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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/05)2014/02/06 
Robin_Watts which explains a lot of the formatting differences.00:00.06 
henrys Robin_Watts: good news00:00.22 
Robin_Watts So, either we need to source new fonts with the correct metrics...00:00.43 
  or we need to retrofit the metrics to the existing fonts.00:00.52 
  The epage font engine has a mechanism whereby a set of metrics can be overlaid onto a font.00:01.19 
  it uses that to get exact matches for the pdf base 14 fonts.00:01.36 
  so I could look at using that.00:01.45 
henrys Robin_Watts: have we verified the line advance is wrong on say an android device - are they hacked to work on a different resolution display perhaps?00:02.05 
Robin_Watts but then I'd need to get the metrics for the relavent fonts from somewhere.00:02.12 
  henrys: We have not verified that.00:02.24 
  but the epage fonts don't do hinting, hence the metrics are the metrics.00:02.39 
  resolution shouldn't come into it.00:02.45 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay00:02.53 
Robin_Watts So, is it OK for me to write code to use (say) freetype to extract the metrics for the fonts from the windows ones?00:03.19 
  Does that count as copyright violation?00:03.30 
henrys Robin_Watts: I do rather cringe at that but I can't imagine we'd get in trouble for it.00:05.20 
Robin_Watts OK.00:05.46 
  So I'll try to see what happens when we put the proper metrics on top of the Artifex fonts.00:07.12 
henrys Robin_Watts: do you have an example file that causes pagination to be incorrect? I have smart office on my android - the test file marcos posted doesn't fill the page so I really have no way to see if it is wrong. 00:23.55 
  Robin_Watts: if not I can just edit this file.00:24.29 
  Robin_Watts: nvm the app is wrong also.00:31.31 
  Robin_Watts: I don't understand how they get away with this almost everything is wrong, because of something that looks like a straightforward thing to fix. I wonder if we're missing something.00:36.15 
kens chrisl I just got a weekly regression report (UFST with make uproduct), and it only contains one line :08:37.18 
  compileFail: pcl608:37.18 
  I'm assuming this is because you changed the UFST version ?08:37.30 
chrisl Could be. If that's all the information there is, it's not easy to tell08:45.57 
  Ah, it's because the make invocation is wrong08:47.11 
kens OK I'll leave it to you and Marcos :-)08:56.11 
chrisl The worry is that means that the PCL FAPI/UFST code hasn't been tested in the weekly tests at all :-(08:57.24 
kens What, not even when it wasn't failing to compile ?08:57.43 
  I'm sure its the first time I;ve seen this error08:57.55 
chrisl No, make uproduct would build the *old*, non-fapi based integration08:58.12 
kens Oh....08:58.18 
  THat isn't ideal08:58.25 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: Font stuff if I may...10:14.21 
kens OK10:14.26 
  I have time right now, good timing10:14.32 
Robin_Watts It seems that by bundling the windows fonts into the ghostdocs thing, the layouts are MUCH closer.10:14.48 
kens Not entirely surprising10:14.59 
  Word will use the WIndows dfont10:15.07 
  door, brb10:15.11 
Robin_Watts so the existing ghostdocs fonts are clearly not clones, as we had been lead to believe.10:15.18 
  so, either we need to source whole new fonts...10:15.45 
kens They are clones of the PostScript fonts, not the WIndows fonts10:15.56 
  Unless you mean different fonts10:16.04 
Robin_Watts The ghostdocs fonts are not the artifex fonts.10:16.17 
kens Oh, OK differetn fonts then10:16.30 
Robin_Watts ...or we need to somehow enforce the proper metrics onto whichever fonts we use.10:16.59 
  The picsel font engine has the ability to force metrics on a font (as that's what it does for PDF fonts)10:17.28 
kens Hmm, enforcing metrics is usually not good. As teh designs may not be the same, so you risk character positioning problems10:17.34 
Robin_Watts yes, it relies on the metrics being 'close'.10:17.59 
chrisl I assume these are Truetype fonts?10:18.01 
kens I was assuming that too10:18.08 
Robin_Watts The picsel fonts are ef1's.10:18.10 
  the windows ones are .ttf or .ttc.10:18.23 
kens I assume the ef1 is a pixsel format ?10:18.35 
Robin_Watts picsel or EFF, yes.10:18.47 
kens Could we use the Artifex TT fonts ?10:19.05 
chrisl You can probably use fontforge to extract metrics from the Windows fonts10:19.17 
Robin_Watts My plan is to use the artifex TT fonts, and to overlay the correct metrics onto them.10:19.23 
kens Hmm, so they don't match either ?10:19.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right. I was planning to extract the metrics using Freetype, but if fontforge can do it nicely...10:19.53 
  kens: I was assuming that they wouldn't match.10:20.05 
kens Or you can use ttfdump10:20.07 
Robin_Watts OK, ttfdump sounds good.10:20.21 
kens Robin_Watts : might be worth checking, but the easiest way is probably to take both sets of metrics anyway10:20.28 
Robin_Watts assuming that gives me a table I can work with.10:20.33 
chrisl What format does the picsel code expect the metrics to be in?10:20.39 
kens ttfdump writes the TT tables in ascii human-readable form10:20.49 
Robin_Watts a custom compressed format, I believe.10:20.58 
chrisl Of course, why use a standard format? :-(10:21.18 
Robin_Watts I fear it may be my own custom compressed format, cos it was implemented for PDF, so I suspect I was involved.10:21.19 
kens :-)10:21.26 
Robin_Watts Failing that it would either be paulgardiners, or daves format :)10:21.37 
kens chrisl bear in mind that phoes are still limited resoruce devices10:21.44 
  So minimum resource use is still important10:21.58 
  Robin_Watts : ttfdump dumps *all* the tables in a TT font10:22.33 
Robin_Watts where can I get ttfdump front ?10:22.53 
kens Depending what you need it may be easier just to write a custom tool to extract metrics, its not hard10:22.54 
Robin_Watts s/front/from/ ?10:23.08 
kens Er,, the net ? Or I cna send you a copy10:23.09 
chrisl kens: I wouldn't have thought there was much to gain over compressed pfms, tbh10:23.34 
kens who knows, I haven't thought about it :-)10:23.52 
Robin_Watts kens: I see the link.10:23.55 
chrisl Robin_Watts: it's easily installable on Linux, probably OS X too10:23.55 
Robin_Watts kens: I see a ttfdump from microsoft ?10:24.12 
kens Its an old MS tool yes10:24.22 
  I've been using it for years10:24.38 
Robin_Watts ok, so it's the right one. perfect. ta.10:24.40 
chrisl Oh, I was thinking of ftdump.....10:24.45 
kens but like I say it dumps *everything*, if all you need are the metrics, it may be easier to write a C program to get what you need, I could kock one up in a couple of hours. TTF is not hard10:25.25 
  s /kock/knock/ though in some senses both are probably true10:26.04 
Robin_Watts kens: If I was going to write code, I'd probably use freetype to extract the metrics cos that way it wouldn't be tied to ttf.10:26.04 
chrisl kens: depends if you need the metrics "hinted" or not.....10:26.24 
