same thing17:47.29 
Robin_Watts tor5, tor8: ping17:48.21 
  mvrhel_laptop: Want me to see if I get the same problem here?17:56.12 
henrys same crash in zip_look_up_file_info, can you paste a backtrace somewhere?17:57.44 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: you're not streaming the output from xpswrite (e.g. through a pipe)?17:57.59 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl. no17:58.13 
  but something is messed up. I can't even build the 64 bit release for some reason with VS2012 or VS201317:58.36 
henrys chrisl: yeah he just had a regular command line17:58.38 
mvrhel_laptop the 32 bit version runs fine17:58.53 
  the 64 bit debug version gives me the crash17:59.05 
  and I cant build the 64 bit release17:59.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: compiler error17:59.36 
mvrhel_laptop hold on let me figure out the build issue17:59.38 
  1> /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD.lib 18:00.38 
  1> LIBCMT.lib 18:00.39 
  1> shell32.lib 18:00.41 
  1> comdlg32.lib 18:00.43 
  1> gdi32.lib 18:00.44 
  1> user32.lib 18:00.46 
  1> winspool.lib 18:00.47 
  1> advapi32.lib 18:00.49 
  1> ws2_32.lib 18:00.50 
  1> ole32.lib 18:00.52 
  1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '.\bin\gsdll64.dll'18:00.53 
  1>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.EXE"' : return code '0x450'18:00.55 
  1> Stop.18:00.56 
  1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command "nmake -f psi\msvc32.mak WIN64= SBR=1 DEVSTUDIO= && nmake -f psi\msvc32.mak WIN64= DEVSTUDIO= bsc" exited with code 2.18:00.58 
  ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========18:00.59 
  this seems like it would be something I did, but I do have a clean check out18:01.08 
chrisl Does gsdll64.dll exist?18:01.34 
mvrhel_laptop oh crap18:02.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That smells to me as if something has died in your system while holding a handle to gsdll64.bll18:02.03 
mvrhel_laptop I see18:02.04 
  the old version of gsview has it open18:02.11 
Robin_Watts FWIW, the 64bit debug build works fine under VS2005.18:02.39 
mvrhel_laptop ok. now I am building release version18:02.48 
  let me see if that has the crash18:02.54 
henrys no so shared libraries18:03.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so I get the same darn issue release and debug18:04.52 
  I guess since I am the only one, I get to figure out what is the problem18:05.21 
  let me see if I have VS2005 on this thing first18:05.39 
  nope. ok18:06.18 
  I have to run my car to the shop. will beat on this a bit later18:06.32 
henrys Robin_Watts: does xpswrite tiger for you?18:07.26 
Robin_Watts It does.18:07.45 
chrisl I'm building with VS2012 now - but I'm short on time....18:10.41 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: since the 32 bit version works for me, I can look at the stack and figure out where/when things go different for me18:11.05 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: okay sorry you tripped over this.18:12.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: What version are you using other than 2012?18:12.27 
  I don't have 2012 locally.18:12.38 
  I have 2008 and 2010 express.18:12.44 
  as well as 2005.18:12.49 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have 2012 and 201318:13.24 
Robin_Watts ok, so I'll try to rebuild with 2010, but if I cannot reproduce the problem here that won't tell us much.18:13.59 
mvrhel_laptop here is the back trace18:17.31 
  > gsdll64.dll!strcmp() Line 10518:17.39 
  > gsdll64.dll!zip_look_up_file_info(gx_device_xps_s * xps_dev, const char * filename) Line 35918:17.40 
  > gsdll64.dll!write_to_zip_file(gx_device_xps_s * xps_dev, const char * filename, unsigned char * data, unsigned int len) Line 42018:17.42 
  > gsdll64.dll!write_str_to_zip_file(gx_device_xps_s * xps_dev, const char * filename, const char * str) Line 47918:17.43 
  > gsdll64.dll!xps_open_device(gx_device_s * dev) Line 656C18:17.45 
  >gsdll64.dll!gs_opendevice(gx_device_s * dev) Line 393C18:17.46 
Robin_Watts Ok, I can't import into VS2010 Express for some reason.18:18.30 
  Let me finally get around to installing VS2010 and try.18:18.39 
  mvrhel_laptop: Can you examine the values being passed to strcmp ?18:18.54 
mvrhel_laptop yes. cur->filename is bogus18:19.30 
chrisl So, my VS2012 build works for me18:19.56 
mvrhel_laptop filename is ok . It is FixedDocumentSequence.fdseq18:19.56 
  I am not doing anything special here18:20.41 
chrisl I can't vouch for the output, but I get a nice test.xps file out, and no seg fault18:20.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: can you print xps_dev->f2i the head of the list18:21.22 
chrisl Actually, the output is fine, too18:21.30 
  mvrhel_laptop: are you using the "METRO" build?18:22.07 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: I am just building it as is18:22.31 
