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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/04)2014/02/05 
marcosw_ I'll be updating the bugzilla server tonight, so if it's not working tomorrow you'll know who to blame :-)02:16.29 
  The update to picas is complete and bugzilla appears to still work, please report anything odd or broken.05:50.14 
  chrisl_away: for the logs: you said the the other day that you changed the repository from ufst-6.2 to ufst-6.x, but the weekly regression tests are using the ufst repository. Should I switch them to ufst-6.x?06:23.05 
chrisl_away marcosw_: yes, as of a few weeks ago, both our ufst customers are using 6.3, so it would be preferable to test with the ufst-6.x code.07:52.28 
janmoesen how can i create a two-page spread (left page and right page next to each other [_|_]) from a "normal" PDF? i.e., i want to extract page 2 and 3 into a new PDF so that they are next to each other instead of page 3 below page 208:03.20 
  this is what i have now: gs -dQUIET -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dFirstPage=2 -dLastPage=3 -o new.pdf old.pdf08:03.58 
kens The simplest solution is probably to use a page layout tool, or a tool designed to do ths08:04.01 
  While you can do it with Ghostscript you will need to write some PostScript, there is no built-in method08:04.22 
janmoesen to clarify: it needs to be on the command line/in a script08:04.24 
  any pointers? i checked the faq on and the linked faq on wikibooks08:04.45 
marcosw chrisl_away: okay, I'll make the switch. 08:04.49 
kens You need to pre-empt the built-in PDF interpreter so that it soen't execute a 'showpage' for each page in teh document08:04.52 
  You need to set the current transformation matrix for each page, firstly to scale appropriately, and secondly to position the sexcond and subsequent pages in the signature08:05.51 
  WHen the signature is competed you then need to execute the showpage08:06.10 
  Unfortunately, at the moment all of this is hidden away inside the PDF interpreter.08:06.25 
  Essentially you need to call some of the routines built into that (PostScript) code in a way that wasn't originally intended08:06.57 
janmoesen excuse my reaction, but yikes :-)08:07.03 
kens If you look in gs/Resource/Init/ you wil find the code there08:07.18 
  and yes, yikes, is a reasonable reaction08:07.27 
janmoesen thanks, going to have a look08:07.30 
kens As I said this isn't something that it was originally written to do, and adding it on afterwards is a difficult retrofit.08:08.02 
  janmoesen : I have some 'similar' code which you are welcome to if you want it. WHat it does is the reverse of what you want. It takes an 'n-up' page and splits it into a number of individual pages08:09.13 
  It is moderately well commented, it may give you some clues as to how to do what you want.08:09.58 
janmoesen kens: that could be useful, yes; for the splitting I just use `gs` with FirstPage equal to LastPage08:10.33 
kens janmoesen : yes its a different problem, in this case the code slices up a page into 'n' sub pages, the exact inverse of what you need.08:11.05 
  The code is too large ot put hre, I'll stick it on pastebin, just a minute08:11.23 
janmoesen cheers08:11.27 
  (git is cloning the repo in the meanwhile; seems large enough, too)08:11.42 
kens GS is fairly large, especially since it will include all the 3rd party libraries (FreeType, openJPEG, zlib...)08:12.12 
janmoesen understood08:13.16 
janmoesen i was viewing the pdf_main file through gitweb, but i thought syntax highlighting would be helpful, so there08:13.42 
kens Hmm is PostScript, I'm not sure there is a syntax highlighter for PostScript08:14.04 
janmoesen vim seems to handle it just fine08:15.09 
  thank you for the script; diving in right now08:15.16 
  (ah, no; vim thinks filetype=grads)08:15.40 
kens In that pastebin; runpdfbegin starts oiff interpretation of a 'file' object, treating it as a PDF file, pdfpagecount retrieves the number of pages from that file (after initialisation).pdfgetpage renders the page and pdfshowpage finishes drawing it08:15.57 
  I suspect you can't use pdfshowpage, because it will actually draw the page, so you will have to look at the definition of that routine in and do all the things it does *except* the showpage08:17.10 
  Then you use 'translate' to move the origin, draw the next page, and then call 'showpage' to actually render the combined pages08:17.48 
janmoesen i'm with you until now on a general level, but i might show up again with more questions once i have tried to tweak the logic08:18.44 
kens I'm sure yo uwill, this is not at all obvious.08:18.57 
janmoesen it's quite a "different" language from what i am used to08:18.58 
kens Its like FOrth if that helps08:19.09 
janmoesen (note to self: .ps, not .gs for vim highlighting/ft=postscr, you putz)08:19.21 
kens Its stack-based so it uses Rverese Polish Notation08:19.24 
  I'll be out between ~10:15 and 1pm (ie leaving in about 2 hours)08:20.07 
janmoesen only in telling me it has quite a bit of history :-)08:20.16 
kens But the channel is logged feel free to post messages and I'll read them when I get back08:20.25 
janmoesen no worries, you've been really helpful so far08:20.26 
kens thinks I should really bite the bullet and *write* at least a 2-up imposition for GS08:21.14 
janmoesen kens: thank you for your help, but it seems the PDF i am using, is not OK: 
  "File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged."09:00.11 
kens That's not too encouraging certainly09:00.20 
janmoesen fwiw, i added the -dFirstPage and -dLastPage to see if those made any difference09:00.30 