kens PS metrics and TT metrics are somewhat different10:26.26 
Robin_Watts This also makes me wonder if hinting comes into play during layout. And kerning.10:26.51 
kens Excepting the mad usage of 'hinting' in TT dn't have thought it made much difference10:27.01 
  Robin_Watts : I would say that, except for the stupid things some people do with TT 'hintin'g it isn't relevant10:27.22 
  And I very much doubt that any layout app uses hinted outlines10:27.34 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I thought the picsel code didn't do hinting?10:27.46 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It doesn't.10:27.54 
  but I think it may do kerning.10:28.01 
chrisl kerning is/should be separate from glyph metrics10:28.24 
kens Yes10:28.29 
  you need kerning tables for that10:28.36 
Robin_Watts And if word lays out "AVAVAVAVAVAVAV" without kerning, it's going to get a wider string than if it kerns it.10:28.39 
kens Yes10:28.44 
Robin_Watts which will affect line breaking points.10:28.47 
kens But that's not hinting...10:28.55 
  layout apps *must* use kerning, but I doubt they think about hinting10:29.09 
Robin_Watts OK, so ignore hinting.10:29.12 
kens hinting *shouldn't* make much difference to the sizes of a glyph10:29.24 
Robin_Watts kens: So... presumably that means metrics alone are not enough.10:29.29 
  I need kerning data too.10:29.36 
kens mertrics are only part of the problem for a layout app10:29.41 
  In terms of printing, we don't need to worry about kerning because hte layout app moves the glyphs10:30.07 
  for layout you need kerning certainly10:30.15 
Robin_Watts But we are doing the layout.10:30.17 
kens Also H&J10:30.19 
  oh and tables of word breaking points (I forget the proper term)10:31.02 
Robin_Watts Word files get text strings, and ghostdocs has to lay those strings out.10:31.15 
chrisl The "kern" table is optional in TTFs, and is often missing (at least, in the PS/PDF world)10:31.15 
Robin_Watts to give paragraphs.10:31.31 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, the layout engine is supposed to consult the kerning tables first to determine word lengths10:31.39 
Robin_Watts Right, so the kerning stuff *is* an issue for us.10:31.55 
kens then it looks at teh justification to see if ti can fit the words to the line length10:31.59 
  Robin_Watts : yes, sorry didn't mean to be confusing, I'm agreeing there10:32.12 
Robin_Watts so, purely overlaying metrics will not solve the problem :(10:32.31 
kens Just mentioing that we don't usually deal with this, because we're at the print end, so we don't have a lot of experience here10:32.37 
Robin_Watts I need to overlay metrics and kerning information.10:32.48 
kens Yes10:32.52 
  kerning is important10:33.00 
chrisl You may only need the kernel data10:33.26 
kens I'msure word will use kerning tables10:33.27 
chrisl kerning....10:33.31 
Robin_Watts while I think it's OK to steal the metrics from a font so we can ensure compatibility with it, stealing more and more data gets dodgier :(10:33.54 
  chrisl: I am not familiar with how kerning data is held.10:34.07 
chrisl kerning is just another metric, really10:34.14 
kens I would say that kerning info is part of the metrics10:34.17 
  LOL chrisl beat me to it10:34.26 
  In fact I think pfm files have kerning info10:34.34 
  kerning tables are pairs10:35.51 
  of glyphs. THey trell you how much tro move glyh b when its preceded by glyph a10:36.06 
  and in which direction10:36.15 
Robin_Watts ok, so we have 'default' metrics, and a set of adjustment exceptions.10:36.52 
kens Yes, that's right10:36.58 
  and they are font-specific too, because the sahpe of the glyphs matters10:37.18 
Robin_Watts yes.10:37.29 
  ok, that's given me enough to go on for now. Thanks guys.10:38.29 
kens No problem10:38.34 
Robin_Watts So chrisl points out the PCL fonts were chosen by HP to be a close match to the windows ones.11:04.59 
  Do we have a list anywhere of which PCL fonts should correspond to which windows ones etc?11:05.22 
kens Its why I was wondering if we could use those11:05.22 
Robin_Watts kens: yeah, bear with me if I'm being slow here.11:05.42 
kens Its a complex area :-(11:05.53 
  I don't have such a list BTW11:06.00 
Robin_Watts Ok, next stupid question then... where are the Artifex PCL fonts kept? :)11:12.00 
  Presumably it's the urwfonts set?11:13.28 
  Apparently 9.07 is the last stable release of GhostPDL.11:13.48 
  and are we really sending people to wisc to download the fonts?11:14.26 
kens umm no idea ?11:15.02 
Robin_Watts well, we aren't cos wisc doesn't work any more, but...11:15.29 
  oh, d'uh. how did the urwfonts directory get there ? :)11:20.12 
kens I guess chrisl put it there ?11:20.38 
Robin_Watts kens: yeah, my point was that it's been there for ages, and i'm too blind to have noticed it :)11:20.58 
kens I must have one too, hadn't realised11:21.13 
Robin_Watts <- useful.11:40.17 
chrisl Robin_Watts: As you're finding, this is a bit of a minefield - probably what prompted Adobe to add the Widths/W array hacks to the PDF spec,11:52.52 
kens lunch, back i a bit12:13.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: they're are in the tree ghostpdl/urwfonts13:33.08 
Robin_Watts henrys: yes, I have them.13:33.21 
  Just got a Nexus 7 in the post (for my mother in law).13:33.32 
  Very nice.13:33.37 
  henrys: It's not clear to me which of those fonts are PS equivalents, and which are PCL.13:34.24 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes that's what I have13:34.29 
Robin_Watts and further, which ones match which.13:35.32 
henrys Robin_Watts: they are just truteype fonts there is nothing "PCL" about them. They do have some extra characters that PCL is interested in.13:35.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl said that the PCL fonts were picked to be matches for the windows ones.13:36.35 
  Or is he talking about the character availability rather than the metrics ?13:36.57 
henrys we got urn's "stock" fonts Nimbus mono is courier etc, then requested "full" glyph sets and that satisfied some of pcl's missing character problems13:40.30 
Robin_Watts henrys: So the task ahead of me now is to find which URW font best matches each of the windows fonts.13:41.18 
henrys Robin_Watts: use the names13:41.36 
Robin_Watts and to then investigate if it's possible to retrofit the metrics (possibly including kerning data) from the windows fonts to the URW ones.13:42.02 
  'names' ?13:42.06 
henrys there is a table in pcl to go from nimbus whatever to courier for example.13:42.21 
  Robin_Watts: I assume you want to replace the "courier" in smart office with our courier. Is that right?13:44.03 
Robin_Watts So, if I ttfdump NumbusMonL-Bold.ttf for example... nowhere in there does it say "Courier"13:44.09 
  henrys: Smart Office has a fontmap file that says "for this name, use this font"13:44.40 
  so "Courier" is set up to map to "blah.ef1"13:44.59 