  is there some special define I need?18:22.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: if you do -Z_ it will check that list periodically and see when it was broken18:22.58 
  mvrhel_laptop: with a debug build18:23.06 
chrisl Well, I'm building at the command line, but not doing anything special18:23.20 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: f2i seems to be bogus18:23.46 
  let me run with -Z_18:23.57 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: then nothing will work right18:24.19 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: have you tried other devices?18:24.54 
mvrhel_laptop good idea...18:25.25 
  pdfwrite worked fine18:25.37 
henrys I do seem a strdup slipped in but I don't think that would be it.18:25.39 
mvrhel_laptop and I have a nice tiger just changing xpswrite to pdfwrite18:26.48 
  so at least something works....18:27.30 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: if you can email me the -Z_ I'll study it.18:27.33 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok. I don't want to chew up everyones time on this.18:27.49 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: I have to head off - if you don't get anywhere, leave a message on here. Tomorrow, I can fire up Win8 and build with VS2012 in that, and try it out.18:27.50 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: it's new code I anticipate problems18:28.17 
mvrhel_laptop let me dig a bit more since I have a win32 working I can compare easily where things go different18:28.19 
chrisl Okay, bye!18:28.43 
mvrhel_laptop I will see where xps_dev->f2i goes wrong18:28.48 
  I need to get my car in 18:28.53 
  or else lose me spot18:28.57 
Robin_Watts tor5, tor8: ping18:53.09 
tor5 Robin_Watts: pong.18:57.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: (For the logs) I've got updated versions of those commits on robin/master for your perusal.18:58.01 
  It seems that the change to the array parsing has triggered 2 things.18:58.22 
  One file is getting a dotted line right that it was previously getting wrong.18:58.36 
  So I can only assume it was doing a [] 0 d thing in a BT...ET before, and hence we were getting it wrong.18:59.04 
  And another file is doing [ (foo) 0.0 Tc (bar) 0.0 Tc (baz) ] TJ18:59.40 
  The final commit on there works around that.18:59.58 
tor5 Robin_Watts: yeah. that second file is just broken in so many ways...19:00.09 
Robin_Watts I'm open to suggestions for improval of any of this stuff.19:00.28 
  or improvement even.19:01.07 
tor5 Robin_Watts: question is, why not always be lax when parsing arrays?19:01.56 
Robin_Watts cos we run the risk of going into an infinite loop19:02.17 
tor5 though I have this nagging suspicion we're just exacerbating the problem of broken pdf files by accepting them...19:02.31 
Robin_Watts And the way I've coded the laxness, we know that we will always report the error at least.19:02.42 
  Imagine the case where a file loses the ].19:03.01 
tor5 then we'll read till EOF19:03.15 
Robin_Watts If we are always lax, then we'll parse the entire file... yeah.19:03.22 
  Now, that's exactly what we'd have done in the old version of this code (well, End Of Stream at least)19:03.47 
  so I don't feel bad about that.19:03.51 
  I'm happier to lose the rest of a stream than I am to lose an entire file.19:04.15 
tor5 Robin_Watts: in case of mismatched BT/ET TJ arrays, we wouldn't be affected by that at all though, and it seems like there is where most abuse of arrays happens19:04.39 
  which I think is also part of what prompted me to do the previous approach, more than the memory savings19:04.58 
  Robin_Watts: right.19:05.16 
Robin_Watts I did ponder on a more complex heuristic, whereby we'd accept a certain number of broken entries in a row before giving up.19:05.18 
  but I figured that this was the minimal change to get us something no more broken than the old code was.19:05.49 
tor5 Robin_Watts: I forgot the reason why you want to change how we parse TJ arrays in the first place...19:05.54 
Robin_Watts but I'm open to other arguments.19:06.02 
  tor5: For filtering.19:06.15 
tor5 it ought to be independent of the pdf_run_xx interfacing19:06.17 
  hm. well, it just means we won't emit TJ arrays ourselves right? just a sequence of primitive Txxx calls.19:07.01 
Robin_Watts Or we'd emit lots of singleton arrays then TJ.19:07.36 
  But I want to be able to keep operator streams as intact as possible.19:07.58 
tor5 Robin_Watts: right. so we could have a special array parsing mode like in the previous approach, but instead of calling show/move for each element, we append them to an array. there's no need for recursive array parsing here.19:09.08 