kens It could be a bug, the current release is 9.10. But I'd have to see teh PDF file to tell09:00.35 
janmoesen (they didn't)09:00.35 
  i can upload it if you have the time to look at it --- but please don't feel obligated09:01.07 
kens give me a URL and I'll take a quick look09:01.21 
  Hmm tha'ts using ? Well that could be the problem of course.09:02.02 
  I wrote that program a few years ago for somene else with a specific need that interested me, its possible it no longer works09:02.40 
  By the way, FirstPage and LastPage won't work with that program, it subverts the PDF interpreter09:03.53 
janmoesen i figured; the output stayed the same09:04.06 
kens I get a forbidden page on that URL09:04.23 
janmoesen go me!09:04.27 
  should be ok now09:04.52 
kens yep hgetting it now09:04.58 
  Well the PDF is OK09:06.45 
  So its the usage of that isn't09:07.08 
janmoesen right09:07.55 
  thanks for looking09:07.58 
kens OK I get the error, but the task completes OK09:09.02 
  Probably the error is irrelevant09:09.19 
  Abusing the PDF interpreter is probably just confusing it in some fashion09:09.51 
  If you try running it to some kind of output you'll see that it looks just fine09:10.38 
janmoesen i get a prompt that says "GS<6>"09:14.41 
kens You need to set -dBATCH to exit on completion09:15.04 
  THat's just taken you back to the interacvtive prompt09:15.16 
  type quit09:15.22 
janmoesen that's what i did, but after "quit" i still did not see any new files --- was i supposed to?09:15.47 
kens Depends what you set the output to09:15.58 
  I left it at the default, which is the display device (naturally, don't set NODISPLAY for this) and saw the output09:16.33 
janmoesen heh, i had forgotten to re-add -onew.pdf09:16.34 
kens So you have -sDEV_CEpdfwrite ?09:16.50 
  -o implies -dBATCH by the way09:17.02 
janmoesen i'm running headless, so no display; i'll set it to the pdfwrite device09:17.08 
kens -sOutputFile doesn't09:17.11 
janmoesen ah, i did not know that09:17.22 
kens Well you can use tiff or pbm or whatever...09:17.26 
janmoesen that, or pretty much anything else :-)09:17.29 
kens GS has *waaay* too many switches.....09:17.57 
  Maybe Ray can emeber them all, I certainly can't09:18.23 
janmoesen to be honest, i usually let imagemagick handle all the GS work for me, but it was too slow on biggish PDFs when you only want to process certain pages09:18.50 
  it executes gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite and what have you09:19.28 
kens Yes, I think I've mentioned on Stack Overflow how to use GS instead when ytou only want some pages09:19.32 
janmoesen that's what got me started :-)09:19.46 
  it's much faster, for sure09:19.52 
kens Ah, infected by PostScript, there's no escape now.......09:20.03 
janmoesen hopes are not to be gotten up in this case09:20.57 
kens :-)09:21.11 
chrisl Postscript is a great language - as long as you don't put too much value on little things like your sanity!09:22.11 
kens Or any remaining hair09:22.23 
janmoesen :-)09:22.38 
chrisl It has the advantage of being a very powerful language - it has the disadvantage of "enough rope to hang yourself".....09:23.58 
janmoesen chrisl: a truly lovely quote, that09:25.10 
  kens: baldness is hereditary, so i guess i can't blame it on a few days of PDF'ing and Postscripting --- but thanks for the heads up09:26.10 
  heads-up for the n-up09:26.19 
kens Oddly the two staff members with reduced hair don't (much) work on PostScript. Perhaps PDF is even worse09:26.46 
  dir out.pdf09:26.57 
  oops ;-)09:27.02 
  Using pdfwrite got me a decent output PDF file using pdf_slice.ps09:27.29 
  Of course I now have 208 pages.....09:27.59 
janmoesen yup, that works now09:34.03 
  i think i am going to leave it at that; most pdf viewers support viewing pages side by side, and printers can print two pages on one sheet, two --- if i convert the separate pages to jpeg, i can more easily combine those two in a 2-up way09:37.25 
  (look at me being a quitter!)09:37.39 
kens :-)09:39.45 
  Maybe I'lltry and do the simple n-up cases as an exercise09:40.03 
janmoesen i can't justify spending much more of my customer's time on this nice-to-have feature09:40.05 
kens Keep an eye out and I'll say if I get anywhere, won't be today though I have an overnight delugeto deal with09:40.38 
janmoesen i'll stick around for a bit to see how that goes --- but again, don't feel obligated09:40.44 
kens People do ask, so it would be nice to have a demo of sorts09:40.58 
janmoesen true09:41.08 
  you seem like a right old bunch of Good People --- thanks for all the help, and good luck with the incoming deluge09:41.43 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Morning.10:41.52 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: hi10:42.02 
Robin_Watts I'm having weird things here.10:42.03 
paulgardiner Oo sounds good. Can I have some too10:42.17 
Robin_Watts I've removed the /DEBUG from the last link of the test shell, and now the exe doesn't do anything.10:42.46 
  If I copy the exe out of its dir and run it, I get a warning about a missing MSVCR80.dll10:43.14 
paulgardiner Does /DEBUG control which dlls are linked or do you have to specify those explicitly?10:44.07 
Robin_Watts I assume /DEBUG controls that.10:44.53 
  BUT... I have that DLL on my machine, I'm sure.10:45.07 
  Let me try a rebuild.10:45.13 
  tor8: I like your idea about doing array construction locally.11:52.02 
  I will look at that when I get back to mupdf.11:52.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: great!11:52.33 
  Robin_Watts: I will soon pester you (or paul) about how to run the javascript stuff in mupdf11:53.10 
  you have a mujstest thing that runs javascript on the command line without the android app right?11:53.31 