  and I want to set that up so that "Courier" maps to "URWNimbusMonoL.ttf" or something13:45.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: right and the best I can offer you there is pl/plftable.h 13:45.31 
Robin_Watts AH!13:46.07 
  So that's a mapping from PCL font names -> URW names.13:46.22 
henrys yes13:46.55 
  PCL font names are the same as windows names.13:47.20 
Robin_Watts Oh, bargain.13:47.31 
henrys the "standard" names13:47.48 
  That lists the "normal" fonts.13:49.34 
henrys I do wonder if it wouldn't be better to tweak the metrics in existing fonts with font forge.13:49.59 
Robin_Watts We don't have equivalents for: Comic Sans, Georgia, Impact, Lucida, Palatino Linotype, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Verdana...13:51.31 
henrys Robin_Watts: correct nothing from the microsoft release13:52.21 
Robin_Watts So... we're kinda stuffed.13:52.43 
  MS office files will generally use MS office fonts. So to match the appearance/layout of such files we need matching fonts (or at least fonts that we can bend so they mostly match)13:53.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: so am I being a layout snob when I'm concerned that no file can possibly be correct with smart office. Is the audience only interested in content?13:54.02 
kens It can't use avaiable TT fonts ?13:54.41 
Robin_Watts kens: and which fonts do you expect will be available on a handheld device? :)13:55.05 
kens Robin_Watts : sure, but I would have allowed other fonts just in case.13:55.35 
Robin_Watts kens: The font engine can pick up fonts from lib directories, yes.13:55.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mupdf uses the URW fonts and maps them to the base 14, you can get started by looking at that mapping.13:55.44 
kens OK so that answeres henrys question13:55.55 
  it can be correct if you supply the correct fonts13:56.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: PDF/PS mappings are of little to no interest for office docs.13:56.09 
tor8 but I suspect the PCL mapping table is more complete13:56.09 
norbertj hello henrys13:56.38 
Robin_Watts kens: I would not like to promise that it's perfect, but I suspect it'll be a hell of a lot better.13:56.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we have a fairly big set of windows font name aliases and how they map onto the URW fonts, is what I meant13:56.40 
Robin_Watts but we need to figure out what we are shooting for here.13:56.47 
  If we want to offer people a "perfect or close to it" solution, then we need to have a solution for these fonts.13:57.04 
kens OK so maybe not perfect, but a lot better, and maybe 'good enough'13:57.25 
  If people want a good solution they need to provide the4 'correct' fonts13:58.00 
Robin_Watts If we want to offer an "as good as you can expect with mismatching fonts" solution, then we're in good shape.13:58.08 
henrys Robin_Watts: the immediate market is mobile printing so layout really does matter for us. I understand folks might just need contact, but that's not our current target customer base for this.13:58.08 
tor8 paulgardiner: so, I have accessors up and running in libjs!13:58.13 
kens SO either run on WIndows, or copy windows fonts or source replacements13:58.22 
henrys s/contact/content13:58.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: OK, so what's the way forward?13:58.31 
norbertj henrys: on my memleak. When is the pcs->font_dir freeed? I see in pcfont-do_reset() in the pcl_reset_initial that it is allocated. But I can't see when it is released (i.e. in pcl_reset_permanent.13:58.35 
paulgardiner tor8: nice13:58.47 
Robin_Watts kens list seems resaonable.13:58.56 
tor8 paulgardiner: I expect to tackle integrating it into mupdf next week13:58.58 
henrys norbertj: it isn't I intended it to be a one time allocation13:59.01 
Robin_Watts I don't believe we can say "run on windows".13:59.15 
  kens: The target for Picsels stuff was generally that it would be bundled on a phone (or similar), so we'd know the font availability up front.14:00.11 
paulgardiner tor8: let me know if you run into any weirdness with the api14:00.15 
Robin_Watts and the fontmap file would be constructed to do the best it could with what was there.14:00.26 
henrys Robin_Watts: I must have missed something, you asked yesterday if you could look at windows metrics, and I assumed the next step was change the smart office metrics.14:00.41 
Robin_Watts The font engine is supposedly capable of just picking up fonts from a dir, but the test-shell isn't really set up for that.14:00.50 
henrys Robin_Watts: how did we get to urw fonts14:00.57 
norbertj henrys: so everytime that pcl_reset_initial is done, it is allocated. I.e. this is also done by the passThrough_init (which does an initial/permanent/initial)14:01.07 
Robin_Watts henrys: I spoke to kens/chrisl about the problem this morning to get their thoughts on the best way to extract metrics.14:01.31 
henrys norbertj: yes that is the bugs14:01.36 
  norbertj: regression actually14:01.44 
Robin_Watts During the course of that conversation, it became clear to me that we'd probably have to get the kerning data out too.14:01.58 
norbertj henrys: then I would make the priority again blocking i.s.o. major.14:02.12 
Robin_Watts and chrisl then said that the urwfonts were intended to be a match to the windows ones.14:02.30 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh I can just read the logs, I'm sorry, I should have looked14:02.35 
Robin_Watts hence it made me wonder if those were a better starting point.14:02.51 
  I'm prepared to use whatever set of fonts is required to get us the best match.14:05.16 
  but as fonts are not my forte, I've been canvassing opinions etc before I start.14:05.33 
Robin_Watts grabs lunch. bbs.14:06.54 
henrys norbertj: I'll probably get to it sometime today anyway so the status doesn't much matter14:07.53 
norbertj henrys: excellent.14:09.04 
juschz hi everyone, i'm new here.14:11.27 
  are the guys who worked on mupdf for android, on this channel ?14:14.51 
kens yes14:15.03 
  (that's not me I hasten to add)14:15.40 
juschz in fact, i use mupdf activity for a long, and made and implement some few features. Just want to know if you are interessed by talking or pull-requesting it ?14:17.25 
kens Robin_Watts : tor8 ^^14:18.43 
  tor8 ?14:20.42 
henrys Robin_Watts went to lunch kens14:21.51 
kens yeah I remembered, which is why I pinged tor14:22.02 
  guess he's afk too14:22.07 
juschz you're located in California ?14:25.47 
kens No all round the world14:25.55 
juschz really ? which countries ?14:26.11 
kens Artifex the company is headquartered in California14:26.18 
  US, UK, Sweden and Japan14:26.30 
juschz nice14:26.52 
henrys hmm the epage fonts look anonymous looking inside the font, no copyright etc.14:34.56 
chrisl That's unusual.....14:37.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: .ef1 may be a proprietary format.14:41.15 
  and the fonts are usually bundled in an app.14:41.26 
  and bytes cost memory.14:41.35 
chrisl What if you embed them?14:41.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl: embed them as in PDF export?14:42.11 