  and it would leave the original array parsing alone19:09.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'll be back in a few hours.19:13.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Will ponder that.19:16.32 
  VS2010 build works for me too.19:36.19 
  I wonder if it's something specific to Windows 8 here? Possibly in the way that the zipfile is opened (or maybe fails to open)19:36.51 
henrys Robin_Watts: when are you going to upgrade? 8.2?19:58.05 
Robin_Watts henrys: Never, if I can possibly avoid it.20:03.13 
  I managed to avoid Vista entirely by hanging on with XP.20:03.33 
  Microsoft seem to get every other release right, so maybe 9 will be OK :)20:04.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok I am back20:52.43 
  let me step through this thing and see where xps_dev->f2i goes wrong20:53.26 
  henrys: so this f2i->filename = strdup(filename); is the culprit21:04.03 
  not sure why though yet21:04.53 
Robin_Watts strdup is considered unsafe.21:05.25 
mvrhel_laptop it is weird21:06.41 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: If you replace the strdup with an explicit strlen/malloc/strcpy, does the problem go away?21:06.47 
mvrhel_laptop it has done an allocation in a place I can see 21:06.49 
  Robin_Watts: let me do what you suggest21:07.09 
Robin_Watts all: I've just put a new link on the regression dashboard, to the 'epage-docs' directory.21:07.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks. I guess :=/21:08.25 
Robin_Watts If someone could try it and confirm that it works for them, I'd be grateful.21:09.52 
  well, it'll be useful for me if no one else :)21:10.06 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: works for me21:10.20 
Robin_Watts ta.21:10.26 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: that fixed the issue21:16.19 
  so why was this happening to me and no one else. 21:16.51 
ray_laptop probably since it is unsafe, MS was helping you by making the function a no-op ?21:17.22 
  there's probably a warning buried in the output somewhere21:17.44 
mvrhel_laptop no21:17.52 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: can you trace into strdup with the debugger ?21:18.11 
mvrhel_laptop I stepped into the code for strdup 21:18.13 
  it is doing an allocation but it appears to be in a bad place21:18.29 
  like I said, I can't view that location with the debugger 21:18.48 
  that is the memory location that it returns21:18.56 
  and the rest of the code does not like it obviously21:19.16 
  I suggest that strdup is bad to use since we are not doing the allocation ourselves21:19.41 
ray_laptop so it's like "I did the strdup, but I'm not going to tell you what the result is"21:19.50 
mvrhel_laptop here is the malloc that it did21:20.21 
  if (memory = _malloc_dbg(size, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine))21:20.23 
  in the non-debug case, which also fails it is doing a malloc21:22.06 
  so, in any case, it would be best if we avoid the use of strdup21:22.47 
  now let me see if I can find out where I need to free f2i->filename21:23.53 
  anyone want to guess where? I suppose each time it adds a new file to the archive we need to free someplace21:25.40 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes I said strdup is wrong21:28.14 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok21:28.34 
henrys it isn't freed at the moment.21:28.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh. well it was the allocation that was crashing on me21:28.53 
henrys but I can't imagine that matters21:28.53 
mvrhel_laptop actually the allocation was handing back a bad memory address21:29.12 
  so I fixed that with a proper gs_alloc_bytes strcpy 21:29.26 
  but I am trying to understand where I should free it21:29.50 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: and it just works now?21:29.51 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes21:29.55 
  where are *info and *f2i freed?21:30.27 
  oh I see you have a comment that they should be GCd21:30.58 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: they aren't just yet.21:31.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so if you are ok, I am going to push this little fix21:31.14 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: that's why I find int odd21:31.18 
  mvrhel_laptop: sure fine21:31.31 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks21:31.38 
  Robin_Watts: thanks for the suggestion of the strlen/malloc/strcpy21:36.01 
  now let me see if my printing works....21:36.16 
henrys but why on earth would it work in a 32 bit environment.21:37.58 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I have no idea21:39.00 
  but memory allocations are a weird thing21:39.11 
  looks like I have a little work to do21:42.10 
  i have to head out again for a bit though21:42.17 
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