Robin_Watts I do.11:54.08 
  You know how the windows and linux viewers are just a few platform specific classes glommed onto the side of pdfapp?11:55.04 
  mujs test is just another one of them.11:55.20 
tor8 I fear to look at pdfapp.c these days :)11:57.17 
paulgardiner Don't say pdfapp.c! Send shivers down my spine.12:08.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: tgvsimplepdfapp12:09.31 
paulgardiner Are you trying to push me to insanity?!12:10.08 
  Actually, pdfapp.c really isn't that horrendous12:10.36 
  At least it doesn't have a key binding hard wired to "goto page 3" as unidis-test seems to. :-)12:12.34 
norbertj chrisl_away you here?13:21.16 
kens Not at the moment norbertj but he will be bck fairly soon, cna anyone else help ?13:21.35 
norbertj I have a question on pllfont.c. There the fonts are loaded, but on exit of plmain() are the also unloaded ? In our pdl we enter/leave the plmain while keeping the executable alive (between jobs), but I suspect that there now is a memoryleakage.13:23.08 
kens Hmm I htink you will have to direct that to either chris or henry. I could go investigate it for you but I suspect it would take me longer to give a definitrive answer than just waiting for one of them.13:24.06 
norbertj Ok. I'll wait for them13:24.42 
kens I'll point chris at the logs when he comes in, if you can stick around for a little while. Or you can send an email to support, which will get a reply later13:24.44 
chrisl I'm back now13:24.55 
kens :-)13:24.59 
norbertj Hi chrisl13:25.01 
chrisl Hi13:25.06 
ghostbot que tal, chrisl13:25.06 
chrisl norbertj: I'm not sure if/where the fonts are released, I'd need to dig through the code.13:25.54 
  norbertj: I'll have a look this afternoon, and either ping you here, or drop you an e-mail if you've gone by then13:27.36 
norbertj chrisl, what I also see is that in pxPassthrough_init -> pcl_do_resets ->pcfont_do_reset ->pcfont_do_reset->pcl_set_current_font_environment-.pl_load_built_in_fonts->pl_load_built_in_mtype_fonts-> etc13:28.01 
  that also a huge malloc is done. If fonts were already loaded I did not expect that a second pl_load_built_in_mtype_fonts would be required.13:28.48 
  This was when using the C706.bin testfile.13:29.14 
chrisl norbertj: yes, as I understand it, the fonts have to be loaded twice, as the PCL5 environment is separate from the PXL one - we can't risk PXL softfonts contaminating the PCL world, or vice versa13:29.45 
norbertj But in pcl5 interpreter they were already loaded (this is standard without a job), and in pxl this is done at the first job in pxsession13:30.30 
  and this is during a passthrough from pxl to pcl13:30.55 
chrisl My understanding, which is, I'll grant, limited: the passthrough from pxl to pcl is totally separate from the "top level" pcl. But that really is henrys's area13:32.14 
Beleg Hi, I'm feeling like a complete noob here... I've been trying to compile jbig2dec for hours and am still unsuccessful.13:36.19 
norbertj Ok, I'll wait for henrys fot this. I checked with the debugger and see indeed that the pfontdict passed to pl_load_built_in_fonts() during the indeed empty. And I now suspect that it is not released again afer the passthrough.13:36.23 
Beleg I would be so grateful if anyone could help me compile jbig2.exe for win32 :)13:36.42 
Robin_Watts Beleg: Is there a jbig2.exe ? :)13:36.59 
Beleg sorry, jbig2dec.exe :)13:37.14 
Robin_Watts Beleg: Is there a jbig2dec.exe ? :)13:37.23 
  My (limited) experience of jbig2dec is in using it as a lib in gs and mupdf.13:37.47 
  the standalone exe doesn't get much TLC.13:38.00 
chrisl norbertj: Hmm, I don't see the fonts being released anywhere in a "normal" start interpreter/stop interpreter cycle, so although I may end up looking at it, we really need henrys's greater experience in the area.13:38.12 
Robin_Watts and I suspect that when it is built, it's only on unix.13:38.24 
kens There's an msvc makefile13:38.52 
Beleg I found an old version, but I need an updated one as the one I'm using doesn't always work...13:38.55 
kens looks like its supposed to build an executable13:39.08 
Beleg tried the msvc makefile, but i'm getting compile errors left and right13:39.22 
tor8 Beleg: jbig2dec has a very simple build system, you ought to be able to just do the equivalent of "cc *.c"13:39.28 
kens tor8 it really doesn't work13:40.26 
  looks like hte makefile is expecting some libpng stuff13:40.38 
tor8 kens: the jbig2dec executable (optionally) uses libpng13:40.57 
kens its trying to open pnglibconf.h13:40.58 
Beleg i found the libpng stuff and managed to compile a libpng.lib13:41.10 
tor8 I think if you comment out the LIBPNG bits of msvc.mak it should work13:41.12 
  of course, that's not helpful if you want jbig2dec to write png files13:41.37 
Beleg but when i try to compile jbig2_image_png.c I get 4 different compile errors13:41.50 
  i'm only writeing jpeg files, so that could work13:42.20 
  i'll try :)13:42.22 
kens Doens't work for me13:42.27 
  at least not yet13:42.32 
  still trying to include png.h13:42.43 
norbertj chrisl: I wait for henrys. I see a definite memoryleak for the pcs->built_in_fonts in pcfont_do_reset() being called in the pxpcl_release() and pxPassthrough_init().13:42.43 
kens needs zlilb also apparently13:43.18 
  or possibly anyway13:43.23 
tor8 kens: libpng needs zlib13:43.46 
chrisl The png parts of jbig2dec have bitrotted - the don't work with recent libpng releases13:43.55 
tor8 I don't think jbig2dec depends directly on zlib13:43.55 
henrys I heard passthrough, my ears started burning and I woke up13:43.57 
kens yeah, but in this case its the inclusion of png.h13:44.01 