chrisl Yes14:42.16 
Robin_Watts PDF export was only added within the last year or so.14:42.23 
chrisl Oh, okay14:42.44 
Robin_Watts and presumably it exports them as a standard type.14:42.49 
  certainly it wasn't a consideration when they were first done14:42.57 
chrisl Yeh, with no copyright14:42.58 
norbertj henrys: I found that pcli is freeed in pcl_impl_deallocate_interp_instance, But the pcli->pcs->font_dir ???14:44.35 
tor8 juschz: I believe paulgardiner (and/or Robin_Watts) are the ones to talk to about the android app14:45.55 
Robin_Watts juschz: On irc it's generally best to ask your question, rather than to ask to ask your question, due to the lags involved.14:46.42 
kens Robin_Watts : ghe did14:46.57 
  see logs14:47.00 
juschz :) 14:47.11 
Robin_Watts sorry. I missed that.14:47.13 
  Yes, we're always interested in such things.14:47.25 
  Can you give more details please?14:47.30 
  paulgardiner is the guy to talk to really, but he often doesn't work fridays.14:48.06 
paulgardiner I'm lurking14:48.23 
kens Robin_Watts : I htink its Thursday today ;-)14:48.35 
juschz Yes of course. can we talk using private conversation ?14:48.41 
chrisl Oh thank god, I thought I'd lost a day, there.....14:49.02 
Robin_Watts kens: this must be a thursday. I could never get the hang of thursdays.14:49.10 
kens LOL14:49.17 
henrys the important thing is the paulgardiner doesn't think it's friday, doesn't much matter for the rest of you.14:49.58 
paulgardiner Thankfully I knew.14:50.37 
Robin_Watts juschz: You can use a private conversation if you must, but it means that only 1 person can hear you. Where possible we try to work in the open, so everyone knows what's going on. Unless there are commercial sensitivites of course...14:50.40 
paulgardiner Possibly I will forget that it is tomorrow too.14:50.51 
Robin_Watts it is never tomorrow. That's kind of the defining characteristic of tomorrows.14:51.20 
  Although it's never yesterday either, which could be confusing.14:51.40 
henrys norbertj: between your bug and what you are saying I'm a little confused where I should direct my attention, I can just look for leaks with C706?14:52.45 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Do we have a postscript program or something to do contact sheets for fonts?14:58.54 
kens I haveone somewhere14:59.08 
Robin_Watts So I can print out the different fonts, and do a visual check14:59.13 
  kens: And will it cope with ttfs etc?14:59.25 
kens Robin_Watts : it does fonts in the interpreter14:59.39 
  So whatever the interpreter deals with14:59.50 
Robin_Watts ok.14:59.56 
chrisl I've generally found a hundred plus pages of characters of limited use.....15:01.11 
norbertj henrys: in our controller we call the pl_main() for processing a job (e.g. pcl) then do a return to caller, which then can call pl_main() for processing another job (e.g. xps). So we require a correct cleanup of all memory allocations.15:01.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I was thinking that I'd just compare A-Za-z0-9 and punctuation etc.15:02.01 
norbertj One of them is the font_dir allocated in the pcs. And the C706 just showed it for me.15:02.04 
kens Robin_Watts : my program does *all* the glyphs in the font15:02.20 
kens for all fonts15:02.25 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, but *all* the fonts known to Ghostscript installation can be a large number15:02.52 
norbertj as long as we process pcl jobs we stay in the pl_main, but then I also see leakage between jobs (esp. with the C706)15:02.59 
henrys norbertj: yes there are assumptions of one time allocations. I think the only way to safely leave pl_main.c c and clean everything up is to use the chunk allocator to free everything directly I don't know if you can do that.15:05.16 
  norbertj: should be straightforward to add if it's not there already15:05.56 
norbertj henrys: e.g. by using the gs_memory_chunk_dump_memory() to walk everything, and then free the chunks etc.15:07.13 
kens Robin_Watts : I have file called fontsheets .ps can't seem to find my own one15:07.45 
henrys norbertj: I'll ask ray to implement something for you?15:07.47 
Robin_Watts kens: thanks.15:07.57 
henrys norbertj: and I'll look at leaks in C70615:08.06 
kens Do you want it ?15:08.06 
norbertj henrys: ok15:08.17 
Robin_Watts please.15:08.24 
kens OK15:08.30 
norbertj henrys: when looking ac C706 leaks, try to send the job # times and see if/whether there memory is growing.15:09.10 
kens Robin_Watts : if its not good enough let me know what you want and I'll throw something together15:09.23 
henrys norbertj: I would be horrified if you actually saw passthrough in a customer job. What a mess HP got itself into with that.15:10.06 
norbertj henrys: ;)yup15:10.43 
chrisl henrys: just shutting down a chunk allocator instance should free all the memory allocated by that instance15:11.17 
henrys chrisl: I see chunk_free_all() where is that called from?15:12.42 
chrisl henrys: gs_memory_chunk_release15:13.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: FontForge has some font comparison stuff15:14.22 
chrisl henrys: gs_memory_chunk_release -> chunk_free_all -> chunk_mem_node_free_all_remaining15:14.39 
norbertj henrys; called in fapi_ft.c fapiufst.c and gxclthrd.c15:15.35 
henrys so I guess I'll just add that to plmain before we finish.15:16.27 
  norbertj: it might be difficult to get C706 memory clean the way things are done.15:17.47 
  norbert I wonder if passthrough shouldn't require exiting plmain to be safe.15:19.00 
chrisl henrys: could you fire off a new chunk allocator for the passthrough PCL instance?15:19.10 
norbertj henrys: and release at pxpcl_release15:20.20 
henrys chrisl: probably a good idea.15:20.22 
  I imagine snippet mode and font mode would still leak and we can't free memory there state is shared.15:21.42 
  let me see how hard it is to clean up C70615:22.24 
norbertj henrys: for your info. I added a gs_memory_chunk_dump_memory() in pl_main, just before pl_main_cursor_open(), so when sending multiple jobs I see the mem usage.15:35.03 
henrys norbertj: right and you should see the "usual stuff" cache entries, one time allocations etc. so I am adding chunk release call to pl_platform_dnit()15:41.49 
norbertj It grows with each C706 job approx. 0.8MB; This is without leaving the pl_main()-loop15:42.27 
Robin_Watts A Memento build might show it nicely.15:46.20 
henrys norbertj: yes in gdb you can just put a breakpoint at the end of the main loop and do p gs_memory_chunk_dump_memory(mem) to see the culprits15:46.22 
Robin_Watts If you have a Memento build, then you can do: Memento_listNewBlocks()15:47.35 
  and that will list the new blocks that are still extant from the last time around.15:47.48 
  If you're in gdb or MSVC you can even call that function from the debugger.15:48.06 
norbertj Robin_Watts: I'm on VS2012,how do I call?15:48.44 
Robin_Watts Alt-Ctrl-Q to bring up the quick watch window15:49.19 
  Then in there type Memento_listNewBlocks() and hit return15:49.36 