henrys did I mention I hate passthrough13:44.13 
norbertj hi henrys: Look at pl_dict.c/pl_dict_init() it just resets the pdict->entries and pdict->entry_count to 0. (called from pcfont_do_reset().13:45.06 
chrisl henrys: is there a reason we can't reuse the pcl5 interpreter instance created at startup for the passthrough function?13:45.46 
kens tor8 well I can get it to compile, but not link13:45.49 
chrisl kens: did you follow the instructions in the makefile?13:46.37 
henrys chrisl: yes13:46.39 
kens chrisl no, because I don;t have a suitable libpng,so I commetned out the libpng stuff13:46.57 
chrisl henrys: okay.... erm, thanks13:47.09 
kens but OBJS still includes jbig2_image_png so either I get compile errors or link errors13:47.43 
henrys chrisl: there are different flavors of passthrough:snippet and full page - also you just select a font which then gets used by XL, if I started up a a complete instance it would reset everything - I could parameterize the instance of each type of passthrough but that seemed like a lot of work at the time.13:49.20 
norbertj henrys: isn't it safer in pcfont_do_reset() to call pl_dict_free on a dict that is not empty? Before calling pl_dict_init() on same dictionary? i.e. pcs->built_in_fonts13:50.32 
henrys norbertj: it's like a regression, but I need to look, the fonts should be freed13:51.21 
chrisl Oh, I bet this my fault :-(13:51.54 
kens chrisl tor8 jobig2_halftone.c isn't ioncluded in the makefile, but functions used by it are referenced in the main code. I suspect the makefile has rotted wrt the code13:52.32 
chrisl kens: that's not surprising, since it didn't do haftone areas when that makefile was last touched :-(13:53.43 
henrys norbertj: best to create a bug and make it p1, I'm in the midst of something else (another p1) and I'll tend to it next.13:53.45 
kens chrisl yes, figured that, I'm trynig to fix it13:54.13 
henrys what a horrible thing to wake up to, passthrough ! geez ;-)13:54.25 
chrisl henrys: Actually it doesn't look like it's my fault after all, but if you want me to look at it, let me know13:54.28 
  henrys: just go back to bed ;-)13:54.46 
  kens: I'll leave it your hands, then.....13:55.09 
kens chrisl not getting very far....13:55.30 
henrys chrisl: yes I can't imagine it would be you, I had this idea that I could just keep the fonts around - a single allocation and forgot about the dreaded passthrough and its shenanigans13:56.03 
kens chrisl Beleg I now have an executable13:57.04 
chrisl henrys: no, I moved a check about whether the path to the fonts was NULL or not, I was worried I'd inadvertently moved something else at the same time, but I didn't13:57.35 
Beleg kens: i'm very interested :)13:59.31 
kens Yeah give me aminut to tidy up13:59.41 
  Of course, I have no idea if it actually works13:59.53 
Beleg :)13:59.59 
kens Beleg try this:14:01.13 
  Note that this does not use libpng, but the instructions are in the makefile if you want to try that too14:01.42 
norbertj henrys: bug 695017 submitted14:02.38 
kens chrisl I'm too dumb to do the Unix makefile, want me to open a bug report ?14:02.50 
chrisl Hmm, I care so little :-( No, I'll do it now14:03.37 
kens OK you want my stupid msvc changes ?14:03.49 
  Its pretty trivial....14:03.58 
chrisl Just commit them14:04.05 
kens (otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it ;-)14:04.09 
Beleg Thanks kens, I now get an executable14:05.33 
chrisl kens: the Unix one works....14:05.42 
kens But does it work ? :-)14:05.44 
Beleg But i'm afarid the error I was hoping to eliminate is still there14:05.50 
  does anyone want the pdf I'm trying to convert?14:06.26 
kens You can't convert a PDF file with jbig2dec14:06.44 
  You ouwld have to extract the JBIG2 data first, possibly also decompressing it14:07.00 
  Drat, chrisl can I send you the makefile ? the pre-commit hook won't let me commit it withg a tab14:07.45 
chrisl are you using the command line?14:08.01 
kens No, git gui14:08.07 
  I only use tghe command line under protest14:08.16 
chrisl Ugh :-( Yes, send me the change, then14:08.22 
kens Thanks14:08.30 
Beleg i'm using a pdf viewer which in turn uses jbig2dec as a plugin to convert pdfs to jpegs14:09.08 
kens Beleg, we aren't going to look at someone else's code, we have enough to do ;-)14:09.43 
chrisl Beleg: you could try running the PDF through Ghostscript - it can output jpegs14:10.35 
henrys chrisl:it is -24 here maybe going back to bed was the right call.14:15.31 
kens is that centigrade or funny scales ?14:15.47 
henrys cent14:15.54 
kens Wow14:15.58 
  Remind me not to visit Henry in the winter14:16.08 
chrisl henrys: stone me! I thought the wind and rain was bad here......14:16.23 
henrys kens:very unusual here there's a theory it's to do with the arctic melting and the jet stream slowing leaving these cold fronts "stuck" but I don't know.14:17.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: henrys: hm, Javascript is a trademark owned by Oracle... you need to buy a license to actually use the name. maybe we should go with something based on the "real" name of the language: ecmascript.14:32.42 
chrisl "occamscript"14:33.46 
  tor8: ^^14:33.50 
tor8 chrisl: :)14:33.59 
henrys tor8:I don't see how any of the chosen names would be the same as the trademark14:34.09 
Robin_Watts mujs still wins as the name for me.14:55.39 
janmoesen call it jhostscript and be done with it14:56.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Did you ever have the joy of programming in occam?14:56.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, never appealed, really14:57.10 
Robin_Watts It wasn't that it appealed to me :)14:57.28 
chrisl When suggested that above, I'd forgotten occam was already a language14:58.07 
Robin_Watts Anyone here have any experience with windows manifest files?15:01.28 
kens Not much15:01.35 
  I looked briefly at it as part of the 'signed driver' that came up a while back15:01.56 
Robin_Watts The final link that the FBS does produces da-test.exe and da-test.exe.manifest.15:02.27 
kens IIRC the manifest files are part of the whole 'signing' thing15:02.59 
  Oh yes, they are also (yet another) way of application-specific storage (.ini files, registry etc)15:04.21 
Robin_Watts and it's the da-test.exe.manifest that tells it what DLL to link with - attempting to rename the exe or move the exe away from the manifest file results in an exe that won't start as it can't find the MSVCR80.DLL.15:05.21 
  I'm struggling to see why the FBS ends up with a manifest where, for instance, ghostscript does not.15:05.41 
kens its a C# thing15:06.11 
Robin_Watts No C# involved in the FBS.15:06.24 
  or C++.15:06.31 
kens .com,.net, etc15:06.34 
Robin_Watts It's all just vanilla C.15:06.36 
chrisl Does it use a makefile or a project?15:06.52 
kens decscribes classes, required resources etc15:06.53 
  the4 manifest is XML15:07.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl: The FBS uses neither makefiles or projects.15:07.05 
  kens: Indeed. The Manifest produced basically points to the C runtime DLL used.15:07.25 
  and we only use the standard C runtime one (MSVCR80.DLL)15:07.39 
  same as gs.15:07.43 
kens you doin;'t have to have one15:08.01 
  but if you do, it has to be correct15:08.21 
Robin_Watts How do I tell it not to make me one?15:08.28 
kens edelete it ?15:08.39 
Robin_Watts Then the exe won't run.15:08.53 
kens IIRC its a compiler switch to make it15:09.14 
  possibly you need to remove it15:09.39 
Robin_Watts kens: I can't see any flags asking for a manifest.15:10.43 
  and I've asked for /MANIFEST:NO and ended up with something that wouldn't run :(15:11.06 
chrisl I think it's the linker that creates the manifest15:11.12 
kens Its all a bit new15:11.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It is.15:11.48 
  kens: This is VS2005, so not that new :)15:11.58 
  It's the linker line that I've been looking at.15:12.22 
kens yeah I meant all this manifest stuff is (compratively) new. its all part of the whole 'managed code' stuff15:15.26 
Robin_Watts kens: I don't see how that's the case15:15.47 
kens Well, that's my impression15:16.03 
Robin_Watts Manifests have been there since VS2005 at least, and there is no managed code involved in this case.15:16.28 
kens Well I think MS have been moving towards it for a while, piecemeal15:17.03 
chrisl Robin_Watts: how about creating a dummy project, and using the GUI to select whether to create a manifest or not, and see what difference it makes to the linker command line?15:17.45 
ray_laptop Note that Ghostscript does have .manifest files, e.g. psi/dwsetup_x64.manifest15:18.11 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Oh,wow.15:18.41 
  only for the setup and uninstaller though?15:19.17 
ray_laptop there are 3 for 'setup' (install) and two for uninstall15:19.21 
Robin_Watts I only see 2 each.15:19.34 
ray_laptop sorry, typo15:19.46 
  I have NO idea what they are for15:20.02 
  I'm sure they were created by Russell15:20.18 
Robin_Watts It looks like gs/bin/gsdll32.dll.manifest is created by the build.15:20.29 
  OK, I have a command line I can use to embed the manifest. Now I just need to make the FBS call it :(15:24.58 
chrisl henrys: I got the cycle computer that's matched to my turbo trainer a couple of weeks ago - I think it's going to be a useful training aid16:00.21 
henrys chrisl: ah cool, which trainer do you have?16:19.14 
chrisl henrys: kurt kinetic16:19.25 
henrys looks just like mine 16:20.19 
chrisl henrys: what's yours then?16:20.43 
henrys cycleops I don't use it much the spinning classes here have all gone high tech with a board up front to display watts so you can compete with your comrades16:21.24 
chrisl I prefer to suffer in private :-)16:21.50 
henrys well I'm stuck at home for now, I might use it, my car doors are frozen shut ;-)16:23.06 
kens would think car frozen to floor at that temperature16:23.31 
chrisl I had that last winter....16:23.33 
  henrys: so, according the computer, for the 30-60 minute sessions I do, I was holding 60-70rpm and ~170 watts output, and then one minute in ten, I sprint at 90-100rpm and ~350 watts.16:25.41 
henrys I tried them briefly while I was shoveling, couldn't open any of the doors but I didn't really try hard. I could take a blow dryer to them I suppose.16:25.42 
chrisl henrys: I've now upped that to 70-80rpm for the session, which is ~210 watts output, still with the sprints - and it's freakin' hard work!16:30.13 
henrys chrisl: I looked at age group athletes top 3 for ironman and they do something like your sprint numbers for the entire race - 112 miles.16:30.46 
chrisl henrys: yeh, the one hour, fixed wheel distance record, the guy sustained ~120 rpm cadence for the 60 minutes - amazing stamina16:32.34 
henrys chrisl: be careful with bodyweight it's watts/per pound that count … you can lose some weight and thing your getting worse watts wise.16:33.23 
chrisl henrys: That's part of why I wanted the computer - I felt I was in a comfort zone, so I wanted solid numbers to work to. As I said before, for my purposes, I'm more interested in cadence and heart rate than watts16:35.07 
henrys chrisl: watts/pound really does work though as a metric … it does predict race placement. rpm's obviously won't work. 16:36.26 
ray_laptop henrys: if you pull hard enough you can usually open the doors (IME). Of course, also IME, you usually leave part of the gasket stuck to the door jamb ;-)16:36.57 