  and you should get stuff spewed to the console window.15:49.50 
  but it relies on you having build with -DMEMENTO15:49.58 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes I can use what I said without rebuilding so it seemed best.15:50.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: sure.15:51.08 
norbertj Robin_Watts: yes, that works (for gs_memory_chunk_dump_memory(mem)), so I have now to compile with Memento ;)15:52.00 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Memento is a useful tool for all sorts of reasons, so it's worth having in your armory (but I'm biased, cos I wrote it :) )15:52.58 
  It checks for overwrites of freed blocks etc, so it does slow apps down. You don't want to *always* be using a memento build.15:53.52 
  but it allows you to do things like "Run this program until the nth allocation"15:54.20 
henrys norbertj: based on what I'm seeing here I think we might be stuck with exiting plmain for passthrough without a radical undertaking.15:54.22 
norbertj Robin_Watts: ;) I used UMDH to get detect leaks from the running program. Just dumping before and after a job, and then comparing.15:54.41 
Robin_Watts and then "Run until this block is freed" etc.15:54.42 
norbertj It gives nice stacktraces of the calls to malloc that are not freed.15:54.58 
Robin_Watts Memento tracks memory leaks too. And it lists the blocks that have leaked by allocation number.15:55.37 
  so you can rerun with "Memento_breakAt(n)" to stop where the block is allocated.15:55.57 
  See gs/base/memento.h for more info.15:56.27 
norbertj I will have a closer look at that.15:56.40 
henrys chrisl: I wish some of these memory "client names" were better "bytes" is not useful vs. say "cached_fm_pair"16:02.02 
chrisl henrys: I try to make them useful. I think there are a lot of cases where there's indirection so there can't be better ones16:03.11 
Robin_Watts henrys: Memento_label(....) :)16:04.36 
henrys the memento salesman!16:05.14 
chrisl Robin_Watts: does that use the FILE and LINE macros?16:05.15 
Robin_Watts If you change allocations from x = malloc(size) to be x = Memento_label(memento(x), "An informative label"); then the label is set.16:05.39 
  chrisl: FILE and LINE don't pass through the gs allocation things nicely.16:05.52 
  bah. let me type that again.16:06.15 
  If you change allocations from x = malloc(size) to be x = Memento_label(malloc(size), "An informative label"); then the label is set.16:06.25 
chrisl If we have to change the allocations, then we'd be as well putting a sane tag in the existing code16:07.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: True.16:07.49 
  Hmm. I should put some Memento_labels in the allocator code to use the supplied tags.16:08.22 
  That way the memento leaked block reports etc would be prettier more of the time.16:08.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: from what I see your memento changes have broken the client name stuff: i.e:16:11.18 
  #ifdef MEMENTO16:11.20 
  #define LOCAL_CNAME cname16:11.21 
  #define LOCAL_CNAME "chunk_mem_node_add"16:11.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: where is that?16:12.08 
  How do you figure I broke it?16:13.10 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes I'm trying to debug where all the allocations are coming from and you've changed all the names as seen the heap allocator to "chunk_mem_node_add"16:13.50 
  s/seen/seen from/16:14.06 
henrys I want to put a break on gs_heap_alloc_bytes() and see the original came.16:14.53 
Robin_Watts Before my change, chunk_mem_add was always using "chunk_mem_node_add"16:15.26 
  After my change, non memento builds still used "chunk_mem_node_add", but memento builds used a better cname.16:15.52 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh excuse me, why wasn't fixed for the regular build?16:15.57 
Robin_Watts because I didn't want to slow down normal builds?16:16.10 
  I should probably have just fixed it for the normal build :(16:16.43 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh certainly not your fault, you made progress, I wonder why ray did that?16:17.15 
  ray_laptop are you around?16:18.53 
ray_laptop henrys: in your commit 82fc3bd you removed setting the GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE in the CFLAGS. This breaks the display device 16:19.38 
  henrys: yes, I am here :-)16:19.54 
henrys ray_laptop: I'm sure the GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE will repeatedly break things as long as it is exists. I'll have a look.16:20.36 
ray_laptop henrys: huh ?16:21.23 
henrys norbertj: I think we are going to need a flag that indicates passthrough happened and you'll have to exit. I don't imagine being able to clean this up manually.16:22.33 
  exit plmain.c that is, once I add the chunk free routine.16:23.00 
ray_laptop currently a gs build doesn't have /DGX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE="__int64"16:23.01 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think henrys was making the point that it's an accident waiting to happen.16:23.30 
henrys Robin_Watts, ray_laptop ignore my random rantings16:24.51 
  chrisl_away saw ray_laptop wrote CFLAGS and he left the building16:26.39 
ray_laptop henrys: I am going to put back the code you removed from msvc.mak and ask you or chrisl to review the patch.16:27.04 
  henrys: it doesn't make sense to have USE_LARGE_COLOR_INDEX=1 then ignore it (IMHO)16:27.51 
henrys won't let you search for a commit number how annoying16:28.31 
Robin_Watts commit number?16:28.42 
ray_laptop henrys: I just use git log and then use / to plug in the commit #16:29.14 
henrys well on a repo git status 82fc3bd works fine16:29.49 
henrys I was complaining about the web interface - the box says "commit" you'd expect if you put in a hash it would go to it.16:30.21 
Robin_Watts yes, that is a pain. I click on a "commit" link, then replace the hash in the URL with the one I want.16:30.53 
henrys ray_laptop: well we just moved that logic to msvclib.mak16:31.50 
ray_laptop henrys: msvclib.mak is not used by msvc.mak -- they are both "top level" makefiles16:32.26 
henrys ray_laptop: my memory is shaky about this.16:32.42 
ray_laptop henrys: I think the logic is needed in both16:32.44 
henrys ray_laptop: really should send it to chrisl_away I really don't want to duplicate stuff like that, but I guess he'll see it anyway. I thought he reviewed this patch.16:33.39 
  ray_laptop: Indeed I did think you source msvclib.mak seems like you must at some point.16:34.13 
Robin_Watts msvc_top.mak includes msvclib.mak16:35.15 
  But only in the non PSI case.16:36.23 
henrys ugh, I'm sorry ray_laptop you had to spend time on that.16:37.54 
ray_laptop henrys: no problem. git bisect found the commit for me.16:39.36 
henrys can somebody refresh my memory about this, do we need this option anymore? can we just make in uint64_t in the code?16:40.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: msvc_top is not used by gs only builds16:40.11 
henrys s/make in/make it/16:40.39 
  bb in 30 minutes16:41.30 