henrys ray_laptop:that was my concern thought it best to let the sun come up a little more and see if that does any good16:37.49 
chrisl henrys: true, but as I'm primarily using it as a training aid for another sport, as long as I have measurements that I can monitor my own progress (or otherwise) that's all I need. If I start actually cycling more seriously, I'd obviously be more interested in watts/pound16:39.01 
ray_laptop if your car has remote start, you can let the heater do the trick (presuming you left it on). That way the door jambs warm up. Of course if you don't have remote start...16:39.07 
henrys chrisl: I really do most races and training by heart rate only, just the spinning class has gotten to be a social competitive type thing16:39.34 
ray_laptop henrys: I also have experience gluing door gaskets back together with contact cement, if you need it ;-)16:39.47 
henrys chrisl: when I was training indoors I liked the sufferfest videos, kept me motivated.16:41.46 
chrisl I have music on, takes my mind off the pain......16:42.16 
ray_laptop getting further with psdcmykog. I now get the first 3 pages out looking reasonable. Pages 4-9 all give Photoshop 'unexpected EOF' even though the file sizes are the same as the pages that work.16:44.21 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: OK, I have the FBS hacked about enough that it now embeds manifests into the exe's.16:57.10 
  And I have a build underway which embeds the windows fonts in instead of the picsel fonts.16:57.41 
  so I should be able to run stuff side by side and look for differences.16:58.05 
kens goodnight all17:20.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Morning.17:22.21 
  Did you get to look at the lcms threading stuff? (Not hassling, just interest)17:22.49 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: oh yes. sorry I did look it over I need to run a couple tests though. I will finish up with that today17:25.55 
  been to busy working on gsview17:26.05 
Robin_Watts no worries.17:26.36 
ray_laptop OK. psdcmykog is now producing "reasonable" output. Colors look strange, but at least the pages aren't garbled and no errors produced. Basically I had to have it ignore the SeparationOrder parameter, locking it at 6 components.19:08.53 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Great that it's working, but it's a bit of shame.19:09.29 
ray_laptop output is different to the psdcmyk device, but that one produces most pages blank which also doesn't seem quite right.19:09.30 
  Robin_Watts: why is that a shame ?19:09.46 
Robin_Watts It was intended at least partly as an example device to show how such devices should be written.19:09.58 
ray_laptop well, the problem is that on a device with max_separations==0 setting arbitrary SeparationOrder names doesn't really make sense19:11.02 
Robin_Watts I guess.19:11.36 
ray_laptop It could be that the SeparationOrder handling in the devn code is flawed, but the use of SeparationOrder to produce subsets of the available separations is rarely used, and never from PDF. The problem file(s) are PS CET nonsense19:12.51 
Robin_Watts That would be my fear.19:13.24 
  Or at least, my fear is that in my fiddling, I have broken the SeparationOrder stuff.19:13.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think the tiffsep device used to use the SeparationOrder stuff, but what it did/does with a set of names that didn't exist was never clear19:16.03 
  I'm going to open a non-customer bug to gripe that psdcmyk and psdcmykog differ because I'm not at all sure what "right" is.19:18.25 
Robin_Watts OK, I've finally got some results out of ghostdocs with the windows fonts.19:18.36 
ray_laptop that way I can assign it to mvrhel_laptop as a 'color' bug :-)19:18.41 
Robin_Watts and the fonts *do* make a different.19:18.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I guess I'm not surprised at that.19:19.03 
Robin_Watts So, the question is, do we own rights to a set of "windows equivalent" fonts?19:19.24 
  ray_laptop: Well, it's a shame that the epage 'clone' fonts aren't.19:19.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, what we really need to do is to use the glyph metrics from the fonts, and we can actually render the glyphs with whatever fonts we want to use. It'll look better if they are close to the metrics we use19:20.51 
albanyeye hello, is this where I ask a question about pdf2ps also?19:21.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, the epage font engine has the ability to show a font with a different set of font metrics.19:21.58 
ray_laptop albanyeye: you can ask,19:22.06 
  Robin_Watts: that sounds good.19:22.28 
Robin_Watts In particular it uses that ability to load the PDF base 14 fonts font metrics so that PDFs work.19:22.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sort of allowing for something like 'multi-master' font substituton19:23.02 
Robin_Watts It doesn't do proper multi-master.19:23.24 
albanyeye I have a pdf that has radio buttons that have either been selected or not. The PDF gets sent to hylafax to be faxed. The pdf recieved has " x" marked where the radio buttons are supposed to be. Regardless of it being selected or not19:24.14 
  I have looked on google search for a couple days without success19:24.37 
Robin_Watts albanyeye: Sounds like a PDF with a form in it.19:25.35 
  And it further sounds like the form is being improperly rendered.19:25.50 
ray_laptop albanyeye: we'd have to look at the PDF. Ghostscript doesn't look at the 'value' of a field, but uses the AP (default appearance)19:26.02 
  albanyeye: just open a bug and post and example (small preferable) file19:26.55 
albanyeye yes it is a PDF form19:27.37 
troubles hi, any mupdf folks around, i have a problem hopefully they know what to do19:27.54 
albanyeye oh great19:27.55 
  I can do that. Where to post the file?19:28.06 
  its a 1 page PDF... very small19:28.25 
ray_laptop troubles: Robin_Watts is your man19:28.31 
troubles okay, i see he is logged in, thanks. perhaps he is busy19:29.05 
Robin_Watts troubles: Ask your question, don't ask to ask. :)19:29.06 
ray_laptop albanyeye: -- open a New bug against Ghostscript and attach the file 19:29.06 
albanyeye might be right about form being imporperly renderd19:29.16 
  it is being renededred by via php19:29.37 
Robin_Watts albanyeye: That sounds the pdf creation stage.19:30.02 
albanyeye will do ray. 19:30.21 
troubles hey thanks. robin, i am trying to make an ereader to replace kobo erader (does not do pdf well). my problem is that i have two different jpeg librs needed. it seems mupdf needs version 9 (which i built static, works fine), but qtwebkit uses version 6.2, and i cannot get both of these in one app, as far as i can tell. 19:30.27 
Robin_Watts The pdf 'rendering' stage (i.e. the stage where we go from pdf -> bitmap) in order to be faxed is the one that is going wrong.19:30.46 
ray_laptop albanyeye: "improper" is a matter of interpretation. Ghostscript is a non-interactive processor of PDF's, so it ignores any javascript and, as I said uses the AP of fields19:30.48 
Robin_Watts probably.19:30.50 
troubles robin: so maybe i could build mupdf with old version of jpeg, but i gather with api change that may not work. cant think of other idea except to try to rebuild qt entirely also!19:31.06 
Robin_Watts troubles: Just a mo.19:31.20 
troubles sure, thanks.19:31.28 
albanyeye thanks Robin / Ray19:32.18 
Robin_Watts troubles: At what point are you hitting the problem?19:32.32 
albanyeye will post file in bugs19:32.32 
Robin_Watts Is it when linking at the end?19:32.52 
troubles well, when i try to build my app using qmake, no, it links okay19:33.01 
  robin: sometimes i can get it to link with the static jpeg, then the mupdf renderer in my app works fine19:33.33 
  robin: but then the qtwebkit crases. if i change link orders around, then the qtwebkit works, but the mupdf does not19:33.59 
  the mupdf works on SOME jpegs, but on others, i get console message that it is the wrong version. 19:34.16 
Robin_Watts I have only limited experience with qmake, but the experience I have had suggests that I am not touching it with a gargepole :)19:34.29 
  OK, there may be a trick you can use.19:34.38 
troubles so mupdf is much better behaved: it fails cleanly when the jpeg library cannot do the job19:34.41 
  i dont blame you about qmake, but using qt have little choice! 19:34.56 
Robin_Watts Presumably you have the mupdf version in thirdparty/jpeg?19:35.05 
troubles right, i just built the stock mupdf, it uses the "Thirdparty" jpeg etc.19:35.29 
Robin_Watts If you look at jpeglib.h in there, you'll note there is a #ifdef NEED_SHORT_EXTERNAL_NAMES19:35.36 
troubles yes... but 19:36.14 
Robin_Watts If that's defined, it renames all the jpeg entrypoints to something different.19:36.35 
troubles ah, okay, i see. so then i could call the library something else, and load both librares?19:36.56 
  so everyone else links shared with version 62, but mupdf uses the new version under a different name? 19:37.21 
Robin_Watts So if you put a #define NEED_SHORT_EXTERNAL_NAMES at the top of that file, then everything that file (which should be all the mupdf code and the library code itself) will use different names,19:37.27 
  Thus the two copies should no longer conflict.19:37.36 
  troubles: yes.19:37.47 
  You need to ensure that the mupdf and jpeg-9 builds see that header and define, but that nothing else does.19:38.35 
troubles wow, what a kludge! i dont like using two libraries mostly the same, but if it works fine, and the jpeg lib is not too big i have had enough for today/yesterday, so will try later tonight. can you tell me why the version 62 seems to be the version most stil use (fedora 20 ships with it for example)19:39.00 
Robin_Watts Cos they are slow to update with fixes etc.19:39.18 
troubles just jpeg-9? what about the other things in thirdparty? dont some of them need the jpeg? no, i guess not. So, re fedora 20, imagemagick, everyone else, you guys are ahead on this? 19:39.56 
Robin_Watts yes. we do our best to track current releases.19:40.17 
troubles would you confirm i cannot build mupdf with the earlier jpeg? if this rename does not work?19:40.28 
  okay, thanks i lot, i will work on this for many hours if necessary, can i report back the results. i think this could be useful for others who might also have this problem19:41.39 
Robin_Watts The alternative way to do this would be to build mupdf and to statically link it with the jpeglib, to give a mupdflib. Then you can hide the jpeg entrypoints in mupdflib.19:43.06 
troubles ah, i like that idea, okay, i will try both of these. will take me a while i bet but i will report back, thanks19:46.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: does that had the names of the jpeg entrypoints ? or does this work IFF you have the jpeglib before the mupdflib ?19:46.29 
  s/had the/hide the/19:46.44 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The trick is to link 2 libs together to give a third.19:47.27 
  Then you rename all the jpeglib entrypoints within that new lib.19:47.43 
troubles ray_laptop: have you ever had an issue like this yourself also?19:48.30 
Robin_Watts The two halves of the lib can still call one another as they agree on the renamed (or hidden) names.19:48.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: do you want to comment on my latest patch, please ?19:48.41 