ray_laptop BTW, there is some wrong code in base/gxcindex.h if GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE is not defined, it does: typedef ulong gx_color_index_data;16:41.59 
  even though the ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX is 816:42.58 
Robin_Watts henrys: I thought there were 2 arguments with this stuff. 1) Not all compilers have a 64bit int type (or at least, they don't all agree on what it is called - uint64t or unsigned long long etc).16:47.10 
  2) On some platforms that do have it, there is a speed penalty associated with it; why take the hit in having the color index as a 64bit int, when you're only ever working in 24bits at most?16:47.54 
  hence why it's configurable.16:48.11 
ray_laptop cust 532 is an example of the latter. The PPC gets a speed penalty with 64 bits.16:49.28 
  OK. Now -dDisplayFormat=16#a0800 works with the display device. And the output is different to both the psdcmyk output and the psdcmykog output :-(16:55.52 
  and the tiffsep device is different to the other 3 :-(16:59.31 
kens Are any of them correct ?16:59.55 
ray_laptop kens: how can I tell ? 17:00.41 
kens check it with Acrobat ? Or I can get an opinion form another PS interpreter17:01.01 
  What;s the file ?17:01.05 
ray_laptop 29-07I.PS17:01.12 
kens OK just a moment17:01.20 
ray_laptop in tests_private/ps/ps3cet17:01.24 
kens Yeah I think I have it17:01.34 
  Err, OK which o fhte 9 pages now ?17:02.31 
ray_laptop kens: the thing is that it only does this misbehavior with deviceN devices. With "normal" CMYK or RGB it's fine17:02.43 
kens Well I can use another rip with a devicen device.17:03.18 
ray_laptop page 1 is the same on all devices (as expected). It's page 2 through 9 that get screwy17:03.22 
kens OK17:03.31 
  Does it depend what inks are available in the DeviceN device ?17:04.16 
  THe invocation looks mad17:04.24 
ray_laptop for example, the psdcmyk device looks reasonable for page 2 and 3 showing the black channel as expected. The display device (with -dDisplayFormat=16#a0800) has those blank17:05.28 
kens Well given that its affecting the /Separations array I might expect peculiar results with a DeviceN device (or indeed a separating device, even though it sets /Seaprations to false)17:06.13 
Robin_Watts kens: That file is device dependent, right? So do we care that different devices do different things?17:06.45 
henrys Robin_Watts, ray_laptop christ my iPhone is 64bits ...17:06.46 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, its all device dependent17:06.58 
Robin_Watts I mean, the display device doesn't support separations, so all bets are off.17:07.29 
  The psdcmykog device only supports its own colorants so likewise.17:07.47 
kens ray_laptop : the other rip throws a configurationerror17:07.59 
  WHich seems kind of reasonable to me17:08.11 
Robin_Watts henrys: Why should we allocate 64bits for a colorindex in the clist for a mono laserprinter?17:08.30 
henrys if that's the argument we should have a bit color index option17:10.08 
kens THe other rip does work with pages 4-917:10.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the display device with -dDisplayFormat=16#a0800 _does_ support separations17:10.34 
  kens: define "work"17:10.44 
kens ray_laptop : it doesn'tr throw an error ;-)17:10.55 
henrys Robin_Watts: but the direct answer is so that I don't break the code again.17:10.59 
kens I'm just looking at the actual output now17:11.02 
Robin_Watts henrys: Do we not support a char there? :)17:11.13 
ray_laptop kens: what does the output look like ?17:11.14 
kens ray_laptop : ^^17:11.22 
  page 4, RGB and gray bars have content in the black channel, so does the K gradient17:12.09 
ray_laptop kens: sorry I was typing when your message popped up 17:12.10 
kens page 4, the blue and cyan bars appear in the cyan plate17:12.48 
ray_laptop kens: it didn't create a Gray separation then did it (as the psdcmyk device does) ?17:12.57 
kens It has a black separation17:13.08 
  But the ink sin the DeviceN device are fixed17:13.19 
  SO it doesn't make a gray separation no17:14.01 
  THe output looks 'sensible' in as much as the marked plates might reasonably have those inks form a conversion from source space into CMYKOG17:15.13 
henrys Robin_Watts: do any of your sources know where the fonts came from? Did piscel hire a font designer?17:16.04 
ray_laptop kens: OK, so it sort of sounds like our psddcmykog device (once my fix is applied)17:16.14 
Robin_Watts They came from EFF.17:16.16 
  The Electronic Font Foundry.17:16.22 
kens ray_laptop : I would expect so, it is a CMYKOG device17:16.28 
Robin_Watts a buy called Eduard Poor, if memory serves.17:16.30 
kens There is a different DeviceN driver for Light cyan and magenta I could try but I doubt it would be more interesting17:16.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: makes sense given the extensions on the filenames17:17.16 
Robin_Watts .ef1 may stand for 'epage font 1'17:17.35 
  in fact: 
  so there is a ttf to ef1 converter.17:19.37 
  I could use that on the urw fonts and pickle in the new metrics maybe.17:20.33 
kens LOL todays weekly UFST regression is *huge*17:20.43 
henrys kens has a strange sense of humor ;-)17:21.08 
ray_laptop kens: OK. Thanks. The job does the fountains in CIEBasedABC, then in DeviceGray, DeviceRGB and DeviceCMYK, so I suppose that psdcmyk is sort of reasonable in making blank pages, but I think it should not be generating the CMYK planes17:21.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think that's entirely reasonable.17:21.32 
  I've only spent 1 day looking at fonts, and I can feel my mind going already.17:21.43 
henrys Robin_Watts: curious what happens if I try opening one of these babies in fontforge17:21.50 
kens ray_laptop : yes indeed I checked the job contents. all the inks which don;t have a named separatin shoujld be converted to the DeviceN space (via a dveice space if neccesary)17:22.04 
Robin_Watts henrys: I suspect different headers etc?17:23.15 
ray_laptop kens: I don't follow. A device that doesn't support adding named separations (fixed inks) should convert the colors how ?17:23.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: I'm failing to see what is different other than missing tables but… the open in font forge as a TT17:23.35 
kens ray_laptop : IMO you cna treat a DeviceN device as a separating device with named inks (normally including a set of device inks)17:24.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: oh, well, fair enough then :)17:24.27 
kens Any colour space which is not the DeviceN space needs to be converted17:24.31 
Robin_Watts That makes then a lot more use then, I guess.17:24.36 
kens So the device needs to know how to convert device spaces into its flavour of DeviceN17:25.02 
  If the ink is present in teh DeviceN, obviously it doesn't need converted17:25.20 
ray_laptop right which is what the device ICC profile is for17:25.23 
kens SO for a DeviceN CMYKOG device I would expect CMYK to print only on those plates17:25.44 