Robin_Watts now, I have to confess it has been many years since I've had to do this myself. and when I did it I had a funky tool to do the renaming.19:49.02 
troubles Robin_Watts: well, i am optimistic that it should work if I keep messing with it. as long as the only dependency is mupdf on jpeg19:50.23 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's a shame that you have to save/set to zero/restore the sep names.19:51.27 
  If we're hooking put params, can't we throw a rangecheck if they are non null ?19:51.54 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I also opened bug 695018 for the discrepancy between psdcmykog and psdcmyk. I really am not sure what we should be doing.19:51.54 
Robin_Watts If the device only operates when SeparationOrderNames is empty, then surely it's better to enforce that with an error?19:52.42 
troubles Robin_Watts, thanks very much, I will go and try these things.19:53.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I can rty that, but I'm not sure that's really better19:53.35 
Robin_Watts oh, it's a file that sets SeparationOrder ?19:53.46 
  (Just reading the bug)19:53.52 
  What is the correct behaviour here?20:01.55 
  If a bit of postscript attempts to set an illegal setting for a device, is a rangecheck not the correct response?20:02.34 
  What happens for other devices? Like the display device for instance?20:03.19 
  ok, display device ignores it, afaict.20:04.31 
  Well, what you've got seems reasonable then.20:05.03 
troubles Robin_Watts: Thanks a lot, it works! (Now to see when I try building for other platforms... (But it is nice that mupdf lives in its own world with its own jpeg not visible to anyone else (Oh, I used the "short name" technique, more kludge, but, since you set it up already... works well it seems, thanks]20:35.46 
ray_laptop hmm.. bad news. The -dDisplayFormat=16#a0800 is broken since 9.1020:55.36 
  I'm bisecting to see when it broke...21:09.43 
mvrhel_laptop wow21:43.24 
  that took me forever to find21:43.36 
  I had a crash with the xps printing in the new gsview21:43.47 
  I could not find this damn thing21:43.53 
  it turns out that if I have the "Debug native code" checked in the project settings that it crashes for some unknown reason. If that is not checked during the printing then all is fine21:44.25 
ray_laptop your forever is a lot shorter than mine :-)21:44.32 
mvrhel_laptop well something as crazy as that is very irritating.21:44.49 
  The native debugging worked fine coming from csharp and going into gs or into mupdf. You would think that having that checked when going into microsofts native code things would be OK21:45.28 
  The crash is about in a stack of 50 different calls from the XPS DLL into some core library when it explodes.21:46.08 
ray_laptop git bisect has henrys' patch of 82fc3bd as the culprit21:49.42 
  now to find out why21:49.54 
daniel1 Hi/part21:50.20 
mvrhel_laptop ok. and with that check box off, I am now printing 21:56.43 
  henrys: so I have gs creating xps content with xpswrite and then that is getting pushed through a print queue in the windows print system.21:57.26 
  need to clean up a few things but it seems to be working fine21:57.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: great my xps doesn't blow up windows - shocking21:57.48 
mvrhel_laptop at least tiger worked :)21:57.59 
  I wish that the gs api had some callback mechanism that I could use to show distilling progress. 21:58.28 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I wonder if check_interrupts could be hijacked for something like that, ray_laptop would know22:00.03 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop:22:00.22 
  a page by page call back would be nice22:01.06 
  oh he is not here22:01.55 
  anyway I will put that on my christmas wish list22:02.11 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: why don't you use the run_string stuff22:02.15 
  mvrhel_laptop: example 3 in the api.htm22:03.00 
mvrhel_laptop hold on let me look at it22:03.08 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: of course telling how many bytes are left does not say how long it will take22:03.59 
mvrhel_laptop no, but at least it gives a percent through byte wise22:04.24 
  henrys: this could work. I will go back and see about this after I clean up my printing stuff22:05.00 
  I have everything ripped apart trying to track down the cause of my crash22:05.25 
  which was MS falut22:05.31 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I thought the strdup punishment didn't fit the crime...22:06.05 
mvrhel_laptop well that was an easy one22:06.21 
  this last thing was the type that has you pulling your hair out22:06.49 
  hopefully I wont have anymore of that nonsense. most of the hard pieces are in place22:07.15 
  it is a matter of adding minor features22:07.21 
  I do have some mupdf related stuff to add, text search, links 22:07.36 
  but those should be pretty simple since I already did them in win 822:07.51 
daniel1 Hi, I want to print multiple pages of a pdf into one. My printer hase this option but it offers me not enough controll over the process. Are there some tools with which I can rescale pdf pages manually without loosing the vectors ? I tied it allready with the freepdf printer + editing via inkscape but freepdf rasters the outcome.22:58.20 
Robin_Watts henrys: You here?23:59.24 
henrys yup23:59.33 
Robin_Watts So, I've done some testing.23:59.40 
  The epage fonts do NOT match the windows ones in terms of metrics.23:59.53 
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