  Gray, RGB and CIE would be converted into DeviceN by the device, so it may mark any or all of the plates17:26.10 
ray_laptop so if a device has fixed inks, it ignores SeparationOrder ???17:26.16 
kens I don't believe it *ignores* it17:26.28 
ray_laptop kens: what should it do with separation order ? 17:26.46 
kens But if it doesn't match the available inks then that would seem a good time to throw a configurationerror17:26.48 
  Let me grab the PLRM17:27.04 
  "Legal element17:27.50 
  values are the process colorant names implied by the process color17:27.50 
  model (see “Process Color Model” on page 422), as well as any additional17:27.50 
  colorant names declared by the SeparationColorNames parameter.17:27.50 
  The presence of any other names will result in a configuration17:27.50 
  And for SeparationColorNames:17:29.00 
  "The DeviceN process color model17:29.01 
  (LanguageLevel 3) has no such implicit colorant names; all device17:29.01 
  colorants in that model must be declared explicitly in17:29.01 
  SeparationColorNames. The DeviceN entry in the output device dictionary17:29.01 
  (see Section 6.4, “Output Device Dictionary”) defines the allowable17:29.01 
  sets of process colorants for the DeviceN process color17:29.01 
  So SeparationColorNames must match the device (retrieved from the output device dictionary)17:29.53 
  and SeparationOrder may not contain any inks not in that array17:30.10 
  So if you do /Red in a CMYKOG device that should be a configurationerror17:30.29 
ray_laptop kens: OK, so it seems that our tiffsep device is getting it right.17:30.40 
kens At least that's what a first preusal suggests17:30.45 
ray_laptop and psdcmyk is wrong in creating separations that haven't been set in the SeparationColorNames 17:31.32 
kens Yes I'm sure that's incorrect17:31.41 
Robin_Watts henrys: WIndows won't recognise them as being .ttfs.17:32.03 
kens You definitely shouldn't produce any separations except the ones the device is capable of17:32.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: are you sure it isn't file extension nonsense17:32.28 
Robin_Watts I just renamed them all to .ttf17:32.40 
ray_laptop kens: well, the psdcmyk device is capable of creating any separations (up to 10 + CMYK)17:32.41 
kens ray_laptop : Technically a DeviceN device sholdn't be able to create arbitrary separations17:33.10 
  It shoudl name the separations it is capable of, and you cna't use any others17:33.27 
henrys Robin_Watts: probably windows requires a particular table that isn't present in these fonts.17:33.42 
  Robin_Watts: linux is fine with them17:33.56 
Robin_Watts yeah, fontforge on windows loads them OK.17:34.20 
ray_laptop kens: sets SeparationColorNames from the DSC %%DocumentCustomColors contents17:35.25 
kens ray_laptop : Ick17:35.34 
  I understand the reasoning, but the spewc assumes that a device has specific inks17:35.51 
  WHich is reasonable for a real world printer17:36.00 
ray_laptop but for PDF we don't -- I think that's why we just add separations for psdcmyk automatically17:36.09 
kens SO if you allow aribtrary separationsto be created automagically, then al;l bets are off really.17:36.31 
  As Robin_Watts said, its all device dependent anyway17:36.44 
Robin_Watts henrys: OK, if I "generate fonts" from within fontforge I get something that windows is happy with.17:36.49 
ray_laptop kens: for a rip creating separations for a press, we need to 17:36.56 
kens ray_laptop : One would assume you know what inks are onyour press in advance17:37.25 
  DeviceN is not intended for CNYK+spots17:37.37 
  Its intended for colour models other than the standard process spaces17:37.59 
  If you want CMYK+spots then use that, not DeviceN17:38.14 
henrys Robin_Watts: well you can change the width - select all - set width and set a % - pretty ham fisted.17:41.56 
  Robin_Watts: it may be best to hand this off to chrisl_away but I was hoping not to get other down the epage hole just yet.17:43.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: At the moment, I'm looking to find the best visual matches for each windows font.17:43.56 
ray_laptop I think our should be setting the SeparationColorNames, not just the PageSpotColors count17:44.08 
kens That sounds reasonable17:44.21 
Robin_Watts But trying a global scaling sounds a good idea, before applying the correct metrics.17:44.37 
kens If you want to set up teh device to handle the named inks17:44.40 
henrys Ideally we want to write a font forge script to change the metrics based on some set of fonts we think correct17:44.42 
Robin_Watts Well, the fonts supplied with Windows are 'correct', right?17:45.10 
ray_laptop that way we can change the psdcmyk device to only output the correct separations and throw errors for others17:45.10 
  and I have to make the psdcmyk device throw configurationerror as the tiffsep device does17:45.53 
kens ray_laptop : I do believe that one should throw configurationerror for unrecognised inks17:45.55 
ray_laptop kens: agreed.17:46.12 
kens Erro thje psdcmykog one17:46.16 
  Oh dear its late, my typing is deteriorating17:46.35 
Robin_Watts That would remove the nasty read/set to zero/reset done in the psdcmykog device.17:46.45 
kens Its hte OG device I'm thining of yes17:47.28 
  teh psdcmyk one maybe should allow extra separations, its debatable17:47.56 
ray_laptop I did confirm that setting -c "<< /SeparationColorNames [ (Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (Black) (Gray) ] >> setpagedevice" with the tiffsep device adds a Gray component (that is blank as expected)17:49.58 
  Robin_Watts: I agree.17:50.21 
kens That seems like its correct17:50.26 
  OK I have to run, goodnight all17:50.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I didn't commit that yet17:50.50 
  but the tiffsep device is NOT correct in that all pages after page 3 only have the Black Separation17:52.29 
  what a mess. I should just leave it for mvrhel, but I guess I'll be nice :-)17:53.02 
  Robin_Watts: was it you that made genarch.h do the 'copy_existing_file' ? If so, this broke the commented assumption in gxcindex.h since it ignores the default in genarch.c18:09.02 
  w.r.t GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE18:09.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: possibly.18:09.36 
  Is that to avoid regenerating stuff if it hasn't changed?18:09.55 
  where are you looking?18:10.13 
ray_laptop base/gxcindex.h line 5918:10.50 
  the problem is that the canned arch/windows-x86-msvc.h has ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX 18:12.11 
  and that doesn't correspond to ulong.18:12.28 
Robin_Watts where is "copy_existing_file" ?18:12.30 
ray_laptop in genarch.c18:12.40 
Robin_Watts Oh, I see. So I've change genarch so that as well as it's old way of working, it can now be invoked with a canned arch file that it will just copy.18:14.03 
  That does sound like the kind of thing I might have done for the sake of cross compiling.18:14.16 
ray_laptop I'm thinking that I should change gxcindex.h to #define GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE to either uint32_t or uint64_t depending on the ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX18:14.36 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Except not all compilers offer uint64_t.18:15.07 
ray_laptop (to prevent this sort of problem)18:15.10 
  but we define one iirc18:15.28 
  in base/stdint_.h18:16.22 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: If we have to have a #define, then wouldn't it be best to have that define be the type to use? (i.e. GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE="unsigned long long" or something?18:16.53 
  Because we can always get the size from that?18:17.03 
  oh, but not when cross compiling, if we need the size in a host tool :(18:17.16 
  IF we always define one, then yes, that seems reasonable.18:17.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ???18:43.47 
Robin_Watts I just found loads more fonts hidden in the huge tar file of picsel stuff we got.18:44.01 
  Including the original electronic font foundry .ttf files and a nice list of "this font is equivalent to this".18:44.27 
  Visually the glyphs are REALLY good clones.18:44.42 
  It's just the metrics are off.18:44.49 
  so if I can fix the metrics, we should be golden.18:44.56 
ray_laptop Can someone please review my patch for the display device (msvc.mak)?;a=commitdiff;h=7889b2f42405628b1a98ba2df7f02de01a2a7be619:20.06 
  oops. I forgot to add the lib.mak change19:22.46 
  OK, this one has all the changes:;a=commitdiff;h=c72bc4c9513db628062790252f1535eb7bc8360919:24.25 
  BTW, I tested the gxcindex.h change _without_ the msvc.mak change and that works OK19:25.27 
Robin_Watts looks plausible.19:26.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks. The concern I have is that it is still possible to have the ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX not match the sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE) since the makefile macro may not match what genarch sets into arch.h19:30.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, there is something hacky we can do for that...19:31.06 
  static int dummy[ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX - sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE) + 1];19:32.02 
  actually, better:19:32.25 
  We can use that to get us a compile time assert macro.19:34.30 
  Then we can compile time assert that ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX == sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE)19:35.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but the pre-processor can't do sizeof19:41.35 
Robin_Watts Indeed.19:42.04 
ray_laptop or is the trick that the enum is evaluated at compile time ?19:42.08 
Robin_Watts but we aren't relying on the preprocess to do sizeof there.19:42.15 
  Or, perhaps cleaner:19:44.37 
  enum { ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX__must_equal__sizeof_GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE == 1/!!(ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX == sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX) };19:45.48 
  cos if that fails, you'll get a meaningful(ish) error message19:46.50 
  Hmm. I missed a ).19:47.02 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that (corrected for the missing ) and s/== 1/= 1/ ) gives "expected constant expression"20:16.46 
Robin_Watts That is a constant expression.20:17.37 
  1/!!(1) = 1/1 = 120:18.02 
  sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE) sorry.20:18.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. This works: enum { ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX__must_equal__sizeof_GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE = 1/(ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX == sizeof(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE)) };20:24.34 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: You've removed the !!20:25.13 
ray_laptop it compiles OK when they are equal, and if not gives "expected constant expression"20:25.15 
Robin_Watts but that's OK in this case, I guess.20:25.37 
  in general !! is a nice trick for forcing a boolean value to be 0 or 1 rather than 0 or non-zero20:26.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: why the not not ?20:26.03 
Robin_Watts !!x = 0 iff x =0, 1 otherwise20:26.43 
  Comparing the EFF fonts side by side in fontforge with the MS ones, the 'widths' all look the same (assuming I'm not being confused)20:28.19 
  but the kerning data differs.20:28.28 
ray_laptop and does the code use the kerning ?20:34.22 
Robin_Watts I believe so.20:37.08 
  But I can't see how to read/edit the vertical spacing for the font in fontforge.20:37.32 
henrys Robin_Watts: I have an errand to do but I can poke at that later if you'd like.20:39.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'm happy to burble along for a while longer, but then this is all new to me. It's possible that someone else could spot something obvious far faster.20:40.04 
  You can grab peeved:/home/robin/sauce/resources/fonts/eff.tgz20:41.04 
  and look in electronic.font.foundry/truetype/wgl4/20:41.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay I'll be back a bit latter and I'll read the logs, then look at the fonts20:41.32 
Robin_Watts electronic.font.foundry/readme.txt says what corresponds to what.20:42.03 
toothrot is this channel publicly logged?20:53.46 
  it's in the topic, not sure how i missed that20:53.59 
  now everyone can look in the logs and see what a tool i am20:54.35 
  i'm coming back to my possible bug report about the way blocks of text are grouped: 
  to clarify: i'm relying on positions of text in some instances, so the places where text is grouped together across lots of whitespace is causing an issue (in regards to moving from poppler, that is)21:05.00 
Robin_Watts toothrot: What's the problem here?21:14.07 
  oh, so it's the lines at the top?21:14.32 
toothrot right, poppler does it too (towards the bottom)21:15.32 
Robin_Watts toothrot: I'd assume that you're getting a single line, but as 2 spans ?21:16.57 
  going once...21:18.47 
toothrot i'm here..21:18.55 
  asking what i'm getting in poppler?21:19.08 
Robin_Watts No.21:19.13 
  In MuPDF, when you get a line that has BLAH BLAH FOO BAR21:19.33 
  I'd assume that that's a span with BLAH BLAH then another span in the same line with FOO BAR21:19.51 
toothrot i think you are right, let me go back and see how many spans there are within the line.21:20.56 
Robin_Watts In that case you can split for yourself if there is a big gap between the spans.21:22.37 
  I'm about done for the night.21:22.45 
toothrot got it, i'll take a look and offer more info at a later date if needed.21:23.07 
  thanks for the suggestion/time.21:23.12 
Robin_Watts If you are seeing the big gap within a single span, then open a bug on and I'll have a look.21:23.20 
  or I'll be back tomorrow morning :)21:23.42 
toothrot right, have a good night21:23.45 
Robin_Watts you too.21:23.52 
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